FEBRUARY - Foundation for Water Research
FEBRUARY - Foundation for Water Research
www.fwr.org www.euwfd.com Foundation for Water Research © 2015 16 – 17 February 2015 UNIVERSITY OF CHESTER CPD COURSES IN FLOOD MODELLING: INTRODUCTION TO FLOOD MODELLING AND MODEL CALIBRATION, VALIDATION AND EVALUATION These courses are led by practitioners from the University of Chester, Eden Vale Young and Weetwood. Day 1 - ‘Introduction to flood modelling’ aims to introduce flood professionals, local councils and environmental graduates to numerical flood models. Day 2 – ‘Model calibration, validation and evaluation’ aims to expand on basic modelling skills by introducing participants to thinking about model inputs and outputs. Participants will use industry-standard hydrological models such as Flood Mapper (formerly ISIS) and TUFLOW to learn how to build models, how to calibrate models using data, how to check models for errors and how to evaluate model performance. For further information visit the University of Chester website: (http://www.chester.ac.uk/professional-courses/cpd/flm) (http://www.chester.ac.uk/professional-courses/cpd/mcev) email: Dr Katharine Welsh [email protected] 17 February 2015 UDG TRAINING DAY 2015: HYDRAULIC MODELLING/UDG CODE OF PRACTICE Austin Court, Birmingham CIWEM’s Urban Drainage Group annual training day will focus of hydraulic modelling. Delegates attending will have opportunity to undertake hands-on activities and be involved in discussion groups, testing out delegate’s ideas and theories. For further information visit the CIWEM website: (http://www.ciwem.org/events/events-calendar/2015/feb/17/ udg-training-day-2015---hydraulic-modellingudg-code-ofpractice.aspx) email: [email protected] 18 February 2015 THE VALUE OF INTELLIGENCE IN THE WASTEWATER NETWORK London This CIWEM-led event will identify the drivers and regulations relating to the Wastewater Network and discuss the application of technological solutions to challenges being faced by water and sewerage companies. It will showcase examples from Europe where “Smart” Wastewater Networks are already in use, and identify how experience gained in these cases may be applied in the UK. Further information is available on the CIWEM website: (http://www.ciwem.org/events/events-calendar/2015/feb/18/ the-value-of-intelligence-in-the-wastewater-network.aspx) email: [email protected] PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL FROM CATCHMENTS: TECHNOLOGY OR SOURCE CONTROL? Nottingham Conference Centre The Water Framework Directive outlines a number of measures of water quality with which a watercourse must comply and in the UK phosphorus is the most common parameter causing a watercourse to fail. This AquaEnviro conference aims to explore the opportunities for reducing phosphorus discharges to catchment in order to achieve WFD compliance. For further information visit the AquaEnviro website: (http://www.aquaenviro.co.uk/view-product/PhosphorusRemoval-from-Catchments--Technology-or-Source-Control) email: [email protected] 24 February 2015 APPLYING PAYMENTS FOR ECOSYSTEM SERVICES Edinburgh This event is organised by the Ecosystems Knowledge Network and the James Hutton Institute to provide an opportunity to learn the challenges and opportunities of applying PES in the UK. The event will involve some leading experts on payments for ecosystem services, as well as introductions to some practical examples of implementation ‘on the ground’. The day will combine presentations, discussion and workshop sessions. For further information visit the CMS or Ecosystems Knowledge Network website: (http://cmscoms.com/?p=2940) (http://ecosystemsknowledge.net/about/events/pesedinburgh) email: [email protected] 24 - 26 February 2015 GAP2 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM: Participatory Research and Co-management in Fisheries Barcelona, Spain This symposium will mark the conclusion of the GAP2 project (http://www,gap2.eu/) and will provide a forum to discuss the successes and challenges of participatory research methods and the role that participatory research can play in facilitating comanagement in fisheries. It is designed for fishers, scientists, policymakers and others with an interest in how more interdisciplinary collaboration can help build sustainable fishing practices across species and national boundaries. For further information visit the GAP2 or CMS website: (http://gap2.eu/gap2-international-symposium-2015) (http://cmscoms.com/?p=2683) email: Lauren Weir [email protected] or [email protected] NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY University of Chester, Chester 24 February 2015 NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY FEBRUARY 11th February 2015 Conferences & events compiled by the Foundation for Water Research 4 March 2015 48 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WATER MANAGEMENT MODELING London Toronto, Ontario, Canada This conference is organised by Computational Hydraulics Int. (CHI) as a forum for professionals to exchange ideas and experience on current practices and emerging technologies. It is aimed at engineers, scientists, modelers and administrators involved in water pollution control and water systems design and analysis. Emphasis is on state-of-the-art computer modelling for resolving water quantity and quality problems in stormwater, wastewater, watershed and water distribution systems. For further information visit the CHI website: (http://www.chiwater.com/Training/Conferences/ conferencetoronto.asp) email: [email protected] NEW ENTRY 4 March 2015 THE BENEFITS OF CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT TO DRINKING WATER QUALITY 6 This evening presentation is organised by CIWEM Welsh Branch. Speakers will be Andy Davey (WRc), Anthony Gravell (Natural Resources Wales) and Julia Haslet (DCWW). ANNUAL WATERNI CONFERENCE Belfast This 2015 conference, organised by WWT, brings major stakeholders together to discuss the current and future pressures facing the Northern Ireland water sector. Timed just after the next price control (PC15) and consultation on the Long Term Water Strategy, the conference will feature interactive workshops focussing on customer engagement and satisfaction, energy efficiency and energy recovery and sustainable wastewater treatment works. Further information will be made available on the CIWEM website: (http://www.ciwem.org/events/eventscalendar.aspx?m=3&y=2015) email: [email protected] 4 March 2015 For further information visit the conference website: (http://www.wwt-ni.net/home) email: [email protected] IMPLEMENTING THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT WHITE PAPER: The Challenge for Local Authorities 27 February 2015 London Oxford NEW ENTRY Further information will be made available on the Water UK website: (http://www.water.org.uk/waterukevents/city-conference-2015) email: Emma Frith [email protected] Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales (Previously scheduled for 28 November 2014) WATER ENVIRONMENT: THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK This Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management training event is designed for professionals requiring knowledge of key aspects of European and national water law. It will cover key water legislation including: implications of the Water Framework Directive; abstraction and impoundment; pollution of controlled waters; structures and obstructions in watercourses; nature conservation and the water environment; the Water White Paper; and permits and consents. For further details visit the CIEEM website: (http://www.cieem.net/events/747/water-environment-thelegal-framework) email: [email protected] MARCH 3 March 2015 NEW ENTRY Now in its 15th year, Water UK’s City Conference aims to bring together the industry’s leaders with regulators and government bodies alongside investors, analysts, ratings agencies and city institutions to discuss future finance and investment. 26 February 2015 TH CITY CONFERENCE 2015 3RD ANNUAL WATER INDUSTRY ASSET MANAGMENT CONFERENCE Birmingham Asset management and innovation will have a key role to play in helping water companies to deliver on PR14 objectives. This 2015 event is organised by WWT and will address how financial directors are balancing Totex and traditional accounting methods in PR14; the latest thinking around aligning investment decisions with customer benefits; how water companies are driving operational efficiency to deliver effective asset management within the context of affordability and how water companies’ asset data strategies will be impacted by Totex. For further details visit the WWT website: (http://www.wwt-asset.net/home) email: [email protected] Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 This Public Policy Exchange symposium provides an opportunity for local authorities, environmental organisations, schools, businesses, farming/agricultural bodies, landowners and other key stakeholders to discuss the updates on progress on implementation of the Natural Environment White Paper, and explore innovative solutions to improve the quality and increase the value of the natural environment across England. For further details visit the Public Policy Exchange website: (http://www.publicpolicyexchange.co.uk/events/ FC04-PPE?ss=em&tg=1a) email: [email protected] 4 – 5 March 2015 UK AND IRELAND LAKES NETWORK ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2015: Reflecting on one of Wales’ Most Precious Resources Abergavenny, Wales This year’s UKILN annual conference will be held for the first time in Wales and hosted by Natural Resources Wales. The conference will be opened by Emyr Roberts (Natural Resources Wales) followed by an introduction and work of the UKILN by Tony Dean (Chair UKILN). Session 1 on ‘Ecological richness and environmental pressures’ will include a presentation on ‘Going round in cycles –progress and prospects under the WFD’ by JoAnne Pitt (Environment Agency). Session 2 will be on ‘Ecological restoration and the great outdoors’ chaired by Lewis Jones (UKIN Trustee). John Pinder (Secretary ULILN) will present the closing remarks and outline for the field trip to Llangorse Lake planned for day 2. For further details visit the UKILN website: (http://www.ukandirelandlakes.org/default. asp?textpage=News_and_Events&maincat=ne) email: [email protected] or [email protected] NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY TH 25 - 26 February 2015 5 - 6 March 2015 CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT IN ACTION: INTEGRATING LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT IN THE EDEN EXPLORING Budapest, Hungary OPPORTUNITIES FOR BUSINESS This conference is organised by the Hungarian Water Association Moving from Upstream Thinking towards in collaboration with the Budapest Waterworks in the framework Upstream Doing: Opportunities for Business of the European Water Association’s Spring Conference series. and Big Data in Catchments EWA SPRING DAYS 2015 – BUDAPEST WATER CONFERENCE It will provide an opportunity to exchange views and share experiences on the most pressing challenges and potential solutions in the field urban water management. On the final day participants will be invited to visit some key water infrastructure sites in Budapest. For further details visit the conference website: (http://budapestwater.org/event/) email: [email protected] NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY 5 March 2015 WASTEWATER INNOVATION 2015: Cutting Edge Solutions for Sewer Networks and Wastewater Treatment London This new event follows on from Marketforce’s Water conference. It will be a practical conference showcasing the latest innovations from UK WASCs while exploring the drivers for innovation and efficiency in managing the sewage networks, wastewater treatment, and energy production. Participants will: gain practical knowledge on how to approach the challenges of AMP6; learn from best practice case studies in phosphorous recovery and energy production; hear how cutting edge innovations such as wastewater metering are changing the industry; and debate with peers over how the industry needs to innovate to meet challenging environmental targets. For further details visit the Marketforce website: (http://marketforce.eu.com/events/water/wastewaterinnovation-2015) email: [email protected] 5 March 2015 INTRODUCTION TO CONSTRUCTED WETLAND TECHNOLOGY: WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND MANAGEMENT Lancaster House Hotel, Lancaster and across the Eden This conference is organised by British Water and Lancaster University to bring together a diverse range of scientists, regulators and businesses to understand the challenges of catchment management in practice through field visits around the Eden Catchment in Cumbria. For further details visit the British Water or Lancaster University website: (http://www.britishwater.co.uk/events/ catchment-management-conference-site-visits-47.aspx) (http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/sci-tech/images/LEC_Newsletter_ Images/Catchment_Management_In_Action_March_5th) (http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/catchment-management-inaction-integrating-land-and-water-management-in-the-edenexploring-tickets-14852160211) email: Please use the Lancaster University contact form on the Eventbrite website above. 5 – 6 March 2015 2ND EUROPEAN SUSTAINABLE PHOSPHORUS CONFERENCE 2015 Berlin, Germany This conference is organised by the European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform and will cover developments on phosphorus use, recycling and environmental management. Themes include: P losses and environmental impacts; P from farm to plate; food security and international phosphorus supply; reuse of P and P-recycling; and progress made addressing the phosphorus challenge. Further information will be made available on the European Phosphorus Platform website: (http://www.phosphorusplatform.eu/conference/espc2015. html) email: Dr. Lars Zeggel, German Phosphorus Platform [email protected] CIWEM HQ, London 6 – 8 March 2015 This interactive workshop is organised by the Constructed Wetlands Association (CWA) and CIWEM in association with The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT), WWT Consulting and ARM Ltd. It will provide an introduction to constructed wetland technologies and their application to sewage treatment, industrial effluents, and agricultural catchment management. It will present the latest technological developments and approaches with a series of case studies, their ongoing management and maintenance requirements, and identify the additional benefits they provide. 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WATER AND FLOOD MANAGEMENT: Special Focus on Delta Research For further details visit the CIWEM website: (http://www.ciwem.org/events/events-calendar/2015/mar/05/ introduction-to-constructed-wetland-technology-wastewatertreatment-and-management.aspx) email: Lauren Clemow [email protected] Dhaka, Bangladesh This ICWFD is organised by the Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM) of the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). The conference aims at addressing complex issues of water and flood management that play a key role in economic growth, social development and environmental health. The focus is on research for better management of deltaic systems in a changing climate scenario. Themes will be: catchment processes, ecosystems and quality of environment; flood management; river basin management; urban water management; agricultural water management; coastal zone management; water governance and national development; water information management; and climate change impacts on water management. Further information will be made available on the BUET website: (http://buet.ac.bd/iwfm/icwfm2015.php) email: [email protected] Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 NEW ENTRY 4 – 6 March 2015 Cancún, Mexico This conference is organised by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and will be held during the 4th special session of the Committee on Science and Technology of the UNCCD. The focus of the conference is the development of new scientific insights and recommendations to policy makers with regards to the assessment of vulnerability of socioecosystems to climate change and current and future capacities to adapt. For further details visit the conference website: (http://3sc.unccd.int/) email: [email protected] 10 – 12 March 2015 WORLD WATER-TECH INVESTMENT SUMMIT London The World Water-Tech Investment Summit, now in its 4th year, is dedicated to innovation in water. The goal is to pool ideas and experiences from around the world to accelerate the adoption of advanced technologies by both municipal and industrial water users. This year, the summit will be the centre-piece of the newly-launched London Water-Tech Week. Further information will be made available on the summit or rethink events website: (http://www. worldwatertechinvestment.com/) (http://worldwater. rethinkevents.com/) email: [email protected] 10 – 12 March 2015 Marrakesh, Morocco This conference is organised by the International Journal on Hydropower and Dams in partnership with the International Commission on Large Dams. Major multipurpose water resources schemes, including many large regional hydro projects, are moving ahead in Africa at an unprecedented rate. A status update, potential and development opportunities, as well as technical, environmental and financial challenges, covering all regions of the African continent, will be the focus of the presentations and discussions. Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://www.hydropower-dams.com/ AFRICA-2015.php?c_id=89) email: Mrs Margaret Bourke [email protected] INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DROUGHT: RESEARCH AND SCIENCEPOLICY INTERFACING Valencia, Spain This conference is the final event of the EC-funded project DROUGHTR&SPI. The event aims to discuss drought related research and the advances on response policies in order to foster the development of Drought Policies and Plans to reduce risk and vulnerability, and Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 WATER GOVERNANCE Basingstoke An evening meeting of the CIWEM Central Southern Branch looking at how recent flooding has shaped flood policy and institutions over the last 50 years in England and Wales. It will examine how knowledge about flooding is generated by various institutions and how the public engage with flood policy before and after a flood event. For further information visit the CIWEM website: (http://www.ciwem.org/events/events-calendar. aspx?m=3&y=2015) email: [email protected] 12 March 2015 WATER, SEWERAGE & WASTE EXHIBITION Manchester This is the 1st in the 2015 series of Water, Sewerage & Waste Exhibitions. It will enable visitors to explore the latest technology, ideas and opportunities available in the water, sewerage and waste industries. Further exhibitions will be held in: • • • • • • • • • • • • Newport Belfast Dublin Southampton Polmont, Scotland Derby Exeter Warrington Peterborough Durham Gatwick Bradford (26 March) (14 April) (16 April) (13 May) (4 June) (11 June) (17 September) (24 September) (8 October) (22 October) (5 November) (12 November). For further details visit the Public Sector Exhibitions website: (http://pse.co.uk/) email: [email protected] 12 – 14 March 2015 18TH INTERNATIONAL WATER TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE Sharm El Sheikh, Eqypt This conference is organised by the International Water Technology Association to bring together experts, researchers, equipment manufacturers and consultants to discuss the latest state of the art in the field of water and waste water technologies. It covers a broad range of topics including hydrology and water resources, groundwater, flow hydraulics and hydraulic structures, water treatment technology, and agricultural issues. Attention will also be given to water policies, regulations and emerging water security issues. Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://iwtc.info/) email: [email protected] NEW ENTRY 10 – 13 March 2015 12 March 2015 NEW ENTRY AFRICA 2015: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION Water Storage and Hydropower Development for Africa For further information visit the conference website: (http://www.icdrought2015.upv.es/index.html) email: [email protected] NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY 3RD UNCCD SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE: COMBATING DROUGHT, LAND DEGRADATION AND DESERTIFICATION FOR POVERTY REDUCTION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: The Contribution of Science, Technology, Traditional Knowledge and Practices to enhance preparedness and resiliency. Topics include drought identification and characterization, drought assessment (impacts) and drought policies to develop drought management plans at different scales (river basin, national and international). 9 – 12 March 2015 17 – 18 March 2015 ICWRCOE 2015: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WATER RESOURCES, COASTAL AND OCEAN ENGINEERING FILTREX ASIA 2015: FILTRATION CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION NITK Surathkal, Mangalore, India This conference is organised by the Department of Applied Mechanics and Hydraulics at the National Institute of Technology Karnataka – Surathkal, to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, and scientists as well as industrial professionals to present their research results and developmental activities in the areas of water resources, coastal and ocean engineering. The themes of the conference will consider recent scientific developments, in addition to latest in software technology and observation systems. Further information is available on the conference website: (http://www.icwrcoe.nitk.ac.in/) email: [email protected] 15 – 17 March 2015 NEXUS 2015: Water, Food Climate & Energy Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA Nexus 2015 is organised by the Water Institute at the University of North Carolina. It brings together scientists and practitioners working in government, civil society and business, and other stakeholders to focus on how and why the nexus approach can be used on local and international levels. Themes include: sustainable and resilient development at a local level; transboundary, national and local nexus governance; corporate stewardship of the nexus; financing in a nexus world; sustainable agriculture; water stress, vulnerability, and health; and managing resources. Further information is available on the conference website: (http://nexus.unc.edu/) email: [email protected] 2015 NGWA GROUNDWATER SUMMIT This 4th edition of Filtrex Asia is organised by Edana to showcase the latest equipment and processes in the filtration field. Conference topics include: new filter media; innovative filter media technologies; market trends; liquid filtration; gas filtration; water treatment; and others. Further information is available on the Edana website: (http://www.edana.org/education-events/conferences-andsymposia/event-detail/filtrex-asia-2015) email: [email protected] 17 – 18 March 2015 INTRODUCTION TO RIVER HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULICS: HR WALLINGFORD TRAINING COURSE Wallingford This CIWEM approved course provides an introduction for graduates, consultants, local authority staff, conservation and fisheries officers, development control and flood defence officers who require an understanding of river hydrology and hydraulics to help to improve their understanding of the management of river systems or the impact of developments in a river catchment. It will guide participants through key hydrological and hydraulic processes and computational techniques. For further details visit the HR Wallingford website: (http://events.hrwallingford.co.uk/acatalog/Introduction_to_ river_hydrology_and_hydraulics_course_2015.html) email: [email protected] 17 – 19 March 2015 GOOD PRACTICE STAKEHOLDER PARTICIPATION TRAINING: WITH A FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENT San Antonio, Texas, USA Wye, Ashford, Kent This conference is organised by the National Ground Water Association. It covers a broad range of topics related to groundwater science and practice including: brine and deep aquifers; geophysical and remote sensing techniques; groundwater and energy; groundwater remediation; and karst hydrology. This Dialogue Matters training course will help participants to: recognise the benefits and challenges of involving stakeholders in decisions about the environment; understand the principles and concepts of stakeholder participation; learn and practice practical facilitation skills; and learn how to design a participation process. Further information is available on the conference website: (http://groundwatersummit.org/) email: [email protected] For further details visit the Dialogue Matters website: (http://www.dialoguematters.co.uk/downloads/March%20 2015%20flier.pdf) (http://cmscoms.com/?p=2633) email: [email protected] or bob.earll@ coastms.co.uk 17 – 18 March 2015 7TH GLOBAL LEAKAGE SUMMIT 2015 This global summit on the latest developments and insight in the industry is organised by London Business Conferences and includes pre and post workshops. It aims to help water utilities develop faster and more efficient leakage management systems, integrated with whole network management and optimisation, smart asset management, and integrated sensor management, that take into account economic levels of leakage, but also reflect the true value of water and supply delivery targets. Further information is available on the summit website: (http://www.global-leakage-summit-2015.com/) email: [email protected] 17 – 20 March 2015 6TH SWIMMING POOL AND SPA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Amsterdam, The Netherlands This event is organised by International Water Conferences (IWC) and will focus on international research on health, safety and quality of swimming pools and spas. Topics include: health risks and aspects (microbial, chemical and safety); pool air treatment; computational fluid dynamics (water and air); occupational health; sustainable design; monitoring, surveillance and prevention; pool water treatment; and emerging topics. Further information is available on the conference website: (http://iwcconferences.com/swimming-pool-spaconference/) email: [email protected] Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 NEW ENTRY London NEW ENTRY 16 – 18 March 2015 Hong Kong NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY 12 – 14 March 2015 Ashbourne, Dublin, Republic of Ireland This 4th annual Water Ireland Conference is organised by WWT (Water & Wastewater Treatment) and supported by the Institute of Water. It will address the important issues currently facing stakeholders in the Irish water sector. It will address: legislation updates; future of asset management; skills gap and people management; water metering roll-out experience; EU Directives on water quality and river basin management plans; and funding and affordability. For further details visit the conference website: (http://www.wwt-ireland.net/30564) email: [email protected] 19 – 20 March 2015 London This event is Marketforce’s 20th anniversary conference. It will provide a strategic analysis of Britain’s electricity, gas, and water industries, with topics including innovation, infrastructure, security of supply, asset management, competition and affordability. Forming the first day of the event, ‘Customer Operations in Utilities’ will provide a forum dedicated to exploring operational service issues across water, electricity and gas industries. Topics include restoring trust, measuring and improving customer experience, delivering a consistent level of service across multiple channels, and fostering better customer relationships through the use of metering. The Future of Utilities conference will take place on 25 and 26 March. INTRODUCTION TO FLOOD RISK ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT: HR WALLINGFORD TRAINING COURSE For further details visit the conference website: (http://marketforce.eu.com/events/utilities-energy/the-futureof-utilities) email: [email protected] Wallingford 24 – 27 March 2015 This CIWEM approved course is suitable for recent graduates, consultants, local authority staff, development control and flood WASSER BERLIN INTERNATIONAL 2015: defence officers, and for specialists from other disciplines involved TRADE FAIR AND CONGRESS FOR WATER in river and catchment management. It will focus on river and MANAGEMENT urban flooding and will introduce the concepts of flood risk analysis Berlin, Germany and management within the context of current UK policies and This exhibition and congress covers a wide range of products, legislation. services and know-how in water management with networking For further details visit the HR Wallingford website: opportunities and high-profile international speakers. The (http://events.hrwallingford.co.uk/acatalog/Introduction_to_ congress program focuses on current topics including water flood_risk_analysis_and_management_2015.html) management perspectives, climate change and adaptation strategies, river basin management, new technologies for email: [email protected] drinking water and wastewater treatment and many others. 22 March 2015 WORLD WATER DAY 2015: WATER AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Further information will be made available on the Wasser Berlin website: (http://www.wasser-berlin.de/en/) email: [email protected] Since 1993 World Water Day (WWD) World Water Day is held annually on 22 March to focus attention on the importance of 25 March 2015 freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of MANAGING CRYPTOSPORIDIUM: SHARING freshwater resources. Under the theme ‘Water and Sustainable WISDOM Development’, the year 2015 provides an important opportunity Farringdon, London to consolidate and build upon the previous World Water Days to highlight water’s role in the sustainable development agenda. This CIWEM seminar and debate is held in association with CIWEM’s Water Supply & Quality Panel. It will bring together Further information will be made available on the representatives who have experience on managing an outbreak UN Water website: (http://www.unwater.org/activities/ of cryptosporidiosis to share their wisdom and explain lessons awareness-campaigns/world-water-day/en/) they have learnt. It will discuss how Drinking Water Safety Plans (http://programme.worldwaterweek.org/event/world-waterand the risk-based approach are used to manage and mitigate day-3923) email: [email protected] risks and leading experts will share knowledge on the latest research that can assist with management and prevention of 24 March 2015 Cryptosporidium in drinking water supplies. CIEEM SPRING CONFERENCE: MANAGING CHANGE IN COASTAL HABITATS Bristol For further details visit the CIWEM website: (http://www.ciwem.org/events/events-calendar. aspx?m=3&y=2015) email: [email protected] This Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management event (with optional site visit), will showcase current thinking 25 March 2015 and innovation in coastal management techniques, including the integration of environmental considerations with soft and hard CONCEPTS IN RIVER MODELLING engineering solutions, as well as adaptive management techniques. AND FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT: HR Increasingly coastal management schemes are focusing on the WALLINGFORD TRAINING COURSE wider delivery of ecosystem services and the conference will Wallingford include some high profile case studies from the UK, Ireland and This course is aimed at practitioners and staff responsible for overseas. formulating and reviewing hydraulic models. The objective is to For further details visit the CIEEM website: provide best practice guidance on the standards that should be (http://www.cieem.net/2015-spring-conference) used when carrying out computer modelling of watercourses for email: [email protected] Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY THE FUTURE OF UTILITIES: INCORPORATING CUSTOMER OPERATIONS IN UTILITIES NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY WATER IRELAND CONFERENCE NEW ENTRY 24 - 26 March 2015 19 March 2015 NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY For further details visit the HR Wallingford website: (http://events.hrwallingford.co.uk/acatalog/Concepts_in_ river_modelling_and_flood_risk_management.html) email: [email protected] 25 – 27 March 2015 DNC 2015: DRESDEN NEXUS CONFERENCE: Global Change, Sustainable Development Goals and the Nexus Dresden, Germany This conference is organized by UNU-Flores, the Technical University Dresden and the Leibnitz Institute. It is the first in a series of biyearly conferences aiming at developing a post-2015 agenda for a nexus approach on water, soil and waste. It will consider how a nexus approach for environmental resources may help to decrease environmental risks and ecological scarcities under conditions of global change as well as to ensure economic development. It will focus on three themes on three consecutive days. Each day will be dedicated to one aspect of global change: demography, urbanization and climate. Further information will be made available on the conference or Nexus website: (http://flores.unu.edu/ dresden-nexus-conference/) (http://www.water-energy-food. org/en/calendar/view__1602/dresden-nexus-conference-dnc2015-a%EF%BF%BD%C5%93global-change-sustainabledevelopment-goals-and-the-nexusa%EF%BF%BD%20.html) email: [email protected] 26 March 2015 WATER, SEWERAGE & WASTE EXHIBITION NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY Newport This is the 2nd in the 2015 series of Water, Sewerage & Waste Exhibitions. It will enable visitors to explore the latest technology, ideas and opportunities available in the water, sewerage and waste industries. Further exhibitions will be held in: Belfast (14 April); Dublin (16 April); Southampton (13 May); Polmont, Scotland (4 June); Derby (11 June); Exeter (17 September); Warrington (24 September); Peterborough (8 October); Durham (22 October); Gatwick (5 November); and Bradford (12 November). FWR will have a stand at this event and we welcome you to visit us. For further details visit the Public Sector Exhibitions website: (http://pse.co.uk/) email: [email protected] 30 – 31 March 2015 3 IMA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FLOOD RISK RD Swansea University, Swansea, Wales This conference will provide a forum at which engineers, mathematicians and statisticians can meet to exchange views on flood defence. The emphasis will be on new developments in the mathematical and statistical techniques applicable for assessing flood risk. Themes will be: climate change; computational methods in flood forecasting; extreme events; and uncertainty and reliability. For further details visit the Institute of Mathematics website: (http://www.ima.org.uk/conferences/ conferences_calendar/3rd_flood_risk.html) email: [email protected] 30 March – 1 April 2015 2015 AWRA SPRING SPECIALTY CONFERENCE: WATER FOR URBAN AREAS: Managing Risks and Building Resiliency Los Angeles, California, USA This conference is organised by the American Water Resources Association to provide an opportunity for water resources professionals to discuss the challenges associated with water resources for large urban areas, recognising the need to manage the increasing risks to their supplies and facilities and to incorporate resiliency within their systems. Topics are grouped under: increasing adaptive capacity; promoting connectivity; understanding uncertainties; and managing the future. Further information will be made available on the AWRA website: (http://www.awra.org/meetings/ LosAngeles2015/index.html) email: [email protected] APRIL 10 - 12 April 2015 CIWEM RIVERS AND COASTAL GROUP & URBAN DRAINAGE GROUP STUDY WEEKEND 2015: INTEGRATED CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT University of Nottingham The weekend will include a full programme of presentations, workshops, site visits, social events and the new members’ competition. Topics will include flood risk management, river restoration, Water Sensitive Urban Design, coastal management and SuDS and will feature speakers from different areas of the industry. Further information will be made available on the CIWEM website: (http://www.ciwem.org/media/1436734/ ciwem_studyweekend2015_save_the_date.pdf) email: [email protected] 12 – 17 April 2015 7TH WORLD WATER FORUM: WATER FOR OUR FUTURE Daegu & Gyeongbuk, Republic of Korea The World Water Forum is organised every three years by the World Water Council as the largest water-related event in the world, aimed at putting water firmly on the international agenda. It will consist of four processes: the political process, the thematic process; the regional process; and the science & technology process. Further information will be made available on the Forum website: (http://worldwaterforum7.org/en) email: [email protected] 13 – 16 April 2015 HydroEco 2015: 5TH INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCE ON HYDROLOGY AND ECOLOGY: Advances in Monitoring, Predicting and Managing Hydroecological Processes Vienna, Austria This conference is jointly convened by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) and Charles University, Prague. The aims are: to present new findings on interactions between hydrology and ecology; to promote Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY flood risk management purposes (e.g. Flood Risk Assessments and new flood mitigation measures). NEW ENTRY BIM TODAY, ALIM TOMORROW: DELIVERING A TOTEX FUTURE Aston Villa Football Club, Birmingham British Water in partnership with MWH is organising its second major conference for BIM in the water sector. At the first Conference in April 2014, it was recognised that significant additional benefits could be realised in the water sector by applying BIM – Building Information Modelling – to the whole life of an asset. This 2015 conference will explore how the water sector is using BIM and what still needs to be done and will look at the benefits of ALIM– Asset Lifecycle Information Management – and its implementation. It will also ask if and how BIM and ALIM can support Totex. For further information visit the British Water website: (http://www.britishwater.co.uk/events/bim-today-alimtomorrow-delivering-a-totex-future-45.aspx) email: [email protected] 14 April 2015 STRENGTHENING THE UK’S RESILIENCE TO FLOODING: Designing Effective Strategies at a National and Local Level London This Public Policy Exchange symposium will provide an opportunity to discuss how the latest measures can be implemented effectively. It will explore how to improve, not only local resilience to flooding, but also how to develop a more robust general contingency and emergency planning framework that will enable communities to respond swiftly with strong leadership, communication and collaboration. For further information visit the Public Policy Exchange website: (http://www.publicpolicyexchange.co.uk/events/FD14PPE?ss=em&tg=1a) email: [email protected] 14 April 2015 WATER, SEWERAGE & WASTE EXHIBITION Belfast This is the 3rd in the 2015 series of Water, Sewerage & Waste Exhibitions. It will enable visitors to explore the latest technology, ideas and opportunities available in the water, sewerage and waste industries. Further exhibitions will be held in: Dublin Southampton Polmont, Scotland Derby Exeter Warrington Peterborough Durham Gatwick Bradford (16 April) (13 May) (4 June) (11 June) (17 September) (24 September) (8 October) (22 October) (5 November) (12 November). For further details visit the Public Sector Exhibitions website: (http://pse.co.uk/) email: [email protected] Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 This evening presentation is organised by CIWEM Welsh branch. The speaker will be Fiona Webber, WRc. Further information will be made available on the CIWEM website: (http://www.ciwem.org/events/events-calendar. aspx?m=4&y=2015) email: Tracey Dunford [email protected] 15 – 16 April 2015 WATER & ENVIRONMENT 2015: CIWEM’S ANNUAL CONFERENCE Royal Geographical Society, London CIWEM’s Annual Conference will include a range of presentations and discussions on the challenges associated with delivering sustainable water and environmental management. The conference theme is ‘Challenge and change: how regulatory innovation and partnership working can deliver the needs of customers and the environment’. Topics include: regulatory change and innovation; upstream competition; abstraction reform; WFD; SuDS; delivering catchment schemes; funding; the role of natural capital; and biodiversity. FWR will have a stand at this event and we welcome you to visit us. Further information will be made available on the CIWEM website: (http://www.ciwem.org/events/annualconference.aspx) email: Lauren Clemow [email protected] 15 – 17 April 2015 16TH IWA UK NATIONAL YOUNG WATER PROFESSIONALS CONFERENCE 2015 Technical Innovation Centre, Glasgow This conference will showcase the latest research and innovation from around the world, with young professionals from both academia and industry. Presentations will cover a wide variety of disciplines such as: technical innovation (process and technology); regulation; economics; asset management; the supply chain; and research and innovation. In addition, the 2015 conference will host a special session on how the water industry is helping to achieve the IWA Millennium Development Goal of Clean Water and Sanitation for all. The Call for Papers is now open. FWR is a sponsor for this event. We will have a stand here and we welcome you to visit us. For further information visit the University of Strathclyde website: (http://www.strath.ac.uk/civeng/ iwa2015/) email: [email protected] 16 April 2015 WATER STRATEGY FOR WALES Abergele, Wales This evening CIWEM North Western and North Wales meeting is held jointly with the ICE Wales Cymru, North Wales Branch. Speakers will be Prys Davies – Welsh government, Natalie Hall – NRW and Tony Harrington – DCWW. For further details visit the CIWEM website: (http://www.ciwem.org/events/events-calendar. aspx?m=4&y=2015) email: [email protected] NEW ENTRY • • • • • • • • • • Cardiff University, Cardiff NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY 14 April 2015 ALGAE: HISTORICAL PROBLEMS, EMERGING PATTERNS AND NOVEL INTERVENTION STRATEGIES FOR THEIR MANAGEMENT NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY For further information visit the conference website: (http://web.natur.cuni.cz/hydroeco2015/) email: [email protected] or [email protected] 15 April 2015 NEW ENTRY interdisciplinary interactions on water related issues; to explore advances in monitoring, modelling and predicting dynamics of hydroecological processes; and to discuss management approaches and applications to tackle environmental issues. 21 April 2015 WATER, SEWERAGE & WASTE EXHIBITION ICWES 2015: XIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WATER AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES NEW ENTRY This is the 4th in the 2015 series of Water, Sewerage & Waste Exhibitions. It will enable visitors to explore the latest technology, ideas and opportunities available in the water, sewerage and waste industries. Further exhibitions will be held in: • • • • • • • • • Southampton Polmont, Scotland Derby Exeter Warrington Peterborough Durham Gatwick Bradford (13 May) (4 June) (11 June) (17 September) (24 September) (8 October) (22 October) (5 November) (12 November). NEW ENTRY 16 - 17 April 2015 INSTITUTE OF WATER - NORTHERN IRELAND AREA ANNUAL CONFERENCE: THE MEETING OF THE WATERS Enniskillen, Northern Ireland To be confirmed Further information will be made available on the Institute of Water website: (https://www.instituteofwater. org.uk/events-info/287/) email: [email protected] 20 – 24 April 2015 NEW ENTRY Cincinnati, Ohio, USA This joint International Water Association conference combines the 8th biennial IWA Efficient 2015 conference and the 6th biennial IWA PI2015 conference and will be an opportunity to tackle the challenges facing water services in the 21st century. Water scarcity, climate change, increasing demand, and the deterioration of water resources all require a dedicated search for more efficient solutions – ones that need to be properly measured and assessed to guarantee their continuing efficiency value. This combined conference event will gather a large network of water professionals to exchange experiences on key topics on urban water. For further details visit the conference website: (http://www.iwaefficient.com/2015/) email: [email protected] NEW ENTRY 21 April 2015 WATER INDUSTRY ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS 2015 Hilton Birmingham Metropole, Birmingham This black-tie event is organised by WWT and WET News and takes place alongside Utility Week live incorporating IWEX 2015 (see below – 21-23 April). The awards celebrate outstanding innovation and performance by individuals and organisations within the UK water industry and its supply chain. 21 - 22 April 2015 INSTITUTE OF FISHERIES MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST CONFERENCE 2015: FORESTRY AND FISHERIES – WHERE NEXT? Rheged Centre, Penrith This IFM conference aims to provide a forum for people working in the forestry or fisheries sectors. Themes include: impacts and improvements; sustainable forest management; taking action for freshwater ecosystems and sustainable fisheries management; managing forests in acid sensitive catchments; forest design and management to reduce flood risk; river restoration through forest and woodland habitat improvement; and the future for forests, rivers and wetlands. Further information will be made available on the IFM website: (https://www.ifm.org.uk/civicrm/event/ info?reset=1&id=97) email: [email protected] or [email protected] 21 - 22 April 2015 DHI UK & IRELAND ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM 2015 Macdonald Ansty Hall, Coventry This MIKE by DHI UK user group symposium welcomes anyone interested in learning more about the varied applications of the MIKE software and DHI complementary technologies. The presentation line up and training sessions cover a wide range of fields from urban, rivers and catchments to marine and groundwater. For further details visit the CMS website: (http://cmscoms.com/?p=2992) email: [email protected] 21 - 23 April 2015 SUSTAINABILITY LIVE NEC, Birmingham Sustainability Live incorporating NEMEX and Energy Recovery has been a hub of energy and sustainability solutions for the UK business community since its inception in 2007. This year the event has partnered with edie for the launch of a new Sustainability Live conference focusing on the theme of ‘risk and resilience’. IWEX will now be incorporated in the Utility Week Live exhibition which runs alongside Sustainability Live, NEMEX and Energy Recovery. For further details visit the Sustainability Live website: (http://www.sustainabilitylive.com/) email: [email protected] For further details visit the awards website: (http://www.wwtonline.co.uk/awards) email: Please use the contact form on the above website. For further details visit the WASET website: (http://www.waset.org/conference/2015/04/boston/ICWES) email: [email protected] Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY IWA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WATER EFFICIENCY AND PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT OF WATER SERVICES This conference is organised by the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. It provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of Water and Environmental Sciences. NEW ENTRY For further details visit the Public Sector Exhibitions website: (http://pse.co.uk/) email: [email protected] Boston, USA NEW ENTRY Dublin 16 April 2015 NEC, Birmingham This new exhibition is dedicated to the business, operational and technical needs of the UK’s water, electricity and gas utilities. It builds on the heritage of IWEX, Faversham House’s long-standing exhibition aimed at the UK water companies, their contractors and manufacturing and process industries. It will be co-located with NEMEX (National Energy Management Exhibition) and ENERGY RECOVERY as part of Sustainability Live. For further details visit the Utility Week Live website: (http://www.utilityweeklive.co.uk/) email: [email protected] GLOBAL WATER SUMMIT 2015: The Water Value Revolution Athens, Greece This year’s global water summit will focus on four themes: finance; customer engagement; creating value in industry; and water for growth. In bringing together government and utilities leaders, senior executives from across the global water industry, pivotal corporate water users and investors it aims to highlight the role of water in the global economy. For further details visit the conference website: (http://www.globalwaterintel.com/gwi-events/global-watersummit-2015/) (http://www.watermeetsmoney.com/) email: Ewa Legowik [email protected] or use the contact form on the Global Water Intelligence website above. 28 – 29 April 2015 WRc INNOVATION EVENT: INNOVATION IN ACTION Swindon This WRc Innovation Event begins on the 28th April with an Innovation Awards Ceremony/Drinks Reception at STEAM in Swindon. The Innovation Conference will take place the following day (29th April) at WRc’s office in Swindon and will be attended by representatives from the water, waste, gas and environment sectors as wells as innovators, regulators, government, experts and technologists. Further information will be made available on the WRc website: (http://www.wrcplc.co.uk/wrc-innovationday-2015-1.aspx) email: [email protected] or use the contact or registration form on the above website. 28 – 30 April 2015 CITIES OF THE FUTURE CONFERENCE: TRANSITIONS TO THE URBAN WATER SERVICES OF TOMORROW (TRUST) Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany This will be the final conference of the project and an international conference, jointly organized by the IWA Cities of the Future Programme and the European collaborative TRUST project. It will provide an opportunity to present and discuss leading-edge developments in the area of urban water services with an international audience of water utility personnel, researchers, engineers, technology providers, city planners, consultants, regulators and policy makers. It will be focused on the techniques, technologies and management approaches aiming at enabling and supporting the transition Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 28 – 30 April 2015 FLOW 2015: 3RD INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON INSTREAM FLOWS: Protecting Rivers and Lakes in the Face of Uncertainty Portland, Oregon, USA This problem-solving workshop, organised by the Instream Flow Council, will focus on strategies that integrate legal and policy elements with traditional and new scientific methods to successfully manage real and perceived uncertainty for a range of biological, institutional, hydrologic, and geographic settings. Special emphasis will be placed on opportunities for integrating new and traditional instream flow methods. For further details visit the conference website: (http://www.instreamflowcouncil.org/flow-2015/) email: For poster submission questions mike.robertson@ wyo.gov or for registration use the form on the above website. 29 - 30 April 2015 SMART WATER SYSTEMS 2015 London This conference is organised by SMi and will bring together key opinion leaders, utility companies, regulatory representatives, consultants, investors, engineers and vendors. It will strengthen knowledge of smart water meter data handling issues as well as looking at the practicalities of interactive billing. Understanding the customers’ behaviour, viewpoint and experience will be a major focus as will hearing from a selection of international water utility companies currently implementing smart meters. This will include case studies from Thames Water and Jersey Water. For further details visit the SMi website: (http://www.smi-online.co.uk/utility/uk/conference/smartwater-systems) email: [email protected] MAY 3 – 5 May 2015 ASABE 1ST CLIMATE CHANGE SYMPOSIUM: ADAPTATION AND MITIGATION Chicago, Illinois, USA This American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers conference aims to bring researchers, practitioners and policy makers to a world-wide platform to share research and discuss solutions related to global climate change. It will emphasize the importance of climate change impacts on agriculture while covering a range of topics related to climate change impacts on land and water resources. Further information will be made available on the ASABE website: (http://www.asabe.org/meetingsevents/2015/05/asabe-1st-climate-change-symposiumadaptation-and-mitigation.aspx) email: [email protected] or use the contact form on the above website NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY 27 – 28 April 2015 Further information will be made available on the conference website: (https://conference.trust-i.net/) email: [email protected] NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY UTILITY WEEK LIVE (INCORPORATING IWEX) towards more sustainable urban water futures, and will also consider on the socio-economic aspects of this transition. The conference topics are: planning for future urban water services; engineering future urban water services; and governing and financing future urban water services. 