Thursday`s Notices - James Hargest College


Thursday`s Notices - James Hargest College
Rāpare, 5 Poutū-te-rangi 2015
Thursday, 5 March 2015
James Hargest College
2015 Daily Notices
Meetings / Practices
Year 7&8
Wireless help
Wed 18 Feb
You can get help to connect to the school wireless.
At the Senior Campus go to the library on Friday at the beginning of lunch time.
At the Junior Campus go to the library on Tuesday at 1pm.
The wireless instructions are on the school website under BYOD. They are also on the student
Year 7&8
Girls Touch Rugby
Mon 16 Feb 1pm
All girls from Asics and Nikes touch rugby teams, please meet changed for training on Thursday at
1pm. This is our scheduled training time for this term. Let us know if you are unable to make games
and training. Thank you
Year 7&8
Touch Rugby Draw
Turnbull Thompson Park
All touch teams have two games this week so please bring a drink bottle. All players are to be ready
to play 15 minutes before their first game so you can organise subs.
Boys - Stormers play at 4pm and 4:30pm on ground 2.
Boys - Stags play at 4pm on ground 5 then 4:30 on ground 4
Boys - Warriors play ay 4pm on ground 8 then 4:30 on ground 7
Girls - Asics play at 4pm and 4:30pm on ground 9, Girls - Nike play at 4pm and 4:30 on ground 4.
Year 7&8
Y7&8 Book Club
Year 7&8
I have had a request for a book club this year, to be run in the library at lunchtimes. This is just a
preliminary meeting to see if there is enough interest out there to get this underway
If you have an interest in books and reading, please meet Mr Vaughan in the library on Thursday after
you have eaten lunch (1:00) and we'll take the idea from there!
Note: If you have an interest but already have another commitment this week at the same time,
please catch up with me and leave your name and class with me.
(Jot the meeting day and time in your diary right now... like, before you forget!)
Year 7&8
Year 7&8
If you wish to do the 800m and/or 1500m run on athletics day then you need to attend a trial to prove
your fitness.
This will be held on today at 1-00pm on the track. You need to be in your PE gear. It is advised to eat
your lunch after you run.
No trial = no run on athletics day.
Year 7&8
Year 7&8
Does your class have a recycling monitor?
If not, you should and they need to be bringing the class bin over to be emptied each Monday
The class with the most bin empties and signing the list so far is Room 8.
Remember the class with the most empties by the end of Term 2 will get free Hot Chips for lunch in
the last week.
General Notices
Year 7&8
Year 7&8
Practice in the Hall after school today - see you all there
9:17 am
Rāpare, 5 Poutū-te-rangi 2015
Thursday, 5 March 2015
James Hargest College
2015 Daily Notices
Year 7&8
J Rock
Year 7&8
Please make sure that you have paid for J Rock by this Friday. $35 to the office or via internet
banking thanks. If you no longer wish to be involved in J Rock, please let Mrs Blair (room 2) know
Year 7&8
Deoderant Use
Year 7&8
A reminder to all students that roll on deodorant is the only type to be brought to school. We are very
happy for you to use deodorant but the spray varieties cause problems for asthmatics so are not to be
used at all, while in school.
Year 7&8
Sports Academy
Year 7&8
Please be in your PE gear and come to the GATE room at 11.30am. Please bring your little books, if
you were here last week, and something to write with.
Year 7&8
Elite Choir
Year 7&8
Choir practice after school today in the music room until 4:30. A full attendance from everybody,
please. Please see Miss Donkin to excuse yourself if you have a very good reason for not being
Year 7&8
Principals Awards
Lena Huia
Cameron Johnson
Olivia Ballantyne
Jake Utteridge
AJ Lincoln
Heidi Wilks
Jessica Lake
Chris Hyde
Wendale Jabonitalla
Emily Williamson
Peter Hopper
Year 7&8
Year 7&8
Year 7&8
Found shoes
A student came to the office regarding lost black shoes with white insoles. There is a pair in the
cloakbay outside Room 11. Please check to see if they are yours.
Yr 7&8 Sports Netball
Culture are still able to pick up a notice to register for netball.
Yr 7&8 Sports and Culture
Please have the permission slip and money paid to the office by Friday 6th March 2015 (money and
slip together).
Trials Year 7s
9 & 10 March from 3.30 - 6pm
Year 8s
16th and 23rd March 3.30 - 6pm
Payment of $60 is required before the trial date.
Yr 7&8 Sports cricket
Culture training on at 1 05 today.
Yr 7&8 Sports and Culture
9:17 am
Rāpare, 5 Poutū-te-rangi 2015
Thursday, 5 March 2015
James Hargest College
2015 Daily Notices
Yr 7&8 Sports Waterpolo
draw for Friday 6 March
Yr 7&8 Sports and Culture
4.15 JHJC Gold v SBHS Red
4.15 JHJC Silver v Verdon Year 7
4.45 JHC Bronze v Kura Mako
Could all students please arrive 20 minutes before the game starts
9:17 am