Friday Newsletter - Goulburn Valley Grammar School


Friday Newsletter - Goulburn Valley Grammar School
Friday Newsletter
Goulburn Valley Grammar School
 From the Principal
Term 1, Week 3, 20 February 2015
 Around the School
Year 7 Welcome
On Thursday last week, the School hosted Year 7 students and their families at a welcome BBQ at School.
We were delighted with over 300 guests attending. This was a wonderful opportunity for all the Year 7
community to come together to build relationships across the year level. Families were able to meet tutors, teachers and the Year 7 coordinator Mr Lukies. Thank you to the representatives of Mothers Club and
Parents and Friends Association for welcoming parents to the event and to the Parents and Friends Association for providing drinks. Thank you also to our wonderful student Peer Support Leaders in Year 11 who
were hard working and thoughtful hosts providing catering on the evening.
Year 12 Parent Information
On Tuesday, this week the Year 12 Parent Information evening was held in Founders Hall. Thank you to all
the parents who gave up their time and attended.
Year 12 is a wonderful year for our students. It is a time of great excitement and transition. Students grow
and develop in many ways throughout the year. It is a time of important learning, friendship and fun,
leadership, personal development and pathway planning. The Year 12 programme involves a demanding
volume and intensity of academic learning. The year also coincides with many milestones for our students
including the final year of schooling, turning 18 and potentially attaining a driver’s licence. At the same
time, students should maintain exercise and a social life. Due to the cumulative effect of these factors, it is
inevitable that Year 12 students and their families find stages of the year challenging. Balancing these
often-conflicting demands requires careful planning and some sacrifices.
 Chair of the School Board Mrs Prue Dobson
with 2014 Dux Aaron Bhat and Aaron’s parents
Yasmin and Ravi Bhat
Our staff have a wealth of practical knowledge and experience in helping students and parents successfully navigate a pathway through the year. A great deal of valuable information and suggestions were provided at the Year 12 Information Evening. If parents were unable to attend, a number of handouts have
been prepared providing summaries of the information that was shared.
 Music Captains Dexter Archibald and Max
Parents are encouraged to contact staff at any stage during the year if they have questions or concerns
regarding their daughter or son and the year. Potential contact points include the tutor, subject teacher,
Year Level Coordinator Mrs Pohlner or the Course and Careers Counsellor Mrs Block.
Bayly speak at assembly of the upcoming Concert
Under the Stars.
Parents of Year 12 students are encouraged to save the date for the VTAC Information Evening on 19th
August 2015. This session will focus on a wide range of areas relating to planning for post Year 12 pathways including Tertiary admissions procedures, the ATAR, accommodation and scholarships. These are
complex matters where there are frequently changes each year. The information provided at this session
can greatly assist in reducing anxiety and avoiding problems.
House Swimming
Today marks the annual House Swimming Carnival at Aquamoves. Thank you to the House Leaders and
student House Captains for their organisation and encouragement of the competitors. Thank you also to
Mr McDonald for his organisation of the event.
 GVGS Triple Distinction Recipients.
27 Feb Assembly Programme:
Semper Ulterius
Mr Mark Torriero
[email protected]
Leaders Presentation
Ph: (03) 5821 8155
If you would like to receive your
Friday Newsletter via email please contact
[email protected]
 GVGS Student News
 Dates for your Diary
 Year 12 Matters
I would like to thank the Year 12 parents who attended the Information Evening on Tuesday
night. I know it is a busy time of the year, but it is important that the students are aware that
both their parents and staff are here to support them during this year. If you were unable to
attend and would like notes that were distributed on the night, please ask your son or daughter
to collect them from the information stand outside my office in the Library.
At this stage of Term 1, the students should really be focusing on each of their subjects. Many
subjects have started completing SACs and students should be working towards managing
their preparation for these to maximise their potential for success.
In Long Tutorial last Monday, the students completed a Study Checklist and began
documenting their Study Timetable. When we review these as Tutors, often there are common
trends present amongst the year level. As Tutors we will follow some of these common
concerns up in coming weeks.
Outside the classroom, a number of our senior students represented the school on Wednesday
at their final Summer Sports Day against Girton. The school community is appreciative of the
efforts our senior students make in remaining connected to the co-curricular programme
during their final year. The Year 12s next major event will be Concert Under the Stars, which will
be held on Friday 27th February. We welcome students and families to this event, as it is often a
highlight of the year.
If you have any concerns or queries please feel free to contact me at school via e-mail or phone
(03) 5821 8155.
Chelsea Pohlner, Year 12 Coordinator, [email protected]
 Year 10 News
The Year 10s have had a wonderful start to the year. We have been using our Long Tutorial
sessions on a Monday morning to get to know each other better and talk about what it means
to be a member of the Senior School.
