Margate Parish News - St Austin and St Gregory, Margate, with St


Margate Parish News - St Austin and St Gregory, Margate, with St
Margate Parish News
St Austin and St Gregory, Margate, with St Anne, Cliftonville
5th Sunday of Lent B
Consoling the
Sacred Heart of Jesus
When Our Lord was suffering in the
Garden of Gethsemane, he was aware
not only of the sins that had been
committed in the past, but also of all
the sins that would be committed in
the future, compounding the betrayal
and blasphemy that He suffered. Consideration of Christ’s agony helps us to
have heartfelt sorrow for our sins.
Our Lord was also aware of all the
prayers, penances and works of charity
that would be undertaken down the
ages until the end of time, not only by
the saints but also by His ordinary followers like ourselves. The angel who
consoled Him in the garden rejoiced
with Him in all the love that would be
shown to Him until the end of time.
Reparation for sin is not simply a
theoretical idea. It is true that the
damage caused by sin, and the objective offence that it offers to God, is
countered by the prayers and good
works of the faithful, but we can also
think of the consolation of Christ given
by the angel, by Our Lady, and the
other holy women, as well as St John
and the men who took his body down
from the cross. It is a privilege for us to
participate with them in an active and
heartfelt love for Christ in His passion.
Every time we put up cheerfully
with our daily sufferings, every time
we make a short prayer from the
heart, every time we do an act of charity for others, we bring joy to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and truly share in
His redeeming work. We also draw
close to the Heart of Our Lord who invites us to be his friends. Our faith and
our spiritual life is much more than a
vague “being religious”, it is a personal
share in the saving work of Christ who
suffered out of love for us.
Veiling of the crucifixes
statues and statues
By ancient custom,
the crucifixes and
statues in the Church
are veiled during
Passiontide, the last
two weeks of Lent.
As with many of our
ancient liturgical customs, this has various
meanings. Before his Passion, Jesus hid
himself and no longer went openly among
the Jews. At his passion, the divinity of
Jesus was hidden by his humiliation and
sufferings for our sake. The statues of Our
Lady and the saints are covered because it
is not fitting for the servants to be honoured when their Master is hidden.
The veiling of the statues gives a striking
austerity to the Church, reminding us of
the solemn and mournful time of the suffering and death of the Lord as we approach the liturgical celebration of His
We adore Thee, O Christ and we praise
Thee; because by Thy Holy Cross
Thou hast redeemed the world.
22 March 2015
Lent talk
This Wednesday 25 March, we will have
English Vespers at 7pm followed by a light
supper in the Hall. At 7.45pm, Fr Finigan
will give a talk on “The Creed, the Councils,
and Jesus Christ.”
Sunday 21 June 3pm at St Anne’s
Archbishop Smith will be visiting the Deanery to celebrate Mass and confer the sacrament of Confirmation for candidates in
Thanet Deanery on Sunday 21 June at 3pm.
The ceremony will be at St Anne’s in
A course of sacramental preparation for
candidates within our own parish will be
offered after the Easter holidays, suited to
those who are 12/13 years of age (Year 8 at
school) who believe in Christ, are regularly
practising their Catholic faith, and intend to
do so as a permanent way of life.
Enrolment forms and a copy of the programme are available at the back of the
Church. The enrolment forms must be
completed and returned before Easter.
The first meeting, for parents and candidates, is on Monday 27 April at 7.30pm.
Holy Week and Easter
Programme of services
The programme of services for Holy Week
and Easter at St Austin’s and St Anne’s, is
available at the back of the Church. Please
note the extra times for Confession at both
Churches during Holy Week as well as the
additional opportunities to assist at the
Stations of the Cross.
Please take a copy of the programme of
services for yourself. Please also take copies for any Catholics you know who have
abandoned the practice of their faith. Holy
Week and Easter is a powerful time of conversion when your invitation may be an
occasion of grace.
Good Friday children’s Stations
At the Stations of the Cross at St Austin’s
on Good Friday at 12noon, children are
invited to bring a home-made cross to carry
in procession. There will also be opportunities for any children or young people who
would like to read for one of the Stations.
Those who would like to read are asked to
turn up at 11.45am to prepare beforehand.
News and Events
John Curling RIP
Indulgences in Holy Week
Big Easter Clean
The Requiem Mass will be on Monday 30
March at 1.15pm, followed by committal at
Thanet Crematorium.
Special plenary indulgences may be gained
at the services of the Easter Triduum for
the following pious exercises:
Mass at St Gregory’s School
Maundy Thursday: Join in the singing of
the Tantum ergo at the reposition of the
Blessed Sacrament
Additional volunteers are invited to help
our regular volunteer Church cleaners with
the annual “Big Easter Clean” of the Church
in preparation for Easter. This will take
place on Holy Saturday 4 April, starting at
10am. It would be much appreciated if
some men could assist.
Wednesday 25 March
This Wednesday, Fr Finigan will celebrate
Mass for the feast of the Annunciation St
Gregory’s school at 9.10am for the whole
school. Parents and Grandparents are welcome to attend the Mass.
Of your charity,
pray for the repose of the soul of
John Curling
who died recently.
