Order of service - Central Presbyterian Church
Order of service - Central Presbyterian Church
SERMON NOTES CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Central Presbyterian Church 165 Charlton Avenue West Hamilton, ON L8P 2C8 905.522.9098 [email protected] www.cpchamilton.ca Church Office Hours: Tuesday through Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. (Office closed from 12:00 to 1:00 for lunch) Clerk of Session – Mary Edwards Chair of Trustees – Scott Barnard Fellowship Chair – Beth Mackay Reilly Discipleship Chair – Jeremy Sandor Mission Chair – David Wilson Resource Management Chair – Frances Searle Worship Chair – Elspeth Thomson 905-388-3407 905-383-2770 905-525-2704 905-525-4027 905-527-8675 905-679-9098 905-522-8866 Interim Moderator: The Rev. Curtis Bablitz Ministry Associate: The Rev. Harry McWilliams Minister Emeritus: The Rev. Dr. Alan M. McPherson Director of Music: Paul Grimwood Director of Family Ministries (Faith Finders): Sara Traficante CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH February 15, 2015 – 10:30 a.m. ~ The Sacrament of Baptism ~ * * * PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION * RESPONSIVE READING (p. 504) * GLORIA PATRI Psalm 29 OUR APPROACH TO GOD Grave and Adagio (Sonata 2) Felix Mendelssohn OLD TESTAMENT (p. 672) A MOMENT OF SILENCE Isaiah 43:1-7 ANTHEM – Sing we merrily THE CALL TO WORSHIP NEW TESTAMENT (p. 34) * HYMN – Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 83 Lector: This is the word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. PRAYERS OF ADORATION, CONFESSION & PARDON SERMON: ‘THROUGH WATER AND FIRE’ The Rev. Curtis Bablitz WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM * HYMN – Jesus, Friend so kind and gentle * HYMN – O Love that casts out fear OUR RESPONSE TO GOD THE OFFERING PARENTS’ BAPTISMAL VOWS CONGREGATIONAL PROMISE * THE APOSTLE’S CREED SOLO – The Call Tom Fleming, bass See Insert PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING THE BAPTISM * THE AARONIC BLESSING – The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. * HYMN – Jesus, Friend so kind and gentle (Children leave for Faith Finders) GOD SPEAKS TO US * Ralph Vaughan Williams THE DOXOLOGY AND PRESENTATION OF GIFTS Praise God from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below: Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. PRAYERS OF DEDICATION, THANKSGIVING & SUPPLICATION THE LORD’S PRAYER [trespasses] 605 * HYMN – All the way my Saviour leads me ELDER’S PRAYER CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER: IN UNISON 77 340 vs. 1, 2 PREAMBLE * Mark 1:1-11 See Insert 340 vs. 3 508 * THE BENEDICTION (You are invited to join with the choir in the Amen) Allegro maestoso and fugue (Sonata 2) Felix Mendelssohn * Indicates standing. Please feel free to remain seated. ANTHEM – Sing we merrily Sing we merrily unto God our strength; make a cheerful noise unto the God of Jacob. Take the psalm, bring hither the tabret, the merry harp with the lute. Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, even in the time appointed, and upon our solemn feast day. For this was made a statute for Israel and a law of the God of Jacob. Alleluia. FAITH FINDERS: A Family Prayer Loving God, We know your son, Jesus, taught us to hold on tight to true values. To respect and help people. To treat people well and not to cheat them in any way. Help us always to stick to the true Way. Amen CHARLTON CLUB: Charlton Club, a group for young people in Grades 6 to 12, meets on Wednesday evenings from 6-8 pm on the following dates: February 4 - April 29 with the exception of March 18 (March break). Please note the change in time. th 6:00-6:15 Sign in and snack 6:15-6:45 Worship Skills 6:45-7:15 Recreation 7:15-8:00 Bible Time SOLO – The Call Ralph Vaughan Williams Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life: Such a Way, as gives us breath: Such a Truth, as ends all strife: Such a Life, as killeth death. Come, my Light, my Feast, my Strength: Such a Light, as shows a feast: Such a Feast, as mends in length: Such a Strength, as makes his guest. Come, my Joy, my Love, my Heart: Such a Joy, as none can move: Such a Love, as none can part: Such a Heart, as joyes in love. THE BENEDICTION: All young people from Central, neighbouring churches and the community are most welcome to attend. Charlton Club is an intergenerational midweek program bringing young people and adults together through play, Bible teaching, dinner and worship. Visitors are always welcome! ~ A warm welcome to The Rev. Curtis Bablitz, Interim Moderator, who leads us in worship this morning. ~ CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER: IN UNISON Holy God, Father of us all, remind us of your promise given in our own baptism, and renew our trust in you. You have called us from death to life and we offer ourselves to you. Make us strong to obey your will and bind us to your Word, that we may faithfully serve you and with your church through all ages praise and thank you for your redeeming love in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen. Notes for First-Time Worshippers at Central We invite you to take home the bookmark from the Welcome Card, as a reminder of your visit. If you would like to know more about us, fill in the information insert in the card, detach it and place it on the offering plate. Before you leave, please sign the guest book in the vestibule. Infant care is available during the service. Please feel free to keep your little ones with