File - Our Lady of the Rosary Parish


File - Our Lady of the Rosary Parish
2nd Sunday of Lent
Year B Cycle l
1 March 2015
Today’s feast celebrates an occasion when Jesus
invited three of his closest disciples to go beyond
ordinary identity. What is his ultimate reality? Well, the
three gospels which narrate this incident all culminate
in God’s voice declaring ‘This is my Beloved.’ And
these solemn words are confirmed by the dazzling
light emanating from his face and clothes. In other
words, the scene tells us, Jesus of Nazareth is not
only a human being like us, he is also a being of light.
As the longer form of the Creed we recite every Sunday states, Jesus is ‘Light from Light, true God from
true God.’ That is the ultimate dimension of his being.
On this occasion of his transfiguration, therefore,
Jesus lets his disciples momentarily catch sight of his
divinity. Why? So that, when during his Passion he will
lose even the appearance of a human being (the
prophet Isaiah says that then he will be so inhumanly
disfigured that he will no longer look like a man - Is
52:14), they might look beyond the appearance of the
disfigured Jesus and remember the transfigured Jesus
of today’s event. In other words, Jesus wanted to
fortify his disciples in advance, he wanted to strengthen their faith in him in preparation for the impending
great temptation their faith will undergo when they
witness his Passion.
‘You are my Beloved.’
We have just heard the word ‘Beloved’ said by God to
his Son Jesus. But that voice of God speaks to each speaks from above and from within, and it whispers
one of us, since we are the Body of Christ, the softly in our hearts: ‘You are my Beloved, on you my
continuation of Christ through space and time, Christ’s favour rests.’
365 Days With the Lord Fr Nil Guillemette SJ
brothers and sisters. And so, that voice is a voice that
Testing Leads to Trusting
The destination of our Lenten journey is clearly to be
seen in today’s readings: the mystery of the Cross, in
which the Father ‘did not spare his own Son’, and the
glory which was to be the Risen Christ’s in his final
triumph, glimpsed on the mountain.
The testing of Abraham is one of the masterpieces of
the Old Testament. The story echoes a brutal age in
which the sacrifice of children was not uncommon –
in fact, the people of the old Israel were taught to
sacrifice an animal in place of their offspring, to turn
them away from this horrendous temptation.
But the real point of the story, made so wonderfully, is
the absolute trust that is asked of Abraham, making
him the model of all true believers. To the people of
Abraham’s world there was nothing more important in
life than descendants who would remember and honour
them. Long after the age when he could expect a child,
God gave Abraham a son. If he gives up Isaac, he has
nothing left but his trust in God. That trust is rewarded –
those who will call him their father will be countless; all
the peoples of the earth will be blessed in his name –
through the salvation brought by the Cross of Christ.
This heart-rending story of the testing of a father’s love
is linked in today’s liturgy with the basic truth of our
Christian faith, proclaimed by St Paul, in the second
reading. The eternal Father, who for our sake ‘did not
spare his own Son’, will not refuse anything to his
people in their need.
Fr John Thornhill SM
Parish BBQ
Parishioners are invited to a Parish BBQ on 15 March parish office before 13 March for catering purposes.
after 9:30am Mass. Cost $7.50 includes morning tea, The BBQ will be held at the Muldoon Room and
coffee, lunch, fruit juice and wine! Please pay at the canteen. All welcome!
The year of consecrated life
Bible Café
The Gospel
of Luke
A great series with
scripture scholar
Frances Hogan
(15mins later in Lent)
& 7-8pm in the
Muldoon Room.
of the
Mentally Ill
This Sunday
1 March at 2:30pm
in the Church. This
group is for all not just mentally ill
& carers. (Entry via
the carpark gate.)