Year 8 Camp - Merricks
Production Rehearsal 3.30-5.00pm
Primary Leaders
Presentations at Assembly
27 Feb
Mothers Club Meeting,
at 10.00am in the Founders Hall Foyer
27 Feb
Concert Under the Stars
4 Mar
Production Rehearsal 3.30-5.00pm
5 Mar
ICCES Swimming Carnival
9 Mar
Labour Day holiday
11 Mar
Immunisations - Years 7-10
11 Mar
Production Rehearsal 3.30-5.00pm
13 Mar
Open Day (No Assembly)
15 Mar
Production Rehearsal 10.00am-2.00pm
15-20 Mar Indonesian student visit
(Bintang Mulia & Krista Mitra)
17 Mar
Friends of Music meeting,
at 2.00pm in the Founder Hall Foyer
18 Mar
Production Rehearsal 3.30-5.00pm
19 Mar
House Athletics Carnival
21 Mar
Scholarship Testing
20-25 Mar Indonesian student visit
22 Mar
Production Rehearsal 10.00am-2.00pm
25 Mar
Production Rehearsal 3.30-5.00pm
24-27Mar Year 5 Camp - Sovereign Hill
24-27 Mar Year 6 Camp - Narmbool
27 Mar
Easter Service
8 May
Years 5 and 6 Mother’s Day Picnic
21-23 May Senior Production (The King and I)
 Regional Visits
21 April
This has been done through:
23-27 Feb
25 Feb
27 Feb
Explaining the expectations on our Year 10s – the role of the Late Submission Letters and
Committee, the importance of submitting work on time by being organised.
27 April
Giving the students clear guidelines for referencing work from other sources eg from
texts, newspapers and the internet to ensure the work submitted is not plagiarised.
12 May
Beginning to think about our Year Level theme.
19 May
A reminder that OEG Medical Forms are due on Friday 6th of March and an Information Session
regarding camp is on Wednesday 11th of March at 7.30pm.
26 May
Mrs Nicole Bensch, Year 10 Coordinator
16 June
28 July
 2015 School Photographs
School photographs were taken by Arthur Reed Photos this week on Tuesday 17th February
Families who ordered and paid for their photo packages before Tuesday 17th February should
receive their photo’s approximately four weeks after photo day. If families haven’t had an
opportunity to place an order for the photo packages it isn’t too late. Photo orders will be
accepted online or via post by forwarding payment directly to Arthur Reed Photos. An
additional fee applies to orders placed more than 10 days after photo day.
Students were given an information sheet that explains how to order the photographs. Orders
are to be completed online or can be mailed to Arthur Reed Photos. The website is and we have also provided a link from our website The online ordering code is
 Due Dates
Please note that the following deadlines may not include
ALL due dates for subject work. They are indicative only
and may also change due to special circumstances.
23 Feb
23 Feb
23 Feb
24 Feb
25 Feb
If you do not have web access or have difficulty ordering, you may use the order form provided
on the information sheet and forward this directly to Arthur Reed Photos.
If you have any queries regarding school photographs please contact Arthur Reed Photos
directly on 03 5243 4390
Mr Leon McLeod Deputy Principal
GVGS Friday Newsletter, 20 February 2015
27 Feb
27 Feb
2 Mar
4 Mar
5 Mar
16 Mar
Page 2
Yarrawonga Region, The Lake Café,
Corner Belmore Street & Irvine Parade,
Echuca Region, Coriander Functions,
Northern Highway, Echuca.
Euroa Region, Alberts Café, 44 Binney
Street, Euroa.
Kyabram Region, Morocco Café,
165 Allen Street, Kyabram.
Cobram, Tocumwal, Finley Region,
Cobram Hotel, Crn Station & Main
Street, Cobram.
Benalla Region, North Eastern Hotel,
1-3 Nunn Street, Benalla.
Nagambie, Seymour, Murchison
Region, venue to be confirmed.
Unit 1 Psychology Visual Perception Poster
Write Up ........................................................... KMD
Yr 9 Mathematics Test: Linear and
Simultaneous Equations ............................ MKW
Yr 12 H and HD Outcome 1 B .................. PML
Yr 11 Legal Studies Outcome 1 ............. HLG
Yr 11 Legal Studies Test ........................... JUM
Yr 10 Justice Money and Markets
Test ..................................................................... LMC
Yr 10 Sport, Nutrition & Recreation
Learning Activity............................................. SLM
Yr 9 IT Major Animation Project
and storyboard ................................................. RLJ
Yr 11 History Outcome 1 .......................... HLG
Unit 3 PE Outcome 1 Case Study ............ CRP
Unit 1 PE Body Systems Test OutcomeMLH
Unit 3 PE Outcome 1 Test ......................... CRP
 A weight off their shoulders:
Reducing the weight of Year 7 school bags
As our Year 7 students get used to juggling their school work, sports clothes and homework,
they are probably finding that their school bags are getting heavier and heavier. The following
are some expert tips compiled from GVGS students for reducing the amount of weight they are
lugging to and from school every day.
