the Flow Form™ Pilates Exercise Chart.


the Flow Form™ Pilates Exercise Chart.
Pilates Exercise Chart
How to Exercise
IMPORTANT – Read this Exercise Chart in conjunction with the User Manual & Exercise Guide
Each program consists of 3 groups of exercises: Warm Up, Work Out and Cool Down. Do not skip any stage.
Warm Up
Start your exercise program with a light exercise to raise your body temperature
• Cardiovascular Exercise
Begin by marching on the spot, moving arms and progress to a slow jog. When fitter, run on the spot, lifting knees and pumping arms. In
addition, you can also perform jumping jacks.
• Stretching
Follow with stretching exercises.
Exercise Resistance - For each exercise resistance, attach one or more of the resistance bands to the resistance hook.
Exercise Reps & Sets - For each exercise, engage a suitable level of resistance to enable you to perform the exercise
movement (“rep” for short) 8 - 12 times (a set). Once you have reached 12 reps per exercise, increase the resistance
level by a suitable amount that will allow you to perform 8 reps.
Work Out
• If you are unfit, start slowly and build up gradually. Once fit, exercise actively so as to increase your heart rate.
• Complete the exercises in the indicated order, moving at a steady pace from one exercise to the next. If you find any
particular exercise too strenuous, skip it and try again when you are fitter.
• Perform exercise movements with smooth, continuous motions, approximately 1 rep every 1 - 2 seconds.
• Perform each exercise with proper form (e.g. keeping your head and spine aligned) and do not swing or use momentum
when moving against resistance.
• Maintain steady, rhythmic breathing whilst exercising – do not hold your breath.
• Always contract your abs, core and lower back muscles whilst performing an exercise. This will stabilise the body and help
prevent injury.
• To intensify your program, first attempt to increase the number of repetitions per exercise and then try to increase the
resistance per exercise (see Resistance Chart in User Manual & Exercise Guide).
• Do not increase reps and resistance during the same exercise session.
How to Perform each Exercise - Each exercise is accompanied by a brief description of how to perform the exercise with
two accompanying pictures: The start of the exercise; and the mid point of the exercise. By returning to the starting
position, one rep. of the exercise will be completed.
Exercise Form - Perform exercise movements with precision and control. Concentrate on engaging the core whilst
keeping the movements fluid
Exercise Program Options
• Exercises are grouped together into specific Exercise Programs designed to meet your requirements.
• There are 2 Exercise Programs. Select the program that is best suited to your fitness level, available time, objectives and
level of motivation.
Calf Stretch
Inner Thigh Stretch
Sit on the floor with knees bent and
soles of the feet touching. Lean
forward holding ankles or feet.
Chest, Shoulder & Upper Arm
Interlace fingers behind the back.
Slowly turn the elbows inwards
whilst straightening the arms.
Inhale. Tuck your chin in and
breathing out, roll down to a
comfortable position. Keep the back
rounded and touch toes if possible.
Breathe in and out whilst
maintaining the position.
Lower and Lift (Connect foot bar)
A: Place balls of feet on foot bar and heels raised, arms to the
sides and holding the glide board.
B: Lower heels under the foot bar. Pause and return to starting
Hundreds (Rope engaged)
A: Grip handles, palms facing up and lift the knees
B: Pull arms forward and down towards your sides while raising
the head and shoulders off the glide board in a “crunch”
motion. Pump your arms in an up and down motion as you
inhale for 5 counts and exhale for 5 counts (pump once for
each count) to complete one set. After completing 10 sets,
return to starting position
Elephant (Connect foot bar)
A: Stand on glide board facing foot bar and grip foot bar with
both hands.
B: While keeping the upper body still, push legs back from the
hips. Pause and return to starting position.
Bicep Curl (Rope engaged)
A: Kneel (or sit) and hold handles (with open or closed hands),
palms facing upwards and arms extended.
B: Bend elbows and pull the handles up towards shoulders,
keeping upper arms and elbows still. Pause and return.
Shoulder Pads & Headrest
Carefully review the Exercise Chart and consult your physician
before using this product or performing the exercises presented
herein. The instructions and advice presented in this Exercise
Chart are in no way intended to be a substitute for medical
counselling. Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and any
user of this product assumes the risk of injury resulting from
performing the exercises shown. If at any time you feel you are
exercising beyond your current fitness level or you feel
uncomfortable, you should discontinue exercise immediately.
Your physician should help you ascertain your target heart rate,
as determined by your age and physical fitness. Certain training
programs and types of exercise equipment may not be suitable
for everyone. This is particularly important for those individuals
over 35, pregnant women and individuals with existing health
problems or problems with balance. If you take medication
which affects your heart rate, you must seek medical advice from
your doctor before starting your exercise program with this
Thigh Stretch
In the standing position, reach one
hand behind the body and grasp the
top of the foot. Pull the heel towards
the buttocks. Keep the standing leg’s
knee slightly bent. Repeat on the
other leg.
Knees to Chest Stretch
Lie on your back. Bend knees and lift
feet off the floor. Hug knees to
Hamstring Stretch
Sit on the floor with legs straight and
knees bent. Stretch forward towards
Side Stretch
Stand with feet apart, knees slightly
bent and one arm at side. Reach the
other arm above the head and bend
sideways taking the raised arm over
and to the side. Repeat with other
Triceps Stretch
Place left hand behind the head,
elbow bent with palm facing just
below the head on the neck. With
the right hand hold the left elbow
and pull the arm towards the head.
Repeat with the other arm.
Pilates Exercises
Standing Stretch
Ex No.
1 - 23
Stretching Exercises
Face the wall with one leg in front of
the other, feet flat and toes facing
forwards. Bend the knee of the front
leg whilst keeping the back leg
straight. Push the hip of the back leg
towards the wall. Repeat with the
other leg.
