PEWS NEWS - St Paul`s Parish


PEWS NEWS - St Paul`s Parish
St Paul’s Church, Wokingham
St Nicholas’ Church, Emmbrook
Pews News
15th February 2015
1st before Lent
Welcome in the name of Jesus Christ to this house of prayer,
especially if you are with us for the first time today!
We invite anyone who wishes to receive Holy Communion to come to
God’s altar. Please tell the priest if you need a gluten-free wafer.
If you’d prefer to receive a prayer of blessing please come forward with
everyone else and keep your head bowed at the rail.
White Gift Aid envelopes are available in each pew.
If you’re a UK tax payer, we can reclaim the tax on the amount you donate,
but please remember to fill in your name and address on the envelope.
Clergy Contact Details
Fr Richard
Fr Patrick
Mthr Deborah
Fr Roy
Mthr Judi
327 9116
977 3397
978 7658
978 4141
976 1197
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
David Ruddock 437 6104
Peter Wells
377 6351
[email protected]
[email protected]
The Parish Office
Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri from 9.00am to 12.00
0118 979 2122 – [email protected]
Rest Day - Sat
Rest Day - Fri
Rest Day - Fri
Rest Day - Sat
Rest Day - Fri
This Sunday
15th February 2015 – 1st before Lent
Low Mass
Fr Richard
Woosehill Church: Methodist
Service, Holy Communion
Parish Mass
Rev’d Nick
Mthr Deborah,
Fr Patrick
Fr Richard
Kate Harrison
Readings: 2 Kings 2. 1 – 12
Mark 9. 2 – 9
178, 302, 389, 234
Oriel Alleluia
Mass of St Thomas, Thorne
Cantate Domino, G Pitoni
10.00am Woosehill Church, Methodist Service
11.00am St Nicholas, Emmbrook Village Hall
Community Eucharist
Evensong & 2015 Sermon
Almighty Father,
whose Son was revealed in majesty
before he suffered death upon the cross:
give us grace to perceive his glory,
that we may be strengthened to suffer with him
and be changed into his likeness, from glory to glory;
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Post Communion Prayer
Holy God,
we see your glory in the face of Jesus Christ:
may we who are partakers at his table
reflect his life in word and deed,
that all the world may know his power to change and save.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Fr Richard
Elaine Steere
Fr Patrick
The Week Ahead
Morning Prayer 8.30am (Mon, Tues, Thurs at St Paul’s, Wed at Woosehill)
Rosary on Saturday 9.00am
Wed (18th) Ash Wednesday
10.30am House Mass
*17 Martins Drive*
8.00pm Mass at St Paul’s
Mthr Deborah
Thurs (19th)
Mass at Woosehill
Low Mass
Fr Richard
Mthr Judi
Rev’d Patrick King
Fr Patrick
Sat (21st)
Low Mass
Fr Patrick
Sunday 22nd February – Lent I
Low Mass
Fr Roy
Parish Mass
Mthr Judi
Mthr Deborah
Readings: Genesis 9. 8 – 17
Mark 1. 9 – 15
67, 425, 357, 393
Ad te levavi
St Anne’s Mass, J Macmillan
Lord for thy tender mercy’s sake, R Farrant
Woosehill Church
St Nicholas, Emmbrook Village
Hall: Community Eucharist
Service at Woosehill Church
Rev’d Patrick King
Mthr Deborah
Rev’d Patrick King
Church News
Home Communions
If you or someone close to you are not able to get to Church and would like
someone to come and bring you Communion, then please let Fr Richard know. We
are always willing to bring people the Sacrament in their home, in hospital at any
point and at any time of year. Please ask!
Preparation for Ash Wednesday
Please return your palm crosses from last year in to the basket in the back of church
by 15th February, so that they can be burned to make ashes for Ash Wednesday.
Sunday 15th February
2015 Sermon Series
The first sermon of the series this evening is by Fr Patrick. Do come along and
support him at 6.15pm Evensong this evening at St Paul’s – all welcome.
Ash Wednesday – 18th February
Please decide now which of these services you will go to - it is vital that every
Christian begins Lent properly by coming to worship and receiving the ashes of
10.30am - House Mass at 17 Martins Drive
8.00pm - Woosehill Church
8.00pm - St Paul's Church
21st February
During Lent the Stations of the Cross will happen at 9am, before the 9.30 Saturday
Morning Mass. The Stations are a much loved part of Lent for many people and a
reflective and moving way of keeping Lent. Why not decide now to come along?
The first one will be on the 21st of Feb.
From Tuesday 24th February
2015 Lent Course
During the season of Lent there is a course being held at Woosehill Church on a
Tuesday evening and will run from 8.00pm to 9.15pm starting on 24 th February.
