Sept 2015 Phoenix
Sept 2015 Phoenix
FREYBERG PHOENIX DIGITAL NE WSLE T TER, SEPTEMBER 2015 CONTENTS Principals letter2 Sports3 Academic7 Cultural12 Social15 Notices17 Upcoming Events18 Important Dates19 FREYBERG HIGH SCHOOL Freyberg Street, Palmerston North 4414 Phone: +64 6 358 4971 Fax: +64 6 357 5377 Email: [email protected] Website: NOTICES FREYBERG PHOENIX From The Principal Talofa, Malo e lelei, Namaste, Kia Orana, Bula and Tena Koutou e te whānau. hybridity, ecological vulnerability, wealth concentration, armed conflict and the reconfiguration of economics and political power require us to have new paradigm in education to prepare students for a life in this global village. The vibrancy of our school was well demonstrated on our Open Night in the first week of term 2. It clearly showcased the wide range of opportunities available at the school, our focus on pedagogies that prepare our students for the future and the energy and passion that our staff have for teaching. I would encourage you to go onto our website and see the collage of photos representing the evening. link It was reassuring to see how well the New Zealand education system was doing on some fronts but also clear that establishing equity is our biggest challenge. Property Developments • It is great to be finally back in our new Performing Arts space with proper lighting and sound, changing rooms, wardrobe and costume areas all linking to the hall, drama and dance rooms. • The new Tiger Turf on the front courts is having the finishing touches put to it and should be in operation when you get this newsletter. • Building continues in E block as we develop modern learning environments in Computing, English and Art. International Principals’ Conference in Helsinki I was very fortunate in the third week of term to join a delegation of nine New Zealand Secondary Principals attending this conference. There were 1400 Principals there from 46 countries and an amazing range of speakers and workshops. It also provided very valuable networking with principals from other countries and to share how they are preparing their students for our rapidly changing world. I was particularly keen to go to Finland and to see first-hand why they continue to top the PISA rankings. It is perhaps interesting for us to reflect on how well regarded the teaching profession is in Finland, how well trusted their professionalism is by the government and employers and consequently how reduced the assessment required is. Heating The burst pipes in the last week of the holidays has created some cold early morning classrooms in which we have had to put temporary fan heaters in but hopefully that is all resolved now. Communication Please check our website regularly and have a look at our Facebook page for an up to date record of what is happening. Remember all teachers can be contacted by email if you have any concerns and I am always happy to hear from you or meet with you. Contact Key speakers for me were Pasi Salberg, Andre Chaker and Vanessa de Oliveira Andreoti. Two strong messages were that firstly the education systems that are improving are collaborative, creative, trust based and equitable while those declining focus on standardizing tests, And, secondly, the global challenges through increased migration, cultural 2 SEPTEMBER 2015 SPORTS FREYBERG PHOENIX SEPTEMBER 2015 Sports Report (1/3) It has been a while since the last newsletter home and now our busy winter sport season is fast drawing to a close. This season has had some cancellations due to some bad weather, which is the first time we have had two weekends cancelled out in one season. This has meant that there has been a flurry of catch up games. Summer sport will be starting soon with Volleyball starting in September and touch, futsal, croquet and cricket starting in Term 4. Athletics summer training starts at the Massey Community track in October through to April. May saw the annual Manawatu Cross Country race at Manawatu College where our junior girls had a good showing with the Allen sisters leading the way of Dana Purdy, Peter Coxon and Emma Smith won the team event and were presented with a trophy. Congratulations. coming in 2nd and 3rd helping Freyberg Junior girls win their grade. Our junior boys team came in third along with the senior boys team. Our AWD athletes were the winning team in their division. Congratulations to all the students who took part in this event. In June three girls travelled to Dunedin in the snow and ice to compete at the National SS Cross country. In the Year 9 race, Caelan Allen placed 18th and Frances Allen placed 43rd with Jess van Rynbach placed 62nd out of 81 participants in very wet and muddy conditions. Well done girls. After nearly two years of fundraising, a Freyberg rugby team travelled to the Gold Coast in Australia in the July holidays to compete at a tournament and enjoy some exciting times at the theme parks there. They all had a marvelous time and huge thanks needs to go to the Bidois family for their huge effort in ensuring that the team had every opportunity to raise the necessary funds to get to Australia. During July Frances and Caelan Allen and Jasmin-Marie Voermanek competed at the NZ National Rollersports Championships in New Plymouth where the girls competed so well winning some firsts, 2nds and 3rds. Well done girls. For the first time, Kyrewood Equestrian centre held an inter- secondary school competition. Freyberg entered 8 girls who all thoroughly enjoyed the day. At the Manawatu Secondary School Triathlon Champs, the Freyberg team 3 We had our two annual sports exchanges with Taradale High School and