- Lamar Consolidated ISD
- Lamar Consolidated ISD
Solicitation # 06-2015 ML Due Date: February 25, 2015 Lamar Consolidated Independent School District (LCISD) Solicitation Cover Sheet DUE NO LATER THAN 2:00 PM (CST) LATE BIDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED Competitive Sealed Proposal (CSP) : INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT SERVICE Company Name Company Address City State Zip Taxpayer I.D. # Telephone Fax E-mail Billing Address if different from above Authorized Representative Name Authorized Representative Signature Your signature attests to your offer to provide the goods and/or services in this solicitation according to the published provisions of this solicitation. Contract is not valid until LCISD Board has approved the award. RETURN THIS DOCUMENT IN BID/PROPOSAL PACKAGE 1 Integrated Pest Management Service # CSP 06-2015ML Purpose of Solicitation The intention of this solicitation is to solicit proposals to establish a contract to provide Integrated Pest Management Services for the district’s buildings and other areas specified herein and will include eventual new construction. Length of Solicitation The contract period shall be for one (1) year with the option to renew for four (4) additional years with Lamar CISD Board approval and provided that LCISD and the approved vendor are in mutual agreement. Terms and Conditions This solicitation shall be governed by the following documents which are incorporated herein. A copy may be obtained at http://www.lcisd.org/departments/businessoffice/purchasing/terms-and-conditions or by contacting the Lamar CISD Purchasing Dept. staff listed on the cover sheet. Any exception to the terms and conditions must be included in the Proposer’s response. Texas Education Code 44.031 Purchasing and Acquisition, LCISD Policy CH (Legal) Purchasing and Acquisition, LCISD Policy CH (Local) LCISD reserves the right to award this contract as best meets the district needs to include by line items, group, single, dual or multiple award. Response Requirements LCISD will accept sealed proposals either by mail or hand delivery until Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 2:00 PM CST. Please make certain that the Solicitation number is written clearly on the front of your envelope. Proposals received after the opening date and time will not be accepted and will be returned unopened. Submission Package must include: One (1) Original One (1) Marked “Copy” Please use the address below: Lamar CISD Purchasing Dept. 3911 Avenue I, Suite 214 Rosenberg, TX 77471 For additional information contact Michele Leach 832-223-0169 or by email at [email protected] A response is required to all questions listed on the Price Delivery Information Sheet and the Questionnaire. Leaving a line blank will be considered a “no bid” and may result in disqualification of your submission. 2 SPECIFICATIONS Integrated Pest Management Services The contracted services shall be in accordance with the district’s IPM policy. The policy is attached as a supplemental document at the end of this solicitation. IPM is a process for achieving long-term, environmentally sound pest suppression through the use of a variety of technological and management practices. Control strategies should extend beyond the application of pesticides to include structural and procedural modifications necessary to achieve pest prevention that reduces or eliminates the necessity for using chemicals. PESTS TO BE INCLUDED – Contractor, in strict compliance with all city, state and federal laws, regulations and codes for pest control, shall adequately suppress the following pests: 1. Indoor populations of commensal rodents (e.g., Norway and roof rats, house mice), cockroaches, ants (including, but not limited to, fire ants, tawny ants, and pharaoh ants), flies, termites, spiders and any other arthropod pests not specifically excluded from the contract. 2. Populations of the above pests which are located immediately outside of the specified buildings, including areas within 12 feet of treated buildings. 3. Winged termite swarms, carpenter ants, and bees emerging indoors. 4. Mosquitoes will be treated with periodic aerial spray in coordination with local government applications. 5. Birds, bats, raccoons, snakes and all other than commensal rodents are disposed of only when inside the building structure. Contractors may assign their own personnel or subcontract this support to appropriately licensed entity. PESTS TO BE EXCLUDED – Contractor shall exclude pests that primarily feed on outdoor vegetation. PROPERTY CHANGES All facilities within Lamar CISD shall be provided with pest control services in accordance with these specifications. During the period of the contract derived from this proposal, if additional building or facilities are built or acquired, the District may request pest control services for these building/facilities. The contract price may be increased in proportion to the original contract after mutual agreement between the vendor and Purchasing Department. The same procedure shall be followed for decreasing the contract price if these services need to be discontinued for certain buildings/facilities. New construction and reconstruction are ongoing in the District. Vendors should consider providing services at our sites from the time of occupancy. SERVICE RESPONSIBILITY - Contractor shall have sole responsibility for manning services described in this contract and shall provide sufficient staff to meet the objectives of a 30 day IPM and Suppression Plan at all school facilities. If Contractor fails to meet project objectives/schedule, the Contractor shall increase the number of staff to achieve project objectives. Contractor shall provide a minimum of one (1) working supervisor and one (1) technician assigned full time to the District 3 LICENSING - Throughout the term of this contract, the Contractor shall maintain a current business license issued by the Structural Pest Control Board. In addition, all Contractor personnel providing on-site pest control service must maintain licensing (in categories appropriate to the work being performed). At least one (1) assigned staff member should hold a certified commercial applicators license; the others may be commercial licensed technicians. Unlicensed applicators or technicians shall not be permitted to provide service to the District under this contract. A copy of each of your current licenses is required with proposal submission. INITIAL INSPECTIONS – The Contractor shall conduct a thorough initial inspection of each building or site within ten days of the effective date of the contract. The purpose of the inspections is for the Contractor to evaluate the pest control needs of all premises to identify current problem areas as well as any equipment, structural features or management practices that are contributing to current pest infestation or contribute to future problems. Access to building space shall be coordinated with the IPM coordinator. The IPM coordinator will inform the Contractor of any restrictions or areas requiring special scheduling. CONTROL PLAN- Within twenty working days after the initial inspections have been performed, Contractor shall submit a comprehensive IPM Plan for all buildings and other areas specified herein in accordance with LCISD’s IPM Policy to the IPM coordinator. Within five working days of receiving the IPM Plan, the IPM coordinator will decide if the plan is acceptable. If aspects of the plan are incomplete or disapproved, Contractor shall have two working days to submit revisions. Contractor shall be on site to initiate service within five working days following notice of approval. The IPM Plan shall of six parts as follows: 1. Proposed methods and equipment for service: The Contractor (successful bidder) shall provide a summary of proposed control methods including current labels and Safety Data Sheets (SDS) of all pesticides to be used, brand names of pesticide application equipment, rodent bait boxes, insect and rodent trapping devices, pest surveillance and detection equipment and any other pest control devices or equipment that may be used to provide service. 