NavData® Alert
NavData® Alert
NavData® Alert !! URGENT !! Date: Subject: 27 February 2015 Indonesia Several Airports – See listing below Airport identifiers changed effective 5 March 2015 Jeppesen NavData for cycle 1503, effective 5 March 2015, contains incorrect airport identifiers. The new identifiers published in Indonesia AIP Supplement 01/15, effective 5 March 2015 are listed on next page: THEREFORE, USE CUATION WHEN SELECTING AIRPORTS IN INDONESIA IN CYCLE 1503 NAVDATA. Revised coding will appear in Jeppesen NavData for cycle 1504, effective 02 April 2015. Until then an entry will appear in the NavData Change Notices beginning 13 MAR 15, and this Alert will be posted on the Jeppesen Web site ( WE STRONGLY URGE YOU TO MAKE THIS INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO APPROPRIATE CREW MEMBERS OR CUSTOMERS IMMEDIATELY! If you have questions concerning this NavData Alert, please contact Jeppesen Technical Support at: Phone: 1-303-328-4445 E-mail: [email protected] NavData Alerts are published to advise users of significant issues in Jeppesen navigation data which may affect flight operations or safety. They are distributed to affected ARINC 424 NavData users (avionics companies and other raw data users) and airlines receiving NavData directly from Jeppesen. Alerts are not distributed by Jeppesen to individual airline, business aviation or general aviation pilots, but are available to them on the Jeppesen Web site, Different avionics equipment and computer systems use and display NavData and data derived from NavData differently. Avionics users should consult with their database update service provider for definitive information on whether their system is affected by this Alert. Indonesia Identifiers AIP Supplement 1/15 changed the following Airport Identifiers Location Name Bandar Lampung Bengkulu Cilacap Jambi Kisar Island Luwuk Malinau Mamuju Manokwari Morotai Mukomuko Palangka Raya Palu Padang Pariaman Pangkalanbun Pangkal Pinang Pasir Pangaran Poso Ranai Rengat Sampit Semarang Solo Tambolaka Tangerang Tanjung Pandan Tanjung Redeb Tarakan Ternate Timika Waingapu Wamena Yogyakarta Airport Name Radin Inten II Fatmawati Soekarno Tunggul Wulung Sultan Taha Kisar Syukuran Aminuddin Amir Malinau Tampa Padang Rendani Leo Wattimena Mukomuko Tjilik Riwut Mutiara Minangkabau Int’l Iskandar Depati Amir Pasir Pangaran Kasiguncu Ranai Japura H. Asan Ahmad Yani Adi Soemarmo Waikabubak Budiarto H.A.S. Hanandjoeddin Kalimarau Juwata Sultan Babullah Moses Kilangin Umbu Mehang Kunda Wamena Adi Sucipto Old Ident WICT WIPL WIHL WIPA WAPQ WAMW WALM WAWJ WASR WAMR WIPU WAOP WAML WIPT WAOI WIPK WIDE WAMP WION WIPR WAOS WARS WARQ WADT WICB WIOD WALK WALR WAMT WABP WADW WAJW WARJ New Ident WILL WIGG WAHL WIJJ WATQ WAFW WAQM WAFJ WAUU WAEW WIGM WAGG WAFF WIEE WAGI WIKK WIBG WAFP WIDO WIBJ WAGS WAHS WAHQ WATK WIRR WIKT WAQT WAQQ WAEE WAYY WATU WAVV WAHH IFR/VFR IFR IFR VFR IFR VFR VFR VFR VFR VFR VFR VFR IFR IFR IFR IFR IFR VFR VFR VFR VFR IFR IFR IFR VFR IFR IFR IFR IFR IFR IFR VFR VFR IFR If you have questions concerning this NavData Alert, please contact Jeppesen Technical Support at: Phone: 1-303-328-4445 E-mail: [email protected] NavData Alerts are published to advise users of significant issues in Jeppesen navigation data which may affect flight operations or safety. They are distributed to affected ARINC 424 NavData users (avionics companies and other raw data users) and airlines receiving NavData directly from Jeppesen. Alerts are not distributed by Jeppesen to individual airline, business aviation or general aviation pilots, but are available to them on the Jeppesen Web site, Different avionics equipment and computer systems use and display NavData and data derived from NavData differently. Avionics users should consult with their database update service provider for definitive information on whether their system is affected by this Alert. Indonesia Identifiers