Kapiti College. Unfortunately, Kapiti managed to turn up at our school two weeks early, then it was a mission to find an alternative date. We finally managed to arrange for the first Tuesday back after the holidays, not a good idea as it turned out. The students were still in holiday mode I think and the boys from the Aussie tour were still battered and bruised, so our Kapiti Exchange was not a huge success this year. The students all played well, but just couldn’t do it!! At the Taradale exchange, we travelled to the Hawkes Bay and almost took the trophy back home with us, but were pipped at the post. The squash team were terrific winning their games and the 1st XV rugby boys beat the Kapiti 1st 66-10. The junior boys football worked SPORTS FREYBERG PHOENIX SEPTEMBER 2015 Sports Report (2/3) hard for the full game, only to lose on penalty shootouts. Our girls hockey and basketball came through with strong games and wins to both teams – go girls!! We have been working hard developing a Netball Umpiring Squad at school and with great help from Saskia the following girls have achieved their umpiring badges (Congratulations girls!!) Mykaela Fairbairn, Tasha Picking, Tiana Moon, Heidi Thomson And Alicia Nelder-McCormick has passed her Zones theory exam and has been asked to umpire the Intermediate schools final this year. Zealand Junior Squash team and travelled to Holland to compete in early August. She got to play the world No. 1 which was an amazing experience for her. Her squash talent is taking her to some more tournaments before the year is out. Well done Kaitlyn!! We entered a girls and boys teams in the National Secondary School Squash tournament held in Palmerston North early August as we have two very talented squash players, so this was a chance for them to compete in a school nationals, with it being a team event, we put some of our more junior squash players in the teams for experience. Cameron Foster had a great tournament winning all his games and Olli Dunn winning a few also, the junior boys grew in confidence and skill as the tournament progressed. Kaitlyn Watts was in Holland competing in the New Zealand Junior Squash team and arrived back in NZ in time to play from day 2, she won all her games and helped cheer on our learner girl players who also grew in skill and confidence. Thanks to Grant Watts for helping coach our students, it was much appreciated. Our 1st XV Rugby team has been a strong presence in the local competition and this year we have the following boys selected to the Manawatu U16 Representative team – congratulations boys: Rawiri Bidois, Bryan Arnold, Jordan RonayneRobinson, Tamatea Marsh and Tobias Manuel. The following students have also been selected to Manawatu Representative teams – Paige Charlton, Julie Smith Charlotte Noakes and Liam Craw. Congratulations to these students! Kaitlyn Watts was selected to the New 4 Our annual Central 6 junior one day tournament took place on the 18th August in Palmerston North, the day was sunny which was a huge relief after so many wet days. We had junior students in netball, hockey, football, basketball and rugby. Our hockey girls team won their section of the tournament and our boys hockey placed 3rd. Girls basketball placed 3rd also, with our girls football and our little rugby boys placing 4th. Overall Freyberg placed 4th on the day. It was amazing to see so many big boys playing in rugby and basketball, don’t know where these schools find these students, but it certainly gives them an advantage!! SPORTS FREYBERG PHOENIX Sports Report (3/3) The annual national secondary school winter tournament week saw us sending girls and boys hockey teams to Taupo and North Harbour to compete. Our Girls Senior Netball team competed at the LNISS Netball tournament here in Palmerston North and our 1st XV rugby boys played in Hawkes Bay. We thank the coaches and managers for their organisation of the teams. They enjoyed their week of sport learning heaps and representing our school with pride. We ask parents to please keep us up to date with any achievements that their children have gained in their chosen sports. We like to acknowledge these students and of course this information can be used for prize giving and Manawatu sports awards. Our email is [email protected]. Manawatu Secondary Sports Awards entries are now open and we are looking for full the season. We provide these uniforms to ensure that students are able to take part in our sports teams and we need them back for other teams to use. Thank you. information from parents/students of students’ high achievement in sports. At the annual Wanganui Around the Lake relay, our junior girls team of Frances & Caelan Allen, Jess van Rynbach and Nicole Costello placed 4th in a large field, well done, great effort. During Tournament week we had two teams entered in the National Secondary School Table Tennis nationals where our team of Scott Lochhead, Kim Woosung, Johnny Vuong and Tuarea Pere-Wetere won their grade and the girls team made up of Faith Molina, Sharni Taylor and Samantha Lark placed 4th. Scott Lochhead also won a bronze medal in the U15 boys open. Well done to our teams. Unfortunately, there is a down side to our sports teams participation, and that is the payment of sports fees. We are charged fees by the sporting organisations who run the many sports our students are involved in and we must charge these fees on. So PLEASE if you child plays sport ensure that their fees are up to date. We have automatic payment facilities at our school to help with this. Sadly, if fees are not paid, students will be unable to play a sport until these are