2. Proposed methods for monitoring and surveillance: Contractor shall describe methods and procedures to be used for identifying sites of pest harborage and access and for making objective assessments of pest population levels throughout the term of contract. In addition, Contractor will work with the IPM coordinator to establish population levels that constitute unacceptable levels of pest presence in school facilities. 3. Proposed service plan for District’s kitchens: Contractor shall provide a detailed service plan for maintaining a pest free kitchen environment in the District’s schools. Service frequency, hours of treatment, monitoring, quality assurance plan as specifically related to the kitchens must be included. 4. Service schedule for each site: Contractor shall provide complete service schedules for each site to be serviced which shall include planned frequency of Contractor visits, specific day(s) of the week for Contractor visits and approximate duration of each visit (minimum once each month). 5. Structural or operational changes to facilitate the pest control effort: Contractor shall be responsible for advising the IPM coordinator of any structural, sanitary or procedural modifications that would reduce a pest’s source to food, water, harborage or access to building interior. The District will not hold the Contractor responsible for carrying out structural modifications as part of the pest control effort. However, the costs incurred for Contractor to make minor applications of caulk and other sealing materials to eliminate pest harborage points or access to interior shall be approved by the District on a case-by-case basis. Contractor shall obtain the approval of the IPM coordinator prior to any application of sealing material or other structural modification. 6. Commercial applicator or technician licenses: Contractor shall provide a current list of names along with photocopies of the commercial applicator or technician’s licenses for every employee who will be performing on-site services under this contract. Contractor shall provide a minimum of two permanently assigned, certified technicians to the district on a full time basis. Contractor shall furnish the technicians with all necessary equipment, chemicals, and properly registered vehicles to accomplish the scope of work of this contract. Contractor is responsible for providing a substitute technician anytime the assigned technician is absent for longer than two working days or an emergency call is sent to Contractor’s office. The District shall provide a secure storage location for chemicals and parking for service vehicles. 4 SERVICE HOURS - Contractor shall perform routine pest control services only during times when students are not expected to be present for normal academic activities for at least 12 hours after the application. As a general rule this will be from end of school day (2:30 P.M. - 3:30 P.M. until 11:00 P.M.). The exceptions are areas that can be secured from student access and emergencies. Work done in Child Nutrition’s food preparation area must be coordinated with food service manager at that location, and must in every way comply with all applicable heath regulations. In the event of a possible need for an emergency treatment, Contractor shall work with the IPM coordinator to determine whether an emergency situation exists before applying any pesticides. In such cases, pesticides may be applied only to local area of infestation if students are present or, if less than 12 hours will elapse before students are expected to be present. Actual normal work hours of assigned technicians will be negotiated with Contractor as part of monthly schedule. In the event of such an emergency treatment, Contractor will maintain records of the reasons for such treatments for the period prescribed by law. Copies of these records shall be provided to the District’s Operations Department. SERVICE RECORDS - Contractor shall maintain records of all work performed and provide an updated work database for all school facilities on an annual basis. This database shall be contained in spreadsheet format and delivered on computer disk and in hard copy format to Mario Santos, LCISD Pest Control Technician no later than January 31st of each effective contract year. WORK ORDERS: The District will communicate additional service needs via an internal work order system. The Contractor will need to collect work orders no less than once every two (2) business days from the central maintenance office. Work orders should be completed within five (5) business days and returned documented as complete along with the appropriate service document to the central maintenance office. LOGBOOK - Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining a logbook, in a yellow three-ring binder, for each building or site specified in this contract. The logbook shall be kept on LCISD property at the front desk and maintained on each visit by Contractor. Each logbook shall contain the following items and records: 1. Copy of approved IPM Plan specifically for that building. 2. Labels and SDS sheets for all pesticides used in and around the building. 3. Brand names of all devices and equipment used in and around the building. 4. Service schedule specifically for that building. 5. Record of all staff notifications or complaints of pest sightings, pesticide applications or other related issues. 6. Record of all service activities occurring during each visit to the building. 7. Record of arrival and departure times with service technician’s signature for each. 8. Copy of Contractor’s Service Report Form documenting all information on pesticide applications, pest sightings, sanitation/environmental status and building maintenance needs. REPORTS FOR IPM COORDINATOR – A consolidation of site plans which shall include descriptions of service methods of control for each site shall be provided to the IPM coordinator. One set of SDS sheets and labels is sufficient. Additionally, copies of Contractor’s completed Service Report Forms shall be provided to the IPM coordinator at least once a month. SIGN POSTINGS - Contractor shall fulfill all obligations with regard to posting, as required by the Texas Structural Pest Control Board. The District will allow Contractor to permanently post, in a prominent location, pest control signs for routine service. The signs shall be provided by Contractor to fulfill their obligations under 5 Texas laws and regulations. In the event of emergency applications, Contractor will display the pest control sign for that specific application in a prominent location at the time of treatment. COMPLAINTS - Should the District, at any time, become dissatisfied with Contractor’s pest control services, Contractor shall be notified in writing by the IPM coordinator specifying the problems that occurred. The notice will detail the problems and site(s) which are experiencing the problems. Contractor will be required to contact the IPM coordinator to discuss possible solutions. Contractor will be given a date by which a written response, with the proposed solutions, must be submitted. The District has the right to have Contractor’s employee removed or reassigned from District campuses, if required. QUALITY CONTROL PROGRAM - Contractor shall establish a complete quality control program to assure the requirements of the contract are being provided as specified. Within five working days prior to the effective date of the contract, the Contractor shall submit a copy of this program to the District. The program shall include the following items: 1. Inspection System: Contractor shall employ the school integrated pest management inspection process at outlined on the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension web site http://schoolipm.tamu.edu/forms/ipm-inspectionmonitoring-and-sighting-logs/ and make use of all recommended logs. Inspection logs should be submitted to the District IPM coordinator no less than quarterly. However, any conditions which become apparent during routine service visits which need District correction should be documented and submitted to the IPM coordinator immediately. 