Some years ago I listened to a man give a
talk about forgiveness. The man had
come to lose all respect for his father. But
he also felt that there was something
missing in his spiritual life despite the fact
that he came to Church regularly and tried
to live a good life. Then one day, moved
by the Holy Spirit, the man picked up the
phone and said, ‘Dad, I need to ask for
your forgiveness for all the resentment I
have been harbouring towards you.’ Even
though the father was not very receptive, it
did not matter as far as the spiritual life of
the caller was concerned. He has done
what he needed to do. Immediately, he felt
a new closeness to God and a new joy
entered his life. Also, his prayers of
petition for victory over some personal
weaknesses started to be answered.
Through his willingness to ask his father’s
forgiveness and to forgive him for any hurt
he did to him, this man was freed from the
burden of resentment. Joy was restored to
his life and his renewed relationship with
God bore fruit as he sought God’s help
with his own personal struggles.
When I listen to some very painful hurts
and injustices that some people have had
to endure, I do understand why they would
have absolutely no desire to forgive and let
go of hurts and wrongs done to them. I
even understand why some people may
conclude that it would be wrong to forgive
some hurts and grave injustices. Some
people find it repulsive to even think about
forgiving certain hurts. Unfortunately, the
consequence of such a stance is that
people are trapped in a sea of bitterness
and continue to be controlled emotionally
by those who have inflicted a terrible hurt
or injustice upon them. When we choose
not to forgive, we knowingly or unknowingly choose to cheat ourselves of the joy of
living. When we live life with resentment in
our hearts, our resentment becomes the
lens through which we see reality and
people. We see them not as they are but
how our resentment wants us to see.
On a human level, forgiveness is beyond
many people’s reach. That is why we often
hear the saying ‘to err is human, but to
forgive is divine’. Yet, with the grace of
God all things are possible - even forgiving
what seems like an unforgivable sin
or crime.
How to Forgive Yourself & Others Fr Eamon Tobin
We’re in Good Company
Stations of the
in Lent
(after 9am Mass)
If we get confused sometimes about what
God wants, we’re in good company.
This week Peter, James and John join
Jesus on a mountain, where he is transfigured. That is, Jesus is transformed so they
see who he really is. They hear God’s
voice telling them to listen to Jesus’ words.
Then they go down the mountain and still
are confused. Later they even abandon
Jesus. These guys were human like us. It
would be nice if we always saw God and
heard God’s voice so clearly. But it just
doesn’t happen that way. God at times can
seem close, and at other times distant.
The Scriptures can seem clear at times,
Look to Pray
for the
We are often
advised to take one
day at a time, when
really we don’t have
any other option.
In praying to God we must look: look at
God with the eye of your soul, the eye of
your mind. I mean the eye of faith. You
cannot see God with your body’s eye, and
the eye of your reason is very weak; but
the eye of faith is strong because that is
God’s own gift to you, the eye God provided. Faith knows that God is real, and faith
knows that God is present.
Look means simply look. It is hard only
because it is so simple. The holy Curé
asked the peasant what he did when he
but then confusing at other times when
you try to live them in daily life. Some of us
have had ‘transfiguration’ experiences, like
powerful retreats where everything seems
so clear or moments of prayer when God
seems so close. But even our greatest
saints have talked about how hard it is to
hold on to that clarity.
What did the Apostles do when they were
confused? The Scriptures tell us they kept
trying. They prayed and read Scripture
together. They prayed before decisions.
Then they did their best and trusted that
the Holy Spirit would work through them.
And in the end, they changed the world.
Gather Proclaim Break Send enews
prayed, and his answer was the most
perfect description of contemplative prayer: ‘I look at him, and he looks at me.’
That is all. By a simple act of will, turn your
attention to him. You cannot talk to someone if you do not look at him.
And this is going to be a two-way conversation. You are going to talk, but you are
also going to listen. And you cannot listen
to him unless you first look at him.
Peter Kreeft PhD
Catechist Commissioning
This week we congratulate and thank all
our Catechists and Helpers as they are
commissioned to go into our State Schools
once again this year.
We are also especially congratulating
Patricia Grabham and Doris Turner who
will be presented with their 10 Year
Service Awards, and Doris with a Level
2 Diploma.
Thank you to all our Catechists and if you
would like to join them in this wonderful
ministry please contact the parish office.