sorted. Contact us if you have any queries. Now that our winter sport is over, parents please make sure your child’s sports uniform is returned clean and complete as soon as his/her sport is finished for Rosemary and Saksia Freyberg’s Sports Co-ordinators 5 SEPTEMBER 2015 SPORTS FREYBERG PHOENIX SEPTEMBER 2015 Kapiti House Junior and Senior winning teams Kapiti House Win Nail-Biting Interhouse Football Final Dana on the way to winning the Intermediate Girls Race Kapiti House have won the 2015 Interhouse Football competition, after a nail-biting extra time, double penalty shootout in the Senior Final. Freyberg Cross Country Continues in Mud and Rain Freyberg’s annual cross country had a few extra obstacles as the weather added mud, wind and sidways rain to the hills and tracks as part of the local loop. enough strong senior runners to come first overall. Overall House Results: 1st Manawatu, 2nd Tararua, 3rd Kapiti, 4th Ruahine. A record number of teacher’s participated, with several running more than one race. Regional athletic champions, Frances and Caelan Allen easily came first and second in the Junior Girls Race. Triathlete Dana Purdy won her race shortly after her cousin Theo took out the Junior Boys. Amy Chamberlain and Netra Ghimire won the Senior races for the second year in a row. Ironically, Ruahine House had the first place runner in four of the six events, and yet faded to last place, while Manawatu House didn’t win any races but had Race Winners • • • • • • Earlier in the day, the Kapiti House Junior team avenged their pool-play loss to Ruahine House by beating them 3-2 in their final. Junior Girls: Frances Allen (Ruahine) Junior Boys: Theodore Purdy (Kapiti) Intermediate Girls: Dana Purdy (Ruahine) Intermediate Boys: Soe Bai (Ruahine) Senior Girls: Amy Chamberlain (Ruahine) Senior Boys: Netra Ghimire (Tararua) The five a side, quick scoring indoor game has been a popular lunchtime attraction, with hundreds of people attending the event. As the final shot at goal was deflected onto the post and away, Kapiti House’s senior team ran together to celebrate the close victory. Goal-Keeping hero, as well as scorer of two goals in the final, Jake Benseni had more reason to celebrate View Gallery 6 than most. Jake identified “solidarity” and “working hard as a team” as the secret to their success. The team is also notable for it’s international flavour with Europeans, Asians, and even an Australian in the line up. This win evens out the Interhouse Competition rankings, with all three houses making ground on front-runners Manawatu House. View Gallery ACADEMIC FREYBERG PHOENIX Academic Aiming for Stars, Landing in Awards Jimmy Carter Quiz team Tessa Hiscox recently received a Distinction Award for her study of luminosity variance in stars at the Fonterra Science and Technology Fair. The project however was only a stepping stone in her ultimate goal of reaching space camp in Alabama 2016. Freyberg’s team pitted their wits against other high school students in the region again this year in the annual Jimmy Carter Quiz. With a specialist topic this year of “Weather and climatic conditions in New Zealand”, there were plenty of tricky questions, such as ‘what is the second windiest city in New Zealand?’ No, not Palmerston North; Invercargill! The ambitious 15 year old astronomer opted to do this project on top of her usual school Science Program, and sought mentoring through local experts like Carl Knight from the Palmerston North Astronomical Society. Fascinated by the nature of stars whose size and brightness constantly vary back and forth. The project saw her camp out in her back yard every night for two months, taking light (luminosity) readings of her adopted star named “UU Mus”. Tracking these variations she accurately calculated an 11.6 day cycle for UU Mus, a member of the Musca constellation. To start with measurements would take up to two hours a night, but her proficiency in taking photometry readings gradually and gladly increased. Tessa has spent many hours illuminated only by the moon. speaking beginner Russian and diving courses. “It might seem strange for a teenage girl, but space is what I’m into” said Tessa passionately. “I find this stuff so intriguing, and I’d love a career in Astronomy. It is such an important field of study for man-kind.” This is one student who has taken the school song “Whaia te Iti Kahurangi” seriously – she is indeed “reaching for the stars”. Her long term goal is to win a scholarship to Space Camp in Alabama, and she has several other projects in mind as part of this application. She has also started accumulated ‘space camp skills’ like 7 SEPTEMBER 2015 ACADEMIC FREYBERG PHOENIX Freyberg’s Own ‘Million Dollar Boy’ Floodgates Burst at Open Night Freyberg Head Boy Ollie Dunn, was recently made a member of an international company’s top sales club. Competing with fully qualified marketers and sales people, the 17 year old is one of only 13 New Zealanders to be chosen for Dick Smith’s CEO Platinum Club for selling over $1 million dollars a year. This achievement is even more incredible considering he has only worked part time and only for the last nine months. Added to these achievements is also the fact that he is the youngest member of Dick Smith’s CEO Platinum Club in all of Australasia. Freyberg Open NightWith more than 600 people in attendance, tour parties, class rooms and even the hall were packed full at Freyberg’s 2015 school Open Night on Wednesday. Parents, Year 8s and more than a few older students looking to change schools got a taste of Freyberg’s subjects, extra curricular groups, and culture. In between various