Yearbook 2015 - Frankfurt Main Finance
Yearbook 2015 - Frankfurt Main Finance
Yearbook 2015 GROWTH FOR ALL W h y w e n e e d g ro w t h a n d how the financial sector can help achieve it 2 Frankfurt Main Finance WE REPRESENT THE FINANCIAL CENTRE FRANKFURT Regular Members Sustaining Members I N S E L N D E R AU F M E R K S A M K E I T Kompetenznetzwerk Versicherungswirtschaft Version: February 2015 Frankfurt Main Finance 3 FRANKFURT MAIN FINANCE WITH ONE VOICE FOR GERMANY’S LEADING FINANCIAL CENTRE Frankfurt Main Finance is the voice of the Frankfurt financial cen- zone. Today, the Frankfurt Finance Summit has become an indis- tre. In addition to the State of Hesse and the cities of Frankfurt am pensable platform for dialogue and an important voice in shaping Main and Eschborn, its more than 40 members include many well- the terms of the current debate on regulation. known financial market players and their service providers, as well as private and public universities. With their membership, they each In addition, Frankfurt Main Finance pools and coordinates the con- express their close ties to the financial centre and their desire to po- tributions of the state, city and financial sector when international lo- sition Frankfurt am Main effectively as a leading national and inter- cation decisions are being made. In 2014, for example, this financial national financial centre. centre was chosen as the location of the renminbi clearing house. And when financial service providers or international institutions are Founded in August 2008, Frankfurt Main Finance has achieved much planning to open offices in Europe, we work together with Hessen in recent years. It supports local service providers in establishing in- Trade & Invest GmbH, FrankfurtRheinMain GmbH and the Frankfurt ternational business relationships and helps shape outside percep- and Eschborn economic development initiatives to draw the atten- tions of the financial centre, for example among delegations from tion of decision-makers to the city. our partner cities of Busan, Istanbul, Moscow and Beijing. In addition, it was on the initiative of Frankfurt Main Finance that the foun- Another important role that Frankfurt Main Finance sees for itself is dation of the Frankfurt Institute for Risk Management and Regula- that of an observer of events affecting the financial sector, creating tion (FIRM) was advanced, a company that has quickly established platforms for dialogue such as the renminbi conference, the financial itself in its field as a respected authority for research and education. centre breakfast, panel discussions, or this yearbook on the topic of growth and long-term financing. One essential marketing tool for Frankfurt as a financial centre is the Frankfurt Finance Summit, a conference jointly hosted since March International competition between financial centres will continue to 2011 by Frankfurt Main Finance and FIRM which, since its inception, grow, and new competitors will gain strength. This will make it all the has established itself as a meeting place for the global risk and reg- more important in the future to speak with one voice for this finan- ulatory community. Here, central bank governors, regulators, repre- cial centre – and that voice is Frankfurt Main Finance. sentatives of the supervisory bodies, financial policymakers, academics and practitioners come together once a year to discuss current issues in financial market stability. With this event in particular, both partners have managed to emphasise Frankfurt’s importance as a centre for financial market stability and bank regulation in the euro- For more on the financial centre initiative, visit Growth for all The sequoia tree in the plant world, the blue whale in the animal world, the giant crystals in the Naica Mine in Mexico: three potent symbols of the power of growth. The picture on page 20 inspired the designers to choose the crystal, or more generally the crystalline structure, as the leitmotif for this yearbook. Crystals form structures that, while seemingly sturdy, can sometimes be extremely fragile. The German economy is no different: it looks robust, but it can only continue to grow if we make its environment conducive to growth. 4 Co n t e n t s GREETINGS Volker Bouffier Peter Feldmann 5 6 1 | GROWTH IS FEASIBLE A Bridge to the future By Lutz Raettig 8 The ten dimensions of growth 10 Gas & Brake: New rules with side effects By Jens Tolckmitt 12 A kaleidoscope of possibilities By Rainer Neske 15 A culture of long-term financing – The bedrock of a sound financial system By Hans-Dieter Brenner 18 How growth can be achieved By Ulrich Kater, Gertrud Traud, Carsten Brzeski 20 2 | GROWTH IS FUNDABLE Green Finance – Sustainable investment in the energy transition requires sustainable financing options By Tarek Al-Wazir 24 Drivers of the global energy transition By Silvia Kreibiehl und Ulf Moslener 26 Municipalities are taking advantage of new financing sources By Uwe Becker 28 Industry 4.0 – A competitive edge By Volker Brühl 30 Complex structures By Mark Milders 40 Infrastructure – An attractive investment Interview with Viola Scholzen 42 Exchanges: a compass for the use of capital By Gregor Pottmeyer 44 En vogue – Shares as a source of capital By René Parmantier 46 Transparency creates trust By Sascha Rinno 48 SME bonds: worth a second look By Ralf Kauther 50 Investing in the future By Doris Brelowski and Andreas Küppers 52 Turning receivables into liquidity By Moritz von der Linden 54 Industry banks foster independence By Max Weber and Christopher Ley 56 The Pfandbrief: a classic with potential By Wolf Schumacher 58 4 | GROWTH IS EVERYWHERE 3 | GROWTH IS VARIED Financing: Many and varied instruments – known, alternative, new By Stefan Bielmeier 32 Europe is encouraging project partnerships By Florian Degenhardt 36 Financing in collaboration with the private sector By Stefan Zeidler 38 Bank accounts for progress By Arundhati Bhattacharya 60 Firmly on track By Luis M. Linde 62 Turkish banks foster growth By Cevdet Yilmaz 64 Cornerstones of trade By Bernd Meist and Maximilian Habsburg-Lothringen 66 Imprint 68 The opinions of the individual authors published in this yearbook do not necessarily reflect the views of all authors. carbon neutral | DE-140-665833 print production G r e e t i n gs 5 Ladies and Gentlemen, A successful economy is the foundation for prosperity, for jobs and for working together successfully in the future. One of the factors that plays an essential role in determining the success of the economy is the world of finance. That is why the answers to the question of how it is possible to organise finance or the financial sector in an orderly fashion, as a circulatory system serving the real economy, are crucial to the future prosperity of Hesse, Germany and Europe. We want to expand prosperity, both nationally and internationally, by strengthening growth while at the same time dealing with distortions in the international financial markets. In doing so, we have come a long way since the onset of the financial crisis in 2008, with Germany and Europe making tremendous efforts in recent years and successfully avoiding the consequences threatened by the crisis. These efforts also include financial market regulation. A weakness of growth can be overcome if the right framework conditions are established to ensure that companies again have access to reliable financing. Financial market regulation can play a role in encouraging this. Frankfurt came out of the financial crisis in much better shape than many other locations. The financial centre of the Rhine-Main region is doing well. The goal of the Hessian state government is to keep it that way in the future. What we can do to keep the location attractive, we will do. Because the centre of european monetary policy is of vital importance to our state. In Frankfurt Main Finance, the location has a recognised voice. I am confident that this yearbook will again offer many important and forward-looking contributions – for the circle of professionals and beyond. Volker Bouffier Minister-President of Hessen 6 G r e e t i n gs Ladies and Gentlemen, The yearbook of the Frankfurt financial centre published by Frankfurt Main Finance has evolved in recent years into a universally well-regarded platform that each year addresses important policy issues concerning the financial industry. In 2015, the focus of the publication is on growth and long-term financing. According to Eurostat forecasts, growth rates in Germany and the EU are on the rise: for 2014, it calculates the real GDP of Germany at +1.8 percent, with the EU at +1.5 percent, and both at +2.0 percent in 2015. Investment in 2014 is also showing growth with a 4.1 percent increase, or 3.0 percent on average in the EU. Nevertheless, we do also again need to see more substantial investment secured by long-term financing, which establishes sustainable structures to cope with any potential crises. Long-term financing instruments such as bonds offer a good basis for investment projects, provided that the bonds can be used in a manner that achieves the confidence of investors. The imbalances between public and private sector issuers have required intensified bond buying by the European Central Bank. It is therefore essential for further growth to ensure that strong and effective regulation can assess these risks and reduce them preventively. Here, the Single Supervisory Mechanism of the European Central Bank could provide a stable framework that not only regulates the 120 systemically important banks, but could also serve as a model for more consistent financial supervision. Peter Feldmann Mayor of Frankfurt am Main 1 GROW T H IS F E A SIBLE What are the influences that hinder or promote growth. G ermany’s infrastructure thrives on substance, and public investments over the longer term have risen significantly less than GDP. While its share of GDP in 1970 was 4.7 percent, it was only 1.5 percent in 2012. At the end of 2012, the Daehre Commission appointed by the Conference of Minis- will simply not be there for the very good reason that plain econom- ters of Transport estimated that for the maintenance of roads, rail- ics tells us that you can only invest what has previously been saved. ways and waterways alone, Germany needs to invest at least another 7.2 billion euros each year if the business location is not to It is the responsibility of policymakers to ensure a growth-friendly suffer serious damage. On top of this, there is also the urgently re- climate. But recent policy decisions, such as minimum wage or re- quired expansion in regions with weakly developed infrastructure. tirement at 63, do not make things easier for businesses and even inhibit growth. In many other fields, policymakers have considera- These figures make it clear that it is high time to address this sub- ble influence: in education, technology, the tax system, and in other ject. In addition to the pressing need for renewal of existing public areas. The most important of these factors are outlined in the ar- capital stock, there are also major challenges associated with the ticle “The ten dimensions of growth”. expansion of digital infrastructure and the energy transition. Even more alarming is a glance at the financial position of the munici- One of these dimensions is demography. Germany is ageing and palities, with cities and towns absorbing more than half the cost of therefore needs qualified immigration along with meaningful immi- public works in 2012: the findings of the KfW Municipal Panel 2014 gration reform. The federal government has already implemented a show a municipal investment backlog in the amount of 118 billion number of initiatives. Metzler Bank is working in this area within the euros. To meet these challenges, municipalities are thinking about framework of the Metzler Foundation’s “” initiative for the new ways of financing. future, which awards scholarships for German language courses and supports well-educated EU citizens who are entering the Ger- In this, its seventh yearbook, Frankfurt Main Finance would like to man labour market. stimulate debate about the contribution the financial sector can make towards financing the enormous efforts that await our state Among the other factors with substantial influence on growth are in the coming years and decades. It is equally important to us to the conditions for long-term financing. Infrastructure investments raise people’s awareness of the need for true economic growth for with their high volumes committed over a very long period are the common good – because without growth, the financial scope subject to special risks. Increasing regulatory requirements make 9 G r owt h is feasib l e A BRIDGE TO THE FUTURE By Lutz Raettig A well-developed infrastructure is one of Germany's major locational advantages – and a substantial share of our prosperity is based on it. But the deterioration of roads, bridges, railways, utility services and public facilities that is increasingly apparent in the former West German states is becoming a threat to the competitiveness of the business location. Only with adequate growth can we cope with the work to be done in this area. “ Only growth creates the fi nancial scope for investment in infrastructure. ” it d ifficult to award long-term loans of this kind. Is that intentional? their banks, companies should also prepare themselves to place The success of the energy transition is also based on solid long- their financing on a broader basis in the future. term financing, which must enable innovative technologies. Is there a plan for this? The Frankfurt financial centre makes its contribution to growth by providing numerous financial instruments whose importance will The challenges of the future must be met by the public and the pri- continue to grow in the future. Frankfurt is continuously adapt- vate sectors in equal measure. While the underfunding of public in- ing to changing needs and providing stimulus in this area, the vestment and the lack of private domestic investment inhibit growth, most recent example being the launch in Frankfurt of the first companies in this country are – after all – by and large well supplied renminbi clearing centre in the eurozone. With the renminbi cen- with capital. Not least on the insistence of the banks, German com- tre, the Frankfurt financial centre is living up to its traditional con- panies have done their homework by steadily increasing their equity ception of itself as a service provider to the real economy bring- ratio. Still at 18.6 percent on average across companies of all sizes ing capital supply and demand together – for the benefit of the in 2000, it rose to 27.4 percent in 2012. The fact that the equity ra- economy and the strengthening of the growth of our state. ■ tios of the banks could be increased significantly as a result of the extensive regulatory measures is shown clearly by the convincing Dr Lutz Raettig is Spokesman of the Executive Committee of performance of German banks in the ECB’s stress test. Despite Frankfurt Main Finance e.V. and Chairman of the Supervisory Board this trend, and in view of the increasing regulatory requirements of at Morgan Stanley Bank AG in Frankfurt am Main. 10 Growth is feasible The ten dimensions of grow th Many factors influence the growth of an economy. Assessed individually, it quickly becomes clear that growth is no accident. And the low growth rates of advanced industrial countries such as Germany are by no means inevitable. The important thing is to adjust the right parameters – and adjust them right. Demography Mentality Education Regulatory rigidity Tax system Technology Distribution Competitiveness Budgetary Long-term consolidationfinancing Growth is feasible Demography Germany’s population is shrinking at a 11 Education Fifty one percent of students achieve a rate of 0.2 percent every year – by 2050, the number of higher education entrance qualification, and this figure is people living in Germany will have dwindled from 80.9 million to- growing by one percentage point each year. This sounds good, day to 76.2 million. This reduces the number of consumers, work- because innovation requires education, and education facilitates ers and – especially important – creative young minds willing to the introduction of new technologies. Education, you might say, is take risks. This does not bode well for long-term stable growth. a prerequisite for increasing productivity. But the voices of w arning One possible answer: qualified immigration of people in academic are getting louder: in the past, every second young person and non-academic professions. completed an education – today it is only one in four, and the economy is running out of skilled workers. A prime example of the Mentality In 2013, full-time start-ups fell to a historic complexity of educational policy decisions. low of 306,000. At about seven percent, the number of shareholders is extremely low by comparison with other countries. Regulatory rigidity Twenty two percent of the And the main ambition of many students is to get into the civil financial service providers surveyed by the Deutsches Ak- service – for the pension. But growth only works with people who tieninstitut (DAI) in 2014 no longer offer advice on shares because are willing to take risks, which is perhaps the biggest hurdle facing of the growing density of regulations – the transition from saver to Germany. investor has become a hurdle race for the German people. And the share is the capital market instrument that represents “growth” Tax system The book “Current Tax Laws 2015” from per se. This example illustrates how meaning well is not always the the publisher C.H. Beck runs to about 1,500 pages, cover- same as doing well – particularly in the area of regulation. ing the 24 most important tax laws and ordinances. German tax law is extensive and constantly changing. Business people invest in expensive tax compliance systems to protect themselves against Technology German companies registered more than 32,000 patents in Europe in 2013, third place behind the prosecution in the face of increasingly complex laws. Imagine the United States and Japan, and still comfortably ahead of fourth- forces for growth that would be unleashed if they could devote placed China. But the tendencies are worrying: China up 16.2 per- more energy to their core business ... cent on the previous year, Germany down 5.4 percent – the only country among the leaders with a downturn. But only those who Distribution The Gini coefficient for Germany is 0.78. remain innovative remain globally competitive. Innovation is The lower the value between 0 and 1, the more equitable indispensable for growth. the distribution of assets in an economy. 