Margate Parish News - St Austin and St Gregory, Margate, with St


Margate Parish News - St Austin and St Gregory, Margate, with St
Margate Parish News
St Austin and St Gregory, Margate, with St Anne, Cliftonville
2nd Sunday of Lent B
Drawing near to
the glory of Christ
The Transfiguration happened “six
days later”, that is, six days after St
Peter’s profession of faith which mirrors the action of the High Priest pronouncing the holy name of God in the
Temple on the feast of Atonement. St
Peter proclaims Christ as the living
God and Our Lord appears in glory to
Him, to St James and St John.
The “six days” also reminds us of
the six days of creation after which
God looked upon all that He had made
and saw that it was good. At the transfiguration, Christ in glory looks over
creation from the mountain, before
making His way to Jerusalem to offer
Himself in sacrifice and open the way
for us to share His glory.
St Peter offers to build three tabernacles but the Father intervenes to
cast the whole focus on the person of
Jesus Christ. St Peter was commissioned as the rock on which the Church
is built, the body of Christ who fulfils
the law and the prophets which are
represented by Moses and Elijah.
In our Churches, there is a tabernacle, a tent or dwelling-place for Christ
who is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. At Benediction, we honour
Him with incense, recalling the bright
cloud of Mount Thabor. Christ sheds
light over the Old Testament and indeed over the whole of creation.
The apostles were consoled by the
transfiguration in preparation for the
awful events of the passion. During
Lent the Church proposes this gospel
to us so that we understand the purpose of our penance, namely to see
Christ more clearly and to love Him
more faithfully. As we adore Him in the
sacred Liturgy, we ask Him to draw us
to Himself as disciples.
of the Cross
Veiling of theand
Fridays in Lent
The devotion of the Stations of the Cross is
held in the parish during Lent as follows:
St Austin’s, Margate
Wednesday 11.30am; Friday 7pm
St Anne’s, Cliftonville
Friday 9.15am
This devotion is a powerful means of grace
and conversion and is especially suited to
Lent, though it may be prayed at any time
of the year. Children are always welcome of
course: they benefit from taking part in this
meditation on the Passion of Christ.
1 March 2015
Lent talks
On the following Wednesdays, we have
English Vespers at 7pm followed by a light
supper in the Hall. Talks begin at 7.45pm.
4 March - Fr Marcus Holden “I am not
ashamed of the Gospel (Rom 1:16) Apologetics at the service of Christ”
11 March - Fr Timothy Finigan “The Big
Bang and Jesus Christ - science and the
wisdom of God”
18 March - Rev Mark Higgins “Consoling
the Heart of Jesus”
25 March - to be announced
Volunteers requested
Please sign the list in the Hall if you would
be able to help with providing and preparing the food for these talks.
Sunday 21 June 3pm at St Anne’s
Archbishop Smith will be visiting the Deanery to celebrate Mass and confer the sacrament of Confirmation for candidates in
Thanet Deanery on Sunday 21 June at 3pm.
The ceremony will be at St Anne’s in
A course of sacramental preparation for
candidates within our own parish will be
offered after the Easter holidays, suited to
those who are 12/13 years of age (Year 8 at
school) who believe in Christ, are regularly
practising their Catholic faith, and intend to
do so as a permanent way of life.
Enrolment forms and a copy of the programme are available at the back of the
Church. The enrolment forms must be
completed and returned before Easter. The
first meeting, for parents and candidates, is
on Monday 27 April at 7.30pm.
Welcome to Fr McNally
Fr Bernard McNally, a priest of the Archdiocese, has moved to Thanet with the approval of the Archbishop, and permission
to help at the Parish of St Austin and St
Gregory with St Anne. Fr McNally will be
celebrating some of the Masses and helping out especially with confessions.
The Holy See has affirmed several times in
recent years that it is legitimate to make
confessions available during the celebration of Mass. Fr McNally and I will be offering this ministry at various times.
News and Events
Stanley Chesworth RIP
The body will be brought to Church at
4.30pm on Thursday 5 March. The Requiem
Mass will be at 10am on Friday 6 March,
followed by burial at Minster Cemetery.
(The Mass will be Latin Mass in the older
form at the request of the family: Low Mass
with hymns.)
There will also be 6.30pm Mass, Stations
and Benediction in the evening on 6 March.
Of your charity,
pray for the repose of the soul of
Stanley Chesworth
who died recently.
Requiescat in pace
Vespers and Benediction
This Sunday 1 Mar, 3.30pm St Austin’s
Vespers, or the Evening Prayer of the
Church, is part of the sacred Liturgy in
which we offer an evening sacrifice of
praise to the Lord, using especially the
psalms. This prayer has much in common
with the way that Jesus Himself prayed
daily with the apostles.
Vespers will be followed by Benediction of
the Blessed Sacrament in which we adore
our Lord truly present in His body, blood,
soul and divinity.