Requiescat in pace
St Austin & St Gregory, Margate
Saturday 21 Mar
5.00 pm
Ulcoq family FM
Sunday 22 Mar
9.30 am
Bernard Byrne GE
11.30 am Pro populo
Monday 23 Mar
6.30 pm
Robinson family DRF
Tuesday 24 Mar
9.00 am
Wednesday 25 Mar
12.00 pm Patrick Joseph Sanneh RIP
Thursday 26 Mar
9.00 am
Beatrix Robinson GE
Friday 27 Mar
6.30 pm
Saturday 28 Mar
9.00 am
Fr Paul Spellman RIP
5.00 pm
Pamela Bolt RIP
Sunday 29 Mar
9.30 am
11.30 am Pro populo
St Anne, Cliftonville
Sunday 22 Mar
10.00 am Maureen Rossiter RIP
Monday 23 Mar
10.00 am Fr Damien Walne RIP
Wednesday 25 Mar
10.00 am Sotos family DRF
Friday 27 Mar
10.00 am Gabriel Falade RIP
Sunday 29 Mar
10.00 am Holy souls
Booking Mass intentions
Please use the envelopes provided, write the
name(s) clearly and indicate whether the Mass is
for someone who has died or for the welfare of
someone who is living. The following standard
abbreviations are used in the newsletter:
RIP: for the repose of the soul of ... Anniv:
anniversary of death of ... GE: for the good estate
(welfare) of ... TG: Thanksgiving for ...
FM: Foundation Mass. DRF: Deceased relatives
and friends.
Good Friday: Take part in the Solemn Liturgy, or take part in the Stations of the
Cross, or follow the Pope’s Stations on
radio or television.
Holy Saturday: Renew the vows of your
Baptism at the Easter Vigil.
To gain a plenary indulgence we must, in
addition to the prescribed work, receive
Holy Communion, make a sacramental
confession, pray for the intentions of the
Holy Father, and be free from attachment
to sin.
Divine Mercy Sunday
Sunday 12 April: devotions at 3.30pm
St John Paul named the Sunday after Easter
“Divine Mercy Sunday” when we recall the
great mystery of God’s mercy and forgiveness. At 3.30pm, we will have the Divine
Mercy chaplet, followed by Benediction
with confessions available afterwards. A
plenary indulgence may be gained by participating in the Divine Mercy devotion on
Divine Mercy Sunday.
Servers for Holy Week
Would servers please sign up on the list in
the sacristy for the ceremonies of Holy
Week. Parents are kindly asked to assist so
that servers are free to attend, and to arrive early for the services. There will be a
practice for the Easter Vigil from 11am12noon on Holy Saturday 4 April.
Easter raffle
St Austin’s
There will be the customary Easter raffle, at
St Austin’s, drawn on Easter Sunday after
9.30am Mass. Prizes for the raffle would be
gratefully received. Tickets will be on sale
from the 4th Sunday of Lent.
St Anne’s
St Anne’s will also hold an Easter raffle as
usual with the draw taking place on Easter
Sunday. Prizes would be gratefully received.
Second collection this weekend
Aid to the Church in Need
After all Mass this weekend, there will be a
basket collection following our Family Fast
Day. Please put your Family Fast Day envelopes in the basket. (You can also make a
donation without an envelope.)
All proceeds will go to Aid to the Church in
Need, in support particularly of Christians
who are persecuted in the Middle East. This
cause is of special urgency at the present
time, so please be generous.
Clocks forward
A reminder that next
weekend the clocks are
put forward
one hour.
Catholic Church of Ss Austin and Gregory
with St Anne, Margate
St Austin & St Gregory: Victoria Road, Margate
St Anne: Eastern Esplanade, Cliftonville
Confessions: Fri after 6.30pm Mass; Sat 9.4510.15am; 4-4.45pm
Parish Website —
Devotions: Tuesday 8.40am: Lauds (Morning
Prayer) ; Wednesday 11.30am: Rosary; Friday after 6.30pm Mass: Benediction; Saturday after 9am
Mass: Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour.
Parish Priest: Fr Timothy Finigan MA STL
38 Charlotte Place Margate CT9 1LP.
01843 220825. [email protected]
Assistant Priest: (St Anne’s & OL Star of the Sea):
Fr Godfrey Holdstock. 07913774327
Parish Deacons: Rev. Neville Gascoigne; Rev.
Ambrose Tuckell
St Austin & St Gregory, Margate
Sunday Masses: 5pm (Saturday) 9.30am, 11.30am
Weekday Masses: Mon 6.30pm (Latin); Tue 9am;
Wed 12noon; Thur 9am; Fri 6.30pm; Sat 9am
St Anne, Cliftonville
Sunday Mass: 10am
Weekday Masses: Mon, Wed, Fri 10am
Confessions: 9.30am Friday; 9.30am Sunday
Eucharistic Adoration: Mon, Wed, Fri 9.30am
St Gregory’s RC Primary School & Nursery,
Nash Road Margate. 01843 221896
Ursuline College (RC Secondary School)
225 Canterbury Road, Westgate. 01843 834431