Ex No.
8 - 12
16 - 20
22 & 23
Cardio &
End your exercise with a Cool Down
• Cardiovascular Exercise
Run or walk on the spot gently for 1-2 minutes
• Stretching
Stretch slowly, holding the stretch for 20 – 30 seconds
A total body workout exercising a wide range of muscles - if you are fit, have the time and want a
more complete workout
Cool Down
A total body workout - if you have limited time, have been inactive or
are unfit
Cardio & Stretching
Exercise Program - Depending on the available time, select either the “EXPRESS” or “TOTAL BODY” Exercise Program. The
different exercises in the Programs (see “Exercise Programs”) are designed to work out the various muscles of the body.
Perform each of the exercises in the sequence as indicated in the Exercise Program. For variety you can alternate
between exercise programs during different exercise sessions.
Exercise Programs
Please note: The exercises are shown without the
shoulder pads and headrest fitted. For added stability, fit
these to the machine as shown in the User Manual.
Lower and Lift Leg Extension (Connect foot bar)
A: Place ball of left foot on foot bar with feet hip distance apart,
arms to the sides and holding the glide board. Bring right knee
in line with left knee in table top position.
B: Push out with left leg whilst straightening right leg upwards
and pointing toe. Flex right foot, bend left leg and lower right
leg above the foot bar while keeping right leg straight (not
shown). Repeat for left leg
Down and Up (Rope released)
A: Place feet through handles. Bring straight legs vertically
inline with your hips with arms at sides and holding the glide
B: Keep legs and feet together and lower legs, keeping lower
back against the glide board. Pause, then slowly return to
starting position.
Y-Position (Rope engaged)
A: Grip handles with arms straight up in a 45 degree position
and lift legs into a table top position
B: Pull arms down to sides. Pause and return
Arms Straight Back (Rope engaged)
A: Sit or kneel and hold handles (with open or close hands) ,
arms straight, palms facing backwards.
B: Pull handles backwards with straight arms. Pause and return
One Leg Bent (Connect foot bar)
A: Place ball of left foot on foot bar, arms to the sides and
holding the glide board. Bring right knee in line with left knee in
table top position.
B: Extend left leg by pushing against foot bar whilst keeping
right leg in table top. Pause and return to starting position.
Repeat with right leg
Leg Circles (Rope released)
A: Place feet through handles. Bring straight legs vertically
inline with your hips with arms at sides and holding the glide
B: Keep legs and feet together and press legs down.
C: Circle legs clockwise by moving them outwards before
returning to the starting position.
Arm Circles (Rope engaged)
A: Grip handles with arms straight up, palms facing forwards,
align knees with legs in the table top position.
B: Make large circles with your arms by moving them down to
your sides
C: Continue moving the arms out to a “T” position. Return to
starting position.
Offering/Serving Bread (Rope engaged)
A: Sit cross legged or with legs extended and hold handles (with
open or close hands) , arms at the sides, palms facing forwards.
B: Lift arms to shoulder height, palms facing upwards. Pause
and return.
First Position (Connect foot bar)
A: Place balls of the feet on the foot bar with toes apart and
heels together. Knees are bent, arms at sides and holding the
glide board.
B: Push feet against foot bar to straighten legs. Pause and
return to starting position.
A: Place toes on foot bar with knees bent, heels raised, arms at
sides and holding the glide board.
B: Push against the foot bar to straight legs with heels raised.
Pause and return to starting position.
Caution: Carefully lower your head onto the headrest
with your neck between the shoulder pads
High Half Toe (Connect foot bar)
Heels on Bar (Connect foot bar)
A: Place toes on the foot bar with feet together, arms at sides
and holding the glide board.
B: Bend right leg and allow left heel to flex under the foot bar.
Bend left leg and allow right heel to flex under the foot bar.
Continue alternating legs in a smooth motion.
Table Top (Rope released)
Arm Pull Down (Rope engaged)
Hug a Tree (Rope engaged)
A: Sit cross legged or with legs extended and grip handles, arms
extended to chest height at sides, elbows slightly curved.
B: Bring hands together in front of chest. Pause and return.
Triceps Extension (Rope engaged)
A: Grip handles with arms at sides, elbows bent, palms facing
forwards and legs in table top position.
B: Press forearms downwards whilst keeping upper arms and
elbows still. Pause and return.
A: Grip handles with arms straight up and parallel to one
another, palms facing forwards and with legs in the table top
B: Pull arms down to sides. Pause and return.
Single Thigh Stretch (Connect foot bar)
A: Stand facing the foot bar on the right hand side of the
machine. Grip foot bar with left hand and place left foot on
glide board.
B: Push back with left foot to straight leg. Pause and return to
starting position. Repeat on left side.
A: Place feet through handles. Bring legs in the table top
position, arms at sides and holding the glide board.
B: Straighten legs upwards. Pause and return to starting
Rebounder (Connect rebounder) (Optional Extra)
A: Lie and place feet parallel in the centre of rebounder, arms
to the sides holding the glide board.
B: Bounce feet against the rebounder starting with small,
controlled movements and gradually increase the rebounding
A: Place heels of feet on foot bar with legs together, knees
bent, toes pointing up, arms to the sides and holding onto glide
B: Push heels against foot bar and straighten legs. Pause and
return to starting position.
Running (Connect foot bar)
Mermaid (Connect foot bar)
A: Sit sideways on glide board with right side of body next to
the foot bar. Place your left hand in the centre of the foot bar
and raise right arm overhead.
B: Bend sideways towards the bar, bringing right arm over and
simultaneously push away with right arm. Pause and return to
starting position. Repeat on left side.
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