

Product Name: Partial Payment
Version: 3.5.0
Document Type: Help doc
Author: Indies Services
Table of Content
Installation and Uninstallation Guide
1.1. How to install the extension
1.1.1. What are the system requirements?
1.1.2. What are the steps to follow while installing the extension
1.2. Uninstallation and urgent deactivation
1.2.1. How to uninstall/deactivate the extension
1.2.2. How to deactivate the extension in case of emergency?
General configuration
2.1. How to configure the extension
2.1.1. License and Status
2.1.2. General Settings
Managing Configuration Setting and Effect on frontend
3.1. How to replace the existing “Partial Payment” label on front-end?
3.2. How to capture the installments automatically?
3.3. How many ways can Partial Payment be applied on?
3.3.1. How to configure Partial Payment facility for the selected product only?
3.3.2. How to configure Partial Payment facility for the whole cart?
3.4. How to set installment, layaway plan
3.5. How to make Partial Payment optional / Mandatory for buyer
3.6. How to make necessary calculation settings on installments
3.6.1. How to set surcharges
3.7. How to set pre-order discount settings?
3.8. How to select Partial Payment only for Target Customers?
3.8.1. How to set credit limit
Email Settings
4.1. How to send Email for stock availability?
4.2. How to send order confirmation Email?
4.3. How to send installment remainder Email?
4.4. How to send installment confirmation Email?
Installment history
5.1. How store admin can track installment history of partially paid orders
5.2. How Store Admin can pay installments from back-end
5.3. How customers can track partially paid orders
Support and Feedback
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
1) Installation and Uninstallation Guide
1.1) How to install the extension?
1.1.1) what are the system requirements?
- An E-commerce store created using Magento
- Compatibility: Magento CE 1.4.2 - 1.9.x, EE 1.8.x - 1.14.x
1.1.2) What are the steps to follow while installing the extension
- Get Partial payment module from Indies’ E-commerce store:
- Unzip the module and copy the folder structure. Store installation should contain a folder structure
like this:
-- root/magento/app
-- root/magento/js
-- root/magento/skin
- Partial payment module contains a similar folder structure so Admin just have to copy the module’s
folders and upload them on their server
- Go to the administration area of the store. Log in and go to System → Configuration.
- Look for “Partial payment” option under the “INDIES SERVICES” tab on the left hand
side of configuration. If you find it, then the module is installed successfully.
1.2) Uninstallation and urgent deactivation
1.2.1) How to uninstall/deactivate the extension
- Delete files and folders
- Go to Admin  System  Cache Management  Flush Magento Cache to flush out the cache
1.2.2) How to deactivate the extension in case of emergency?
- Make sure to upload all the files from the package. Then replace <active>true</active> with
<active>false</active> in the following file:
o app/etc/modules/Indies_credit.xml
o app/etc/modules/Indies_Deposit.xml
o app/etc/modules/Indies_Fee.xml
o app/etc/modules/Indies_OutstockDiscount.xml
o app/etc/modules/Indies_Partialpayment.xml
o app/etc/modules/Indies_Partialpaymentadmin.xml
o app/etc/modules/Indies_Partialsubscription.xml
- Refresh the cache from admin panel and if something goes wrong, please submit a Support Ticket to
- If you find something wrong, but still needs to access the Admin Panel, Go to System → Cache
Management and flush Cache Storage even if it’s off.
- If unable to access the Admin Panel, delete all the content manually, resided under the following
folders of Magento root.
-- var/cache/*
-- var/session/*
2) General configuration
2.1) How to configure the extension
- After successfully installing Partial Payment module follow these steps to configure
it in store.
- Open Magento Partial Payment extension settings page from, System  Configuration
Configuration field in detail:
2.1.1) License and Status
License and status
Field Name
Serial Key
Enter the serial key given by
Enable/disable the extension
Input Value
Alpha numeric value
Select from Drop down list.
Possible values:
- Enable
- Disable
2.1.2) General Settings
General Settings
Field Name
Partial Payment Brand
Capture installments
Apply Partial Payment to
Enter the text you want to have in
Enable/disable to capture
payments automatically
Select products to apply partial
payment on
Input Value
Text box
Select from Drop down list.
