Hood v. Dep`t of Children & Families Docket
Hood v. Dep`t of Children & Families Docket
2/19/2015 Electronic Case Filing | U.S. District Court Middle District of Florida MAIL, OrlP4, RYCE U.S. District Court Middle District of Florida (Ft. Myers) CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 2:12cv00637JESDNF Hood v. Department of Children and Families et al Assigned to: Judge John E. Steele Referred to: Magistrate Judge Douglas N. Frazier Cause: 42:1983 Prisoner Civil Rights Date Filed: 11/29/2012 Jury Demand: Both Nature of Suit: 555 Prisoner Civil Rights (Prison Condition) Jurisdiction: Federal Question Plaintiff Ronald C. Hood, Jr. also known as Erika Denise Hood represented by Ronald C. Hood, Jr. #990304 Florida Civil Commitment Center 13619 S.E. Hwy. 70 Arcadia, FL 342667861 PRO SE V. Defendant Department of Children and Families TERMINATED: 02/26/2014 represented by Daryl M. Manning Office of the Attorney General Suite 1100 501 E Kennedy Blvd Tampa, FL 33602 813/2332880 Email: [email protected] LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Defendant David E. Wilkins Secretary of DCF represented by Daryl M. Manning (See above for address) LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Defendant Daniel Montaldi SVPP Administrator https://ecf.flmd.uscourts.gov/cgibin/DktRpt.pl?102046800609173L_1_01 represented by Daryl M. Manning (See above for address) LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED 1/6 2/19/2015 Electronic Case Filing | U.S. District Court Middle District of Florida Date Filed # Docket Text 11/29/2012 1 COMPLAINT against Department of Children and Families, Daniel Montaldi, David E. Wilkins with Jury Demand filed by Ronald C. Hood, Jr. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Not Imaged Refer to Court File) (no fee/ifp; no service copies)(SLU) (Entered: 11/29/2012) 11/29/2012 2 DECLARATION of Ronald C. Hood, Jr. (a/k/a Erika Denise Hood) in support of motion to proceed in forma pauperis on 42 U.S.C. 1983 civil rights complaint form for FCCC Residents by Ronald C. Hood, Jr. (SLU) (Entered: 11/29/2012) 11/29/2012 3 STANDING ORDER: Filing of documents that exceed twentyfive pages. Signed by All Divisional Judges on 12/7/09. (SLU) (Entered: 11/29/2012) 11/29/2012 4 STANDING ORDER for all confined, pro se litigants. Signed by All Divisional Judges on 11/29/2012. (SLU) (Entered: 11/29/2012) 12/04/2012 5 RELATED CASE ORDER AND NOTICE of designation under Local Rule 3.05 track 1. Notice of pendency of other actions due by 12/18/2012. Signed by All Divisional Judges on 12/4/2012. (BJH) (Entered: 12/04/2012) 12/13/2012 6 NOTICE of pendency of related cases re 5 Related case order and notice of designation of track 1 per Local Rule 1.04(d) by Ronald C. Hood, Jr. Related case(s): no (Attachments: # 1 Mailing Envelope)(SLU) (Entered: 12/13/2012) 12/19/2012 7 ORDER to file proof of indigency. Plaintiff within 21 days shall either submit the $350 filing fee or submit a computer printout. Plaintiff's failure to do one or either of the above actions or to explain noncompliance within the allotted time will result in the dismissal of this action without further notice. Signed by Magistrate Judge Douglas N. Frazier on 12/19/2012. (drn) (Entered: 12/19/2012) 12/19/2012 8 ORDER re 2 Declaration filed by Ronald C. Hood, Jr. plaintiff has within twenty one (21) days of this the date of this Order either submit the $350.00 filing fee; or, shall submit a true and correct copy of a computer printout containing all transactions in Plaintiff's FCCC Resident Account. Signed by Magistrate Judge Douglas N. Frazier on 12/19/2012. (RMT) (Entered: 12/20/2012) 12/21/2012 9 MOTION for leave to proceed in forma pauperis/affidavit of indigency with attached prisoner computer account printout by Ronald C. Hood, Jr. (Attachments: # 1 Mailing Envelope)(kma) Modified on 1/9/2013 to edit event