0.78 is the highest value in the eurozone. In France it is 0.68, it is 0.61 in Italy, and in Budgetary consolidation Keeping out of the red Slovakia it is only 0.45. What is better for growth is a matter of is the major theme of German budgetary policy – and a point academic dispute. What is not in dispute, however, is that the of contention with many of its neighbours in Europe calling for fiscal current m ethods of redistribution, for example by means of tax- impetus for growth from Germany. But if budget deficits were an ation, tend to inhibit growth. engine of growth, countries like France and Italy would be among the frontrunners in terms of growth. And they are not. Spain, on the other Competitiveness Germany is ranked in fifth place in hand, shows how consolidation becomes the basis for a new upturn. the Global Competitiveness Index of the World Economic Soundness pays off after all. Forum – not a bad score, you would think. The twelve sub-indices include areas such as infrastructure, financial markets and innova- Long-term financing The share of long-term loans tion – some of the key issues in this yearbook. With advances in to total loans in Germany is about two-thirds. Seen in this the area of labour market efficiency, Germany has gone from being light, the economy without this instrument seems barely imagina- the sick man of Europe to its locomotive. Whether the recent ble. But long-term financing is becoming increasingly difficult in the decisions in labour market policy will damage this achievement current regulatory environment, and this limits the scope of the remains to be seen in the coming years. financial sector to adequately fulfil its role in the financing of growth. Can asset managers and insurance companies step into the breach? 12 G r o w t h i s f ea s i b l e D iscussion of the evident conflict between increasing regulation on the one hand and the promotion of longterm financing on the other has so far taken place mainly among experts. But a wide-ranging debate about the interactions between financial market and banking regulation, and about the long-term provision of funds and growth, would be particularly welcome.. After the onset of the financial crisis, the goal of sustainable stabilisation of the financial system dominated the political agenda in Europe, particularly in the area of fiscal policy. After the regulatory reforms had been by and large adopted, the attention of policy makers has in the past two years turned to the question G r o w t h i s f ea s i b l e 13 Gas& Brake New rules with side effects By Jens Tolckmitt The wish of the European Commission – to strengthen long-term financing in Europe and to make it a pillar of the financial industry – is in some ways a striking contradiction to the system of banking regulation that has been established in recent years. of how the funds required for much-needed growth in Europe promise the traditional hinge function of the banking industry be- can be provided and secured. This is to be welcomed, because tween the capital market and the real economy. No one seriously long-term financing contributes to the enhancement of produc- disputes that the right lessons had to be learned from the financial tion potential, and therefore to growth in Europe. This is the aim crisis – above all the realisation that it makes good sense to bet- of many policy initiatives at both the European and national lev- ter regulate banks to reflect their importance to the economy as els designed to encourage investment programs for the mainte- a whole in order to ensure that the taxpayer is never again sad- nance of transport infrastructure, the development of green en- dled with the costs of any future financial crisis. It is particularly ergy or the promotion of small and medium-sized businesses. important not to lose sight of the potential interactions between various regulatory activities, running the risk of high costs in the As the traditional broker for the provision of long-term capital, the real economy in the medium and long term. The financial sector banking industry has been faced since the onset of the financial has drawn attention to this danger frequently and emphatically crisis in 2008 with drafts of new regulations published with hith- – but unfortunately with limited success. An in-depth analysis of erto unprecedented frequency and, to a large extent, already in these interactions has yet to be undertaken, and there are there- force. Different institutions have to some extent pursued different fore no reliable findings as to the consequences the new regula- goals and adopted proposals that in some cases threaten to com- tory measures will have in their entirety. 14 G r o w t h i s f ea s i b l e Furthermore, the cumulative interaction of various regulatory measures threatens to weaken the refinancing base of the banking industry. In particular, the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD) and Solvency II – the capital adequacy rules for insurers – cause traditional longterm investors in banks to withdraw further from these commitments. At the same time, insurers are increasingly engaging in traThe contribution of these regulatory initiatives to stabilising the ditional banking business without comparable regulation. Finally, banking sector is undisputed. But new rules and refined safe- the frequency of new regulatory initiatives also makes business guard mechanisms alone will not make the European banking in- more difficult for long-term financiers, because the constantly dustry, still weakened to some extent, more efficient in terms of changing requirements cannot be factored into credit terms in its core role as the financier of growth and innovation. Given the an appropriate and necessary manner. “The main concern is to identify the right parameters, otherwise banks could withdraw from long-term financing in favour of shorter maturities.” policy objectives of the European Union in the area of long-term The bottom line must be to work towards less restrictive regulatory financing, it is therefore all the more important to take another crit- treatment of the long-term financing business of credit institutions. ical look at those issues that are still negotiable, such as the de- This is the only way to develop the stimuli of long-term financing sign of the leverage ratio and the net stable funding ratio, in or- that are wanted by policymakers and that promote growth. Oth- der to keep the foreseeable risks and side effects for long-term erwise, the new banking regulation regime threatens to shrink financing as low as possible. But that cannot be the end of the the market for long-term financing. As typical long-term finan- matter. The main concern is to identify the parameters that can ciers, Pfandbrief banks are therefore committed to the careful be used to take the pressure off long-term business and for in- differentiation of these regulations – with the goal of strengthen- stance to melt off term supplements in internal models. Because ing bank lending in this area in order to meet their primary eco- in terms of risk capital adequacy, they create opposing incentives, nomic responsibility of term transformation. ■ causing banks to withdraw from long-term financing in favour of shorter maturities and a reduction of loan terms on balance. But Jens Tolckmitt is General Manager of the Association of G erman this cannot be the intention of the policy. Pfandbrief Banks, vdp. Growth is feasible 15 A kaleidoscope of possibilities By Rainer Neske For some years now, the question of how our economy can finance major long-term projects has been raised with increasing urgency, with the primary focus on the preservation and expansion of our infrastructure. A functioning modern transport n etwork made up of roads, railways, airports and waterways is – next to education and training – the key factor in ensuring the future global competitiveness of Germany and Europe. And in the past 15 years, a new component has been added to the traditional transport networks: our digital infrastructure, which is as important now in safeguarding our economic strength as the expansion of the rail- way network was in the 19th century. 16 Growth is feasible “Financing the renewal of our infrastructure requires determination, a little courage, and a trusting relationship on all sides.” Back then, Europe pulled well ahead of other economic regions in the development of its infrastructure. Today, however, the rest of the world is very much aware of the importance of physical and digital networks. Countries such as China, Japan, and the United States in particular, are investing heavily in the development of broadband networks. Their governments know that the only regions that will be attractive to companies in the future are those that, in addition to excellent transport connections, also offer modern high-speed networks for data transfer, networked production and cloud computing. But the level of investment required for this is enormous. According to estimates by the European Commission, we in Europe need to invest around 2 trillion euros in the infrastructure sector as a whole by 2020. This poses a problem for the individual nations, because given the levels of national debt in most countries, they cannot manage it alone. This means that without the participation of private investors, many infrastructure projects are either delayed or not implemented at all. We must therefore mobilise private capital. In principle, the prospects for this are good. Given the historically low interest rates, insurance companies, pension funds and asset managers are looking for long-term investment opportunities for their customers’ money. What they need are moderate returns at an acceptable level of risk, and these are things that infrastructure projects can offer. Banks, for their part, can play an important role here. While regulation is making traditional lending for infrastructure projects increasingly unattractive, our industry, as an intermediary between investors and companies seeking capital, can offer product solutions and financial advice. This turns us into financial service providers in the best sense of the term, performing an important function in the real economy. Deutsche Bank has done just that in recent years, providing advice and support for several large-scale infrastructure projects. In Slovakia, we placed a structured bond with a volume of 1.24 billion euros and a yield of around 4.7 percent. The capital raised was used by a project company to finance the operation and maintenance of a motorway. The 28 investors were mainly insurance companies, pension funds and asset managers. And I should not Growth is feasible 17 neglect to mention that the transaction allowed the government to chalk up substantial refinancing gains. Of course, everybody concerned must make their calculations soberly. The fact is that the risks involved in investment in infrastructure projects are not to be underestimated, if only because of their scale and long-term nature. Between that and a regulatory envir onment that is not always conducive, many private investors often shy away from getting involved in long-term financing of this kind. Regrettably, public-private partnerships (PPP) are also often viewed critically by government and policy makers. PPPs are clearly suit able for any kind of infrastructure financing. But greater involvement on the part of private investors is also no sign of political weakness. Both sides can benefit: the state through faster and often more cost-effective implementation of projects, and private investors through attractive returns at an acceptable level of risk. In our experience, there are three crucial factors in mobilising private capital for long-term financing: ❙❙ First, companies require planning and legal certainty, especially with a view to the predictability of future returns. ❙❙ Second, the government should establish regulatory incentives. One example would be the easing of capital adequacy requirements for infrastructure projects by means of insurance. ❙❙ Third, the project and financing risks must be distributed fairly among all partners involved, whether publicly or privately owned And essential to long-term financing on all sides are determination, a little courage, and a trusting relationship of collaboration between the public and private sectors. If we can pull together on this basis, we can shoulder urgently needed investments in our infrastructure and release forces for growth in Germany and in Europe – and permanently improve our global competitiveness by doing so. ■ Rainer Neske is a Member of the Management Board of Deutsche Bank AG. “The fact is that the risks involved in invest ment in infrastructure projects are not to be underestimated, if only because of their scale and long-term nature.” 18 Growth is feasible A culture of long-term financing – The bedrock of a sound financial system Germany 75% Long-term loans of five years and longer to companies T he benefits of financing long-term investments with matching maturities and, where possible, fixed interest rates are obvious: for businesses and households, they offer predictability with respect to the term and cost of financing. On the other side, the demand for long-term financing on the part of customers also allows banks to plan for the long term and to organise their liquidity management accordingly, which means that they can significantly reduce their vulnerability to shortterm changes in the capital market and level out fluctuations in interest rates. The German culture of long-term investment can therefore make an important contribution towards making banks and the financial system more crisis-proof. And there is another feature of the German system of financing that should be pointed out: it is traditionally bank-based. Spain This means that the importance of German banks as the main lenders for long-term financing far exceeds their role as pure financial intermediaries. Long-term financing forms the basis for stable customer relationships, often extending over generations. Rather than being occasional, contact with the customer is extensive and ongoing. Banks contribute their overall knowledge – in areas such as the use of funding, financing struc- 90% Short-term or floating rate financing of real estate ture, cash management or investment and asset management – supporting their customers in achieving sustainable development, and also backing them in times of crisis. Helaba‘s business model has been traditionally geared towards long-term relationships between the bank and its customers. Its „relationship banking“ is embedded in a conservative risk profile, coupled with effective risk management and sound equity and liquidity. As a result, the bank can boast very stable business and earnings performance, making it a reliable long-term partner for its customers. Growth is feasible 19 By Hans-Dieter Brenner Germany has a pronounced culture of long-term financing. This is particularly apparent in the area of housing finance. But German companies also prefer long-term financing: about three-quarters of loans to companies and self-employed professionals have terms of more than five years. In some neighbouring European countries, the picture is different: in Spain, for example, more than 90 percent of properties are financed in the short term or at variable interest rates. In the United States, the situation is similar. It can be said without exaggeration that the culture of long-term With a green paper on long-term financing, the EU Commission financing and credit relationships established in Germany is a has already kicked off the debate as to whether more long-term key element of a financial system that is geared towards susta- financing can and should be offered in the future by other finan- inable development of the real economy. And beyond that, it is cial intermediaries such as insurance companies, pension funds a regulatory element of the social market economy. It makes an or loan funds. What it fails to take into account, however, is that essential contribution towards stabilising the markets and the lending by such institutions is not without its difficulties. Alter- economy. It helps to protect both borrowers and banks against native financiers for the most part lack the know-how that has external shocks and the volatility of the capital market. The con- been acquired by the banks over many decades. And they lack sequences of short-term and opportunistic financing practices the long-term customer relationships and the range of servi- have been shown by both the subprime crisis in the United Sta- ces that banks also offer their customers in addition to lending. tes and the mortgage crisis in Spain. As welcome as it is to reduce the risks in the banking sector But long-term financing can also involve risks – which arise if and to increase financial stability, it would be equally counter- banks attempt to generate additional interest income by me- productive to limit the economic function of banks. Negative ans of excessive term transformation. A bank based on a solid repercussions for the real economy, as can occur when long- foundation will try to refinance its loans with matching maturities term financing is restricted or made more difficult, must be avo- where possible or adequately hedge interest rate risks where ided. Outsourcing lending to another – less regulated – sec- maturities are not matching. The financial crisis has shown that tor is not a real alternative. While banks would become more this maxim is not followed by every institution. robust, the risks to the financial system and the real economy would increase. Bank regulators have learned the right lessons from this: the new liquidity requirements are designed to prevent banks from get- The regulators are now faced with the task of increasing the sta- ting into difficulties with liquidity as a result of term transforma- bility of the banks on the one hand without compromising their tion not adjusted for risk. There is no question that refinancing ability to function on the other. It is to be hoped that they re- with matching maturities contributes significantly to the stability solve this problem. The preservation of the German long-term of the financial system. At the same time, however, the recent culture is well worth the effort. ■ and anticipated regulatory measures pose new challenges to long-term credit financing. The primary and stated goal of the net stable funding ratio (NSFR) in particular is to eliminate extreme cases of volatile, rapidly revolving and leveraged shortterm refinancing. As things currently stand, however, there is a danger that the ratio creates incentives to increasingly provide Hans-Dieter Brenner is CEO of Helaba Landesbank loans with short maturities. Hessen-Thüringen. 