Sing With Us
Do you enjoy community
special talent needed) and
you like to join a small group
the 2nd and 4th Monday of
singing (no
if so, would
of people on
each month
from 10-11am entertaining the dementia
residents at The Lodge, Nareen Gardens?
Please contact Margaret Kirkham for more
information 4333 8063.
There has been
theft of a wallet
and money
from the Church
during Mass.
Please do not leave
your bags behind
you on the seats
and take them to
with you.
More Lenten Suggestions
 After Mass, discuss the homily as a  Read a book about your faith. Discuss
what you learn with your children.
family. What lessons did you take from
it that you are going to put into practice  Give your support to someone in need
in the coming week?
at home, at work, at school. Realise
that siding with the vulnerable is a core
 Give up a treat for a day or so, it might
belief of our faith.
be one of your favourite foods.
Faith & Families Forum
All are invited to a family evangelisation
forum on Thursday 26 March 8:45am3:30pm in the Parish Centre.
The work of evangelisation begins within
our own families – in our homes – and
also within the spiritual family, our parish.
The purpose of this Forum is to explore
together how parishes do/can support
families in their calling to live, pass on and
share their faith. The day will feature input
from Dr Aoife McGrath along with a variety
of workshop streams highlighting specific
ministry areas.
The keynote address will take a closer
look at what Pope Francis has called ‘the
art of accompaniment’ (Evangelii Gaudium).
For more information contact Janette
Davidson on 0409 074 908 or at
[email protected]
The Pope’s Prayer Intentions for March
Universal Intention: That those involved in Evangelisation Intention: That the unique
scientific research may serve the well- contribution of women to the life of the
Church may be recognised always.
being of the whole human person.
Please donate to
Project Compassion
and help save the
lives of people living
on the brink of
survival, giving
them access to
nutritional support
and essential
food for life.
All Saturdays in
Lent in the Prayer
Room following
9am Mass and
continuing through
the day until
at 5:30pm.
All welcome!
Please Note
World Day of Prayer
Australian Church Women are celebrating
the World Day of Prayer on 6 March at
10am in the Parish Centre. All welcome!
Men’s Social Afternoon
All men of the parish over 50 able to
attend are welcome to our monthly social
get-together at the Muldoon Room. It will
be lots of fun! This Thursday 5 March at
3:30pm. Enq: Lui 4388 9584 or 0427 866
815. Lui is now organising the Men’s Afternoon and we thank John Giutronich for his
years in that role.
Anointing of the Sick
Next Friday 6 March at 11:45am Mass.
Men’s Choir Practice
All men are welcome to come to choir
practice on Tuesday at 5:45pm in the
Church. We will be leading the singing at
Mass next Sunday.
Reflection Evening for Priesthood
An invitation for men who are interested in
discerning vocation to the priesthood will
be held at Holy Name Church 35 Billyard
Avenue Wahroonga Thursday 12 March
5:30pm. Enq: Fr Paul Durkin 9484 1427.
Bernadette Morrison
would like to thank
the parishioners
who assisted when
John was taken ill at
Mass on Sunday.
John has recovered
and they are very
grateful for your
prayers and
Serving the Catholic Community of The Entrance and extending the Kingdom of God
PROPERTY MANAGER Michael de la Motte
Tel 4334 7600 (BH)
9:00am - 9:30am & 10:30am - 11:00am
9:30am - 1:30pm
Tel/Fax 4332 5997
Tel 4332 5594 Fax 4334 5599
Tel 4351 2344 Fax 4351 2965
Office Hours Monday-Friday 9.30-5.00pm
Postal Address PO Box 189 THE ENTRANCE 2261
Street Address 239-243 The Entrance Rd
Tel 4332 2216 Fax 4333 5344
Email [email protected]
Mass & Devotions in Ordinary Time
Sunday Masses Saturday Vigil 6:00pm Sunday 8:00am & 9:30am
Weekday Masses Monday -Thursday 9:00am Friday 11:45am
Saturday 9:00am
Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 9:30am & 5:00pm
2nd Sunday of Lent
Today’s Readings:
Romans 8:31-34
Liturgy of the Hours Saturday 8:40am
Rosary Monday-Thursday 8:35am Friday 11:20am Saturday 9:30am
Cenacle Wednesday 9:30am
Christian Meditation Group Friday 10:30am Muldoon Room
Year B
Genesis 22:1-2, 9-13, 15-18
Mark 9:2-10
Entrance Antiphon
Of you my heart has spoken: Seek his face. It is your face, O Lord,
that I seek hide not your face from me.