Possible values:
- Yes
- No
Select from Drop down list.
Possible values:
- All Products
- Selected Products only
- Pre Order Products Only
- Whole Cart
Partial Payment options
Choose installment options
Partial payment option for
Enable/Disable the partial
payment display option
Select from Drop down list.
Possible values:
- 2 installments only
- Fixed installments
- Flexy payments
Select from Drown down list.
Possible values:
- Yes
- No
3) Managing Configuration settings and Effect on frontend
3.1) How to replace the existing “partial payment” label on front-end?
- Partial Payment allows store owner to change the label on front-end
- Replace the existing label with the store’s personal branding words like “A layaway plan”, “Installment
facility” etc.
- Open Magento Partial Payment extension settings page from, System  Configuration  General
- Enter the “branding words” for the label “Partial Payment Brand Label” that needs to be displayed on
3.2) How to capture the installments automatically?
- Make necessary settings and enable partial payment to capture the installments automatically from the
customer’s credit cards.
- Open Magento Partial Payment extension settings page from, System  Configuration  General
- Choosing option “yes” for the label “Capture Installments automatically” will enable the functionality
and choosing option “No” will disable the same.
3.3) How many ways can partial payment be applied on?
- Partial payment extension can be applied on:
 All products
 Specific products
 Out of stock products
 Whole cart
- Open Magento Partial Payment extension settings page from, System  Configuration  General
- Selecting “all products”, “Selected products only”, “pre order products only” will enable partial payment
facility on respective product and will show front-end as normal partial payment mode.
For ref., refer fig.
3.3.1) How to configure partial payment facility for the selected product only?
- Go to System → Configuration, click on “General Settings”. Select “Selected Products Only” option
for “Apply Deposit Payment to”.
- After selecting the option, enable Deposit Payment manually for the products you want.
- Select the product from Catalog → Manage Products, click on edit and go to Prices tab, find the
option “Allow Partial Payment” and set it with “Yes” option.
3.3.2) How to configure partial payment facility for whole cart?
- Open Magento Partial Payment extension settings page from, System  Configuration  General
- Select “whole cart” option for the label “apply partial payment to”
For ref. refer fig.
- Selecting whole cart option will enable partial payment facility over the cart.
Configuration field in detail:
General Settings
Field Name
Partial Payment Brand
Capture installments
Enter the text you want to have
on front-end
Enable/disable to capture
payments automatically
Apply Partial Payment to
Select products to apply partial
payment on
Partial Payment options
Choose installment options
Partial payment optional
for buyer
Enable/Disable the partial
payment display option
Discount calculation
When to deduct the discounts
Shipping and Tax
calculation options
Select shipping charges
calculation options
Minimum Order amount
Set minimum order amount to
apply partial payment
Input Value
Text box
Select from Drop down list.
Possible values:
- Yes
- No
Select from Drop down list.
Possible values:
- All Products
- Selected Products only
- Pre Order Products Only
- Whole Cart
Select from Drop down list.
Possible values:
- 2 installments only
- Fixed installments
- Flexy payments
Select from Drown down list.
Possible values:
- Yes
- No
Select from Drop down list.
Possible values:
- Discount will be deducted
from first installment
- Discount distributed equally
in all installments
Select from Drop down list.
Possible values:
- Shipping and Tax will be
charged in first installment
- Shipping and Tax distributed
equally in all installments
Numeric value
3.4 How to set installment, layaway plan?
- Open Magento Partial Payment extension settings page from, System  Configuration  General
When “2 installments only” option gets selected:
When “Fixed Installments” option gets selected:
When “Flexy Payments” option gets selected:
3.5 How to make partial payment optional for buyer?
- Open Magento Partial Payment extension settings page from, System  Configuration  General
- Selecting “yes” will make partial payment optional for buyer and selecting “no” will make partial payment
mandatory for buyers.
3.6) How to make necessary calculation settings on installments?
- Open Magento Partial Payment extension settings page from, System  Configuration  Partial
Payment Calculation Settings.