20 Growth is feasible The Naica Mine gained worldwide fame when natural mountain caverns containing giant crystals of selenite, a form of gypsum, were discovered during mining operations. HOW GROWTH CAN BE ACHIEVED Growth is feasible 21 More education Dr Ulrich Kater, Chief Economist, DekaBank Growth is a triathlon event involving the disciplines of labour force, capital accumulation and technological call for a longer working life and the demands of globalisation re- progress. If the process of growth is to be sustainable, the condi- quire high levels of education and training. These are areas in which tions for all three disciplines must be adequate. For Germany, the the state either sets the framework, as with retirement planning, or greatest challenge is the human capital factor. Demographic trends may even invest directly, as with education. It is in areas of reform like these that Germany still has some catching up to do. ■ 22 Growth is feasible More risk Dr Gertrud Traud, Chief Economist, Helaba As prosperity increases, the willingness to take risks declines in society. In Germany, the tendency to see risks rather than opportunities is particularly pronounced. It is with good reason that we find ourselves discussing, time and again, a widespread “fully comprehensive” mentality or “over-insurance” among our citizens. Demographic change exacerbates this problem fur- have their place, but many have relied too much on debt. Rather ther – because risk aversion increases with age. Reinforcing will- than branding investors as “locusts”, we might instead want to con- ingness to take risks, and strengthening the “equity culture” in par- sider how we can make it more attractive for investors to act not as ticular, should therefore be a central political concern in Germany. creditors but as equity shareholders in companies. The incentives This is not simply with reference to the old debate about “share- to take entrepreneurial risks would also have to be increased – in holder versus stakeholder”, which misses the crux of the problem. terms of both the regulatory framework and fiscal legislation. Banks But the financial crisis has shown that shareholders’ equity to bor- should ensure that they do not retreat – whether voluntarily or in- rowed capital has certain economic advantages. Both instruments voluntarily – too far from the role of financing entrepreneurial activity. Otherwise, they run the risk of being increasingly displaced by other institutional investors. ■ More Europe Carsten Brzeski, Chief Economist, ING Bank The yawning investment gap in particular is an obstacle to future growth, and the current initiatives for new investment are not a moment too late in coming. Infrastructure, high-tech, innovation and energy are areas where investment can stimulate growth not only in the short term, but also in the long term. These also happen to be the areas in which Germany can maintain its strong position in an increasingly competitive global marketplace. The glory years of the German economic miracle are gone for now. By 2014, the strong man of Europe had To create new investment, the public and private sectors need to been reduced to a one-eyed man in the land of the blind. This work together. This is the only way to establish a persuasive struc- period of weakness was caused not only by external factors such ture of incentives. And it’s not just a question of financial incentives: as the crisis in Ukraine or the ongoing stagnation in many euro- it’s also about developing a coherent strategy. A vision. This vision zone countries. It also exposed structural weaknesses in the must go beyond national borders. In sectors such as infrastructure, German economy. Germany is currently enjoying the final stages high-tech, innovation and energy, a coordinated European strat- of the latest round of structural reforms. If this is to continue and egy would send a huge signal of optimism to domestic and for- new impetus for growth is to be found, more structural reforms are eign investors. If we’re looking for sustainable growth in Germany, probably inevitable in the next few years. in other words, there is only one solution: go with more Europe. ■ 2 GROW T H IS F UNDA BLE Why growth requires long-term financing. 24 G r o wt h i s f u n d ab l e Green Finance – Sustainable investment in the energy transition requires sustainable financing options By Tarek Al-Wazir G reen Finance has become more than just a buzzword. And much more than a marketing tool for banks and financial service providers looking to engage in a little greenwashing. Of course companies advertise with the term, courting the favour of the growing number of customers specifically looking for this type of product. But they are also contributing to the fact that billions are flowing into a sector in which there is an immense requirement for financing: the energy transition. We are facing enormous challenges: to complete the phase-out of nuclear power and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels while working against climate change at the same time, we need to change our energy supply, reduce our energy consumption considerably and learn to be more economical with our resources. This green transformation needs financing – green finance. Ultimately, the question is this: how can the financial sector make its contribution to protecting the climate and the environment and creating the infrastructure required to do so? And how can policy support and promote this? In 2013 alone, over 16 billion euros was invested in Germany in the construction of renewable energy plant and infrastructure. In 2014, for the first time, renewable energies will probably be the most important energy source for electricity generation in Germany. But it is not only the expansion of renewable energies that should continue – the necessary expansion of electricity grids and the investment required in energy efficiency and energy conservation will also carry on. This gives a clear picture of the volumes of further investment required to implement the energy transition. And the sums involved make it plain for all to see: only a part of this investment can be raised from companies, individuals or new forms of financing such as crowd investing. G r o wt h i s f u n d ab l e 25 “As the most important German financial centre, Frankfurt plays a vital role in financing the energy transition – and also faces major challenges.” Therefore, we also need to get institutional investors such as in- funds above a certain level from private investors cannot be coun- surance companies or pension funds on board. With their long- tered with the objection that this would involve higher regulatory term investment horizons, investors like these are a very good fit costs for the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority. This for the equally long-term investment required for the energy tran- would not be a compelling reason for failing to improve the regula- sition. There are also several good reasons for the increasing at- tory framework. Investor protection must take priority. tractiveness and profitability of green investments: comparatively speaking, fossil fuels will become considerably more expensive, the In addition to regulatory issues, policy initiatives can also actively rapid technological progress in the field of renewables is continu- contribute to bringing the supply and demand sides together. This ally opening up new business segments and on the demand side, is another area in which we will reinforce our existing commitment. we can see a steady increase in environmental awareness. Add to We provide companies and investors with platforms and events that this the special situation at present, with extremely low interest ra- bring together the stakeholders on both sides. Those who need tes – investors, including institutional investors, are looking for sen- money. And those looking for new forms of investment. sible and sustainable investment opportunities. As the most important German financial centre, Frankfurt plays a But if we are to promote green investment, it must be accompa- vital role in financing the energy transition – and also faces major nied by improved investor protection, especially with regard to small challenges. But at the same time, this new business area also re- private investors. On the dreaded capital market in particular, there presents a historic opportunity for the financial sector. The goal of are still serious deficiencies and regulatory deficits. One possibility the Hessian state government here is clear. We want to develop would be to consider whether investments without rights to parti- the Frankfurt financial centre into a pioneer in the field of green in- cipation or control, such as profit participation rights or registered vestment. And the good news is, that‘s what the financial centre bonds, could be subject to a licensing requirement for providers wants too. The extremely high demand for green bonds at present and issuers from a certain issue volume. In the interest of investor is only one of many good examples of this. So let‘s get to work! ■ protection, it is also imperative to put the necessary oversight capacities into place. The argument for establishing ongoing super- Tarek Al-Wazir is Minister of Economics, Energy, Transport and vision of providers of investments that seek to attract investment Regional Development, State of Hessen. 26 G rowth is fun d ab l e I n most countries around the world, the structural trans- Stable infrastructure projects also attract other equity investors. formation of energy production is on the agenda in one Taking the place of a market heavily dominated by just a few elec- form or another. The driving force behind this is by no tricity suppliers is a more fragmented market, with a wide range of means just climate protection. Concerns about energy independent power producers – the so-called IPPs. There is also security and energy independence also often play a role, much discussion in this context of the democratisation of the en- and even cost considerations are increasingly common: ergy sector – with the consequence that control of the energy mar- in many countries, hydroelectric power is an important pillar of their ket and its medium-term development is more in the hands of pol- least-cost energy supply strategy. In many regions, wind energy can icy makers, not individual large power companies as used to be the already compete with the local options for conventional electricity case. Nor is this always a matter of subsidies. But given the high generation. The falling price of wind turbines and solar power plants fixed costs of renewable energy projects and little potential for ad- is only partly responsible for this. In some countries, the range of re- justing the business model after installation of a plant, investors do sources available in the form of wind and solar power compared to need predictable revenues. conventional power generation brings considerably more b enefits than in this country. The Global Trends Report 1 provides evidence Access to borrowed capital reduces financing costs. Often, how- that renewables are coming of age: in 2013, global investment in ever, the market for long-term outside capital is itself not p articularly Drivers of the global energy By Silvia Kreibiehl and Ulf Moslener The concept of “energy transition” stands for a massive structural transformation away from fossil fuels and nuclear energy and towards a system essentially based on renewable energies. To attract investors for the required new energy infrastructure, the most important factor is a stable environment in the electricity market. This is a challenge for policy makers. new generating capacity amounted to 192 billion US dollars – by liquid. In addition, the familiar trends in financial market regulation in any measure no longer just a fraction of the investment in fossil-fired the context of Basel III and Solvency II present challenges for long- power plants (about 270 billion US dollars). In China, the past year term financing as a whole – particularly through higher relative cap- even saw higher investment in renewables than in coal-fired power ital adequacy requirements and the higher refinancing costs asso- generation for the first time. For many financial intermediaries, this ciated with them. Two additional dimensions of risk associated with is a market with considerable growth potential. the long-term financing of renewable energies should be highlighted here: First, an aspect of political risk that has grown in recent years, This structural transformation changes the requirements for financ- and second, the uncertainty surrounding the electricity m arket of ing: green energy infrastructure is capital-intensive. Although the the future. “fuels” are free, the plants used to generate electricity based on renewables typically have high fixed costs and investment costs. By international standards, the political and regulatory risk asso- Wind and solar may not send invoices, but investors are interested ciated with investment in Europe can be considered low. At the in a return. Compared to conventional power generation, these same time, when compared internationally, policy-based finan- technologies therefore have a particular need for the capital mar- cial support for investment in renewables in Europe is generous. ket, with its term transformation function and access to affordable However, any consistent regulation must link ambitious goals with long-term financing. appropriate investment incentives or other instruments such as a An annual report of the Frankfurt School – UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate and Sustainable Energy Finance. 1 G rowth is fun d ab l e 27 “The future organisation of the electricity market is a key factor in ensuring our ability to make long-term investment decisions.” Polycrystalline silicon solar cells in a solar panel. carbon emissions trading system with corresponding shortages / is then technically necessary, but it pays off only if the price is ex- prices. Both incentives and a carbon market with a high price re- tremely high in periods without wind and sun. From an economic quire active political intervention. The absence of active political perspective, the real shortages are much better represented by two support r educes the profitability of investment in renewables. Since prices, one for actual electricity, and the other for the ability to pro- the promotion of renewables is now ideally derived from the cor- duce electricity. The future organisation of the electricity market is rection of market failures, projects for electricity generation from therefore a key factor in ensuring our ability to make long-term in- renewables would, from an investor’s perspective, in many cases vestment decisions. not be attractive without assistance. The investor must not only see that there is a policy of promotion in place, he must also be If policy makers want to facilitate the long-term financing of the convinced that the policy will be maintained at least over the p eriod energy transition, they are therefore faced with two challenges: first, they must moderate the reorganisation of the electricity market. This involves a complex interaction transition of m icroeconomic, macroeconomic and technical criteria. But conceptually, the second challenge may seem even greater: policy makers must reduce the risk that they themselves unintentionally help to create, of the project. The risk is therefore not primarily one of unexpected frequently through no fault of their own. political intervention, but rather the risk that a particular intervention will not be continued. This risk increases systematically with the level From the financial sector, policy makers will need any honest help of ambition, which is to say the amount of funding. And it is not only they can get on the issue of how these risks can be reduced and political signals that are decisive, but rather factual credibility. Mod- absorbed. The growing share of renewable energy, to which there est funding, as long as it is credible, can mobilise significantly more is no political alternative, must be attractive to investors across investment than an unrealistic promise. However, as is so often the the board and outside the world of corporate social responsibility. case, it is also evident here that trust can be lost a lot faster than it Policy makers must therefore develop reasonable expectations with can be rebuilt: In the Czech Republic, for example, or in Spain, sub- respect to the risk-return expectations of the private financial s ector. sidy policies were at least partially suspended in retrospect – after And the private financial sector for its part must be expected to investments based on trust in the current p olicy had been made. clearly communicate its own expectations and what it sees as the The result: the investments collapsed almost completely. limiting factors. ■ There is another uncertainty that touches on all long-term invest- Silvia Kreibiehl is Head of the FS-UNEP Collaborating Centre for ments in power generation: a fundamental change in the function- Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance and Prof Dr Ulf Moslener ing of the electricity market. In countries like Germany in particular, holds the chair of Environmental Economics & Sustainable Energy where renewables – chiefly wind and solar – already represent a sig- Finance at the Frankfurt School for Finance and Management. nificant component of the electricity mix, the current market structure does increasingly less and less justice to the actual situation. In a market in which there is essentially only one price per quantity of electricity, the option of being able to produce or consume electricity whenever required also has a value. A prerequisite is that while large parts of the electricity from wind and solar are generated at a marginal cost of about zero, the schedule for generation cannot be controlled. For a stable power