Mass at St Gregory’s School
This Wednesday 4 March
This Wednesday, Fr Finigan will celebrate a
Lenten Mass at St Gregory’s school at
9.10am for the classes in The Early Years
Key Stage. Parents and Grandparents are
welcome to attend the Mass.
Social events
St Austin & St Gregory, Margate
Saturday 28 Feb
5.00 pm
Sunday 1 Mar
9.30 am
11.30 am Pro populo
Monday 2 Mar
6.30 pm
Hurley family DRF
Tuesday 3 Mar
9.00 am
Thomas O'Neill Anniv
Wednesday 4 Mar
12.00 pm Thursday 5 Mar
9.00 am
Brophy Family FM
Friday 6 Mar
10.00 am Funeral of Stanley Chesworth
6.00 pm
Saturday 7 Mar
9.00 am
Fr Anthony Richins RIP
5.00 pm
Sunday 8 Mar
9.30 am
11.30 am Pro populo
St Anne, Cliftonville
Sunday 1 Mar
10.00 am Monday 2 Mar
10.00 am Christopher Narborough GE
Wednesday 4 Mar
10.00 am Holy Souls FM
Friday 6 Mar
10.00 am Sunday 8 Mar
10.00 am Booking Mass intentions
Please use the envelopes provided, write the
name(s) clearly and indicate whether the Mass is
for someone who has died or for the welfare of
someone who is living. The following standard
abbreviations are used in the newsletter:
RIP: for the repose of the soul of ... Anniv:
anniversary of death of ... GE: for the good estate
(welfare) of ... TG: Thanksgiving for ...
FM: Foundation Mass.
Some dates for your diary:
 Quiz Night: Friday 15 May 7.30pm
 Summer Fair: Saturday 4 July 1.30pm
 Quiz Night: Friday 2 October 7.30pm
Please let Fr Finigan know if you have any
other ideas for social events in the parish.
Family Fast Day
I propose observing Friday 20 March as our
Lenten Family Fast Day on which we go
without some food and give what we have
saved (and perhaps more than that) to
charity. Envelopes are available at the back
of the Church for you to make a contribution to Aid to the Church in Need, in support particularly of Christians who are persecuted in the Middle East.
Indulgences in Lent
On the Fridays of Lent, a plenary indulgence may be gained by saying the “Prayer
before a Crucifix” after Holy Communion. A
plenary indulgence may also be obtained
by making the Stations of the Cross.
To gain a plenary indulgence we must, in
addition to the prescribed work, receive
Holy Communion, make a sacramental
confession, pray for the intentions of the
Holy Father, and be free from attachment
to sin.
Easter raffle
There will be our customary Easter raffle,
drawn on Easter Sunday after 9.30am
Mass. Prizes for the raffle would be gratefully received. Tickets will be on sale from
the 4th Sunday of Lent.
Blessing at Holy Communion
If you bring children up for a blessing at the
time of Holy Communion, please ensure
that they cross their arms so that the priest
or deacon knows that they have not made
their first Holy Communion yet.
Visit of Cardinal Burke
HE Cardinal Raymond Burke will celebrate
Pontifical High Mass (older form) on Monday 9 March at 6.30pm at the Shrine of St
Augustine at Ramsgate. All are welcome.
Icon retreat
Amanda de Pulford is offering Icon Retreats
at Minster Abbey. For details, see the notice in the Church porch.
Women’s World Day of Prayer
Friday 6 March. Services 10.30am at St
John’s, Margate, and 7pm at Garlinge
Methodist Church.
Catholic Church of Ss Austin and Gregory
with St Anne, Margate
St Austin & St Gregory: Victoria Road, Margate
St Anne: Eastern Esplanade, Cliftonville
Parish Website —
Parish Priest: Fr Timothy Finigan MA STL
38 Charlotte Place Margate CT9 1LP.
01843 220825. [email protected]
Assistant Priest: (St Anne’s & OL Star of the Sea):
Fr Godfrey Holdstock. 07913774327
Parish Deacons: Rev. Neville Gascoigne; Rev.
Ambrose Tuckell
St Austin & St Gregory, Margate
Sunday Masses: 5pm (Saturday) 9.30am, 11.30am
Weekday Masses: Mon 6.30pm (Latin); Tue 9am;
Wed 12noon; Thur 9am; Fri 6.30pm; Sat 9am
Confessions: Fri after 6.30pm Mass; Sat 9.45-
10.15am; 4-4.45pm
Devotions: Tuesday 8.40am: Lauds (Morning
Prayer) ; Wednesday 11.30am: Rosary; Friday after 6.30pm Mass: Benediction; Saturday after 9am
Mass: Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour.
St Anne, Cliftonville
Sunday Mass: 10am
Weekday Masses: Mon, Wed, Fri 10am
Confessions: 9.30am Friday; 9.30am Sunday
Eucharistic Adoration: Mon, Wed, Fri 9.30am
St Gregory’s RC Primary School & Nursery,
Nash Road Margate. 01843 221896
Ursuline College (RC Secondary School)
225 Canterbury Road, Westgate. 01843 834431