Tip 1: Make use of Moodle and the electronic versions of your school text books.
There should be no need for students to take a hard copy of their texts home to complete
homework. Through the use of their school laptop, students should be able to access electronic
copies of all their required texts. They can also access other handouts and resources through
Moodle. Please encourage your children to speak to their teacher if they are unsure of how to
access these resources.
Tip 2: You do not need to bring something home with you if you already have it at home.
Although all students have a dictionary, thesaurus and pencil case that they use at school, there
should be no need to carry all of this with them in the evening. Most students will have access to
a dictionary and thesaurus at home and, if not, they can utilise the great online dictionaries
available through their laptops. They may also have stationery at home that allows them to leave
their pencil case at school as well.
Tip 3: Pack your bag for the journey home during lunchtime.
At the end of the day, before students rush to the bus, it can be difficult to sort through folders
and remove only the items that are needed to complete their homework. Students can just stuff
everything into their bags to make sure they don’t miss the bus and don’t forget anything!
Instead, students should put aside 10 minutes at lunchtime, when the locker area is quiet, to
organise their bags for the night ahead. If the bag is feeling a little heavy, check to see what can
be removed and left at school.
If your child’s bag is weighing them down, please encourage them to try these helpful tips!
Mr Daniel Lukies
Year 7 Co-ordinator
 Photo-media Group
The Photo-media Group is a small group of students from Years 5 to 12 who meet weekly. They
are responsible for taking both video footage and still photos at school events like assemblies,
productions, lunchtime co-curricular events etc. The Photo-media Group now has an email
address here at school. It is [email protected]. We are keen to collect and archive
photos of any event related to GVGS. eg Year level camps, Saturday sport teams, in class
activities that are a bit unusual, events at weekends, after-school, recess and lunchtimes. If you
take any photos you think are worth archiving, please forward them to the Photo-media email
You will note that starting in last week’s Newsletter, there was a page of photos titled ‘Weekly
Snapshot’.Mrs Amy De Paola worked hard at getting this up and running (thanks Amy!) and we
envisage that the Photo-media group will grow to become the main conduit for photos from the
wider school community as well as being a major contributor of media in its own right.
 Pelican Shoppe News
Our regular Pelican Shoppe trading hours are:
8.30 am -11.30am
1pm - 4pm
1pm - 4pm
1pm - 5pm
The trading hours, Uniform Policy, Price List and Order
Form are available from the Goulburn Valley Grammar
School website via the Uniform Tab.
Students are welcome to purchase uniform at either
recess on Monday or at lunchtime Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday, during the school term. Payment is
accepted by cash, cheque (payable to Noone
Imagewear) EFTPOS or credit card. Should students
require payment by credit card we encourage the use of
our order form on which credit card details may be
Second Hand Uniform
If you would like to lodge any second hand uniform for
sale, please deliver these items to the Pelican Shoppe
during our opening hours. In accordance with the terms
and conditions, kilts and blazers must be drycleaned and
presented in the drycleaning plastic. All other items
must be freshly laundered and pressed.
If you have any queries regarding the purchase of
uniform or the sale of second hand uniform please
contact us by email [email protected] or
phone on 5821 9959.
Mrs Sally Young, Ms Kerrie Sweeney, Mrs Rika Beeton
Pelican Shoppe
 Tuckshop News
The roster for next week
Monday 23 Feb
Tuesday 24 Feb
Mr Steve Bayly
Head of e-Learning
Wednesday 25 Feb
 Immunisations for all Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 Students
Thursday 26 Feb
Immunisation cards were given to all students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 last week.
Parents are asked to complete these cards and return them to Student Services by Friday 20th
February. The Council’s immunisation team will visit GVGS on Wednesday 11th March.
This year, Year 7 students will receive HPV, Chickenpox and Boostrix. Years 8 – 10 will only
receive Boostrix. If you have not returned your immunisation cards it’s not too late.
Mrs Susanne Bennett and Mr Bryant Ruska
School Nurses
 Bus Safety – Code of Conduct
Generally our students are compliant and behave themselves appropriately when travelling on
school buses. Occasionally, as a school, we are required to deal with issues raised by drivers,
parents or students. In the coming weeks in tutorial, all students will be referred to the Bus
Safety-Code of Conduct expectations, rights and responsibilities. Of concern is the attitude
amongst students with regards to wearing of seatbelts. The same rules which apply to travel in
other vehicles applies to travel on buses. Where seatbelts are fitted, students are expected to be
wearing them. Please reinforce this safety message with your son/daughter and remind them of
their rights and responsibilities when travelling to and from school. The Bus Safety-Code of
Conduct can be found in the Student Diary on page 16. As always the school appreciates your
support on these matters.