Configuration field in detail:
Partial Payment Calculation Settings
Field Name
Calculate Installments on
Calculate installment, a down
payment amount in percentage or
as fixed value
Down payment
Payment Plan
Surcharge options
Input Value
Drop down list. Possible
- Fixed Amount Value
- Percentage Value
Numeric value
Enter the down payment amount
value to be computed as a fixed or
in % over raw amount
Select the layaway plan, i.e. Gaps Select from Drop down list.
between 2 consecutive
Possible values:
- Monthly
- Weekly
- Days
Option to apply surcharge over
Select from Drop down list.
Possible values:
- No Surcharge
- Single Surcharge
- Multiple Surcharge
3.6.1) How to set Surcharges?
- Open Magento Partial Payment extension settings page from, System  Configuration  Partial
Payment Calculation Settings.
- Choose any one option from “Surcharge Options” label.
For ref., refer fig.
- When store admin chooses “No Surcharge” option:
- When store admin chooses “Single Surcharge” option:
Configuration field in detail:
Partial Payment Calculation Settings
Field Name
Calculate Installments on
Calculate installment, a down
payment amount in percentage or
as fixed value
Down payment
Payment Plan
Surcharge options
Calculate Surcharge on
Surcharge value
Input Value
Drop down list. Possible
- Fixed Amount Value
- Percentage Value
Numeric value
Enter the down payment amount
value to be computed as a fixed or
in % over raw amount
Select the layaway plan, i.e. Gaps Select from Drop down list.
between 2 consecutive
Possible values:
- Monthly
- Weekly
- Days
Option to apply surcharge over
Select from Drop down list.
Possible values:
- No Surcharge
- Single Surcharge
- Multiple Surcharge
Calculate Surcharge as fixed or in
Drop down list. Possible
- Fixed Amount Value
- Percentage Value
Enter the Surcharge amount value Numeric Value
to be computed as a fixed or in %
over raw amount
- When Store Admin chooses “Multiple surcharge” option:
3.7) How to set Pre-order discount settings?
- Open Magento Partial Payment extension settings page from, System  Configuration  Pre Order
Discount Settings.
Configuration field in detail:
Pre Order Discount Settings
Field Name
Calculate Pre Order
Calculate pre-order discount in
Discount On
percentage or as fixed value
Pre Order Discount
Enter the pre-order amount value
to be computed as a fixed or in %
over raw amount
Input Value
Drop down list. Possible
- Fixed Amount Value
- Percentage Value
Numeric value
3.8) How to select partial payment only for target customers?
- Open Magento Partial Payment extension settings page from, System  Configuration  Allow Partial
payment to Specific Customer Groups.
All Partial Payment to Specific Customer Groups
Field Name
Partial Payment
Select customers to whom partial
Available to
payment be made available
Default Credit amount
Credit limit exceeded
Enter maximum credit amount
Enter message to display when
customer exceeds the credit limit
Input Value
Drop down list. Possible
- All Customers including
- Registered customers only
- Specific Customer groups
Numeric value
Text box
When admin selects “Registered Customers only” option:
3.8.1 How to set credit limit?
- Open Magento Partial Payment extension settings page from, System  Configuration  Allow
Partial payment to Specific Customer Groups.
- Below figure shows that credit limit of 50 is set for “Specific Customer groups only”. This means that
purchase order exceeding the min. set amount will not be entertained and will display “Credit limit
exceeded” message.
4) Email Settings
4.1) How to send E-mail for stock availability?
- Open Magento Partial Payment extension settings page from, System  Configuration  Stock
Availability Email Settings.
Stock Availability Email settings
Field Name
Send Stock Availability Email Whether to send E-mail when
the stock is available
Stock Availability Email
Choose the Sender type
Stock Availability Email
Select the E-mail Template
Input Value
Drop down list. Possible
- Yes
- No
Drop down list. Possible
- General Contact
- Sales Representative
- Customer Support
- Custom Email 1
- Custom Email 2
Drop down list. Possible
- Partial Payment Stock
4.2) How to send order confirmation Email?
