Untitled - the Islamic Interfaith Research Institute.
Untitled - the Islamic Interfaith Research Institute.
Topic Speaker Code Type 01. Khalid Al Mansour Nothing from Nothing Leaves Nothing The Role of the Young Muslims in the west Solution to SA Christianity,Communism,Islam S.A. Youth at the Cross Roads The Future of black Race in Islam or Christinity The challenge of Islam in the 21st Centuraty Professionals in the new South Africa Jumma Talks Human Rights in Islam Islam the universal Religion Muslims in the West Welcome to the wonderful world of Islam Africa The Sleeping Giant The Challenge of The Quran The Mind and the Mindless KM01 KM02 KM03 KM04 KM05 KM06 KM07 KM08 KM09 KM10 KM11 KM12 KM13 KM14 KM15 DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD ZN01 ZN02 ZN03 ZN04 ZN05 ZN17 ZN18 DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD 02. Dr. Zakir Naik Is Terrorism a Muslim Monoploy ? Interest Free Economy According to the Quran Islam (An Introduction to Non-Muslims) Similarities Between Hinduism & Islam set Concept Of God in Hinduism & Islam in light of sacred Scriptures Was Christ(PBUH) Really Crucified? Zakir VS Pio SET Media and Muslims SET Al Qur'aan,Should It Be Read With Understanding? P2 Press Debate Bombay Union Of Journalists P2 Woman's Rights in Islam- Modernising Or Outdated SET Synposium-ReligionInTheRightPerspective-ConceptOf GODInHinduism,ChristianityAndIslam SET NonVeg FoodPermitedOrProhibited 4A HumanBeing?P2 Concept of God in major Religions Concept of God in major Religions Arabic The Qur'an and the Bible (in the light of Science ) Dr Campbell Terrorism And Jihad Dawaah or Destruction Universal Brotherhood (set) Muhammad in the World Scripters (set) Is the Quran God Word ? (set) Why the west is Turning to Islam (set) ZN13 ZN15 ZN14 ZN16 DVD ZN06 ZN07 ZN08 ZN09 ZN10 ZN11 ZN12 DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD HY01 HY09 HY20 HY02 HY03 HY04 HY05 HY06 HY07 HY08 HY10 HY11 HY12 HY13 HY14 HY15 HY16 HY17 HY18 HY22 HY21 HY19 DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD 03. Haroun Yahya The End Times (The Golden Age) The End Times and The Mahdi Signs Of The Last Days Miracles Of the Qur'an Satanism: Satan's Bloody Teachings Perished Nations 1 Miracle of the Brain - Smell & Taste Allah is Known Through Reason Animals That Can Travel Animals That Can Hide The Philosophy Of Zionism Behind the veil of War The Collapse of Atheism Allah's Artistry in Color For Men of Understanding 111 Miracle in the Ant Order Of The Heavens The world of Ice Bloody history of Communism Part 1&2 Lenin & Stalin Islam Denounces Terrorism The Disaster Darwinism Brought To Humanity Prophet Musa (A.S) and the Ark of the Covenant Secret Beyond Matter HY23 DVD AD02 AD03 AD03F AD04 AD05 AD06 AD07 AD08 AD09 AD10 AD11 AD11F AD11A AD12 AD13 AD14 AD14F AD15 AD16 AD21F DVD DVD DVD DVD MP3 DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD 04. Sheikh Ahmed Deedat The Life And Times Of Deedat Debate Crucifixion Fact or Fiction Debate Crucifixion Fact or Fiction French Is Isreal Set Up For Destruction? Collection of some of the Best Debates by Deedat Debate with American Soldiers A Dire Warning Should Rushdie Die? The Christian Throws away the bible Combat Kit Course Aganiest Bible Thumpers Al Quran A Miracle of Miracles Al Quran A Miracle of Miracles French Al Quran A Miracle of Miracles Arabic Easter A Muslim View Point How Not to do Dawah What the Bible Says