roofing - St. Dominic Church
roofing - St. Dominic Church
The Parish Family of St. Dominic Church Dedicated to Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ As we Honor the Past, Celebrate the Present, And Prepare for the Future Founded 1849 OCTOBER 21, 2012 REV. EDWARD T. KEARNS, Pastor REV. CHARLES GARST, OSFS, Parochial Vicar REV. JACOB JOHN, Resident DEACON MARK A. SALVATORE MASSES: Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM Vigil of Holy Days: 7:00 PM Holy Days: 8:00 AM; 12:05 N & 7:00 PM Weekdays: 8:00 AM Saturday: 9:00 AM Rosary Recited Daily Before Morning Mass Miraculous Medal Novena: Saturday after the 9:00 AM Mass. CONFESSIONS: Saturday 3:30 to 4:30 PM and by appointment at the Rectory. Adoration Chapel: Open 8:30 AM to 8:30 PM daily; except during Mass times. RECTORY 8504 Frankford Ave. Phila., PA 19136 215-624-5502, X129 FAX: 215-333-1750 CEMETERY Rectory Basement 215-624-5502, X117 Mrs. Chris Jones BAPTISMS: The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the second and fourth Sunday of each month at 1:00 PM in church. Please call the rectory at 215-624-5502 to set up an appointment. A date can be scheduled at this time. Parents and sponsors must attend a Baptism Class. Baptism Class is held on the first Monday of February, April, June, August, October and December in the Rectory Basement at 7:00 PM. If this falls on a holiday, the class will be held the following Monday. MARRIAGE: Diocesan rules require that a couple make arrangements for their marriage at least six months before the date of the wedding. Most couples schedule their weddings one year in advance. Marriage Preparation (PreCana) classes are offered here at St. Dominic every Spring. SCHOOL TUITION OFFICE 8512 Frankford Ave. Main Office-School Phila., PA 19136 215-333-9920 215-333-6703 Mrs. Laura Iannuzzi Fax: 215-333-9930 Sr. Shaun Thomas, I.H.M. Parish Web Site: Parish Email: [email protected] CONVENT 8510 Frankford Ave. Phila, PA 19136 215-333-0144 Sr. Mary O’Connor, I.H.M. CCD Office—School Jeanne Steitz 215-624-5301 CCD Email: [email protected] Cemetery Email: [email protected] Page Two 29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME GRACEFUL MOMENTS “Great” is a quality which we hope will be how we are remembered. In the eyes of Christ, we see that greatness is not necessarily applied to a person of wealth but rather to a servant. Those who are great do not make themselves the center of attention. Rather, the truly great serve the greater good. This seems to make sense if we think about it. What do we remember most about those who have passed away. We usually think of how they made us laugh or how to handle difficulties in life. We remember the person’s simple advice or their examples of living a simple life. They didn’t serve in any “great” way but the way they lived their lives will always provide us with great memories and moments of simple inspiration. May all of those who served so well be remembered and loved by all of us whose lives were touched with graceful moments. A PARISH PRAYS THE PSALMS Our next meeting will be Tuesday, October 23rd, at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center on the 2nd Floor. We invite you to join us as we continue to open ourselves to the Psalms and how they touch our lives. If you have a Bible, please bring it. If not, we will have one for you to use. All are invited, even it you say “I don’t get anything from the Psalms.” You are not alone! But we help each other and in the process become closer to God and each other. That