Ms Trish Lawless
Director of Students
Friday 27 Feb
Tracey Trezise
Sue Hoysted
Kate Worsfold
Kerrie Sweeney
Helen Bruce
Kelly Kennedy
Sue Thiel
Yasmin Bhat
Tejaswini Daware
Michelle Smith
Dy Dillon
Help needed
Lisa Menhenett
Jane Wines
Tonya Eishold
With the warmer weather more students will be bringing
food from home. If you have a salad you would like put
in the fridge remember to drop it into the tuck shop
when you arrive at School. It must be in a plastic
container, with your name on it, and NO glass please.
Also remember all foods requiring heating need to be
left at the Tuckshop before School or at recess. No glass
The Tuckshop is open from 8am every morning.
Students are welcome to come in and purchase drinks,
toasted sandwich or fruit and can order their lunch.
If you’re not already a Tuckshop volunteer and would
like to join the wonderful team of helpers, please give
me a call. We would love to see some new faces. Please
contact me on my mobile number 0403473448 or ring
the school on 58 21 8155.
Mrs Marlene Rutherford
Tuck shop Manager
GVGS Friday Newsletter, 20 February 2015
Page 3
 Parent and Friends Bulb Fundraiser
Parents and Friends invite you to take part in our first fundraiser for 2015. Tesselaar allow us to
keep 40% of money raised in bulb sales for fundraising. Please refer to attached order form. If
you would like to order some bulbs please fill out and return with payment to Mrs Pam Pogue by
Friday 13th March so that orders can be filled and returned to you before Easter.
Mrs Louise Brown
Parents and Friends President
 FamilyCare Christmas Fundraiser
For many years Goulburn Valley Grammar School has supported the Shepparton FamilyCare
Christmas Appeal through the donation of cash and presents. This culminates in a presentation
at the Christmas Service to staff from FamilyCare. The school community via the tutorial system
gives generously, with great thought and compassion for those who will be receiving the gifts.
Generally, the recipients are young people the same ages as the students attending GVGS. After
the Christmas Service the school received a letter of appreciation from David Tennant the CEO of
FamilyCare in Shepparton. He said ` the tremendous generosity of the school community, in
both cash and donations of presents, allows FamilyCare to brighten the Christmas of families and
children for whom the holiday season might otherwise be a time of great stress, emphasising their
Ms Trish Lawless
Director of Students,
 Visiting Students from Indonesia
From March 15th to March 20th we will be hosting 5 students from Krista Mitra (Semarang) and
17 students from another of our sister schools in Indonesia; Bintang Mulia (Bandung). The visit to
GVGS by students from these two schools is an annual event and provides a wonderful
opportunity for the students from the three schools to interact. On March 20th we have an
additional ten students from a Muslim school in Surabaya staying with us from March 20th to
March 26th.
For our GVGS students the additional benefit is to begin to develop a context for developing
their Bahasa Indonesian language skills.
If families are in a position to have 1 or 2 students from our Indonesian sister schools stay for the
week in March then please contact Mr Leon McLeod (Deputy Principal) either by phone on
58218155 or email: [email protected]
Mr Leon McLeod
Deputy Principal
 GVGS Sports News
 GVGS Soccer News
The 2015 SJSA soccer season kicks off on April 18th, and so it is time to start organising our
teams! We will once again field teams in the Under 12 (mixed), Under 15 boys, Open Boys and
Open Girls (Years 7 to 12) divisions. Age determination is of the first of January, 2015. Any
student who just misses this deadline and so is technically a little too old can apply, through me,
for special dispensation to play with their peers.
An information letter including a ‘sign up’ form is now available from Student Reception. This
form needs to be signed and returned to Student Reception, along with the $100 fee (or credit
card details), by Friday 13th of March, 2015. Dual Registration players (Sunday players etc) need
only pay $65 to GVGS.
In addition to returning this form and the fee, all players also have to register with the website. Players from previous years use the same user name and
password as they did in 2014. Players new to the SJSA will need to set up an account on this
website in order to register and be allowed to play.
Mr Steve Bayly
GVGS Soccer Coordinator
 GVGS Aerobics News
Aerobics training for the 2015 season is well under way. Well done to all the teams on learning
your routines, we are much better placed for the Victorian Competition as a result of your hard
work. Information letters were given to students at training this week containing competition
dates and payment. SchoolAerobics has added an additional country competition to their
calendar, which is a good opportunity to receive feedback on our routines leading up to State
Finals. We plan on entering our teams in this event, held in Benalla on Saturday 28th March.
A reminder to return your costume form to Mrs James as soon as possible.
Mrs Nicole Bensch and Mrs Rachel James
Aerobics Coordinators
GVGS Friday Newsletter, 20 February 2015
Page 4
 Health News
 Asthma Triggers and Weather
Weather can have an impact on asthma with sudden
temperature changes being a common trigger.