and docket text (SLU). (Entered: 12/23/2012) 01/14/2013 10 MOTION to appoint counsel by Ronald C. Hood, Jr. (Attachments: # 1 Mailing Envelope)(SLU) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Douglas N. Frazier. (Entered: 01/14/2013) 01/14/2013 11 MOTION for preliminary injunction by Ronald C. Hood, Jr. (Attachments: # 1 Mailing Envelope)(SLU) (Entered: 01/14/2013) 01/14/2013 12 ORDER granting 9 Motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis/affidavit of indigency, to the extent that Plaintiff is assessed a onetime $24.00 partial filing fee, as opposed to the full filing fee. Plaintiff shall forward a check to the Clerk of Court in the amount of $24.00 within twentyeight (28) days of the date of this Order. Signed by Magistrate Judge Douglas N. Frazier on 1/14/2013. (SLU) https://ecf.flmd.uscourts.gov/cgibin/DktRpt.pl?102046800609173L_1_01 2/6 2/19/2015 Electronic Case Filing | U.S. District Court Middle District of Florida (Entered: 01/14/2013) 01/14/2013 13 ORDER denying 10 Motion to appoint counsel. Signed by Magistrate Judge Douglas N. Frazier on 1/14/2013. (SLU) (Entered: 01/14/2013) 01/15/2013 14 ORDER denying 11 Motion construed as a motion for a temporary restraining order. Signed by Judge John E. Steele on 1/15/2013. (RKR) (Entered: 01/15/2013) 02/01/2013 FEES paid by Ronald C. Hood, Jr (Filing fee $24.00 receipt number FTM003999) Balance due $0 (SLU) (Entered: 02/01/2013) 02/11/2013 15 ORDER to complete service forms. Plaintiff is directed to return forms within 28 days of the date of this order. Failure to return the completed forms within this time period will result in dismissal for failure to prosecute, without futher notice. Signed by Magistrate Judge Douglas N. Frazier on 2/11/2013. (SLU) (Entered: 02/11/2013) 03/04/2013 16 LETTER notice of change of address and LETTER MOTION for miscellaneous relief, specifically to instruct the DeSoto County Jail to allow possession of legal documents by Ronald C. Hood, Jr. (Attachments: # 1 Mailing Envelope)(SLU) (Entered: 03/04/2013) 04/08/2013 17 LETTER/NOTICE of change of address by Ronald C. Hood, Jr (Attachments: # 1 Mailing Envelope)(SLU) (Entered: 04/08/2013) 04/23/2013 18 ORDER directing service by U.S. Marshal. Signed by Magistrate Judge Douglas N. Frazier on 4/23/2013. (SLU) (Entered: 04/23/2013) 04/24/2013 19 MOTION for default judgment against defendants by Ronald C. Hood, Jr. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit, # 2 Mailing Envelope)(SLU) Modified on 5/1/2013 to edit docket text (SLU). (Entered: 04/24/2013) 04/25/2013 20 REQUEST for waiver of Service sent to David E. Wilkins on 4/25/13 by Ronald C. Hood, Jr (SLU) (Entered: 04/25/2013) 06/05/2013 21 SUMMONS issued as to David E. Wilkins. (SLU) (Entered: 06/05/2013) 06/20/2013 22 US Marshal 285 form for service upon David E. Wilkins (U.S. Marshal fees $65.04). RETURN of personal service executed on 6/13/13 by Ronald C. Hood, Jr as to David E. Wilkins. (SLU) (Entered: 06/20/2013) 06/20/2013 23 ORDER to complete service forms. Plaintiff is directed to return forms within 20 days of the date of this order. Failure to return the completed forms within this time period will result in dismissal for failure to prosecute. Signed by Magistrate Judge Douglas N. Frazier on 6/20/2013. (SLU) (Entered: 06/20/2013) 07/03/2013 24 MOTION to Dismiss Plaintiff's Complaint by Daniel Montaldi, David E. Wilkins and Department of Children and Families. (Manning, Daryl) Modified on 4/1/2014 to add filer and edit docket text (SLU). (Entered: 07/03/2013) 07/11/2013 25 NOTICE of change of address by Ronald C. Hood, Jr (Attachments: # 1 Mailing Envelope)(SLU) (Entered: 07/11/2013) 07/22/2013 26 NOTICE to plaintiff re 23 Order to complete service forms. This Order serves as notice that Defendant Department of Children and Families will be dismissed from this action pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4(m) unless Plaintiff shows https://ecf.flmd.uscourts.gov/cgibin/DktRpt.pl?102046800609173L_1_01 3/6 2/19/2015 Electronic Case Filing | U.S. District Court Middle District of Florida good cause within TEN (10) DAYS of the date on this Order for his failure to serve this defendant within 120 days after his complaint was filed. Signed by Magistrate Judge Douglas N. Frazier on 7/22/2013. (SLU) (Entered: 07/22/2013) 07/22/2013 27 RESPONSE to Motion re 24 MOTION to Dismiss Plaintiff's Complaint filed by Ronald C. Hood, Jr. (SLU) (Entered: 07/22/2013) 08/07/2013 28 RESPONSE TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE re 26 Order filed by Ronald C. Hood, Jr. (Attachments: # 1 Mailing Envelope)(SLU) (Entered: 08/08/2013) 08/22/2013 29 ORDER Directing Payment be made from David E. Wilkins within fourteen (14) days from the date on this Order made payable to the U.S. Marshal in the amount of $65.04, which represents the costs of service upon Defendant, and file a Notice of Compliance with the Court. Signed by Magistrate Judge Douglas N. Frazier on 8/22/2013. (SLU) Modified on 9/10/2013 to edit docket text (SLU). (Entered: 08/22/2013) 08/22/2013 30 ORDER denying as moot 16 Motion specifically to instruct the DeSoto County Jail to allow possession of legal documents. Signed by Magistrate Judge Douglas N. Frazier on 8/22/2013. (SLU) (Entered: 08/22/2013) 08/22/2013 31 ORDER denying 19 Motion for Default Judgment. Signed by Magistrate Judge Douglas N. Frazier on 8/22/2013. (SLU) (Entered: 08/22/2013) 09/05/2013 32 NOTICE of compliance by David E. Wilkins (Manning, Daryl) (Entered: 09/05/2013) 09/05/2013 Remark: Pursuant to Order 29 Payment of $65.04 for cost of service received, and forwarded to USM. (SPB) (Entered: 09/06/2013) 02/26/2014 33 OPINION AND ORDER granting in part and denying in part 24 motion to dismiss. The Complaint is dismissed with prejudice as to DCF, without prejudice as to Wilkins and Montaldi individually, and denied as to Wilkins and Montaldi in their official capacity for declaratory and injunctive relief. Signed by Judge John E. Steele on 2/26/2014. (RKR) (Entered: 02/26/2014) 03/17/2014 34 ORDER TO ANSWER. Signed by Magistrate Judge Douglas N. Frazier on 3/17/2014. (SLU) (Entered: 03/17/2014) 04/01/2014 35 ANSWER and defenses and demand for jury trial re 1 Complaint by David E. Wilkins and Daniel Montaldi. (Manning, Daryl) Modified on 4/1/2014 to create docket entry relationship, edit filers and edit docket text (SLU). (Entered: 04/01/2014) 04/02/2014 36 CASE MANAGEMENT AND SCHEDULING ORDER: Discovery due by 5/30/2014, Dispositive motions due by 6/28/2014. Signed by Magistrate Judge Douglas N. Frazier on 4/2/2014. (Attachments: # 1 Letter to Counsel with AO85 Form, # 2 AO85A Form)(SLU) (Entered: 04/02/2014) 04/04/2014 37 MOTION to Take Deposition of Plaintiff by Daniel Montaldi, David E. Wilkins. (Manning, Daryl) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Douglas N. Frazier. (Entered: 04/04/2014) 04/04/2014 38 ORDER granting 37 Motion to Take Deposition from Ronald C. Hood, Jr.. Signed by Magistrate Judge Douglas N. Frazier on 4/4/2014. (SLU) (Entered: 04/04/2014) https://ecf.flmd.uscourts.gov/cgibin/DktRpt.pl?102046800609173L_1_01 4/6 2/19/2015 Electronic Case Filing | U.S. District Court Middle District of Florida 05/02/2014 Mail returned as Undeliverable (EOS 8/21/13 envelope states @ FCCC) re: 36 Case management and scheduling order. Mail was not resent to Ronald C. Hood, Jr.. (SLU) Modified on 5/2/2014 (SLU). (Entered: 05/02/2014) 05/20/2014 39 MOTION to Appoint Counsel by Ronald C. Hood, Jr. (Attachments: # 1 Mailing Envelope)(SLU) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Douglas N. Frazier. (Entered: 05/20/2014) 05/20/2014 40 MOTION to Take Deposition from Daniel Montaldi and David E. Wilkins by Ronald C. Hood, Jr. (Attachments: # 1 Mailing