school commitments, Ollie was flown to Australia to receive his awards, where he enjoyed five star accommodation, renowned chefs, banquets in the Sydney town hall, and “lots of free stuff ”. The talented young man, who clearly already has numerous career opportunities, actually hopes to use his talents for the benefit of others. “Whilst marketing is really cool and you can make some big money, I want to make a real difference in society, and contribute back to community” said Ollie, whose career goals are more noble – becoming a police officer and working in Youth Aide. SEPTEMBER 2015 Talking points included the Year 9 students bringing a digital device instead of stationery, the four options Year 9s could take and the various academies catering to academic, sporting and cultural talents. Freyberg Head Boy Ollie Dunn with Dick Smith’s Australasia CEO Nick Abboud “I’d like to thank the school for being flexible with juggling my school commitments and to my teachers for giving me the confidence to reach my potential. Finally I’d like to thank my parents who have always believed in me and supported even if they disagreed with what I was doing.” Principal Peter Brooks welcomed parents to the school at the start of the evening, and talked about how Freyberg attempts to be the best secondary school for each of our students. Year 13 Student Leaders introduced themselves, and talked about their experience of the school. Student run tour parties were then form. For some the highlight of the tour was the Carrot Cake in Food and Nutrition, others enjoyed winning competitions in Math and English departments, some were excited about the skill in various cultural groups. A large pile of enrolments were submitted by the end of the night, however there are still spaces open, to Enrol at Freyberg High School for 2016. 8 Above: Top, Freyberg Open Night, Hall full. middle, Freyberg Tour guides bottom, Students working in Art department. View Gallery ACADEMIC FREYBERG PHOENIX SEPTEMBER 2015 Miss Yuile receiving her award Language students gear up a Japanese presentation for Open Night 2015 After-School Language Classes Begin for Years 6 – 8 Freyberg Continues to Attract the Best Teachers Starting on the 20th of July, Freyberg now offers term-long after school programmes on Monday afternoons teaching either Spanish and Japanese. Graduation is a time to celebrate passing a course. For some people, simply passing isn’t enough. Miss Chloe Yuile who joined Freyberg this year is one of those people. Freyberg aims to be the best secondary school for each of our students, and training students to be bilingual – especially at younger ages will expand their understanding of language and culture, as well as open up possible opportunities in an increasingly global job-market. With experienced and well qualified teachers, these courses will potentially allow students to advance to NCEA Level 1 language courses earlier than possible. The courses start in Term 3, running from 3:45pm to 5:30pm, and costs $150 for the 10 weeks. The first year English Teacher’s high academic performance at Teacher’s College, and her high performance on the floor in her teaching practicums, qualified her for Victoria University’s Teacher Education Excellence award. This places her in the top 20 of all education graduates from 2014. Miss Yuile was For more information download the Languages Academy Brochure 2015, or contact [email protected], 06 358 4971. 9 completely blown away with this achievement, not realising how much her effort and determination had obviously shone through during her time studying education. We look forward to watching Miss Yuile’s progress, as well as the other fine graduates teachers who have started at Freyberg this year. ACADEMIC FREYBERG PHOENIX SEPTEMBER 2015 The Freyberg Maatangi Whenua team; Charlotte Donald, Hannah Field and Gracen Graham. Sai Natarajan recieves distinction, top 1% of digital technology students. Maatangi Whenua Geography Competition On Wednesday 12th August Freyberg student, Charlotte Donald, Hannah Field and Gracen Graham participated in the annual, nation-wide geography competition called Maatangi Whenua. This competition is run by the NZ Board of Geography Teachers and the Geographical Society and was hosted by Massey University and the local branch of the NZ Geographical Society. The Manawatu regional competition consisted of 12 Teams from 8 schools. The competition consists of teams of three students working together to complete 8 tasks ranging from a traditional mapping task to using playdoh to construct 3D models through to interpreting satellite photos of NZ’s landscapes. Computing Department Receives Distinctions and New Doors The Freyberg team were enthusiastic participants who gave it their best shot to succeed, but let’s just say that we achieved a top 10 finish, which is good but not as good as some other teams. St Peters College, having been the bridesmaids for a number of years took away the win for the first time. It was great to watch, firsthand, the teamwork and focus the student gave to this competition. Mr Collier, the head of the Geography Department would like to thank them and their teachers for the commitment shown to get prepared and involved this year. Our warm congratulations go to all of our ICAS award winners. Run by the University of New South Wales, we had several successes in this international competition for top Digital Technology students. Year 11 Sai Natarajan earned a High Distinction grade, placing him in the top 1% of Digital Technology computer geniuses in New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific. Well done