grid, conventional production 28 G r o w th is f u n d a b l e Municipalities are taking advantage of new financing sources By Uwe Becker The local authority loan continues to be an important instrument for the financing of cities and municipalities. This is especially true for fast-growing cities like Frankfurt am Main. Alongside them, alternative forms of financing such as promissory notes, municipal bonds or crowd-funded models are also establishing themselves, enabling municipalities to fulfil their task of providing public services for their citizens. F rankfurt am Main is growing, the mark of amount of around 89 million euros and debt restructuring in the 700,000 people has been reached, and in amount of around 24 million euros. the coming years, the population will again increase significantly. In light of this growth in Comparatively speaking, municipalities can still obtain very favour particular, the issue of the provision of public able financing terms, although the generally low level of interest rates services, and with it the question of financing, is becoming more significant. The provision of public services requires predictability and depend at the moment is concealing rising margins. However, the past few years have seen something of a narrowing of availability and an in crease in the cost of credit, particularly for terms of more than ten years, mainly due to the requirements and measures for banking ability and, as a consequence, the need for long-term financing. The regulation implemented as a result of the international financial and established and proven instrument for the investment financing of sovereign debt crisis. A number of state banks have scaled back to municipalities was and is the local authority loan, and it should con their regional responsibilities, some banks are introducing set limits tinue to be available in the future as one of the chief methods used for for municipalities, while others are withdrawing completely from the the financing of municipal responsibilities. This is an opinion shared low-margin local authority loan sector. by the Association of German Cities. Because the banks are increasingly withdrawing from longThe city of Frankfurt am Main also uses this method of investment term l ocal authority lending, municipalities are attempting to financing. In 2012 and 2013, the administrative area of the city of broaden their fi nancial structure. One alternative that suggests Frankfurt am Main saw new borrowing in the amount of around itself is the o pening up of additional groups of creditors through the 595.6 million euros and debt restructuring in the amount of around issue of promissory notes and bonds. In recent years, municipali 131 million euros, made up almost entirely of local authority loans. ties have increasingly financed themselves by means of promissory Local authority loans were also taken out in 2012 and 2013 for the notes. Some of the larger cities have also placed more bonds, which operation of the city’s drainage system, with new borrowing in the G r o w th is f u n d a b l e 29 require a certain minimum volume. This facilitated an approach to in level, however, this is viewed more cautiously. On the one hand, stitutional investors and smaller regional financial institutions as new the federal government does consider itself primarily responsible groups of creditors. In addition to the cost of appropriate placements for the financing of municipalities. On the other, it is feared that des and the management of the market that is then required, the terms pite credit ratings that are effectively identical, the terms could de for municipal bonds do not necessarily reach the level of municipal teriorate through the involvement of municipalities. loans. The municipal bonds placed to date were all issued without any external rating that the Association of German Cities emphat From today’s perspective, local authority loans – and this includes ically rejects for municipalities for reasons of cost. Frankfurt am Main – will continue to play an important role in the financing of municipalities, albeit under more difficult conditions. The Among municipal companies, promissory notes – which generally partnership between municipalities and banks remains close. A large have lower additional and follow-up costs than bonds – are now number of banks have established themselves in Frankfurt am Main. established practice. In 2013, for example, the procurement of new They are not only shaping the history of our city and today’s cityscape, rolling stock by Frankfurt’s transport company VGF was financed in they are also bound to it by close business relationships. part by means of guaranteed promissory notes or registered bonds with a volume of 200 million euros. Another alternative that has been looked at by the city of Frankfurt am Main is crowd-funding by means of citizen bonds and citizen loans, which is heavily focused on the strong sense of identifica “The partnership between municipalities and banks remains close.” tion that citizens have with their community. The design is open and limited only by the amount citizens wants to invest. Here too, new investors can be won. In most cases, the citizen loan is pro A purely monetary consideration might lead to the conclusion that moted for a m unicipal investment measure of general public inter short-term financing is more favourable as a rule. But this would fall est. It is however more likely to achieve smaller amounts of funding, short, because the provision of municipal services is essential to the and its uptake is more likely if maturities are short. Given the rela interests of citizens, and must be based on solid foundations. On tively low spread at the moment between interest on investments the other hand, short-term financing is not to be classified as “bad” and interest on borrowings, other transaction costs are crucial here per se. Instead, each municipality must assess its own risk-bear for municipalities. This market sector is therefore currently less at ing capacity individually and decide on that basis which financing tractive for core municipal budgets. structure it wishes to choose. ■ Another option for financing is investment by municipalities in fed Uwe Becker is the Treasurer of the City of Frankfurt am Main. eral or state bonds. In June 2013, the first joint federal-state bond was issued. In this bond, there is no joint liability of the parties – in stead, each issuer is liable for predefined shares. The Association of German Cities welcomes municipal involvement in bonds of this type, in particular to allow this form of access to the capital market for smaller cities with lower borrowing requirements. At the federal 30 G r owth is fund a b l e Indu s t ry 4. 0 – A compe t i t i ve e d ge T By Volker Brühl he smart factory will lower labour costs. Clothing, toys, but revolutionise manu- also consumer electronics or techni- facturing, creating cal standard products, are manu- new opportunities factured predominantly in low-wage for German industry. countries. This trend could be broken in the coming years if it proves Smart Factory One of the consequences of the possible to exploit the opportunities digitisation of the economy is that of Industry 4.0. machines and equipment as well as everyday objects such as cars and In fact Germany, with its outstanding household appliances are intercon- expertise in the areas of mechanical nected via the Internet. The World engineering, process automatisation, Wide Web is evolving into an “Inter- robotics and information technology, net of Things” and into an “Internet is well positioned to play a pioneering of Services”. New markets and busi- role in the future markets of Industry 4.0. ness models are also emerging, and with them additional growth These include areas such as “smart health”, “smart home” potential for countries and companies that actively shape these and “smart grids”. new opportunities. On the other hand, it cannot be denied that disruptive changes entail risks for providers who are slow to engage The German government has recognised the economic with the new technologies. potential of Industry 4.0 at an early stage, funded basic research and facilitated the development of initial application Many experts believe that we are on the cusp of the fourth industrial revolution – termed Industry 4.0 – because digitisation is finding its way into production. In the intelligent factory of the future the Smart Factory – the physical and virtual worlds will merge into so-called “cyber-physical systems”. Highly flexible manufacturing “The factory of the future will r educe the cost of individual p roduction to the level of mass production.” systems will be able to manufacture customised products at the manufacturing cost of mass production. The labour cost differen- scenarios. Now it is important that Industry 4.0 also receives a high tial, a traditional problem in high-wage countries, is becoming less priority in the European investment program, which was announced important for the location of production sites. by the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker (volume of about 315 billion euros) in November 2014. ■ For years, the number of people employed in production in Germany has been declining. Entire industries have moved their pro- Dr Volker Brühl is Managing Director at the Center for Financial duction abroad in recent decades, mainly to take advantage of Studies at Goethe University Frankfurt. 3 GROW T H IS VARIED What tools does the world of finance hold for growth. 32 G row t h is va ried ver ea h T “ age u iss ol ev u for me pr is om so ry in tes no 20 Financing Many and varied instruments – known, alternative, new Blaze of colour: Citric acid crystals under the polarising microscope. 13 G row t h is va ried 33 By Stefan Bielmeier Since the financial crisis, banks have been subject to more stringent regulation. While they are withdrawing from certain financing segments, alternative financiers are entering the market, established financial instruments are being revitalised or completely new products are being developed. At the same time, the trend towards direct capital market financing is picking up pace. w a ro as u 0 12 nd l mil e ur ion os .” 7.5 percent, the running costs for the issuer are comparatively high. Despite interest rates that appear high, there has been no excess return due to a large number of bankruptcies since 2010 with significant nominal losses for creditors. The investor base has been made up to date of both retail and institutional investors. We assume that in the medium term, the proportion of institutional investors will predominate. In our judgement, however, the fragmentation of the The precursor to the capital market market with the various trading segments is an obstacle to a sus- The instrument of the promissory note is established in Germany. tainable breakthrough in the institutional environment, which also It is characterised by minor formal requirements and requires lit- limits the long-term potential. tle publicity. Maturities are for the most part between three and seven years, but ten to fifteen years is also possible. Because it is placed chiefly with institutional investors, the promissory note can New approaches of the European Commission: ELTIFs and EU project bonds be considered a precursor to capital market viability. According to At the end of June 2013, the European Commission published DVFA figures, promissory notes with a total volume of around 7 bil- a proposal for the establishment of a new European investment lion euros were issued by the end of September 2014, roughly at fund under the name “European Long-Term Investment Fund” the level of the corresponding period in the previous year. Maturities (ELTIF). ELTIFs are designed to increase the level of non-bank of ten or more years account for only about one fifth of all transac- financing of companies investing in the real economy in the EU. In tions. In relation to the market volume – with a range of 5 to nearly the first half of 2014, the European Parliament and the Council of 18 billion euros in recent years – this suggests only a limited poten- the European Union outlined their positions on the proposal of the tial for long-term financing. With a minimum amount of 10 million European Commission with respect to ELTIFs, and on 10th De- euros and an average transaction volume of 120 million euros, it cember the Council announced the agreement of a compromise is clear that the instrument is also only suitable for larger SMEs or reached with the Parliament, under which the term ELTIF can be major companies. According to our estimates, this will not change applied exclusively to AIFs and the investment universe is limited in the medium term. to a minimum of 70 percent in qualified assets and a maximum of 30 percent in other non-long-term investments. Given that ELTIFs Direct accession to the capital market are still in the early stages, their potential for long-term financing Spread across five stock exchanges, the SME bond segment is remains difficult to assess. highly fragmented in Germany. DVFA research indicates that the average issue volume last year was around 55 million euros, with Another financial innovation was the issue in July 2013 of the first a range from 8 to 250 million euros. Still young, the market seg- EU project bond, which was followed by further issues in 2014. An EU ment has so far seen the issue of about 150 bonds with a total vol- project bond is a bond issued by a company whose credit standing is ume of around 4.8 billion euros. With an average coupon of about improved by the support of the EIB. The focus of these bonds is on “W h as ith are of abo ut 70 c per ent ,b fin ank anc con ing tin to ues y pl a the do min rol ant e in p cor or ate an fin cin g, Revitalisation in this area is to be driven by a new premium segment known as high quality securitisation. In 2014, the European primary market saw the floating of securitisations with a volume of around 177 billion euros (of which 19.2 billion were in Germany), bringing the decline in volume of the previous years to a provisional halt. We anticipate a significant upturn in the market beginning in infrastructure projects. In this scheme, the EIB makes available a subor- 2015 and for the years that follow. dinated financing instrument that raises the credit standing of the bond to a higher level. With their specific design, EU project bonds are suited Loan funds as an alternative investor only to the financing of major projects. To date, only five projects with A loan fund is a special form of AIF set out in the AIFMD in which a total volume of around 2.9 billion euros have been supported. Given funds are invested exclusively in loan assets. The focus of investment the huge requirement for infrastructure financing, we see considerable is on SMEs, infrastructure and commercial property. Loans are not market potential in this new instrument. awarded from the original loan funds themselves, but acquired via syndication in the respective secondary market. Loan funds are currently receiving increased attention, with a rising supply of loan as- Securitisations as indirect capital market financing sets on the bank side accompanied by increased demand for loan Securitisations represent a link between the credit and cap assets on the investor side. There is however no indication that loan ital markets. As a “pooling vehicle”, securitisations provide a way funds are now taking the place of banks. According to our market of a ggregating a large number of loans into a single investment survey on European loan funds, SME loan funds represent about a and pooling them in a portfolio. Their division into shares means third of all loan funds as measured by number and by volume. The that small and medium-sized investors can also become indirectly focus of investment is primarily on mezzanine financial instruments, involved in the financing of the real economy. The derecognition of and is accompanied by correspondingly high yield expectations. This loan assets takes them off bank balance sheets, creating the op- means that SME loan funds represent only a limited alternative to portunity for new lending. Recent academic studies confirm the traditional bank lending and tend rather to compete with private economic benefits of this financial instrument in terms of both the equity. According to our research, the aggregated loan fund target volume of credit supply and the financing terms. However, this in- volume across all segments appears to amount to around 50 billion strument has fallen into disrepute in the wake of the US subprime euros. We estimate the level of investment to be only about one fifth crisis – unjustly, in view of the performance of European securiti- of this target volume, which means that loan funds will have an ap- sations, which is why the calls for a revival of the market are grow- preciable presence in the market in the coming years. They should ing louder. Against the backdrop of more restrictive lending by therefore rather be seen as supplements to and not substitutes for the banking sector, which will continue into the future, it seems banks: for subordinated financing segments, long maturities or more only logical to use securitisations to avail of the capital market. difficult asset classes and business situations. G row t h is va ried b in oth Ge rm any and in the eur o wh sa a a are ole 35 .” particular, this means working on their capital market viability. Ultimately, this effort will be rewarded by a diversified investor base, a high level of stability of long-term financing, an individualised financ- Conclusion ing fit, and cost benefits. But banks also benefit from the diversity With a share of about 70 percent, bank financing continues to play of new financial instruments, either because they help them to pre- the dominant role in corporate financing, both in Germany and in serve specific business segments, or because they can at least use the euro area as a whole. The implementation of the key parameters these instruments to generate commission revenues as a broker. of Basel III does not come into force until 2018 and the following Alternative financiers such as insurance companies or loan funds years. Before that happens, companies would be well advised to should be seen by banks as partners rather than competitors. ■ give some thought to how they plan to cover their long-term capital requirements and to determine the financial instruments and Stefan Bielmeier is Chairman of the Executive Board of DVFA investor groups that are appropriate for them. For larger SMEs in and Chief Economist at DZ BANK AG. Comparison of financial instruments CRITERIA Promissory note SME bond ELTIF EU project bond ABS Loan fund CONSTRUCT / LEGAL NATURE Loan agreement (promissory note) Debenture bond Fund (AIF) Bond Bond Special AIF MARKET / PRODUCT STATUS Established, at a stable level Active, but fragmented In planning In pilot phase until end of Active, but declining / 2014 or 2016 before reactivation Active, but still in the early stages LEGAL BASIS National bond law (e.g. German § 488 BGB/§ 344 HGB) National bond law (§ 793 BGB) ELTIF Regulation National bond law National securitisation law AIFMD VEHICLE n/a n/a EU-wide special fund SPV SPV AIF / national fund vehicle PERMITTED INVESTMENTS Business loans Business loans Financing of: Infrastructure / CRE / SME / ships / aircraft Infrastructure loans only Loans and other assets Designated loan assets INVESTMENT SPECTRUM n/a n/a Limited Very limited Largest Large PERMITTED FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Debt Debt EK, mezzanine, debt Debt All assets with CF flow Debt AVERAGE ISSUE VOLUME Average of about 120 million euros Average 55 million euros n/a Average 580 million euros 100 million to 3 billion euros Approx. 