March 1st Bulletin - Centennial Park Baptist Church
March 1st Bulletin - Centennial Park Baptist Church
AFFILIATED WITH THE CANADIAN BAPTISTS OF ONTARIO AND QUEBEC CENTENNIAL PARK BAPTIST CHURCH, 11 KENNEDY ROAD, GRIMSBY, ON L3M 1E8 TELEPHONE 905-945-8932 e-mail – [email protected] TO KNOW CHRIST TO SHOW CHRIST TO SERVE CHRIST SUNDAY MARCH 1, 2015 ANNOUNCEMNTS AND ACTIVITIES Announcements Opening Prayer Time of Praise March 2 March 3 March 4 March 7 March 8 1:30 – Ladies Bible Study / 6:30 – Run club 7pm – C. E . Meeting / Deacons Meeting 10am – Men’s Fellowship 6pm – WOW Dinner Meeting / MOM Dinner Outing 6:30 – FFK and Jr High / 6:30 pm – Run Club 9-12 – Little Kickers soccer in W. Hall 9:00 – Open Session – 9:25 Breakfast 9:30 - Sunday School for all ages 10:30am – Morning Worship 6:30 pm – Evening Interactive service LENDING OUR SUPPORT – The Solid Rock In Christ Alone Service of Communion Children Dismissed for Kidz Church Praise Response THE WEEK AHEAD There Shall be Showers of Blessings I Stand Amazed in the Presence The Family of God Giving Back to God Message The Meaning of the Lord’s Table I Corinthians 10:14-21 / 11: 23-34 Praise Response Benediction #10 – O Worship the King – vs. 1,4 ON DUTY TODAY NYS / TODDLER ROOM - The Sawyers KIDZ CHURCH – The Polowicks & Youth Assistants SOUND TECH – Neil Spencer PROJECTOR TECH – Doug Harrigan NEXT WEEK NYS / TODDLER - Valerie B. / Amanda Marrone / Tracey DeGroot KIDZ CHURCH – The Polowicks & Youth Assistants SOUND TECH – The Meyers PROJECTOR TECH – Philip Cline Pauline Postill will be doing her cancer walk in 2015, and will be supporting lung cancer and walking for Gail Roddick. If anyone is interested in making a donation toward this worthy cause, please visit Pauline’s online donation page at the following link: The Shoppers Drug Mart® OneWalk to Conquer Cancer benefiting Princess Margaret Cancer Centre: Mlle./Miss Pauline J. Postill - One Walk If you wish to donate through regular methods – ie. cash- please see Pauline directly. Covenant Christian School, Smithville, will be putting on their “Get Ready, Get Set, Read!” program on Thursday mornings for 4 weeks, starting April 2nd. This program is meant for children ages 4&5 by December 31st. If you are interested in sending your child please give Wendy a call at 905-957-7796 and she will send you a registration form. 6th Annual HAMILTON PLACE CONCERT – April 4, 2015, DV Hosanna Choir & Mattaniah Christian Male Choir Tickets are now available for the annual concert of the 125 voice Hosanna Choir & 45 voice Mattaniah Christian Male Choir concert which will once again be held at Hamilton Place on Saturday, April 4 at 7:30pm. In addition to our regular line-up of musicians the concert will also feature Heather Macdonald (Oboe), and Jacob Schenk (Tenor from Urk, the Netherlands). Tickets are available at $15 & $25. To obtain your tickets, contact a choir member, or contact Wendy den Hollander at 905-628-1211 or email her at [email protected] or online at WELCOME - CENTENNIAL PARK BAPTIST CHURCH WELCOMES ALL WHO WORSHIP WITH US TODAY. PLEASE DROP BY THE WELCOME CENTRE AND SIGN OUR VISITORS CARD. WE ALSO HAVE A GIFT BAG FOR YOU. TONIGHT – 6:30 PM – FFF Faith’s Firm Foundations – Come at 6:30pm and find out how to keep your foundation firm. Refreshments and fellowship from 6:00pm DISHWASHER FUND – TOTAL CLIMBING The total for our kitchen renovation is climbing. We would like to start working on the upgrades as soon as we can – but won’t start until the funds are all in! The approximate cost of the commercial dishwasher and necessary countertop and island renovations is $10,000. Please consider prayerfully how you and your family can be part of this church project in the month of MARCH. A little bit each week adds up to hundreds before you know it! Any donations toward the renovation must be above and beyond your regular tithing. TOTAL DONATED TO DATE - $ 3528.00 CPBC 2015 PHONE DIRECTORY The 1st draft of the 2015 phone directory is available for revision on the tables in the front foyer. Please review your personal information, checking email addresses closely. Please make corrections on the sheets. If your information is correct, please check your name off. Thanks. Js WOW – Women of Worth Dinner Event MOM – Men of Mischief Dinner Outing All men are invited to join us for dinner at the Maple Leaf Pancake House in Smithville on Tuesday March 3rd at 6pm. It is a great night out with lots of “guy talk” and fellowship. Please sign the sheet at the back table to let us know you will be coming for reservation purposes, and indicate if you need a ride. FAMILY MOVIE OPPORTUNITY This Wednesday and Thursday we have the unique opportunity to see The Drop Box movie in theatres. The Drop Box tells the true story of one pastor's mission to rescue abandoned children in South Korea. It is a great movie to bring friends and family to. Jon and Heather Polowick will be going on March 5 in St. Catharines and we would love for you to join us! Just let us know. Check out the website, for more information, The Annual