also to Jodie Markham for her Distinction award, and to James Collinson, Cam Bailey, Shannen Collins, and Joshua Gill for their Credit and Merit awards. Right, Animation by Gareth Bell – HOD Computing 10 The Computing department is about to become a bit nomadic, as our 60 year old block undergoes major redevelopment and we temporarily move some classes. We are looking forward to the improved teaching and learning spaces, with plenty of new doorways. Gareth Bell – HOD Computing ACADEMIC FREYBERG PHOENIX SEPTEMBER 2015 SUPPORT MATHEMATICS Our Support Mathematics sessions have been operating all year, attracting over 200 students from all year levels. Students voluntarily attend Support Mathematics for a variety of reasons; • Mathematics on a Saturday Yr 10 Mathex team Saturday 1 August was the date for NZ’s Next Top Engineering Competition. This event attracted entries from teams from all over the country and Freyberg had an enthusiastic group of 3 senior mathematics students involved in team who used E1 & E2 as their Saturday ‘home’. At 9am on the day all the teams were given the question “If a NZ student uploads a video clip that goes viral, how long will it be before 1% of the world’s population will have seen it?” Teams had until 6pm that evening to research (under strict conditions), write and submit a report limited to 10 pages. Throughout the day contact was maintained with the organisers and photos of teams at work were uploaded to the competition facebook site further adding to the intrigue. Junior Mathex teams Manawatu Junior Mathex Yr 12 Mathex teams This year, two year 9 teams and one year 10 team entered the Manawatu Mathematics Teachers Association Mathex competition, held in the Silks Lounge at Awapuni racecourse on Friday the 7th of August. These twelve students had spent hours preparing to pit their wits against more than 20 other regional high school teams and, despite no podium placing, they all performed well and had an exciting and enjoyable afternoon. Yr 12 Mathex Isa De Vries, Jacob Spillane, Lauren Gadd, Maria Sokolova, Sophie Banks, Jonty Reading-Robinson, Tyler Gifford-Moore, Eric Barton, Lea Muetzel, Alexis Butcher, Felix Binglethorne, Harrison Galloway. After a successful inaugural event last year the Manawatu Mathematics Teachers Association again organized a Year 12 Mathex afternoon at Massey University. Six of our students were involved. They were Hamish Napier, Darragh Hunter, Matthew Groenendijk, Siddharth Venkatesh, George Naylor and Tony Luong. They found it really great to mix with people of like minds from other schools. Although the teams were not represented amongst the prizewinners the students had an enjoyable afternoon and came away inspired to develop their mathematical understanding further. Well done to Ryan Huynh, Naeem Razali and Siddharth Venkatesh for taking up this challenge. They await the results of their efforts. The photo shows them at the completion of the day with some of their work visible on the board behind. 11 • • • • • Juniors and Seniors often come to get further help with class work or homework completion Students come to gain confidence in their ability to tackle problems It’s a great place to get help with topics missed through absence from class Seniors come to work through practice tasks in preparation for NCEA internal assessments Students welcome the opportunity to get assistance to prepare for school and NCEA examinations Students come along to develop their skills prior to reassessment opportunities In all situations teachers are available to assist one-on-one or in small groups in a friendly atmosphere. Students who have made Support Mathematics part of their academic routine, attending frequently, are already reaping the academic benefits. Support Mathematics takes place in E1 afterschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 4pm, and during lunchtimes on Days 1 & 3 and for Rumaki students at lunchtime on Day 6 in C2. CULTURAL FREYBERG PHOENIX SEPTEMBER 2015 Cultural Wearable Art - Wings Spread | View Gallery Freyberg Phoenix Wins Fantasy Evento Year 13 student, Pip Littlejohn scooped up three awards at the recent Evento Wearable Arts competition. Her piece was called “Resurrection” and based on the Phoenix – one of Freyberg’s icons. “I wanted it to look like it was rising out of a fire pit, with massive moving wings.” said Pip. She showed great dedication to this vision spending over 150 hours of designing, sewing, gluing then redesigning. The talented Design and Visual Communications student started entering the annual event in 2012 as a junior, and this year assumed the extra challenge of being her own model. Year 13 Drama production, “The School Ball” by Alison Quigan She won the Recycling Award, having sourced her materials second hand, and placed second in the Fantasy Category. She was also Highly Commended in the Hair and Makeup, category – the area of study she plans to pursue when she leaves Freyberg. Congratulations to the Year 13 Drama class for their outstanding production of this New Zealand comedy. The play revolves around six teenagers who are getting ready for the night of their lives, the Boys’ High Ball, and the hilarious antics of their parents and teachers. There were many highlights, which included a scene at the hairdresser’s, a dodgy suit hire guy, and a spectacular tango performed by the cast and choreographed by Larissa Dunlop (thanks!). It was truly a night to remember! “I’d just like to thank my Mum because she has been a great motivation to finish when I don’t feel like it”. Said Pip, “I’d also like to thank Dad for his suggestions and Lauren Russell