roofing - St. Dominic Church
roofing - St. Dominic Church
The Parish Family of St. Dominic Church Dedicated to Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ As we Honor the Past, Celebrate the Present, And Prepare for the Future Founded 1849 MAY 22, 2011 REV. EDWARD T. KEARNS, Pastor REV. MICHAEL J. HEIM, Parochial Vicar REV. CHARLES GARST, OSFS, Parochial Vicar REV. JACOB JOHN, Resident DEACON MARK A. SALVATORE MASSES: Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM Vigil of Holy Days: 7:00 PM Holy Days: 8:00 AM; 12:05 N & 7:00 PM Weekdays: 8:00 AM Saturday: 9:00 AM Rosary Recited Daily Before Morning Mass Miraculous Medal Novena: Saturday after the 9:00 AM Mass. CONFESSIONS: Saturday 3:30 to 4:30 PM and by appointment at the Rectory. Adoration Chapel: Open 8:30 AM to 8:30 PM daily; except during Mass times. RECTORY 8504 Frankford Ave. Phila., PA 19136 215-624-5502, X129 FAX: 215-333-1750 Mr. William A. Baker Business Manager CEMETERY Rectory Basement 215-624-5502, X117 Mrs. Chris Jones BAPTISMS: The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the second and fourth Sunday of each month at 1:00 PM in church. Please call the rectory at 215-624-5502 to set up an appointment. A date can be scheduled at this time. Parents and sponsors must attend a Baptism Class. Baptism Class is held on the first Monday of February, April, June, August, October and December in the Parish Center at 7:00 PM. If this falls on a holiday, the class will be held the following Monday. MARRIAGE: Diocesan rules require that a couple make arrangements for their marriage at least six months before the date of the wedding. Most couples schedule their weddings one year in advance. Marriage Preparation (PreCana) classes are offered here at St. Dominic every Spring. SCHOOL TUITION OFFICE 8512 Frankford Ave. Main Office-School Phila., PA 19136 215-333-9920 215-333-6703 Mrs. Laura Iannuzzi Fax: 215-333-9930 Sr. Shaun Thomas, I.H.M. Parish Web Site: Parish Email: [email protected] CONVENT 8510 Frankford Ave. Phila, PA 19136 215-333-0144 Sr. Mary O’Connor, I.H.M. CCD Office—School Karen Fitzgerald 215-624-5301 CCD Email: [email protected] Cemetery Email: [email protected] Page Two FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER HAVE FAITH IN JESUS “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be.” With these words Jesus opens greater possibilities for His disciples. He lets them know that He will leave and they will someday follow. They will be with Him forever. What heart-warming and hopeful words to hear! Imagine a loved one who is dying saying these words to us. It is like saying to us: “Don’t worry; I’ll be back to take you to myself so that we can be together.” Even though our hearts are breaking at the thought of losing someone whom we love, we are filled with hope because their love for us will bring us together again. How much Jesus loves us. All of His actions are signs to us that He longs to share His eternal life with us. Even if we become lost along the way, we need only look for Him who is the Way. He will show us how to find Him and to become one with Him. May we allow nothing to stop us! IHM EDUCATIONAL CENTER The IHM Educational Center, located within St. Martin of Tours School, is now accepting applications for individual tutoring in our summer program. It is a five week program starting Monday, June 27, 2011, and ending Thursday, July 28, 2011. The Center is staffed by the Sister Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Hours are from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Please call 215-535-5388 for additional information. MAY 22, 2011 Sunday Father Kearns will celebrate Mass this weekend for the Intentions of all the Parishioners Monday 8:00 AM Richard Slusarczyk Tuesday 8:00 AM Francis