about Muhammed (pbuh) What the Bible Says about Muhammed (pbuh) French Jesus & Muhammed A Comparative Study Chrisrianity, Judaism, Islam have the answers to world Is Jesus (P.B.U.H) GOD? Deedat VS Shorrosh French Is Jesus (P.B.U.H) GOD? Deedat Vs Sjoberg Is Jesus (P.B.U.H) GOD? Deedat Vs Sjoberg Arabic Is the Bible GOD's word ? Deedat vs Swaggart Part 1 Is The Bible The Word Of GOD? Is the Bible the true word of GOD's word? Deedat vs SwaggartFrench Is the Bible the true word of GOD's word? Deedat vs SwaggartArabic New Deceit In Christain Evangelism Deedats Encounters With Mormon Missionaries Was Christ (PBUH) Crucified? Deedat VS Floyd Clark French Was Christ (PBUH) Crucified? Deedat VS Floyd Clark Arabic Muhammed (SAW) In The Bible, Response to Swaggart French Qur'aan Or The Bible, New York French Christianity and Islam Geneva Switzerland How Rushdie Fooled The West, 18+ Bible Course Jesus (PBUH) Beloved Prophet Of Islam If The Label Shows Your Intent Wear It Islam: The Religion Of Truth Islam In Africa Islam And Other Religions Jesus (PBUH) Man, Myth, Or GOD Is Jesus GOD? Deedat vs Eric Bock Message Of The Qur'aan Pros & Cons Of Israel Is The Bible The Word Of GOD? Durban Business and Professional Woman at the IPCI Christian Missionaries At The I.P.C.I. Qur'aan and the Jew -English/Arabic Is the Bible GOD's word ? Deedat vs Swaggart (Set) Is Jesus (P.B.U.H) GOD? Deedat Vs Shorrosh (Set) What Is Wisdom ? AD22A AD19 AD19F AD19A AD20F AD20A AD19 AD17 AD18 AD40 DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD CD CD 05. Imam Anwar Al Awlaki The Life of Muhammed (S.A.W) Mecca AA33 The Life of Muhammed (S.A.W) Medina Part 1 AA34 The Life of Muhammed (S.A.W) Medina Part 2 AA35 Lives of the Prophets Adam ,Hud ,Ibrahim,Musa ,Dawud (A.S) AA32 Abu Bakr Al Siddique (R.A) His Life and Times AA30 Life of Umar bin Al Khattab (R.A) AA31 The Hereafter AA37 Dreams & Dream Interpretations AA36 The Qur’an The Book of Tolerance AA01 Hijra...for the sake of Allah (S.W.T) AA38 The Story of The Bull AA39 The Story of Ibn Al-Akwa, incl. Free E-Book AA40 The Book of Jihad (Optional Print) R 80 SB12 Stories From Hadith AA41 Young Aisha Mother of The Believers AA02 Da'wah as Minorities in the West AA03 Goodly Word Goodly Tree AA04 Naseehah (advice) AA05 Brutality towards Muslims AA06 Short Talks on surah Taha AA07 Ayatul Kursi The verse of protection AA08 Battle of the Hearts and Minds AA09 Understanding the Qur’an AA10 Weak and dangerous Ulema , Unity and priorities of the ummah AA11 Its war against Islam AA12 Punishment for insulting the Prophet (S.A.W) AA13 Revivers of the message AA14 Studying the seerah is an ibaadah AA15 Quest for truth , the story of Salman Fursi AA16 Tolerance, a hallmark of Muslims AA17 Giving and investing in the hereafter AA18 Companions Of the Ditch (set) AA22 25 Promises to the belivers (set) AA23 The Permanance of Jihad AA24 Constants on The Path of Jihad (Optional Print) R 50 with CD SB11 Freemasons and Magic AA27 Rememberance of Allah (set) AA28 Allah is Preparing us for Victory (set) AA29 Allah is Preparing us for Victory (Optional Print) R 50 with CD Set SB10 The End Of Time | A New Beginning Various Other SpeakersAA43 State of the Ummah with Booklet AA44 Gift Set of 11 Awlaki Disks's on the Life of Umar bin Al Khattab (R.A) SET12 Gift Set of 11 Awlaki Disk's SET11 MP3 18 HRS MP3 18 HRS MP3 17 HRS MP3 20 HRS MP3 15 HRS MP3 18 HRS MP3 21 HRS MP3 4 HRS CD CD CD MP3 16 HRS