St Joan of Arc, Farnham - Saint Joan of Arc Catholic Church
St Joan of Arc, Farnham - Saint Joan of Arc Catholic Church
St Joan of Arc, Farnham Fr Niven Richardson 19 Tilford Road, Farnham, GU9 8DJ Tel: 01252 716711 Parish Office email: [email protected] Website: FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8th February 2015 Psalter Week 1 Cycle B Year 1 We gather to worship God in union with Francis I, Our Pope. Saturday 7th February 9.30am 5.30pm 6.00pm Sunday 8th February 9.15am 11.15am 6.00pm Monday 9th February 10.00am Tuesday 10th February 8.00pm Wednesday 11th February 3.30pm Thursday 12th February 9.15am Friday 13th February 9.30am Saturday 14th February 9.30am Mass: Timothy Hobbs Confession & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Confession Mass: People of the Parish FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Mass: Fr John Geary CSSp RIP Baptism: Eliana Grace Hargrave PRAYER MINISTRY AFTER MASS Mass: Julian Ferreira RIP (anniv) PRAYER MINISTRY AFTER MASS Mass: Intentions for the Guy Family PRAYER MINISTRY AFTER MASS Eucharistic Service Mass: Dorothy Blondel-Francis RIP Mass: David Stephens RIP School Mass Year 5:Thanksgiving for recovery of Brian Wagstaff. This Mass is a school Mass and it begins as soon as the children arrive so please be aware that this Mass has a variable starting time. Mass: Brian Wagstaff’s recovery 5.30pm 6.00pm Sunday 15th February 9.15am 11.15am Mass: Tony Grech RIP (anniv) Confession & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Baptism: Dexter Cockren Confession Mass: People of the Parish SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Mass: Sean Connolly RIP Mass: Jan Baptiste & Marguerite Faure RIP 6.00pm Mass: Intentions for the Tommons Family Thank you very much for your generosity of £2530.64 (£1385.64, £1,145 standing orders) Transformation Project standing orders average £233pw. 2nd Collection 31stJan/1st Feb: The Catholic Education Service £255. 2nd Collection 7th/8th Feb: Sharing Day for Home Start 2nd Collection 14th/15th Feb: Lourdes Pilgrimage for the sick A&B Sharing Day collection this weekend. 7th/8th February. Mass attendance: 30th Jan/: Saturday Vigil 6pm = 133; Sunday 9.15am = 203; Sunday 11.15am =165 ; 6pm = 238; Total:= 739 Fridays are a day of Penance and abstinence from eating meat. ST JOAN’S PARISH OFFICE Parish Office & Centre Bookings 01252 716711 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] The Parish Office is open from 9.30-12.30 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday mornings. WEEKLY NEWSLETTERS/PARISH MAGAZINE: Please send articles to [email protected] PUBLICITY: Tony Tunstall Tel:703219 email:[email protected] WEBSITE: Mary Nolan [email protected] with any changes/updates to the website. ARCAID: Jenifer Davis Tel: 794369. Funding small charitable projects overseas. If you have a project you would like us to consider, please contact Jenifer. GIFT AID CONTACT: Gerry O’Donnell Tel: 724169 [email protected] RADIO STATION Sisters of the Holy Spirit: Sr Sujata, Sr Dolorina, Sr Simone, Sr Krystyna Tel: 722329 St Polycarp’s Catholic Primary School: Head - Mrs A.Gunn Tel: 716307 All Hallows Catholic School & 6th Form College: Head – Mrs E. Lutzeier Tel: 319211 The e-logo at the top of column 1 of this newsletter can be scanned with a smartphone or iPhone and will automatically download the parish website. PARISH GROUPS CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUP: Monday 10.30 -11.15am in the Centre Foyer. NO MEDITATION TILL FURTHER NOTICE. ROSARY GROUP: Meets on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7.25pm in St Joan’s Church. Next evening 3rd February. LIFE IN THE SPIRIT PRAYER GROUP: Thursdays 8pm in the Centre Foyer. 2015 information online at MOTHERS PRAYERS: Fridays after 9.30am Mass in the Centre Foyer. PRAYER MINISTRY takes place on the 2nd Sunday of every month in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel after Sunday Masses. PARENT TODDLER GROUP: Tuesdays 9.00-11.30am in the Centre, during term time. ST JOAN’S YOUTH CLUB: Fridays 7.00-9.00pm Year 7’s and above. HALF TERM BREAK/ HOLIDAYS 13th/20th February. Further details please call Clive 07980177601 or Vince 733876 email:[email protected] THE SECOND MONDAY CLUB (2:2 Club) Second Monday of the month 2pm - 4pm in the Centre. All retirees welcome. Games, chat, songs and tea. Next one 9th February 2015 Everyone is warmly welcome to attend these groups. . Let us pray for those in our families who are unwell at this time and especially for Sheila Trier, Timothy Hobbs, Theresa March, Agnes Tunstall, Brian Wagstaff, Mrs Phil Keough, IIona Main, Terry Taylor, Mary Tracey, Mary Lynch, Clare Caillard, Mary Myers We pray for the recently deceased Stephen Cheng RIP and Martin Scanlon RIP and Lydia Quick RIP whose Requiem Mass is at th 10am on Friday 20 February. And for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Julian Ferreira, Anita Merrett, Sydney Coon, Eileen Coon Philip Maguire, Philip Allmark, George Fox, Anthony Grech May the Lord grant them all a place in His Kingdom ARC BAND MUSIC NIGHT Saturday 28th February 8pm till late In the Parish Centre Tickets £5 will be on sale after Sunday Masses 7th/8th February and from the Parish Office. In aid of the Transformation Fund MEN’S EUCHARISTIC SERVICE + CURRY EVENING The next meeting of the parish men’s group will be on Tuesday 17 February at 8pm. Meet for the Service at the church and then we will go for an Indian meal at Mahaan’s (East St, Farnham). All