was Father Heim’s dream! OCTOBER 21, 2012 Sunday Father Kearns will celebrate Mass this weekend for the Intentions of all the Parishioners Monday Memorial of Blessed John Paul II in Rome And Poland 8:00 AM Joseph Cammisa-2nd Anniversary Tuesday St. John of Capistrano 8:00 AM Leonard Evenosky Wednesday St. Anthony Mary Claret 8:00 AM Carmen Taraborelli Thursday 8:00 AM Diana Krauss Friday 8:00 AM Albert Reed Saturday BVM 9:00 AM John J. Kean 5:00 PM Bernadette Purcell PRAY FOR THE SICK: Patricia Alesi, Bryan Anderson, Mary Armstrong, Terri Brook, Marie Bryne, Louise Ciabaglio, Fred Curley, John Curley, Baby Michael Curley, Frank Dabundo, Nancy DeLang, Joyce Elliot, Larry Elliot, Kathleen Foley, Eleanor Fries, Geraldine Heavey, Joe Heavey, Cecelia Hermann, Rose Jones, Nicolette Katz, Daniel Machon, Sr., Maryann Machon, Baby Shane McCuen, Betty Miller, George Miller, Jeanne Myers, Veronica Papson, Shirley Patterson, Rose Schlinder, Bill Siegrist, James J. Tobin, Lois Wagner, Irene Zuk and all sick parishioners. PRAY FOR THE DECEASED Sister Patrick Marie Doherty, IHM, Sister Mary Joanne McKelvey, IHM, Eleanor Schumaker, Joseph T. Reichart and all deceased parishioners. The Parish is in need of a new Nativity Set. It will probably cost about $2,000. If anyone would like to buy this in memory of their loved one, please call the Rectory. Thanks for all that you do for the parish. Page Three OCTOBER 21, 2012 IN LOVING MEMORY OF FATHER MICHAEL HEIM, A DONATION OF $100 HAS BEEN RECEIVED WITH THANKS FROM LARRY & THERESA IACCIO & FAMILY, TO BE USED FOR THE ALTAR WINE AND HOSTS DURING THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 2012. FROM OCTOBER 21 TO OCTOBER 27 THE SANCTUARY LAMP ON OUR ALTAR WILL BURN IN LOVING MEMORY OF EDWARD J. ALBRIGHT FROM HIS WIFE, IRETTA W. ALBRIGHT FROM OCTOBER 21 TO OCTOBER 27 THE CANDLES ON THE ALTAR IN OUR BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL WILL BURN IN LOVING MEMORY OF LEN EVENOSKY FROM TED & NANCY BORIE ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27th 5:00 PM M. Flynn, R. Hicks, B. Mallon SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28th 7:30 AM J. Barth, M. Hamilton, L. Marlow 9:30 AM G. Harbison, T. & Z. Anusky 11:30 AM P. Coates, C. Curry, J. Gonsiewski “Incline your ear, O Lord; answer me, for I am afflicted and poor. Keep my life, for I am devoted to you; save your servant who trusts in you. You are my God; have pity on me, O Lord, to you I call all the day. For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding kindness to all who call upon you. Harken, O Lord, to my prayer and attend to the sound of my pleading.” ~Psalm 86:1, 2, 3, 5-6 Pain is felt in many ways. The loss of a loved one, illness, loneliness, job loss, divorce and just being human and feeling hurt or rejected. God, Our Father, doesn’t want us to suffer any kind of pain, but in the course of a lifetime, it is inevitable. Jesus Christ, His only Son, suffered more than all of us put together, and He did it for us and our redemption. He read the Psalms daily and He, the Son of God, got strength from them. The Psalms are given to us from God to help us in all our difficulties. They teach us how to overcome all the bumps in the road and to survive and praise God for His love and mercy. We all need help and the Psalms could be your answer. Pope Benedict has declared “A Year of Faith” from October 2012 through November 2013. At St. Dominic’s, we will pray each week for some of our parish families. By November 2013, we will have prayed for all of