you in church. For the nursery, go through the door at the front of the sanctuary (right side). Once through, walk to the end of the corridor where you will see the nursery. Washrooms are available in the same corridor. Children are invited to attend Faith Finders during the worship service. Our congregation follows the Presbyterian Church in Canada Leading with Care policy, which seeks to ensure a “Climate of Safety for Children, Youth and Vulnerable Adults”. Receiving Baptism this morning is Juniper Rose Sandor, daughter of Jeremy and Christine Sandor. TODAY • • • • • • • • • Welcome & Announcements: Sara Traficante Lector: Kennedy Altenburg Offering Prayers: Rev. Dr. Alan McPherson Duty Manager: Jim Kilby Greeters: Brian and Eleanor Gallaugher and their children, Michael and Meaghan Head Usher: Jim Ruddle Nursery This Week: Adrienne Seabrook and Kelly Pearce Nursery Next Week: Brigitte Ziemann and Linda Pearson Sunday Custodian: Mindi Hood ~ 11:40 am – Refreshments in the Church Hall ~ THIS WEEK IN THE CONGREGATION MONDAY TUESDAY 10:30 am – Home Group Meeting at the home of Dave and Mary Edwards. 10:00 am - ‘Knit & Knatter’ in the Guild Room. New knitters most welcome to come and help us knit hats, scarves, prayer shawls and baby blankets. 4:30 pm – Trustee Meeting in the Allan Room. 7:30 pm – Mission Committee Meeting in the Allan Room. 7:30 pm – RMC Committee Meeting in the Board Room. WEDNESDAY 6:00 pm – Charlton Club meets in the Church Hall. THURSDAY 10:00 am – Home Group Meeting led by Jim Dunlop in the Guild Room. 4:00 pm – Hamilton Out of the Cold in the Church Hall. 7:30 pm – Home Group Meeting at the home of Donna and Rev. Franklin Thomas. SATURDAY 9:00 am – Chapel Prayers in McPherson Chapel. SUNDAY 10:00 am – Prayer Circle in the Guild Room. 10:15 am – Prayers in the Vestry. 10:30 am – Worship. 3:00 pm – Sundays At Three. ~ ELDERS: Please pick up your Communion Packages from the Narthex before you leave today. ~ THE PRAYER TEAM confidentially prays for your concerns. Please contact Karen McWilliams. NEWS FROM THE PEWS – Please remember and continue to keep Dawn Salemi, Eileen Reynolds, Kay Lumsden, Doris Middleton, Jean Walker, Phyllis Wilson, Gordon Brownhill, Glenn Gibson, Richard Phillips and Chuck Scott in your prayers. CHANCEL FLOWERS – If you would like to place flowers in the chancel on a specific Sunday morning throughout the year, please call Johanna de Bruin. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETIING - Please make note that the date of the Annual General Meeting is next Sunday, February 22nd, 2015. A light luncheon will be served immediately after the worship service followed by the annual meeting in the Church Hall. We encourage everyone to attend -- this is your chance to be informed and involved in the life of your church community! Hope to see you there. CENTRAL’S UPCOMING ANNUAL MEETING - If you would like to contribute to the luncheon provided before the meeting, please place your name beside one of the menu items outlined on the sign-up sheet in the Church Hall. two, clap hands, tap toes and sing along. This will be an evening you won’t want to miss. Free admission. A free will offering will be taken. COPIES of the Daily Devotional Booklet ‘Today’ for Mar/Apr 2015 are available on the small tables throughout the Church. You are encouraged to “Take Ten”, that is to take ten minutes each day to read and then reflect on the Bible text and commentary printed in the booklet. It will help you grow as a more disciplined disciple of Jesus. SUNDAYS AT THREE – Beginning next Sunday, February 22nd, join Chris Teeuwsen, organist of MacNab Presbyterian Church, as he performs music by Langlais, Reger and Bach. Free will offering FOOD DRIVE – We are continuing to collect donations of non-perishable food items which will be given through Hamilton Food Share to less fortunate Hamilton families. Please place any items that you bring in the blue boxes located at the front entrance in the narthex. A list of “Most Needed Items” has been posted for your consideration. Thank you in advance for your donations! MEN’S BREAKFAST CLUB – The next meeting of the Men’s Breakfast Club is on Saturday, February 28th at 8:00 am in the Church Hall. This is an excellent opportunity to meet up for good food and a time for fellowship. Full breakfast will be available at a cost of $7.00. Please make sure you sign up in advance on the list in the Church Hall. PRAYER CIRCLE – During the vacancy, you are invited to join us in a time of prayer each Sunday morning at 10:00 am in the Guild Room. Everyone welcome. THE REV. HARRY McWILLIAMS will be away on vacation from January 19th to February 23rd. In the event of a pastoral emergency during this time, please contact either your district elder or The Rev. Curtis Bablitz who can be reached at 905.335.2640 (Brant Hills Presbyterian Church) or 905.464.2082 (cell phone). SAVE THE DATE - THE TORCHMEN ARE COMING TO CENTRAL! – Saturday, April 18th, 2015 at 7:30 pm. Known for years for their Southern Gospel Music, this male quartet has touched many souls with the ageless message of Christ. Their audiences have been known to laugh, shed a tear or I believe in God, the Father Almighty; creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, God=s only Son, Our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; He descended to the dead. On the third day He rose again; He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father, and He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. Amen.