Weekly Bulletin - Our Lady of Charity


Weekly Bulletin - Our Lady of Charity
Parish and Mailing Address: 231 Upland Road, Brookhaven, PA 19015
Telephone: 610-872-6192 Fax: 610-872-1120
Parish Website: www.olcbrookhaven.org
Parish Email: [email protected]
Religious Education Office: 484-844-9160 Email: [email protected]
Dominican Sisters at OLC Convent: 245 Upland Road, Brookhaven, PA
Telephone: 610-874-0172
Our Lady of Charity, Pray for Us
Rev. Brian A. Izzo
(Email: [email protected])
Rev. Richard C. Williams
Pastor Emeritus, St. Thomas the Apostle,
Chester Heights
Mr. Jerry Esterson
(Email: [email protected])
Mrs. Joan Boyle
(Email: [email protected])
Mrs. Eileen Wilson
(Email: [email protected])
Mr. Pete McLaughlin
The Rectory is open for business
Monday through Friday 9:30 a.m.
to 4:30 p.m.
Weeknights, Saturdays and Sundays are by previously arranged
appointment only.
Please call in advance for
Registration appointments or Letters of Eligibility.
Mass Schedule:
Weekend: Saturday Vigil 5:15 pm — Sunday 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m.
Daily Mass: Monday through Saturday 8:00 a.m.
Holy Days: 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. (on the actual day)
Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day and Thanksgiving Day: 9:00 a.m.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Mass
Saturdays: 7:30 to 8 a.m.; 4:15 to 5 p.m.; and other times by appointment.
The Sacrament of Baptism is usually celebrated on the First and Third Sundays of each month at
Noon. Please call the Rectory and speak to the parish priest to register. First-time parents and
godparents are expected to attend a pre-baptismal formation session, which is offered on the second Sunday of the month in the Church after the 10:30 a.m. Mass as needed,. To register for session, please call parish secretary before first Friday of each month.
Couples planning to be married should contact the Rectory at least 6 months in advance of the
intended wedding date. Attendance at a Marriage Preparation program is required in accord with
Archdiocesan Policy.
Sacrament of the Sick and Holy Communion:
The parish priests are happy to assist anyone who wishes to receive the anointing of the sick, or to
receive Holy Communion. Special Ministers of Holy Communion also assist in taking Holy Communion to those parishioners who are unable to get to Mass. For more information, kindly call the
Catholic School Policy
School-aged children of OLC attend may attend either Holy Family Regional Catholic School in
Aston or Notre Dame de Lourdes Catholic School in Swarthmore. Our Parish does subsidize
Catholic education for all parishioners of OLC who are active and contributing members of the
Parish. Please note: Since our Parish School closed abruptly in June 2011, our school families began attending several Catholic elementary schools in the area. In fairness to those children currently attending the other schools, however, we will consider them “grandfathered” and continue
to subsidize their education in accordance with the policy about attendance and parish support.
Children who attend Public School are requested to register in our PREP Program beginning in
first grade to seventh grade. PREP meets on Tuesday evenings from September to May from 6:30
Our New Parish Mission Statement
We, the members of Our Lady of Charity Catholic Church, are devoted to building the Kingdom of God in our
neighborhoods. Relying on the example of Mary, the first and best disciple, and our parish Patroness, we strive to encourage and promote discipleship by making her Son Jesus present to all through Word, Sacrament, love and service.
February 8, 2015
February 8, 2015
Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time
February is the month of the Holy Family
5:15 p.m.
FEBRUARY 7, 2015
Anthony Mirigliani
47th Anniversary
FEBRUARY 8, 2015
5:15 p.m.
FEBRUARY 14, 2015
Mary and George Fabris
FEBRUARY 15, 2015
8:00 a.m.
Holy Souls In Purgatory
8:00 a.m.
Marie Blair
10:30 a.m.
Rosemarie Twomey
2nd Anniversary
10:30 a.m.
Walter and Frances Hook
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
FEBRUARY 9, 2015
Margaret (Peg) Statter
Sunday, January 25:
Number of Envelopes returned:
Number Attending Masses:
FEBRUARY 10, 2015
Harry Culbertson
4th Anniversary
FEBRUARY 11, 2015
Elaine Lockbaum
FEBRUARY 12, 2015
Olaf Frandsen
FEBRUARY 13, 2015
Pro Populo
FEBRUARY 14, 2015
F. Clark Walton
As always, thank you for your continued support!
Little Sisters Of The Poor
We welcome back to OLC the Little Sisters of
the Poor, located in Newark, Delaware. They
come to us each year to beg for your financial
support. They will be speaking at all the
Masses next weekend, February 14th and
The Sisters are committed to welcoming the
needy elderly, regardless of race or religion,
into their Home on Salem Church Road in
Newark. They receive them as members of
their large family, caring for them and preparing them for when God calls them to their
heavenly Home.
They will be speaking at Mass and also will be
taking up the Second Collection. Thank you in
advance for your generosity.
Greetings from Father Izzo
8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Ashes will also be distributed at 12:15 p.m.
within the Celebration of the Liturgy of the Word
Saturdays 7:30 a.m. and 4:15 p.m. (as regularly scheduled)
Additional Confessions will be heard every Monday of Lent at 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. in Church
Tuesday Evening, February 24, there will be confessions for our PREP students, Parishioners
also welcome that evening. Confessions are 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Communal Rosary at 7:35 a.m. before Morning Masses
Miraculous Medal Novena on Saturdays following the 8:00 a.m. Mass
Stations of the Cross will be celebrated on Fridays at 1:30 p.m.
Stations of the Cross will also be celebrated Tuesday Evening, March 10
in the Church at 6:45 p.m.
Sunday Scriptures Prayer Group at OLC, Wednesdays from 7-8:30 p.m.
Rectory Conference Room
Weekly Book Study in preparation for World Meeting of Families
7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the Rectory Meeting Room
Beginning Monday, February 23 to March 30
Discussions lead by Mrs. Eileen Wilson, DRE
Registration and Textbook required, cost $5.00
Catholic Charities 2014: 98% Success for OLC
Next week, we will have information about the upcoming Catholic Charities Appeal for this
year, but I thought you would like to know that last year OLC performed very well in this
campaign. We received 348 gifts for a total collected of $39,670. Our goal was $40,428. That is
quite remarkable and I am proud that we did so well. Thank you for your assistance and your
Reflections by Fr. Leonard Peterson
5th Sunday In Ordinary Time
February 8, 2015
There is something very valuable that we give away free of charge without thinking twice about it to weather
forecasters, investment counselors, and medical doctors. Call it our trust. And link that trust to hope. Some
people might expand my list to embrace their astrologer, bartender, or the person who cuts their hair. We
trust such people and freely hope in what they advise. Only when we are proven mistaken do we feel stung
by apparent gullibility.
Trust in others is not a bad thing. We would never board a plane if we did not trust the pilot. In the case of
true professionals, it reflects our respect for their expertise and experience. So we do carry an umbrella when
the weather forecaster suggests it. We get our doctor’s prescription filled simply because he orders us. We
buy into a plan the finance person recommends. As for the bartender, the barber and all the rest it all depends.
But when we come to trust in our closest friend, we enter a deeper realm, that of love. If that trust is ever betrayed, we are decimated, and we join in the melancholy that Job displays.
All of this reflection brings us to the contrast provided by today’s Scripture Readings. First, we hear of Job,
a figure of literary creation meant to teach us, as he lets out a cry of hopelessness and lament: “My days are
swifter than a weaver’s shuttle. They come to an end without hope.”
But against that gloomy outlook is the bright hope placed in Jesus by the people living in the little village of
Capernaum, which we know was St. Peter’s hometown. As the Responsorial Psalm puts it: “He heals the
broken-hearted and binds up their wounds.” Peter’s mother-in-law and that crowd of the sick find their hope
of healing fulfilled, and it is a joy to learn of it.
In these times of wars and other bad news, we have to resist the pull of the pessimist. He defines hope the
way a little boy once did when he said: “Hope is wishing for something you know ain’t gonna happen.”
In 1965, naval aviator James B. Stockdale became one of the first American pilots to be shot down during
the Vietnam War. As a prisoner of the Vietcong, he spent seven years as a P.O.W., during which he was frequently tortured in an attempt to break him and get him to denounce the U.S. Government in the war. He
was chained for days at a time with his hands above his head so that he could not even swat the mosquitoes.
Even today, he still cannot bend his left knee and he walks with a limp from having his leg broken by his
captors and never reset. One of the worst things done to him was that he was held in isolation away from the
other American P.O.W.s and only allowed to see his guards and interrogators.
How could anyone survive seven years of such treatment? As he looks back on that time, Stockdale says that
it was his hope that kept him alive. Hope of one day going home, that each day could be the day of his release. Without hope, he knew that he would die in hopelessness, as others had done.
Such is the power of hope that it can keep one alive when nothing else can. And hope’s best spokesman is
the Person who founded the Catholic Church. Is that who you trust? Is He your hope?
OLC’s Saint Patrick’s Day Party
Saturday, March 9
7 p.m. to 11 p.m. OLC Church Hall
Pasta, roast beef, meatballs, green beans and salad
beer, soda , set-ups and DJ. Plus many deserts!
Cost is $25/person, $45/couple
At the door $30/person, $55/couplr
(Must be 21 years old to attend)
This is a great time to reconnect with old friends and make some new ones. Please look
for the insert in next week’s bulletin which will include a form for tickets that can be
dropped in the collection basket. Tickets will also be sold on the weekends of February
21/22 and February 29/March 1 at the entrances of the church. Questions or want more
info: Call Joan at the rectory.
In preparation for the Eighth World Meeting of Families, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia has prepared a
catechesis on family life:
LOVE IS OUR MISSION: The family fully alive
We’ll gather every Monday: February 23
through March 30, 2015 from
7:00 to 8:30 PM
Rectory Meeting Room
Come join in a book discussion during Lent led by
Eileen Wilson, DRE
The book explains how all of Catholic teaching about
family life flows from our beliefs about Jesus. Love is
our mission and it is by loving God and one another that
we are fully alive. Whatever your current state: married,
widowed or single, you’ll find topics in the book that
carry universal messages.
Everyone will need a copy of the text. Register with
Joan in the Rectory by Monday, February 16 and we
will order your book. The cost is $5.00.
Charitian News
Valentine’s Celebration Luncheon
Wednesday, February 11
Noon at Brookhaven Municipal Bldg.
Buffet Bunch, RSVP Band
Cost: $20
If you have not signed up, please call
Tom at 610-874-9186 by
Noon, Monday, February 9th
O.L.Coffee & Donuts
following the 8:00 & 10:30
Masses today
Prayers for the Sick
Carol Ash, Adele Blonski, Janet Bischof, Mary Ann
Breen, Betty Burns, Richard Burns, Shawn Burns,
Theresa Carlin, Patricia Cawley, Adriana Chalson, Mary
Elizabeth Clark, Jean Curran, Josephine D’Amico,
Dolores DePrince, Maria DiPaola, Louis Finsterbusch,
Ruth Ford, Alice Gordon, Betty Hart, Mary Layer,
Elaine Loflin, John Overbeck, Sandy Partin, Ted Stahl,
Susan Stairkoff, Mary Sutsko, Maryanne Talley, Joseph
& Seraphine Traub, Adelaide Vernon, Mae Wassel,
Shirley West
OLC Food Collection
February 14 and 15
The monthly canned food collection will be next
weekend, at all Masses. Anyone wishing to donate
non-perishable food items can place them at the
exits of the Church. Donated food items will be
given to the Bernardine Center.
2014 Tax Statement
If you would like a copy of your 2014 Contribution Statement, please call the Rectory (during business hours) and
it will be prepared for you to pick up or send us your
name and address, along with a self-addressed stamped
envelope and it will be mailed to you.
St. James Alumni Association
Catholic School Scholarships
Once again, the St. James Alumni Association
will be sponsoring high school scholarships for
the 2015-2016 school year.
The scholarship applications are available upon
request, please call phone 610-876-2006 or
email [email protected].
Parish Calendar of Events
Sunday, February 8
Youth Group, 3 pm to 4 pm, Rec. Conf. Room
Tuesday, February 10
Legion of Mary, 5 pm, Rec. Conf. Room
PREP, 6:30 pm, School
St. Vincent de Paul, 7 pm, Rec. Conf. Room
Wednesday, February 11
Charitian’s Luncheon, 12 noon, Borough Hall
Fresh Hope A.A., 5:30 pm, Rec. Mtg. Room
Scripture Class, 7 pm, Rec. Conf. Room
Thursday, February 12
Choir, 7 pm, Church
Liturgical Ministers’ Schedules for
Next Weekend
Saturday, February 14, 5:15 p.m.
Altar Servers: A. & A. Mielechowsky
Lector: Breanne McGovern
Special Ministers: Peggy Pilone,
Margaret Flanagan, Lynne McMonagle
Sunday, February 15, 8:00 a.m.
Altar Servers: D. German
Lector: Joan Boyle
Special Ministers: Vivian Linowski,
Kathy DeJohn, Jim Heslin
Sunday, February 15, 10:30 a.m.
Altar Servers: G. Sullenberger
Lector: Irene Lyons
Special Ministers: Dolores O’Malley,
Bob Losak, Corinne O’Grady
The scholarship applicant must be a practicing
Catholic from a Delaware County parish. Students eligible are either graduating 8th graders
or current Catholic high school students.
Please Pray for our Beloved Dead
Kindly keep in your prayers:
All applications with the complete requested
information must be returned by Wednesday,
April 8 by 2:00 pm.
for the happy repose of their souls and for the
consolation of their families and friends.
Anthony Morelli
Sara Polo