the households in our parish. This week, please pray for the following households. May God strengthen them and us as we journey together toward a deeper faith in God’s everlasting love. M. Angelucci R. Angelucci F. Annau P. Antonowicz S. Antonowicz T. Anusky G. Aponte D. Aquilino L. Aquilino S. Araujo M. Aria C. Arms E. Arndt W. Arrington J. Arrison C. Ashcroft H. Asman J. Asman P. Asman S. Asman J. Atchison J. Atkinson E. August R. Augustyn R. Augustyn K. Autenrieth R. Avallone D. Avanzato A. Azarewicz G. Azzinaro M. Babb D. Polinski D. Bagnell J. Bailey D. Baker J. Baker W. Baker A. Balasa C. Baldo K. Baldridge T. Ball H. Ballesteros N. Bamberger S. Bandura B. Bane M. Bani P. Bannigan V. Banton J. Baran BarbacaneArnold Page Four OCTOBER 21, 2012 HOURS - SCRIP PROGRAM MONDAY 8:30 AM-11:30 AM THROUGH 12:30 PM- 3:00 PM FRIDAY 6:30 PM –8:00 PM SATURDAY 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM SUNDAY 9:30 AM -1:00 PM JACKPOT The drawing held on Monday, October 15, 2012, did not have a Jackpot winner. The winning numbers were 13 - 18– 23 - 25 - 30. There was 1 Consolation Prize Winner who will receive $500 on Tuesday, October 23rd, and our seller received $10. Winner and Seller are as follows: J. Pfeil (D. Baker, Seller). PLEASE CHECK YOUR TICKETS AND NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY IF YOU HAVE A WINNING TICKET AND HAVE NOT BEEN CALLED. YOU ONLY HAVE 7 DAYS TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE! PLEASE NOTE: Our next drawing will be held on Monday, October 22, 2012, at 7:30 PM in Marian Hall and the Jackpot is worth $16,000. FOR FUTURE REFERENCE: ALL JACKPOT TICKETS MUST BE DROPPED OFF AT THE RECTORY BEFORE 3:00 PM EVERY MONDAY. PARISH FUNDRAISER Delicious Fritz’s Cinnamon Bun Sale! MMMM...MMMM….GOOD! As a Parish Fundraiser, St. Dominic’s will once again be selling the famous freshly baked cinnamon buns before and after all the Masses on October 27th and 28th. The cost for these delicious treats will be $7.50 per half dozen. Our Catholic Daughters have volunteered to handle the sales outside of Church for Father Kearns. Please tell all your family and friends and help this sale to be a huge success for our wonderful parish! MEETINGS THIS WEEK Sunday 9:30 AM Monday 10:00 AM 7:30 PM Tuesday 7:00 PM 8:00 PM Wednesday 7:30 PM Little Church School Seniors, Marian Hall Jackpot Drawing, Marian Hall Choir, Church Neocatecumenate, Liturgy of the Word Neocatecumenate, Liturgy of the Word CASINO TRIP St. Dominic Seniors are running a trip to Resorts Casino in Atlantic City on November 8, 2012. The cost is $30 and includes $10 slot play and the matinee performance of “Christmas on White Mountain.” The bus will leave Marian Hall at 9:20 AM and return there at 6:30 PM. If interested, please call Mary at 215-464-5908 or Jean at 215612-0577. UPCOMING EVENTS AT MOTHER BONIFACE SPIRITUALITY CENTER Morning of Prayer-Mother Boniface Spirituality Center will be holding a Morning of Prayer on Wednesday, November 7th. The Morning of Prayer begins at 9:00 AM and concludes at 11:30 AM. The session includes a presentation, prayer and time for sharing. Coffee and Danish will be will be provided. Please call 267-350-1830 a day in advance to register for this program. Women’s Retreat-Mother Boniface Spirituality Center is offering a Women’s Retreat entitled “The Spirituality of Mother Teresa of Calcutta and St. Francis de Sales.” Please call 267-350-1830 for more information as to registering. IHM COMPANIONS IHM Companions will meet on Sunday, November 4th, at 6:15 PM