Morrison Wednesday St. Bede the Venerable/St. Gregory VII/ St. Mary Magdalene de’Pazzi 8:00 AM Ed Swinburn Thursday St. Philip Neri 8:00 AM Mary Bush Friday St. Augustine of Canterbury 8:00 AM Frances & Michael Wolowiec Saturday 9:00 AM Joseph Cammisa 5:00 PM Shea Lynn Chestnut PRAY FOR THE SICK: Father Michael Heim, Sister Mary Regina, John Biddle, Sr., John Biddle, Jr., Armond Binni, Baby Breen, Jill Briggs, Stacy Brodheim, Francis Broshard, Jim Bryan, Bryan Carroll, Louise Chivaglio, Fred Curley, John Curley, Frank Dabundo, Jane D’Imperio, Helen Fanini, Loretta Fowler, Frances Goida, George Hagerty, Geraldine Heavey, Cecelia Herrmann, Louis Hoffman, David Keefe, Baby David Knoell, William Lawler, Sam Lento, Jason Lingo, Evelyn Malloy, Rita McAloon, Shawn McCloskey, Baby Shane Matthew McCuen, Elizabeth McKenna, Jennifer Roman, Michael Sermarini, Denise Steakman, Frank X. Tobin, IV, James J. Tobin, Andrew Toms, Lois Wagner, Ethel Watson and all sick parishioners. PRAY FOR THE DECEASED Erma Anderson, Norman F. Mazeika, Catherine McGurn and all deceased parishioners. Page Three MAY 22, 2011 SPRING FESTIVAL IN LOVING MEMORY OF THE MISKO & QUINN FAMILIES, A DONATION OF $100 HAS BEEN RECEIVED WITH THANKS FROM BOB & RON QUINN TO BE USED FOR THE ALTAR WINE AND HOSTS DURING THE MONTH OF MAY, 2011. FROM MAY 22 TO MAY 28 THE SANCTUARY LAMP ON OUR ALTAR WILL BURN FOR THE HEALTH, WELFARE & SPECIAL INTENTIONS OF ANTOINETTA DI’GIOVANNI FROM PAT, JAYE & AL FROM MAY 22 TO MAY 28 THE CANDLES ON THE ALTAR IN OUR BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL WILL BURN IN LOVING MEMORY OF RICHARD SLUSARCZYK FROM HIS WIFE, PEG, & CHILDREN ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE SATURDAY, MAY 28th 7:30 PM C. Curry, M. Mulhern, L. O’Grady SUNDAY, MAY 29th 7:30 AM C. Gosse, M. Hamilton, S. Hicks 9:30 AM B. Boyle, M. Esham, L. McDonough 11:30 AM T. Anusky, J. Hoffer, T. Mertz This is the first year we attempted to put together a festival celebrating the coming of summer and the end of the school year. This festival was a huge success for St. Dominic’s Parish. I’d like to take this time to thank the Organizing Committee, as well as all of our volunteers from: CYO/PYM, HASA, Catholic Daughters, Social Committee, Choir, Neo-Catechumenal Way, Sisters of the IHM, CCD, Faculty, Parishioners and Students. Your time, efforts, and generosity made our first Spring Festival event a great success! I especially want to thank all of our parishioners for supporting this event. Your support greatly helps the needs of our Parish. Thank You! Father Kearns ST. DOMINIC SCHOOL NEWS Josephine C. Connelly Achievement AwardsCongratulations to Kaitlyn Ciliberti and Timothy Kutchner, the 2011 recipients of the Connelly Achievement Awards. They were honored on Monday, May 9th, for this accomplishment. St. Dominic School is well served by Kate and Tim and their families. They are very involved in parish life and truly put their faith into action! May God continue to bless Kate and Tim as they begin their high school career! First In Math- Our students use a computerized Math program called “First In Math.” We recently were informed of the following standings: Grade 3 is #53 among the Nation’s top 100 schools, Grade 6 is #22 out of the Nation’s top 100 schools, Grade 7 is #28 out of the Nation’s top 100 schools and Grade 8 is #22 out of the Nation’s top 100 schools! In addition to the schools in the top 100 nationally, St. Dominic ranked in the top 100 in Pennsylvania out of 1,048 schools! We are so proud of these accomplishments and congratulate both the students as well as their Math teachers! Keep up the great work and shine like the stars you are, boys and girls! Congratulations– Congratulations to Mrs. Mary Lou Fisher, Math teacher in our Middle School