Temperature changes experienced when moving
from air-conditioned rooms / cars to the outside can
be enough to set off an asthma attack.
In urban environments, a combination of
hydrocarbons and oxides from car and factories
react together in sunshine to form the gas ozone.
This photochemical smog can also trigger asthma,
even in people with no previous history of the
Another trigger is thunderstorms. Rain, humidity
and the updraft, combined with grass pollens and
spores can result breathing difficulties. Rye grass is a
particular problem. This pollen ruptures in rain,
releasing small pollen particles into the atmosphere
resulting in airway irritation.
The Asthma Foundation of Victoria suggests you
insure your asthma is under control. If weather
change is a trigger, check that your school Asthma
Action Plan is up-to-date as is your day-to-day
asthma management regime.
For more information on Thunderstorms and asthma
 SunSmart Eye Health
Like the skin, eyes are susceptible to permanent
damage from sun exposure. Short-term problems
include excessive blinking, swelling and sensitivity to
light. UV exposure can also cause photo keratitis,
which is essentially sunburn of the cornea, like snow
blindness or welding flash burns. In children, the eye
lens is not fully developed, allowing harmful UV light
to be absorbed by the cornea, aqueous humor and
the crystalline lens itself.
Long term UV exposure can result in cataracts
(cloudiness of the lens), pterygium (overgrowth of
conjunctiva onto the cornea), solar keratopathy
(corneal degeneration), cancer of the conjunctiva
and skin cancer on the surrounding area such as
eyelids. This damage can be prevented and the
Cancer Council and Eye Research Australia
Staying out of direct sun light as much a
Wearing a broad-brimmed hat
Wearing close-fitting, wrap around style
sunglasses that meet Australian Standards
Eye damage from UV radiation is cumulative so it’s
important to protect young eyes.
 Community News
 Library Bytes
 Could you be a permanent care parent?
There are a number of children supported by the Department of Health & Human Services
who require a family for life as they are unable to live with their birth families. We are seeking
committed and motivated people who would be interested in learning more about providing
a permanent family for a child.
Book Reviews
Suitable for our younger readers
 Paddington Bear is a
children's literature. He first
appeared on 13th October
1958 and was subsequently
featured in more than
twenty books written by
Michael Bond and first
Fortnum.” From Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia.
Assistance payments are made to the Permanent Care family to assist with the day to day
expenses of caring for a child/young person. Assistance payments are considered to be a
reimbursement for expenses and not an earned income.
We are also keen to speak with families who are particularly interested in caring for children
up to the age of 10 years.
Information sessions are being held on:
3th March at 6:00pm-Department of Human Services, 43-47 Rowan St, Wangaratta
5th March at 6:00pm - Department of Human Services, 163-167 Welsford St, Shepparton
For further information: Adoption & Permanent Care Program 5832 1559 or 5832 1713.
 Tatura Netball Association -Trial information
The Tatura Netball Association (TNA) field teams in the Shepparton Netball Association
Saturday competition. Last year saw great success with teams playing in finals.
Trials will be held for teams in the following: 13 and under, 15 and under, 17 and under, 17-19
Date: 24th, 26th February 2015 Time: 5:45pm to 7:00pm
Where: Netball complex, Hastie Street Tatura
Contact: Jodi Mutton Mob 0417 430 357 or [email protected]
 Introduction to Broadcasting ONE FM Workshop
This friendly little bear is
from Peru and is found at Paddington Station, London
by the Brown family who adopt him, and thus he calls
himself “Paddington Brown”. His trade mark old hat,
duffle coat and battered suitcase that is filled with
amazing things accompany him everywhere he goes.
He is polite and always addresses people as Mr, Mrs or
Miss; though he can inflict a deadly stare on those who
incur his disapproval.
Are you a student in Years 9-11? Do you like Music? Are you able to commit to a weekend
workshop to find out how a Radio Station operates?
This book is the official novelization of the amazing
new movie story. Follow the action and fun as
Paddington arrives in London, meets the Brown family
and gets involved in lots of exciting adventures. The
original story of the movie is retold by the brilliant
children's author Jeanne Willis.
Would you like to :
Suitable for our older readers
 2015 Be Heard Programme
Learn about Music as a medium
Meet like minded young people
Contribute to your local community
Learn how to present your own program live to air?
BOWDEN, Oliver – Assassin’s Creed series. There are 7
books in this series and will appeal to our male readers.
They are based on Ubisoft’s game and the genre is
Historical fiction with plenty of action.