300 million euros (SME loan funds) (GROSS) RETURN 0.25% – 0.5% above interest rate for bonds already outstanding Average approx. 7.5% Approx. 5% Average 4% Euribor + 26 bp to 215 bp spread Approx. 6% – 14% (senior / mezzanine) / approx. 20% (distressed) CREDIT COLLATERALISATION Predominantly no Predominantly no No Yes Yes No RISK EXPOSURE (INVESTOR) Total amount less any proceeds from sales Total amount less any proceeds from sales Total portfolio with full risk Individual credit risk after EIB support In accordance with s tructural positioning after deducting credit collateralisation Total portfolio with full risk INVESTORS Institutional Retail and institutional Retail and institutional Institutional (retail possible) Institutional (retail possible but uncommon) Qualified institutional (QIAIF) and private equity INVESTMENT HORIZON 3 to 10 years 3 to 6 years Long-term (approx. 10 years) Long-term Medium to long-term Medium to long-term 36 G row t h is va ried Europe is encouraging p roject partnerships By Florian Degenhardt In its growth strategy “Europe 2020”, the European Union sees a need for substantial investment in infrastructure in order to achieve its targets for economic growth. According to estimates by the European Commission, an investment of up to 2 t rillion euros is required, and obtaining financing for infrastructure projects from the private sector is essential. G row t h is va ried T 37 o restore the attractiveness of this private Without the PBCE or the structuring of other credit enhancements, form of financing, the European Commis- project bonds not funded regularly receive only a B rating. The PBCE sion and the European Investment Bank therefore attracts capital from many institutional investors whose in- (EIB) have established the Europe 2020 vestment guidelines require an A rating before they can even invest Project Bond Initiative (PBI) as an innova- in infrastructure projects or other assets. The investment opportuni- tive financing alternative. ties for these investor groups are increasingly regulated – in the case of insurance companies in Germany, for example, by the Insurance What are the objectives of the PBI? The primary goal of this inst- Supervision Act and the Investment Ordinance. Once these barriers rument is to attract institutional investors such as insurance com- are overcome, suitable infrastructure projects satisfy the great de- panies and pension funds to long-term investment in infrastruc- mand among institutional investors currently looking for long-term ture projects eligible for funding and to acquire additional funds investments in high-quality projects with attractive risk-return profi- for their financing through the capital market with project bonds. les. In times of low and sometimes negative interest rates, this type The focus of this sponsorship is on selected projects of European of investment is all the more attractive. interest in the trans-European sectors of transport, energy and IT infrastructure. The PBI is putting Europe on track Since the launch of the pilot phase of the Project Bond Initiative in Lending more difficult with conventional financing 2012, several infrastructure projects have been financed success- The increased capital requirements for banks (Basel II and III) make expansion of the A7 autobahn. And given the enormous financing loans with long maturities more difficult, with the result that project requirements for infrastructure projects, a continuation of the PBI fully with project bonds with PBCE – most recently for example the financing for long-term infrastructure projects is no longer availa- seems probable as part of the Connecting Europe Facility for the ble on the market to the same extent that it once was. In addition, EU budget until 2020, which provides for project bonds as an alter- the monolines, which used to issue risk mitigation guarantees for bonds, have practically disappeared from the picture since the financial crisis. The PBI is therefore desig- native form of financing. With public funding from the budgets of the EU or the Member States alone, the backlog of investment in infrastructure in Europe cannot be eliminated. ned to establish an alternative or complementary form of financing to supplement traditional bank loans, in order to close funding gaps or improve financing conditions. The EIB has already approved additional projects eligible for funding in accordance with the EU guidelines for project bonds with To achieve this, the EIB is making an instrument for credit enhan- PBCE. Particularly eligible are motorways in several Member Sta- cement of project bonds available: the so-called Project Bond Cre- tes, power supply lines from German offshore wind farms and na- dit Enhancement, or PBCE. tural gas storage facilities in southern Europe. Demand from the capital markets is high. There has also been refinancing of Euro- Investment grade thanks to the PBCE pean infrastructure projects with project bonds without PBCE, With the PBCE, the lead partner in a project can improve the qua- and new projects can be structured for the capital market. With lity of the bond to be issued and its assessment by rating agencies the support of the EIB within the framework of the PBI, the emer- such as Moody‘s or Standard & Poor‘s. The improvement is achie- ging new asset class of the project bond for infrastructure pro- ved by means of subordinated direct loans or precautionary loan in- jects can be an important engine of growth for Europe in the in- stalments by the EIB. The lead partner can draw on these if current frastructure sector. At the same time, this asset class meets the project revenues are not sufficient to meet liabilities to priority bond- great demand among institutional investors for long-term assets holders or if funding is not available when planned costs such as con- in suitable projects for the renewal envisaged in Europe 2020. ■ struction costs are exceeded. With this safety mechanism, the PBCE reduces project risks and the probability of default for the bondholders, which in turn is reflected in an improved rating of the project bond, allowing a single-A rating (investment grade). Florian Degenhardt is a Partner at White & Case in Hamburg. 38 G r owt h is v a r i e d Financing in collaboration with the private sector By Stefan Zeidler The backlog of repair and redevelopment work in municipal infrastructure is cur- rently a much-discussed topic. Transport infrastructure in particular is now considered a risk factor for the German economy. The need for investment is high, while the fi nancial position of municipal budgets is strained, which is particularly evident every time a railway or motorway bridge in need of redevelopment becomes a bottleneck for passenger T and freight transport. One option for financing may be public-private partnerships (PPP). he German government is considering education, health, administrative and cultural bodies, as well as cor- incentives for private investment in infra- rectional facilities and other public safety institutions. A ccording to structure. This investment is a necessary the consulting firm ÖPP Germany AG, there were a total of 195 pro- prerequisite for sound economic devel- jects in building and road construction in Germany in the period opment in Germany. But working alone, from 2002 to June 2014. The investment volume amounts to a neither the federal, state nor local author- total of 7.6 billion euros. Schools, day-care centres and education ities are in a position to implement the badly needed infrastructure (building construction) account for most projects, at 39 percent, measures. One of the options available for infrastructure projects while only eight percent are in road construction. In terms of invest- are what is known as public-private partnerships (PPP), which are ment volume, however, it’s a different story, where road construc- a form of long-term, contractual collaboration between the pub- tion alone accounts for 32 percent, because of project size, with lic and private sectors over the entire life cycle of an infrastructure 24 percent for schools, day-care centres, and education. project. PPP is not a form of financing – as it is widely understood to be – but rather a procurement model for the planning, construc- In 2013, a total of eight projects were completed, with a total in- tion, operation and financing of infrastructure projects. In projects vestment volume of 189 million euros, of which road construction structured as public-private partnerships, public sector work is accounted for 15 million euros and building construction for 174 mil- assigned to one or more private companies for a period of up to lion euros. Compared with the heyday of public-private partner- 30 years. While financing is one aspect, it is only part of the whole. ships in the period between 2007 and 2011, with a peak investment volume of 1.5 billion euros, the market is now at a very low level. In PPP projects, it is not the responsibility, the construction project or the ownership that are privatised, but rather the infrastructure meas- From a financing perspective, the essential characteristics of PPP ures themselves are devolved to private companies. The involvement projects are stable and predictable cash flows and the high capital of the private sector is designed to realise efficiency gains over the intensity of the projects on the basis of long-term contracts or con- entire life cycle of infrastructure projects. The public authorities typi- cessions. Given these characteristics, PPP projects are p articularly cally define the scope of the work to be carried out and the standard attractive for long-term investors such as insurance companies, of quality, for which the private companies are generally paid a fee. banks and pension funds. In return, the public authorities benefit from increased cost certainty. In the area of direct funding of infrastructure projects, banks account In addition to economic infrastructure – such as transport, energy, for 60 percent of all financing worldwide. In Germany, this figure is telecommunications, utilities and water – potential investments in estimated by DZ BANK to be even higher, at well over 90 percent. PPP projects also include social infrastructure, in areas such as The recent past has also seen increased interest in infrastructure G r owt h is v a r i e d 39 financing among insurance companies, pension funds and other viding project financing, structuring services, advice and support institutional investors, who are looking for a long-term substitute for during the construction phase and interim financing of forfaiting the government bonds and fixed-interest securities that used to be models. The spectrum of financing available ranges from interim favoured but that now no longer provide yield sufficient r eturns to construction financing and project financing for roads, schools, meet existing guaranteed interest rate pledges. This is an area in sports facilities and correctional facilities to the construction of the which conservative, long-term infrastructure loans offer an attrac- new Federal Ministry of Education and Research building. Rooted tive a lternative. Notwithstanding regulatory uncertainty (including as they are in their regions, the banks in the cooperative financial network are the natural first point of contact for local municipali- “In the area of direct funding of infrastructure projects, banks account for 60 percent of all fi nancing worldwide.” ties. For infrastructure projects in particular, this combination of a deep understanding of local conditions on the one hand and crossexpertise on the other is crucial. The need for PPP projects in Germany is high. A sound nationwide infrastructure is crucial for the economic development of the coun- Solvency II), it can be assumed that we will be seeing more of these try. Both businesses and policymakers have recognised the need companies acting as financing partners for infrastructure projects for action and that a joint effort is required to manage the large in the future. But despite stricter requirements under Basel III, as volume of investment. As a reliable financing and project partner, well as other regulatory challenges, banks will continue to be the the Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken cooperative financial network main source of financing for PPP projects. This applies in particu- stands ready to play its part in this collaboration. ■ lar to the German market, where the number of projects financed is reasonably limited and a wide range of banks are willing to lend. Within the Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken cooperative financial net- Stefan Zeidler is a Member of the Board of Managing Directors work, DZ BANK AG is the competence centre for PPP projects, pro- at DZ BANK AG. 40 G row t h is va ried By Mark Milders In the field of renewable energies, the capital requirement for investments is in most cases considerable. With project-specific financing, banks are helping to make renewable energies more attractive. Complex structures G row t h is va ried E 41 nergy is a global business: the United and connection capacities, as well as the lack of long-term ex States is making itself independent of perience and the difficulty in assessing the exact investment and e nergy imports with fracking, Asia is operating costs – all of these provide only a rough outline of the c overing its requirements with liquefied additional elements that need to be taken into account. Seen natural gas from the Middle East, and from this perspective, the reform of the Renewable Energies Act cheap coal is finding its way to Europe. leads to improved control of the expansion by creating a stable And by 2022, all nine nuclear reactors still operating in Germany framework while at the same time contributing to greater secu are to be decommissioned. For some years now, the promotion rity of investment for investors. of renewable energy has been a policy objective in this rapidly changing environment. Favourable winds off the island of Sylt One of ING Bank’s showcase projects is its central role as man Financing in the field of renewable energy sources is structured dated lead arranger, lender and hedging bank in the financing of and designed specifically to each project. Generally speaking, the Butendiek offshore wind farm, with a total investment of over the structure of financing in this area involves a legally independ one billion euros. The offshore wind farm is already under construc ent special purpose entity, whose objectives are the specific tion, and is situated 32 kilometres west of Sylt. On completion in investment project, operation of the completed project and optimum an “The reform of the German Renewable Energies Act is contributing to greater investment security for investors.” ticipation of global changes in the en ergy sector. Important parameters in any financing structure in 2015, the wind farm will be capable of generating a base load of clude the expected returns and their robustness, the drafting of 288 megawatts of power. The electricity it will produce each year contracts to ensure optimum distribution of project risks among is forecasted at approximately 1,300 gigawatt hours, which means the stakeholders, and the hedging mechanisms. Since the en that this wind park alone will contribute over four percent to the Fed ergy sector is characterised by very distinct national differences, eral Government’s goal of installed offshore wind energy capacities the regulatory environment also plays an important role. The totalling 6,500 megawatts by 2020. structure of a financing mechanism of this kind is therefore of ten very complex, requiring rigorous scrutiny and adequate pre The global knowledge of ING Bank with respect to the world paration time. wide trends in the energy sector enables project structures with which the risks for investors and operators in Germany can be Green energy is gaining momentum minimised from the outset. Our projects also benefit from the fact The volume of credit provided by ING for renewable energy that the promotion of sustainability projects is part of the corpo sources grew from 1.1 to 1.3 billion euros in 2013. Which means rate strategy of ING Bank, which is why ING Bank was included that green energy now accounts for 39 percent of global project in 2013 in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices, which in addi financing by ING Bank in the energy sector. These figures give tion to economic factors also take account of environmental and clear expression to the strategic objective of the bank to further social criteria. Against this backdrop, ING Bank offers its cus develop this sector – including in Germany. tomers in the field of renewable energies transparent and efficient financing structures, as well as long-term project s upport. ING In the field of renewable energies, the financing requirement Bank is therefore contributing towards making the energy tran for investments is in most cases considerable. With offshore sition as attractive as possible for investors and consumers. ■ wind energy in particular, the complex risk profile defines the agenda: water depth, technology, planning reliability, depend Mark Milders is Head of ING Commercial Banking Germany ence on the weather during construction and maintenance, line and Austria. 