info - Wokingham U3A
info - Wokingham U3A
Monthly Evening Meeting 2015 Tuesday 10th March at 7.30pm In St Paul’s Parish Rooms (doors open 7 pm.) National Trust Gardens –an illustrated talk by David Hunt David Hunt is a physicist, a photographer and a passionate supporter of the National Trust. Having read physics at Trinity College Cambridge he has spent his career in the computer industry. However, semiconductors alone were not enough to satisfy the soul and he became actively interested in the National Trust around 1980, and has visited numerous properties and gardens, countryside and coastline sites. He helped set up a members’ club in Hertfordshire, and was on the committee of the former South East Berkshire National Trust association in various roles for over 20 years. A keen photographer since childhood he illustrates all his talks with his own photographs. David is coming up for retirement shortly and looking forward to spending even more time with the National Trust. As we approach Spring this talk should whet your appetite for places to visit and delights to come. Franky Bulmer and Olga Hughes Speakers’ Secretary Team [email protected]
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