Bulletin Sheet - St. Margaret`s Church Uxbridge


Bulletin Sheet - St. Margaret`s Church Uxbridge
1st - 7th March,
Second Sunday
of Lent
Welcome to St. Margaret’s
If you are new please ask for a Welcome Booklet
and if you would like, fill in the welcome card.
Welcomers & Sidespeople (those with badges who greet you)
are here to help - if you have any questions please ask them.
St. Margaret’s Church
Healing Ministry:
Our prayer team would be delighted to listen and pray with you during
communion or after the service at:
9am—1st & 3rd Sundays
10.45am—Every Sunday
7pm—Every Sunday
12.40pm—Last Friday of the month
Holy Communion: There will be a non alcoholic wine available if you prefer, simply ask the chalice administrator. Gluten free wafers are also available. Please notify clergy before the service starts if you need this.
Pastoral Team: All our congregations have pastoral teams available to
offer help and support. Please fill in a card or speak to any of the clergy.
If you are here on Sunday
A very warm welcome to Philip Bingham, CMS’s Mission Personal Manager, who will be preaching at our services today.
Children of All Ages are welcome here at both our morning services.
Today at our 9.00am and during our 10.45am service the children (from 311 years) will go upstairs for Sunday School. There is a crèche area for
the under 3’s upstairs...and a crèche area for the younger children in the
foyer—please help yourself.
Young People (Pathfinders)
Years 7-11 (11-16 years) meet in the service at 10.45am and then go over
to Christ Church when the other groups go upstairs.
As we come together for worship, please ensure
that your mobile phone is on silent or switched off
Church Mission Society Mission Week
– Sharing Jesus, Changing Lives.
Readings: Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 (page 17), Mark 8:31-38 (page 1012)
Holy Communion with children’s group
Holy Communion with children’s groups
Tea and Cake with CMS Speaker Philip Bingham
Evening Service with Holy Communion
1.00pm Songs of Praise
Theme: CMS— Sharing Jesus, Changing Lives.
10.30am Holy Communion
12.40pm Holy Communion
Our Parish Vision:
“To see peoples lives transformed in Uxbridge
through knowing God’s love and living Christ’s way”
For all the very latest news, visit: www.stmargaretsuxbridge.org
St. Andrew’s
Please Pray for:
St. Margaret’s:
Gloria Simmons and family, Jo Paton and Claire Miller and their families, Eric Bannister, Chantal
We remember in faith and love
Palmer, Ruth Simpson, Joan & MiAll those who have died
chael Hyland, Paula & Stephen
especially Gill Hodgson,
Fairbairn, Muriel Sexton, Daisy
John Simmons, Leslie Terry and
Linford, Wyn & Mary Price, Anne
all anniversaries that occur at this
Tomorri, Rosemary Bartholemew,
time including
Hamish McGregor, Joy Shiner,
Myrna Kemp, Peter Murray,
Sheila Coole, Kim Martin and EiThomas Rees, Peggy Wright,
leen Goslett.
Daisy Fairbairn, Peggy Saunders,
and Margaret Saunders
Please pray for
Arianna and Brianna and their
family as they are baptised on
Sunday 8th March at 10.45am
Dave Skelton, Aidan Hewitson &
family, Glenys Seymour, Nicola
Harrison, Joan Smith, Melanie
Deeks, Ali Herman-Hunt, Audrey
Bird and David Badhams.
Please pray for:
Church Mission Society
Their mission partners are
members of the community
who feel called to serve alongside local Christians in other
cultures, in the world.
Please lift them to God and
also the Yanez family
working in Malagar.