BOOK 180 Pgs MP3 4 HRS CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD MP3 BOOK 65 Pgs CD CD CD BOOK 32 Pgs MP3 5 HRS CD DVD'S/CD'S/MP3'S CD'S/MP3'S 06. Islam & Woman Series Motrhers of the belivers Building Strong Families and Communities From Captive to Convert From Captive to Convert Muslim Woman...Are They Oppressed Woman's Rights in Islam- Modernising Or Outdated SET Young Aisha Mother of The Believers Women in Islam (set) Role of Husband & Wife from Qur'an In The Womb- Life's Precious First Journey Muslims in Crisis Yvonne Ridley in Durban Shuaib Webb Shuaib Webb Yvonne Ridley Yvonne Ridley Mufti Menk Dr. Zakir Naik Anwar Al Awlaki Prof. FR Ansari Mufti Menk Documentary Yvonne Ridley Yvonne Ridley SW01 SW02 CA01 CA02 MM07 ZN13 AA02 FRA07 MM03 DOC37 CA10 MP3 CD DVD CD CD DVD CD CD DVD DVD DVD DVD Gift Set of 11 Woman in Islam Disk's SET14 DVD's/CD'S/MP3'S 07. Professor Fazlur Rahman Ansari Scientific Dimention of Meh'raj & Path of Tassawuf What is Islam ? What is Salaah ? The Principles of good and Evil Lecture to Multiracial Audience Creation of the Universe Women in Islam (set) Status Of The Holy Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W) SET Tolerance of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) Scientific Dimention of Meh'raj (set) The Path of Tasawwuf (set) Sufism Message To Muslim Youth Experience In Philippines Ruhaniyat Materialistic Philosophy Birth Of Hazrath Muhammed (S.A.W) Gift Set of 11 Professor Fazlur Rahman Ansari Disk's URDU FRA01 FRA02 FRA03 FRA04 FRA05 FRA06 FRA07 FRA13 FRA08 FRA09 FRA10 FRA11 FRA14 FRA15 FRA16 FRA17 FRA18 SET15 MP3 CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD'S/MP3'S YE01 YE02 YE03 YE09 YE06 YE08 YE07 YE04 YE05 DVD CD CD DVD DVD DVD DVD CD CD 08. Yusuf Estes Priests & Preachers Entering Islam The Third Loaf Does Islam promote Terrorism The Ultimate Triumph Islam Beyond The Differences FAQ Frequently Asked Questions Rights & Limits Of A Muslim Common Sense of Islam What is Islam 09. Children The Boy and the king Muhammed (S.A.W) Nursery Rymes Animals That Can Travel Animals That Can Hide Allah's Artistry in Color Miracle in the Ant The world of Ice Gift Set of 11 Kiddies Disk Zain Bhika Haroun Yahya Haroun Yahya Haroun Yahya Haroun Yahya Haroun Yahya AN01 DVD AN02 DVD MUS10 CD HY07 DVD HY08 DVD HY13 DVD HY15 DVD HY17 DVD SET04 10. Qur'an Juz Amma Yasin & Mulk Holy Qur'an with Urdu Translation P1 Urdu Qari Abdul Basit Tajweed (114 Suras) Holy Qur'an DVD Surah Fateha-Mariam ZULU Only Glorious Qur'aan (Set) Taraweeh (Various Imam Voices) U.K. 2006 Al Qura'aan English ONLY 20 PARAs Entire Quran with English translation Entire Qur'an Recitation Juz Amma & Duas The Challenge of The Quran Al Qur'aan,Should It Be Read With Understanding? P2 The Qur'an and the Bible (in the light of Science ) Is the Quran God Word ? (set) Miracles Of the Qur'an Al Quran A Miracle of Miracles Message Of The Qur'aan Qur'aan and the Jew -English/Arabic The Qur’an The Book of Tolerance Understanding the Qur’an QR01 CD QR02 CD QR11 MP3 QR03 MP3 QR04 DVD ZQ01 MP3 Dawood Ayad Hamza QR08 MP3 Sheikh Sa'ad Nomani Madni QR09(DB) CD QR10 MP3 QR07 MP3 Mahir Al-Muaqily QR12 MP3 QR13 CD Khalid Al Mansour KM14 DVD Dr. Zakir Naik DVD Dr. Zakir Naik ZN06 DVD Dr. Zakir Naik ZN11 DVD Haroun Yahya HY02 DVD Ahmed Deedat AD11 DVD Ahmed Deedat DVD Ahmed Deedat DVD Anwar Al Awlaki AA01 CD Anwar Al Awlaki AA10 CD AbuBakr Shatri Al- Sudais Qari Abdul Basit Reasons for Revelation of The Noble Qur'aan Jewels of the Quran 7 DVD Set Zulu Qur'an Launch Athiest to Muslim after reading The Quran Al-Quran a Timless Guide Way to the Quran Booklet Mufti Menk Mufti Menk iiFRi Jeff lang Zahir Mahmood Kuram Murad Way To The Qur'an Booklet + CD MM05 MM04 RH21 CR01 MP3 DVD DVD DVD CD OP01 OP02 Taraweeh Summary of Qur'an Book + CD Zulu Quran Entire 30 Para English Da'wah Quran (Yusuf Ali) Gift Set of 11 Qur'an Disk R 50 OP11 ZQI01 EQI01 SET01 11. Mufti Ismail Menk Ramadaan Collection Selected Surahs & Du'aas Role of Husband & Wife from Qur'an Jewels of the Quran 7 DVD Set Reasons for Revelation of The Noble Qur'aan Lives of the Prophets (A.S) Ramadaan 2011 Muslim Woman...Are They Oppressed Salaah Signs of Qiyama & Dajjal Examination of Sabr What Will Make You or Break You Your Ultimate Goal Help in Your Aspirations of Jannah Gift Set of 11 Mufti Menk Disk MM01 MM02 MM03 MM04 MM05 MM06 MM07 MM08 MM09 MM10 MM11 MM12 MM13 SET09 MP3 CD DVD DVD MP3 MP3 CD CD CD CD CD CD CD DVD'S/CD'S/MP3'S TAS05 TAS06 TAS07 TAS09 TAS08 SS06 TAS11 TAS10 TAS12 TAS13 FRA01 FRA10 FRA11 FRA16 SET10 DVD DVD DVD MP3 DVD DVD CD DVD VCD MP3 DVD DVD UK DVD UK DVD UK MP3 CD CD CD DVD'S/CD'S/MP3'S SS01 SS03 SS04 SS02 SS05 DOC04 SS06 M001 SS08 SM01 AA33 AA34 AA35 AA13 AA15 FRA13 CD DVD DVD MP3 MP3 DVD DVD BOOK DVD DVD MP3 MP3 MP3 CD CD CD 12. Sufism Saints of the City Cape Town Ziyarath Exclusive Collection (Middle East-Ambiya) Khuwahish-E-Ziyarat (English & Urdu) Purification of the Heart RUMI The Wings Of Love & Come To Life Al-Mahya Muhammed (S.A.W) IS Alive & Ashura Shuhada Karbala Ninowy Mazaars of Iraq (Unclear) Talks on Hazrath Abdul Qadir Jilani (R.A) Various Lectures Mawlid-Un-Nabi (S.A.W) Set of 8 DVD's (set) Our Aqeeda is Certainly in Line with Qur'an & Sunnah Significance & Status of Prophethood Muhammed s.a.w. Sole Evidence of Existence of Allah swt Scientific Dimention of Meh'raj & Path of Tassawuf The Path of Tasawwuf (set) Sufism Ruhaniyat Gift Set of 11 Tahir-Ul-Qadri Disk Hamza Yusuf Yacoubi & Nenowi Shaykh Ninowy Rare Footage Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri Prof. FR Ansari Prof. FR Ansari Prof. FR Ansari Prof. FR Ansari 13. Seerah Series The Life of The Last Prophet (S.A.W) Yusuf Islam Muhammed (S.A.W) Legacy of a Prophet Documentary The Message (Movie) Children around the Prophet (S.A.W) Dr.Hesham Al-Awadi Muhammed (SAW)His Life Based On The Earliest Sources Read Martin By Lings Sean Barrett Islam The Empire of Faith Ben Kingsley Loving The Prophet (S.A.W) & Ashura Yacoubi & Nenawi Muhammed (S.A.W) A Brief Biography BOOK Muhammed (S.A.W) Mercy to Mankind Hussain Yee Last Moments In The Life Of Muhammed (S.A.W) Sulaiman Moola The Life of Muhammed (S.A.W) Mecca Anwar Al Awlaki The Life of Muhammed (S.A.W) Medina Anwar Al Awlaki The Life of Muhammed (S.A.W) Medina Part 2 Anwar Al Awlaki Punishment for insulting the Prophet (S.A.W) Anwar Al Awlaki Studying the seerah is an ibaadah Anwar Al Awlaki Status Of The Holy Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W) (Set) Prof. FR Ansari 18 HRS 18 HRS 17 HRS Tolerance of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) Prof. FR Ansari Birth Of Hazrath Muhammed (S.A.W) URDU Prof. FR Ansari European Depictions of The Prophet (saw) A Historical Account Zahir Mahmood Gift Set of 11 Disk on the Life of Muhammed (S.A.W) FRA08 FRA18 CD CD CD SET02 14. Self / Family Development Series Inner Peace