in the Convent. New members are always most welcome! Sister Patrick Maureen Collection of OCTOBER 14, 2012: STARS Collection: $ $ 8,670.00 2,066.00 Page Five OCTOBER 21, 2012 COACH BINGO John W. Hallahan High School will be hosting a Coach Bingo on Friday, October 26, 2012. Doors open at 6:00 PM and Bingo begins at 7:00 PM. Tickets are $30 (advance purchase only) and are non-refundable. Ticket includes a booklet of 15 sheets (4 cards/ sheet), one sheet for each round. Additional cards, 50/50’s and raffle tickets for a chance to win more Coach products will be available for purchase throughout the evening. Dabbers available for $1 each. Desserts, coffee and tea provided-you are welcome to bring your own snacks or food trays. All bags are 100% genuine! For tickets call 215-5638930, ext. 254 or download the reservation form at FATHER JUDGE NEWS Indoor Flea Market-Scheduled for Saturday, December 8, 2012 from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM at the High School. Vendors needed! $30 for a table; $25 bring your own table. Payment must be made in advance; space is not usually available for walk-ins. Make checks payable to Father Judge HS Music and include your name and contact number so that we can confirm your reservation. For more information call 215-338-9494, ext. 1148. Junior Band-The Junior Band is open for all interested young men in grades 7 and 8. While working with the music students and staff of Father Judge, participants learn basic musicianship skills. Experience is suggested but not necessary. We welcome all musicians and enrollment in the ensemble is free! Contact the music office at 215-3389494, ext. 1148 for more information. Open House & Registration-Scheduled for Sunday, October 21st, from 12:00 to 3:00 PM. All are welcome and the Eagles have a bye. National Honor Society-The National Honor Society at Father Judge offers morning tutoring on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 6:50 AM for all students. For more information contact Bro. Jim at 215-338-9494, ext. 1125. LORD, PROTECT OUR TROOPS Please pray for the following members of the military serving in Iraq and Afghanistan that Our Lord protect them and all our troops around the world and keep them safe. Call the rectory to place your loved one on this prayer list. Jonathan Castro, David Toms, James Kash, Mark O’Connor, Kevin Sproge, Scott Druckrey, Vincent Heeney, Anne Jachinowicz, Vincent Simonetti, Sean Patrick Maguire, Jason Pascale, William Bush, Joe Bromley, Ross Peterson, Steve Wszolek, James Gormley, A.J. Jacquot, Patrick Connors, Joseph C. Spado, Cheryl A. Stevens, Thomas Hicks, III, Austin Leach, Nicholas R. Greco, Michael Lindenmuth, William Lindenmuth, Rusty Glantz, Anthony Hunt, George Moraczewski, John Michael Doehne SAINT CHARLES SEMINARY OPEN HOUSE This year’s Open House at Saint Charles Seminary, City Line Avenue & Wynnewood Road, Wynnewood, PA., will take place on Sunday, October 28th. Join us and let our Seminarians be your tour guides for the day! Tours by the Seminarians will be from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM. We will have Evening Prayer and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at 5:00 PM. This is a perfect opportunity to learn more about the Seminary and vocations! For more information please contact Laura Jachetti at 610-785-6530 or visit ST. HUBERT STAGE SHOW St. Hubert High School will be performing “Godspell.” Show dates are as follows: Dinner Theatre Night on Thursday, November 8th, at 6:00 PM; Friday, November 9th, at 7:30 