Academy, who is #84 out of the top 100 teachers from the approximately 5,000 schools using First In Math! Page Four MAY 22, 2011 HOURS - SCRIP PROGRAM MONDAY 8:30 AM-11:30 AM THROUGH 12:30 PM- 3:00 PM FRIDAY 6:30 PM –8:00 PM SATURDAY 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM SUNDAY 9:30 AM -1:00 PM JACKPOT The drawing held on Monday, May 16, 2011, did not have a Jackpot winner. The winning numbers were 7 - 19– 22 - 29 - 36. There were 3 Consolation Prize Winners who will each receive $166 on Tuesday, May 24th, and our sellers received $10. Winners and Sellers are as follows: K. Bytop (B. Gannon, Seller), J. Carlin (K. Golden, Seller), and S. Flaton (M. DiNoia, Seller). PLEASE CHECK YOUR TICKETS AND NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY IF YOU HAVE A WINNING TICKET AND HAVE NOT BEEN CALLED. YOU ONLY HAVE 7 DAYS TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE! PLEASE NOTE: Our next drawing will be held on Monday, May 16, 2011, at 7:30 PM in Marian Hall and the Jackpot is worth $84,000. FOR FUTURE REFERENCE: ALL JACKPOT TICKETS MUST BE DROPPED OFF AT THE RECTORY BEFORE 3:00 PM EVERY MONDAY. CCD NEWS Our CCD program is now offering registration for the 20112012 year. Registration is open for students in grades 1-8. Tuition for the 2011-2012 CCD year is as follows: 1 Child: $60, 2 Children: $70, 3 Children: $75. To register your child(ren), please call Karen Fitzgerald, Coordinator of Religious Education, at 215-624-5301 to schedule an appointment. Thank you. The next Bingo will be held on June 12th in Marian Hall. Doors open at 11:30 AM and the first game begins at 1:00 PM. Bring a friend! MEETINGS THIS WEEK Sunday 9:30 AM Monday 10:00 AM 7:30 PM Tuesday 8:00 PM Wednesday 7:30 PM Thursday 7:00 PM Little Church School Seniors, Marian Hall Jackpot Drawing, Marian Hall Neocatecumenate, Liturgy of the Word Neocatecumenate, Liturgy of the Word Choir, Parish Center, Rm. 2 RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY This year, the Respect Life Ministry will have a Baby Bottle Campaign during the weekend of May 21st and 22nd after all of the Masses. Members will have baskets filled with empty baby bottles. We are asking each family to take a bottle and fill it with spare change and bills. The bottles with donations will be collected after all of the Masses during the weekend of June 11th and 12th and given to the Pro-Life Union to help mothers in crisis. Thank you in advance for your generosity and God Bless You! MAY PROCESSION NEWS FOR CCD All parents and guardians are invited to attend the annual May Procession on Tuesday, May 24th for our students in our religious education program. Awards and Certificates will follow. Come and support this very special event in their lives. Thank you. FATHER JUDGE CHEERLEADING The nationally ranked Father Judge Cheerleading Team will be hosting a 2 day Cheerleading Clinic on June 11th and June 12th for girls ages 4-14. No experience is necessary. Registration information can be found on (under athletics, cheerleading). Questions? Email [email protected] or call Lisa at 215-915-4909. MAY 15, 2011: Second Collection: $ $ 9,480.46 491.00 Page Five MAY 22, 2011 ST. DOMINIC BLOOD DRIVE ST. DOMINIC CYO END-OF-YEAR CELEBRATION This year, St. Dominic CYO will be holding an End-OfYear Celebration on Sunday, June 5th, from 2:00 to 6:00 PM in Marian Hall. The cost is $10 per person Even in good times, the nation’s blood ($40 for families of 4 or more). All students who have supply is fragile. The need for blood con- participated in CYO athletics are invited to join us for tinues to outpace the growth in blood do- a day full of fun to be recognized for their accomplishnations. ments! Lunch, dessert, music and awards. More inEvery few seconds, someone needs a formation will be