Sunday News - College Hill Church of Christ


Sunday News - College Hill Church of Christ
College Hill
Church of Christ
7447 N. College Circle
North Richland Hills,
Texas 76180-6298
[email protected]
Information Line:
Web Address:
Schedule of Services:
Bible Class: 9:00 a.m.
Worship: 10:00 a.m.
Evening: 5:00 p.m.
First Service: 5:30 p.m.
Second Service: 7:00 p.m.
Children’s Class: 7:00 p.m.
Ladies Bible Class
10 a.m.
Recorded Sermons:
Visit our webpage:
Thank you for being with
us in worship. Our desire
is to please the Lord Jesus
Christ and God the Father,
honoring them as they
have asked of us in
Sermon Notes:
College Hill Church of Christ
(February 15, 2015)
Ethan Adams– Song Leader
Scott Mead – Welcome & Prayer
Song # 937 “I Stand in Awe”
Song # 528 “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow”
Jerry Nations– Scripture
(Colossians 2:1-5)
Song “What the Lord Has Done in Me”
Song # 237 “His Grace Reaches Me”
Jim Oden - Lord's Supper
Song # 892 “The Steadfast Love of the Lord”
Jim Oden – Offering
Song # 543 Redeemed”
Chris Swinford – Sermon
“Mystery Revealed, Completeness Possible”
Song # 520 “Only a Step”
Scott Mead– Shepherd's Prayer
Song # 627 “The Gloryland Way”
Daniel Simpson - Prayer
Ken Dickens
Brandon Freeman
Bryce Freeman
Cecil Emerson
Ted Falls
Don Ford
Scott Flatt
Mark Forrest
Nick Forrest
John Goodrum
Sheila Housman
Susan Vogl
Assisted Living
Michael Marcum
Jim Oden
Heather Smith ~ June
Ann Wallace is at Emerald Hills, room 415. She is slightly better.
Louise Dorsey continues to decline and is having more problems each day.
Shirley Harper is at Bishop Davies and is now able to walk after her stroke.
Eddy Ray Parker had a successful pain pump trial on Tuesday.
Bill Black, brother of Mary Wasner is in the hospital.
Nancy Haughey, daughter of Bob and Elizabeth Ritchey, will have spinal
surgery soon on her discs and relieve a pinched nerve. Prayers for Dr. Patel
and Nancy have been requested.
Dee Ann Hodges, co-worker of Ann Bauer, was diagnosed with multiple
sclerosis. Prayers are requested.
Payton, 13 year old granddaughter of friends of the Starks’, was diagnosed
with leukemia.
Edith Keele, Mary Wasner, Denise Dorsett, Frank Schick, Steve Jennings,
son of Alvin Jennings, Margarete Wasner, mother of Hans Wasner, Robin
Phelan, family friend of the Cromwell’s, Karene Elliott, mother of Rene
Grimes, Jim McAlister, cousin of Lisa Cox, Terry Stevenson, co-worker of
DeeAnn McKinney,, Mark Keller, brother of Eldon Keller, Ryker Sweeney,
premature infant of friends of the Harveys’, our loved ones battling cancer, &
our many shut-ins
Wednesday Fest for February 18th,
will serve Taco Soup, from 5:456:45 p.m. Prices for Adults- $4
& children- $2.50. Visitors are
welcome to come and eat free.
The Malawi Preaching Students need
support for their schooling this
upcoming year. We are awaiting a list
of students but should receive it soon. If
you would like to begin or continue
supporting a student, please contact
Kristeen Nations at [email protected].
It is $360 per student for the year, which
can be paid over the next 8 months at
$45 per month.
Ladies Wednesday Bible Class:
Meets each week at 10 the
fellowship hall.
“Piece Makers” Quilting: Meet
Monday & Tuesday, February 16th &
17th, in the fellowship hall at 9 a.m
Members & Visitors
Please Fill Out Attendance
Cards & Put in the Collection
Eastern European Missions is
hosting an “Event” premiering a
new documentary film about the
exciting things happening in
Romania. Plans and updates for
Eastern Europe will be presented.
This is a free event on Thursday,
March 5th at 7 p.m., at The Fort
Worth Club, (306 W. 7th St.) Heavy
Hors D’oeuvres will be served. Attire
is Business Casual. Their goal is to
raise $15,000 to place 1500 Bibles
in Europe. Please RSVP to Lanny
Tucker at [email protected] or
“How We Got the Bible” Seminar
is next weekend, February 20th, &
21st, at College Hill. It is conducted
by David Tarbet, from New Milford,
Connecticut. You are invited to
explore the origin and preservation of
the Holy Scripture. Rare English
Bibles from the1500’s-1600 will be on
display. No charge to attend,
Childcare provided, Snacks provided
on Saturday. Invitations are in the
foyers Pick up some & invite family,
friends, & acquaintances.
7:00 PM - Birth of the Bible
“Mini-Abundant Senior Living
Seminar” hosted by Pleasant Ridge
Church of Christ is Saturday, March
7th, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Registration is $20 per person,
includes food & materials. Flyers are
in the foyers. RSVP to their office at
817-478-8245 or email
[email protected].
8:15 PM – Canon of the Holy
10 AM – Preservation of Scripture
From Ancient Times
11 AM – History of the English Bible
12:30 PM- The Living & Abiding Word
Of God
“Looping for the Lord” Knitting &
Crochet Group: Meet Thursday,
February 26th, at 7 p.m. in the
fellowship hall.
“His Shoes. Her Shoes. Walking a
mile in each… Together” Free
Marriage Seminar
taught by Wayne & Tammi Roberts
hosted by Northwest Church of Christ
is March 6-7, Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. and
Saturday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Flyers
with the topics and schedules are in
both foyers. Childcare is available.
Saturday lunch is not provided.
For more information or to register
call 817-237-1205 or go to
Mission Printing Outreach Meet at
the building Tuesdays at 7:50 a.m.,
& We Return at 2 p.m. Bring lunch.
Congratulations to Randoll and
Joyce Reagan on the birth of their
great granddaughter, Teagan
McIntyre, born, February 11th.
All Young Men (4 grade-12th): Meet Sunday, February 15th, at 4 p.m. in
the Youth Room for a service project. Boys will meet with Ethan.
All Young Ladies (6th grade-12th): Meet Sunday, February 15th, at 4 p.m
Soul Link: Feb. 27th – Mar. 1st. We leave at 2:30 PM on Friday, the 27th.
Be at the building by 2:15 p.m. Cost is $75 (includes hotel, entry, & t-shirt.)
In addition, you need money for 3-4 meals! Contact Greg Wolford if you have
any questions. RSVP ASAP to the Wolfords or Ethan Adams.