PM; Saturday, November 10th, at 7:30 PM; and Sunday, November 11th, at 6:00 PM. Tickets can be purchased in advance at St. Hubert or through a cast member for $10 for adults and $7 for students and senior citizens or at the door for $12 for adults and $9 for students and senior citizens. The Dinner Theatre tickets are $20 which includes a spaghetti and meatball dinner. HALLOWEEN SPOOKTACULAR All are welcome to the Mayfair Memorial Playground (at Lincoln High School) Halloween Spooktacular! Kids under 10 and their parents are invited to come in costume for mini-pumpkin picking and decorating, fun, games, prizes, and more! Cost is $2 per child. This event is scheduled for Saturday, October 27th from Noon to 2:00 PM and rain date is October 28th. We hope to see you there! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Immaculate Mary Home, located at Holme Circle and Welsh Road, is in need of volunteers. Would you consider sharing the gift of your time and presence to assist our residents. We are flexible with days and hours. If you can offer a few hours a week to assist our residents, please contact the Volunteer Office at 215-992-1870. ELIZABETH MINISTRY We, the Parish community of St. Dominic, give our prayerful support to our expectant Moms and their unborn babies. If you would like your name or the name of a family member to be included in our prayers, leave your name at the Rectory or in the collection basket marked “Elizabeth Ministry.” Also, please remember to notify the Rectory when the baby is born so we may remove your name from the list. Tricia Apostolidis, Megan Gary, Kristin Rozanski, Kathleen Cleaver, Allison Fitzpatrick, Kristen Marie McCuen, Tami Prete, Kristi Fuller Page Six OCTOBER 21, 2012 The Parish Community congratulates these children who received their First Holy Communion at the 10:30 AM Mass last Saturday, October 13, 2012. Emily Albert Jared Burns Keara Camm Thomas Camm Marissa Carr Katrina Clase Brianna Coates Colin Comitale Joseph Czepiel, Jr. Kaila-Eve Etorma Molly Farrell Rachel Giampietro Seamus Grimes Elizabeth Harris Hope Herne Dazsha James Emily Kaisinger Joseph Kozlowski Joseph Kryszczak Michael Kryszczak Ian Luecke Anastie Mallon Abbey McCaffrey Kylie Melendez Tereza Trieshi Mallory Melendez Nicholas Mosco Stephanie Pinto Robert Pomarico Alicia Quisito Webster Riddick Andrew Rilling Jaedon Rios Dillon Rooney Kamry Satanoff Serena Springfield Shannon Streeper Demir Steers Madison Sullivan Andrew Szymborski Mallory Tenuto Andrew Tomichek Kaleigh Tomichek Thomas Tozer Peter Trieshi, Jr. Avery Whittaker Dominic Woerner Matthew Colpe Marissa Levy LAMBIE FUNERAL HOME, INC. Is this film suitable for my children? Family Owned and Operated Since 1949 Reviews and ratings of an extensive list of movies, both current and archived is available at: 215-332-6110 M. Jane Lambie, Supervisor, David R. Lambie, F.D., Dana A. Lambie, F.D. FINE FAMILY DINING PROMPT EXCELLENT SERVICE Breakfast and Lunch • American Cuisine • Cooked to Order • Reservations Accepted • Delivery & Take-Out • Family Owned & Operated • Complete Catering Service Available 215-698-1117 9226-A Ashton Rd. Open 7 Days Senior Citizens Discount VILLAGE OF COTTAGE GREEN Elegantly Affordable Weddings Showers • Banquets • Funeral Luncheons Variety of 5 Rooms Elegantly Decorated All Rooms Fully Handicapped Accessible Over 20 Years of Experience Accommodating From 25 to 350 People 9001 Ashton Rd., Phila, PA This service is provided by the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Office of Film