 DePRINCE, Michaela
and Elaine – Hope in
ballet shoes. This is a true
story about a young girl
who is the casualty of
war, orphaned and alone,
she dreams of becoming
a ballerina. Little did she
know that one day her
dream would become a
Date: Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th April Time: 10:00am to 4:00pm
Where: ONE FM Studio 47 Parkside Drive Shepparton
Contact: 5831 3131
 PENROSE, Lana – The
Happiness quest. This is
a compelling true story
about one women’s
depression and the
therapies behind her
Ms Janette Burns
Library Coordinator, [email protected]
GVGS Friday Newsletter, 20 February 2015
Page 5
Goulburn Valley
Grammar School
Parents & Friends Association
And best of all … your support is
helping us fundraise
Our first fundraiser for 2015 is a great way for you and your families and friends
to indulge in your gardens and have beautiful flowers for years to come.
Bulbs are the solution to easy gardening!!
Tesselaar is a name synonymous with top quality bulbs and offers us an
array of stunning bulbs in their new catalogue.
Thank you
for supporting your Parents & Friends Association
Order forms should be directed to Mrs Pam Pogue in the Development Office
By Friday 13th March 2015
[email protected]
Bulbs - GVGS Parents & Friends
Name ………………………………………………………………. Phone ………………………..………………
Cash/Cheque: (Payable to Goulburn Valley Grammar School)
Credit Card
Mastercard (Please circle) Amount : ……………………………………………….
Card Number ……….… …….… ……… ………. Expiry Date …………../…………..
Card Holder’s Name ……………..…………………Card Holder’s Signature …………..…………..………….
 Career News
The Career News will be published regularly containing information about:
Tertiary (e.g., university) and vocational (e.g., TAFE) courses and
Apprenticeships and traineeships
RMIT: Associate Degree in Fashion and Textile Merchandising,
Box Hill Institute: Bachelor of Fashion Merchandising: http://
Focus articles on occupations
Upcoming career events and links to resources.
Through the Newsletter on school website you can find previous issues and
links. Hopefully this information will assist you to develop post school plans in
terms of courses, study or occupations. Career development activities to
consider include:
by Mrs Deb Block, Careers Counsellor,
Fashion Design
Australian retailer Forever New has partnered with RMIT to mentor design
students through a scholarship programme. The scholarship includes $20,000
towards tuition fees and design collection expenses, plus a 12-month
employment offer in the design team at Forever New upon graduation.
Attending tertiary and vocational institution open days
Undertaking work experience
Several private institutes in Melbourne offer design courses. They are specialist
education providers in that they offer only design based courses. They have
higher fees and students can access FEE-HELP to assist with course costs.
Volunteering for a leadership position at school or in the community
Undertaking community service
Playing sport or engaging in hobbies that you love
Reading through the Job Guide, university and TAFE course guides, and
exploring the “” website
Completing a vocational assessments on line
Speaking to past students or adults working in an area in which you are
Arranging for a career counselling interview.
Free University forum and Information session for
parents in Shepparton
Wondered how to navigate pathways and courses? This forum is at 7pm 25th
of Feb 2015 at Shepparton Football club rooms, 2 Harold Street.
Entry Free and sponsored by Hume Regional Development Australia
Committee and
Grenadi: offer courses in graphic design, interior design, business,
and multimedia,
Billy Blue: offer courses in branded fashion, communication design,
interior design (commercial and residential), 3D Design and Animation,
interaction design, and motion design,
Whitehouse Institute of Design: offer courses in fashion design,
interior design and creative direction and styling,
Academy of Design Australia: offer courses in communication
design, fashion and costume design, filmmaking and photography,
graphic and digital design, and visual arts,
Veterinarian or Animal based careers
If you are considering applying for Medicine/ Dentistry/ Oral Health/
Optometry you may need to sit the Undergraduate Medical Admissions Test
(UMAT). This is a three-part test that you sit in July and selected universities use
your UMAT score as part of the selection process, in conjunction with your
ATAR and, in some cases, an interview.
Loving animals does not a VET-make-you! This is a tricky career to enter. Luckily
there are other careers which involve working with animals too. If you want to
become a Vet then you MUST research what is involved. You need to know you
can you can study to become a Veterinarian at CSU (Wagga Wagga) or do a
post graduate course at Melbourne University. Agricultural Science can be a
pathway to Vet Science as well as other Animal Science based courses. To
apply directly to CSU through NSW UAC, it is recommened you have work
experience with a range of animals not just pets. Also check the subjects
required for the courses for which you hope to apply.
You will be tested on the following- logical reasoning and problem solving,
understanding people and non verbal reasoning. It is important that you start
to prepare for the test early. It is important to note that the universities who
use the UMAT do not endorse companies who offer study help as you will
receive free preparation materials once you register for the test (registration is
now open).
Please go to for more information about the UMAT.
There will be a meeting in L2 at 1pm on Tuesday 24th February for interested
students. There are several private companies who offer commercial
preparation programmes – and are
So You Want to be a Doctor?