2. Quality Control Checklist: A quality control checklist shall be used in evaluating contract performance during regularly scheduled and unscheduled inspections. The checklist shall include all buildings or sites serviced by Contractor as well as every task required to be performed. 3. Quality Control File: A quality control file shall contain a record of all inspections conducted by Contractor and any corrective actions taken. The file shall be maintained throughout the term of the contract and made available to the District upon request. 4. Inspectors: Contractor shall state the name(s) of the individual(s) responsible for performing the quality control inspections. SERVICE EVALUATION - The District will continually evaluate the progress of services provided as specified within this contract in terms of effectiveness and safety and will require such changes as are necessary. Contractor shall take prompt action to correct all identified deficiencies. UNIFORMS - All Contractor personnel working in or around buildings designated under this contract shall wear distinctive Contractor uniforms with photo identification badge at all times. Furthermore, service technicians MUST identify their presence to each school administrative office upon their arrival and sign the visitor log before beginning any work at the site. Contractor shall determine the necessity for and provide additional personal protective equipment required for the safe performance of work. Protective clothing, equipment and devices shall, as a minimum, conform to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards for the products being used. HEALTH AND SAFETY - Contractor shall observe all safety precautions throughout the performance of this contract and shall assume full responsibility and liability for compliance with all applicable regulations pertaining to the health and safety of personnel during the execution of work and shall hold the District harmless for any action on its part or that of its employees that results in illness, injury or death. Contractor is responsible for having all insurances required by state statutes in affect and shall provide District with proof of insurance. VEHICLES - Contractor shall be responsible for service technicians’ transportation to and from sites to be serviced. Contractor’s vehicles shall be identified in accordance with state and local regulations and shall be operated in a safe manner on District property. Vehicles must meet Texas Department of Transportation 6 requirements. Contractor’s name, phone number, and Commercial Structural Pest Control License number shall be displayed on both sides of the vehicle with a minimum of 3-inch letters. RE-APPLICATION SERVICE - Contractor shall provide re-applications (materials and labor) as required due to any emergency such as replacements due to fire, smoke, vandalism, water damage, etc. as deemed necessary by the LCISD IPM Coordinator. Such cost will be determined to be standard or non-standard service with applicable rates by the LCISD IPM Technician and LCSID Director of Maintenance. TOOLS/EQUIPMENT - Contractor shall be responsible for all tools, equipment, methods and means necessary to accomplish the work. EXCESS CHEMICALS/WASTE - Contractor shall be responsible for removal of all waste and excess chemicals and traps from district property and transporting to a proper disposal site. DAMAGES - Contractor shall compensate LCISD for damages incurred during application procedures that result from negligence or accident on the part of the technician. USE OF PESTICIDES - Contractor shall be responsible for application of pesticides according to the manufacturers’ labels. All pesticides used by Contractor must be registered with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and by the State of Texas. Transport, handling and use of all pesticides shall be in strict accordance with the manufacturers’ label instructions and all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. The Contractor shall adhere to the following rules for pesticide selection and use: 1. Non-Pesticide Products and Their Use: Contractor shall use non-pesticide methods of control wherever possible. For example: Portable vacuums rather than pesticide sprays shall be used for the initial clean-outs of cockroach infestations, for swarming (winged) ants and termites and for control of spiders in webs wherever appropriate. Trapping devices rather than pesticide sprays shall be used for indoor fly control wherever appropriate. 2. Pesticide Products and Their Use: When it is determined that a pesticide must be used in order to obtain adequate control, Contractor shall employ the least hazardous material, most precise application technique and minimum quantity of pesticide necessary to achieve control. 3. When selecting pesticide products, highest priority shall be given to use of products on the Green and Yellow Lists, in that order, according to the criteria established in the most recent Structural Pest Control Board definitions of these product. http://www.texasagriculture.gov/RegulatoryPrograms/Pesticides/StructuralPestControlService/SchoolIntegra tedPestManagement.aspx 4. Containerized and other types of crack and crevice-applied bait formulation, rather than sprays, shall be used for cockroach and ant control wherever appropriate. As a general rule, liquid aerosol or dust formulations shall be applied only as crack and crevice treatments with application devices specifically designed or modified for this purpose. "Crack and crevice treatment" is defined in this contract as an application of small amounts of insecticides into cracks and crevices in which insects hide or through which they may enter a building. 5. Contractor shall obtain the IPM coordinator’s prior approval for any application of pesticide liquid, aerosol or dust to exposed surfaces or any space spray treatments (including fogs, mists and ultra-low 7 volume applications). Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to ensure student and staff safety and all necessary steps to ensure the containment of the pesticide to the site of application. PESTICIDE STORAGE/DISPOSAL - Contractor shall not store or dispose of any pesticide product or packing material on District property. PESTICIDE SALES AND DISTRIBUTION - Contractor shall not sell, share or make available, in any way, any pesticide products to a non-licensed District employee. TERMITE CONTROL - The District is currently using the Dow Chemical Sentricon Bait and Monitoring System. This system is to be maintained unless the contractor provides and warrants a new system comparable to the existing one, pending IPM Coordinator approval. Footers and slabs of facilities being constructed will be treated during construction. Monitoring/bait stations will be appropriately placed around each structure. RODENT CONTROL - As a general rule, rodent control inside occupied buildings shall be accomplished with trapping devices. All such devices shall be concealed out of the general view and in protected areas so as not to be affected by routine cleaning and other operations. Trapping devices shall be checked on a schedule approved by the IPM coordinator. Trapping shall not be performed during periods when maintenance will be delayed by holidays, weekends, etc. Contractor shall be responsible for disposing of all trapped rodents and all rodent carcasses in an appropriate and timely manner. In circumstances when rodenticides are deemed essential for adequate rodent control inside occupied buildings, Contractor shall obtain the approval of the IPM coordinator prior to making any interior rodenticide treatment. All rodenticides, regardless of packaging, shall be placed either in locations inaccessible to children, pets and other domestic animals and wildlife - or in EPA-approved, tamper-resistant bait boxes. As a general rule, rodenticide application outside buildings shall emphasize the direct treatment of rodent burrows, wherever feasible. Frequency of bait box servicing shall depend upon the level of rodent infestation. All bait boxes shall be maintained in accordance with EPA regulations, with an emphasis on the safety of non-target organisms. The Contractor shall adhere to the following rules: 1. All bait boxes shall be placed out of the general view, in locations where they will not be disturbed by routine operations. 