2015 surgical nursing conference - University of Iowa Hospitals and


2015 surgical nursing conference - University of Iowa Hospitals and
The purpose of this conference is to
present information to nurses who care for a
variety of surgical patients in a range of settings.
1. Identify new trends in the surgical treatment of craniofacial problems including
advances in distraction osteogenesis,
endoscopic vault remodeling, and outcomes research.
2. Examine the role of BIS (bispectral index)
monitoring while under anesthesia.
Evaluate the outcome of routine use of BIS
intra-operative monitoring.
3. Describe the challenges and goals related
to patient education.
4. Identify ethical concerns with using living
donors and explain the new kidney
allocation model.
5. Discuss surgical options for treating skin
cancer. Describe when Mohs micrographic
surgery is indicated for treatment of skin
6. Define neuroendocrine tumors and
identify available treatment options. List
the advantages of surgical intervention of
neuroendocrine tumors.
7. Discuss surgical treatment of female
8. Review current strategies for the
improvement of post-operative pain
management in patients undergoing major
abdominal surgery.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics and
UI Carver College of Medicine
Intended Audience: Licensed Nurses
Presiding: Donna Dolezal, MSN, RN, CPAN, BC,
Nurse Manager, Ambulatory Surgery Center Pre/Post
Op, Department of Nursing
Holiday Inn Hotel & Conference Center, 1220 1st Avenue, Coralville, IA
(North at I-80 exit 242; adjacent to Hampton Inn)
7:30 am Registration
What’s New in Craniofacial Surgery: Less Invasive, More Effective –
M Fisher
BIS Monitoring During Anesthesia & Perioperative Outcomes – Y El-Hattab
Patient Education, Challenges and Goals – K Abel
Transplant Update – A Korsun
12:30 pm Surgical Treatment of Skin Cancer – M Moye
Surgical Management of Neuro-endocrine Tumors – K Buck
Urologic Surgical Treatment of Female Incontinence – S Faris
Pain Management Strategies in Abdominal Surgery – R Temple
Program Evaluation and CEU Recording
Topics and/or speakers are subject to change in case of an unavoidable circumstance.
Nursing Credits: 0.74 CEUs will be granted by
UI Hospitals and Clinics Department of Nursing (IBN Approved Provider #34).
Participants must attend the entire program to receive full credit.
Visit our web site at http://www.uihealthcare.org/NursingContinuingEducation
and download program information and registration forms or request program brochures.
Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa-sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires an
accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact the Department of Nursing in advance at (319) 356-4304.
The University of Iowa prohibits discrimination in employment, educational programs, and activities on the basis of race, national origin, color, creed,
religion, sex, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or associational preference. The University also affirms its commitment to
providing equal opportunities and equal access to University facilities. For additional information on nondiscrimination policies, contact the Office of
Equal Opportunity and Diversity, (319) 335-0705 (voice) and (319) 335-0697 (text), 202 Jessup Hall, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1316.
Mark Fisher, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor of
Surgery – Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Yasser El-Hattab, MD, FRCA, MME, Assistant Clinical
Professor of Anesthesia
Kendra Abel, MA, REHS/RS, CHES, CGW, Patient
Education Program Manager, UI Health Care
Angie Korsun, MSN, RN, MPA, Chief Administrative
Officer, Organ Transplant Center
Molly Moye, MD, House Staff, Dermatology
Kelly Buck, BSN, RN, OCN, Nurse Clinician
Specialist, Holden Comprehensive Cancer
Sarah Faris, MD, Fellow Associate, Urology
Robert Temple, BSN, RN, Nurse Clinician Specialty, Anesthesia, Center for Pain
Medicine and Regional Anesthesia
Conference Planning Committee:
UI Hospitals & Clinics Department of Nursing Medical &
Surgical Division – Jenniffer Carpe, BSN, RN, CNML and
Molly Jamieson, BSN, RN, OCN; Ambulatory Surgery
Center -- Donna Dolezal, MSN, RN, CPAN, BC; Ambulatory
Nursing – Carmen Kealey, MA, RN, CAPA.
Personal Identifier:
Birth Month/Day
__ __ / __ __ /
__ __ __ __
Last 4 digits of SSN
Name: _____________________________________________
Home Address: _____________________________________
City/State/Zip Code
Home Phone Number: ________________________________
Nursing License Number: ______________________________
Employer Address: ___________________________________
(If UIHC, provide Division/Unit/Campus Address)
City/State/Zip Code
Work Phone Number: ________________________________
Position Title: _______________________________________
E-mail Address: _____________________________________
* The UI requests this information for the sole purpose of processing
your registration.
$60; $75 if postmarked after 3/2/15 (or
received after deadline with no postmark)
UIHC Staff: $30; $45 if postmarked after
3/2/15 (or received after deadline with no
Make Check Payable To:
UI Hospitals & Clinics
Mail Form & Fee To:
Karen K. Marek, Conference Coordinator
UI Hospitals & Clinics Department of Nursing
W431 GH, 200 Hawkins Drive
Iowa City, IA 52242-1009
 Send future brochures to my e-mail address
Confirmation letters will not be mailed;
receipts and maps provided upon request only.
General Information
Pre-registration required. Confirmation and
receipts provided only upon request.
$60; $75 if postmarked after 3/2/15 (or
received after deadline with no postmark)
UIHC Staff: $30; $45 if postmarked after
3/2/15 (or received after deadline with no
The registration fee covers the cost of record keeping
expenses, program materials, faculty expenses, CEU
recording, breaks and the noon luncheon.
Surgical Nursing
Mail to:
Karen Marek, Conference Coordinator
UI Hospitals & Clinics Department of Nursing, W431 GH
200 Hawkins Dr, Iowa City, IA 52242
Full refund if notification received on or
before March 17, 2015.
Nursing Credit: 0.74 CEUs (1 CEU = 10 contact hours)
Hotel: Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Center,
1220 1 Avenue, Coralville (north at exit 242; adjacent
to Hampton Inn)
Room Reservations: Call the Holiday Inn direct at
1-319-351-5049 or 1-800-HOLIDAY by 2/21/2015; ask for
the Surgical Nursing Conference block.
Room temperatures fluctuate; dress accordingly.
March 24, 2015
Holiday Inn Conference Center
1220 1 Avenue, Coralville, IA
(north at I-80 exit 242, adjacent to
Hampton Inn)
The UI Hospitals and Clinics Department of Nursing’s
continuing education programs are developed under
the supervision of Lou Ann Montgomery, PhD, RN-BC.
Questions concerning CE programs may be directed to the
Nursing Clinical Education Center at 319-356-4304.
CE Offerings for 2015
sponsored by UI Hospitals & Clinics Department of Nursing:
Mar 7: Perianesthesia
Mar 24: Surgical Nursing
Mar 31-Apr 1: Scofield Advanced Oncology Nursing
Apr 14: Care of Orthopaedic Patients with Joint Pathology (with
Hawkeye Chapter #149 NAON)
Apr 23-24: National Evidence Based Practice
Sept 15-16: Neuroscience Nursing
Sept 24: GI Nursing
Oct 5: Women’s Health
Oct 6: Obstetrical Nursing
Oct 7: Neonatal Update
Oct 8: Pediatric Update
Oct 22: Med Pysch Nursing
More Information: Call 319-356-4304 or
e-mail [email protected]
2015 Surgical Nursing Conference
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Registration Form
The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Department of Nursing, 200 Hawkins Drive
Iowa City, IA 52242-1009
2015 Surgical Nursing Conference
sponsored by
Department of Nursing Services
and Patient Care
IBN Approved Provider #34