Responsorial Psalm
I will walk in the presence of the Lord in the land of the living.
Weekdays Cycle I
Gospel Acclamation
Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!
From the shining cloud, the Father’s voice is heard:
This is my beloved Son, hear him.
Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!
Communion Antiphon
This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.
Keep Us In Your Prayers
Recently Deceased: Fr Vince Pedemont, Heather Wise, Gloria
Fitzgerald, John Jenkins, Maryanne Madden, Michael Comensoli,
Eamon Egan, Marie Davis, Bernard Bond, Fr Warren Wade,
William Hall, Gabriele Ramondo.
Funeral: The funeral of Marie Davis was held during the week.
Please pray for Marie and her family. The funeral of Fr Vince
Pedemont will be held here on Tuesday 3 March at 10:15am.
Anniversaries: Margaret Sawyer, Louise Bouchet, Albert Bailey,
Tricia Malone, John Tyrrell, Steve Smith.
Remembrances: Bruce Parry, Beryl White, Nora O’Leary,
Jean Workman, Col McLaurin, Dorothy Cribb, Gloria Shackleton,
Jean Beaton, Bruce Evers, Mary & Joe Pace, Noeleen Corrigan,
Maurice Cramsie, Alice Minogue, John Portelli, Sam Marmara,
Joe Bond, Saviour, Carmela, Maria, Guza, George, & Philip
Sciortino, John & Maria Carmelo, John Armeni, Emanuel &
Ludgarda Busuuttli, Emanuel Gatt, Freddy Grima, Joe Degabrielle,
Tony, Maria & Carmel Carwana, Meleta Borg, Antunette Azzupardi,
Maria Farruga, Carmelo Cilia, Joe Crumi, Charlie Mifsud, Perce
Coliero, George, Georgina, Anthony, Doris & Paul Grech, Fortunato
& Georgina Zahra and the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
Families: Bouchet, Cole, Attard, Grech, Zahra, Grima, Camilleri,
Cassar & Falzon.
Sick: Susie Reyes, Lyn Moon, Roger & Grant Thomas, Fay
Our Lady of the Rosary
For all your devotional needs...
Gallagher, Cecily Bastick, Margaret Pizzuto, Sr Margaret Bubb,
Stan Johnson, Mary Suckling, Taylor Grady, Michael Sullivan,
Gaye Llyk, Carol Jones, John Verhoeven Snr, Mary Camilleri,
Julie Webb, Patricia O’Brien, Dorothy Patterson, Brian Crowe,
Mary Hughes, Pat O’Hara, Antoinette Grech, Bernie Lowe,
Sue Batten, Sue MacSween, Elaine Keyte, Lisa Hennessey,
Hayley Hartas, Brian & Valerie Staggs, Zoe Kidd, Jenny Carter,
Linda Read, Christopher Forster, Grace Miller, Delma Clarke,
Debbie Simonds, Jenny Rist.
Welcome Newly Baptised: Ryan Mullen & Cameron Willis.
Reconciliation Programme: We pray for the children & their
families who are preparing for First Reconciliations.
Pearly Gates
We have great books for meditation and reflection
as well as reading material for Lent. Also gifts for
Baptisms, Weddings and all the Sacraments. Come in
for a browse.
You’ll find us behind the Church carpark, corner of
Ashton and Copnor Avenues.
Sunday 9am-9:30am & 10:30-11am
Tuesday-Friday 9:30am-1:30pm
Phone/Fax 4332 5997