2. The lids of all bait boxes shall be securely locked or fastened shut. 3. All bait shall be securely attached or anchored to the floor, ground, wall or other surface, so that the box cannot be picked up or moved. 4. Bait shall always be placed in the baffle-protected feeding chamber of the box and never in the runway of the box. 5. All bait boxes shall be labeled with the Contractor’s business name and address and dated by the Contractor’s technician at the time of installation and at each servicing. SITES TO BE SERVICED All current Lamar CISD Sites are listed in the supplement at the end of this solicitation. It includes current sites and soon to be completed sites currently under construction. 8 EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR PROPOSAL This proposal shall be evaluated using the evaluation criteria listed below. Evaluation Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 Point System 25 Purchase price – Proposal should offer a fair and reasonable price for services to be procured by Lamar CISD. Pricing will be calculated using the Price Delivery Sheet in this document. 15 Reputation of the vendor and of the vendor’s goods or services – Proposer should have a solid reputation with other ISDs, Government or collegiate entities that shows a high level of customer service and a high level of quality of goods or services. References will be contact via e-mail. Quality of the vendor’s goods or services – Services will be expected to 10 meet schedules and operate with minimal disruption in accordance with the outlined specifications. Previous work with the District will also be a factor. 20 Extent to which the goods or services meet the district’s needs – Lamar CISD will require that the selected vendor: Offer specified services to all District locations Respond to services with no delay or interference Provide statement of experience and qualifications detailing: chemical and non-chemical pest suppression, work on school or other educational facilities and working at multiple facilities simultaneously. Quality of response to criteria notes and questionnaire. 5 Vendor’s past relationship with the district 5= Good business with no documented issue 4= Good Business with LCISD, staff recommends use again 3= Performed business with LCISD 2= Performed business but required redirecting per staff 1= Never or performed poorly with issue documented 10 Long-term cost to the district to acquire the vendor’s goods or services. Safety and quality control procedures 5 Vendor’s principal place of business is in the State of Texas, or employs 500 people in this state. (either-or) 15 Ability to service our accounts with proper staff and insurance requirements. Provide proof of proper insurance as defined in this proposal. Quality and Availability of personnel and services Appropriate staffing TOTAL 100 POINTS 9 CRITERIA NOTES: Careful consideration should be given to all items of the above Evaluation Criteria table. The points awarded to each item will be based on how well each contractor: 1. Provides thoroughly developed, competitive pricing using the tables in Pricing Delivery Information of this RFP. 2. Provides evidence of experience in general and the ability of IPM services to a district similar to the large number of students and schools within Lamar CISD. 3. Provides an effective plan, schedule that addresses the scope presented in this proposal. 4. Provides information describing experience and qualifications of onsite leadership and key staff to be assigned to the contracted work. Describe each 5. Provide evidence of participation in an OSHA compliant safety program and any other safety policies in place. 6. Provides evidence related to the quality of services, as well as the results of references provided by each respondent. 7. Provide a summary of a quality control program and how it assures pest control/suppression. 8. Provide an adequate and current certificate of insurance coverage. 9. Provide documentation if using any sub-contractors. 10. Provide a Board Certified Entomologist Certification. 11. Provide documentation and certification of ability to fulfill the IPM Plan and recordkeeping requirements as presented in this proposal. 12. Provide documentation and certification of the Bidder’s ability to comply with all state, city and district health and safety requirements. 13. Copies of current licenses held by each Bidder’s technicians, supervisors and managers. 14. Evidence of the Bidder’s ability to provide a termite bait system similar to Dow Chemical’s Sentricon system. PLEASE PROVIDE RESPONSE TO EACH OF THESE CRITERIA QUESTIONS IN YOUR SUBMISSION PACKAGE. 10 PRICE DELIVERY INFORMATION A. Bidder must complete the open boxes using information supplied in the description section listed below. DO NOT ALTER THIS FORM Company Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Total price of five year contract for standard Integrated Pest Management “IPM” Service. $ B. Pricing for Standard Service Ln Price Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 1 Monthly $ $ $ $ $ 2 Annually $ $ $ $ $ C. Pricing for Increased Standard Service; (per square foot of building space) Ln Price (per sq. ft.) 1 Monthly $ $ $ $ $ 2 Annually $ $ $ $ $ Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 D. Pricing for Occasional Pest Treatment ANNUAL COST Ln Treatment Per Treatment Cost Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 1 Bees $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 Wasps $ $ $ $ $ $ 3 Fruit Flies $ $ $ $ $ $ 4 Birds $ $ $ $ $ $ 5 Mosquitoes $ $ $ $ $ $ 11 6 Termites (per LF) $ $ $ $ $ $ E. Non-standard Service 1. Hourly Compensation: $ per hour. 2. Overtime Compensation: $ per hour. Regular hourly rate is based on Monday-Friday, 7:30AM to 4:30PM Overtime hourly rate is based on any time after 4:30PM Weekdays and anytime on Saturday, Sunday or state/federal observed Holidays in which the District would normally be closed. 3. Mileage: $ per mile. F. E-mail address Please provide an e-mail address where purchase orders can be sent by e-mail. E-mail: 12 RETURN THIS DOCUMENT IN BID/PROPOSAL PACKAGE QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Total number of years the Bidder has been providing IPM services: _______ 2. Total number of years the Bidder has been providing IPM services to school districts: 3. Total number of facilities Bidder is currently providing IPM services: 4. Number of school districts/educational facilities currently under Bidder’s IPM services: 5. The Bidder’s proposed work hours for IPM services are: ________ 6. The Bidder’s home office location is: ________________________ 7. Have you included your certificate of insurance with you proposal submission? □ Yes □ No 8. Warranty Information: a. Materials: b. Labor: 9. What is your company’s typical time frame to complete work orders? ______________ 10. What is your company’s typical time frame to provide quotes for termite services? ____________ 11. How many technicians would be assigned to our account? ____________ 12. What is your time frame needed to provide start of school spraying schedules? ______________ 13. Is your principal place of business located in the State of Texas? □ Yes □ No 14. Does your business employ more than 500 people in the State of Texas? □ Yes 15. Do you have any pending litigation? □ Yes □ No □ No If yes, please attach a separate page explaining. 