The aim of the course is to deal a lot more deliberately and deeply with the events
of Holy Week than is possible in a sermon. We are calling it, Into Easter.
Did you know... A few things in the Parish you may not have noticed
1. There is a Discussion Group every Tuesday at 8pm at Woosehill Church for an
hour, exploring aspects of the Christian faith in a relaxed atmosphere.
2. There is a beautiful and reflective service every 4th Sunday of the month at
Woosehill at 6.15pm. An oasis of calm and stillness at the start of the week, it is
proving hugely popular with those who have discovered it. Come along and see
If you haven't been Confirmed, or would simply like to find out more about the
faith we share, then the next Town Confirmation will be at All Sts on Thurs the
14th of May and we will be running preparation courses before then. Again,
anyone interested should speak to a member of the clergy.
Lighting Fundraising – ideas?
One of the main focal points in 2015 will be on raising the money to redesign the
lighting in St Paul's. If you have any ideas about how we can raise money, or if
you have any interest or experience in applying for grants, or would just like to
find out what you can do to help. Please speak to a Warden. They would be
delighted to hear from you!
The Cedar Tree
The magnificent Cedar of Lebanon in St Paul’s churchyard is likely to have been
planted at the time the church was built in the 1860s. It became apparent late last
year that that one of the main forks of the tree was gradually opening and splitting.
We therefore obtained advice from tree consultants on the structural integrity and
safety of the tree. They informed us that the fork will continue to split apart, which
would eventually cause serious damage to the tree and to the surrounding
headstones. Fortunately, they also advised that removal of the whole tree is
unnecessary, and that it can be preserved for at least another fifteen years by
remedial pruning and cable bracing.
Three firms of tree contractors with the necessary level of experience were asked to
provide quotations in accordance with the specification provided by the
consultants. The PCC have accepted the quotation of Tree Solutions Arboriculture
Limited of £4350.00 plus VAT, the high cost of the work reflecting the need for the
contractors to hire specialist equipment. It is intended that the work will be done in
the next few weeks.
Although the lighting project will still be the main thrust of our fundraising and
attention for 2015, this is an urgent matter we need to deal with now. Because of
the importance of the tree to the town, we have applied to the Wokingham Society
to help us with the cost of preserving the tree. However we are also appealing to
our own congregation to contribute whatever they can towards the cost. If you
would like to make a donation towards the cost of the work, please would you pass
it to David Ruddock, Peter Wells or Fr Richard.
David Ruddock and Peter Wells
Hustings – CTW
CTW is hoping to plan an Election Hustings and need a team of people to plan and
deliver it. If you would like to help, be involved or find out more please speak to
Fr Richard.
Raffle Prizes
Proceeds from all raffles run at social events this year will go towards the Lighting
Fund. If anyone would like to donate a nice bottle (wine or liqueur or beer or
bubbly or ale or … ) or something else that might make a good prize, please could
you take it into the office or hand it to Mary Cassidy or a Church Warden – labelled
“Raffle” please!
Easter Lilies
If anyone would like to purchase a lily for Easter in remembrance of a loved
one this year the cost is £2.50. Please can I have all donations together with names
by Sunday 22nd March.
Sue Davenport
Forthcoming Dates
Dates for Lent Lunches
The Lent Lunches start next weekend at John & Jenny Ellerbeck who live at 16
Oaklands Drive, Wokingham 9783470. Please write your name on the list at the
back of the Church if you wish to attend any of the lunches.
21st February
Jenny & John Ellerbeck
14th March Tina & Jerry Selwyn Smith
28th February
Elizabeth & David Hunter 21st March
Fr Richard & Becca
7th March
The Social Committee
28th March
Penny & Dawn
22nd February
Parish Walk
Weather permitting, there will be a Parish Walk next Sunday around Evendons.
Teri Austen
27th February to 5th March
The F Word: images of forgiveness
All Saints Church will be hosting this powerful exhibition of arresting images and
powerful personal narratives exploring forgiveness in the face of atrocity. The
dates are Friday 27th February to Thursday 5th March. Full details and opening
hours are available on our website at
Siren Prayer
We meet at 29 Sewell Ave at 9.55am on the first Monday of the month, excluding
Bank Holidays. If you can’t be there, then please pause when the Siren sounds to
pray for the Parish and for the community.
Sally Dowling 0118 978 2729
6th March
Women's World Day of Prayer
This year's Women's World Day of Prayer for the Wokingham area will be on
Friday 6th March, 2.00 p.m. at Rose Street Methodist Church, at which we will be
praying for the Bahamas. Everyone welcome.