and Broadcasting 215-673-1000 • “I will find your leak” RAFFERTY ROOFING 215-281-0771 FOR QUALITY & HONEST WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES Licensed & Insured 215-637-5000 YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT SEX AND VIOLENCE ON TELEVISION AND ABOUT THE TRAFFIC IN PORNOGRAPHY Free Estimates PA062531 for information on what you can do write: Morality in Media, Inc. Instant Registration • License • Tag Insurance • Notary Ph: 215-464-9950 Fax: 215-464-2861 475 Riverside Dr., New York, N.Y. 10027 (212) 870-3222 Air • Land • Sea | Tours & Cruises ADVERTISING Authorized Penndot Online Processing Ctr. 2999 Welsh Rd., Holme Circle • Phila., PA Ph: (215) 464-2860 Fax: (215) 464-2861 2999 Welsh Rd., Holme Circle • Phila., PA He who has a thing to sell and goes and whispers in a well, is not so apt to get the dollars as he who climbs a tree and hollers. Willits Road Pharmacy Fast Reliable Service Free Delivery • Most RX Plans Accepted Pharmacist-Owner, Mike Cavanaugh 3138 Willits Rd. at Holme Ave. • 215-673-9909 Hrs.: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-8, Sat. 9-5, Sun. 10-2 Tony Hoffman 215-624-4911 • Sales • Service • Installation Business Slow? Advertise In This Bulletin! Businesses that advertised throughout a recession...grew 256% more than the businesses that chose not to advertise. —MCGRAW HILL LABORATORY OF ADVERTISING PERFORMANCE 7930 Frankford Ave. Water Damage, Roof Leaks, Fire Call 1-800-524-0263 today for a FREE ad design. TILTS HOME OF THE ORIGINAL BIG GUY HOAGIE VISIT OUR HUGE SHOWROOM Flowers For All Occasions Fruit Baskets Cookie/Candy Trays 7332 Frankford Ave. 8601 FRANKFORD AVE 215-437-9154 8312 STATE ROAD (1 block North of Rhawn Street) 215-624-7118 Eat In - Take Out - Catering - Delivery (215) 338-5990 $1.00 off $10 or more w/ad Bill Frusco Plumbing & Heating Drain Cleaning Specialists DR. ROY E. BRAHEN Family Dentistry • Dental Implants Implant Retained Dentures To Tighten Loose Dentures SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT 333-4744 728-1482 Family Owned For 40 Years Senior Citizens Discount Free Estimates License #4039 • Fully Insured 511580 St Dominic Church (B) HAIR HAVOC HAIR STUDIO 4015 Linden Ave. (215) 624-6593 (215) 624-6599 Burns Funeral Home, Inc. 1428 E. Columbia Ave. (At Frankford Ave.) Phila., PA 19125 215-634-6858 Robert J. Burns, Sr.,Supv. 9708 Frankford Ave. (South of Grant Ave.) Phila., PA 19114 215-637-1414 Gerard J. Burns, Supv. 7538 Frankford Ave. Dependable Personal Service 1514 Woodbourne Rd. (next to K of C Hall) Levittown, PA 19057 215-547-3040 Lisa Burns Campbell, Supv. For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 338-3333 Harry J. Aldworth Supervisor Decatur & Charles Sts. 215-332-7070 ROOFING JOSEPH A. FRANKINA, D.M.D., P.C. Scott Brothers Family and General Dentistry Office Hours 7801 Frankford Ave. By Appointment Phila, PA 19136 215-332-5888 TEAM & SCHOOL SPECIALISTS Free Consultation • All Legal Services DISCOUNT WITH AD 9225 Frankford Avenue • Diocese Member 624-6670 CHALIE NEILL Sewer & Drain Cleaning 24 Hr. FAST Emergency Service 215-624-2072 335-1758 LICENSED & INSURED Sincerity, Integrity and Compassion since 1898 Theodore R. Fluehr, Supv. John F. Fluehr, Jr. John F. Fluehr, III PLUMBING & HEATING Kitchen & Bathroom Remodeling • Drain Cleaning Residential/Commercial/Industrial 1931 - 1994 FREE ESTIMATES LIC. #3626 425-4737 SEAFOOD BAY General Cement Work A. Colella Inc. Member B.B.B. 215-745-2951 PROSTHETICS & ORTHOTICS 8028 FRANKFORD AVE. • PHILA, PA 19136 