17. List notification procedures to take if the District experiences unsatisfactory service? _____________________________________________________________________________ 13 RETURN THIS DOCUMENT IN BID/PROPOSAL PACKAGE REFERENCES Please provide at least four (4) school district (campus) references that have used your company for the same goods Lamar CISD is requesting in this proposal. Please include contact name, school district, address, telephone number, and e-mail address. A valid e-mail address is required. Please make sure the e-mail address is legible and current. COMPANY NAME ADDRESS EMAIL COMPANY NAME ADDRESS EMAIL COMPANY NAME ADDRESS EMAIL COMPANY NAME ADDRESS EMAIL 14 RETURN THIS DOCUMENT IN BID/PROPOSAL PACKAGE CERTIFICATE OF RESIDENCY The State of Texas has passed a law concerning non-resident contractors. This law can be found in Texas Education Code under Chapter 2252, Subchapter A. This law makes it necessary for LCISD to determine the residency of its proposers. In part, this law reads as follows: “Section: 2252.001 (3) ‘Non-resident bidder’ refers to a person who is not a resident. (4) ‘Resident bidder’ refers to a person whose principal place of business is in this state, including a contractor whose ultimate parent company or majority owner has its principal place of business in this state. Section: 2252.002 A governmental entity may not award a governmental contract to a nonresident bidder unless the nonresident underbids the lowest bid submitted by a responsible resident bidder by an amount that is not less than the amount by which a resident bidder would be required to underbid the nonresident bidder to obtain a comparable contract in the state in which the nonresident’s principal place of business is located.” I certify that (Name of Company) is, under Section: 2252.001 (3) and (4), a Resident Bidder Non-resident Bidder My or Our principal place of business under Section: 2252.001 (3) and (4), is in the city of in the state of Signature of Authorized Company Representative Print Name Title Date RETURN THIS DOCUMENT IN BID/PROPOSAL PACKAGE 15 FELONY CONVICTION NOTIFICATION State of Texas Legislative Senate Bill No. 1, Section 44.034, Notification of Criminal History, Subsection (a), states “a person or business entity that enters into a contract with a school district must give advance notice to the district if the person or an owner or operator of the business entity has been convicted of a felony. The notice must include a general description of the conduct resulting in the conviction of a felony”. Subsection (b) states “a school district may terminate a contract with a person or business entity if the district determines that the person or business entity failed to give notice as required by Subsection (a) or misrepresented the conduct resulting in the conviction. The District must compensate the person or business entity for services performed before the termination of the contract”. This notice is not required of a Publicly-Held Corporation. I, the undersigned agent for the firm named below, certify that the information concerning notification of felony convictions has been reviewed by me and the following information furnished is true to the best of my knowledge. Vendor’s Name: Authorized Company Official’s Name (Printed): Check one of the following and sign as appropriate. My firm is a publicly held corporation; therefore, this reporting requirement is not applicable. Signature of Company Official: My firm is not owned or operated by anyone who has been convicted of a felony. Signature of Company Official: My firm is owned or operated by the following individual(s) who has/have been convicted of a felony: Name of Felon(s): Details of Conviction(s): Signature of Company Official: RETURN THIS DOCUMENT IN BID/PROPOSAL PACKAGE 16 CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE PLEASE COMPLETE AND SIGN EVEN IF NO CONFLICT EXISTS For vendor or other person doing business with local governmental entity This questionnaire reflects changes made to the law by H.B. 1491, 80th Leg., Regular Session. OFFICE USE ONLY This questionnaire is being filed in accordance with Chapter 176, Local Government Code by a person who has a business relationship as defined by Section 176.001(1-a) with a local governmental entity and the person meets requirements under Section 176.006(a). Date Received By law this questionnaire must be filed with the records administrator of the local governmental entity not later than the 7th business day after the date the person becomes aware of facts that require the statement to be filed. See Section 176.006, Local Government Code. A person commits an offense if the person knowingly violates Section 176.006, Local Government Code. An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor. Name of person and company who has a business relationship with local governmental entity. Check this box if you are filing an update to a previously filed questionnaire. (The law requires that you file an updated completed questionnaire with the appropriate filing authority not later than the 7th business day after the date the originally filed questionnaire becomes incomplete or inaccurate.) Please enter name of local government officer with whom filer has employment or business relationship. This section (item 3 including subparts A, B, C & D) must be completed for each officer with whom the filer has an employment or other business relationship as defined by Section 176.001(1-a), Local Government Code. Attach additional pages to this Form CIQ as necessary. A. Is the local government officer named in this section receiving or likely to receive taxable income, other than investment income, from the filer of the questionnaire? Yes No B. Is the filer of the questionnaire receiving or likely to receive taxable income, other than investment income, from or at the direction of the local government officer named in this section AND the taxable income is not received from the local governmental entity? Yes No C. Is the filer of this questionnaire employed by a corporation or other business entity with respect to which the local government officer serves as an officer or director, or holds an ownership of 10 percent or more? Yes No D. Describe each employment or business relationship with the local government officer named in this section. Signature of person doing business with the governmental entity Date Name of Business/Company RETURN THIS DOCUMENT IN BID/PROPOSAL PACKAGE 17 CERTIFICATION REGARDING LOBBYING CERTIFICATION FOR CONTRACTS, GRANTS, LOANS, AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: 1) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of a Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. 2) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, “Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying”, in accordance with its instruction. 