sent home through school. Any questions, please contact Linda Conroy at 215-332blood transfusion in our community. Of those Americans who may be eligible to 8682 or Brian Duffy at 267-246-8583. Did you know that... • • • • • donate blood, less than 5% actually donate each year. Donors may safely give a regular whole blood donation every 56 days. The body’s liquid volume is restored in about 24 hours, and the red cells are replaced within three to four weeks. It is impossible to get AIDS by donating blood. Everything used during the blood donation is prepackaged, used only once and then thrown away. Who can donate... It is very important that you feel good when you donate. Healthy people who are at least 17 years old and weigh 110 pounds or more are usually eligible to donate blood. Some medical conditions may temporarily defer an individual from donating blood. A trained professional will advise such individuals on when they should try to donate again. Federal regulations require that donors wait 56 days between regular whole blood donations. Please remember to bring proper identification. Where you can give... St. Dominic’s Marian Hall Friday, June 10th 2:00 to 7:30 PM Call the Rectory 215-624-5502 to reserve your time. ST. DOMINIC CYO FOOTBALL Current 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th grade students are eligible to play CYO football regardless if they attend St. Dominic School or another school. However, you must be registered with the parish. This is Varsity and JV football. Signups will be Sunday, May 15th, Sunday, May 22nd, and Sunday, May 29th in the school yard at St. Jerome Parish, Holme Avenue and Stanford Street, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 Noon on both days. For additional information, please call Mike Hoch at 215-698-1271. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Philadelphia, serving the underprivileged of the Philadelphia five-county area since 1851, is collecting donations of usable men’s, women’s and children’s clothing. We will also be accepting donations of small household goods (bed and bath linens, pots & pans, dishes, cooking utensils, toys, shoes and books.) We also accept small appliances in good working order. Please, no baby equipment - only clothing. Individuals are invited to take all donations on Saturday, June 4, 2011 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM to our trailer located in the school yard. Tax receipts are available upon request. The Society also offers pick-up service for furniture/large appliances and vehicle donations. For more information, please call 215288-8160. Thank you for helping us help others! Page Six MAY 22, 2011 THE ENTRANCE PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Please submit on or before June 24, 2011 your proposed use of space in the Parish Center, Marian Hall, the Rectory or the Church Basement for the period from July 2011 to June 2012. Proposed use of Marian Hall must be scheduled with the Hall Events Committee as well. An official schedule is kept in the Rectory and should be reviewed periodically to insure that your dates and needs are posted. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. NOVENA TO THE HOLY SPIRIT Every night from Friday, June 3rd, to Saturday, June 11th, at 7:00 PM. Saturday, June 11th, will be the solemn Closing Prayer from 7:00 to 8:00 PM. At 7:00 PM we will pray aloud the Novena to the Holy Spirit in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in the Chapel of Blessed Trinity Mother House. After the Novena prayer you are welcome to stay for Silent Adoration. Our Chapel is right next door to Father Judge High School at 3501 Solly Avenue. Look for Novena signs. Questions? Contact [email protected] or 215-335-7500. SUMMER SPORTS CAMPS Nazareth Academy