42 G r o w th is v a r ied Infrastructure – M s Scholzen, infrastructure is well on its way to becoming a separate asset class. What is driving this trend? Viola Scholzen: The most import ant driver is the enormous amount of investment needed in the areas of transport, energy and educa tion infrastructure. The OECD estimates the financing requirements for Europe alone at 10 trillion dollars over the next 15 years. How ever, given the current high levels of national debt, many countries have little or no financial scope for expanding and maintaining the necessary infrastructure. And infrastructure is an essential location factor in global competition – it represents the backbone of an econ omy whose stagnation or even decline no government can afford. But in Germany, the interest of policy makers in private infrastructure investment tends to be somewhat non-committal ... Scholzen: In this country, the discussion got under way specifically in association with the energy transition, for example in connec tion with financing for the construction of costly off shore wind power plants and new power lines. In many cases, German policy makers do indeed have a sceptical view of the idea of greater use of private sources of financing. One reason for this may lie in the widespread critical atti tude towards financial investors. In Europe too, the market for private in vestment in infrastructure is still at an early stage. But given the backlog in investment and the budgetary con straints, the dialogue between pol “Anyone looking to a ctively position t hemselves in this segment … icy makers and institutional investors should be intensified. Infrastructure in vestment should receive an additional boost from the Euro pean Solvency II d irective, which aims to improve G r o w th is v a r ied 43 a n attractive investment Interview with Viola Scholzen Only a few years ago, investment in infrastructure projects was an e xotic niche. Now, institutional investors are breaking new ground. An conversation with Viola S cholzen, Head of Loan Distribution at DekaBank, about a new trend in institutional investment. diversification and lower the volatility of revenues at insur ance companies. complexity of design also raises measurement issues, which make equity investments in in frastructure more challenging for institu Market potential and regulation foster the demand for infrastructure investment. What are the benefits of these investments for institu- tional investors. All in all, debt capi … should not tal investments are currently the underestimate most attractive form of in the complexity vestment in infrastructure of infrastructure investments.” for institutional investors, because the risk they entail tional investors? Scholzen: Institutional investors ap is clearly limited. As against other preciate the fact that they provide pre dictable and regular cash flows. In addition, long maturities underpin the sustainability of this form of investment. They also see the advantage debt capital investments with com parable returns, they offer lower default probabilities combined with high recovery rates in the event of insolvency. of the small correlation to other asset classes and the contribution this makes to diversification in their invest ment portfolio. Another factor in favour of infrastructure is that, where there is good reason, price increases for users are possible. This means that the cash flows contain the potential for What are the considerations with respect to implementation? Scholzen: Anyone looking to actively position themselves in this segment should not underestimate the complexity of in inflationary adjustment, making infrastructure even more attractive frastructure investments. Attractive offers on the market tend to be from the perspective of asset-liability management. And finally, in quite clear, the identification of suitable projects is challenging, and frastructure investments offer a high net asset value, which is not the form of investment must be matched to the needs of each inves the case with pure financing receivables. tor. Few asset managers and investors have the expertise required in this area, which makes it all the more important to have a strong What are the options for investing in infrastructure? partner with extensive market experience and the expertise needed Scholzen: The design options are many and varied. The key to design the investment. Other success factors include multiple lan question is whether an investor wants to act as an outside creditor guages and a profound knowledge of the regional specifics of the or equity shareholder. By their nature, infrastructure investments are investment locations, as well as established relationships with com generally characterised by low liquidity and limited marketability. This panies, government agencies and other key institutions. ■ is especially true for equity investments, and to a lesser extent also for investments based on borrowing, i.e. infrastructure loans. The Viola Scholzen is Head of Loan Distribution at DekaBank. 44 G row t h is va ried By Gregor Pottmeyer Growth occurs when companies use capital efficiently and proactively. The best guides to the efficient and proactive use of capital are the prices that emerge from the free interplay of supply and demand. To ensure that prices are determined freely, regulated marketplaces such as exchanges are necessary, because only these adequately combine the information and liquidity required to allow undistorted pricing. G row t h is va ried 45 Exchanges a compass for the use of capital T he determination of prices through the bal- market, where investors invest in newly issued shares – whether in ancing of supply and demand leads to a the context of a commercial launch, an IPO or a capital increase. In valuation of companies whose shares are this manner, the exchange brings institutional and private investors traded on the exchange. It is expressed in together with companies that need capital for their growth invest- terms of market capitalisation – the prod- ments. The exchange basically acts as an institutional investor. This uct of the market price of a share and the is usually done through banks and specialists who are accredited total of shares issued. Companies with the highest growth poten- for their respective regulated markets. Exchanges are therefore one tial usually achieve the highest valuation. While there may be cases of the major channels providing companies with access to capital. of irrational overstatements or understatements, the market does sooner or later correct mispricing. No market is perfect. But markets are still the best means of determining the growth prospects of companies, because the prices set on the market reflect the assessments of a large number of in- vestors. The prices amalgamate the information available about a company centrally. Market prices thus provide a compass for the use of capital that leads to the best possible economic growth. Company valuation is accompanied by additional functions that the exchange has in common with the financial market: maturity, “Markets are the best means of determining the growth prospects of companies.” lot size and risk transformation. Exchanges make short-term capital available for long-term investments. Exchanges also combine smaller amounts of capital into larger amounts which can then flow into comprehensive capital expenditure programmes. At the same Because capital tends to flow into the sectors with the best growth time, with the ability to split investments into smaller units and to prospects, the primary market also acts as a mechanism for the cancel them where necessary, the risk associated with the invest- effective and swift allocation of capital. Economies in which the ment is limited for individual investors. This capacity for triple trans- stock market plays a key role in the allocation of capital can react formation also contributes significantly to economic growth, be- more quickly than others to changes in the market environment. cause it is a prerequisite for ensuring that the capital available in an They are therefore in a position to initiate timely structural change economy can flow to where the economy needs it in the first place. and m obilise the necessary investment funds, which means that economies with functioning exchanges remain competitive interna- But exchanges don’t only provide the basis for the valuation of com- tionally, allowing them to maintain their growth in the long term. ■ panies and the transformation of capital. Capital also flows from the financial sector into the economy through exchanges. This financ- Gregor Pottmeyer is a Member of the Executive Board at Deutsche ing function is the responsibility of what is known as the primary Börse AG. EN VOGUE SHARES AS A SOURCE OF CAPITAL By René Parmantier Shares are the most promising investment opportunity – and not only in view of today’s low interest rates. But when it comes to investing in shares, Germans are still hesitant. Nevertheless, shares can offer opportunities, and not only for private investors: companies too can use them successfully to raise capital and to benefit substantially, particularly in the area of refinancing. A glance at the development of the major stock indices in recent years can in fact allow no other conclusion than, as an investment, shares are very much “en vogue”. Seen from the lows of the market, which were reached in early 2009 in the wake of the financial crisis, the DAX has significantly more than doubled. Almost more impressive than the extent of the upturn is the recovery period. A bull market lasting more than five years is definitely something of a rarity. An altogether different picture is painted by the shareholder statistics in Germany, where the strong move towards recovery has not resulted in scores of investors turning to shares as a form of investment. According to the Deutsches Aktieninstitut, the number of direct shareholders increased by one third from the end of 2008 to the end of 2013, from 2.188 million to 2.811 million individuals. But if one also considers the additional 1.749 million investors that hold shares and equity funds, as well as the 4.361 million o wners of equity funds, this figure appears decidedly low in relation to the German population as a whole – especially when compared to nations that clearly have a greater affinity for shares, such as Switzerland, the United States or Great Britain. From the perspective of the issuer, shares are more than just an alternative worth considering. G rowt h is v aried 47 Now the realisation that the Germans are a people who love sav- ❙❙ The current rise in the markets opens up the opportunity for ings accounts and tend to give shares a wide berth is neither new capital increases that, seen historically, really are quite lavish, again nor original. But nothing lasts forever, and there has rarely been keeping the associated dilution effects at tolerable levels. a moment as favourable to changing this attitude as the present. After all, the beloved savings account and other comparable short- ❙❙ With this form of refinancing, company decision-makers really term investments are now offering exceedingly unattractive inter- do have a level of planning reliability beyond that which is inher- est rates. Anyone with money to invest will presumably be think- ently possible with loans or bonds with set terms. Anyone who for ing long and hard about finding better alternatives. example had to reschedule on the basis of final maturities d uring the 2008 financial crisis will know the problem very well. Even This is not just limited to short-term interest-bearing investments. when interest rates are low, the refinancing risk associated with Yields on government and corporate bonds have also reached a bonds remains. level that is definitely beyond the pain threshold of many investors. And since interest-bearing investments commonly have a maturity, ❙❙ Compared to other equity investors, such as private equity funds, there will always be new funds becoming available and looking to money borrowed on the wider market carries fewer obligations on find a use. Anyone who assumes that the base rates will continue all sides. Dissatisfied shareholders can sell their shares to willing to remain at a substantially low level will sooner or later inevitably investors at any time, so that the shareholdings, in theory at least, turn their attention to shares as an investment. And given for exam- are always an accurate reflection of the investment. ple the exorbitantly high levels of debt among almost all Western nations, any dramatic turnaround seems unlikely. This should cause ❙❙ The possibility of raising additional capital, and also repayment governments to exercise their influence with the central banks to to shareholders by means of various forms of capital increases, hold the interest burden on public finances at moderate levels, dividends or share buyback programmes, opens up plenty of room which is most likely to succeed with low interest rates. for manoeuvre. And it is precisely this perspective on persistently low interest rates ❙❙ A stock exchange listing also facilitates additional measures with that could produce a situation in the coming years in which we a great deal of strategic leeway: shares can be used as acquisition actually do see institutional and private investors increasingly turn currency, while employee share option or investment plans will cer- to shares – a comparatively profitable form of investment on the tainly reinforce the loyalty of the workforce. basis of dividend payouts alone. This will certainly not take place overnight and will be more an evolutionary than a revolutionary Using the equity markets for refinancing purposes does of course process, but perhaps with a consistency that is not to be under- also involve risks, such as the possibility of hostile takeovers with estimated. This is just the way the new road to shares can look. a high free float. But these are outweighed by the opportun ities, especially in the current environment and with the perspec- Companies can and should take advantage of this development. tives now in place. This view also appears to be prevailing in the Because from the perspective of the issuer looking for money market, as indicated by the number of recent IPOs and capital on the capital market, shares are more than just an alternative increases which, while starting from a low base, have been worth considering. The shift in the relocation of investment funds gradually increasing. In my view, it is therefore very clear: there is sketched out above could leave demand substantially at a high no way around an increased recourse to shares. Not for issuers, enough level to provide issuers with solid planning reliability. Given and not for investors either. ■ the low interest phase sketched out above, borrowing can of course also make sense, but for a number of reasons, shares as a component of the refinancing mix are attractive from the corpor ate p erspective at present. René Parmantier is CEO of ODDO SEYDLER BANK AG. 48 G row t h is va ried TRANSPARENCY By Sascha Rinno When considering financing through the capital market, people running small and medium-sized businesses often wonder whether the effort, the costs, the public perception, the involvement of external institutions and the issue of potential loss of control are in fact commensurate with the benefits of this kind of financing. CREATES TRUST M any entrepreneurs wonder whether tive of their basic expectations in terms of yield, investors also the capital market isn’t just a little expect companies to provide continuous, timely, accurate and too much to handle. Answering this complete information about their economic development. One of question objectively is one of the the ways in which this is done is by means of the compulsory in- essential services provided by the formation prescribed by law according to the chosen exchange issuing bank, working with other segment, such as ad-hoc or annual reports. But it also involves transaction advisors such as lawyers, accountants and commu- investor events in the form of management roadshows, investor nication consultants. The core concern is to analyse the costs conferences, letters to investors and the media. and benefits of entering the capital market, and to ensure that it is in line with the development plans of the company and its Gathering, preparing and distributing this information to those shareholders. who need it and maintaining a continuous dialogue with investors requires significant corporate investment in developing a finance One of the key aspects of this analysis involves the basic require- and reporting system, including the necessary planning, manage- ments of the capital market and investors with respect to the ment and control systems. Departments for investor relations and information policy of medium-sized issuers, because irrespec- compliance must also be established. Lorem Ipsum dolor sin amet dolor sin amet lorem G row t h is va ried 49 In practice, it is clear that medium-sized issuers in less regulated financial instrument and the public image of the company – asso- exchange segments often neglect their obligation to supply in- ciated with direct consequences for the company’s value. formation after an issue has been floated. Ultimately, the issued capital market instrument may develop as- “Many companies neglect their information obligations.” sociations so negative that they might become an obstacle to any further potential considerations with respect to financing on the capital market. One of the original objectives of going to the capital market, namely to diversify the sources of company fi nancing, is then at risk. Rather than avoiding the effort associated with capital market communications, it is better to see the information requirements of investors as an opportunity. Pursuing an information policy At the time of the issue and under the guidance of the issuing bank adequate to the capital market supports the company in its on and communications consultant, the current business situation going professionalisation at all levels and in all functional areas and the strategic perspectives of the company are reported ex- facilitates the use of the many financing options available on the tensively – in the interests of optimal