21 - 23 April 2015 NEW ENTRY CIWEM CENTRAL SOUTHERN BRANCH ANNUAL SEMINAR: Flood Risk Management and the Water Framework Directive – Harmony or Conflict? ICEWW 2015: XIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENT, WATER AND WETLANDS Reading This seminar will explore how the themes of flood risk management and the WFD can often work together or against one another. Further information will be made available on the CIWEM website: (http://www.ciwem.org/events/eventscalendar.aspx?m=5&y=2015) email: [email protected] IWA BALKAN YOUNG WATER PROFESSIONALS CONFERENCE 2015 This conference will enable an exchange of experience between water professionals and will focus on challenges in the water sector in the Balkans such as those associated with cross-border water management issues. Topics include: water management; water distribution, modelling, instrumentation & asset Management; climate change and water resources; wastewater treatment technologies; water reuse; river basin management; legislation in the water and wastewater sector; and others. Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://www.bywp2015.gr/) email: [email protected] or [email protected] 11 – 12 May 2015 ICWM 2015: XIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WATER MANAGEMENT This World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange their experiences and research results about all aspects of water management. It also provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of water management. Further information will be made available on the WASET website: (http://www.waset.org/conference/2015/05/ montreal/ICWM) email: [email protected] 11 – 12 May 2015 ICW 2015: XIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WATER Montreal, Canada Further information will be made available on the WASET website: (http://www.waset.org/ conference/2015/05/montreal/ICW) email: [email protected] 12 – 13 May 2015 WATER: PROCESS CONTROL AND AUTOMATION: Engineering for the Water Industry Stratford Upon Avon This 10th IET Water Event demonstrates how the water industry engineers are moving forward to keep up with a new phase of technologies and planning to meet the challenges of the future. It provides a platform where speakers, sponsors and delegates from across the UK’s water community can discuss the most important issues facing today’s water engineer. Further information will be made available on the Institution of Engineering and Technology website: (http://conferences.theiet.org/water/about/index.cfm) email: [email protected] 12 – 14 May 2015 OZWATER’15: AUSTRALIA’S INTERNATIONAL WATER CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION Adelaide, Australia Ozwater’15 will provide a platform to discuss the important topics facing the water industry and exchange strategies and ideas and look at innovative new solutions. The overarching theme is ‘Water for growth and prosperity’ and topics will be: technology, operations and asset management; governance, regulation and structure; water for rural, remote and regional communities; water for agriculture, food and beverages; water for mining, resources and power; the customer and community; and liveable cities. Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://www.ozwater.org/) email: [email protected] 13 May 2015 WATER, SEWERAGE & WASTE EXHIBITION Southampton This is the 5th in the 2015 series of Water, Sewerage & Waste Exhibitions. It will enable visitors to explore the latest technology, ideas and opportunities available in the water, sewerage and waste industries. Further exhibitions will be held in: • • • • • Polmont, Scotland Derby Exeter Warrington Peterborough (4 June) (11 June) (17 September) (24 September) (8 October) Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 NEW ENTRY ICW 2015 is organised by the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology and aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of water. It also provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of water. Further information will be made available on the WASET website: (http://www.waset.org/conference/2015/05/ montreal/ICEWW) email: [email protected] NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY Montreal, Canada ICEWW 2015 is organised by the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology and aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Environment, Water and Wetlands. It also provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of Environment, Water and Wetlands. NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY Thessaloniki, Greece Montreal, Canada NEW ENTRY 11 – 12 May 2015 10 – 12 May 2015 NEW ENTRY 7 May 2015 (22 October) (5 November); (12 November). FWR will have a stand at this event and we welcome you to visit us. For further details visit the Public Sector Exhibitions website: (http://pse.co.uk/) email: [email protected] 14 May 2015 BENEFITS OF INTEGRATED PLANNING Oxford This evening seminar of the CIWEM Central Southern Branch will show how the latest technology is being used to develop integrated and sustainable approaches to the management of our water environment. For further information visit the CIWEM website: (http://www.ciwem.org/events/events-calendar. aspx?m=5&y=2015) email: [email protected] 17 – 21 May 2015 EWRI CONGRESS 2015: World Environmental & Water Resources Congress Austin, Texas, USA This congress is organised by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). It will include short courses, technical sessions and networking opportunities for environmental and water resources professionals. Further information will be made available on the ASCE website: (http://www.asce.org/conferences/ewricongress/) email: Please use the contact form on the above website. 18 – 21 May 2015 Gdansk, Poland This conference is organised by the International Water Association. Themes include: conventional biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal processes; chemical nutrient removal and recovery; operation and control of NRR in wastewater treatment plants; achieving low effluent nutrient limits; nutrient recovery in sludge management processes; nutrient management in the Baltic Sea region and Eastern Europe; and others. Further information is available on the conference website: (http://nrr2015.org/) email: Marcin J. Marcinkowski [email protected] 18 - 22 May 2015 WATER MICROBIOLOGY CONFERENCE 2015 This conference is organised by the Water Institute of the University of North Carolina. It aims to create a forum for researchers and practitioners focused on microbiology and public health issues to come together around the intersection of the two. Further information will be made available on the UNC website: (http://waterinstitute.unc.edu/conferences/) email: [email protected] Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 Whittlebury, Northamptonshire This River Restoration Centre Annual Network Conference aims to capture a wide ranging view of river restoration and to provide an opportunity to connect all sectors interested in and involved with restoring healthy, functioning rivers. Topics include: integrated catchment management; river restoration tools, methods and techniques; rural river management; and urban river management. For further information visit the RRC website: (http://www.therrc.co.uk/rrc_conferences.php) email: [email protected] 20 May 2015 FROM SEWER TO SAND: HOW SUSTAINABLE IS EVER-INCREASING MARINE PROTECTION? Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales This CIWEM Welsh Branch evening presentation will consider the implications of the Water Framework Directive, the revised Bathing Water Directive and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive for both the UK, the South West of England and Wales, with specific reference to catchment management, marine litter, bathing water quality and combined sewer overflows. The speaker will be Dr. Robert Keirle – Senior environmental consultant, WRc. For further information visit the CIWEM website: (http://www.ciwem.org/events/events-calendar. aspx?m=5&y=2015) email: Tracey Dunford [email protected] 25 – 26 May 2015 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE WATER RESOURCES AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Blida, Algeria This conference is organised by CIREDD and aims to foster the application of research results in growth, protection and management of water resources. Topics include: water resources and climate change; hydraulic development and energy; urban hydraulics – water supply and wastewater networks; irrigation and agricultural drainage; unconventional water and environment; and economics, management and water education. Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://ciredd2015.ensh.dz/en/index. php) email: [email protected] 25 – 29 May 2015 XV TH IWRA WORLD WATER CONGRESS Edinburgh The next World Water Congress of the International Water Resources Association will be held at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre in cooperation with the Scottish Government. Its primary objective is to provide a meeting place to share experiences, promote discussion, and to present new knowledge, research results and developments in the field of water sciences around the world. Further information will be made available on the Congress website: (http://www.worldwatercongress.com/) email: Please register your interest on the above website. NEW ENTRY Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA RRC 16TH ANNUAL NETWORK CONFERENCE: People and Process Based River Management: Restoring River Processes; Natural Flood Management; Healthy Catchments NEW ENTRY IWA NUTRIENT REMOVAL AND RECOVERY 2015: Moving Innovation into Practice 19 - 20 May 2015 NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY Durham Gatwick Bradford NEW ENTRY • • • NEW ENTRY IAH 2015: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GROUNDWATER VULNERABILITY: From Scientific Concept to Practical Application ICEWRM 2015: XIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENT AND WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Ustroń, Poland Further information will be made available on the IAH or conference website: (http://iah.org/events/internationalconference-groundwater-vulnerability) (http://khgi.wnoz.us.edu.pl/ vulnerability.htm) email: [email protected] 27 – 28 May 2015 ICW 2015: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WATER Montreal, Canada Further information will be made available on the WASET website: (http://www.waset.org/ conference/2015/05/montreal/ICW) email: [email protected] 27 – 29 May 2015 INDOWATER 2015: 11TH INTERNATIONAL WATER, WASTEWATER & RECYCLING TECHNOLOGY EXPO & FORUM INDOWATER 2015, organised by PT. Napindo Media Ashatama, is the largest Expo & Forum for the water and wastewater industry in Indonesia. It will be held in conjunction with Indonesia International Water Week. It provides a platform for updates on the latest trends and developments and for industry professionals to build partnerships. The scope of exhibits includes: water resource management; municipality water management; sewerage; irrigation; wastewater treatment and management; industrial water treatment; ultra pure water; and bottled water. Further information will be made available on the Merebo Messe Marketing website: (http://www.indowater.merebo.com/English/english.html) email: [email protected] 30 May – 3 June 2015 12TH IWA LEADING EDGE CONFERENCE ON WATER AND WASTEWATER TECHNOLOGIES: Moving from Pilot to Full Scale Hong Kong, China This IWA conference is co-organised by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. It is concerned with the future development of the water sector with a focus on promoting solutions and their implementation and on the development of new ideas and their transformation to applicable technology. Its location in Hong Kong will provide an opportunity to showcase mega scale practice in integrated water management and also to present the latest developments of new wastewater treatment technology from pilot to full scale. Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://www.let2015.org/) email: [email protected] JUNE 1 – 9 June 2015 RAMSAR CONVENTION ON WETLANDS: 12TH MEETING OF THE CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES (COP12): Wetlands for Our Future Punta del Este, Uruguay The Conference of the Contracting Parties (COP) is the policy-making organ of the Ramsar Convention. Government representatives from each of the Contracting Parties meet every three years to receive national reports on the preceding triennium, approve the work programme and budgetary arrangements for the next three years, and adopt guidance for the Parties on a range of ongoing and emerging environmental issues. Further information will be made available on the Ramsar website: (http://www.ramsar.org/cda/en/ramsarhome/main/ramsar/1_4000_0__) email: [email protected] NEW ENTRY Jakarta, Indonesia Further information will be made available on the WASET website: (http://www.waset.org/ conference/2015/05/tokyo/ICEWRM) email: [email protected] Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY This conference is organised by the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology and aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of water. It also provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of water. This conference is organised by the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology and aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of environment and water resource management. It also provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of environment and water resource management. NEW ENTRY This conference is organised by the International Association of Hydrogeologists, Polish Association of Hydrogeologists, the University of Silesia and UNESCO. Proposed topics include; development of the vulnerability concept, intrinsic or specific vulnerability maps, groundwater vulnerability assessment for different groundwater systems, groundwater vulnerability assessment in urbanised and heavily transformed mining areas, uncertainty in vulnerability assessment methods, validation of vulnerability maps, vulnerability maps in practical land-use management, new issues in vulnerability mapping in the context of the EU-WFD/GWPD, groundwater vulnerability and groundwater pollution risk. Tokyo, Japan NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY 28 – 29 May 2015 25 – 29 May 2015 NEW ENTRY ECOSUD 2015: 10th International Conference on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development WATER AND ENERGY 2015: Opportunities for Energy and Resource Recovery in the Changing World Valencia, Spain This aim of this Wessex Institute conference is to encourage interdisciplinary communication between scientists, engineers, economists and professionals working in ecological systems and sustainable development. It will provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of recent work on different aspects of ecosystems and sustainable development, including physical sciences and modelling. Emphasis will be given to those areas that will most benefit from the application of scientific methods for sustainable development, including the conservation of natural systems around the world. For further details visit the Wessex Institute website: (http://www.wessex.ac.uk/15-conferences/ecosud-2015.html) email: Irene Moreno Millan [email protected] 4 June 2015 RIVER THAME – CATCHMENT BASED APPROACH: AFTERNOON SITE VISIT Stadhampton This CIWEM site visit to the Thame Catchment will include a talk about the catchment based approach and its application to the Thame catchment. Date to be confirmed. Further information will be made available on the CIWEM website: (http://www.ciwem.org/events/eventscalendar.aspx?m=6&y=2015) email: [email protected] 4 June 2015 WATER, SEWERAGE & WASTE EXHIBITION Polmont, Scotland This is the 6th in the 2015 series of Water, Sewerage & Waste Exhibitions. It will enable visitors to explore the latest technology, ideas and opportunities available in the water, sewerage and waste industries. Further exhibitions will be held in: • • • • • • • Derby (11 June) Exeter (17 September) Warrington (24 September) Peterborough (8 October) Durham (22 October) Gatwick (5 November) Bradford (12 November). For further details visit the Public Sector Exhibitions website: (http://pse.co.uk/) email: [email protected] NEW ENTRY 7 – 10 June 2015 IWA WATER & INDUSTRY 2015: AN IWA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES SPECIALIST GROUP CONFERENCE Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden This event will address issues related to wastewater, gas and solid waste management in industry with a special focus on energy efficiency and sustainability. It aims to provide a forum for environmental and chemical engineers, microbiologists, chemists and policy makers to present their most recent technological and scientific breakthroughs in the fields of management, characterization, minimization and abatement of industrial waste and wastewater. For further details visit the conference website: (http://www.idt.mdh.se/IWA2015/) email: Professor Darren Sun [email protected] or Erik Dahlquist [email protected] Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 Washington, DC, USA This conference is organised by the European Water Association, Japan Sewage Works Association and the Water Environment Federation. It will bring together leading managers, engineers, researchers, municipal agencies/utilities, industry representatives and other environmental professionals to network and exchange the latest findings and case studies in water and energy. Topics include: energy recovery; energy management; climate change issues; and resource recovery. For further details visit the WEF website: (http://www. wef.org/WaterEnergy/) email: [email protected] 9 – 12 June 2015 13TH INTERNATIONAL UFZ-DELTARES CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE USE AND MANAGEMENT OF SOIL, SEDIMENT AND (GROUND)WATER RESOURCES Copenhagen, Denmark AquaConSoil 2015 is organised by Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ and Deltares. It provides opportunities for scientists, companies and policy makers to start new cooperation activities and be informed of the latest developments in the field of sustainable use and management of soil, sediment and groundwater resources. Topics will include dealing with contamination and functions of soil and groundwater. Further information will be made available on the AquaConSoil website: (http://www.aquaconsoil.org) email: [email protected] 10 - 12 June 2015 AQUATECH CHINA 2015 Shanghai, China Aquatech China is a trade exhibition for process, drinking, and wastewater. It is organised by Amsterdam RAI Exhibitions with a local partner from Shanghai and has a specialized international conference programme focusing on Asian water markets. For further details visit the Aquatech website: (http://www.aquatechtrade.com/china/Pages/default.aspx) email: [email protected] or use the contact form on the above website. 10 - 13 June 2015 EWRA 2015: 9TH WORLD CONGRESS: WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN A CHANGING WORLD: Challenges and Opportunities Istanbul, Turkey This European Water Resources Association conference will encompass 6 different conferences to cover a wide range of topics relevant to water resources and the environment. The conferences are as follows: hydrological processes and evolving hazards; geo-information and water resources; technological advances in water distribution, purification and desalination; water pollution and eco-systems conservancy; multicriteria sustainability of water systems; and social, political, institutional and legislative aspects including WFD implementation. For further details visit the EWRA website: (http://www.ewra2015istanbul.org/) email: [email protected] NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY 8 – 10 June 2015 3 – 5 June 2015 WATER, SEWERAGE & WASTE EXHIBITION NEW ENTRY • • • • • • Exeter (17 September) Warrington (24 September) Peterborough (8 October) Durham (22 October) Gatwick (5 November) Bradford (12 November). FWR will have a stand at this event and we welcome you to visit us. For further details visit the Public Sector Exhibitions website: (http://pse.co.uk/) email: [email protected] 13 – 20 June 2015 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HYDROPOWER AND 83RD ICOLD ANNUAL MEETING AND 25TH CONGRESS Stravanger, Norway This joint hydropower and dams event comprises the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) Annual Meeting and Congress and Hydropower’15. It will present a platform to exchange ideas and experiences and foster knowledge sharing through a technical proramme with international keynote and sessional speakers, site visits and technical tours. For further details visit the ICOLD website: (http://www.icoldnorway2015.org/home1.cfm) email: [email protected] 14 - 17 June 2015 WATERMATEX 2015: 9TH IWA SYMPOSIUM ON SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia This IWA Specialist Conference focuses on the application of a wide range of mathematical methods for solving water-related problems. Application areas encompass the total water cycle, including surface and groundwater, drinking water, wastewater and resource recovery. It will promote integrated modelling, ‘smart ’water systems, ‘big data’ management and life-cycle assessment. It will also address key challenges in modelling of the ‘cities of the future’. Further information will be made available on the Gordon Research Conferences website: (http://www.grc.org/programs.aspx?id=12330) email: Alisa Loughlin [email protected] 15 – 17 June 2015 WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 2015: 8th International Conference on Sustainable Water Resources Management A Coruña, Spain This conference is organized by the Wessex Institute and provides a platform for professionals involved in water resources management to exchange knowledge and gain an insight into the state of the art in the current technology, techniques and solutions in sustainable water management as they have been developed and applied in different countries. Topics include: water management and planning; water rights and accessibility; climate change; irrigation; urban water management; water quality; river basin management; flood risk management; governance and regulations; and others. For further details visit the Wessex Institute website: (http://www.wessex.ac.uk/15-conferences/water-resourcesmanagement-2015.html) email: Genna West [email protected] 15 - 17 June 2015 DESERTLAND II: CONFERENCE ON DESERTIFICATION AND LAND DEGRADATION Ghent, Belgium This conference is organized by the University of Ghent and UNESCO and will bring together academics, civil society, governments, scientists and other stakeholders to discuss challenges related to desertification and land degradation and develop appropriate strategies. Day one will address ‘Water security: responses to local, regional and global challenges’. The second day, which takes place on the World Day to Combat Desertification, will focus on the theme ‘Preventing and combating land degradation in drylands’. For further details visit the conference website: (http://www.desertland.eu/index.asp) email: [email protected] 17 June 2015 (Previously scheduled for 18 March 2015) LEARNING TO LIVE WITH FLOODING CONFERENCE Further information will be made available on the University of Queensland website: (http://www.awmc.uq.edu.au/conf/watermatex2015) email: [email protected] Novotel Hotel, Cardiff, Wales 14 – 19 June 2015 Further information will be made available on the CIWEM website: (http://www.ciwem.org/events/supported-events/2015/jun/17/ learning-to-live-with-flooding-conference---18th-march-2015. aspx) email: [email protected] CATCHMENT SCIENCE: INTERACTIONS OF HYDROLOGY, BIOLOGY & CHEMISTRY: Thresholds in Time and Space This event is organised by ICE Cymru, supported by CIWEM Welsh Branch, and will focus on learning to live with flooding in Wales. Proctor Academy, Andover, New Hampshire, USA This Gordon Research Conference will focus on new research, including thresholds, early warning indicators, and resilience using long-term data, experimental studies, theory, and Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY This is the 7th in the 2015 series of Water, Sewerage & Waste Exhibitions. It will enable visitors to explore the latest technology, ideas and opportunities available in the water, sewerage and waste industries. Further exhibitions will be held in: NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY Derby modelling approaches to study the behaviour of catchments systems under changing conditions such as climate variability or land use/cover changes. NEW ENTRY 11 June 2015 I.S.RIVERS: INTEGRATIVE SCIENCES AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT FOR RIVERS 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE A Coruña, Spain This conference is organized by the Wessex Institute and marks the growing interest in the planning, design and management of river basin systems. Topics include: water resources management; flood risk management; ecological and environmental impact; river restoration and rehabilitation; river and watershed management; water quality issues; eutrophication and agricultural pollution; trans-boundary river issues; wetlands; and many others. For further details visit the Wessex Institute website: (http://www.wessex.ac.uk/15-conferences/river-basinmanagement-2015.html) email: Genna West [email protected] 20 – 26 June 2015 KG@B CONFERENCE 2015: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GROUNDWATER IN KARST Birmingham This conference organised by the University of Birmingham, the IAH Karst Commission and the UIS Commission of Karst Hydrogeology. The conference will comprise a three-day oral and poster presentation programme with an optional midconference visit to local underground limestone mines. Preand post-conference field trips will visit three contrasting karst groundwater systems: the Cretaceous chalk, Jurassic limestones and Carboniferous limestones. The conference will be organised around four main themes: lithological, structural and stratigraphical influences on karst groundwaters; modelling karst groundwater systems; the ecology of karst groundwaters; and human-karst groundwater interactions. Further information is available on the IAH or University of Birmingham websites: (http://iah.org/ events/international-conference-groundwater-karst) (http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/generic/kgatb/index.aspx) email: [email protected] or [email protected] 22 – 24 June 2015 FISH PASSAGE 2015: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RIVER CONNECTIVITY BEST PRACTICES AND INNOVATIONS Groningen, The Netherlands For further details visit the conference website: (http://fishpassage.umass.edu/) email: Kerry Brink [email protected] Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 IS.Rivers is an international conference organised by the GRAIE and ZABR, and focuses on research and actions in the service of rivers. It focuses on the sustainable management of the world’s rivers, especially European ones. It focuses on state of the art management strategies and lessons learned from individual case studies. Particular consideration is given to the integration of physical, ecological and social perspectives of the different stakeholders involved in river management (governance, economy, culture). It will provide the opportunity to fulfil an initial assessment of river stakeholders’ efforts to answer WFD challenges and will carry out dialog among stakeholders and build up future scenarios for rivers adaptation in relation to development post-2015 to face climate changes (COP 21). Further information will be made available on the GRAIE website: (http://www.graie.org/ISRivers/a_index. htm) email: [email protected] 22 June – 2 July 2015 26TH IUGG GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2015 Prague, Czech Republic The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) is a composite of eight semi-autonomous associations covering various physical, chemical, mathematical, and environmental disciplines and holds its General Assembly every four years. IAHS are organising two symposia and 18 workshops: HS01 - Changes in flood risk and perception in catchments and cities; and HS02 – Hydrologic non-stationarity and extrapolating models to predict the future events; and workshops HW01 – HW08. They are also organising joint symposia with other IUGG Associations. For further details visit the conference website: (http://www. iugg2015prague.com/) email: [email protected] 24 – 26 June 2015 WATER HISTORY CONFERENCE 2015 Delft, The Netherlands This conference is co-organised by the International Water History Association (IWHA) and Delft University of Technology. It will be an opportunity of exchange existing and develop new insights on the history of our most precious resource. Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://www.iwha.net/conference/dateand-location) email: [email protected] or [email protected] 24 – 27 June 2015 EUROPEAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION: 9TH WORLD CONGRESS: Water Resources Management in a Changing World: Challenges and Opportunities Istanbul, Turkey The EWRA 9th World Congress will include conferences on: hydrological processes and evolving hazards; geo-information and water resources; technological advances in water distribution, purification and desalination; water pollution and eco-systems conservancy; multicriteria sustainability of water systems; and social, political, institutional and legislative aspects. Further information will be made available on the Congress website: (http://www.ewra2015.ewra.net/) email: [email protected] NEW ENTRY Fish Passage 2015 is the first of a series of European and North American cooperation on fish passage conferences and is an important international forum to exchange findings and experiences on fish related passage issues such as advancements in technical fishways, nature-like fishways, downstream passage solutions, stream restoration and stabilization and dam removal. It is seen as an evaluation and learning point for the river connectivity goals of the European Water Framework Directive, where 2015 is one of the deadlines for measures within European river basin plans. Lyon, France NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT 2015: 8th International Conference on River Basin Management Including all Aspects of Hydrology, Ecology, Environmental Management, Flood Plains and Wetlands NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY 22 – 26 June 2015 17 – 19 June 2015 NEW ENTRY WEF-EESS ASIA-PACIFIC WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND REUSE CONFERENCE 2015 Singapore This conference is organised by the Water Environment Federation, the Environmental Engineering Society of Singapore and the Centre for Water Research. The conference will gather water professionals from all over the world to share technical expertise and solutions in wastewater management and water reuse; and to foster potential international cooperation. It will allow for the exchange of views and experiences on best practices and innovative technologies amongst relevant policymakers, operational experts and researchers from governments, international organizations, institutions and industry. Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://www.apwwtrc2015.com/) email: [email protected] NEW ENTRY Delft – The Hague, The Netherlands This International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) World Congress will provide special emphasis on cross-cutting themes related to Deltas of the Future, linking hydro-environment research to engineering practice. Special emphasis will be on practical implications of delta technology and sustainable delta development, which can only be reached by considering what happens upstream. Themes will be: managing deltas; hydro-environment; sediment management and morphodynamics; water engineering; fluvial and maritime hydraulics; water resources and hydroinformatics; extreme events, natural variability and climate change. RAVAGE OF THE PLANET IV: 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANAGEMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ECOLOGICAL HAZARDS Opatija, Croatia This Wessex Institute conference looks at how natural resources are being consumed at an ever increasing rate and how the process is compounded by the pernicious effects of the contamination of air, water and soil. It will discuss the objective of reaching sustainability in the framework of different disciplines in order to arrive at optimal solutions. The water resources topic includes: water management and planning; river basin management; sustainable water use; irrigation and drainage; waste water; and pollution monitoring and control. Further information will be made available on the Wessex Institute website: (http://www.wessex.ac.uk/15-conferences/ravage-of-theplanet-iv.html) email: Rachel Van Loock [email protected] 5 – 9 July 2015 10TH IWA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WATER RECLAMATION AND REUSE Harbin, China 30 June – 2 July 2015 This conference is organised by the International Water Association. Themes will be: government policies, water reuse planning and economics; risk management and regulations in water reuse; water reuse and its role to mitigate climate change impacts; the role of water reuse for an integrated water resource management in China; water and food/irrigation; urban reuse; industrial reuse; potable reuse and groundwater replenishment; reuse in developing countries; YWP – water reuse and reclamation research session; water and energy in water reuse; and emerging technologies for water reuse. REFORM FINAL CONFERENCE: NOVEL APPROACHES TO ASSESS AND REHABILITATE MODIFIED RIVERS Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://www.iwareuse2015.org/) email: Dr Tao Li [email protected] Further information will be made available on the Congress website: ((http://iahrworldcongress.org/)) email: (http://iahrworldcongress.org/) Wageningen, The Netherlands 6 – 9 July 2015 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FORESTS AND WATER IN A CHANGING ENVIRONMENT Kelowna, BC, Canada This conference will focus on forest disturbance and hydrological processes in a changing environment. The goal of this conference is to provide a forum for experts specialising in forest hydrology, ecohydrology, geomorphology, watershed management and climate change in forested environments around the world to share research progress, exchange ideas, and develop international research collaborations. For further information visit the conference website: (http://www.forestandwater2015.com/) email: [email protected] Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 NEW ENTRY This international conference on river and stream restoration is the final conference of the FP7 project REFORM (REstoring rivers FOR effective catchment Management). The purpose of the conference is to enlarge awareness of the need and appreciation for the benefits of river rehabilitation. It will serve as a platform to present and discuss aspirations, challenges, analytical frameworks and novel approaches to improve our understanding of the causes and consequences of hydromorphological degradation and to enhance river rehabilitation. Further information will be made available on REFORM website: (http://www.reformrivers.eu/events/18) email: [email protected] NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY 36TH IAHR WORLD CONGRESS: Deltas of the Future and What Happens Upstream 1 - 3 July 2015 NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY 28 June – 3 July 2015 JULY NEW ENTRY 28 June – 1 July 2015 SHALE GAS AND INTEGRATED WATER MANAGEMENT 3RD ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WATER SOAS, London This conference is organised by CIWEM – full details coming soon. The Keynote address will be by Lord Chris Smith, Task Force on Shale Gas. Further information will be made available on the CIWEM website: (http://www.ciwem.org/events/eventscalendar/2015/jul/07/shale-gas-and-integrated-watermanagement.aspx) email: [email protected] 7 – 9 July 2015 COASTAL CITIES 2015: International Conference on Coastal Cities and Their Sustainable Future This conference is organised by the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER). The aim is to bring together academics and researchers from a wide range of scientific subject areas to exchange ideas on their research on water and to discuss future developments. Further information will be made available on the ATINER website: (http://www.atiner.gr/water.htm) email: [email protected] 15 – 17 July 2015 WATER AND SOCIETY 2015: 3rd International Conference on Water and Society New Forest, Hampshire A Coruña, Spain This Wessex Institute conference aims to provide a multi-disciplinary forum to discuss a wide range of scientific, technological and socioeconomic issues related to the development of sustainability in coastal cities. Topics include: water resources management; coastal city beaches; coastal processes; water pollution; coastal flooding; city waste management; and many others. This Wessex Institute conference will encourage transdisciplinary communication on issues related to the nature of water, and its use and exploitation by society. It will address the interaction between water and energy systems and will cover technical aspects of water resources management and quality, to help the policy makers put forward policies and legislation that will lead to improved solutions for all. Further information will be made available on the Wessex Institute website: (http://www.wessex.ac.uk/15conferences/coastal-cities-2015.html) email: Irene Moreno Millan [email protected] 9 – 10 July 2015 ICEWW 2015: XII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENT, WATER AND WETLANDS Prague, Czech Republic This conference is organised by the World Academy for Science, Engineering and Technology. It aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of environment, water and wetlands. It also provides an interdisciplinary forum to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted. For further information visit the WASET website: (https://www.waset.org/conference/2015/07/prague/ICEWW) email: Please use the contact form on the above website. 9 – 10 July 2015 NEW ENTRY Athens, Greece INSTITUTE OF WATER ANNUAL CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION: Business in the New World: Innovation, Collaboration, Transformation Cambridge The 2015 annual conference will be chaired by Peter Simpson, Institute of Water President and Chief Executive Officer, Anglian Water Group. The conference will present the latest industry thinking, innovation, best practice, news and ideas. It will look at the changes, challenges and opportunities and how, through innovation and collaboration, we can use them to transform the water industry for the better. Further information is available on the Institute of Water website: (https://www.instituteofwater.org.uk/events-info/247/) email: Dan Barton [email protected] Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 Further information will be made available on the Wessex Institute website: (http://www.wessex.ac.uk/15conferences/water-and-society-2015.html) email: Irene Moreno Millan [email protected] 20 – 22 July 2015 10TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON WATER SUPPLY TECHNOLOGY: Innovative Water Supply Systems in the Age of Change and Uncertainty Kobe, Japan This symposium is co-hosted by the Japan Water Research Center and the Kobe Waterworks Bureau. It aims to solve problems that face us today, including high population densities in urban areas in Asia, changes in the social environment, such as decreasing population, changes in water supply services, such as deteriorating equipment and facilities in Japan, and global environmental changes such as climate change. Since the year 2015 marks the 20th anniversary of the Hanshin earthquake, a special session with the theme “Emergency Preparedness and Business Continuity Management (BCM)” will also be held. Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://www.water-kobe2015.jp/en/ index.html) email: [email protected] 25 – 27 July 2015 2015 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WATER RESOURCE AND ENVIRONMENT (WRE2015) Beijing, China This conference will provide a platform for knowledge exchange of the most recent scientific and technological advances. It will feature plenary sessions, symposia, oral communications and poster sessions with an emphasis on water resource, water pollution, waste water treatment methods and environmental impact of the south-to-north water diversion project in China. Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://www.wreconf.org/) email: [email protected] NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY 13 – 16 July 2015 7 July 2015 NEW ENTRY Zurich, Switzerland IWA SPECIALIST CONFERENCE ON BIOFILMS IN DRINKING WATER SYSTEMS: From Treatment to Tap ICUD 2015 is organised by the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology and aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of urban drainage. It also provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted. This conference is organised by Eawag Aquatic Research and the International Water Association and will focus on all aspects of biofilms in drinking water systems: characterization, management, control, and beneficial use for improving water quality. Themes include: biofilms in distribution systems; biological drinking water treatment; micropollutants in drinking water; killing and removing unwanted biofilms; and managing biofilm formation and removal in water supply. NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY Arosa, Switzerland Further information will be made available on the WASET website: (https://www.waset.org/ conference/2015/07/zurich/ICUD) email: [email protected] Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://www.iwabiofilm2015.ch/) email: [email protected] AUGUST 23 – 27 August 2015 3 - 7 August 2015 IWA SYMPOSIUM ON LAKE AND RESERVOIR MANAGEMENT 2015 Pembroke, Virginia, USA This 3rd symposium of the IWA Specialist Group on Lake and Reservoir Management is being organised by Professor John Little of Virginia Tech. Proposed themes include: integrated management of lakes and reservoirs; and water reuse and surface water augmentation. Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://www.cpe.vt.edu/iwa/index. html) email: Prof. John Little [email protected] AQUATECH INDIA 2015 New Delhi, India Aquatech India is organised by Amsterdam RAI Exhibitions and is India’s leading trade exhibition for process, drinking and waste water technology. It will include the Aquatech India conference and the Industrial Leaders Forum which focuses on industrial water use. Further information will be made available on the Aquatech India website: (http://www.aquatechtrade.com/ india/Pages/homepage.aspx) email: [email protected] or use the contact form on the above website. 13- 14 August 2015 ICEWW 2015: XIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENT, WATER AND WETLANDS Venice, Italy SER 2015: 6TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION: Resilience Ecology: Urban, Rural and Wild Restoration Manchester This Society for Ecological Restoration conference will take the concepts, the tangible manifestations and the practical applications of resilience as the main theme to explore the cutting-edge developments in and impacts of restoration ecology. The programme will focus on four key strands – science, culture, arts and education – providing an integrated view of the ecological challenges we face. For further information visit the conference website: (http://www.ser2015.org/) email: [email protected] 23 – 28 August 2015 4TH BIENNIAL SYMPOSIUM OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR RIVER SCIENCE (ISRS) 2015 La Crosse. Wisconsin, USA The 2015 ISRS conference is hosted by the University of WisconsinLa Crosse River Studies Center and will focus on the theme of connectivity to, within, and among riverine landscapes. It will explore the geomorphic, chemical, and biological implications of connectivity in rivers, and also develop broader themes of human social and cultural connectivity mediated by river systems throughout the world. Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://www.uwlax.edu/conted/ isrs2015/) email: [email protected] 30 August – 3 September 2015 RCEM 2015: 9TH SYMPOSIUM ON RIVER, COASTAL AND ESTUARINE MORPHODYNAMICS ICWEWW 2015 is organised by the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology and aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of environment, water and wetlands. It also provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted. Iquitos, Peru Further information will be made available on the WASET website: (http://www.waset.org/ conference/2015/08/venice/ICEWW) email: [email protected] Further information will be made available on the symposium or the IAHR website: (http://www. crearamazonia.org/rcem2015/) (http://www.iahr.org/site/ cms/contentEventViewer.asp?chapter=14) email: Please use contact form on the IAHR website. This symposium is organised by the international research consortium CREAR (Center for Research and Education of the Amazonian Rainforest) and the IAHR (International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research). It will develop an interdisciplinary approach to river and coastal problems by promoting interactions between basic research and engineering applications. Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY ICUD 2015: XIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON URBAN DRAINAGE NEW ENTRY 23 – 26 August 2015 11 - 13 August 2015 29 - 30 July 2015 NEW ENTRY INTERNATIONAL DESALINATION ASSOCIATION 2015 WORLD CONGRESS: Desalination & Water Reuse: Renewable Water Resources to Meet Global Needs San Diego, California, USA The IDA World Congress is a premier global event in the desalination and water reuse industry. The congress will feature four days of technical sessions, lectures, roundtable and panel discussions with the theme ‘Renewable Water Resources to Meet Global Needs’. This theme is vital to the discussions already taking place surrounding the growing demand for sustainable sources of fresh water in response to population growth, economic expansion, degradation of existing resources, and the effects of climate change. 2 – 4 September 2015 INNOVATIONS IN WASTEWATER TREATMENT FOR ACHIEVING COSTEFFECTIVE RESOURCE RECOVERY University of Leeds This Aqua Enviro international conference intends to examine treatment alternatives that might provide radical changes to how we currently treat wastewaters. In particular it aims to promote the use of low-cost treatment technologies that provide added value from the recovery of resources from wastewater streams in the form of bioenergy generation, safe wastewater for reuse, nutrient recovery and novel chemicals. For further information visit the Aqua Enviro website: (http://www.aquaenviro.co.uk/view-product/Innovations-inWastewater-Treatment) email: [email protected] 3 - 5 September 2015 IWE ISTANBUL WATER EXPO: ISTANBUL WATER & WASTEWATER TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES EXHIBITION AND CONFERENCE Istanbul, Turkey IWE Istanbul Water Expo is organised by the ITE Group and will bring together a range of the latest technologies and developments in sustainable utilization of water resources, water saving, wastewater treatment and recycling. For further information visit the ITE website: (www.istanbulwaterexpo.com) (http://ite-turkey.com/ver3/ fairs/time_en/) email: [email protected] 6 – 9 September 2015 12TH IWA SPECIALISED CONFERENCE ON DESIGN, OPERATION AND ECONOMICS OF LARGE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS Prague, Czech Republic This conference is organised by the International Water Association. Proposed themes are: case studies of LWWTP; operating experiences; design and planning; operation and Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 6 – 9 September 2015 ECSA 55: UNBOUNDED BOUNDARIES AND SHIFTING BASELINES: Estuaries and Coastal Seas in a Rapidly Changing World London This conference is organised by the Estuarine Coastal Sciences Association to bring together a multi-disciplinary community of researchers and professionals to discuss issues of outstanding scientific importance in the science and management of estuaries and coastal seas. It will focus on learning lessons from the past, discussing the current and forecasting for the future, spanning environmental, anthropogenic and climatic impacts on estuaries and coastal seas across the globe. Further information will be made available on the ECSA website: (http://www.estuarinecoastalconference.com/) email: [email protected] or use the contact form on the above website. 7 – 9 September 2015 COASTAL MANAGEMENT 2015: Changing Coast, Changing Climate, Changing Minds Amsterdam, The Netherlands This 8th conference in the Institution of Civil Engineers Coastal Management series will focus on current issues and the balance between research and practical application. Papers cover key international coastal projects offering practical learning, innovative and integrated solutions, and encouraging new ways of understanding and managing our coasts. Further information is available on the ICE website: (http://www.ice-conferences.com/coastal-management/) email: [email protected] 7 – 10 September 2015 NOM 2015: 6TH IWA SPECIALIST CONFERENCE ON NATURAL ORGANIC MATTER IN DRINKING WATER Malmö, Sweden This conference is organised by the International Water Association. Proposed themes are: innovations in characterisation, measurement, and monitoring of NOM; dynamics and impacts of NOM in water, wastewater, or recycling treatment processes; NOM as disinfection by-product precursors; role of NOM in desalination processes; methods for NOM reduction in water treatment plants; NOM in water distribution systems; implications of NOM in biogeochemical processes and catchment management; environmental importance and fate, transport, and transformation of organic matter in the aquatic systems; climate change and NOM; taste and odour from NOM; and NOM modelling. Further information will be made available on the conference or Lunds University website: (http://www. malmokongressbyra.se/NOM6) (http://www.tvrl.lth.se/nom/) email: [email protected] or kenneth.m.persson@ sydvatten.se NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY SEPTEMBER Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://www.lwwtp2015.org/) email: [email protected] NEW ENTRY Further information will be made available on the IDA website: (http://wc.idadesal.org/) email: [email protected] management; costs and economics; aeration and mixing; nutrient removal; settling and separation; modelling; water, energy and nutrients reclamation. NEW ENTRY 30 August – 4 September 2015 WCC 2015: WORLD CANALS CONFERENCE This conference is organised by Inland Waterways International. Sessions will cover waterways in international perspective, economic perspective and historical perspective and there will also be boat trips on Ghent’s inland waterways and the Port of Ghent. Further information will be made available on the Inland Waterways International or WCC 2015 website: (http://inlandwaterwaysinternational.org/worldcanals-conference/upcoming-conference/) (http://www.wccgent2015.com/english/) email: [email protected] or info@ wccghent2015.com 13 – 18 September 2015 Rome, Italy This 42nd Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists will address the main issues facing hydrogeology in the 21st century including the adoption of new tools, the increasing demand for water, and new perspectives related to groundwater and food. This spirit can be summarized in the conference theme of “Back to the Future”, conjugating previous experience with future tools and needs. Further information will be made available on the IAH website: (http://www.iah2015.org/) email: [email protected] or [email protected] Lisbon, Portugal This conference is organised by the International Water Association. Proposed themes are: microbial source tracking; catchment protection; water reuse and health concerns; emerging issues; global changes and water quality; recreational water and health; epidemiology of waterborne diseases; microbial risk assessment; water pollution and diseases; and microbial quality of shellfish growing areas. Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://watermicro2015.org/) email: Please use the contact form on the above website. 14 - 15 September 2015 ICWREP 2015: XIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WATER RESOURCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Berlin, Germany This conference is organised by the International Water Association. Proposed themes are: Pollutants and sources of diffuse pollution in surface and ground waters; and Diffuse pollution (nutrients, carbon, heavy metals...) from agriculture and forestry. Further information will be made available on the WASET website: (http://www.waset.org/ conference/2015/09/berlin/ICWREP) email: [email protected] 17 September 2015 Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://www.dipcon2015.org/) email: Markus Venohr [email protected] WATER, SEWERAGE & WASTE EXHIBITION 13 - 18 September 2015 York This 6th Annual WETPOL international symposium addresses the latest advances in the field of wetland nutrient and pollution transformations, ecosystem valuation and pollution control in natural and constructed wetlands. Cranfield University is joining WETPOL with the 11th Constructed Wetland Association (CWA) annual conference, providing a platform for the natural and constructed wetlands researchers and This is the 8th in the 2015 series of Water, Sewerage & Waste Exhibitions. It will enable visitors to explore the latest technology, ideas and opportunities available in the water, sewerage and waste industries. Further exhibitions will be held in: • • • • • Warrington (24 September) Peterborough (8 October) Durham (22 October) Gatwick (5 November) Bradford (12 November). For further details visit the Public Sector Exhibitions website: (http://pse.co.uk/) email: [email protected] Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 NEW ENTRY WETPOL 2015: 6TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON WETLAND POLLUTANT DYNAMICS AND CONTROL & CWA 11TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE Exeter NEW ENTRY Berlin, Germany DIPCON 2015: 17TH IWA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIFFUSE POLLUTION AND EUTROPHICATION NEW ENTRY 18TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HEALTH-RELATED WATER MICROBIOLOGY ICWREP 2015 is organised by the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology and aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of water resource and environmental protection. It also provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted. 13 – 18 September 2015 NEW ENTRY 13 – 19 September 2015 NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY AQUA2015: 42ND IAH CONGRESS: HYDROGEOLOGY: BACK TO THE FUTURE Further information will be made available on the WETPOL and CWA websites: (http://www.wetpol. org/2015/) (http://constructedwetland.co.uk/events/cwa11th=annual-coference/) email: Dr Gabriela Dotro [email protected] NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY Ghent, Belgium practitioners to exchange knowledge and advance the overall understanding of these complex ecosystems. 7 – 10 September 2015 Belgrade, Serbia This conference is organised by the International Water Association and will provide an opportunity to share the awareness about water problems and also the experiences in solving them. Main topics will be: advanced treatment technologies for water and wastewater; advanced sludge utilisation technologies; water reuse; water distribution, drainage and sewerage; water resources management; water standards, policies and regulations; and other water related topics. NEW ENTRY UDM 2015: 10TH IWA/IAHR INTERNATIONAL URBAN DRAINAGE MODELLING CONFERENCE Quebec City, Canada This is a Specialised Conference, an IWA event organized by Joint IAHR/IWA Committee on Urban Drainage (JCUD). The conference is designed to bring together specialists, researchers and practitioners, to exchange experiences, demonstrate present potential, improve the reliability of urban drainage modelling and set the stage for its future developments. The conference deals with topics related to modelling the urban drainage system and the interactions with other urban water systems and urban environment. Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://udm2015.org/) email: [email protected] 20 – 24 September 2015 6TH IWA-ASPIRE CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION Beijing, China 21 – 24 September 2015 LuWQ2015: 2ND INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCE ON LAND USE AND WATER QUALITY: Agricultural Production and the Environment Vienna, Austria LuWQ2015 is an international and interdisciplinary conference on the cutting edge of science, management and policy to minimise effects of agriculture and land use changes on the quality of groundwater and surface waters. Objectives of the Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 Brisbane, Australia The International Riversymposium is organised by the International RiverFoundation and offers a global forum for river managers, policy developers, scientists, consultants, NGOs, indigenous and community organisations to share their knowledge and advance the agenda for integrated approaches to river management. The theme ‘Healthy rivers – healthy economy’ is a global priority as governments look for economic growth from infrastructure investments, including development of water resources for water supply, energy and food production. For further details visit the International RiverFoundation or symposium website: (http://www.riverfoundation.org.au/event.php?e=2970) (http://riversymposium.com/) email: [email protected] 21 - 25 September 2015 ECOLOGY AT THE INTERFACE: SCIENCEBASED SOLUTIONS FOR HUMAN WELL-BEING Rome, Italy This is the 13th European Ecological Federation (EEF) and 25th Italian Society of Ecology (SItE) Joint Conference. ‘Ecology at the Interface’ focuses on interactions at all biological levels, from membrane exchanges to food web dynamics, in addition to physical ecotones, from deep sediment-bottom water to land-atmosphere, and disciplinary ecotones linking ecology to sociology, economics, law, technology and other fields of knowledge concerning daily human life. Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://www.ecologyatinterface.eu/) email: [email protected] 24 September 2015 WATER, SEWERAGE & WASTE EXHIBITION Warrington This is the 9th in the 2015 series of Water, Sewerage & Waste Exhibitions. It will enable visitors to explore the latest technology, ideas and opportunities available in the water, sewerage and waste industries. Further exhibitions will be held in: • • • • Peterborough Durham Gatwick Bradford (8 October) (22 October) (5 November) (12 November). For further details visit the Public Sector Exhibitions website: (http://pse.co.uk/) email: [email protected] NEW ENTRY Since the establishment of the IWA Asia Pacific Regional Grouping (IWA-ASPIRE) in 2004, it has played an important role in promoting communications and collaborations within the Asia-Pacific region. With the main theme of “Sustainable Water Environment and Water Use”, this conference will provide a platform to discuss the complex and diversified situation of water and environment in China, and in the Asia Pacific Region as well. Further information is available on the conference website: (http://www.iwaaspire2015.org/) email: Jessica Li [email protected] 18TH INTERNATIONAL RIVERSYMPOSIUM: HEALTHY RIVERS – HEALTHY ECONOMY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY 20 - 23 September 2015 21 - 24 September 2015 NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY Further information will be made available on the IWA website: (http://www.iwahq.org/2lb/events/iwa-events/2015/ eastern-european-ywp-2015.html) (http://www.iwahq. org/contentsuite/upload/iwa/all/A%20Events/A%20Events/ IWA%20Events/2015/Call%20for%20Paper%20-%20IWA%20 YWP%20Belgrade%20-%20English.pdf) email: [email protected] Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://web.natur.cuni.cz/luwq2015/) email: [email protected] or [email protected] NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY 7TH EASTERN EUROPEAN YOUNG WATER PROFESSIONALS CONFERENCE conference are: to provide forum for exchange of scientific knowledge, research on system knowledge, modelling and uncertainty; to discuss the entire policy cycle for water quality improvement; and to intensify contacts (a) between soil/water related scientists, agro related scientists, social scientists, ecological scientists and economists, and (b) between scientists, water managers and policy makers. 17 – 19 September 2015 19 – 22 October 2015 WEFTEC 2015: 88 ANNUAL TECHNICAL EXHIBITION & CONFERENCE IWA WATER AND DEVELOPMENT CONGRESS & EXHIBITION: Water Security for Sustainable Growth TH This annual water quality exhibition for water and wastewater professionals includes a programme of technical sessions and workshops that addresses a diverse range of contemporary issues and solutions. Further information will be made available on the WEFTEC website: (http://www.weftec.org) email: [email protected] 27 September 2015 WORLD RIVERS DAY Further information will be made available on the World Rivers Day website: (http://www.worldriversday.com/) email: Please use the contact form on the above website. OCTOBER 6 - 7 October 2015 GLOBAL WATER CONFERENCE 2015 This conference is organised by Confexhub and is designed to facilitate the implementation of the safe water policies and encouraging collaboration between those working on water and sanitation issues, and those working on environmental, public health, economic growth and other issues. The objectives include: raising awareness on the importance of clean and safe water that contribute to a more sustainable water management in developing countries; to identify challenges and opportunities in improving water efficiency under the prevailing socioeconomic, environmental, cultural, and political conditions in the developing countries; and to facilitate an open scientific discussion platform to share knowledge and experiences on improving water efficiency. For further details visit the conference website: (http://www.theglobalwaterconference.com/conference) email: [email protected] 8 October 2015 WATER, SEWERAGE & WASTE EXHIBITION This is the 10th in the 2015 series of Water, Sewerage & Waste Exhibitions. It will enable visitors to explore the latest technology, ideas and opportunities available in the water, sewerage and waste industries. Further exhibitions will be held in: • • • Durham Gatwick Bradford (22 October) (5 November) (12 November). FWR will have a stand at this event and we welcome you to visit us. For further details visit the Public Sector Exhibitions website: (http://pse.co.uk/) email: [email protected] 22 October 2015 WATER, SEWERAGE & WASTE EXHIBITION Durham This is the 11th in the 2015 series of Water, Sewerage & Waste Exhibitions. It will enable visitors to explore the latest technology, ideas and opportunities available in the water, sewerage and waste industries. Further exhibitions will be held in: • • Gatwick Bradford (5 November) (12 November). For further details visit the Public Sector Exhibitions website: (http://pse.co.uk/) email: [email protected] 26 - 27 October 2015 ICWISE 2015: XIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WATER, INFORMATICS, SUSTAINABILITY AND ENVIRONMENT Istanbul, Turkey ICWISE 2015 is organised by the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology and aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of water, informatics, sustainability and environment. It also provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted. Further information will be made available on the WASET website: (http://www.waset.org/conference/2015/10/ istanbul/ICWISE) email: [email protected] 26 - 27 October 2015 ICWRAE 2015: XIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WATER RESOURCES AND ARID ENVIRONMENTS Istanbul, Turkey ICWRAE 2015 is organised by the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology and aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of water resources and arid environments. It also provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY Peterborough Further information will be made available on IWA website: (http://www.iwa-network.org/WDCE2015/ congress/) email: [email protected] NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY Yangon, Myanmar This biennial event organised by the International Water Association focuses on the development and delivery of water and sanitation solutions in the developing countries. With its focus on solutions, the Development Congress aims to change the conventional narrative for water resource management and water and sanitation services in low and middle income countries by focusing not on the challenges, but rather on the opportunities for transformational change. NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY World Rivers Day is a celebration of the world’s waterways held on the last Sunday in September. It highlights the many values of rivers and strives to increase public awareness and encourages the improved stewardship of rivers around the world. Jordon NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY Chicago, Illinois, USA 26 – 30 September 2015 Further information will be made available on the WASET website: (http://www.waset.org/conference/2015/10/ istanbul/ICWRAE) email: [email protected] Gatwick NOVEMBER 2 – 4 November 2015 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ESTUARIES AND COASTS This is the 12th in the 2015 series of Water, Sewerage & Waste Exhibitions. It will enable visitors to explore the latest technology, ideas and opportunities available in the water, sewerage and waste industries. A further exhibition will be held in Bradford (12 November). For further details visit the Public Sector Exhibitions website: (http://pse.co.uk/) email: [email protected] ICEC 2015 is organised by Sultan Qaboos University and sponsored by the International Research and Training Centre on Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES). It will serve as a venue to discuss and exchange information on issues important to sustainable coastal development. Themes include: coastal erosion; seawater quality; tsunami; estuaries; integrated coastal zone management; seawater intrusion; and social, economic and political problems involving coasts and estuaries. 12 November 2015 Further information will be made available on the IRTCES website:(http://www.irtces.org/isi/WebNews_Viewen2.asp?WebNewsID=1096) email: Professor Ahmed Sana [email protected] For further details visit the Public Sector Exhibitions website: (http://pse.co.uk/) email: [email protected] 2 - 6 November 2015 AMSTERDAM INTERNATIONAL WATER WEEK: Integrated Solutions for a Circular Economy and Resilient Cities Amsterdam, The Netherlands The Amsterdam International Water Week (AIWW) is a platform for new alliances and fresh ideas: connecting industry, science, business, policy and technology. The event crosses borders between water and sanitation, deltatechnology, food, agriculture, finance and governance. Tomorrows’ water challenges call for a transition to an innovative, integrated approach. The AIWW conference ‘Integrated solutions for a circular economy and resilient cities’ is the platform for this debate. Further information will be made available on the International Water Week website: (http://internationalwaterweek.com/) email: [email protected] 3 – 6 November 2015 AQUATECH AMSTERDAM 2015 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Aquatech Amsterdam is part of the International Water Week and is a leading trade exhibition for process, drinking and waste water. It will include seminars, conferences, training and excursions. Further information will be made available on the Aquatech website: (http://www.aquatechtrade.com/ amsterdamen/Pages/default.aspx) email: Please use the contact form on the above website. WATER, SEWERAGE & WASTE EXHIBITION Bradford This is the last in the 2015 series of Water, Sewerage & Waste Exhibitions. It will enable visitors to explore the latest technology, ideas and opportunities available in the water, sewerage and waste industries. 15 – 18 November 2015 14TH IWA WORLD CONGRESS ON ANAEROBIC DIGESTION Viña del Mar, Chile This event is part of the IWA Anaerobic Digestion Specialist Group conference series, which is conceived as an international forum for discussion on state-of-art of the anaerobic bioprocess. The conference will cover a wide range of topics related with the application of Anaerobic Digestion, with the aim of attracting experts from different fields of knowledge, from all over the world. Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://www.ad14chile.com/) email: Francisca Rosenkranz [email protected] 17 – 19 November 2015 LESAM 2015 Yokohama, Japan This conference is organised by the IWA Specialist Group, Strategic Asset Management and will explore all aspects of asset management of water and wastewater infrastructure, including technical and socioeconomic aspects. Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://www.lesam2015.org/) email: [email protected] 18 November 2015 DRINKING WATER QUALITY UPDATE SEMINAR London This seminar will be held at the CIWEM headquarters. More information, including the event programme and booking, will be available online shortly. Further information will be made available on the CIWEM website: (http://www.ciwem.org/events/eventscalendar.aspx?m=11&y=2015) email: [email protected] Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY Muscat, Sultanate of Oman WATER, SEWERAGE & WASTE EXHIBITION NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY 5 November 2015 recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted. Singapore Proposed themes of this conference are: development in detection methods and devices; trend in regulation; fate and behaviour in water environment; toxicity and risk assessment; advanced treatment processes and process kinetics; monitoring in water, soil and sludge; and micropollutant source control and management. Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://www.micropol2015.sg/) email: [email protected] 29 November – 3 December 2015 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE WATER MANAGEMENT 2015 This conference comes at a vital time for the effective management of water resources in the face of population growth, lack of conservation ethos, urbanisation, industrial development, pollution of water bodies and climate change. It will explore new and innovative methods of freshwater and wastewater management for human settlements, including treatment and reuse. Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://swm2015.com/) email: [email protected] DECEMBER Hobart, Tasmania This event, hosted by Engineers Australia and its National Committee on Water Engineering, is Australia’s leading symposium devoted to hydrology and water resources. Themes are: hydrology; water resource management; flood, drought and extremes; climate variability and change; uncertainty; river hydraulics; and groundwater. Further information will be made available on the Engineers Australia website: (https://www.engineersaustralia. org.au/hwrs-2015) email: [email protected] 9 – 11 December 2015 IGWC-2015: 6TH INTERNATIONAL GROUNDWATER CONFERENCE: Exploration, Assessment and Management of Goundwater Resources in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions SRM University, Chennai, India This conference is organised jointly by the Department of Civil Engineering SRM University, Chennai and the Association of Global Groundwater Scientists (AGGS), India. The Conference aims to bring scientists, researchers, students, engineers, water resources specialists, government administrators, NGOs and all those interested in groundwater and environment problems to a common platform to exchange ideas, knowledge, experience, and techniques. This World Academy for Science, Engineering and Technology conference is an interdisciplinary forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of sustainable water resources management. Topics include: water management and planning; water quality; climate change; storm water management; flood risk; hydrological modelling; waste water treatment and management; pollution control; and many others. Further information will be made available on the WASET website: (http://www.waset.org/ conference/2015/12/melbourne/ICSWRM/call-for-papers) email: [email protected] 2016 JANUARY 4 – 6 January 2016 8TH INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE ON WATER RESOURCES AND THE ENVIRONMENT Colombo, Sri Lanka IPWE 2016 is organised by the Environmental & Water Resources Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCEEWRI) and the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. It aims to offer a platform for professionals to share knowledge, network, and gain perspective of water resource issues unique to the conference destination. Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://ipwe2015.org/) email: [email protected] FEBRUARY 25 – 26 February 2016 ICSWRM 2016: XIV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT London This conference is organised by the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) and aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Sustainable Water Resources Management. It also provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted. Further information will be made available on the WASET website: (http://www.waset.org/conference/2016/02/London/ ICSWRM) email: [email protected] For further information visit the IAHS website: (http://iahs.info/uploads/pdfs/IGWC-2015%20FIRST%20 CIRCULAR-%20Final-SRM.pdf) email: Prof. Dr. R Annadurai [email protected] Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY 36TH HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES SYMPOSIUM Melbourne, Australia NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY 7 – 10 December 2015 ICSWRM 2015: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia 10 – 11 December 2015 NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY IWA MICROPOL AND ECOHAZARD CONFERENCE 2015 22 – 25 November 2015 NEW ENTRY 21 – 23 March 2016 8 - 10 June 2016 INNOVATIONS IN WASTEWATER TREATMENT FOR ACHIEVING COST-EFFECTIVE RESOURCE RECOVERY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 2016: 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECONOMIC IMPACT ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT University of Leeds, Leeds Call for papers for this Aqua Enviro international conference that intends to examine treatment alternatives that might provide radical changes to how we currently treat wastewaters. For further information visit the Aqua Enviro website: (http://www.aquaenviro.co.uk/view-product/Innovations-inWastewater-Treatment) email: [email protected] or [email protected] APRIL NEW ENTRY 6 - 8 April 2016 ASIA WATER 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Asia Water is organised by UBM Asia and is a leading water and wastewater industry exhibition in the region strongly supporting development and sustainability. It aims to present new products and provide updates on the latest trends in the industry especially for the Southeast Asian market. Further information will be made available on the Asia Water website: (http://www.asiawater.org/) email: [email protected] MAY ADAPTATION FUTURES 2016: PRACTICES AND SOLUTIONS: 4th International Climate Change Adaptation Conference Rotterdam, The Netherlands Adaptation Futures is the biennial conference of the Global Programme of Research on Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation (PROVIA). This 4th edition will be cohosted by the European Commission and the Government of the Netherlands and will combine discussion of the latest adaptation research with an Adaptation Practice Expo and Business Fair. The programme will address all sectors and all parts of the world, with a special focus on urban and coastal areas. 30 May – 3 June 2016 Further information will be made available on the Wessex Institute website: (http://www.wessex.ac.uk/16conferences/environmental-impact-2016.html) email: Irene Moreno Millan [email protected] 15 - 17 June 2016 13TH IWA SPECIALIZED CONFERENCE ON SMALL WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS & 5TH IWA SPECIALIZED CONFERENCE ON RESOURCES-ORIENTED SANITATION Athens, Greece Advance notice of this International Water Association specialized conference. Further information will be made available on the IWA website: (http://www.iwahq.org/2jn/events/iwaevents/2016.html) email: [email protected] JULY 10 – 14 July 2016 RIVER FLOW 2016: 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FLUVIAL HYDRAULICS St. Louis, Missouri, USA The conference will focus on the latest advances in experimental, theoretical, and computational tools in the field of fluvial hydraulics. Participants will consider how these tools can be used to expand our understanding and capacity to predict flow and the associated fluid-driven ecological processes, anthropogenic influences (e.g., heat, dissolved and suspended organic/ inorganic material), sediment transport, and morphodynamic processes. The main conference sponsor is the International Association of Hydraulic Research (IAHR). IFAT: WORLD’S LEADING TRADE FAIR FOR WATER, SEWAGE, WASTE AND RAW MATERIALS MANAGEMENT Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://www.riverflow2016.org) email: [email protected] München, Germany 27 - 29 July 2016 IFAT is organised by Messe München as a showcase for strategies and new solutions in water, sewage, waste and raw materials management with a focus on careful use of resources in intelligent cycles in order to preserve them for the long term. Further information will be made available on the Messe München website: (http://www.ifat.de/en/Home) email: [email protected] Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 4TH IAHR EUROPE CONGRESS: Sustainable Hydraulics in the Era of Global Change University of Liege, Belgium This congress of the International Association for HydroEnvironment Engineering and Research aims to encourage the exchange of ideas through panel discussions and workshops. NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY Further information will be made available on the conference website: (http://www.adaptationfutures2016.org/) email: [email protected] This conference is organised by the Wessex Institute and will provide an international forum to discuss the most serious problems affecting sustainable development. It will consider the impact of economic constraints on the environment, taking into account the social aspects as well as the over-use of natural resources. Topics include: environmental policies and planning; environmental assessments; natural resources management; ecosystems health; water resources management; air and water pollution; community participation; legislation and regulations; and many others. NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY 10 - 13 May 2016 Valéncia, Spain NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY JUNE MARCH Further information will be made available on the congress website: (http://www.iahr2016.ulg.ac.be/) email: [email protected] This annual water quality exhibition for water and wastewater professionals includes a programme of technical sessions and workshops that addresses a diverse range of contemporary issues and solutions. 31 July – 5 August 2016 SIL 2016: SCIENCE FOR SUSTAINABLE FRESHWATER USE Turin, Italy This 23rd Congress of the International Society of Limnology (SIL) focuses on improving our knowledge in Limnological Sciences and awareness of what science can do for a more sustainable use of freshwater ecosystems. Topics include: freshwater scarcity; the impact of global change on inland waters; biogeochemistry and ecology of inland waters; groundwater and dependent ecosystems; forecasting models for the management of lakes; land use in watersheds and its effect on lakes; and many others. SEPTEMBER 14 – 17 September 2016 WCC 2016: WORLD CANALS CONFERENCE: SCOTTISH CANALS Inverness, Scotland The 2016 World Canals conference celebrating Scotland’s five canals is hosted by the Caledonian Canal. 19 - 22 September 2016 ISRS 2016: 13TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON RIVER SEDIMENTATION: Sediment on the Move: Innovative Management Strategies in Riverine Systems: From Old Problems to New Solutions The International Symposium on River Sedimentation is organised by the University of Stuttgart and will provide a forum for scientists, engineers and policy-makers to share information, exchange ideas and collaborate in the field of erosion and sedimentation processes. Themes include: sediment sources; sediment transport in rivers and lakes; geomorphology meets ecology; sedimentation processes; erosion processes; morphology and water quality; how to address sediment dynamics better; innovative management strategies; social, economic and political aspects of sediment management. Further information will be made available on the symposium website: (http://www.isrs2016.de/) email: Karolin Weber [email protected] 26 – 27 September 2016 IDA WATER REUSE CONFERENCE Nice, France This will be the International Desalination Association’s first conference focused on water reuse. It will feature experts from around the world covering leading edge strategies and technology for advanced municipal and industrial water reuse programmes. Further information will be made available on the IDA website: (http://idadesal.org/water-reuse-conference/) email: [email protected] OCTOBER 9 – 13 October 2016 IWA WORLD WATER CONGRESS AND EXHIBITION Brisbane, Australia The International Water Association World Water congress and Exhibition is the Association’s main biennial event and is a valuable opportunity for the community of world leading water professionals to meet, exchange ideas, explore the state of the art and debate the key issues underlying the science and practice of water management. Further information will be made available on the IWA website: (http://www.iwa-network.org/eventSingle. php?event=world-water-congress-exhibition-2016) email: [email protected] NOVEMBER 2 - 3 November 2016 WWEM 2016: 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION ON WATER, WASTEWATER & ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING Telford WWEM is a specialised biennial event focused on measurement, testing and analysis for the water and wastewater and environmental industry. There will be a conference and exhibition and also workshops on case studies, problem solving, new technologies and new applications. Further information will be made available on the WWEM website: (http://www.wwem.uk.com/) email: [email protected] Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY Stuttgart, Germany Further information will be made available on the WEFTEC website: (http://www.weftec.org) email: [email protected] NEW ENTRY Further information will be made available on the Inland Waterways International website: (http://inlandwaterwaysinternational.org/world-canalsconference/future-events/) email: [email protected] New Orleans, Louisiana, USA NEW ENTRY Further information will be made available on the congress website: (http://www.sil2016.it/) email: [email protected] WEFTEC 2016: 89TH ANNUAL TECHNICAL EXHIBITION & CONFERENCE NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY 24 – 28 September 2016 Themes will be: hydro-environment and eco-hydraulic; water as a renewable energy; coastal aspects in the era of global change; innovation and sustainability in hydraulic engineering and water resources; and hydrometeorological extremes, uncertainties and global change. 7 – 9 November 2016 Amsterdam, The Netherlands This event is organised by International Water Conferences (IWC) and aims to facilitate high level discussions and practical demonstrations of computing and control applications in a wide range of the water industry. The focus will be on water systems modelling and control with special attention to translating and applying the scientific work in practice. NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY Further information will be made available on the IWC website: (http://iwcconferences.com/14th-international-ccwiconference/) email: [email protected] NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY CCWI 2016: 14TH INTERNATIONAL COMPUTING AND CONTROL FOR THE WATER INDUSTRY CONFERENCE NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY Produced by FWR © FWR 2015 FWR website The Foundation for Water Research website has four information areas: www.fwr.org • Access to a free comprehensive website including information notes, technical reports and publications. • Quarterly FWR Newsletters, and also frequently updated FWR Events Diary. • News sections in each of the four areas for the most up to date information about water supply, wastewater, WFD and integrated river basin management and water related publications. www.euwfd.com Foundation for Water Research Allen House, The Listons, Liston Road, Marlow, Bucks SL7 1FD, UK. T : +44 (0) 1628 891589 F : +44 (0) 1628 472711 E :[email protected] W:www.fwr.org Produced by the Foundation for Water Research © FWR 2015 It is FWR’s policy to improve our services in every way and so whilst details set out in this publication were correct at the time of publishing, we are unable to guarantee that changes have not subsequently taken place. We therefore reserve the right to alter content at any time without notice. This publication may not be copied for distribution or used for any commercial reason without prior permission from FWR. NEW ENTRY 1. Water Supply 2. Wastewater 3. WFD Information Centre 4. FWR Library What does the FWR Website provide? Design Agency - http://www.connellmarketing.com Publication No : FWR - EVENTS DIARY 93-0 NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY NEW ENTRY Visit our