High School, 4001 Grant Avenue, is pleased to announce that it will be hosting summer camps for girls in grades 3-9 in Soccer and Lacrosse. Soccer Camp beings on June 27th at $150 per camper and Lacrosse Camp runs from July 18th to July 22nd at $150 per camper. Registration forms can be found at Additional information can be obtained by calling the Athletic Office at 215 -268-1027. “To you, O God, I lift up my soul” (Psalm 24:1; Entrance Chant of the First Sunday of Advent). The Entrance Chant is like a door opening onto the Mystery. It begins as the priest and other ministers enter the church. The Entrance Chant sets the celebration of Mass in motion; it fosters unity; it expresses something of the feast or season being celebrated. The Entrance Chant accompanies the procession of the priest and ministers into the sanctuary and ends when the priest arrives at the chair. The choice of the Entrance Chant is determined by the General Instruction of the Roman Missal. It may be the antiphon and psalm given in one of three official liturgical books: the Roman Gradual, the Roman Missal, or the Simple Gradual. The Entrance Chant may also be an antiphon and psalm from another source, or even a suitable liturgical song, provided that these have been approved by the Conference of Bishops or the diocesan bishop (GIRM, art. 48). Apart from a very few exceptions, the Entrance Chants of the Mass are drawn from the Bible, usually from the Book of Psalms. It is significant that Mass opens with God’s word addressed to us. Already in the Entrance Chant it is God who comes out to meet us. (These weekly inserts concern the changes in the Mass.) RESSO ROARS AT THE SHORE Come join us at Keenan’s in North Wildwood on Saturday, July 30th, at 3:00 PM for a Reunion of former and present Resurrection Parishioners. For more information call 215-7421127 or email at [email protected]. Tickets are $30 in advance, $35 at the door. We hope to see you there! ELIZABETH MINISTRY LORD, PROTECT OUR TROOPS We, the Parish community of St. Dominic, give our prayerful support to our expectant Moms and their unborn babies. If you would like your name or the name of a family member to be included in our prayers, leave your name at the Rectory or in the collection basket marked “Elizabeth Ministry.” Also, please remember to notify the Rectory when the baby is born so we may remove your name from the list. Susann Ackiewicz, Nichole Siedell, Mary Ellen McDaniels, Maureen Grotkowski, Stefanie Duffy, Jessica Cooper, Janet Parkinson, Tiffany Ansaldo-Fuller, Ann E. Riley, Lauren Mikolajewski Please pray for the following members of the military serving in Iraq and Afghanistan that Our Lord protect them and all our troops around the world and keep them safe. Call the rectory to place your loved one on this prayer list. Jonathan Castro, David Toms, James Kash, Mark O’Connor, Kevin Sproge, Scott Druckrey, Vincent Heeney, Anne Jachinowicz, Vincent Simonetti, Sean Patrick Maguire, Jason Pascale, William Bush, Joe Bromley, Ross Peterson, George Reichart V, Steve Wszolek, James Gormley, A.J. Jacquot, Patrick Connors, Joseph C. Spado, Cheryl A. Stevens, Thomas Hicks, III, Jay Fuller, Austin Leach, John Monterosso LAMBIE FUNERAL HOME, INC. M. Jane Lambie - F.D. Supervisor Pre-Arranged Funerals Available “Family Owned & Operated Since 1949” FINE FAMILY DINING PROMPT EXCELLENT SERVICE Breakfast and Lunch • American Cuisine • Cooked to Order • Reservations Accepted • Delivery & Take-Out • Family Owned & Operated • Complete Catering Service Available 215-698-1117 9226-A Ashton Rd. Open 7 Days Senior Citizens Discount 332-6110 Rowland Ave. & Rhawn St. VILLAGE OF COTTAGE GREEN ADULTS Elegantly Affordable Weddings Showers • Banquets • Funeral Luncheons Variety of 5 Rooms Elegantly Decorated All Rooms