for all the backstage help and holding my awards.” Mrs Darragh - Director 12 CULTURAL FREYBERG PHOENIX SEPTEMBER 2015 Music Showcase in June Music Report Term 2 was an incredibly busy term for members of the Music Department. We supported a Hospice service, the Rotary Youth Festival, changeover nights for both Inner Wheel and Milson Rotary with small performance groups, while our jazz band performed at both a Manawatu Jazz Club night and the annual Jazz Festival. The concert bands have also been busy performing at the school Anzac service and in the Music Showcase. There was one group and one solo artist (Libby Offord) representing Freyberg in the Smokefree Rockquest gaining a third place and second place respectively. We had four entries in the annual chamber music festival, with 3 of the groups gaining a merit award while Insanely Saxy won the best performance of a New Zealand composer as well as a high commended award. Daniel Hardcastle – Winner of the Reach for the Stars Competition The singers have also been busy with Bella preparing for and performing credibly at the Big Sing earning a highly commended award. The junior singers performed for the Red Cross volunteers’ afternoon tea function. Libby Offord – Second place at Rockquest Finals with her original song Freyberg Performers Dominate Regional Competitions With a second and third placing in the regional Rockquest finals and then first placing in the reach for the stars competition, Freyberg continued to show why it is a leading arts school. Band Camp was a highlight of the term with 93 students taking part in this activity. I would like to commend the students on their behaviour and participation over the three days. Heavy rockers, Moral of a King lead by Achilles Manley – whose long hair is designed for dancing, were proud to take out third place in the regional Rockquest. The three month old band combined lyrics about Colonial English Prejudice with high energy punk rock to be crowd favourites. In Term 3 we have already performed at 6 schools and the Hawkes Bay Festival on August 2nd in which we had entered 3 bands. Also this term the year 10 music classes performed at the Julia Wallace home. 13 Year 11 Libby Offord went one better taking second place in the competition with a song she wrote on her guitar. Across town in the Reach for the Stars talent competition, prodigious Freyberg pianist and composer Sai Natarajan put in an impressive performance however was beaten for the honours by dancer, Daniel Hardcastle. Having just graduated from Freyberg’s dance academy, Hardcastle won the ‘Most Promising’ award as well as the Overall Winner for a total of $1500 prize money. CULTURAL FREYBERG PHOENIX X-Factor stars pose with Freyberg Students after their concert X-Factor and Teachers Rock Freyberg In a week of concerts, stars from X-Factor New Zealand came to Freyberg to perform and meet our students. Then a day later the Staff Lip Sync Girl Band outperformed the Senior Girls in a Staff vs Students Lunchtime Concert. Hannah Wilson. Rockquest finalist Libby Offord showed why she came second in the local competitions with some passionate singing. However it was the teacher group claiming to be the Spice Girls, who really made the crowd wild. It was great to see X-Factor’s Stevie Tonks, Sarah Spicer and Joe Irvine take time out to meet some of Freyberg’s special needs students before the concert. Joe was a bit of a crowd favourite, being a face for the anti-bullying message. The Manawatu Standard even covered Freyberg’s “Suit-Up Against Bullying” campaign. Numerous photos were taken with the trio before they were allowed to leave. The events were funded and run by student group Envirocom. Student leader Grace Hall was delighted with the turnout at the events. “We should do these more often. They bring the school together, show the talents of some of our community, and are so much fun. This is what makes Freyberg a great school.” View Article online The Staff Girl Band followed a well choreographed Senior Student performance, lead by the talented 14 SEPTEMBER 2015 SOCIAL SEPTEMBER 2015 FREYBERG PHOENIX Social Eun and Josie see each other in their reflection during the sister school visit View Gallery Freyberg Visits Thai Sister School “Try this Bird’s Chilli – the hottest chilli in Thailand”, offered the smiling face to a reluctant New Zealander, well aware of the constant 35 degree temperature in July. This was one of many memorable, entertaining and foreign experiences Freyberg students enjoyed from their sister school trip to Thailand. Maker Spaces Freyberg Library games and activities Maker spaces at Freyberg Library Our library is more than books and digital resources. During the winter months we have introduced a number of Maker Space activities in the library at lunchtimes. Maker Space is the ‘modern’ phrase which simply means using a space for making and creating. We have used our library space for ‘retro-gaming’, Re-purposed book craft and origami crafts where we have made bookmarks from recycled books and teeny tiny stars. The most popular by far has been the retro-gaming and it’s great to see a resurgence of ‘Chess, Upwords, Monopoly and Cranium. Our library is a space for all kinds of activities and I invite students to suggest other ‘Maker Space’ activities they would like to host or participate in. Invited by Satrinonthaburi school in Bangkok, nine students and three teachers enjoyed the most delicious of Thai fruits and curries, the most impressive of its palaces and temples, and the most lavish of Thai hospitality for two weeks. Joining Satrinon’s English program, students and teachers would