Leaner Legs, Tighter Butt
Leaner Legs, Tighter Butt
Leaner Legs, Tighter Butt Get a bangin’ lower body with two fat melting, muscle-sculpting routines. There’s a common belief—or myth, rather— that if you want to tone your legs and boost your butt, you should devote all your energy to squats and leg lifts of every kind. The problem: While you’ll build sleek muscle (score!), no one will notice if it’s hidden under a layer of body fat. To reveal a slimmer bottom half, you need to add a fat-burning totalbody routine to those targeted moves that reshape your hips, thighs, and butt. Luckily for you, we’ve got both right here! Stick to these workouts and you’ll be shimmying into those skinny jeans with ease in no time. 1 w o m e n ’ s h e a lt h / Slim Down All Over quick tip Keep your foot flat on the floor for better balance. Perform this workout two or three times a week: Complete 10 to 15 reps of each exercise, moving from one to the next with little (30 seconds) to no rest in between. Do two or three sets total. 1 / Lunge with Rotation Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms straight out (a). Step forward with your left foot and twist your torso to the left as you bend your knees and lower your body until both of your legs form 90-degree angles (b). Twist back to center, push off your left foot, and stand back up. Repeat on the other leg. That’s one rep. a a b 3 / Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift a b Stand with feet hipwidth apart, right foot raised off the floor and right arm extended in front of you (a). Bending forward from your hips and keeping your back flat, raise your right leg straight behind you until your body forms a T and your right arm hangs down from your shoulder (b). Return to start. That’s one rep. Complete all reps, then repeat on the other side. b 2 / Reverse Wood Chop Hold a medicine ball (or dumbbell) with both hands next to your right hip and stand with your feet hip-width apart. Keeping your chest upright, sit your hips back and bend your knees to lower into a squat (a). In one motion, press through your heels as you “chop” the ball up and across your body until your legs are straight and the ball is above your left shoulder (b). Return to start. Complete all reps before repeating on the other side. WomensHealthMag.com/LeanLegs 4 / Side Plank Lie on your left side with your legs straight and your right leg stacked on your left. Lift your hips so your body forms a straight line from your neck to your ankles; your left forearm and the outside edge of your left foot support your weight. Place your right hand on your hip. Hold for up to one minute, then switch sides and repeat. P h oto g r a p h s b y M u n e ta k a To k u ya m a Blast Your Lower Half Perform this workout once or twice a week: Starting with the first exercise, slowly complete five reps (it should take about 10 seconds per rep: five up, five down). Continue until you’ve done every exercise. Do two to four total circuits, switching sides (when necessary) every other set. Increase the challenge by adding a resistance band loop around your ankles or thighs for each move. 1 / Side Leg Raise 3 / Hip Raise Lie on your left side, rest your head on your left arm, and place your right hand on the floor in front of your chest. Your legs should be straight with your right leg on top of your left leg (a). Without moving any other part of your body, slowly raise your right leg as high as you can (b). Pause, then return to the starting position. a b 2 /Clamshell a b 2 w o m e n ’ s h e a lt h / Lie on your left side with your hips and knees bent 45 degrees. Stack your right leg on top of your left leg, heels together (a). Keeping your feet together and left leg on the floor, raise your right knee as high as you can without your heels coming apart (b). Pause, then return to the starting position. WomensHealthMag.com/LeanLegs Quick tip Lie faceup on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor (a). Squeeze your glutes and press into your heels to raise your hips until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees (b). Pause, then slowly lower back to the starting position. That’s one rep. a b Keep your back flat throughout the exercise. (Only your leg should move.) a b 4 /Cross-Body Mountain Climber Start at the top of the pushup position, with your body forming a straight line from head to heels (a). Keeping your abs braced, pick up your right foot and slowly bring your right knee toward your left shoulder (b). Then return to start. Adapted from Six Weeks to Skinny Jeans: Blast Fat, Firm Your Butt, and Lose Two Jean Sizes, by Amy Cotta (Rodale, January 2012). Available wherever books are sold.