Fully Handicapped Accessible Over 20 Years of Experience Accommodating From 25 to 350 People 9001 Ashton Rd., Phila, PA ORTHODONTIST 215-673-1000 • Call Today for a FREE Consultation Invisalign Available Most Insurance Plans Accepted Evenings & Saturdays by Appt. RAFFERTY ROOFING 215-281-0771 FOR QUALITY & HONEST WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES PA062531 BRACES CHILDREN Harold Slutsky, D.M.D. “I will find your leak” Licensed & Insured David R. Lambie F.D. Free Estimates 7100 Frankford Ave. 215-637-5000 (at Princeton) (215) 335-2500 3103 Hulmeville Rd., Suite 206 Bensalem (1 Block North of Street Road) (215) 638-0500 WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. American Owned & Operated WHY IS IT? Tony Hoffman 215-624-4911 7930 Frankford Ave. Water Damage, Roof Leaks, Fire • Sales • Service • Installation We’re looking for parishioners who can secure advertising for church bulletins. Position requires calling on local businesses to sell ad space. Work flexible hours and earn a generous commission. Sales experience preferred but not required. Basic computer skills required. Full-time positions available too. Call ROBERT BOBER today at 1-800-524-0263, ext 209 or email your resume to [email protected] TILTS VISIT OUR HUGE SHOWROOM 8312 STATE ROAD (1 block North of Rhawn Street) 215-624-7118 Name Brand Save 50-70% OFF Kidswear & Shoes Store Prices! Lowest Price Guarantee! OVER 100 BRANDS! Newborns • Infants • Toddlers • Boys • Girls View our Complete Line and Unmatched Prices by Visiting: Drain Cleaning Specialists 728-1482 Family Owned For 40 Years Senior Citizens Discount Free Estimates License #4039 • Fully Insured Flowers For All Occasions Fruit Baskets Cookie/Candy Trays 7332 Frankford Ave. Willits Road Pharmacy Fast Reliable Service Free Delivery • Most RX Plans Accepted Pharmacist-Owner, Mike Cavanaugh 3138 Willits Rd. at Holme Ave. • 215-673-9909 (215) 338-5990 Your ad could be in this space! Hrs.: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-8, Sat. 9-5, Sun. 10-2 DR. ROY E. BRAHEN Family Dentistry • Dental Implants Implant Retained Dentures To Tighten Loose Dentures SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT 333-4744 9708 Frankford Ave. (South of Grant Ave.) Phila., PA 19114 215-637-1414 Gerard J. Burns, Supv. 7538 Frankford Ave. HAIR HAVOC HAIR STUDIO 4015 Linden Ave. (215) 624-6593 (215) 624-6599 Burns Funeral Home, Inc. 1428 E. Columbia Ave. (At Frankford Ave.) Phila., PA 19125 215-634-6858 Robert J. Burns, Sr.,Supv. 511580 St Dominic Church (B) Bill Frusco Plumbing & Heating Dependable Personal Service 1514 Woodbourne Rd. (next to K of C Hall) Levittown, PA 19057 215-547-3040 Lisa Burns Campbell, Supv. For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 338-3333 Harry J. Aldworth Supervisor ALDWORTH FUNERAL HOME Decatur & Charles Sts. 215-332-7070 SAMUEL G. FORTE 215-332-5888 Scott Brothers Family and General Dentistry Office Hours 7801 Frankford Ave. By Appointment Phila, PA 19136 CHUCK SCOTT FREE ESTIMATES LIC. #3626 425-4737 SEAFOOD BAY PROSTHETICS & ORTHOTICS 8028 FRANKFORD AVE. • PHILA, PA 19136 215-332-3838 Gift Certificates Available Cold Beer To Go (215) 338-6611 Tues-Fri 10-10 : Sat. 11-10 : Sun 12-8 : Mon 11-10 HOLLEN FUNERAL HOMES, INC. 215-698-2500 Thomas J. Fluehr, Owner/Supv. GRANT & ACADEMY Eileen G. Fluehr, F.D. 3160 GRANT AVE. “Our family serving your family” CORNER DELI & CATERING Catering • Hoagies • Steaks • Lottery • ATM We Accept: Script, Visa & MasterCard 7940 Torresdale Ave. (215) 332-6617 LEN’S AUTO BODY GUARANTEED COLOR MATCHING APPROVED BY ALL INSURANCE COMPANIES 333-8177 WALDER & ZASLOW 7212 Frankford Avenue Since 1963 Upgrades • Virus Removal Data Recovery • Business Solutions 8708 Crispin St. Pennypack Shopping Center Commercial/Residential