click here - Helsby Methodist Church
click here - Helsby Methodist Church
Welcome to Helsby Methodist Church Minister: Revd. Steve Santry Manse: 722102 Minister’s Email: [email protected] Church Office: 727217 Office Email: [email protected] Church Website: Circuit Website: Stewards: John Dearden 722292, Jon Ford 724968, Dave Taylor 724524, Dave Penny 724595, Gill Lockett 722093 Weekly Notices: Prepared by Andrea Walker 722557 or [email protected] Items for inclusion in the Notices should be advised before 10.00am on Friday Sunday 8th February Duty Steward: Dave Taylor 10.30am 6.30pm Bronwen Braisdell Blakelees: Mike Ridley Please ask a Steward about large print hymnbooks if required. Prayer is offered at the end of Morning Service – please sit on the front row and a member of the Prayer Team will come to you. As you may know, Conference is being held at Southport this year and it will be the Ordination of Linda and Michaela as Deacons. Their ordination will take place on Sunday 28th June in Blackburn Cathedral at 6.30pm. Admission is by ticket only. It would be good to have a representation from Helsby Methodist. Tickets become available on 30th March from 9.00am and are on 'first come first served' basis. Unfortunately you can only order a maximum of 4 tickets per person, so I would be unable to bulk order! They can be ordered from on the above day. For those of you without internet access I will advise you of the phone number later, when it becomes available, or you may want to get together with a friend who has this facility. When you all know that you have tickets I am prepared to organize a coach for the occasion if there is sufficient interest. Chris Critchley The Muddles rotas for after February half-term are available on the porch table for those who do not receive their copy by email. Many thanks The Next Meeting of the Church Direction Group is on Thursday 12th February at 8.00pm. The Next Outreach Meeting will be on Monday 16th February 2.00pm at 11 Denbigh Close. The two main topics will be our Church Charity for 2015-16 and a look at how we can have an involvement in the new residential facility by Tesco and so support some of our members who hope to move there when it opens in the summer. All welcome. Ladies Evening Group. We are invited to join Frodsham Ladies Group for their Party on Monday 16th February, they will be starting at 7.00pm. We always have a lovely evening with them, let’s hope the weather is kind to us. I need to give them an idea of how many ladies will be going, so perhaps you can let me know during this week if you are going. Thanks, Denise (723162) The Women's World Day of Prayer is on Friday 6th March. This year the service will be held here at Helsby Methodist Church at 2.00pm. The service this year has been prepared by Christian Women of the Bahamas and is entitled 'Jesus said to them: Do you know what I have done to you?' Please come along and support and enjoy this event. As usual, the host church provides the refreshments, and Ladies Evening Group would be very grateful for offers of help to prepare and serve these, and also for contributions of cake or savouries on the day. If you can help in any way please have a word with Denise Kidd , Joan Penney or Thelma Abel. West Cheshire Foodbank continue to be in short supply of: Tinned Vegetables, Tinned Meat, Sponge Puddings, Jams/Spreads, Sugar. Foodbank Delivery Rota 9th Feb - Chris & David Critchley 16th Feb - Rob Wigmore 23rd Feb - Ian Oulton 2nd Mar - Lucy Penny 9th Mar - Geof & Viv Robinson 16th Mar - Colin Holden 23rd Mar - Sue & Derek Colville 30th Mar - Roger Brooks th 6 Apr - Andrea & Andrew Walker 13th Apr - Chris & David Critchley 20th Apr - Rob Wigmore 27th Apr - Ian Oulton 4th May - Lucy Penny 11th May - Geof & Viv Robinson 18th May - Colin Holden 25th May - Sue & Derek Colville 1st June - Roger Brooks 8th June - Andrea & Andrew Walker 15th June - Chris & David Critchley Please remember in your prayers... Revd. Jackie Bellfield. Sue Cooper. Gwyneth Dodd. Karl & Sheila Fath. Margaret Fletcher. Jane Futter. Alan, Carole & Dave Jones. Carol-Ann & Peter Lockett. Margaret & Tom Marcroft. Michael McIntyre. Pat Merriman. David & Wyn Ogilvy. Volker, Sharon & Samuel Würth Cliffe. For enquiries about the above named, please speak to Rob Wigmore or a Steward Monday Tuesday Activities for Week Commencing Monday 9th February Muddles 10.00am - 12.00pm in The Link. Muddles is a friendly and fun mums and tots group, we also welcome of course dads, grandparents, carers and child-minders. We enjoy play-time, healthy-snack time and song-time, so why not come along and join the fun!(Cath Clarke 727217) Elm Cottage Housegroup 9.45am - 12.00pm (Sylvia Brooks 722016 or Mabel Coulter 722084) Walking Football for the Over 55s 5.00pm – 6.00pm at Frodsham Leisure Centre Wednesday Thursday John & Norma’s Housegroup 8.00pm, 10 Landscape Dene (722292) Housegroup 7.30pm at 27 Hallastone Road (Colin and Catherine Holden 723161) Muddles 9.30am - 11.30am in The Link followed by: Church Mice from 11.30am – 12.00pm in Church (Cath Clarke 727217) Music Group 6.30pm – 7.30pm in Church Church Direction Group 8.00pm in Church Friday Saturday Sunday 15th February Duty Steward: John Dearden 9.00am Revd. Steve Santry - Communion 10.30am Geof Robinson 6.30pm Blakelees: Revd. Steve Santry - Communion News from Chester & Delamere Forest Circuit Prayer Event at Norley. Tuesday 10th February Norley Methodist church will be open from 6.00pm - 7.30pm for anyone who would like to come and use the space for prayer. The theme is The Lord’s Prayer and different prayer stations will be set up. Refreshments available. Flippin’ Marvellous Pancake Party. Homemade Soup, Pancakes, Tea, Coffee, Cake & Biscuits. Tuesday 17th February, Noon – 1.30pm at Hoole Methodist Church Hall. All Welcome - £5 (if you can let them know you’re going it would really help). Further details from John Evans 07939 645688 or [email protected] Pastoral Care day at Saltney. A day exploring the development of quality relationships within our church communities led by Teresa Onions from Pastoral Care UK Saturday 21st February at Saltney Methodist Church. Session 1: 10.00am – lunch; For All: Developing quality relationships - a workshop suitable for all church members. Session 2: 1.00pm – 3.00pm; For local church pastoral leaders or those interested in joining local pastoral teams: Caring for yourself as a pastoral leader. More information is available from Revd. Paul Braisdell. A warm invitation is extended to you all to visit Englesea Brook Chapel & Museum make this the year you go along if you have not been before. Returning friends know they can be sure of an enthusiastic welcome. Heritage Services followed by tea/coffee and biscuits on the following Sundays from 2.30pm: Sunday 22nd February with Revd. Julie Herbert Sunday 29th March with Dr Jill Barber Sunday 26th April with John Cooper (to be confirmed) Lent Bible Study begins with soup and bread at 12.00pm followed by study and discussion until 2.00pm - the dates are: Wednesdays: 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th March. All welcome - Englesea Brook Chapel and Museum of Primitive Methodism, Englesea Brook Lane, Crewe, Cheshire CW2 5QW, Tel: 01270 820836 [email protected] Chester Bible Focus, Introducing Alasdair Paine, “Bread of Life”. Four talks from John 6, 25th - 26th February at 7.30pm at All Saints Hoole, Chester. Tickets: £3 per night, £5 for series. Hoole Methodist Church invite you to their next concert in the “Music at Hamilton Street” series, this time featuring the highly acclaimed Rhos Orpheus Male Choir. During the 12 months the Choir have helped raise nearly £10,000 for the 3 Hospices across North Wales and the North West including the Hospice of the Good Shepherd. They went on a short tour of Germany and two CDs featuring the choir reached the top 10 of the UK Official Classical Compilation Chart. Saturday 7th March, 7.30pm at Hoole Methodist Church, tickets £7 (in advance) or £10 at the door. Further details 07939 645688 or [email protected] Chester & Stoke-on-Trent Methodist District District Roadshow: Israel/Palestine “From Abraham to Today”. A multi-media evening with drama, exposure, discovery and the human stories behind the headlines. Choice of four dates and venues. All meetings 7.30pm to 900pm. Tuesday 10th March at Frodsham, Kingsley Road, WA6 6BA Thursday 19th March at Trinity, Russell Street, Leek, ST13 5JF Friday 27th March at Wesley Place, Lawton Road, Alsager, ST7 2AF Monday 30th March at West End Stoke, 405 London Road, ST4 5AW Further information from [email protected] Chester & Stoke-on-Trent Methodist District World Church Meeting 10.00am on Tuesday 17th March, Wesley Place Methodist Church, Lawton Road, Alsager ST7 2AF. Revd. Jennie Henshall “Reflections on Zambia” and Revd. Derek Oldham “Partnership between Lancashire District and the Methodist Church in Uruguay”. All Welcome! Followed by buffet lunch (please book lunch 01260 273935). Please see the Notice Board in The Link for a copy of the January/February Bulletin from the World Church Relationships team. Kelsall Churches Training Partnership Spring Training Day. Creating Worship, a day with John L. Bell of the Iona Community’s Wild Goose Resource Group. Looking at two topics; ‘The Imagination as a Resource for Faith’ and ‘Songs from the Iona Community’. Saturday 18th April 10.00am – 4.00pm at Kelsall Methodist Church. Booking forms are available on the entrance table - places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment. Hoole Methodist Church are looking to stage a performance of Roger Jones Pentecost Musical “Saints Alive” on Sunday 24th May at 3.00pm. They would like to invite other singers to join in and anticipate holding rehearsals on Friday evenings and/or Sunday afternoons. If there is sufficient interest, it may be possible to stage a second performance at another Church in the Circuit (first come etc.!) and there is even the opportunity to include some short drama sketches if they have any acting volunteers! Before they can finalise their plans, they would be grateful if anyone in the Circuit can loan them copies of the music! If you would be interested in taking part or can loan the music, John Evans would be very pleased to hear from you on 07939 645688 or [email protected] Conference - Mental Health Matters: 5th - 7th June. Members of the DMLN, in partnership with Gill Dascombe, VicePresident of the Methodist Conference, are organising this event which will take place from Friday 5th to Sunday 7th June at Cliff College. Mental Health Matters is designed to provide training, support and advice to children and youth workers, ministers, lay employees and anyone else who wishes to learn more about mental health issues affecting members of their congregation. This year's theme will be 'Equipping Churches to Respond'. With keynotes and workshops covering mental health issues experienced by children and young people, adults and the elderly, Mental Health Matters seeks to provide essential tools which will enable members of the church to support those with mental health issues and help make the church a welcoming, inclusive, understanding and caring environment. To find out more, visit or email Claire Rakich [email protected]