Last week`s Bulletin - Divine Infant Parish
Last week`s Bulletin - Divine Infant Parish
February 15, 2015 Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Year B Divine Infant Parish 6658 Bilberry Drive, Orleans, Ontario K1C 2S9 Tel: 613 824-6822 Fax: 613 834-7459 (for emergencies only call 613-882-8551) Web site: Office hours: Monday 1:00 - 4:00 pm, Tuesday - Friday 9:00 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Sunday Masses S at ur day: 5 pm S u nd ay: 8: 00 am 9 :30 am - Chil dren ’s L itur gy 1 1:1 5am 6 :30 pm Weekday Masses *Monday & Tuesday Wednesday - Friday Wednesday Holy Hour *Holiday Mondays Pastor: Fr. Waldemar Podlasz SDS ([email protected]) Associate Pastor: Fr. Krystian Golisz SDS Deacons: Gary Bourgeois, Stephen Donoghue, Jeffrey Le Bane, William Reggler, Michael Seath Pastoral Council Chair: Carl Ward Finance Council Chair: Susan Galarneau 613-837-3271 613-830-7111 Infant Baptisms generally are held two Sundays a month (except during Lent & Advent). Please call the parish office to set up a meeting with one of our priests. School age Baptism: October registration for Baptism after Easter. Marriage Preparation Deacon Michael & Anne Seath 613-834-1840 At least six months notice is required. No date can be set until a meeting with the couple has taken place. Adult Sacramental Preparation (RCIA) Deacon Jeff Le Bane 613-834-5039 For adults seeking baptism or full communion with the Roman Catholic Church or adult Catholics seeking Confirmation. Meetings are weekly on Wednesday nights. We are always open to new inquiries. School Age Sacramental Preparation Victoria Pusiak 613-824-6822 x229 For ALL (both Catholic school and public school) baptized Catholic children. The parish registration for reception of the Sacraments of First Communion (grade 2) and Confirmation (grade 6 +) will be in OCTOBER. YOUTH The EDGE The GAP program for grades 6-8, Friday 7:00 pm program for high school age, Sundays 7:45 pm Anointing of the Sick Are you or someone you know in need of this sacrament of healing? Anyone who has been diagnosed with a severe illness, is going for surgery or has reached old age is eligible to receive this sacrament. Please call the parish office or speak to a priest. St. Matthew High School Convent Glen Catholic School Divine Infant School Our Lady of Wisdom School 837-3161 824-8541 824-1060 824-9700 7:00 pm 9:00 am 9:30-10:30 am 9:00 am Confessions Saturday: Sunday: 4:15—4:45 5:50—6:15 Weekdays: 1/2 hour before Mass time or call the parish office to make an appointment Parish Secretaries: Anne Seath and Margaret Heuthorst ext 221 ([email protected] ) Parish Manager: Deacon Jeff Le Bane ext 235 ([email protected]) Sacramental Coordinator: Mrs. Victoria Pusiak ext 229 ([email protected]) Youth Ministry: Rob Halpin 203-5489 ([email protected]) Parish Caretaker: Richard Gibeault ([email protected]) Liturgy Chair Music [email protected] Adult Choir Children’s Ministry Choir Children’s Liturgy Marilyn Geis Garth Pereira Lisa-Marie Hollis Lisa-Marie Hollis Rebecca Cherry 837-0571 446-5995 830-0669 830-0669 424-5435 Altar Servers (ages 7-18) Ministers of Communion Readers Greeters/Ushers Pastoral Care Bereavement Ludy & Michele Hollick Joan Scott Richard Boulianne Richard Charette Bev deMontigny Finola Belanger & Fran Tremblay Anne Seath Allan Harvey Marg Boeckler Gar Knutson Nancy Ballman Parish Office Amy Hall 841-7951 830-3827 837-3828 830-4524 824-9776 851-1125 824-3362 315-6234 824-8632 830-4788 841-8516 282-1941 824-6822 424-6968 Sylvie Bissonnette 837-9537 Prayer Shawl Ministry Shepherds of Good Hope Madonna Tuesday Tea Pro-Life Activities Miriam Centre Bible Study Groups Mom’s Morning Out Sale of Religious Articles Parish Library (Open after all weekend Masses Sept to June) Knights of Columbus Paul Bernard General Meeting 1st Tuesday of the month Catholic Women’s League co presidents Ellen Faddoul General Meeting 4th Tuesday of the month Difficulty hearing? Turn your radio to 98.5FM and use earphones to hear directly from our amplifier. St. Peter High School St. Francis of Assisi School St. Clare School St. Theresa School 837-9377 830-3215 834-6334 837-4114 824-5411 424-2283 Dear Friends in Christ, SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Saturday, February 14 5:00 pm Jo-Anne Billett by Deacon Jeff & Claire LeBane Sunday, February 15 8:00 am Douglas & Maureen Gaulin by Barbara Gaulin-Jones & Brent Jones 9:30 am - For all Divine Infant Parishioners 11:15 am Josefina Gecolea by Tony Gecolea Ramon Castilla by Johnnie & Cynthis Castilla Helena Lachowska by Stan Siok James Redmond (5th anniv) by Iris & family - For the intentions of the Kelly family by Kim Masse & Brayden 6:30 pm Luz Quitain Mueca by the family Monday, February 16 7:00 pm For the holy souls in Purgatory especially Clergy by Friends of the Holy Souls Tuesday, February 17 7:00 pm Mercedes Mangibin by Ofilia De Gueama Wednesday, February 18 Ash Wednesday 9:00 am - Ash Wednesday Mass 7:00 pm - Ash Wednesday Mass Thursday, February 19 9:00 am June Labonte by grandson, Jeremy Rigley 7:00 pm - For the intentions of Laurence Tierney by Maria and Family Friday, February 20 9:00 am The Souls in Purgatory Mike Larmand by Linda Autman Linda Shelley Hill by Ed & Socorro Philpott 6:30 pm The Souls in Purgatory by Friends of the Holy Souls 7:00 pm - Stations of the Cross led by our Baptismal Team Saturday, February 21 9:00 am Odile McIntrye by Annette Richardson SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Saturday, February 21 5:00 pm Marie Des Rosiere Breault by Bev de Montigny Sunday, February 22 8:00 am Tang Ping Yui by Philip Tang & family 9:30 am John Kelly by Deacon Michael & Anne Seath Lise Beaton by Bev deMontigny O’Bie O’Blenis by his wife Audrey & family Anastacia Andres-Caday by Marguerite Anzures-Berry Grace Siok by her husband Stan 11:15 am Mrs. Olga Chura by Louise & Bob Scheiman 6:30 pm - For all Divine Infant Parishioners This week we enter into the Season of Lent. Encouraged to pray, give alms and do penance we begin a 40 day long time of preparation for Easter. I would like to invite you to use this time well and make it a time of true renewal of faith. As a parish community we will have a few different occasions to make it happen. First will be our Parish Lenten Mission—a special time of prayer, reflection and spiritual exercise. Please book your calendars between March 9, 10 & 11, more details to come. Another Lenten project is a series of talks on the Passion of our Lord given by Fr. Krystian and based on the Gospels. First presentation will be on Monday, Feb. 23 after evening Mass in our parish hall. This project comes as a continuation of our Faith Formation for Adults program. Other usual Lenten events are our Penitential Service on March 11 and Stations of the Cross every Friday after evening Mass. We will have two Masses offered every day end every Sat. morning at 9:00am. Dear Friends in Christ let us make this Season a true time of deep and profound spiritual preparation for celebration and blessed fruits of the most sacred mysteries and events of our faith: our Lord’s Passion, Death and Resurrection. The Word and the Bread of the Eucharist, the mystery and the gift of Easter, remain down the centuries as a constant memorial of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ! (...)Together with all Christians throughout the world, we too repeat those words: Jesus, crucified and risen, stay with us! Stay with us, faithful friend and sure support for humanity on its journey through history! Living Word of the Father, give hope and trust to all who are searching for the true meaning of their lives. Bread of eternal life, nourish those who hunger for truth, freedom, justice and peace. (...)Stay with us now, and until the end of time. Sustain us, we pray, on our journey. In you do we believe, in you do we hope, for you alone have the words of eternal life (cf. Jn 6:68). St. John Paul II Urbi et Orbi Message, 27 March 2005 In Christ, ASH WEDNESDAY Ash Wednesday will be on February 18. Masses will take place at 9:00 am and 7:00 pm. Please remember that Ash Wednesday & Good Friday are days of fasting and abstinence from meat. Other Fridays during Lent are days of abstinence. SHROVE TUESDAY DINNER The Knights of Columbus Council 7873 and the Catholic Women’s League will co-host a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on Tuesday February 17, 2015, starting at 5:00 pm in the parish hall. The menu will consist of: pancakes with syrup, sausages, dessert, orange juice, tea and coffee. Cost is $7.00 per person, and $4.00 per child aged 4-17, to a maximum of $20.00 per immediate family. Tickets will be available at the door. Please join us for the 7:00 p.m. Mass after the meal. THANK YOU FROM THE CWL The CWL wishes to thank all parishioners who so generously contributed to the food drive for the OrleansCumberland Food Bank. We collected 39 bags of groceries and $890.00 in grocery cards and cash. Thank you so much. The staff at the Food Bank were very appreciative of the parish's generosity. THANK YOU FROM THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS On Saturday January 24, the Knights of Columbus held a successful Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction. We