
Eligibility Exemption to RO:
ARC Opens:
Final Strategic Statement to RO:
Request not to assess to RO:
Written Evidence/Certification:
Internal Closing Date*:
ARC Closes:
23 January 2015
4 February 2015
23 February 2015
9 March 2015
11 March 2015
11 March 2015*
25 March 2015
E: [email protected]
T: 02 492 15353
* Please note: Internal Closing Date requires provision of final, submission-ready proposals, signed ARC/NHMRC Application Coversheet and all
associated documentation. As Research Office staff will be conducting critical Eligibility and Compliance Reviews on all proposals received by
the Internal Closing Date, we will be unable to provide applicants who do not meet this deadline with further advice or assistance with their
application after 11 March 2015. Applicants seeking assistance in completing their application after the Internal Closing Date will be referred
directly to the Instructions to Applicants and Funding Rules.
Gather Relevant Information
Download Funding Rules, Instructions to Applicants and FAQs from ARC
website: Ensure that you and your
project meet all eligibility requirements. Check the University website for
helpful information and resources for the DECRA scheme:
Discuss your application with your Faculty
Make contact with your Head of School and Faculty Assistant Dean
(Research) regarding strategies and support for your application. Enquire
with your Faculty and/or School about peer review processes available to
you. Organise a peer review from your colleague(s), leaving plenty of time
for feedback and changes prior to submission to the Research Office by the
advertised Internal Closing Date.
Start your application in RMS – opens 4 February 2015
Ensure the University of Newcastle is added under Organisation Participant
as the Administering Organisation. Complete your application sequentially,
leaving the budget section last. Do this early to avoid last minute stress! If
you require assistance with the ARC’s RMS system, contact
[email protected]
Confirm any Faculty/School Cash Contribution
Confirm any School/Faculty contributions with your Head of School or
Assistant Dean (Research) (this detail will need to be included in your
Application Coversheet).
Note that this only applies to contributions that are in addition to the
University Central contributions confirmed by the DVC(RI) for all applicants
(see Strategic Statement Quick Guide).
Complete Strategic Statement – due 23 February 2015
Work with your School or Faculty to develop and write your Strategic
Statement. Start this process early as there are often significant delays for
this step! Ensure that your Strategic Statement includes all the details
outlined in section D5.1 of the Funding Rules. Refer to our webpage for
further resources. Please note that final Strategic Statements, ready for
DVC(RI) signature, must be provided to the Research Office by your Faculty
PVC or ADR (or their office representative) indicating that they have been
reviewed and are fully supported 2 weeks prior to our Internal Closing Date.
The Research Office will not accept Strategic Statements forwarded directly
by applicants. Signed Strategic Statements will be returned to applicants for
upload into their application in RMS prior to our Internal Closing Date.
Obtain Written Evidence/Certification – due 11 March 2015
Collate required Written Evidence, on the ‘Certification Proforma’ available
for all relevant participants and forward to [email protected]
Make any final application revisions
Edit and make any final changes to your application. Ensure that all sections
are complete and that you have incorporated any feedback from peer
reviewers. Note that you will not be provided further access to your
application after our Internal Closing Date unless the Research Office
requests critical revisions.
Internal Closing Date: Submit your final application to the Research Office
– due 11 March 2015
Submit your final application, fully signed Application Coversheet and all
required Certifications (Written Evidence) to the Research Office 2 weeks
prior to the ARC deadline. The Research Office will conduct an Eligibility and
Compliance Review on all complete applications received by this date and
submit to the ARC on your behalf.
If your application is submitted to the Research Office incomplete, i.e.
missing the Coversheet and/or Certification forms (Written Evidence), or
after the Internal Closing Date, it will not be reviewed by the Research
Office and will only be submitted following formal approval from your
Please Note - that you will not be provided further access to your application
after the Internal Closing Date unless the Research Office requests critical
revisions. You will receive notification once your application has been
The DVC(RI), relevant Faculty PVC, ADR and Head of School will be required
to approve submission of any application received after the Internal Closing
Business and Law
Patrick Filmer-Sankey
E: [email protected]
T: (02) 4921 7865
Education and Arts
Catherine Oddie
E: [email protected]
T: (02) 4921 7929
Engineering and Built Environment
Chanel Hopkinson
E: [email protected]
T: (02) 4921 2051
Shirley Savy
E: [email protected]
T: (02) 4921 5603
Science and Information Technology
Lina Bozinovska
E: [email protected]
T: (02) 4921 5243