February Newsletter
February Newsletter
South Hartismere Benefice South Hartismere Benefice February Newsletter 2015 Worship Rota – February 2015 LENT st Sunday 1 Candlemas (Presentation of Christ in the Temple) th Sunday 8 The 2nd Sunday before Lent th Sunday 15 The Sunday next before Lent th Wednesday 18 Thornham Parva Gislingham Wetheringsett Thorndon 8.30am 10.30am 10.30am 6.00pm BCP Holy Communion CW Parish Communion CW Parish Communion Songs of Praise Thorndon Stoke Ash Mellis Yaxley Thornham Magna Gislingham 9.30am 9.30am 9.30am 10.30am 10.45am 6.00pm Café Church BCP Holy Communion Extended Holy Communion Morning Worship CW Parish Communion Songs of Praise Gislingham Gislingham Thorndon Thornham Parva Wetheringsett Yaxley 8.30am 10.15am 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am BCP Holy Communion Family Café Church Morning Worship CW Parish Communion Morning Worship CW Parish Communion Thornham Magna 7.30pm Ash Wednesday nd Sunday 22 st The 1 Sunday of Lent th Thursday 26 Contact: Mellis Thorndon Yaxley Stoke Ash 8.30am 9.30am 10.30am 4.00pm Thorndon 9.30am Benefice Ash Wednesday Service BCP Holy Communion Café Communion Morning Worship Evening Prayer Benefice Mid-week Holy Communion Reverend Julia Lall - Priest in Charge [email protected] 01379 678064 Reverend Eleanor Goodison – Assistant Curate [email protected] 07437 406997 (Sat – Mon only) Commitment How are your New Year Resolutions going? Are you managing to stick to them? Did you break them in the first few days? Or did you decide not to make any this year? LENT I am always very bad at keeping my New Year Resolutions. I set myself a target that's impossible to achieve, and then give up too quickly. So this year, I have decided to think about commitments rather than resolutions, and I'm inviting you to do the same. This seems particularly appropriate as we enter into the season of Lent later this month. Lent provides us with an opportunity to reflect on how we might respond to the incredible love and sacrifice of Jesus as we journey with him to the cross. For many years now, I have thought about what to give in Lent, rather than what to give up, and that takes thought and serious commitment. This month, I invite you to join me in making a commitment to respond to God in a number of ways, and I have added my commitments, because I wouldn't expect to ask you to do something that I wasn't willing to do myself! Commitment 1 - Going to church more often I have committed to being in each parish once a month, and leading worship in each church in a month. Could you commit to going to church every Sunday during Lent? Each Sunday there are at least 5 different services in the Benefice to choose from! Or perhaps two churches could commit to worshipping together on alternate Sundays. Commitment 2 - Giving Each year I set aside one tenth of my monthly income to give to the mission and ministry of the churches. Could you prayerfully commit to giving a little more this year, or to set aside an amount each week. Even if there are only two services in a church during the month, we still have to pay running costs on a weekly basis. Commitment 3 - Service It took me a long time to respond to God's call to become a priest, but the joy of stepping out in faith and being obedient to his plan for me has given me great fulfillment. I love my work! Could you commit to hearing God's voice, and responding to it? The churches have so many possibilities for reaching out to our local communities - children's work, work with the elderly, hospitality and generosity.... the list goes on; so could you help? Or might you consider taking up one of the important offices of Churchwarden, or helping at services to read, lead prayers or assist with the chalice? Or perhaps you feel called to lead worship, or take on a pastoral role? Or you may want to make a public commitment to God by being baptised, confirmed or renewing your baptism vows as a sign of your growth in faith. Whatever you decide, and I hope that you will be able to choose at least one commitment, you will know the outpouring of God's love, and others will benefit too; so please be assured of my prayers, as together we move forward in faith, hope and love. Blessings, Julia COFFEE MORNINGS ALL SAINTS CHURCH, WETHERINGSETT CUM BROCKFORD Following our winter break, Wednesday Coffee Mornings will start again at the usual time of 10.30-12noon on the 25th February 2015 This will be our 13th year and we really appreciate your coming and making this such an enjoyable, social event and we look forward to seeing old and new friends. Clergy: Reverend Julia Lall Priest in Charge Reverend Eleanor Goodison Assistant Curate Churchwardens: Gislingham Mellis Stoke Ash with Thwaite Thorndon with Rishangles Thornham Magna Thornham Parva Website: www.southhartismere.org.uk [email protected] 01379 678064 [email protected] 07437 406997 (Sat – Mon only) Peter Lucas Ann Cottee Betty Wells June Scott Kit Brinkley 01379 788411 01379 788633 01379 788155 01379 678926 01379 678279 Julia Henniker James Fawcett Martin Kay Christine Moore Ken Goudy 01379 783336 01379 788130 01379 783531 01379 783226 01449 673648 Wetheringsett with Brockford Yaxley Julian Moore Benefice Admin. [email protected] Support: Christine Moore 01379 788140 01379 783226 South Hartismere Hartismere Benefice Lent Course: Embrace Lent Monthly sale of second hand books st 1 Saturday of the month 10am – 12noon Tea and Chat 2.00pm - 3.00pm All Saints Church, Stoke Ash with coffee & cakes Village Hall Gislingham Restarting on Tuesday 3rd March New Shoots Lunch (last Tuesday of the month) 12.30 – 2pm 5 sessions at Yaxley Village Hall From 7.30 – 9.00 pm th th Thursday 19 February, Thursday 26 February, (NOT 5th March) Thursday 12th March, Thursday 19th March. Last session Sunday 22nd March ending with a meal. ‘This study guide walks through the story of the creation, linking the ancient themes of Genesis with the modern-day reality of life in the Middle East — and how we can respond as Christians to the current situation.’ Please look out for the signsign-up sheets in each church The Forge Café Thornham Walks Booking essential to Beyond the Wall Tel: 01379 788700 Gentleman’s breakfast 2nd Saturday of the month 9.00am at Stoke Ash White Horse Contact John Stanley Tel: 01379 678003 Regular mid week services WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Tuesday: 9am Morning Prayer at Gislingham church Wednesday: 9.30am Morning Prayer at Wetheringsett church th followed by Coffee morning restarting 25 February Wednesday: 6pm Evening Prayer at Mellis church Thursday: 9.30am Morning Prayer at Thorndon church (International and Interdenominational) Jesus said to them: “Do you know what I have done to you?” St Mary’s, Mellis 10am on Friday 6th March First Monday of the month: 9.30am Morning Prayer at Mellis church Second Tuesday of the month: 11am Holy Communion at Yaxley House First Wednesday of the month: 11.15am Holy Communion at The Limes, Mellis Refreshments will be served at the close of the service including traditional cakes from The Bahamas Fourth Thursday of the month: 9.30am Midweek Holy Communion Service at Thorndon church - a short service of Holy Communion (Common Worship) with a Bible Reading and prayers, lasting about 30 minutes. ALL SAINT’S CHURCH THORNDON MINI-MARMALADE FESTIVAL 2015 AREOPAGUS DATES 26th March 28th May 23rd July September & November dates to be advised at The White Horse, Stoke Ash Deanery Synod SATURDAY 21ST MARCH 2015 10am-4pm Entry Forms will be available shortly, and also will be ‘on-line’ at thorndon.onesuffolk.net to download during February. Enquiries: Rosemary Jones 01379 648226 Thursday February 12th in Burgate Church Hall at 7.30pm 2014 HOUSE BOX COLLECTION £623.77 has been raised for the Children’s Society from the annual house box opening. A big thank you to all those who donated. If you would like a house box please contact Christine on 01379 783226