3) The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all sub awards at all tiers (including subcontracts, sub grants and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all sub recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352, Title 31, US Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. __________________________________ Company ___________________________________ Authorized Representative (Print) __________________________________ Signature ____________________________________ Date RETURN THIS DOCUMENT IN BID/PROPOSAL PACKAGE 18 VENDOR DEBARMENT STATEMENT I have read the conditions and specifications provided in the bid document attached. I affirm, to the best of my knowledge, the company I represent has not been debarred or suspended from conducting business with school districts in the State of Texas. This certification is required by the regulations implementing Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension, 7 CFR Part 3017, Section 3017.510, Participants’ responsibilities. The regulations were published as Part IV of the January 30, 1989, Federal Register (pages 4722-4733). Copies of the regulation may be obtained by contacting the Department of Agriculture Agency with which this transaction originated. ______________________________________________________________________ NAME OF COMPANY (Please Type) ____________________________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP ______________________________________________________________________ PREPARED BY (Please Type) ________________________ ___________________________________________ SIGNATURE TITLE ____________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER ____________________________________________ FAX NUMBER DATE RETURN THIS DOCUMENT IN BID/PROPOSAL PACKAGE 19 NO RESPONSE FORM RETURN ONLY IF YOU CHOOSE NOT TO SUBMIT A RESPONSE TO THIS SOLICITATION YOU MAY FAX THIS SINGLE PAGE TO (832) 223-0167 Solicitation # CSP 06-2015 Integrated Pest Management Service Please Print Clearly Whereas on the ___________ day of ____________________, 2015 Name of company has reviewed LCISD’s solicitation CSP 06-2015ML and elects not to submit a bid: State Reason for no bid: Street Address City State Zip Telephone/Fax Number Name of Authorized Individual Signature of Authorized Individual 20 PROPOSAL SUBMISSION FORM SOLICITATION NO. CSP 06-2015ML Integrated Pest Management Service Please Print Whereas on the _____________ day of _____________________________, 2015 (print name of company) ___________________________________________________________________________ has reviewed Solicitation No. CSP 06-2015ML and has responded in accordance with the terms and conditions which are incorporated herein. A copy may be obtained at http://www.lcisd.org/departments/business-office/purchasing/terms-and-conditions or by contacting the LCISD Purchasing staff person listed on the cover sheet. Any exception to the terms and conditions must be included in the Proposer’s response. Texas Education Code 44.031 Purchasing and Acquisition, LCISD Policy CH (Legal) Purchasing and Acquisition, LCISD Policy CH (Local): ______________________________________ _____________________________________ Street Address City, State, Zip Code ______________________________________ _____________________________________ Telephone Number Fax Number ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Name of Authorized Individual Signature of Authorized Individual RETURN THIS DOCUMENT IN BID/PROPOSAL PACKAGE 21 Contractor Certification Introduction: Texas Education Code Chapter 22 requires entities that contract with school districts to obtain criminal history records on covered employees. Covered employees with disqualifying criminal histories are prohibited from serving at a school district. Contractors must certify to the district that they have complied and must obtain similar certifications from their subcontractors. Definitions: Covered individuals: Individual who have or will have continuing duties related to the service to be performed and have or will have direct contact with students. The District will be the final arbiter of what constitutes direct contact with students. Disqualifying criminal history: (1) a conviction or other criminal history information designated by the District; (2) a felony or misdemeanor offense that would prevent a person from obtaining certification as an educator under Texas Education Code § 21.060, including 19 Tex. Admin. Code §249.16; or (3) one of the following offenses, if at the time of the offense, the victim was under 18 or enrolled in a public school: (a) a felony offense under Title 5, Texas Penal Code; (b) an offense for which a defendant is required to register as a sex offender under Chapter 62, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure; or (c) an equivalent offense under federal law or the laws of another state. ____ On behalf of _________________________________________________ (“Contractor”), I certify that check one: None of Contractor’s employees are covered individuals, as defined above. If this box is checked, I further certify that Contractor has taken precautions or imposed conditions to ensure that Contractor’s employees will not become covered individuals. Contractor will maintain these precautions or conditions throughout the time the contracted services are provided. Or Some or all of Contractor’s employees are covered individuals. If this box is checked, I further certify that: 1. Contractor has obtained all required criminal history record information regarding its covered individuals. None of the covered individuals has a disqualifying criminal history. 2. If Contractor receives information that a covered individual subsequently has a reported criminal history, Contractor will immediately remove the covered individual from contract duties and notify the District in writing within three business days. 3. Upon request, Contractor will provide the District with the name and any other requested information of covered individuals so that the District may obtain criminal history record information on the covered individuals. 4. If the District objects to the assignment of a covered individual on the basis of the covered individual’s criminal history record information, Contractor agrees to discontinue using the covered individual to provide services at the District. Noncompliance or misrepresentation regarding this certification may be grounds for contract termination. ________________________________________ Signature ____________________________ Date RETURN THIS DOCUMENT IN BID/PROPOSAL PACKAGE 22 LAMAR CISD INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Contractor shall maintain insurance coverage in the amounts specified below and furnish to District. If any work provided for or to be performed under any Specifications is sub-let (as otherwise permitted by the terms of such Specifications), the contractor shall require the subcontractor to maintain and furnish him with satisfactory evidence of Workers Compensation, Employer’s Liability and such other forms and amounts of insurance which the contractor deems reasonably adequate. Certificates of Insurance on the current ACORD form shall be issued to District showing all required insurance coverage. Insurance Required Limit Required Automobile Liability insurance covering Any $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit Auto Comprehensive (Commercial) General Liability insurance including Products, Completed Operations, Independent Contractors, Broad Form Property Damage, Pollution and Blanket Contractual Liability coverage. XCU exclusions to be removed when underground work is performed. Professional Errors & Omissions Liability insurance may be required from all contractors and licensed or certified as professionals; e.g., engineers, architects, insurance agents, physicians, attorneys, banks, financial consultants, etc. $2,000,000 Aggregate, Occurrence and Personal Injury $ 500,000 Fire Damage $ 5,000 Medical Payments Per Project Aggregate Evidence of coverage must be shown on certificates of insurance. Consultant on a limited basis with the district in the area of student support and staff development; $1,000,000 One time project limit all other consulting services; $2,000,000 Occurrence & Aggregate minimum, $5,000,000 Maximum Limit $50,000 Deductible Retroactive Date preceding date of contract must be shown Extended Reporting Period three years past completion of contract Workers Compensation insurance