for Outer Peace Ways of Improving The Character The Journey of The Believers How To Raise A Righteous Family? Traps of Satan "Purpose of Life" Love, Sex & Relationships On The Legacy of Adl Freemasons and Magic Rememberance of Allah (set) Role of Husband & Wife from Qur'an Purification of the Heart Our Aqeeda is Certainly in Line with Qur'an & Sunnah Bollywood Xposed - Bollywood & Satanism Hip Hop Xposed Music Industry Xposed They Have Sold Their Souls For Rock And Roll Gift Set of 11 Disk on Developing Self & Family Mokhtar Maghraoui PCE01 Salim Bin Amri PCE02 Waleed Basouni PCE03 Capt. A. Shammire PCE04 Dr. Mamdouh N.M. PCE05 A.W. Sadathullah KhanPCE06 Yasir Fazaga PCE07 Sulaiman Moola Anwar Al Awlaki AA27 Anwar Al Awlaki AA28 Mufti Menk MM03 Hamza Yusuf TAS09 Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri WakeUpProject DOC20 DOC51 Farhan Khan DOC52 DOC03 SET07 DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD CD CD DVD MP3 DVD UK DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD'S/CD'S/MP3'S 15. Youth Series Traps of Satan The Role of the Young Muslims in the west Solomons Temple (Set) Secret Beyond Matter Miracle of the Brain - Smell & Taste Music Industry Xposed Muhammed (S.A.W) Legacy of a Prophet The Qur'an and the Bible (in the light of Science ) What is Islam ? Your Ultimate Goal Gift Set of 11 Disk on Developing Our Youth Dr. Mamdouh N.M. Khalid Al Mansour Bush Wack Haroun Yahya Haroun Yahya Farhan Khan Documentary Dr. Zakir Naik Prof. FR Ansari Mufti Menk PCE05 KM02 DOC25 HY23 HY05 DOC52 SS03 ZN06 FRA02 MM12 SET08 DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD MP3 CD DVD's/CD's/MP3's DOC05 DOC06 CA05 DOC18 DOC18B DOC45 DOC29 DOC50 DOC41 CA07 DVD DVD DVD DVD CD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD MP3 16. Documentaries 16.(a) Middle East/ Palestine Palestine Crisis Occupation 101 The Iron Wall 21st Centuary Crusaders Gaza Strip The Crisis in Gaza Voices Of Iraq The Zionist Story Life of Sallahudeen Ayubi The War You Don't See Viva Palestina The Return Press Conference on Libya Blast Demons The Philosophy Of Zionism Is Isreal Set Up For Destruction? Pros & Cons Of Israel Gaza Through Our Eyes Gift Set of 11 Middle East/Current Affairs Disk Rebrahim Bham Movie John Pilger Galaway & Ridley Farra Khan Farra Khan Haroun Yahya Ahmed Deedat Ahmed Deedat Zahir Mahmood CA08 CA09 HY10 AD04 SET03 16.(b) 9 11 The Greatest lie ever told & In plain sight Did Flight 77 Hit The Pentagon? & Painful Deceptions 8hrz Last Man Out William Roddriguez C-Span Interview World Trade Center Survivor William Roddriguez Where in The World is Osama Bin Laden ? How They Bluffed Us 911 & OsamaBin Ladens Death 911 Booklet DOC07 DVD DVD DOC39 DVD DOC40 DVD DOC30 DVD DOC31 DVD OP03 2 HRS 911 Booklet Plus DVD OP04 16.(c) Wake Up Project The Devine Book - Al Qur'an The Arrivals Arrivals Reloaded (Set( Bollywood Xposed - Bollywood & Satanism Phase 3 Solomons Temple (Set) Age of Dajjal (Set) History Of Freemasons Obama Deception Food Inc. Hip Hop Xposed Music Industry Xposed Noureaga Noureaga Noureaga WakeUpProject Noureaga Bush Wack Farhan Khan DOC21 DOC17 DOC19 DOC20 DOC22 DOC25 DOC43 DOC44 DOC28 DOC47 DOC51 DOC52 DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DOC23 AA43 HQ03 DOC15 HQ02 HY01 HY09 HY20 HY19 AA43 DOC43 DVD MP3 DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD MP3 DVD CD CA04 CA01 CA02 CA03 CA06 DVD DVD CD CD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD VCD VCD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD MP3 DVD DVD 16.