Envelope)(SLU) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Douglas N. Frazier. (Entered: 05/20/2014) 05/21/2014 41 ORDER denying 39 Motion to appoint counsel ; granting 40 Motion to Take Deposition from Defendants Wilkins and Montaldi. Finally, Plaintiff has not updated his address with this Court. As a onetime courtesy to Plaintiff, the Clerk of Court is directed to send this Order to the return address listed on the instant motions. However, Plaintiff was advised on November 29, 2012 that he has a responsibility to update his address with the Court (Doc. 4). Within TEN (10) DAYS from the date on this Order, Plaintiff shall show cause for his failure to comply with this Court's order that he maintain a current address with the Court. Failure to do so may result in the dismissal of this action without further notice. Signed by Magistrate Judge Douglas N. Frazier on 5/21/2014. (SLU) (Entered: 05/21/2014) 05/22/2014 42 NOTICE by Daniel Montaldi, David E. Wilkins of Taking Deposition of Plaintiff (Manning, Daryl) (Entered: 05/22/2014) 06/02/2014 43 NOTICE of change of address by Ronald C. Hood, Jr (Attachments: # 1 Mailing Envelope)(SLU) (Entered: 06/02/2014) 06/02/2014 44 RESPONSE TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE (styled as a Motion to Show Cause) re 41 Order filed by Ronald C. Hood, Jr. (Attachments: # 1 Mailing Envelope) (SLU) (Entered: 06/02/2014) 06/02/2014 45 MOTION for Discovery by Ronald C. Hood, Jr. (Attachments: # 1 Mailing Envelope)(SLU) Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Douglas N. Frazier. (Entered: 06/02/2014) 06/04/2014 Mail returned as Undeliverable re: 41 Order on motion to appoint counsel Order on Motion to Take Deposition. Mail resent to Ronald C. Hood, Jr.. (SLU) (Entered: 06/04/2014) 06/09/2014 46 OBJECTION re 45 MOTION for Discovery as being an untimely request for production, incorrectly labeled a Motion for Discovery served after the Court's discovery deadline of May 30, 2014. (Manning, Daryl) (Entered: 06/09/2014) 06/10/2014 47 ORDER denying 45 motion for discovery. Signed by Magistrate Judge Douglas N. Frazier on 6/10/2014. (SLU) (Entered: 06/10/2014) 06/27/2014 48 MOTION for summary judgment by Daniel Montaldi, David E. Wilkins. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B)(Manning, Daryl) (Entered: 06/27/2014) 06/30/2014 49 ORDER that Plaintiff shall have THIRTYFIVE (35) DAYS from the date on this Order to file an opposition to the motion to dismiss. Thereafter, the motion will be https://ecf.flmd.uscourts.gov/cgibin/DktRpt.pl?102046800609173L_1_01 5/6 2/19/2015 Electronic Case Filing | U.S. District Court Middle District of Florida taken under advisement by the Court and an order entered thereon without further notice. Signed by Magistrate Judge Douglas N. Frazier on 6/30/2014. (SPB) (Entered: 06/30/2014) 08/11/2014 50 RESPONSE in Opposition re 48 MOTION for summary judgment filed by Ronald C. Hood, Jr. (Attachments: # 1 Mailing Envelope)(SLU) (Entered: 08/11/2014) 02/13/2015 51 LETTER NOTICE of inquiry by Ronald C. Hood, Jr. (Attachments: # 1 Mailing Envelope)(drn) (Entered: 02/13/2015) 02/18/2015 52 OPINION AND ORDER granting in part and denying in part 48 Motion for summary judgment. The motion is denied on plaintiff's claim for declaratory and injunctive relief, and granted as to all other claims. Plaintiff shall file a pretrial narrative statement within 30 days, defendants shall thereafter have 14 days to file their pretrial narrative statement. Signed by Judge John E. Steele on 2/18/2015. (RKR) (Entered: 02/18/2015) PACER Service Center Transaction Receipt 02/19/2015 09:14:51 PACER Login: cb9941:4268272:0 Client Code: Description: Docket Report Search Criteria: 2:12cv00637JES DNF Billable Pages: Cost: 0.50 5 https://ecf.flmd.uscourts.gov/cgibin/DktRpt.pl?102046800609173L_1_01 6/6
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