STEAKS, SUBS, PIZZA & PASTA CORNER OF GRANT AND ACADEMY Wallscraping ■ Wallpapering Drywall Repairs ■ Popcorn Ceilings Rag & Sponge Finishes ■ Carpentry “MAKE 215.338.3325 Free Estimates Owner Operated Lic. & Ins. YOUR DEBT PROBLEMS OUR PROBLEM” $2.00 OFF TOTAL CHECK OF $10 OR MORE NOT TO BE COMBINED WITH OTHER OFFERS, COUPONS OR PROMOTIONS • CASH ONLY 8041 Frankford Ave. Keith Rambo, President Baptisms • Graduations • Etc. 866-387-1958 • 215-821-1241 • 3524 Cottman Ave., 2nd Fl. [email protected] 215-624-4455 (TAX, TIP EXCLUDED 1 COUPON PER TABLE) Private Parties • Communions CREDIT REPAIR • DEBT NEGOTIATIONS 7373 Frankford Ave. HALL RENTAL AMERICAN LEGION POST 178 OMEGA DEBT SERVICES, LLC. 215-332-2992 Air Conditioning • Heating • Electrical Service 24 Hour Emergency Service Licensed, Bonded & Insured • For Over 30 Years “We Solve Your HVAC & Electrical Problems For Less” 215.245.1555 215.639.8114 215.624.2084 UNION ROOFING REPAIRS NEW PORCH ROOFS HOT COATING $695.00 $95.00 $250.00 $195.00 as low as as low as as low as as low as NEW ROOFS FRANK LUBISKY of Resurrection 15 YEAR GUARANTEE • FREE ESTIMATES • 215.464.6425 Member A National Leader in Self-Storage Since 1971 MAYFAIR - TACONY 1 FREE Month* 7425 State Road FREE Move-In Truck* DELUXE PHARMACY Same Co-Pay...Better Service Call for details. FREE DELIVERY - FREE PICK UP Prescription Filled While You Wait Competitive Pricing - Most Plans Accepted Phone (215) 941-7689 Fax (215) 941-7893 ADS = SALES 8749 Frankford Avenue [email protected] Mon - Fri 9am to 7pm, Saturday 10am to 3pm PLACE YOUR AD HERE 511580 St Dominic Church (A) Mayfair Diner 215-437-0010 ASK ABOUT OUR CATERING MENU M-TH 10 AM-10 PM • F-S 10 AM-11 PM SUN. 11 AM-9 PM • 215-676-9201 215-331-2630 Computer Services & Repairs OF GRANT AVE. . . . . . . . . . . . & Contracting DINE IN • TAKE OUT Interior/Exterior 3330 GRANT AVE. PHILA., PA 19114 OPEN 7 DAYS 7250 Frankford Avenue (215) 332-2706 GAETANO’S VINCENZO’S PAINTING CATERING Martin & Martin, P.C. James M. Martin, Esquire Wills - Estates Personal Injury Real Estate Attorney At Law • Free Wills for Senior Citizens • Estates Friendship Pharmacy, Inc. “Community Service Through Friendship” Lottery — Home Delivery Mon Thru Fri -8:30 AM to 8 PM, Sat 8:30 AM to 4 PM Frank A. Rubino R.P. • Frank R. Rubino R.P. • Dennis M. McGurk R.P. 3300 Cottman Ave. • 215-624-0440 WE DELIVER! LAW OFFICES OF MARILYN L. WALDER Specializing in Precision Unibody Repair 4819 COTTMAN AVE. (AT TULIP) Reg # 3591 HARRY J. LAWALL & SON, INC. 8006 Frankford Avenue (at Rhawn Street) Cert. & Bonded 335-1758 PLUMBING & HEATING Kitchen & Bathroom Remodeling • Drain Cleaning Residential/Commercial/Industrial 3301-15 Cottman Ave. • Philadelphia, PA (215) 624-5150 Block - Brick - Driveways Stucco - Patio - Steps 624-6670 EDWARD HUGHES & SON INC. 1931 - 1994 215-745-2951 PLUMBING & HEATING Sewer & Drain Cleaning 24 Hr. FAST Emergency Service 7554 FRANKFORD AVE. LICENSED & INSURED Sincerity, Integrity and Compassion since 1898 Theodore R. Fluehr, Supv. John F. Fluehr, Jr. John F. Fluehr, III CHALIE NEILL SIXSMITH SPORTING GOODS TEAM & SCHOOL SPECIALISTS 215-624-2072 General Cement Work A. Colella Inc. Member B.B.B. Free Consultation • All Legal Services DISCOUNT WITH AD 9225 Frankford Avenue • Diocese Member LLOYD Pre-arranged & Prepaid Funerals Licensed in New Jersey Free Estimates LAW OFFICES ROOFING JOSEPH A. FRANKINA, D.M.D., P.C. 1905 - 1992 Parishioners Dana Aldworth-Szymborski Funeral Director Philadelphia, PA 19136 215.331.9398 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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Susann Ackiewicz, Mary Ellen McDaniels, Maureen Grotkowski, Stefanie Duffy, Jessica Cooper, Janet Parkinson,
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