Sunday 22nd March
Brass for Africa – Brass Band
Comprising professional and amateur musicians - a concert at St Paul’s Church on
Sunday 22nd March at 2.30pm in aid of the Mlisada orphanage in Uganda. Tickets
are £7 – under 18’s free (with a paying adult), from [email protected].
Pamela 07503197064 or St Paul’s Parish Office. See
Wed, Thurs,25th & 26th March
Advanced notice! Palm Cross Making in the small upstairs room of the Parish
Rooms from 8.00pm to about 10.00pm on Wednesday and Thursday 25th & 26th
March. This is a fun evening you do not need to know how to make the crosses as
tuition will be given along with tea/coffee and biscuits. Please put the date in your
20th May
The inspiring John Bell, of the Iona Community, is coming to All Sts on the 20th of
May to talk about sexuality and the Church. See the All Sts website for more
details- it would be well worth hearing.
Volunteers Wanted
1. Mary Cassidy is standing down as PCC Secretary at the AGM. We will therefore
need a volunteer to continue her excellent work. The job involves coming to PCC
meetings and Standing Committee meetings, taking minutes, helping to set the
agendas for meetings, making sure everything the PCC does is legal and in
accordance with the guidelines of the Diocese and helping to shape the direction of
the Church. Anyone interested in finding out more can speak to Mary herself, or
Fr Richard.
2. Fr Richard would like to put together a small group to help to plan the
Mothering Sunday ATM. We need to come up with a theme, choose the shape of
the service and work out who will do what. Anyone interested in helping should
speak to him.
Electoral Roll
The Electoral Roll is essentially the list of Church membership. Being on it entitles
you to stand for election to the elected offices and to vote for the elected officers as
well. It is a key sign of the health of a Church and it represents your commitment to
the parish and your belonging to the parish. It's really important that everyone
who feels part of the parish fills in the (very simple) ER form during Feb and early
March. Please speak to a member of the clergy or to Teri Austen to find out more.
___________________________________________________ ______________________
Lectures & Talks
Thursday 19th February
Wokingham Town Hall - 11.00am to 4.00pm – free entry
Wokingham Town Council is opening up its doors for visitors to take themselves
around the inside of the Town Hall whilst learning about some of the history
including what the rooms used to be used for. There are numerous leaflets to pick
up and there will be a few activities for children to do. With local history on the
primary school curriculum, it may be helpful for parents and children to know that
the Town Hall could be a useful resource for information. There will be an
additional Open Day on Thursday 28 May during half term. Contact 0118 974 0882
Café theologique
You might be interested to see the programme for upcoming Café Theologiques in
Reading at 7:30pm upstairs in the Zero Degrees bar, next door to the Minster.
9th March - Prof. Gavin Flood Professor of Hindu Studies and Comparative Religion,
University of Oxford. The Truth Within: Inwardness in Christianity, Hinduism and
18th May - Krish Kandiah, President of London School of Theology, Vice-President of
Tearfund. Paradoxology: Why Christianity was never meant to be simple.
22nd June - Revd Dr Joanna Collicutt. Karl Jaspers Lecturer, Pyschology and Spirituality,
University of Oxford.
Whatever happened to the soul? Theological questions raised by brain impairment
For Your Prayers
There is an opportunity for quiet prayer for the clergy, the parish and the needs of
the wider world at 9 o’clock in the Walter Chapel.
Please pray: For Fr Peter Day as he is made Vicar today at Christ Church Reading.
For the leaders, office staff, field workers and volunteers for our chosen charitable
organisations – the Link Visiting Scheme, the Children’s Society and Us (formerly
The Sick: Bernice Ross, Steve, Jane Stillman, Elizabeth Hurst, David Walker,
Fr Roy, Fr Iain Forbes, Beryl Richards.
Recently Departed: Gill Jones, Phyllis Blakey, Doris Aitchison, Muriel Martin,
Rosemary Beecham, Doris Sizeland
In the Year’s Mind: Peter Bowden (15th), Alice Barry, Evelyn Thompson (16th),
J Mortimer Hayes (17th), Cyril Whittaker, Lillian Weaver, Dorothy Jackson (19th),
Dorothy Maclennan (21st).
Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
Mandalay (Myanmar), David Naing
Manicaland (Central Africa), Julius Makoni
Tuesday: Mara (Tanzania), Hilkiah Deya
Wednesday: Marathwada (North India), Madhukar Kasab
Thursday: Maridi (Sudan), Justin Arama
Maryland (III, The Episcopal Church), Eugene Sutton. Suffragan
Bishop of Maryland (III, The Episcopal Church), Heather Cook
Saturday: Masasi (Tanzania), Patrick Mwachiko