CHAMPIONSHIP 2 RING SHOW - Cat Association of Tasmania Inc.
CHAMPIONSHIP 2 RING SHOW - Cat Association of Tasmania Inc.
Derwent Cat Club Inc. 2 RING CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW AT THE GRAND STAND PAVILION HOBART SHOWGROUNDS, GLENORCHY SUNDAY 12th April 2015 PROUDLY SPONSORED BY FIBRECYCLE (There will be a Top 10 Overall in each Ring Trophies Best & Reserve plus Rosettes all Top 10 Places). To be held under the Rules and Regulations of the Cat Association of Tasmania (Inc.), which is an affiliate of the Australian Cat Federation (Inc.) Wins at this show count towards CAT (Inc.) Cat, Kitten and Neuter of the Year 2015 awards. JUDGES RING 1 Anne Bourke FCCVic All Breeds RING 2 Geoff Beckett FCCVic All Breeds Show Manager Mr. Greg Little Show Secretary Ms. Tracy Stokoe 0417 627 289 (only between 5.30pm - 7.30pm) INLINE VETTING from 9.00 to 10.00 am JUDGING COMMENCES 10.30am THIS SHOW WILL BE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FROM 10.00 AM CLOSE OF SHOW 3.00 pm approximately EXHIBITORS WILL PRESENT THEIR OWN EXHIBITS Judging will be conducted in bays and you will be able to see and hear the judging. The exhibits will stay in their original cages. ENTRIES CLOSE 22nd March 2015 ENTRIES INVALID WITHOUT PAYMENT SEND ENTRIES TO - Ms. Tracy Stokoe 95 Charles St MOONAH 7009 Email: [email protected] You may also email your entries, on the official entry forms only and the signed summary sheet needs to be included, however, your entry will not be valid until payment is received on or before the close of entry date either by post or electronic funds transfer (see Payment of Entry Fees section for EFT details). NO LATE ENTRIES PLEASE For inquiries please email Tracy [email protected] GENERAL CONDITIONS OF ENTRY REGISTRATION The Club may only accept entries for cats that are registered with a recognised control body. Household pet exhibits are not required to be registered. Owners of Household pet exhibits must be members of the C.A.T. Inc. Kittens under the age of twelve (12) weeks may not be shown or exhibited i.e. Kittens born after 18th January 2015 are not eligible to be shown at this show. VETERINARY EXAMINATION In accordance with the current CAT Inc rules, veterinary examination of exhibits will be in-line. The Veterinary Surgeon shall not allow any cat to remain on exhibition, or he shall order any cat to be removed from the exhibition if, in his opinion, it is suffering from any contagious or infectious disease, or has external parasites, or has been treated or prepared for exhibition in contravention of the Rules and Regulation of the C.A.T. Inc. The Veterinary Surgeon’s decision, in this regard, is final. Should the Veterinary Surgeon reject one of an exhibitor's cats for reasons of contagious or infectious disease or evidence of external parasites, all the exhibitor's entries may be rejected at the discretion of the Veterinary Surgeon. No person may knowingly exhibit a cat that has been exposed to the risk of infectious or contagious disease. BENCHING Cage doors must be easily opened by stewards and judges and not hindered in any way by cage fronts or water bowls. Hot water bottles must be completely enclosed. Cages must be kept clean by exhibitors. Any litter spilt on the floor must be cleaned up by the exhibitor. OWNER PROVIDED CAGES If you are using your own cage you must provide a solid barrier at the sides and back of the cage to protect neighbouring cats and your cat from potential infection or droplet/aerosol carry over. WITHDRAWAL OF ENTRIES Withdrawal of entries must be notified to the Show Secretary prior to the show if possible. JUDGING The judge's decision is final unless such decision is contrary to the Rules and Regulations of the C.A.T. Inc. Judges are empowered and instructed to withhold any prize, special prize, Challenge Certificate, Certificate of Excellence or ACF Award if they consider the exhibits are not of sufficient merit. The Judge may award a second or third place instead of a first or second place. DISCLAIMER The Club will be most anxious for the care and safety of cats being exhibited, or any other property entrusted to it; but it must be clearly understood by exhibitors and all other persons, that the Club will not be responsible for the loss, detention of or damage to or by any cat or property, whether arising from accident or other cause whatsoever, or from any act or omission of itself, it's officers, agents, servants or other. CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE All Grand titled exhibits registered with the C.A.T. Inc. are eligible for this class. Please be sure to give your Grand titled exhibits their correct titles. Indicate on entry form for entry in this class. Entry is free. ACF AWARDS All Adult exhibits registered with a recognised control body are eligible for this class. Entry is free. Mobile phones and pagers must not be turned on in the show hall unless on silent mode. Exhibitors speaking on a mobile phone in the show hall must move away from any ring where judging is in progress. Any audible comments or other communication on the decision of a judge will not be tolerated and will be reported to the C.A.T. Inc. committee by the C.A.T. Inc. representative. PLEASE NOTE THAT, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILTY OF THE EXHIBITOR TO ENSURE THAT THE CAGE IS DISINFECTED, TO THEIR OWN SATISFACTION. SHOW CLASSES KITTEN CLASSES - Entire & desexed Exhibits 12 weeks and under 9 months on the day of show. Kittens under the age of twelve (12) weeks may not be shown or exhibited. Kittens born after 18th January 2015 are not eligible to be shown. F3/M3 F5/M5 F7/M7 F9/M9 Female/Male Kitten under 3 months Female/Male Kitten under 5 months Female/Male Kitten under 7 months Female/Male Kitten under 9 months CAT CLASSES - Entire exhibits 9 months and over on the day of show. FO/MO Female/Male Open FS/MS Female/Male Senior - 5 years to 7 years. FV/MV Female/Male Veteran over 7 years. DESEXED CLASSES - Desexed Exhibits 9 months and over on day of show. Adult classes - as for Cat Classes. Please indicate by adding ‘D’ e.g. DFO - Desexed Female Open DMO - Desexed Male Open CHAMPIONSHIP CLASSES FCH/MCH Female/Male Champion FGC/MGC Female/Male Grand Champion FDGC/MDGC Female/Male Double Grand Champion FPN/MPN Female/Male Premier Neuter PGN/MGN Female/Male Grand Premier Neuter FDGN/MDGN Female/Male Double Grand Premier Neuter CHALLENGE - May only be awarded at the discretion of the Judge in OPEN CLASSES. Certificate of Excellence (COE) ACF Award Certificate GROUP EVENTS LIT Open to all CAT Inc Registered Adult Exhibits - NO CHARGE Open to all Adult Exhibits - NO CHARGE Litter of Kittens. HOUSEHOLD PET All household pet exhibits MUST BE DESEXED and vaccinated. DFK DMK CAT CLASSES Desexed Female Kitten Desexed Male Kitten Same as pedigreed Cat Classes i.e. DFO/DMO Desexed Female Open/Desexed Male Open CAT INC. OFFICIAL SHOW ENTRY FORM Office Use Please fill in (Capital Letters) all applicable sections so the show paperwork can be Exhibit No: done correctly Eye Colour: EMS Code: Breed: Title/Name: D.O.B: / / Age At Date Of Show ____Years____Months Reg No: Sire: EMS Code: Dam: EMS Code: Breeder : Owner: Colour/Pattern: Gender: State Bred: Classes Entered: _______ _______ _______ Cage: Please Circle Single Double Own (please state size) CAT INC. OFFICIAL SHOW ENTRY FORM Office Use Please fill in (Capital Letters) all applicable sections so the show paperwork can be Exhibit No: done correctly Eye Colour: EMS Code: Breed: Title/Name: D.O.B: / / Age At Date Of Show ____Years____Months Reg No: Sire: EMS Code: Dam: EMS Code: Breeder : Owner: Colour/Pattern: Gender: State Bred: Classes Entered: _______ _______ _______ Cage: Please Circle Single Double Own (please state size) CAT INC. OFFICIAL SHOW ENTRY FORM Office Use Please fill in (Capital Letters) all applicable sections so the show paperwork can be Exhibit No: done correctly Eye Colour: EMS Code: Breed: Title/Name: D.O.B: / / Age At Date Of Show ____Years____Months Reg No: Sire: EMS Code: Dam: EMS Code: Breeder : Owner: Colour/Pattern: Gender: State Bred: Classes Entered: _______ _______ _______ Cage: Please Circle Single Double Own (please state size) Additional entry forms are available from CAT’s website - LITTER ENTRY EXHIBITOR _____________________________________________ PREFIX ___________ BREED________________________DOB ____________ LITTER REG NO. ___________ SIRE ______________________________________________________________________ DAM______________________________________________________________________ LITTER_______________months Important: Please complete in breed and colour sequence - females first then males NAME OF KITTEN COLOUR EMS Code F/M REG NO _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ LITTER ENTRY EXHIBITOR _____________________________________________ PREFIX ___________ BREED________________________DOB ____________ LITTER REG NO. ___________ SIRE ______________________________________________________________________ DAM______________________________________________________________________ LITTER_______________months Important: Please complete in breed and colour sequence - females first then males NAME OF KITTEN COLOUR EMS Code F/M REG NO _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ DERWENT CAT CLUB SUMMARY SHEET – 12 April 2015 Name: - _____________________________________________ Phone: - ___________________ Address: - _________________________________________________________ I/We the undersigned hereby certify that (A) the above-mentioned cats are owned or leased by me/us and are registered with the CAT Inc, or a recognised control body (non pedigrees excepted). (B) The cats are eligible for the classes entered; (C) I/We enter the cats at our risk; (D) I/We agree to observe and be bound by the rules and regulations of the C.A.T. Inc committee, and accept that their decision is final; (E) I/We acknowledge and agree that my/our exhibit(s) may be handled by authorised Cadet Judges during training assignments as approved and scheduled by the C.A.T. Inc; (F) I/We certify that to the best of my/our knowledge and belief the cat(s) exhibited is/are in good health and has/have not immediately exposed to any infectious or contagious disease or has not been on the same premises as any cat which has been affected with any infectious or contagious disease. (g) I/We have not exhibited at an unvetted show within the past thirty (30) days. Date:-_________________________ Signed:-________________________________________ ENTRY FEE COVERS BOTH RINGS Membership 1 August 2014 – 31 July 2015. New members welcome. Membership paid with entries will cover the remainder of the 2014/2015 membership year. Amount Description of Payment Membership Single: $5.00 Family: $10.00 Pensioner: $2.50 Open Classes Members @ $13.00 and $9.00 from the 5th entry Non Members @ $16.00 and $10.00 from the 5th entry Championship Classes Members @ $13.00 Non Members @ $16.00 Kitten Classes Members @ $13.00 Non Members @ $16.00 Litters - Members @ $8.00 each litter entry and $3.50 per kitten Litters - Non members @ $10.00 each litter entry and $4.00 per kitten Household pet @ $13.00 Exhibition Cage @ $10.00 (available to all exhibitors) C.A.T. Inc Levy @ $2.00 per exhibit Cage fee: Single: $2.00 Double: $4.00 Own cage: Nil Catalogue @ $6.00 Advertising – Half Page @ $5.00, Full Page @ $10.00 Donation TOTAL AMOUNT VET SLIP NAME: ______________________________________________________ Name of Exhibit Breed Are you able to help at anytime during the show as:- SGL Judges Steward Card Table DBL Cage No.