(d) End of Time & General The Last Day The End Of Time | A New Beginning Deeper Roots Timbuktu Ancient Qur'anic Manuscripts From Darkness into Light The End Times (The Golden Age) The End Times and The Mahdi Signs Of The Last Days Prophet Musa (A.S) and the Ark of the Covenant The End Of Time | A New Beginning Age of Dajjal (SET of 2) The Final Disaster Various Dr. A Hakim Quick Dr. A Hakim Quick Dr. A Hakim Quick Haroun Yahya Haroun Yahya Haroun Yahya Haroun Yahya Various Speakers Zahir Mahmood 5 HRS 16.(e) Current Affairs Geroge Galloway MP Speaks out From Captive to Convert From Captive to Convert America's War on Terror Who Is Prisoner 650 ? Yvonne Ridley in Durban Introduction to Islam `Visit to a Mosque in USA' Muslims Around the World Jesus the Evidence by Scandavian Bishops Hajj And Umrah The three Harams Mecca, Medina and Al Aqsa Original Haram History in urdu Ramadaan Around The World What happens After Death -' Sensitive Viewing' Timbuktu African Culture Workshop They Have Sold Their Souls For Rock And Roll In The Womb- Life's Precious First Journey Malcolm X Prince of Islam The Journey & 7 Wonders of the Muslim World The Road To Guantanamo American Radical Muslims in Crisis Jumuah Lectures The Devil's Deception in the New World Order Behind the veil of War Gift Set of 11 Middle East/Current Affairs Disk Battle of the Hearts and Minds Its war against Islam State of the Ummah Dawn of A New Superpower The History of Freemasons The Elders of Zion The Lies In The Media And Who Controls The Media Lessons From Libya For Africa & "3rd World" State of the Ummah Geroge Galloway Yvonne Ridley Yvonne Ridley Yvonne Ridley Yvonne Ridley Yvonne Ridley WI01 DOC46 DOC09 DOC10 DOC11 DOC12 DOC48 TAS04 Hakim Quick DOC15 DOC16 DOC03 DOC37 DOC26 DOC27 Movie/Documentary DOC38 Norman Finkelstien DOC42 Yvonne Ridley CA10 Sulaiman Moola Dr. A Hakim Quick HQ01 Haroun Yahya HY11 SET03 Anwar Al Awlaki AA09 Anwar Al Awlaki AA12 Anwar Al Awlaki AA44 Zahir Mahmood DOC44 HY10 DOC54 DOC55 AA44 CD CD CD CD DVD DVD DVD DVD CD 22 Hrs WWW.IIFRI.COM 17. Shayk Rafeek Hassen Did Jesus Preach Islam or Christianity? Port Shepstone Muslim views on Jesus(pbuh)&Christianity P/E Islam The Religion Of Jesus(pbuh) Kokstad Islam The Religion Of Jesus(pbuh) Estcourt Similaraties - Isalm and Hinduism Is Jesus (P.B.U.H) GOD? Lesson 1 & 2 Jesus (PBUH) as a Miracle Healer- Bayview DBN DCF With Reggie- African Culture 2006 DCF Workshop African Culture and Islamic Shariah 10/12/06 DCF 2of2 Dundee and Phoenix iiFRi Activities ITV Interview Zulu Qur'an Launch Gems Talk - Pietermaritzburg 2009 (ZULU) Isa Khumalo / RH Is Jesus (P.B.U.H) GOD? Middleburg Yusuf Bux / RH Jumuah @ Hazelmere 26/08/2011 Quran Importance Jumuah @ Hazelmere 23/09/2011 Media Lies Jumuah Talk 2in1 Hazelmere 26/08/11 & 23/09/11 Jumuah @ Hazelmere 28/10/2011 Inner Meaning of Hajj Jumuah @ Sparks Road 04/11/2011 Lessons From Libya Jumuah Talk 2in1 Hazelmere 28/10/11 & Sparks Rd 04/11/11 Namrud in the Modern World Gift Set of 11 Shayk Rafeek Hassen Disk RH01 RH02 RH03 RH04 RH05 RH10 RH06 RH20 RH00 RH21 RH07 RH08 RH19 RH23 RH24 RH26 RH28 RH29 RH27 SET13 DVD DVD DVD DVD CD CD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD CD DVD DVD CD CD 18. Da'wah Series Did Jesus Preach Islam or Christianity? Port Shepstone Rafeek Hassen Muslim views on Jesus(pbuh)&Christianity