the men of the parish are, of course, welcome. Contact: [email protected] COOKING FOR MEN If you are fed up with eating takeaways and ready cooked meals and would like to learn to cook simple quality meals yourself then sign up for Man and his Pan. This will be run on Thursdays from 11:00 a.m. to about 1.00 p.m. We will start on 19th February 2015. You will learn how to cook and will enjoy the meal at the end of the session. To pay for food and materials there will be a charge of £4.00 per person per week. Please sign the form in the Link or contact me on 01252 724169 or email me at [email protected]. Gerry O'Donnell SMALL GROUPS SMALL FAITH-SHARING GROUPS will be held in the parish throughout Lent. Come along and prepare in a spiritual way for the celebration of Easter. Each session will be based on the following Sunday’s Mass readings and offers the chance for reflection, thought and of course some socialising too. Sign Up sheets are now in The Link. Please choose your group and add your name to the list. th ADORE (Alton Day Of Renewal) – Saturday 28 February St Lucy’s Convent, Medstead Manor, Medstead. GU34 5LL Our theme for the year is Times of Refreshing. 11am – 4pm for more information see poster or website: or telephone Alastair Emblem on 01252 714809 . PARENTING COURSES hosted by The Parish of Guildford, St Joseph’s Church, 12 Eastgate Gardens, th Guildford on Wednesday 11 March 2015: 9.30am for coffee – finishes 4.00pm. Pre registration is essential at [email protected]. Please inform St Joan’s Parish Office if you Register for this course. Thank you. Poster on noticeboard. FAMILIA ‘S DAY ‘We need to talk about Suicide’: At Vaughan House, Westminster, on Thursday 19th March. Aimed at those who work with young people. Contact Maria O’Brien on 01279316064 [email protected] ARUNDEL & BRIGHTON DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO th th LOURDES:30 July to 7 August 2015 – Application forms are available in the church or from the Pilgrimage Office and can be downloaded from the Lourdes website Pilgrims requiring any level of medical, nursing or carer assistance should contact the Pilgrimage Office direct on 01403 740110. st Homily Summary 1 February Faith begins in our mind. We use our minds to ask why are we here on earth? Why are we alive? What purpose is life for? Then faith in God moves to our heart when we love Him. Then faith moves to our actions as we go to live out that which began in our mind and moved to our heart. th GOLDEN JUBILEE FESTIVAL 5 July 2015 Susie Duffy will be speaking at Sunday Masses regarding Jubilee 50. Further details and flyers will be available shortly. The Diocese celebrates 50 years of existence in 2015. There is to be a major event at Brighton & Hove Football Ground, the Amex Stadium in Falmer. Fantastic speakers, family activities, entertainment and Mass of Thanksgiving. For more details email [email protected] SIGN UP SHEETS are in the link for coach travel from Farnham. Parish contact Susie Duffy [email protected] SISTERS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT MEETING Holy Spirit Mission Association meeting: Monday 23 February 2015, 7.30 pm, in the SSpS Sisters’ Convent. You are most welcome. Sr. Krystyna Szweda SSpS CAFOD: Visitor from Myanmar (Burma) We invite you to come and hear a CAFOD visitor from Myanmar(Burma) Fr. Pius Win Than is the Associate Director or Caritas Pathein , a local CAFOD partner based in Myanmar. Fr Win Than has been working in Caritas since 2005, supporting his staff wherever necessary; whether that is travelling to the project areas to meet the communities or putting his staff in contact with the township authorities. Caritas Pathein works with the poor and vulnerable communities in the Diocese of Pathein, helping them to increase their job opportunities and income, increase their access to health care , increase their understanding of their basic human rights, and help communities to mitigate disasters. Date: Tuesday 17th of February ` Location: Our Lady of Sorrows, Effingham, Surrey KT24 5JP Time: 7pm (Mass at 6pm for those wanting to attend) Refreshments will be served. The event is free and open to all. We will learn about CAFOD’s new campaign One Climate One World Call CAFOD A&B on 01483 898 866 or [email protected] th WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER – 6 March The Women's World day of Prayer takes place at the Church of St Joan of Arc, on Friday 6th March at 10.30am. The Christian Women of the Bahamas have put together this year's Service; themed 'Jesus Said to Them: Do You Know What I Have Done To You?' Men, women and children are most welcome to this Service. Please come in bright colours and bring all things in bright colours with you if you wish; flowers, pictures of the Bahamas etc. All welcome. CHILDREN OF ST JOAN OF ARC FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2015 th The Programme will start on Saturday 28 February with 9.00am Mass followed by an Introduction to Confession under the guidance of Fr Niven, Sr Krystana and the FHC Team.01252 716711 or [email protected] FIRST HOLY COMMUNION DRESSES & ACCESSORIES SALE nd in St Joan’s Centre on Monday 2 March from 3.30pm YOUTH OF ST JOAN OF ARC CONFIRMATION EXPERIENCE 2015 Please sit in pews allocated for you at the front of the church on Sunday evenings. Please check your emails for updates. Please collect a prayer card from Fr Niven at the end of Mass. . THE ARUNDEL AND BRIGHTON DIOCESAN TRUST IS A REGISTERED CHARITY NO. 252878