This book by Kerry Breen has been written specifically for students wishing to
study medicine at an Australian University. There have been changes to some
medical degrees since this book was written, so make sure you check
university websites for the latest information. To order the book, go to http://
Fashion Merchandising and Business
Do you want to travel the world as a fashion buyer, create exciting
merchandise displays, develop a fashion website or market a fashion brand
using social media? Are you creative, enjoy using social media and technology
and are business minded? Box Hill Institute and RMIT offer courses that suit
students who are seeking a career in the world of fashion merchandising,
retailing, or marketing. Please explore the following links for more information.
Charles Sturt University (CSU) - ‘MyDay’
Each year, CSU showcases their courses via a series of hands-on events. You
can find out about the courses you are interested in by attending workshops
run by lecturers in that field. A MyDay will be held Friday 27th February at the
Wagga Wagga campus showcasing courses in Nursing, Biomedical Sciences
and Medical Radiation Sciences (Medical Imaging, Radiation Therapy, and
Nuclear Medicine) and 20th March: Arts, Psychology and Social Work to
Environmental and Marine Careers Expo 2015
SEA LIFE Melbourne Aquarium is running this exciting expo on Wednesday
24th June for students in Years 9 - 12. Join industry experts, employers and
current environmental and marine science students to learn about the many
career and volunteer opportunities in Australia and overseas. You will also be
able to speak to education institutions about your post school study options.
For further information and to book your place, go to
Your Future, some information to get started
It is essential that you discuss your options with the key people in your life as
soon as possible. Don’t stress if you have no idea what you want to do! But
don’t delay starting to open up possibilities you may not have considered. As a
starting point, if you are interested in studying at university or TAFE in the
future you may start with links below. It is important to know that Swinburne
University, RMIT, Victoria University, and Federation University all have both
university and TAFE divisions and that many TAFE institutes offer university
If you are interested in pursuing a traineeship or apprenticeship pathway, it is
important that you gain as much industry experience as possible with work
experience organised with Mrs Block or Structured Work Place Learning with
your I and E teacher.
To look up courses
Go to and use CourseSearch 2015 or try the following.
University of Melbourne
La Trobe University
Monash University
Deakin University-
Victoria University
Charles Sturt University
Federation University
Box Hill Institute Institute
Swinburne University
Australia Catholic University
The Good Universities Guide
Assists young people to make informed decisions about university study in
Australia. The guide contains information about what a degree is, what you
can study and where. I have a copy in my office or to order a copy, contact
Hobsons at 1800 682 133, [email protected]
The Job Guide
Provides comprehensive information on hundreds of occupations. For each
occupation, state specific information. It is an excellent guide for young people
and their parents,
Australian Apprenticeship Pathways
This is a fantastic website for anyone who is interested in pursuing an
apprenticeship, traineeship or school based apprenticeship,
Is a comprehensive site that gives students and parents information on
occupations, industries, scholarships, courses, and careers etc. There are
videos, quizzes and a mini career explorer To explore the site, go to
Australian Defence Force Careers and Gap Year
Information is open now.
This is an excellent website for anyone considering a career in the Army, Navy
or Airforce,
Which degree should you choose?
There are hundreds of different courses in Australia and you can combine
degrees together at some universities. Australia National University has
developed a fantastic video to help you consider how to choose a degree,
Gap Year in Spain
Conversation Assistance Program run by Home to Home, you will be able to
live in Spain for 9 months, working at a school assisting students to improve
their English. You must be 18, have completed Year 12 and you don’t have to
speak Spanish.
Careers in the Defence Force
There are many occupations in the Defence Force.To narrow down which
occupations you can apply for, use the Defence Force “Job Finder”. You just
enter your personal details and select your general career interest areas and a
list of jobs will be generated. Go to
Careers in the automotive industry
If you know you want to work in the auto industry, but not sure which
occupation would suit you best? MAAP My Future has a fantastic quiz that
matches your interests with automotive occupations. Go to http:// and click on ‘match me with a career in automotive’.
Victoria Police Internship
Law students at Victoria University now have access to a 10-week internship
with the Legal Services Department and Prosecutions Division of Victoria
Police. A small number of students will be selected each year to undertake
placements in a variety of police specialist areas including:
Melbourne Prosecutions Unit
Research and Training Unit
Civil Advocacy Unit
Commissions and Inquiries Division, and
Police Coronial Support Unit
High achieving Year 12 students who receive a place to study at VU, are
eligible for the Chancellor’s Scholarship which is $20 000 over four years.