P/E Rafeek Hassen Islam The Religion Of Jesus(pbuh) Kokstad Rafeek Hassen Islam The Religion Of Jesus(pbuh) Estcourt Rafeek Hassen Similaraties - Isalm and Hinduism Rafeek Hassen Gems Talk - Pietermaritzburg 2009 (ZULU) Isa Khumalo / RH Is Jesus (P.B.U.H) GOD? Middleburg Yusuf Bux / RH Awqaf - Trans Limpopo Trade Ali Mathonsi DCF With Reggie- African Culture 2006 DCF Workshop African Culture and Islamic Shariah 10/12/06 DCF 2of2 Athiest to Muslim after reading The Quran Jeff lang The 4 Great Imams Dr.Hesham Al-Awadi Dawah training Course Bilall Philips Gary Miller Collection Gary Miller Death Series Sheik Feiz The Future of black Race in Islam or Christinity Khalid Al Mansour Islam the universal Religion Khalid Al Mansour Welcome to the wonderful world of Islam Khalid Al Mansour Similarities Between Hinduism & Islam set Dr. Zakir Naik Concept Of God in Hinduism & Islam in light of sacred Scriptures Dr. Zakir Naik Dr. Zakir Naik NonVeg FoodPermitedOrProhibited 4A HumanBeing?P2 Concept of God in major Religions Dr. Zakir Naik Dawaah or Destruction Dr. Zakir Naik Muhammad in the World Scripters (set) Dr. Zakir Naik How Not to do Dawah Ahmed Deedat What the Bible Says about Muhammed (pbuh) Ahmed Deedat Jesus & Muhammed A Comparative Study Ahmed Deedat Chrisrianity, Judaism, Islam have the answers to world Ahmed Deedat Da'wah as Minorities in the West Anwar Al Awlaki Priests & Preachers Entering Islam Yusuf Estes Islam Beyond The Differences Yusuf Estes FAQ Frequently Asked Questions Yusuf Estes What is Islam Yusuf Estes RH01 RH02 RH03 RH04 RH05 RH07 RH08 RH22 CR01 DT01 KM05 KM10 KM12 ZN04 ZN05 ZN14 ZN16 ZN08 ZN10 AD13 AD14 AD15 AD16 AA03 YE01 YE06 YE08 YE05 DVD DVD DVD DVD CD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD MP3 MP3 MP3 MP3 DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD CD DVD DVD DVD CD Introduction to Islam `Visit to a Mosque in USA' Jesus the Evidence by Scandavian Bishops SADC Da'wah Review Magazine Muslim Leaders With African Ancestral Landscape Gift Set of 11 Comparative Religion Disk Gift Set of 11 Da'wah Disk Documentary Documentary WI01 DOC09 OP10 Risimati Ali Mathonsi OP09 SET05 SET06 DVD DVD 40 Pgs 30 Pgs 19. Learning Series Speaking Arabic Set of 3 Learning Arabic (made easy) set of 4 Bible Course Ahmed Deedat Lives of the Prophets Adam ,Hud ,Ibrahim,Musa ,Dawud (A.S)Anwar Al Awlaki Abu Bakr Al Siddique (R.A) His Life and Times Anwar Al Awlaki Life of Umar bin Al Khattab (R.A) Anwar Al Awlaki The Hereafter Anwar Al Awlaki Ayatul Kursi The verse of protection Anwar Al Awlaki What is Islam ? Prof. FR Ansari What is Salaah ? Prof. FR Ansari The Third Loaf Yusuf Estes Lives of the Prophets (A.S) Ramadaan 2011 Mufti Menk Muslims Around the World Documentary What happens After Death -' Sensitive Viewing' Documentary Timbuktu Hakim Quick The 4 Great Imams Dr.Hesham Al-Awadi Dawah training Course Bilall Philips Death Series Sheik Feiz Abdullah Ibn Zubayr The Seventh Caliph Zahir Mahmood Martydom of Uthman ibn Affan (R.A) Zahir Mahmood The Life of Salahudeen Ayyubi Zahir Mahmood The Martydom of Hussain (R.A) - Karbala Zahir Mahmood The Martyrdom of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (R.A) Zahir Mahmood The History of Freemasons The Elders of Zion The Lies In The Media And Who Controls The Media Lessons From Libya For Africa & "3rd World" State of the Ummah Anwar Al Awlaki LA02 LA01 CD DVD DVD AA32 MP3 AA30 MP3 AA31 MP3 AA37 MP3 AA08 