spend mornings immersed in English language classes, and afternoon’s experiencing Thai culture. The trip was organised by Associate Principal Wendy Jochem. “It is fantastic for our students to be exposed to another culture and be so well hosted by our 15 friends at Satrinon” said Mrs Jochem. “These out of the classroom learning opportunities are just wonderful for their holistic learning, and developing their own world-view”. There are proposed trips to other schools next year in Asia – particularly Vietnam , for another batch of brave explorers. Usually reserved Ruahine house captain, Daniel Mason described the trip as “Marvellous. Simply marvellous. I got on so well with my host-family, I’ll miss them most of all.” Head girl – Sarah Seumanu was delighted with the trip. “It was a trip of a lifetime, I’ll never forget it.”, “We were treated so well by our host school and the local students were so excited to get to know us, and practice their English on us.” She was also regularly asked if she was Thai – her half Samoan blood confusing locals into thinking perhaps she was their sister after all. SOCIAL The Enchanté Ball Classic Cars, Limos, and even a Fire Truck, delivered glamourous girls and sharply dressed boys to the Freyberg Senior Ball 2015. With an Enchanté Forest theme, ballgoers walked through rows of teachers, before being welcomed by Principal Peter Brooks. Official photos were nearly as popular as the self-printing photo booth, as students took turns holding props and getting their set of prints. SEPTEMBER 2015 FREYBERG PHOENIX More than Amazing Dance goers frequented the iced punch bowl, while hors d’oeuvres and sweets were quickly nibbled on. It’s not like the movies - luckily. We don’t have the ‘jocks’ or the ‘nerds’ staying in their own socially assigned areas. There are no hierarchies and no one spiking the punch. But we did have the Enchante; the magic. Unlike other years we did have a candy bar and a photo booth bringing together the strength and joy of all seniors and teachers. As always, students of the senior council organised the event, from food to entertainment to security and hirage. Lead by Head Boy Oli Dunn and Head Girl Sarah Seumanu, the student leaders were once again were organised, reliable and on time. Well done also to the Junior Council who served food, and ran stalls while dressed in the Enchanté Masquerade theme. With just under 300 people in attendance it was a successful night, one which we owe to the hard work of every single 16 person in the ball committee. It’s known as one of the highlights for our school year which this year the standard “to amaze” was reached and then set higher. It’s a night to remember and just like a movie you can keep your memories forever by hopping on to Facebook and checking out or buy the professional photos as they come available at school! Poppy Davis - Student reporter View Gallery NOTICES FREYBERG PHOENIX SEPTEMBER 2015 Notices Absenteeism Many thanks to those parents who ring in advance to explain their son/ daughter’s absence from school. This communication frees school administrators and deans to complete more important tasks instead of chasing students for explanations and implementing consequences for truancy. Some parents also access their child’s attendance data on the portal http:// and others receive a letter and a printout of their child’s attendance because it has fallen below 80%. There are some key differences between these two displays of data. The portal data is immediate but simplified; there are only 5 attendance codes shown: P = Present, J = Justified absence, U = Unjustified absence, L = Late, O = Justified Overseas A printout however, could potentially contain the full range of codes (26 of them!) used by the Ministry of Education to specify the exact nature of a student’s whereabouts in or out of the classroom. The main difference is that on the portal, U means an “Unjustified Absence” but on the full attendance printout, U means “Stood Down or Suspended”. The Ministry also requires schools to distinguish between “Justified” absences (e.g. absences in the case of a bus breakdown or family bereavement) and “Unjustified” absences (e.g. absences to provide child care for a sibling or because it is the student’s birthday). No matter how justified a parent thinks an absence is, the school has to comply with the Ministry of Education guidelines and use the correct code. NCEA Fees NCEA Fee Reimbursement The deadline for paying this fee was Monday 31st August and any late payments need to be sent directly to the NZQA by the student and a $50 late fee may apply. Please note that results will not be released by the NZQA to students who have not paid. A grant to reimburse NCEA fees is available to students of Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa or Rangitāne o Wairarapa descent. If you think you may be eligible, please contact the school office for an application form. Kia Ora from Whakatipuria Teen Parent Unit Kia-ora from Whakatipuria – Teen Parent Unit We had a fantastic day celebrating Matariki. Highlights included the Hangi, Waiata and making flowers from harakeke. We are looking forward to the annual Teen Parent Netball Tournament which we are hosting on the 16th September. New Uniform Jacket Yr 9 + 10 Polar-fleece Jacket is now available for purchase from the school shop. 17 A great time was had by all who attended the school ball and those they did said they especially enjoyed the crazy props in the photo booth. Thanks to Philippa and Marian for being our judges for My Dessert Rules. Congratulations to Samara who won first place with her delicious Nutella and Oreo cheese cake. UPCOMING EVENTS FREYBERG PHOENIX Year 10 Activity Days Year 10 Work Experience November 25 -27 Thursday 19 November & Friday 20 November th th As part of the Year 10 Social Science programme and in conjunction with the Careers Department all Year 10 students undertake 2 days’ work experience on Thursday 19 & Friday 20 November. This programme is designed to give students an opportunity to take a look at historical trends in employment, current career opportunities, qualification structures and training, internet tools for career planning, and the relationship between school subjects and post school options. The focus is on individual strengths and career goals. Work experience placements are 1. Adventure Combo’ (Foxton, Feilding) Cost: $70. 