with limits to comply with the requirements of the Texas Workers' Compensation Act. Statutory Limits Employers Liability insurance $1,000,000 Umbrella or Excess Liability insurance (excess of primary General Liability, Automobile Liability and WC Coverage B) One time contract amount for all contracts exceeding: Contract Limit $100,000 - $2,000,000 total limit $500,000 - $10,000,000 total limit $1,000,000 (plus)- $25,000,000 total limit 23 Limits for primary policies may differ from those shown when Umbrella or Excess Liability insurance is provided. Insurance Conditions All insurance coverage shall be issued on an Occurrence basis (except Professional Liability) by companies acceptable to District and licensed to do business in the State of Texas by the Texas Department of Insurance. Such companies shall have a Best's Key rating of at least "A- X". All certificates must include: 1. The location or description and the bid number, CSP number or Purchase Order number 2. A 60 day notice of cancellation of any non-renewal, cancellation or material change to any of the policies 3. "Additional Insured" on the Property, General Liability, Automobile Liability and Umbrella (Excess) Liability policies naming the District. 4. A "Waiver of Subrogation" clause in favor of the District will be attached to the Workers Compensation, General Liability, Automobile Liability, Umbrella Liability and the Property insurance policies. 5. In addition to certificates of insurance, copies of policy endorsements must be provided (a) listing the District as Additional Insured, and (b) showing waivers of subrogation in favor of the District: CG2010, CG2037, CG2404, CA0070, CA0032, WC0003 or their equivalents. All insurance must be maintained for one year following substantial completion with Certificates of Insurance provided. Contractor shall be responsible for payment of all deductibles; the District shall approve the deductibles selected. If any policy has aggregate limits, a statement of claims against the aggregate limits is required. The District reserves the right to review the insurance requirements during the effective period of any contract to make reasonable adjustments to insurance coverage and limits when deemed reasonably prudent by District based upon changes in statutory laws, court decisions or potential increase in exposure to loss. Lamar CISD – Purchasing Dept. 3911 Avenue I, Ste. 214 Rosenberg TX 77471 24 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Lamar CISD CLB LEGAL POLICY related to IPM Lamar CISD CLB LOCAL POLICY related to IPM List of current LCISD sites with a list of soon to be completed sites currently under construction. 25 Lamar CISD 079901 BUILDINGS, GROUNDS, AND EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT MAINTENANCE CLB (LEGAL) BUILDINGS Every school building shall be located on grounds that are welldrained and maintained in a sanitary condition. All buildings shall be properly ventilated and provided with an adequate supply of drinking water, an approved sewage disposal system, handwashing facilities, a heating system, and lighting facilities, all of which shall conform with established standards of good public health engineering practices. LUNCHROOMS All school lunchrooms shall be maintained in accordance with state food and drug regulations. CUSTODIAL SERVICES All school buildings and appurtenances to buildings shall be maintained in a sanitary manner, and all full-time building custodians and janitors shall know the fundamentals of safety and school sanitation. Health and Safety Code 341.065 STRUCTURAL PEST CONTROL When necessary, the District shall obtain pest control services for school buildings either by: 1. Contracting with a business that has a structural pest control business license; or 2. Requiring the District employee who is licensed as a certified noncommercial applicator or technician to perform the services. Occupations Code 1951.459 Before treating a school building for pest control, the District shall ensure that the necessary signs and information for employees and parents of students are posted or made available. Occupations Code 1951.455 [See DI, FD] INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT PROGRAM IPM PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS The District shall establish, implement, and maintain an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program. An IPM program is a regular set of procedures for preventing and managing pest problems using an integrated pest management strategy. The District is responsible for the IPM coordinator’s compliance with these regulations. The IPM program shall contain these essential elements: 1. DATE ISSUED: 10/13/2009 UPDATE 86 CLB(LEGAL)-P The Board-approved IPM policy, stating the District’s commitment to follow integrated pest management guidelines in all pest control activities that take place on District property. The IPM policy statement shall include: a. A definition of IPM consistent with this section; b. A reference to Texas laws and rules governing pesticide use and IPM in public schools; 1 of 5 Lamar CISD 079901 BUILDINGS, GROUNDS, AND EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT MAINTENANCE IPM COORDINATOR TRAINING DUTIES CLB (LEGAL) c. Information about who can apply pesticides on District property; and d. Information about designating, registering, and required training for the District’s IPM coordinator. The Superintendent and IPM coordinator shall maintain a copy of the policy. 2. A monitoring program to determine when pests are present and when pest problems are severe enough to justify corrective action; 3. The preferential use of lower risk pesticides and the use of non-chemical management strategies to control pests, rodents, insects, and weeds; 4. A system for keeping records of facility inspection reports, pest-related work orders, pest control service reports, pesticide applications, and pesticide complaints; 5. A plan for educating and informing District employees about their roles in the IPM program; and 6. Written guidelines that identify thresholds for when pest control actions are justified. The Superintendent shall appoint an IPM coordinator to implement the District’s IPM program. Not later than 90 days after the Superintendent designates or replaces an IPM coordinator, the District must report to the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) the newly appointed coordinator’s name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and the effective date of the appointment. A school district that appoints more than one IPM coordinator shall designate a responsible IPM coordinator who will have overall responsibility for the IPM program and provide oversight of subordinate IPM coordinators regarding IPM program decisions. The IPM coordinator shall: 1. Successfully complete a TDA-approved IPM coordinator training course within six months of appointment; and 2. Obtain at least six hours of TDA-approved IPM continuing education units at least every three years, beginning July 7, 2009, or the date of designation, whichever is later. No approved course may be repeated for credit within the same three-year period. The IPM coordinator shall be responsible for implementation of the District IPM program and District compliance with 4 TAC 7.150. The IPM coordinator shall oversee and be responsible for: DATE ISSUED: 10/13/2009 UPDATE 86 CLB(LEGAL)-P 2 of 5 Lamar CISD 079901 BUILDINGS, GROUNDS, AND EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT MAINTENANCE LICENSED APPLICATOR CLB (LEGAL) 1. Coordination of pest management personnel, ensuring that all school employees who perform pest control, including those employees authorized to perform incidental use applications, have the necessary training, are equipped with the appropriate personal protective equipment, and have the necessary licenses for their pest management responsibilities; 2. Ensuring