For more information on the Law programme at VU, go to http://
Mrs Deb Block
Careers Counsellor, [email protected]
Daily Specials:
Monday: Nachos with salsa, cheese and Light sour cream ...$4.50
Tuesday: Hamburger or Vegetable Burger ............................$5.00
Wednesday: Hot dog with sauce and or cheese....................$3.50
Thursday: Chicken Burger with lettuce and Mayo.…………..$5.00
Friday: Sweet chilli chicken wrap with cheese .......................$5.00
Butter Chicken with rice - Large .................................$4.50
- Small ….. ..........................$3.00
Rolls & Sandwiches: Fresh or Toasted
White or multigrain bread or roll, Please Specify:
Cheese and Tomato................................................................$3.00
Ham ........................................................................................$3.00
Egg & Lettuce .........................................................................$3.50
Tuna .......................................................................................$3.50
Roast Chicken .........................................................................$3.50
Salad & Cheese ......................................................................$4.00
Ham & Cheese ........................................................................$3.50
Ham & Salad ..........................................................................$4.50
Tuna & Salad ..........................................................................$4.50
Roast Chicken & Salad ...........................................................$4.50
Roast Chicken, Lettuce & Mayo ..............................................$4.00
Ham, cheese and tomato………………………………………..$3.50
Roast Chicken & Salad ...........................................................$5.00
Ham & Salad ...........................................................................$5.00
Chicken, Lettuce & Mayo ........................................................$5.00
Toasted Gourmet Wrap...........................................................$5.00
Toasted Chicken, Cheese, Lettuce, sweet chilli mayo wrap ...$5.00
Hot Foods:
Spaghetti bolognaise - Large ..................................................$4.00
- Small ..................................................$2.50
McCains Pizza - Ham & Pineapple .........................................$2.50
Toasted Ham & Cheese Sandwich………………....................$3.50
Toasted Focaccias:
- Cheese..................................................................................$3.50
- Cheese & Tomato .................................................................$4.00
- Ham & Cheese......................................................................$4.00
- Ham, Cheese & Tomato .......................................................$4.50
- Chicken & Cheese ................................................................$4.00
- Chicken or ham with cheese, pineapple ...............................$4.50
- Vegetarian (sundried tomato, feta, olives, cheese, onion) ....$5.00
- Gourmet (Salami, s/d tomato, feta, olives, onion, cheese) ...$5.00
Cup of Noodles: Chicken or Beef (only if ordered)..................$2.50
Caesar Salad……………………………………………………..$5.50
Greek Salad……………………………………………………… $5.50
Ham, Chicken or Egg Salad……………………………………. $5.50
Condiment Sachets...............................................................$0.30
Ducats: Orange Drink
- Large ......................................... $3.00
- Small ......................................... $2.00
Mr D’s Cola
- Large ......................................... $3.00
- Small ......................................... $2.00
Hot chocolate ……………………………………………………. $2.00
Berri fruit juice - assorted flavours .......................................... $3.00
Prima - Apple / Orange / Tropical ........................................... $1.50
Ice Tea .................................................................................... $3.50
Water Plain ............................................................................. $1.50
Pump Water flavoured ............................................................ $3.50
Kyneton Spring Mineral Water - 350ml ................................... $2.00
Deep Spring Mineral Water – 500ml ....................................... $3.50
Portello Sugar Free - 600ml .................................................... $3.50
Big M
- Large ......................................... $3.80
- Small ......................................... $2.80
Nippy’s Low Fat Milk:
- Large ......................................... $3.50
- Small ......................................... $2.50
Dare Iced Coffee
- 500ml ........................................ $4.00
Gluten Free Options
Mini Pizza - Hawaiian ............................................................. $5.00
- B.B.Q. Chicken ................................................... $5.00
Toasted Sandwich .................................................................. $4.50
Anzac Biscuits ........................................................................ $1.00
Tuckshop Muffin ..................................................................... $1.50
With berries
- Small ......................................... $2.00
- Large ......................................... $3.00
Chips 28g ................................................................................ $1.20
Fresh Fruit .............................................................................. $0.60
Carrot Sticks ........................................................................... $1.50
Philly Cream Cheese & Sweet Chilli Dip................................. $1.50
Tasty Cheese Portions............................................................ $1.20
Savoy Biscuits ........................................................................ $1.00
Food brought from home to be heated must be in a
Microwave Safe container, not Glass, and dropped into the
Tuckshop before school.
Heating ................................................................................... $1.00
*We are unable to heat pre-packaged food due to time management
Hot water for Soup and Noodles brought from home ............. $1.00
Are you keen for a fun-filled, exhilarating night of phenomenal performances?
Would you like to see a variety of clever, entertaining acts performed by GVGS’s Year 12 students?
Would you like to sit back with your friends or family and enjoy the talent of our school’s Year 12 cohort as
they perform for you in the form of dance, singing and instrumental ensembles?
If so, then Concert Under the Stars is the event for you!
Date: Friday 27th of February
Time: 7:30pm
Venue: Telly Tubby Land, Goulburn Valley Grammar School
Tickets will be sold at the horse shoe at recesses and lunches from Monday the 23rd of Feb.
Tickets are $5 per person, and can be purchased upon arrival at the concert.
A cake stall and barbeque will be available at the concert! You may like to bring folding chairs or a picnic
blanket so that you can be comfortable for the show!