marketing of the stock, bond capital market, thus supporting the growth plan of the com- or other financial instrument. But immediately after the transaction, pany. The founder and chief executive of a company launched it is often only the prescribed minimum standards that are met. successfully on the capital market with an IPO a few years ago Not infrequently, this passive attitude to information is reflected in accompanied it, our company could never have implemented our negative price performance of the financial instrument after issue, planned growth strategy – no question about it.” ■ puts it like this: “Without the IPO and the professionalisation that low trading liquidity and high volatility in the secondary market. Also not to be underestimated is damage to the reputation of the Sascha Rinno is Head of Capital Markets at ICF BANK AG. 50 G r owth is va r ied SME bonds: worth a second look S ME financing is an attractive busi- have already been opened. These are huge losses, ness segment for many banks yield- especially in a bond segment. ing fairly attractive interest surpluses. Of SMEs with over 50 employees, only But naturally – and this unfortunately is often neglected in the pub- three percent failed to succeed in their lic debate – spreads of this kind also open up attractive opportu- loan negotiations with banks in 2013, nities: 64 titles are still quoted at or above 100 percent, carrying as the KfW SME Panel1 report shows. In the current environment, very attractive coupons. The securities heavily affected by falling investors cannot profit from the interest income from SME busi- prices have consistent residual returns beyond ten percent per ness with deposits and savings certificates. This is not surpris- annum – also worth a second look. But every investment here ing: there is a strong interest in investing directly in the segment. requires a high level of risk affinity, as well as a thorough examination of the individual titles – something made very clear by the A HETEROGENEOUS MARKET – SUBSTANTIAL relevant EDG risk classification. LOSSES, BUT OPPORTUNITIES TOO In markets like this, transparency is especially important in not As has been widely reported of late, these investments do not al- succumbing to a phenomenon that the US economist George A. ways go well. The Micro Bond Index (MiBoX), for example, has Akerlof described in 1970 in his paper “The Market for Lemons”: seen a decline of almost five percent since its launch in March In markets with a high level of information asymmetry, good quali- 2012. The Bank of America Merrill Lynch Euro Non-Financial High ties are squeezed out. Buyers demand high discounts for the lack Yield Constrained Index, on the other hand, rose 28 percent over of transparency. But these are only accepted by sellers who are the same period. The EDG has examined a universe of 104 SME aware of the poor quality of their products. Those offering good bonds listed at the various German stock exchanges which are quality stay away from these markets. Buyers have to anticipate published at Of these bonds, 28 were quoted at less this, demand even higher discounts, and this in turn keeps other than 90 percent ot the issue price, including 11 under 50 percent. It sellers out of the market. In extreme cases, such markets grind to no longer includes 19 of 23 titles for which insolvency proceedings a halt. This phenomenon of “adverse selection” cannot be dealt 2 1 Volume of tables for 2014 KfW SME Panel report, table 18 As at: 5 November 2014, MiBoX is the property of Anleihe Finder GmbH and is determined by Solactive AG As at: 6 November 2014 2 3 G r owth is va r ied 51 By Ralf Kauther Both investors and borrowers can benefit from further development of the ex- change-trading SME segment. But it should be remembered that the market requires a high degree of transparency. Otherwise, the risk of trading with lemons is great. “Instead of writing the segment off, the structural challenges should be addressed.” with effectively with pricing policies. Risks of this kind must be rejected. of both efficiency and the accuracy of the information analysis, they are in competition with the banks. The latter can count on in-depth expertise in the lending business and on having Banks have the option of requesting confidential information from experienced staff, special review processes and an extensive pool borrowers – both when granting loans and on an ongoing basis. of data, particularly for long-term customers. On the other hand, If the situation deteriorates significantly, they often also have the competition for individual borrowers among the banks is limited, option of contractual intervention. The higher rates of interest that not least because the collection of information is very costly for banks generally receive from SMEs are not a premium for the lack both sides. A competitive process among an adequate number of transparency described above, but rather compensation for the of banks is something that surely can only be shouldered by a costs of gathering and providing information and the relatively low small number of SMEs. In a market so imperfect, there is gener- tradability of the loan. According to Akerlof’s hypothesis, borrow- ally dormant efficiency potential to be found. For other products ers who are either paying very high interest rates to banks or are at least, the information requirements are well under control, as not getting bank loans at all want to take advantage of the SME shown for example by the large private car market on the Internet. segment. Those who attempt to counter this structural trend with further interest rate premiums are trading with lemons. Both investors and borrowers benefit if the SME segment continues to develop. Instead of writing the segment off, the initial diffi- GREATER TRANSPARENCY CAN DEVELOP culties and structural challenges should be addressed. ■ THE MARKET Where information asymmetry is encountered, the market becomes more attractive to a broader stratum of investors. Private investors cannot gather and evaluate information of this kind at a reasonable cost. This is a job for specialised service providers, and Dr Ralf Kauther is Managing Director of vwd Vereinigte active institutional investors also play an important role. In terms Wirtschaftsdienste GmbH. 52 G r o wth is v a r ied INVESTING “The Frankfurt Startup Fund aims to By Doris Brelowski and Andreas Küppers A classic problem for startups: the idea is there, the business plan is written up, but the capital for implementation is hard to find. For people lacking their own resources, there are business angels or venture capitalist funding and also the option of bank loans. But for many young entrepreneurs, this approach is difficult if they cannot provide sufficient collateral, especially since banks are often hesitant about financing small projects. Fortunately for local startups, Frankfurt municipal policy has recognised this problem. A t the end of 2008, Frankfurt Economic Development GmbH received a crossparty mandate from the city council assembly to develop an approach to facilitating the financing of small and micro startups. As the Frankfurt School and its International Advisory Services had already gathered many years of experience in international microfinance, it was commissioned to conduct a study. The supply side for small business loans was analysed in interviews with a dozen banks, and the demand side with a survey of hundreds of startup companies. Based on the findings of the September 2009 “Study of microfinance in Frankfurt”, the concept of the Frankfurt Startup Fund was developed. In the spring of 2010, BaFin and the Hessian Ministry of the Interior granted the approvals for the programme. Endowed by the city of Frankfurt with 3 million euros, the Frankfurt Startup Fund was launched in June 2010 as a project run by Frankfurt Economic Development GmbH. With advice and guarantees of up to 50,000 euros for their bank loans, the project supports startups and young companies from Frankfurt am Main that have been on the market for less than five years. Depending on their agreements with their banks, a grace period of up to two years and a term of up to six years are possible. Those interested submit their business plans and other documents to Frankfurt Economic Development’s project partner, the office of the Startup Fund at Frankfurt School Financial Services GmbH, G r o wth is v a r ied 53 IN THE FUTURE secure the long-term survival of startups on the market.” which acts as a central coordination point, advises customers and several years is to ensure the sustain- recommends those assessed positively for a guarantee. The sec- ability of startups – and with it also ond project partner is Bürgschaftsbank Hessen, which for its part the sustainable benefits of municipal examines the plans and, on approval, extends a guarantee pledge funding. to customers within a few working days with which they can negotiate their bank loans individually. In the best case and where all With the Frankfurt Startup Fund, documents are available, the entire process takes only four weeks. Frankfurt am Main is the only city in Germany that provides a guarantee programme in conjunction The funds are therefore used on the one hand for guarantees ex- with consultation before negotiation with the bank and subsequent tended by Bürgschaftsbank Hessen for 80 percent of the loan coaching over the entire term of the loan free of charge for the start- amount. For the remaining 20 percent, the risk is assumed by the ups. Looking at the number of cases and loan amounts, this may eight partner banks of the Frankfurt Startup Fund. The partner not seem like very much. But the psychological effect in the startup banks are Commerzbank AG, Frankfurter Sparkasse 1822, Frank- scene should not be underestimated. The fund is often praised and furter Volksbank eG, Is¸bank, Naspa Nassauische Sparkasse, Oyak highlighted as part of a good environment for startups in Frankfurt. Anker Bank, Taunus-Sparkasse, Volksbank Griesheim eG and Information about the funding program is made continuously avail- Volksbank Höchst eG. able within the entire network of bodies providing consultation to Secondly, the fund’s resources are designed to secure the long- activities. For the partner banks, the Frankfurt Startup Fund repre- term survival of the startups on the market. In addition to the con- sents good image advertising and an investment in customer com- sultation before the meeting with the bank, another major advan- panies growing in the future. startups in Frankfurt and through a range of different marketing tage of the programme is the quarterly check of business figures over the entire term of the loan. These services are free of charge Behind the 361 subsequent coaching sessions is the most impor- for the startups. The goal of this intensive follow-up support over tant value of the Frankfurt Startup Fund for the companies sponsored and for the economy. In many cases, the regular quarterly follow-up support has been able to identify and contain critical situations at an early stage. After consultation with the office of the The Frankfurt Startup Fund in figures Startup Fund at Frankfurt School, quite a number of companies 15 June 2010 to 30 November 2014 have remained on the market that otherwise would likely have failed. 486 p reliminary inquiries and 170 applications. Of these, 68 The taxes used here by the city of Frankfurt are therefore already companies have received a loan commitment from partner banks. many municipalities in the Rhine-Main area also offering this sup- To date, the office of the Startup Fund has received 105 applications were rejected or withdrawn by the ap68 guarantees were granted. The total volume of guarantees extended amounts to 1,773,783 e uros, with the average guarantee volume at 28,600 e uros per case. There have been 4 defaults to date. At almost 67,000 euros, this is equivalent to a default rate of 3.8 showing sustained and positive effects. It would be good to see A total of port program. The approach and the infrastructure are in place. plicants. In the end And it only takes around 1 million euros of funds to get started. ■ Doris Brelowski is Head of Startup Projects at Frankfurt Economic Development GmbH. percent of the volume of guarantees extended. Andreas Küppers is Director of Startup Financing at Frankfurt School Financial Services GmbH. 54 G r o w t h i s v a ri e d By Moritz von der Linden Given their lower credit ratings, small and medium-sized enterprises are cur- rently struggling with rising financing costs and difficulties in accessing loans. Supply chain finance (SCF) solutions are based on an integrated entrepreneurial focus on the capital flow within the supply chain. Securitisations of trade receivables are therefore an attractive investment for investors close to the money market. Turning receivables into liquidity I nvestors in the money market value reliable and long-term forms of investment to avoid having to frequently redeploy funds in accordance with the fund criteria – which leads to higher costs. Until now, money market funds have met a majority of their investments with, for example, government bonds. With interest rates falling, these investors are looking for comparable assets that offer a certain minimum interest rate at a comparably low risk in order to meet the yield targets for each fund. CRX Markets offers money market investors access to short-term business risk in the form of securitised trade receivables. Pur chasers of goods and services validate their suppliers’ receivables, allowing investors to gear themselves to the good rating of the customer. Issued as zero coupon bonds with maturities of between 30 and 90 days, these securities offer an attractive pick-up over comparable investments in the money market. Customers and suppliers share the objective of rolling financing in order to ensure the maximum possible stability of the supply chain and individual safeguarding of the financing of each of the G r o w t h i s v a ri e d 55 suppliers. For the investors, this is accompanied by the emer- All financial instruments offered by CRX Markets are based on gence of the longer-term investment they are looking for. Both the approved payable finance (APF) approach. With APF, the cus- sides benefit in the long term from this financing solution. tomer must validate the supplier’s receivables in advance of the financing, and by doing so makes a promise to pay. Validation CRX Markets is a leading provider of supply chain finance (SCF) of the invoice lets the supplier take advantage of the customer’s solutions, offering alternative financing options that are independ- credit enhancement in order to achieve more favourable financing ent of banks, flexible, scalable and quick to implement. The de- terms. The automatic CRX Markets validation process g uarantees mand for capital market-oriented financing of operating funds “audit-proof” financing of trade receivables for the customer with shows that many small and medium-sized enterprises are looking for a supplement to existing bank financing and factoring solutions. Through greater diversification of funding sources, customers and suppliers can reduce dependencies and prevent potential financing gaps. CRX Markets offers customers and suppliers the following supply chain finance solutions: ❙❙ Dynamic Discounting is an innovation of the well-known cash discount model (10 days – 2 percent), creating a flexible discount curve that allows suppliers to finance receivables validated by the early liquidity for the supplier. “small and mediumsized enterprises are looking for more flexible and affordable alternatives.” customer in advance over the entire term by the customer himself. ❙❙ Bank APF is a single or multi-bank programme where invoices Securities placed on the capital market on a rolling basis can validated by the customer are financed directly by participating be used by small and medium-sized enterprises as a long-term banks at predetermined prices within the framework of estab source of financing for current assets, and by investors as a long- lished lines of credit. term alternative investment in the money market. ■ ❙❙ Multi Investor APF offers supply chains the opportunity to sell securitised receivables as securities on the capital market. Moritz von der Linden is EVP of CRX Markets S.A. 56 G r o wt h i s v a r i e d Industry banks foster independence By Max Weber and Christopher Ley Industrial companies want to become more independent of banks, and a growing number are starting to establish their own institutions. This allows them to do many things themselves, from sales financing to their own project financing. D espite historically low interest rates, many In addition to the well-known alternatives, such as asset-backed medium-sized industrial enterprises find transactions or the issue of tradable debt instruments, the recent it increasingly difficult to obtain bank past has seen a trend towards companies establishing their own loans and sales financing at competi- bank or acquiring the licence of an established bank. The reasons tive financing terms. This can be largely for this are not to be found exclusively in alternative options for re- attributed to more stringent regulation financing, but also in becoming less dependent on banks, exploit- and the stricter capital requirements for banks that go with it, be- ing additional customer potential, reinforcing customer loyalty and cause from this perspective, many banks see their ability to grant opening up new sources of revenue. new loans as limited. In addition, general confidence in the bank- ing system continues to fall as a result of the financial and banking The automotive sector is a pioneer in the field of industry banks. In crisis. In this environment, companies are increasingly looking for Germany today, more than half of all vehicles purchased are leased alternatives to traditional bank loans and seeking greater overall in- or financed. Captive financial service providers hold a market share dependence from banks – also because of the limited short-term of over 60 percent in this sector and contribute on average about investment opportunities for liquid funds. 