2. Mt. Ruapehu Trip. Two nights in accommodation. Cost @$200. 3. Tararua Tramping. Cost @$50. Two nights in tents/huts. Bring your own food and equipment. 4. Taranaki Tramping. Cost @$80. Two nights in tents/huts. Bring your own food and equipment. 5. Rock Climbing, Abseiling and Caving (lower North Island) Cost @$150. 6. Horse Riding (Feilding). Cost $170. The Year 10 activity days are coming up near the end of Term 4 on November 25-27th. Students are also involved in the Rumaki trip to Whangara, Sports Academy trip to Rotorua, and the GATE trip down the Whanganui River. There are a range of trips for students to choose from, covering a range of prices. Students can choose from the following eleven trips (if not involved in any of the above trips): Please check with your son/daughter/ student that they have made a choice of trips so we can continue our planning. Some trips costs have an @ (approximate next to them) and we will keep to this cost or less, once we finalise numbers and consequently, booking prices. 7. Kayaking and Rafting. (lower North Island) @$250. SEPTEMBER 2015 organised by students with the help of family, friends, and whānau teachers. Students should approach employers in an industry or field they are interested working or studying in when they leave school. All forms and information will be sent home before the school holidays allowing time for placements to be confirmed with employers well in advance of the work experience dates. Please email any queries to Helen Green, Career Counsellor. [email protected] Choose 2016 Senior Classes 8. Outdoor Photography and Design Camp. PN/School. Cost $55. 9. Harakeke Weaving. At school. Cost $30. 10. Taranaki Beach Activities. Two night’s accommodation. Cost @$250. 11. Health and Wellbeing. PN/School Cost $50 (course is two days, final day students join the Harakeke group). (Left, top) Students attempt Adventure Based Learning activities in 2014. 18 Option selections for 2016 were due Friday 18th September. An information evening for Year 10 parentswas also held on the 14th September, informational materials are provided below for reference. • When selecting options, we encourage students to plan possible career pathways. Students should talk to teachers, and whānau to consider how their interests and strengths lead onto career pathways. is an excellent website for connecting interests with jobs – particularly the Career Quest. • • • For information about each option class download the full Senior Option Booklet 2016 (PDF, 2.9MB) 2015 Year 10: Year 11 Option selection sheet 2016 (PDF 500KB) 2015 Year 11: Year 12 Option selection sheet 2016 (PDF 500KB) 2015 Year 12: Year 13 Option selection sheet 2016 (PDF 500KB) Paper copies of the above documents can be found with Whānau teachers and in the front office. IMPORTANT DATES FREYBERG PHOENIX SEPTEMBER 2015 Important Dates Thursday, 5 November Gymnastics Champs Tuesday, 8 December Senior Prize Giving (no classes) Thursday, 24 September Music Academy Showcase Friday, 6 November NCEA Exams Begin Teacher Only Day (no classes) Thursday, 10 December Principal’s Concert Friday, 25 September Last Day of Term 3 Tuesday, 17 November Year 10 Tennis Competition Monday, 12 October First Day of Term 4 Thursday, 19 November Year 10 Work Experience Year 9 Tennis Competition Tuesday, 22 September Dance Showcase Mufti Day - Coin or Gift Thursday, 15 October Promo Night for 2016 School Production Monday, 26 October Labour Day (no classes) Thursday, 29 October Year 10 Exams Friday, 30 October Year 10 Exams Monday, 2 November Year 10 Exams Tuesday, 3 November Year 10 Exams Wednesday, 4 November Last Day for Seniors Tuesday, 15 December Junior Prize Giving (no classes) Last Day of Term 4 Wednesday, 16 December Summer Holiday Begins Friday, 18 December School Office Closes Friday, 20 November Year 10 Work Experience Wednesday, 25 November Year 10 Outdoor Education Trips Year 9 Activities Tuesday, 26 January 2016 Office and Student Centre open Thursday, 26 November Year 10 Outdoor Education Trips Year 9 Activities Friday, 5 February 2016 First Day of Term 1 Friday, 27 November Year 10 Outdoor Education Trips Year 9 Activities Monday, 7 December GATE Presentations Senior Clearance Day 19 Important Dates Webpage School Days Calendar FREYBERG PHOENIX WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE A HOMESTAY FAMILY? Freyberg Highschool is looking for quality homestay families, who can provide a warm and caring environment for the right international student. Homestay families recieve a fortnightly payment. If you are interested in being a homestay family, we would like to hear from you! Please ring the school : 3584971 Ext. 781 and ask for Nicola or Sue, our Homestay Managers. FREYBERG HIGH SCHOOL Freyberg Street, Palmerston North 4414 Phone: +64 6 358 4971 Fax: +64 6 357 5377 Email: [email protected] Website: