Welcome to - Helsby Methodist Church
Welcome to - Helsby Methodist Church
Welcome to Helsby Methodist Church Minister: Revd. Steve Santry Manse: 722102 Minister’s Email: [email protected] Church Office: 727217 Office Email: [email protected] Church Website: www.helsbymethodist.org.uk Circuit Website: www.chesteranddelamereforest.org.uk Stewards: John Dearden 722292, Jon Ford 724968, Dave Taylor 724524, Dave Penny 724595, Gill Lockett 722093 Weekly Notices: Prepared by Andrea Walker 722557 or [email protected] Items for inclusion in the Notices should be advised before 10.00am on Friday Sunday 5th April Duty Steward: John Dearden 9.00am 10.00am 2.30pm A simple breakfast - Cereal, toast etc. and drinks in The Link Revd. Steve Santry - Multiplex Service, Easter Celebration and Communion Blakelees: Revd. Steve Santry - Communion Please ask a Steward about large print hymnbooks if required. Prayer is offered at the end of Morning Service – please sit on the front row and a member of the Prayer Team will come to you. You may notice a new banner at the back of the church. This has been made by the Kids Club which is held on a Wednesday afternoon for children of primary school age. Please take a look at the banner and the photos of the children who currently attend, and perhaps you could pray for the children and the leaders. The children have also made some Easter egg bunting which is near the front door - to wish Helsby Methodist Church a very Happy Easter! The Church Mice send their love and wish the congregation a very happy Easter and hope everyone will help themselves to a mouse sized Easter Egg after the multiplex service. Donations from the Lent Lunches raised £90 which will be given to the Circuit project. The first edition of Helsby Methodist Church's new newsletter is now available! Please pick up your copy in the porch if you haven't already received it by email. We hope you enjoy reading it. It is early days yet so constructive feedback is welcome! If you have anything you would like including in the Summer edition (the deadline for which will be in the weekly church notices nearer the time), please speak to any of the team: Cath Clarke, Emma Clarke, Hazel Dixon, Colin Holden, Janet Mather or Kate Wood. The Social Group. This small group requires a co-ordinator. We have one evening meeting early in the year to plan activities for the next 12 months. Any other arrangements are usually discussed after the morning service. The coordinator calls these meetings as necessary, books venues, puts details of events in The Notices and ensures there are enough helpers for each event. Any offers? Bos There will be a Kids Club Planning Meeting on Wednesday 15th April, 3.30pm in The Oasis for all helpers and anyone who would like to get involved. Coffee and Scones. There will be a Coffee Morning in The Link on Saturday 18th April from 10.00am – 12.00pm with a bring & buy and cake stall. All contributions gratefully received. Proceeds to the church charity. Bos We will be holding our Annual Church Meeting on Sunday 26th April. Everyone is invited to a faith lunch in The Link following the service. The proposal to the Meeting is that the church charity for this year should be the Karibuni Trust. This is a small charity working with the poor and disadvantaged children and families in Kenya. There is an important link with our church as one of the trustees is Karen Chalmers' father. Our link person from the group will be Nicola Lightfoot. Frodsham Methodist Church will host an election hustings for all the Weaver Vale Constituency Candidates on Thursday 30th April at 7.30pm in the Church. Doors open at 6.30pm for refreshments and people will have an opportunity to submit a written question for the candidates. All questions must be submitted by 7.15pm. The questions will be put to each candidate - due to election rules separate questions are not permitted to be asked of different candidates. It is hoped that friends from the churches in Frodsham and from the wider community would like to be involved and share in this evening which is likely to be the only hustings in Frodsham. Please contact Revd. Denise Harding with any questions or queries. West Cheshire Foodbank are currently in short supply of: Fruit Squash/Cordial, Sponge Puddings, Instant Pasta with Sauce, Cuppa Soups. “...foodbanks are part of a great big jigsaw of my recovery " Babs More Than Food will help foodbanks to widen their support beyond emergency food, allowing for the provision of other services and seeing them develop into community hubs. People in need will now be able to access emergency food and a range of support all in one location, removing access barriers and cutting down waiting times. Foodbank volunteers currently offer a listening ear, whilst signposting clients to local advisors and helping to address the underlying causes of their problems. These include: Enabling foodbanks to offer debt, benefits and financial advice. They are currently running a ‘Financial Triage’ pilot study with six foodbanks, generously funded by Martin Lewis, Money Saving Expert, whereby debt and money management charities partner with foodbanks to offer professional financial advice and help at the point of crisis. Offering basic life skills training courses, covering healthy eating and budgeting. The ‘Eat Well Spend Less’ cookery course has been successfully trialled in the Salisbury area, teaching people how to cook when on a low budget and is set to roll out across 28 foodbanks later this year. Many foodbanks offer toiletries and non-food items, for instance ‘Baby Basics’ provide new mothers with essential items and the ‘Big Wrap’ provides children with Christmas presents. Numerous foodbanks run breakfast clubs and school holiday meal projects, supporting families who find it difficult to manage when free school meals are not available. Fresh food is provided by foodbanks who have suitable storage facilities and contacts with local suppliers. Foodbank Delivery Rota 6th Apr - Andrea & Andrew Walker 13th Apr - Chris & David Critchley 20th Apr - Rob Wigmore 27th Apr - Ian Oulton 4th May - Lucy Penny 11th May - Geof & Viv Robinson 18th May - Colin Holden 25th May - Geof & Viv Robinson 1st June - Roger Brooks 8th June - Andrea & Andrew Walker 15th June - Chris & David Critchley Please remember in your prayers... Revd. Jackie Bellfield. Matthew Bickerton. Sue Cooper. Gwyneth Dodd. Karl & Sheila Fath. Alan, Carole & Dave Jones. Carol-Ann & Peter Lockett. Margaret & Tom Marcroft. Michael McIntyre. Pat Merriman. David & Wyn Ogilvy. Joan & Marshall Penney. Ron Walker Volker, Sharon & Samuel Würth Cliffe. For enquiries about the above named, please speak to Rob Wigmore or a Steward Activities for Week Commencing Monday 6th April Bank Holiday Monday Tuesday Walking Football for the Over 55s 5.00pm – 6.00pm at Frodsham Leisure Centre John & Norma’s Housegroup 8.00pm, 10 Landscape Dene (722292) Wednesday Thursday Music Group 6.30pm – 7.30pm in Church Friday Saturday Sunday 12th April Duty Steward: Dave Taylor 10.30am Revd. Denise Harding 6.30pm Blakelees: Dr. Ruth Lane News from Chester & Delamere Forest Circuit The Greenfields Africa Charity www.gfafrica.com/ need bicycles, general and garden tools, shoes and children’s clothing. They will be making a pickup from Saltney Methodist Church on Friday 10th April at noon but items may be left by arrangement after Easter Sunday. Contact Pam Kir [email protected] 01244 528954 Kelsall Churches Training Partnership Spring Training Day. Creating Worship, a day with John L. Bell of the Iona Community’s Wild Goose Resource Group. Looking at two topics; ‘The Imagination as a Resource for Faith’ and ‘Songs from the Iona Community’. Saturday 18th April 10.00am – 4.00pm at Kelsall Methodist Church. Booking forms are available on the entrance table - places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment. Quiz Night at Caldy Valley Neighbourhood Church Friday 24th April 7.00pm. Bring teams of 6 or make up teams on the night! Quiz-setter is Graham Evans. Tickets are £7 (which includes Ploughman's Supper). Names and numbers to Pauline Jackson (01244 343786) or Sue Morton (01244 348642) by 19th April please Hoole Methodist Church are staging a performance of Roger Jones’ Pentecost Musical “Saints Alive” on Sunday 24th May at 3.00pm. They invite other singers to join in. If you would be interested in taking part John Evans would be very pleased to hear from you on 07939 645688 or [email protected] Conference - Mental Health Matters: 5th - 7th June. Members of the DMLN, in partnership with Gill Dascombe, VicePresident of the Methodist Conference, are organising this event Friday 5th to Sunday 7th June at Cliff College. This year's theme will be 'Equipping Churches to Respond'. With keynotes and workshops covering mental health issues experienced by children and young people, adults and the elderly, Mental Health Matters seeks to provide essential tools which will enable members of the church to support those with mental health issues and help make the church a welcoming, inclusive, understanding and caring environment www.methodist.org.uk/mentalhealthmatters or email Claire Rakich [email protected]