215-332-3838 Gift Certificates Available Lic. # PA051924 Cert. & Bonded HARRY J. LAWALL & SON, INC. 8006 Frankford Avenue (at Rhawn Street) Block - Brick - Driveways Stucco - Patio - Steps Reg # 3591 EDWARD HUGHES & SON INC. 3301-15 Cottman Ave. • Philadelphia, PA (215) 624-5150 Cold Beer To Go (215) 338-6611 Tues-Fri 10-10 : Sat. 11-10 : Sun 12-8 : Mon 11-10 HOLLEN FUNERAL HOMES, INC. 215-698-2500 SAMUEL G. FORTE PLUMBING & HEATING CHUCK SCOTT Free Estimates LAW OFFICES LLOYD SIXSMITH SPORTING GOODS 7554 FRANKFORD AVE. Pre-arranged & Prepaid Funerals Licensed in New Jersey 1905 - 1992 Parishioners Dana Aldworth-Szymborski Funeral Director ALDWORTH FUNERAL HOME GRANT & ACADEMY Eileen G. Fluehr, F.D. Thomas J. Fluehr, Owner/Supv. 3160 GRANT AVE. “Our family serving your family” CORNER DELI & CATERING MARILYN L. WALDER Catering • Hoagies • Steaks • Lottery • ATM We Accept: Script, Visa & MasterCard Attorney At Law • Free Wills for Senior Citizens • Estates 7940 Torresdale Ave. (215) 332-6617 LEN’S AUTO BODY WALDER & ZASLOW Specializing in Precision Unibody Repair 7212 Frankford Avenue Since 1963 GUARANTEED COLOR MATCHING APPROVED BY ALL INSURANCE COMPANIES 4819 COTTMAN AVE. (AT TULIP) Martin & Martin, P.C. James M. Martin, Esquire Wills - Estates Personal Injury Real Estate 7250 Frankford Avenue (215) 332-2706 333-8177 LAW OFFICES OF 215-331-2630 Friendship Pharmacy, Inc. “Community Service Through Friendship” Lottery — Home Delivery Mon Thru Fri -8:30 AM to 8 PM, Sat 8:30 AM to 4 PM Frank A. Rubino R.P. • Frank R. Rubino R.P. • Dennis M. 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Frankford Food & Produce FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES 8115 Frankford Ave. 267-731-6879 LIBERTY BELL DINER & BAKERY EAT IN / TAKE OUT / DELIVERY BREAKFAST LUNCH WEEKLY SPECIALS SPECIALS CHEF SPECIAL 15% OFF Entire Check Mon-Fri 6am-11am Mon-Fri 11am-3pm ONLY 10.99 EXCEPT BREAKFAST SPECIALS $ Starting at 1.99 Starting at 5.99 Platters Change Weekly Catering / Funeral Luncheons 2 Eggs,Toast, Home Includes: Soup or Includes: Soup, 8445 Frankford Avenue Fries & Coffee $2.99 Salad & Dessert Salad & Dessert 215.331.4344 ★ & HOLIDAYS $ $ 267-784-2079 AVENUE CHIROPRACTIC Mayfair Diner Dr. Anne Marie Muldoon St. Hubert Graduate Most Insurances Accepted 6233 Frankford Ave. 338-4132 $5 OFF Massage (regularly $45) 7373 Frankford Ave. 215-624-4455 $2.00 OFF TOTAL CHECK OF $10 OR MORE (TAX, TIP EXCLUDED 1 COUPON PER TABLE) NOT TO BE COMBINED WITH OTHER OFFERS, COUPONS OR PROMOTIONS • CASH ONLY UNION ROOFING REPAIRS NEW PORCH ROOFS HOT COATING $695.00 $95.00 $250.00 $195.00 as low as as low as as low as as low as NEW ROOFS 15 YEAR GUARANTEE • FREE ESTIMATES • 215.464.6425 PLUMBING • HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING FAST EMERGENCY SERVICE LICENSED & INSURED DELUXE PHARMACY 215-533-7000 Same Co-Pay...Better Service FREE DELIVERY - FREE PICK UP Prescription Filled While You Wait - Competitive Pricing - Most Plans Accepted Phone (215) 941-7689 Fax (215) 941-7893 [email protected] 8749 Frankford Avenue Mon - Fri 9am to 7pm, Saturday 10am to 3pm 511580 St Dominic Church (A) FAX: 215-533-4739 PA Consumer Registration FRANK LUBISKY Number PA010759 Member of Resurrection Your ad could be in this space! We Accept: For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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Jonathan Castro, David Toms, James Kash, Mark O’Connor, Kevin Sproge, Scott Druckrey, Vincent Heeney, Anne
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