update - Tameside and Glossop
update - Tameside and Glossop
Update Edition 6 IN THIS ISSUE Governing Body GP Members appointed Clinical leads’ update Practice matters News Useful sources of information Events Starters and leavers Job vacancies Message from the Editor Contact and feedback 5 February 2015 Governing Body GP members appointed We are delighted to report that two of our existing Governing Body GP members have been returned unopposed in the recent election process. Doctors Jamie Douglas and Christina Greenhough will therefore continue to serve on the Governing Body for the next three years. Two further places are still available for new members. We are aware of one potential candidate who had already submitted a nomination which was, unfortunately, too late to be considered in the first round of this process. We are also aware that there are other GPs considering putting themselves forward for the remaining two places. To that end, the Electoral Reform Society (ERS) is now working with us to set up a second round of the election process. Of the two available places, one is for a three-year tenure and the other for one year. You will be receiving formal information about the next stage of the process – including calling for nominations – from the (ERS) shortly with the aim of filling the two vacancies as soon as possible. We understand that there may have been some problems with the way the original information about the election was communicated to GPs which was done via an email to all GPs from the ERS containing a letter from Alan Dow together with a prominent article in a previous edition of Update. Back to top We are in the process of checking our email distribution lists to make sure all local GPs currently working in Tameside and Glossop get all the relevant information and full opportunity to put themselves or one of their colleagues forward for election. If there are any changes to the workforce within your own practice (GPs, PNs and PMs) please notify Francesca Kershaw, corporate administrative assistant, at: [email protected]. Pathways Alan Dow said: “GPs are best placed to understand the needs and aspirations of our patients. That is why it is crucial that we use our relatively new commissioning responsibilities with vision and purpose. The best place to be if you want to have real influence over patient pathways and the way the local service works is on the CCG Governing Body. This is why I urge you to seriously consider putting yourself forward for election. “Even if you do not put yourself forward for election, please cast your vote for your choice of candidate amongst those who do stand.” Dr Alan Dow Chair Steve Allinson Chief Operating Officer What would you like to see in future editions of Update? Contact the editor, Karen Stott, on 0161 304 5825 or by email at: [email protected] with ideas, comments and suggestions. 1|Page Back to top Clinical leads’ update NEW PRACTICE LEVEL CANCER BENCHMARKING INFORMATION PUBLISHED Message from Joanna Bircher, CCG Clinical lead for Quality and Information A new benchmarking information pack is now available to help practices detect areas where more might be done to better diagnose and manage cancer. For the past few years data has been gathered nationally about how GP practices diagnose and manage people with cancer. The information pack will be distributed at the practice managers’ forum meeting on 17 February. If you are unable to attend the forum meeting, arrangements will be made to post the pack to your practice. It provides performance information against a range of indicators such as screening and conversion rates and use of two-week referrals. Dr Joanna Bircher, the CCG’s Clinical Lead for Quality and Information, explains: “The good news story is that more people are surviving cancer than ever before. There are likely to be many reasons for this, including improved treatments and a healthier population. However, it is likely that how we GPs behave might also be making a difference, resulting in earlier diagnosis. Aspects of GP and GP practice behavior include: How far do we go to encourage our patients to take up the offer of screening? Do our practices make it easy for women to attend for smears? Back to top Are we picking up on early warning signs of cancer and making the most of the two week wait referrals? “These questions are hard to answer without access to data. The purpose of this 'Practice Cancer Pack' is to give your practice teams the opportunity to look at your data to see how you compare with others. “In a drive towards continuous improvement there is a possibility that some GPs and practices diagnose cancer better than others. Benchmarking data helps us to see when our behaviour might be different from others and therefore help us to spot room for improvement. “Remember - all data comes with a health warning. Before you open the pack please bear that in mind. Data is just numbers. It is up to you to think about it and try to make sense of it. The web link below takes you to some hints/tips on how to do this. If you are concerned about any of your numbers and want help in interpreting them, or help in planning improvement, then please contact me: [email protected].” Hints/tips http://www.tamesideandglossopccg.org/uploade d_files/files/EBULLETIN_ITEMS/Cancer_Pack_for _GPs_-_web.pdf Dr Joanna Bircher Practice matters GREATER MANCHESTER HEALTHCARE SUPPORT WORKER TOOLKIT – REQUEST FOR FEEDBACK BY 23 FEBRUARY 2015 The Greater Manchester Practice Nurse Collaborative has developed a toolkit aimed at supporting good practice in the employment of healthcare support workers in general practice. NHS England is looking for feedback and comments on the toolkit from practice staff across Greater Manchester. Please click on the web link below to view the final draft. http://www.tamesideandglossopccg.org/uploaded_files/files/EBULLETIN_ITEMS/HCSW_Toolkit_V0_7_December_14.pdf An update on the care certificate will be included in the document once this is finalised. Key areas of consideration could be format, content, and usefulness. Please return your feedback or comments to Fiona Sanders, Lead for Primary Care Education, Training, Development and Workforce, Stockport CCG on [email protected] by Monday, 23 February. 