Missing Overdue Assignments


Missing Overdue Assignments
Missing/Overdue assignments
[email protected]
Reply To
[email protected]
[Starfish] Missing/Overdue Assignments
Dear Rachel Lands,
Based on your course grades, you've been flagged for missing or overdue assignments
in Introduction to Microbiology. Please discuss your options for this class with your instructor.
We believe that you can be successful in your academic studies. Our institution has many
resources that can aid your effort to improve academic performance and assist with personal
Please contact your instructor, or consider contacting an advisor in the TCC Advising
Center in the Student Union for resources and suggestions for improvement.
Below are your instructor's comments:
Rachel missed 3 assignments this month.
We hope you are able to make positive steps in your academic and career goals. TCC cares
about your success!
Student Success & Retention Team
Tallahassee Community College