General Science Paper
General Science Paper
MODEL PAPER - 2 1 CCE REVISION PAPER - 2014 Model Paper - 2 GENERAL SCIENCE - PAPER - II (BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE) X CLASS Max Marks : 40] [Time : 2 : 45 hrs SECTION -I GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (i) Answer all the questions in separate answer sheet only. (ii) This question paper comprises tour sections. I, II, III and IV. There is internal choice in section - I only. (iii) All questions are compulsory. (iv) In the time duration at 2 hrs 45 minutes 15 minutes at time exclusively allotted to read and understand question paper. INSTRUCTIONS a b a r e d y H . d (i) Answer ALL the questions. There is internal choice in Section - I only one from each question is to be attempted. (ii) Each question carries 4 Marks. (iii) Answer each question in 8 - 10 sentences each 1. , B E C D 4 × 4 = 16 In the experiment O2 is evolved during photosynthesis what you observed while doing experiment given the answers at the following questions. i) What are the materials used for the experiment ? ii) What are the precautions you taken while doing experiment? iii) What test you conducted to prove the evolved gas is O2. iv) Draw a diagram to show the arrangement at apparatus? OR What procedure you followed to understand anaerobic respiration experiment in the laboratory? 2. Explain why should we conserve wild life and forests? What is the contribution of IUCN towards conservation? OR Compare the process of nutrition in plants and animals. 3. Describe the process of dialysis in mom with a neatly labelled diagram. OR Draw a neat labelled diagram of male and female reproductive system of man. GENERAL SCIENCE - PAPER - II 4. 2 Ramu wants to donate his organs after his death. Write what information he collected about organs donation and Brain dead people? OR Make a flow chart to show the cell cycle and explain cell division describing different stages of mitosis. SECTION -II INSTRUCTIONS (i) Answer ALL the questions. (ii) Each question carried 2 marks. (iii) Answer each question in 4 - 5 sentences . d 6 × 2 = 12 5. Kavitha collected information about contraceptive methods by a doctor. What information she collected? 6. What questions will you ask to a cardiologist about Heart Attack? 7. Write the differences between a b a r e d y H (a) Analogous organs - Homologous Organs (b) Phenotype - Genotype 8. Explain about survival of the tightest with examples that you observed? 9. What is biomass? Draw a pyramid of biomass for the given food chain: (i) 10. , B E C D Grass(ii) Herbivores (iii) Predators (iv) Hawk Explain the vegetative propagation? Give 2 examples for natural vegetative propagation method. SECTION -III INSTRUCTIONS (i) Answer ALL the questions. (ii) Each question carried 1 marks. (iii) Answer each question in 1 - 2 sentences 7×1=7 11. Which asexual reproduction is giving seedless fruits. 12. What are the ecofriendly activities that you follow in your school. 13. What do you mean by tropical level. 14. Why you consider plants are appreciable creatures? 15. Observe the near by park and write a note on producer, consumers. 16. What happen it diaphragm is not there in the body? 17. What will happen if we remove predators from food web? MODEL PAPER - 2 3 SECTION -III INSTRUCTIONS (i) Answer ALL the questions. (ii) Each questions has choices. Choose the correct answer for each question and write the relevant alphabet (A/B/C/D) against the question number in your answer booklet. (iii) Each question carries ½ mark 10 × ½ = 5 18. 19. Rain is called acid rain when its pH is below A) 7 B) C) D) 5.6 6 C) B) Gametes Peristalsis is because of A) Contraction of longitudinal muscles a b a r e d y H B) Contortion of circular muscles C) Under control of autonomous nervous system , B E C D D) Digestive Secretion 23. Responsible for character D) Recessive character 20. 22. 6.5 According to Gregor Mendel alleles have the following character. A) Pair of genes 21. ( ) How many vestigial organs are present in man? A) 150 B) C) D) 180 170 ( ) ( ) A) Light intensity B) C) D) Concentration humidity Given logo represented for ( ) A) Red Ribbon B) C) D) Recycling logo Sustainable development ( ) 160 What factor does not increase the rate of respirations Temperature . d ( ) NGC logo GENERAL SCIENCE - PAPER - II 24. 25. 26. 27. 4 Reason for yellow colour of urine ( ) A) Urochrome B) C) D) Oestrogen Creatine Vasopressin A tank filled completely with pistia plants ( ) A) Formation of imbalance in ecosystem B) C) D) All Decrease of consumers Increase of producers What part is developed into a seed ( ) A) Endosperm B) C) D) Hypocotyl Synergins Cotyledons Heart is an important organ for in circulation for proper functioning of heart every one A) Taking nutritious diet C) Developing smoking habit , B E C D B) Doing exercise a b a r e d y H D) A and B. . d ( )
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