2|Page News Tameside 4 Good – COMMUNITY AND VOLUNTARY ACTION TAMESIDE (CVAT) Back to top PAINT IT PINK - TAMESIDE On Friday 13 and Saturday 14 February 2015, Tameside 4 Good is holding its second annual Paint It Pink day. The charity initiative is asking everyone in Tameside to simply wear or make something pink and donate £2 to Tameside 4 Good. It is a fun way to show your love for Tameside and by raising money for Tameside 4 Good you are improving local lives. Can you do something good for Tameside? Here’s your chance to get your colleagues to dress up as George from Rainbow, the Pink Power Ranger or slip on a pink morphsuit. Then, pledge your support by text donation. All you have to do is text: ‘TAME44 £2’ to 70070 on Friday, 13 February 2015. Or, do you want to collect sponsorship to do something wild and wacky but safe? Click on the web link below for the Paint It Pink 2015 fundraising pack for more ideas. http://www.tamesideandglossopccg.org/uploaded_files/files/EBULLETIN_ITEMS/Paint_It_Pink_ 2015_-_Fundraising_Pack.pdf Every penny you donate to Tameside 4 Good funds local activities for disadvantaged young people, aged between five and 25 and Tameside community group projects that alleviate poverty, improve people’s health and wellbeing, and develop skills, education and employment. Follow us on Twitter @Tameside4Good and share your activities #paintedpink #mycommunity. Tameside 4 Good’s ‘Paint It Pink’ day is about everybody helping to make Tameside a great place to live and work and feel proud of. But we can’t do this without you! We hope you will help by joining us! Useful sources of information NHS ENGLAND – 6Cs LIVE! NEWS BULLETIN JANUARY 2015 Back to top http://www.6cs.england.nhs.uk/pg/cv_blog/content/view/157024/network A NICE WAY TO GET INVOLVED The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NIICE) has recently published its February edition of a newsletter providing an update on its public involvement work. In it, you can find the latest news from NICE, details about current consultations, information about how to get involved in NICE work, newly published NICE guidance and information about workshops, longer courses and training programmes. Please click on the web link below to view: http://www.tamesideandglossopccg.org/uploaded_files/files/EBULLETIN_ITEMS/NICE_Public_Involv ement_Update-_February_2015.pdf Events INVITATION TO ATTEND STOCKPORT DERMATOLOGY UPDATE ON INFLAMMATORY SKIN CONDITIONS Back to top All GPs, nurse practitioners and other healthcare professionals who manage skin conditions are invited to attend Stockport Dermatology Update on Saturday, 28 February at Pinewood House Education Centre, Stepping Hill Hospital. The programme content has been developed by the dermatology specialists from the Stockport and Salford dermatology services. The meeting is free to attend. To view further information and register your attendance please click on the web link below:http://www.tamesideandglossopccg.org/uploaded_files/files/EBULLETIN_ITEMS/Stockport_Update_ Invitation_28Feb2015app.pdf 3|Page Starters and leavers Back to top Welcome back to Pat McKelvey who will be returning to the CCG as the Head of Mental Health, Learning Disabilities, Children and Families. Pat has spent the last two years on secondment at the Association of Greater Manchester Authorities (AGMA) working on the early years agenda. As well as being the lead for the Pennine Care contract, which includes primary and secondary mental health services, Pat will also be responsible for learning disabilities, eating disorders, autism, attention deficient hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), offender health and military veterans, to name but a few! is the lead manager for all children and families commissioning and has just recruited a new project manager to support him on the national Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) pilot. We are only one of eight CCGs nationally to have been picked for this. Debbie Ashforth leads on dementia and carers. We also welcome Jo-Ann Hepburn who has joined the CCG to provide interim HR support working alongside Kate Calder, HR and Organisational Development (OD) Consultant, to support the CCG including the Care Together HR and OD work stream. Pat is coming back at a very exciting and busy time, and has a great team working with her. Alan Ford Job vacancies Back to top LAY MEMBER X 2 AND LAY NURSE The CCG will be going out to advert to re-appoint two lay members and a new lay nurse to serve on the Governing Body. Further information to follow on NHS jobs. https://www.jobs.nhs.uk/ Back to top Message from the Editor By Karen Stott If you have any news you would like to share in Update, please email at [email protected] by 12 February. This newsletter and previous editions can now be found on the CCG’s website at http://www.tamesideandglossopccg.org/corporate/publications/update-newsletter?site_locale=en Contact and feedback To contact any member of the Communications and Engagement team contact Karen Stott, Communications and Engagement Officer, either by phone 0161 304 5825 or email [email protected] Email: [email protected]; Website: http://www.tamesideandglossopccg.org/ Back to top Follow us on Twitter: @TGCCG. Facebook: facebook.com/TGCCG Next edition - 19 February 2015 4|Page