07 March 2015 - the Loerie Park Seventh
07 March 2015 - the Loerie Park Seventh
CONTACT DETAILS KONTAKBESONDERHEDE ORDER OF WORSHIP DIENS ORDE 09:15 Song Service Pastor / Leraar Sabbath School 10:00 Lesson Study English - Vestry Afr. - Auditorium Bilingual Discussion Group Library 10:45 Song Service 10:55 Announcements Sing: Hymn 311 “More love to Thee” 11:00 073 416 8813 044—691 0099 [email protected] Adults/Older children Church Kindergarten children Kindergarten class 09:30 Henry Botha Divine Service Preacher & Elder Enter & Pray Prelude: Hymn 1 (NH) Praise to the Lord Pastoral Prayer Scripture Reading Opening Hymn Children’s Story & Little Hands Offering Tithes & Offering Special Item / Hymn Message Closing Hymn Benediction Head Elder Hoof Ouderling Anton De Jager 082 410 5516 [email protected] Head Deacon Hoof Diaken Ockie Fourie 082 292 5808 Head Deaconess Hoof Diakones Charlene Pretorius 044 874 6888 [email protected] Church Clerk Kerkklerk Connie Pedro 076 628 1448 [email protected] Bulletin Urma Williams Linzi Lennox (Eng.) (Notifications for bulletin: deadline 18:00 Wednesdays) (h) 044 870 8821 [email protected] SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH SEWENDE-DAG ADVENTISTE KERK LOERIE PARK Welcome in the Sanctuary of the Lord Let us worship our Creator together (h) 044 871 1544 [email protected] WELFARE/WELSYN There are families in need being supplemented by our Welfare Department. Please place your contributions in the Welfare Box situated at the Church entrance. Donations Required - Tin Food / Soup Packets / Jam / Rice / Oats etc. Contact Nita (044 877 0666) if you know of someone in need in our church. BANK DETAILS: SDA LOERIE PARK Account Name: SDA Loerie Park Bank: First National Bank Check Account No: 623 554 962 27 George Branch No.: 210 114 Place proof of payment as well as division of funds in a tithe envelope. Queries: Collette de Jager— 084 762 6730 Sing: “Hear our Prayer, O Lord” Song 278 - “Be still now...”as we reverently leave the church. Sabbath Closing: 07/03:18:59 14/03:18:49 Sabbatsluiting: 07 March 2015 ANNOUNCEMENTS AANKONDIGINGS PRAYER REQUESTS GEBEDSVERSOEKE Please remember to kindly keep your mobile phone switched off at all Today: Sabbath School: Freek and Angeline Family Ministries Sermon: Freek Oosthuizen Please join us for a walk @ 14:00 at the Botanical Gardens Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 7pm at the Church Healing: Johan Barnard Answered Prayers: A recliner chair has been found for Roedolf vd Westhuizen Intercessory Prayer: Pastor Eugene would like to thank you all for your prayers and for your gifts of kindness to him and his family during this difficult time. However, please keep on praying for this family. Also for our Seniors and Teenagers “You pray in your distress and in your need; would that you might pray also in the fullness of your joy and in your days of abundance.” HAPPENINGS @ LOERIE PARK - Mar/Apr 2015 07 Mar Senior & Teen Meeting @ 19:00 14 Mar Troopers March 2015 Additional Information Hartenbos Camp Meeting booking forms (in foyer) Main Speaker: Pst Byard Parks, Afrikaans: Eben de Jager, Ettienne McClintock, Youth: Jeremy Sterley and AJ de Villiers Lesson study books to be paid prior to receiving them: Adult R55, Teachers R70, Children Lesson Books R50. Place in Tithe envelope and mark appropriately . Please remember to place any contributions in the marked brown envelopes for special projects. For March we will focus on the Pew Cushion Fund Please leave the back benches open for Mothers and Toddlers Family Ministries would like to keep your anniversary date on record - especially for those double digits - please provide Cindy with these dates Dr Viljoen Dental Practice 03 Anelia Neuhoff Potluck Church 04 Christi du Plessis 21 Mar @ 15:00 Visit to George Hospital George Hospital 04 Vanessa Classen 30 Mar Meals on Wheels Yearly Meeting Church 08 Dennis Conning 2-6 Apr Camp Meeting - Loerie Park Church to be closed 09 Cindy Prinsloo 11 Collette de Jager 19 Apr AVB Prayer Breakfast 19 Amelia Janse van Vuuren Bible Website: http://www.crosswire.org/ 24 Sureen Potgieter 24 Rayleen Ruiters Facebook: George SDA Our web address: www.sdaloeriepark.co.za EG Whites writings: https://egwwritings.org/ & 24 Leandri Rossouw 26 John Spandiel 30 Eldorette May Hartenbos TBA Evangelism what literature and/or DVDs have you experienced works well to hand out? Please give the details to Cindy Prinsloo so that resources can be purchased for distribution bibledesktop/index.html https://egwwritings. org/singleframe.php Die tweede een is vir almal wat belangstel in Afrikaans: http://egwtext.whiteestate.org/ search_book.php?lang=af¶graphReferences=1 Afrikaanse Lesstudie: http:\\sabbatskoolles.weebly.com