20 percent of pre-tax profits to their parent groups. With a banking G r o wt h i s v a r i e d “ 57 With a banking licence, companies have direct access to the capital market and to the central bank. ” licence, these companies have direct access to the capital mar- process model. With the “Bank in a Box Model”, Ernst & Young has ket and the central bank and can also offer the group call money developed an integrated and fully comprehensive process model and fixed-term products, giving them new and diversified refinanc- for the establishment of banks and the introduction of new banking ing options. products. With five modular phases, the model combines all of the In addition to the further professionalisation of treasury functions, and license application to the start of business operations. relevant steps, from a strategic business case to conceptual design establishing their own bank is therefore becoming a strategic option for many companies in other industries. In 2014, for example, As a general rule, a preliminary study is used to develop the business the German industrial manufacturer Trumpf announced the open- strategy, the legal and regulatory framework, alternative business ing of its own universal bank with a focus on sales financing for the models as well as the appropriate organisational and operational company’s customers. In addition to pure sales financing, a bank- structures, and a strategic business case is prepared. In this process, ing licence also opens up other possibilities, such as securing the Ernst & Young uses simulation tools to simulate the relevant balance supplier network or financing major projects. These considerations sheet and income statement effects and the capital requirements. may also explain the establishment of banks at Siemens or the bank acquisition at Airbus. With a range of services from Advisory, Law, Tax and Transaction Advisory Services, Ernst & Young is ideally positioned to pro- Furthermore, companies can also develop alternative approaches to vide industrial companies on this path of transformation with ad- financing, in particular by accepting deposits or making use of ECB vice and support across divisions, also covering transaction and facilities. While a simple transfer of deposits raised on the market or valuation issues, where necessary, as well as legal and tax as- of other funds within the industrial group is not unproblematic due pects. Advice is available for the establishment of banks, the de- to the provisions governing large exposure, there is the indirect pos- posit and lending business, the organisational and operational sibility of using the bank as a financing vehicle for their own projects. structure of banks and leasing institutions, and in the evaluation of business models and the business plans based on them. ■ The establishment of a bank is more than just founding a new business. There are separate and complex regulatory requirements to be observed – an area of expertise that is not ordinarily available in in- Dr Max Weber is a Partner and Christopher Ley is Manager in the dustrial companies. There is also a requirement for a stringent p roject area of Advisory EMEIA Financial Services at Ernst & Young GmbH. 58 G r o w th i s v a r ie d The Pfandbrie f a class i c wi t h p o t e n t i al By Wolf Schumacher refinancing. Here, the Pfandbrief plays a decisive role, as was once again demonstrated during the financial crisis, when the German mortgage Pfandbrief successfully passed what was arguably its biggest test to date. Even at the height of the crisis of confidence in the financial markets, investors were buying Pfandbrief bonds. For banks, the Pfandbrief has proved to be a reliable instrument for refinancing, even in the current volatile market situation, making it a core component of any sustainable bank strategy. The legal framework for the issue of Pfandbrief bonds has been in place in Germany for almost 250 years now. On this basis, the Pfandbrief market for issuers and investors has evolved into a decisive competitive advantage for the German capital market and the German economy. Prompted by this success, almost all European E countries have introduced national legislation governing covered bonds since the early nineties of the last century. Although a num- ven at the height of the financial c risis, ber of basic principles with respect to the various covered bonds investors were buying Pfandbrief bonds. are similar, the individual laws and their establishment in national Their high standard must also be legal norms sometimes differ significantly. p reserved for covered bonds within a European framework. In early 2014, the European Commission set out its next steps on the road to European harmonisation in this area, including The aftermath of the financial crisis has led to a fundamentally for example a proposed impact study on the benefits of an EU changed environment, not only in the financial industry but in equal framework for covered bonds. It remains unclear what form this measure also in society, business and politics. For banks in particu- should take and the extent to which an approximation of the dif- lar, the regulatory environment has ferent legislation makes sense. become c onsiderably more strin- From the perspective of a Ger- gent. The numerous legislative ini- “The German Pfandbrief covered bond is the benchmark for quality.” man Pfandbrief bank, the intended harmonisation should tiatives that the industry has to deal with have become one of the key challenges for the banking sec- preserve the national differences, in order to guarantee investors tor as a whole, and for the business models of many individual a minimum level of quality while at the same time retaining the sta- institutions. tus of the German Pfandbrief as a quality benchmark. And this would ensure the continued supply of affordable financing by the Achieving lasting success in this challenging environment requires Pfandbrief banks. ■ a high level of flexibility and adaptability, but resting on a solid foundation. For banks, it is not only essential to have a balanced Dr Wolf Schumacher is Chairman of the Management Board of loan portfolio, they also must have broadly diversified sources of Aareal Bank AG. 4 GROW T H IS E V ER Y W HERE What is being done internationally for growth. 60 Growth is everywhere TARGET up to 75 million new accounts Accident insurance Life insurance Bank Card Growth is everywhere 61 Bank accounts for progress By Arundhati Bhattacharya Access to financial ser- vices is an engine of economic and social development. India has set itself ambitious targets to spread the bank account to the farthest corners of the country. “Almost 40 percent of households in India still do not make use of banking services.” F or five decades now, India has been pur 75 million new accounts by mid-January 2015 – for State Bank of suing the goal of providing access to a India, this means a share of 15 million new accounts. The num range of financial services to all house ber of new accounts opened at State Bank of India is currently holds at a reasonable cost. The quality of running at 150,000 to 200,000 a day. The challenge is to main financial services is currently being raised tain this momentum. Another challenge is cost, because these to a new level – made possible by the tech accounts can only be managed efficiently and profitably if trans nical capabilities of mobile banking and Aadhar cards for unique actions are made regularly and if there is a demand for financ identification on the basis of biometric data. ing. This calls for measures to improve education in the area of Between 2001 and 2011, the number of Indian households that finance. If s upport payments from the government are also paid to these accounts, this can encourage better use. are integrated into the formal banking system rose from 36 per cent to 59 percent. In the course of this process, the density of Despite these challenges, the banks are willing to see the pro bank branches and ATMs has also increased. Furthermore, the ject through to success under the direction of PMJDY, provid importance of bank lending in relation to gross domestic product ing a growing but still socially disadvantaged section of the has increased. Nevertheless, almost 40 per cent of households population with access to banking services and eligibility for in India still do not make use of banking services – a significant microcredit loans. In doing so, they are making their contri proportion. The government has taken this as an opportunity for bution to the equitable distribution of wealth and a stable so a new initiative. ciety and economy. With this work, the financial services sec tor will contribute to increasing the country’s productivity and PMJDY, the Department of Financial Services within the M inistry improving economic growth. In the long term, the positive of Finance in India, now aims to make financial services avail contribution to national d evelopment will be enormous. ■ able to the poorer sections of the population. It is planning a bank account associated with a bank card that includes acci dent and life insurance. The government had set itself a target of Arundhati Bhattacharya is Chairperson of State Bank of India. Firmly on track By Luis M. Linde In the wake of the financial cri- sis, Spain has made great efforts to offset the negative development of public finances and to revitalise poor economic performance. Today’s positive trend signals a sustained recovery that will allow debt reduction beginning in 2017. “Sound public finances are indeed a prerequisite for sustainable growth.” G r o w t h is e v e r y w h e r e T 63 he Spanish economic performance has ex- To offset these developments, a great effort has been made in pub- perienced different stages in recent years, lic finances. This has involved both the expenditure and the revenue from hectic growth to mild growth, reces- sides. As a result, the structural primary balance moved to positive sion and ultimately recovery. figures in 2012. From minus 2.7 percent of GDP in 2011, it achieved a 2.2 percent surplus in 2013 and, according to Ministry of Finance Developments in public finances have also and Public Administration estimates as provided in the draft State been quite notable. From 2005 to 2007, Budget for 2015, it will reach 2.7 percent of GDP in 2014. Public debt Spain’s public finances ran surpluses up to 2.2 percent of GDP, while is forecast to stabilise and to initiate a correction from 2017 onwards. public debt, following a marked downward trend, came to stand at a level of 35.5 percent of GDP in 2007, within the lowest bound in Markets – supported by a favourable monetary policy stance and the European Union. the disappearance of doubts on the future of the euro – have corro borated the importance of these efforts. Yields and sovereign risk The global crisis that broke in 2007 – at a time Spain had reached premiums have declined markedly. a mature cyclical position – and the strong fiscal stimulus provided by the authorities to counterbalance these developments were par- All in all, fiscal consolidation has not prevented the econ- ticularly harmful for Spanish fiscal accounts. The subsequent euro omy from recovering in Spain. Despite the short-term contrac- crisis contributed further to exacerbating the situation. As a conse- tionary effects on domestic demand, fiscal consolidation lead- quence, from 2009 to 2012 budget deficits hovered around dou- ing to sound public finances and orderly debt dynamics are ble-digit figures and general government debt soared by 50 pp from indeed a prerequisite for sustainable long-term growth. its low in 2007. In this context, the economy performed poorly, with significantly negative rates of growth from 2009, except for a shortlived rebound in 2010. Luis M. Linde is the Governor of Banco de Espan˜a. ■ 64 G r o w t h is e v e r y w h e r e Turkish banks foster growth By Cevdet Yilmaz Despite the global crisis, Turkey has been able to boost its economic growth and internationalise its banking sector in the past few years. A long with its dynamic population and prime location, its sound and efficient banking sector is a major asset of Turkey to build Istanbul International Financial Center. Despite moderate growth rates in the recent years, the Turkish banking sector has continued to grow and maintained its resilience against macroeconomic shocks due to its sound capital structure and man- ageable risks. The asset size of Turkish Banks reached USD 862.0 billion and 111 percent of GDP as of August 2014. G r o w t h is e v e r y w h e r e 65 862 The asset size of Turkish Banks reached billion USD “The Turkish economy developed comparatively well after 2008.” Turkey is among the countries which performed comparatively well opened branches outside of Turkey and provided various kinds of fi- after the 2008 global economic crisis. Having experienced economic nancial services in international markets. At the same time, foreign and political instability and severe macroeconomic fluctuations in investors are eager to enter the banking sector. Between 2002 and the 1990s, Turkey adopted a number of ambitious structural reforms, September 2014, the total FDI to the banking sector reached USD including restructuring of the banking sector, securing central bank 35.2 billion, which accounts for 29.6 percent of total FDI in Turkey. independence and introducing a multi-year budgeting system at the beginning of 2000s. These structural reforms and successful imple- High quality human capital, well-developed IT infrastructure and regu mentation of macroeconomic policy have propelled this economic lation framework in compliance with international standards are the performance, and the financial system has shown strong perfor- main strengths of the Turkish banking sector. The growth capacity mance during global economic turmoil. After the global economic of the economy, dynamic demographic structure, potential of Istan- crisis, in addition to the efficiency and the size of the banking sys- bul as an international financial center, potential of interest-free bank- tem, components and the quality of the balance sheets have be- ing, increasing share of emerging markets in the world economy, in- come more important issues in terms of financial stability. Therefore, novations in technology and payments systems can be summarised to provide macroeconomic sustainability, a series of macro-pruden- as the opportunities for the sector in the near future. ■ tial measures, which aimed at restraining consumer loans, were taken in recent years. From the point of global integration, the Turkish banking sector has gained experience and ability in recent years. Turkish banks have Dr Cevdet Yilmaz is Turkey’s Minister of Development. 66 Growth is everywhere Cornerstones of trade By Bernd Meist and Maximilian Habsburg-Lothringen The role of the Chinese state banks within the German economy has gained steadily in importance since China‘s „reform and opening“. The establishment of the clearing centre and the policy of internationalisation of the renminbi have paved the way for even more dynamic development. “Trade with China is greatly expanding demand for foreign trade financing.” Growth is everywhere U 67 ntil the period of the so-called “re- All four of these banks are currently represented in Germany. The form and opening”, China had a highly Bank of China (Zhongguo Yinhang), for example, which provides c entralised banking system in which a range of economically important services with the newly es- the Chinese central bank (Zhongguo tablished renminbi clearing centre, has been working in Frank- Renmin Yinhang) together with two furt since 1989. other state banks wholly covered the national market 1. Today, the banking market is dominated by The main activities of the Chinese state banks are currently in four major players who in the past year covered about two-thirds medium and long-term lending and trade financing. of the commercial bank market as measured by lending and deposit volumes 2. Industry insiders will be familiar with the names The booming foreign trade figures from Germany to China are “Agricultural Bank of China”, “China Construction Bank”, “Bank of opening up great demand for foreign trade financing, which is China” and “Industrial and Commercial Bank of China”. tailored by Chinese banks to the specific needs of their c ustomers. But for German companies already established in the Chinese growth market, the State banks also play an important role. Chin ese banks now serve numerous DAX, MDAX and SDAX com panies, which together with the four commercial banks are attracting experts in the Chinese economy and the Chinese financial market, experts who can build bridges. Finally, the opening of the renminbi clearing center will facilitate trade for German SMEs in the future, as they can now make renminbi transfers locally through a single credit institution. This allows companies to optimise their liquidity management and secure attractive access to the Chinese interbank market. The ability to issue German corporate bonds in renminbi, which is already practised, is gradually opening what is still limited access to the Chinese capital market to large German companies 3. ■ Bernd Meist is Managing Director and Maximilian HabsburgLothringen is Risk Analyst at Bank of China Ltd. Zweignieder lassung Frankfurt am Main Frankfurt Branch. 1 Popp, Stephan (1996): Multinationale Banken im Zukunftsmarkt VR China – Erfolgsfaktoren und Wettbewerbsstrategien, p. 17. 2 Mainland China Banking Survey 2013, KPMG. 3 Cf. China Contact, 2014, Issue 18, article by Lutz Raettig. 7 M. … visitors spend the night in the city every year. 3,450BN. 137,000 … euros is the sum of the total assets of all banks in Frankfurt. … people work in the financial sector in the Frankfurt-Rhine-Main metropolitan area. 55M. … people live in the Frankfurt-Rhine-Main metropolitan area. 193 186 61,300 … people work in the F rankfurt financial sector. … banks have their h eadquarters or branch offices in Frankfurt. … banks in Frankfurt are foreign banks. 1,000 41,000 … employees of financial services companies com mute daily from the sub urbs to Frankfurt. 7,900 … companies in financial services are based in the Frankfurt-Rhine-Main m etropolitan area. … jobs were created through the expansion of the ECB in the financial centre. FINANCIAL CENTRE FRANKFURT FAC TS AND FIGURES Published by Frankfurt Main Finance e. V. Zum Laurenburger Hof 76 60594 Frankfurt am Main Telefon: + 49 69 · 94 41 80 31 Telefax: + 49 69 · 94 41 80 19 Responsible Hubertus Väth Editorial Staff/Layout NewMark Finanzkommunikation GmbH, Frankfurt am Main 90% 67 . % … of Germany‘s total stock arket turnover is generated in m the Frankfurt financial centre. 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