that all IPM program records, including incidental use training records, facility inspection reports, pest-related work orders, pest control service reports, pesticide applications, and pesticide complaints are maintained for a period of two years and are made available to a TDA inspector upon request; 3. Conducting periodic facility inspections on campus buildings and grounds; 4. Working with District administrators to ensure that all pest control proposal specifications for outside contractors are compatible with IPM principles, and that contractors work under the guidelines of the District’s IPM policy; 5. Ensuring that all pesticides used on District property are in compliance with the District’s IPM program and that current pesticide labels and material safety data sheets (MSDS) are available for interested individuals upon request; 6. Overseeing and implementing that portion of the plan that ensures that District administrators and relevant District personnel are provided opportunities to be informed and educated about their roles in the IPM program, reporting, and notification procedures; 7. Pesticide applications, including the approval of emergency applications at buildings and on school District grounds, are conducted in accordance with these rules; and 8. Maintaining a current copy of the District’s IPM policy and making it available to a TDA inspector upon request. A district that engages in pest control activities must employ or contract with a licensed applicator, who may, if an employee, also serve as the IPM coordinator. The commercial or noncommercial certified applicator or licensed technician shall: 1. DATE ISSUED: 10/13/2009 UPDATE 86 CLB(LEGAL)-P Apply only EPA labeled pesticides, appropriate for the target pest, except as provided in these rules; 3 of 5 Lamar CISD 079901 BUILDINGS, GROUNDS, AND EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT MAINTENANCE CLB (LEGAL) 2. Provide the structural pest management needs of the District by following the District’s IPM program and these regulations; 3. Obtain written approval from the IPM coordinator for the use of pesticides in accordance with these rules; 4. Handle and forward to the IPM coordinator records of IPM activities, any complaints relating to pest problems, and pesticide use; 5. Ensure that pesticide use records are forwarded to the IPM coordinator within two business days or in a time frame as agreed to by the IPM coordinator; 6. Consult with the IPM coordinator concerning the use of control measures in buildings and grounds; and 7. Ensure that all pest control activities are consistent with the District’s IPM program and IPM policy. NOTICE The District shall prior to or by the first week of school attendance, ensure that a procedure is in place to provide prior notification of pesticide applications in accordance with 4 TAC Chapter 7. Individuals who request in writing to be notified of pesticide applications may be notified by telephonic, written, or electronic methods. PESTICIDE USE All pesticides used by the District must be registered with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the TDA, with the exception of those pesticides that have been exempted from registration by the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), Section 25(b). All pesticides used by the District must also bear a label as required by FIFRA and Chapter 76 of the Texas Agriculture Code. Pesticide use must also meet the following requirements: 1. Pest control signs shall be posted at least 48 hours prior to a pesticide application inside District buildings as provided for under 4 TAC 7.148. 2. For outdoor applications made on District grounds, a pest control sign shall be displayed at the time of application and shall remain posted until the specified reentry interval has been met in accordance with these rules. 3. Pesticides used on District property shall be mixed outside of student occupied areas of buildings and grounds. 4. The use of non-pesticide control measures, non-pesticide monitoring tools and mechanical devices, such as glue boards and traps as permitted in accordance with these rules, are exempt from posting requirements. DATE ISSUED: 10/13/2009 UPDATE 86 CLB(LEGAL)-P 4 of 5 Lamar CISD 079901 BUILDINGS, GROUNDS, AND EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT MAINTENANCE CLB (LEGAL) 5. Pesticide applications shall not be made to outdoor school grounds if such an application will expose students to physical drift of pesticide spray particles. Reasonable preventative measures shall be taken to avoid the potential of drift to occur. 6. Districts are allowed to apply the pesticides to control pests, rodents, insects, and weeds at school buildings, grounds, or other facilities in accordance with the approval for use and restrictions listed in the categories detailed in 4 TAC 7.150. Occupations Code 1951.212; 4 TAC 7.150 DATE ISSUED: 10/13/2009 UPDATE 86 CLB(LEGAL)-P 5 of 5 Lamar CISD 079901 BUILDINGS, GROUNDS, AND EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT MAINTENANCE INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT PROGRAM CLB (LOCAL) The District is committed to following integrated pest management guidelines in all pest control activities that take place on District property. DEFINITION As provided in the Texas Administrative Code, integrated pest management (IPM) is a pest management strategy that relies on accurate identification and scientific knowledge of target pests, reliable monitoring methods to assess pest presence, preventative measures to limit pest problems, and thresholds to determine when corrective control measures are needed. Under IPM, whenever economical and practical, multiple control tactics shall be used to achieve best control of pests. These tactics shall possibly include, but are not limited to, the judicious use of pesticides. STANDARDS In accordance with Part 4, Title 7 of the Administrative Code and Chapter 1951 of the Occupations Code, the District’s IPM program shall govern the District’s use of pesticides, herbicides, and other chemical agents for the purpose of controlling pests, rodents, insects, and weeds in and around District facilities. IPM COORDINATOR The Superintendent shall designate the IPM coordinator(s), who shall be registered with the Texas Department of Agriculture. The IPM coordinator(s) shall receive training in accordance with law. APPLICATION TIME FRAME The IPM coordinator(s), in addition to the responsibilities set out in CLB(LEGAL), shall coordinate with appropriate District administrators or other designated and trained employees regarding pesticide or herbicide applications in accordance with law. The IPM coordinator(s) shall determine when an emergency situation exists and an exception to the 48-hour notice requirement may be made. NO UNAUTHORIZED APPLICATION No other employee or other person or entity shall be permitted to apply a pesticide or herbicide at a school facility without the prior approval of the IPM coordinator and other than in the manner prescribed by law and the District’s IPM program. LOST OR DAMAGED MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT Employees of the District shall be held accountable for all materials and equipment assigned to them. If the materials or equipment is lost or damaged through the negligence of an employee, the employee may be required to reimburse the District or face other disciplinary action. DATE ISSUED: 10/13/2009 UPDATE 86 CLB(LOCAL)-X ADOPTED: 1 of 1 Campuses/Locations currently under construction To Be Completed: February 2015 Natatorium #2 1011 Horace Mann Avenue Rosenberg, Texas 77471 To Be Completed: June 2015 Arredondo Elementary 6110 August Green Dr. Richmond, Texas 77469 To Be Completed: June 2016 Fulshear High School 9302 Bois D Arc Ln Fulshear, TX 77441 Leaman Junior High School 9320 Bois D Arc Ln Fulshear, TX 77441
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