Parish Staff
The Revd Andrew Sheard (Team Rector/St. M’s Vicar—day off Fri eve/Sat daytime)
01895 237853
The Revd June Hughman (Town Centre Minister/Ass. Vicar St. M’s—day off Thursday) 01895 254121
The Revd Tim Atkins
01895 231801
The Revd Cliff Bowman (St. A’s Vicar—day off Friday)
01895 239055
The Revd John Jenkins (Curate at St. A’s, Days Off: Tues & Sat)
Pete TELFer (Parish Youth Worker—Part time)
[email protected]
Paul Singleton (Student Youth Worker—day off Friday)
07803 838088
Carrie Moore (Weekday Coffee Shop Manager)
01895 812193
Tina Rapson (Outreach Pastoral Worker) Monday-Wednesday
01895 812193
Rachel Drake (Outreach Pastoral Worker) Wednesday-Friday
01895 812193
Jane Hills (Parish Office)
01895 258766
Patrick Colbert (Saturday Pastoral Worker & Coffee Shop Manager)
Jonny Rapson (Voluntary Worker—day off Saturday)
Parish Office: 01895 258766 [email protected]
Office Hours this week: Mon—Weds 9.30am - 1.30pm, Thurs & Fri 9.30am - 3.30pm
ST. MARGARET’S WEBSITE: www.stmargaretsuxbridge.org
Oasis Website: oasisuxbridge.org
Email: [email protected]
Parish YOUTH Website: www.stmargaretsuxbridge.org/youth/
Oasis Coffee Shop Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday: 10.00am—2.00pm: Saturday 10.00am-3.00pm
Weekday services
Wed 9.30am
Thur 10.30am
Songs of Praise
Eucharist for Mum & Toddlers
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
St. Margaret’s
St. Andrew’s
St. Margaret’s
St. Margaret’s
Morning Prayer St. Andrew’s Chapel at 9am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday.
Midday Prayers are at St. Margaret’s at 12 noon Monday to Saturday
On Wednesday all the Staff gather for midday prayers from 12-12.30pm.
Everyone welcome
1st - 7th March, 2015
Sunday 1st March
2nd Sunday of Lent
Gen 17:1-7, 15-16; Ps 22:23-end;
Rms 4:13-end; Mk 8:31-end
Thursday 5th March
Jer 17:5-10; Ps 1; Lk 16:19-end
9.30-11.15am Mum’s with children
(Bible Study & Support) Group meets
7.00pm Evening Service with Holy
at 75 Belmont Road
Communion in St. M’s
12.05pm Soup Kitchen in St. A’s Hall
1.00pm Cremation Service at
Monday 2nd March
Breakspear followed by
Dan 9:4-10; Ps 79:8-9, 12, 14; Lk 6:36-38
10.30am Footprints in St. M’s Upper Rm 2.45pm Thanksgiving Service for Gill
Hodgson at St. M’s
11.00am-1pm Foodbank in St. M’s
7.30pm Refresh in St. M’s Upper Room
7.00pm The Vibe in St. A’s Hall
7.30-9pm Prayer Group meet in St. M’s 7.30pm Parenting Course
7.45pm Ambassadors for Christ Group
Friday 6th March
in St. M’s Upper Room
Tuesday 3rd March
Gen 37:3-4, 12-13, 17-28; Ps 105:16-22;
Mt 21:33-43, 45-46
11.00am-1pm Foodbank in St. M’s
11.30am Publicity Group in the Upper
10.00am Little People’s Oasis in St. M’s
Room at St. M’s
Upper Room
2.00pm Women’s World Day of Prayer
11.00am-12noon Songs of Praise Bible,
in St. Andrew’s Church
Coffee & Friendship Group in St. M’s
7.45pm Bellringing at St. M’s.
7.00pm Cells in St. M’s Upper Room
7pm for 7.30pm Growing Leaders in St.
M’s Coffee Shop
Is 1:10, 16-20; Ps 50:8, 16-end; Mt 23:1-12
Saturday 7th March
Wednesday 4th March
Jer 18:18-20; Ps 31:4-5, 14-18; Mt 20:17-28
10.00am Praymates (Chapel & Upper
Room) St. M’s
1.30pm Rise N’ Shine Group in St. A’s
Church Hall
7.30pm Standing Committee meets at
72 Harefield Road.
Micah 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12;
Lk 15:1-3, 11-end
Mothering Sunday - 15 March,
9am & 10.45am
Please join us for these special services and
invite others. Invitation cards available today.
Next Sunday Services (8th March, 2015)
St. Margaret’s: 9.00am Holy Communion with children’s group
10.45am Holy Communion with Baptisms and children’s groups
7.00pm Evening Service
St. Andrew’s
8.00am Said Eucharist
10.00am Sung Eucharist
Electoral Roll
If you are not on the Electoral Roll but are baptised,
worshipping regularly at St Margaret's and are over
16 year's old, then please fill in a form after the
service, which will take just a couple of minutes.
9am Congregation - Sunday 8th March
We will be having ‘Coffee & Cakes’ after the
service. Please stay on and join us. Any
donations for cakes will go to help our Young
People buy a much needed Marquee for Soul
Carrie Moore is leaving her post as Coffee Shop Survivor.
Manager on 31st March after 13 years faithful Revolution Trip to Thorpe Park, 21st March
service. If you would like to contribute to a leaving All Young People 11-18 yrs should have received a
gift for Carrie, as we express our thanks, please put letter if not contact Paul Singleton or Vikki
it in an envelope marked ‘Carrie’ and place it in the
collection at services or bring it into the parish Commissioning “Ambassadors for Christ”
Week commencing Sunday 22nd March.
We would like to pray for and commission as many
Church Mission Society Mission Focus Week
of us as possible at St. Margaret’s as
w/c Sunday 1st March
“Ambassadors for Christ” in the Diocese of London
Find out more about CMS (one of our core Mission on Sunday 22nd March and during the week
links) and their vision of “Sharing Jesus. Changing following...Please come to one of the services that
Lives”. Catch up with the Yanez family working with week if you possibly can.
immigrants in Malagar and hear of some exciting
work developing Youth Ministry in the Congo. Kids Own Easter Journey
There will be the opportunity in all services to pray Wednesday 1st April, 11am to 1pm at St. A’s
and to give financially as part of our worship. If you An exciting opportunity for children to journey with
would like to find out more, why not drop in for tea Jesus through Holy Week and Easter—with all
(and cake!), 5.30pm Sunday 1st March at St. M’s sorts of fun and engaging activities including
passport control (!) games, crafts, quizzes,
with our speaker Philip Bingham?
creative worship and refreshments. Could you help
Gill Hodgson’s Funeral
in any way with enabling this to happen. If so,
Following Gill’s sudden death, her funeral please talk to June.
arrangements are as follows:
Help needed at the 10.45am Service in the
Thursday 5th March
Kingdom Kids group
1.00pm Cremation Service (Breakspear East Chapel)
If you could help with one of the children’s groups
2.45pm Thanksgiving Service (St. Margaret’s)
Gill’s family have indicated that everyone is in Kingdom Kids on a rota basis please speak to
welcome at either or both services. There will be June or Fliss Davenport.
refreshments in St. M’s following the Service of
10.45am Service - Sound Desk Help needed
Thanksgiving. Gill loved cakes. If anyone would
Someone needed once a month on the Sound
like to bake a cake to be shared following her
Desk. Training will be provided. If interested
Thanksgiving Service, they would be most
please contact Alison Atkinson on
welcome. Please let Andrew know.
[email protected] or talk to one of the
John Simmons Funeral
Monday 9th March, 2.30pm
Service of
Hustings prior to General Election
Thanksgiving at St. Margaret’s. All are welcome.
Uxbridge & South Ruislip, Thursday 23rd April
There will be refreshments at St. Margaret’s
Doors open 7pm for 7.30pm start
following the service.
St. John the Baptist Church, Royal Lane,
Ladies Lent Breakfast
Raised £65 in aid of Tearfund’s Oasis Project in
Mumbai. Thank you to all who contributed