Resume - Alex Hughes
Resume - Alex Hughes
Alex Hughes [email protected] (630)550-7538 UX Designer Education Indiana University, Bloomington, IN Spring 2013 Bachelor of Science in Informatics Telecommunications Cognate, Computer Science Minor Indiana University, Bloomington, IN Master of Science in Human Computer Interaction Design Relevant Experience Design Intern WisdomTools — Bloomington, IN Spring 2015 Summer 2013–Present • Helping to design and develop educational games in Unity by building environments, brainstorming ideas, programming, and play testing games • Designed and wireframed Interfaces and menus for players to interact with. • Designed and helped run usability tests to test new game mechanics Software Designer/Programmer Power Up Education — Bloomington, IN Spring 2012–Spring 2013 • Designed and developed an educational platformer game from scratch. • Used design methods such as sketching, ideation, and usability testing to aid with the design process. • Gained hands on experience with planning and designing a product from beginning to end. Associate instructor Indiana University - Bloomington, IN Fall 2013 – Present • Leading a lab teaching students the basics of html, css, python, and more. • Working with the instructor to update the material taught in the class. Academic Projects UI/UX Designer Tomorrow Top UI/UX Designer That’s so Fetch Spring 2014 A new playground experience that is meant for both parents and kids, it is blacktop that morphs to different sizes and shapes, by lowering and raising parts of the blacktop using a table from afar. Fall 2013 Co-Designed a device that allow an owner to play with their dog while they are away. Methods Affinity Diagramming Critiquing Ideation Research Storytelling Sketching Personas Problem Framing Prototyping Usability testing Utilizing Constraints Wireframing Tools Sketch 3 Axure RP Photoshop Premiere Pro After Effects Unity Illustrator Notebook Languages C# Python Java HTML/CSS