CBOQ Outreach Raptor’s game is around the corner. All youth and their friends are invited to watch a Raptor’s game on March 15th with on court activities and a testimony to follow post-game. March 15th is the Sunday before March break so think of who to invite and let Jon and Heather know if you can attend as soon as possible. Tickets are limited! Cost including transportation is $40 but please never let cost be an issue and we will be travelling by GO train. This tends to be a very late night so please take that into consideration. EASTER LILIES Anyone wishing to have an Easter Lily (Lilies) placed in the sanctuary in memory of a loved one (ones) for Easter Sunday, please speak to PAM WILSON on/by March 29th. Thanks EASTER BELL CHOIR rd All Ladies of the church are invited to join us on Tuesday March 3 at 6pm for a soup and sandwich dinner followed by a time of fellowship together. This month we will be working on a “mystery project” and looking at the time leading up to Easter. PLEASE BRING A PAIR OF SHARP SCISSORS FOR CUTTING FABRIC. This is always a fun evening – girlfriends, sisters, moms, daughters are always welcome. Please sign the sheet on the back table to let us know you will be coming. All kids ages 5-12 years are invited to join our Easter Bell Choir, which will be playing on Sunday April 5th during the morning service. No prior musical training is required. It is a good opportunity for children to play joyful music together right from the start. There will be 4 practices on Saturdays for about 1- 1 1/2 hours at the church. Please contact Jon, Heather or Michelle Cline if you are interested in joining. CELEBRATION OF PRAISE – June 7th 2015 The theme for this year’s celebration is "One Way, Jesus!" and we invite and encourage everyone – youth to adults - to submit a song, musical arrangement ( piano / flute / horns ect. ), skit, artwork or reading that pertains to this theme to the music committee before the end of April to assist us in organizing this service of worship. * We also would like to take this opportunity should you not be able to be a part of the June 7th celebration, but would like to do a special ministry of music on a Sunday morning service to please contact Michelle Cline or a music committee member of your desire we would greatly appreciate this too! Sopranos Needed! Our Choir director Joanne Hepburn, has a special need in the choir for Soprano voices. If you would like to be part of our choir, come to the choir practice Thursday at 7pm at the church KNITTING GROUP All are welcome to join us at the church for a time of knitting and needle work to make garments for Faith’s Orphans Fund. If you would like to join, and for more information please contact Valerie Hales – 905-945-6087 JOIN THE VISITATION TEAM Do you have an hour or two a week you could use to brighten the day of someone else? The Visitation team is looking for those who would commit to visiting our senior church members. The winter can be a lonely time for those who have trouble getting out and about in the slippery conditions. But a visit from friends, a cup of tea, and lively conversation can be just the thing they need to lift their spirits. If you are interested in joining this vital and rewarding ministry, please speak to Maggie McQuillan or Linda Polowick. CPBC CHURCH PRAYER CHAIN REDUCE / REUSE / RECYCLE In an effort to reduce our weekly garbage output, recycling bins have been places in most of the rooms in the church. Please remember to recycle your STYROFOAM CUPS / PLATES, paper and cardboard, plastic bags and containers, plastic coffee cup lids ( not cups – they are garbage). If we all do our part, we will be investing in the earth for our upcoming generations. LENTEN NOOTIME SERVICES The Grimsby and District Ministerial is once again sponsoring Noontime Lenten Services at St. John’s Presbyterian Church – 10 Mountain St. The service begins at 12 noon, followed by a soup and sandwich luncheon at 12:30pm. It’s a great way to be spiritually and physically fed during this period leading up to Easter. The Services continue every Thursday until March 26th Our church has a fantastic group of prayer warriors who pray for our church, its staff and our congregation on a regular basis. This resource is available 24/7 for all who need prayer – personal or for someone you know. It may be for urgent prayer during a crisis, or for ongoing prayer. If you would like to join our prayer chain and commit to praying for our church’s needs, or would like to access the prayer chain for prayer requests, please speak to Lynda Siba – 905945-0461. A quick call to Lynda with your request starts the prayer chain in action. PRAYER BOX – On the back table is a prayer box, and beside it some blank cards. Please fill out any prayer and praise items you have, put them in the box, and we will pray confidently for your request at our monthly Church Prayer Meeting ATTENTION ALL YOUTH – Remember to pick up your sermon quiz sheet from the orange box on the back table. Fill it out and return it to the box at the end of the service