- Open Magento Partial Payment extension settings page from, System  Configuration  Partial
Payment Order Confirmation Email.
Partial Payment Order Confirmation Email
Field Name
Order Confirmation Sender
Select the sender of order
confirmation mail
Order Confirmation
Select the E-mail Template
Send Order Confirmation CC
Send carbon copy of order
confirmation mail
Input Value
Drop down list. Possible
- General Contact
- Sales Representative
- Customer Support
- Custom Email 1
- Custom Email 2
Drop down list. Possible
- Partial Payment order
Text box
4.3) How to send installment remainder Email?
- Open Magento Partial Payment extension settings page from, System  Configuration  Partial
Payment Installment Remainder Email.
Configuration field in detail:
Partial Payment Installment Remainder Email
Field Name
Send Installment Remainder Whether to send installment
remainder Email or not?
Remainder Email Sender
Choose Sender for the
installment remainder mail
Remainder Email Template
Choose mail template
Remainder Email CC to
Send Carbon copy of the
installment remainder mail
Input Value
Drop down list. Possible
- Yes
- No
Drop down list. Possible
- General Contact
- Sales Representative
- Customer Support
- Custom Email 1
- Custom Email 2
Drop down list. Possible
- Partial Payment Installment
Text box
4.4) How to send installment confirmation Email?
- Open Magento Partial Payment extension settings page from, System  Configuration  Partial
Payment Installment Confirmation Email.
Configuration field in detail:
Partial Payment Installment Confirmation Email
Field Name
Installment Confirmation
Choose the sender of
installment Confirmation Email
Installment Confirmation
Select mail template
Send Installment
Confirmation CC to
Failed installment
Confirmation Template
Send Carbon Copy of
installment confirmation mail
Choose mail template that
needs to be sent to the
customers who have failed to
pay installments on time
Input Value
Drop down list. Possible
- General Contact
- Sales Representative
- Customer Support
- Custom Email 1
- Custom Email 2
Drop down list. Possible
- Partial Payment Installment
Text box
Drop down list. Possible
- Failed Partial Payment
Installment Configuration
Important note: To automate the process of Auto installment capturing facility, Auto Emails and
acknowledgments on a regular interval, you need to setup cron.php file on a cron job. The cron must be
executed twice in a day. To know how to setup such feature, please refer this link.
5) Installment History
5.1) how store admin can track installment history of partially paid orders?
- Open Magento Partial Payment extension settings page from, Partial Payment  Partially Paid Orders.
- Clicking on partially paid Orders, redirects Store Admin to the “orders placed” list
- Click on “edit” link which is adjacent to the concerned order, redirects store Admin to view complete
details of the partially paid orders.
5.2) How Store Admin can create new orders from back-end?
- Store Admin can pay the installment amount and track installment history from back-end itself
- Go to Partial payment order page from Sales  Orders
- Admin can keep a track on the existing order and can even create a new order from back-end.
- Clicking on selected order redirects store Admin to its respective customer page
- Clicking customer from the list redirects Admin to select the desired store for which order is to be made
- Select the store for which order is to be made.
- Thus, Admin can fill the necessary details required and create the order, as shown below.
5.3) How customers can track orders?
- Customer needs to login with the store.
- Once logged in, customer can click on the “Partial Payment” link, available at the left most side of the
- Clicking on “view|pay” link will enable customer to view/pay installments.
6) Troubleshooting
- If the extension does not shows up at System Configuration INDIES SERVICES
Try the following:
 Clear your cache
 Log out of your administration area and log in again
- For more details or queries, check our Knowledge Base
7) Support and Feedback
Get exclusive support and contact us easily from your store itself by support and feedback tab. You can have
details of installed Indies’ extension list and their version. You can share feedback and ideas with us. Have a
look at below screenshot.
8) FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
8.1 How installing partial payment escalates sales of the store?
- Partial Payment lets customers pay the down payment (first installment) for the purchase order and allow to
pay the rest of the amount by installments.
- This helps users to make a purchase even if they are falling short in matter of price,
- Hence, more orders can be accomplished through Partial Payment installment which overall escalates the
sales for the store.