were very fortunate to collect $333.00 from the sale of tickets and $462.00 from Sr. Rita’s silent auction, for a grand total of $795.00 charitable support to the Miriam Centre. A heartfelt “Thank You” to all the parishioners and members of the Knight along with their families who donated cash/items for the auction and who participated in this worthy fundraising event. LIBRARY HELP NEEDED The Library is looking for volunteers to help after the 9:30 Sunday Mass about twice a month. Please contact Sylvie Bissonnette at 613-837-9537. Please pray for our brothers and sisters who are sick…, Michele LORUSSO, George MARCHAND, Marianne MARCHAND, Melody, Clement FOINTAINE, George ADAMS, Lynne CAPES, Kyram DEAR, Dominique DUMA, Francine DURAND, Henri ESSIAMBRE, Carmel Hins, Erin HOLT, Ruby HUMES, Sue-Anne HURRY-LECOMPTE, Ethan LAVICTOIRE, Pat McGARRY, Mary Lou MacKINNON, Doreen McMAHON, Colin McNULTY, Freida SCHONERT, Carmen SIDOCK, Stephan SIGOUIN, the Residents of Madonna Nursing Home and those whose names are entered in our Book of the Sick. PASSION 2015 TEEN RETREAT Feb 21 & 22 This amazing Retreat is open to ALL teens grade 9 -12. Cost is $25.00. For more details contact Rob 613-824-6822 ext. 233 or [email protected] PILGRIMAGE INFORMATION NIGHT From September 6-17 Father Waldemar will lead a pilgrimage to France, Spain and Portugal. Anyone interested in learning more about this is invited to attend an information session in the Church on Tuesday, February 24 immediately following the 7:00 pm Mass. PERMANENT DIACONATE INFO SESSIONS For any man who would like to know what is involved in becoming a Permanent Deacon, the Archdiocese will offer information sessions on the following dates. Married men are encouraged to bring their wives. For more information and/or to register please contact Deacon Michael Seath at 613-834-1840 or [email protected] Wed, February 25 Annunciation of the Lord Parish 2414 Ogilvie Rd. Ottawa, in the hall from 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Wed, March 11 St. Mary Parish100 Young Street, Ottawa, in the St. Catherine room from 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Sat, March 14 St Patrick’s Basilica 220 Kent Street Ottawa, downstairs in the scavie from 9:00 – 11:00 am. Mon, March 16 St. Martin de Porres Parish 3891 Richmond Road Nepean in the conference room from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. CWL MORNING OF REFLECTION On Saturday, February 28 our Catholic Women’s League will host a Morning of Reflection. The morning will begin with Mass at 9:00 am followed by presention in our parish hall. The guest speaker will be Sister Bernadett from the Queenship of Mary. All parishioners are welcome to attend. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Kindergarten registration is underway. Our Catholic schools provide a variety of learning opportunities and experiences to ensure your child has the best possible start to their education. Our schools offer an excellent curriculum including French language instruction, with the unique dimension of quality Catholic education. Children who will be 4 years old by December 31 are eligible to start Kindergarten this September. You must register in person at the school your child will attend. Please contact the Ottawa Catholic School Board website at to locate the school nearest you or for addition information. PERPETUAL ADORATION Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St Margaret Mary Church, Cumberland (#2571 Hwy174) in the “Cor Jesu Chapel.” For more information contact Marlene Holt at 613-824-6820. GALARNEAU & ASSOCIATES PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION Barristers and Solicitors Susan E. Galarneau Tanya Parker Wallace Michael Wonham 613.859.9404 Family law, real estate, wills, estates, litigation, corporate and mediation. [email protected] 2831 St Joseph Blvd., Orleans 613-830-7111 Hart Cleaning Services (Com. & Res.) We Shampoo & Steam Carpets & Upholstery We Clean & Apply Finish to All Types of Floors 613-878-0461 email:[email protected] www. ACE BODY An auto accident need not always be traumatic you have rights; and we can help ensure that your rights are “respected.” 824-4212 Orleans 824-8241 Gifts and souvenirs for all religious occasions 602-1260 Old Innes Rd, Ottawa 613-745-1537 Support your parish and promote your business with an advertisement on this page. Call the parish office at 613-824-6822 ext 221. House Sitting for Snowbirds and Finding Tenants for Landlords Errol Plummer: 613-424-8310 (Off.) 613-700-9822 (Cell) Email: [email protected] Web: