This Week - Chepstow Methodist Church


This Week - Chepstow Methodist Church
This Week
Chepstow Methodist Church
15th – 21st February
Albion Square
Minister: Rev Andrew Webster
7.00 – 9.00 p.m.
10.00 - 11.15 a.m.
No Parents and Toddlers
10.00 - 11.15 a.m.
10.00 - 12.00 p.m.
5.30 p.m.
7.30 p.m.
No Parents and Toddlers
House Group at 37 St George Rd
Pancake Party
Wesley Guild – Pancakes
Wednesday10.00 - 11.15 a.m.
2.45 p.m.
6.30 - 8:00 p.m.
7.00 p.m.
7.30 p.m.
No Parents and Toddlers
Women’s Fellowship
House Group at 47 Wyebank Rd
Ash Wednesday Service
9.30 a.m.
10.45 a.m.
11.00 -11.30 a.m.
11.45 - 12.20 p.m.
12.30 p.m.
7.30 p.m.
No Bible Study – Youth Room
Dementia Friends Training
No Prayer Group
No Mid Week Worship
No Lunch Club
Dynamic Prayer
10.00 - 11.15 a.m.
10.30 - 11.30 a.m.
3.00 – 4.30 p.m.
No Parents and Toddlers
Food Co-op
Craft & Creation
Mount Pleasant House, Mount Pleasant,
Chepstow NP16 5PS
Telephone: 01291 622100
E-mail: [email protected]
Church web address:
The Beacon Coffee Shop
Open: Monday – Wednesday & Friday
10.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.
All activities at Albion Square unless otherwise stated.
Sunday 15th February 2015
Church web address:
9.00 a.m.
10.30 a.m.
6.00 p.m.
9.00 a.m.
10.30 a.m.
Worship Today
Rev Andrew Webster
Rev Andrew Webster – All Age
Keith Town Wholeness & Healing
John & Eileen Westlake
Catherine & Justin Cooke
Matthew 6:16-18,
We extend a very warm welcome to all who join us in worship today.
If you are a visitor or have recently moved into the area,
Please make yourself known to the Minister, a Steward or the
Person sat next to you.
Tea & coffee will be served, in the hall, after the 10.30 Service;
Large print books and a hearing loop are available.
Please ask a steward
Introduction to Worship
Worship Sunday 22nd February
9.00 a.m.
10.30 a.m.
9.00 a.m.
10.30 a.m.
Margaret Andersen
Rev Lin Healey
Stuart & Linda Nuttall
Grace Manning & Norma Jones
Have mercy on us Lord, according to your unfailing love
Forgive us of our sins
Please remember in your prayers this week all who are housebound and no
longer able to worship with us also Ruby Bickle, Chris Byrne, Doug Stephens
and Joan Anderson.
Long-term prayer concerns will be covered by the Church prayer groups. If anybody
requires prayer after either service, for themselves or for another, please ask a steward,
who will arrange it for you.
Cleaning – Justin & Catherine Cooke
This Week’s Church Flowers are in memory of Kath Vallis
The Funeral of Herbert Fox is on Monday 23rd February 10am at Gwent crematorium
followed by a service of thanksgiving 11.30am at Chepstow Methodist Church followed by
Chepstow & District Debt Centre (CAP) – We now have two clients who are working
with us. Thanks to your generosity in donating your Christmas presents we are able to
give client A a present for her birthday
Sidmouth visit 18th-20th September 2015. Once again thanks to everyone for your
deposits. Shall now be collecting further monies please or cheques for the total stay as
soon as you find possible. I will arrange to be at the Beacon, on Monday 23rd & Tuesday
the 24th February from 10-1pm for you to call in with payment and discuss bedroom plan,
or I will see you at Church. Many thanks Graham.
Easter Breakfast – Margaret Harvey will not be available for Easter Breakfast this year.
So we are looking for volunteer(s) to organise and help run the breakfast. If you feel you
could help in this way, please make yourself known to any of the Church Stewards. If you
need any information as to what is involved, please contact Margaret Harvey.
Average weekly offerings - average for the 4 months to 31st December 2014 was
£1,100 (approx. £1,017 required to cover our costs). This excludes the offerings for
charities at our Christmas Services which totalled £980. We give thanks & trust in God’s
Provision. For further information on Church finances please contact Sue Chimes
Diary Dates
Tuesday 17th February – 5.30pm - Pancake Party - In the
Church Hall. Come along for fun and games, and pancakes!! All
are welcome
Tuesday 17th February – 7.30pm - The Wesley Guild – Quiz &
Games evening with Pancakes. All Welcome
Wednesday 18th February– 2.45pm - Women’s Fellowship –
Open to everyone who would like to join us, not only Women’s
Fellowship members
Wednesday 18th February – 7.30pm – Ashing Service for Ash
Wednesday. A service of Holy Communion to start Lent. The
service will include the chance to receive ashes on our foreheads
as a sign of humility and repentance.
Thursday 19th February - 10.45am - Dementia Friends
Training. This is another chance to receive some introductory
dementia awareness provided by the Alzheimer's Society. The
course is an hour after which you are qualified as a 'Dementia
Friend'. A number of us attended the course last year and found it
most worthwhile. This event is open to anyone who is interested
in knowing more about this very important issue and will be
delivered by Christine Lovett
Alpha Weekend Away – Friday 27th February to Sunday 1st March 2015 - the current
course is taking guests to Cefn Lea, a Christian holiday and conference centre in mid
Wales. If you, or someone you know, have done the Alpha course but never attended a
weekend away and would like to join us, please contact Isobel Mead on (620409 or 07748
194300) ASAP
Friday 20th February – 10.30-11.30am – Food Co-op Scheme.
Collect and order your next bag of veg &/or fruit &/or salad) for
the following week. For more information please speak to Lesley
Finnie or Pauline Davies.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Party - We are in need of old crockery (inc. chipped or
cracked), (NON-RETURNABLE) for one of the games at our Pancake Party, and people
willing to provide 6 or more pancakes, which we can re-heat on the night. If you are able
to come and help in the kitchen or with the games, please let me know asap.Come along
and join in the fun. Thankyou;
Angela Horder 07843788534
Friday 20th February – 3-4.30pm – Craft & Creation – Come
and join us, to learn a new craft or perfect an old one such as
Cardmaking, Crochet, Painting, plus occasionally flower
arranging and Calligraphy. Cost £3 to include refreshments.
Contact Debbie in the Beacon for more info,
The Spring Envoy will be available for collection in the hall on Sunday 1st March.
Lent Lunches – Don’t forget - Every Saturday from 21st February – 28th March
Info for Notices for Sunday 22nd February to be with me by Tuesday 17th
Follow us on Facebook or use the web page to keep up to date.
If you have anything you wish to be included on the notice-sheet, please contact
Hazel Williams preferably by e-mail [email protected]
By Tuesday @ 1pm
Do you know anyone who is sick, bereaved or in need of a visit or flowers?
Or has moved to this area or Church?
If so, please contact Elena Johnson or Kathy Griffin
February –
March – 12-1.15pm - Lent Lunch
– Chepstow Methodist Church - Minimum donation £3 (family deals can be negotiated!). Come and enjoy a simple meal
of homemade soup. The Lunch is served by volunteers from Our
church ( & Cate Phillips)this week; all proceeds will be donated to
Christian Aid. Please come to help and/or support Last year we
raised £688 for Christian Aid from these lunches. Enjoy a time of
fellowship over a bowl of soup to help those who live on the
margins of life. Cynthia Giles
Saturday 21st February - 2-4pm - Workshop at Trinity for Local
Preachers and Worship Leaders. (Trinity Methodist Church,
Glasllwch Lane, Newport, NP20 3PU)Lead by Gill Dascombe
Sunday 22nd February - 10.30am – Combined Worship - Bishpool
(Bishpool Methodist Church, Ringland Circle, Newport, NP19 9PL)
6pm - Worship at Trinity (Circuit Service), both services to be
taken by Gill Dascombe.
Mrs Gill Dascombe, Vice-President of the Methodist Conference is
visiting the circuit on February 21st and 22nd. Gill’s father, the
late Rev J Victor Staton, was the superintendent minister in
Newport before his sudden death. His widow, Margaret remained
in the area for many years and trained as a local preacher, with
others, locally. Gill is also a gifted local preacher and during her
time with us, Gill has agreed to lead a workshop, aimed at local
preachers and worship leaders on the Saturday afternoon at
Trinity at 2pm. Those who are thinking about becoming a local
preacher or worship leader may also find it interesting to come
Thursday 26th February - 9.30am - Bible Study - In the youth
room. All welcome.
Friday, 6th March - 1.45pm - Women's World Day of Prayer
service. The service has been prepared by the women of The
Bahamas, and is open to both women and men. It is organised by
a committee from all denominations in Chepstow and is part of a
world-wide service of praise involving millions of people. We would
be grateful for some volunteers to be stewards and to do
refreshments after the service. If you are able to help, please
contact either Merrill Johns or Beryl Quinlan. Thank you
Saturday 7th March – 3-5.30pm – Messy Church – Come to
Messy Church!! When families come together, enjoy being
together, make things together, eat together and celebrate God
together!! Bring your friends and their families too!! For further
details contact Angela Horder (07843788534)
Saturday 14th March – 9am – Sons of Adam Men’s Breakfast –
All welcome for a good old Full English. Please let Tony Williams
know if you are going.
Saturday 21st March - 3pm – Accreditation Service for Yvette
Edwards at Caldicot Methodist Church
Chepstow foodbank - Due to extremely generous donations over the
last few months, our food stock levels remain healthy but there are a
number of items that are ongoing requirements: Tinned Potatoes, Tinned
Carrots, Tinned Sweetcorn, Instant Mash, Long Life Milk, and Sugar.
When it's a struggle to provide food for a family, other necessities then
suffer, so donations of Toiletries would be welcome - especially Toilet
Roll and Men's Deodorant. Over our 3 distribution centres we have an
amazing group of volunteers who give freely of their time. We have room
for more volunteers to help out at the Town Council Offices Centre on
Mondays sometime between 10am and 1pm. This could be on a regular
or ad hoc basis. If you are, or know anyone who is interested, have a
read of our website www.chepstow.foodbank. and/or contact
Sarah Coleman on (07507 468396) [email protected].
Thank you Hilary Collins