CD FRA02 MP3 FRA03 CD YE02 CD MM06 MP3 DOC46 DVD TAS04 DVD DOC15 DVD MP3 DT01 MP3 MP3 CD CD CD CD CD DOC44 DVD HY10 DVD DOC54 DVD DOC55 DVD AA44 CD 20. Shaykh Zahir Mahmood Abdullah Ibn Zubayr The Seventh Caliph Al-Quran a Timless Guide Dawn of A New Superpower European Depictions of The Prophet (saw) A Historical Account Gaza Through Our Eyes 2 HRS Martydom of Uthman ibn Affan (R.A) The Final Disaster The Life of Salahudeen Ayyubi The Martydom of Hussain (R.A) - Karbala The Martyrdom of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (R.A) CD CD CD CD MP3 CD CD CD CD CD 21. Our Publications 21.(a) The Truth Unveiled Series Disk with Booklet How They Bluffed Us 911 & OsamaBin Ladens Death The History of Freemasons The Elders of Zion The Lies In The Media And Who Controls The Media Lessons From Libya For Africa & "3rd World" State of the Ummah DOC31 DOC44 HY10 DOC54 DOC55 AA44 21.(b) Our Publications Way to the Quran OP01 Way To The Qur'an Booklet + CD OP02 Taraweeh Summary of Qur'an Book + CD OP11 911 Booklet OP03 911 DVD + Booklet OP04 DVD DVD DVD DVD DVD CD 20 HRS 15 HRS 18 HRS 21 HRS Zulu Quran Zulu Quran with Arabic and Transliteration English Da'wah Quran (Yusuf Ali) ZQI01 ZQAT1 EQI01 Pamphlet stand (Incl. 240 Pamphlets) Set of 240 Pamphlets Set of 3 Zulu Pamphlet Set of 3 English Pamphlet PS01 R 200 P240 R 120 ZP301 R5 EPS301 Set of 2 Tswana Pamphlet Set of 8 English Pamphlet Various Topics Set of 12 Pamphlet Various Languages/Topics 3 English Pamphlet Plus DVD 3 Zulu Pamphlet Plus Zulu DVD 3 Zulu Pamphlet Plus Zulu CD EPS801 P1201 EPD01 ZPD01 ZPD02 R 30 R 30 iiFRi Oodisa Activities iiFRi Oodisa Anual Review Newsletter SADC Da'wah Review Magazine Muslim Leaders With African Ancestral Landscape OP08 OP10 Risimati Ali Mathonsi OP09 R 50 R 80 R 30 DVD 40 Pgs 30 Pgs 22. 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Nasheeds Entering Into Peace, Story of Dawood Warnsby Ali DawudWarnsbyAli English Islamic Songs Dawood Wansby ali DawudWarnsbyAli ES01 Nasheeds-Hamza,NativeDeen,SamiYusuf,MesutKurtis,MaherZain,Irfan,Nazeel MUS05 Nasheeds-Ali Haider,Kamal Uddin,Noor,786,Dawud Warnsby Ali MUS04 Various Hamds,Naaths,Nasheeds,Manqabats,Maseehas Owais,Nisar,Furqan,Bilal MUS03 ZULU Songs of Da'wah Inayet Petker MUS06 Ngiyi Muslim Inayet Petker MUS08 Nursery Rymes Zain Bhika MUS10 Thank You Allah - Wedding Version Maher Zain MUS12 CD CD MP3 MP3 MP3 CD CD CD CD 10 HRS 9 HRS 10 HRS Islamic Interfaith Research Institute Suite 1403 Nedbank House, 30 Albert Street Durban 4001 Tel: 031 304 7862 Fax: 086 504 7020 e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.iiFRi.com Director: Rafeek Hassen PR: Ali Mathonsi Bank: ABSA Ac Name: iiFRi Ac No: 9202074773 BE A PARTNER IN DA'WAH SPONSOR A PROJECT ● Entire 30 Para Zulu Quran (Zulu Only Print & Zulu with Arabic and transliteration) ● Simple English Da'wah Quran ● 24 Hour Call Centre ● Da'wah Pamphlet / Stand ● Public Talks ● Reversions ● Da'wah Products ( Pamphlets / DVDs / CDs / MP3's / Booklets) ● Lectures On Islam For Muslims And Non-Muslims ● Train-A-Trainer Da'wah Workshops ● On Site Da'wah Visits And Da'wah Co-Ordination ● Self Study Courses Suite 1403 Nedbank House Tel: (+27) 031 304 7862 30 Albert (Ingcuce) Street Fax: 086 504 7020 Durban Email: [email protected] South Africa www.iiFRi.com Islamic Interfaith Research Institute @iiFRiOodisa PO Box 48786 Qualbert 4078 iiFRiOodisa
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