Our Bulletin - Carmel Reformed Church


Our Bulletin - Carmel Reformed Church
March 8, 2015
*Praise Team
“Our God”
“Father, I Adore You”
*Christian Greeting
Profession of Faith - Clair Wynia
Sacrament of Baptism - Kolton, Kamryn and Kinsley Wynia
Jace Hulstein
Ministry in Music - Alix Van Ravenswaay
Congregational Prayer
Offertory/Ministry in Music - Jaci Wynia
(Offering for General Fund)
(Please pass the Guest Registers during this time)
*Hymn - #483 (vs. 1, 2 & 5)
Scripture: Mark 14
“May the Mind of Christ My Savior”
(page 1578 or 1582)
Hymn - #480 (vs. 1 & 2) “Have Thine Own Way, Lord”
(Offering for Property Fund)
*Closing Hymn - #480 (vs. 4) “Have Thine Own Way, Lord”
Pastor Voskuil will lead our morning worship service.
Song sheets for those who are unable to see the screen
are on the bulletin table or ask an usher for one.
Song Service
*Hymn of Praise - #52 (vs. 1 & 4) “Sing Praise to God Who
Reigns Above”
*Christian Greeting
Ministry in Music Congregational Prayer
*Hymn - #154
“What a Wonderful Savior!”
Scripture: John 4:5-26, 39-42
(page 1651 or 1652)
*Closing Hymn - #457
“Lord, Be Glorified”
*Parting Hymn - #785 (vs. 1, no chorus) “God Be With You”
(* Please stand if you are able)
God has promised to be our God and to let us be his people.
May we focus confidently on the blessing of such a loving relationship as we worship God today. Please join us for refreshments in the Fellowship Hall after the morning worship service.
Friendship Register: During the first offering this morning,
please sign and pass the “Friendship” Register down the row.
Once it reaches the end and members and guests have signed,
please pass it back to the center.
This morning it is our joy to celebrate both profession of faith
and baptism. Clair Wynia will be received through her profession
of faith and Steve and Clair’s children, Kolton, Kamryn and Kinsley will be baptized. We will also celebrate the sacrament of baptism for Jace Gerrit, son of Chris and Ashley Hulstein. We praise
God for these families and pray for His richest blessings upon
A warm welcome to Ron Brink as he leads our evening worship
Special thanks to Alix Van Ravenswaay for her ministry in music for baptism; to Jaci Wynia for her ministry in music this morning; and to our ministry in music this evening.
No Sunday School today. Mission offering will be taken next
week Sunday.
7:00 p.m.—Jr. RCYF. Devotions-Paityn; Prayer-Cassidy.
7:00 p.m.—Sr. RCYF.
Nursery Attendants: Rachel V. R., Monica K., Anna V., Chloe
W. (am); Pat S., Carson V. B. (pm). Greeters: Pete De Jong,
Brent Downs (am); Dave Dibbet (pm). Ushers: Monty (M);
Adam (NE): Regan (SW). Door Attendant: Marc. Audio:
Russ (am); Jerry (pm). Video: Laura (am); Dan (pm). Refreshments: John Leusink, Denny De Jong. After Service Greeters:
Loren & Mark (M); Jerry (NE); Pastor Rog (SW).
Monday, March 9
7:00 p.m.—Elders’ Meeting. Anyone desiring to make profession
of their faith may meet with us at 7:00.
8:00 p.m.—Consistory Meeting.
Wednesday, March 11
7:30 a.m.—Men’s Prayer Group. All men are welcome to join us.
7:00 p.m.—Helping Hand Circle. Lesson 2. Hostess-Mary Lou.
7:15 p.m.—Catechism for grades 1-12. Last Session.
Thursday, March 12
9:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.—Women’s Bible Study. If you haven’t
signed up please join us, we have extra books.
Pastoral Candidate will lead our morning worship service. Tom
Hydeen will lead our evening worship service. Nursery Atten-
dants: Verlyn Van Regenmorter, Jami Sandbulte, Aubie Mulder,
Paityn Albert (am); Jaimee Vonk, Ella Zwart (pm). Greeters:
Dan Fedders, Tyler Franken (am); Loren Hooyer (pm). Ushers:
Chris Van Essen (M); Beau Van Voorst (NE); Keaton Van Voorst
(SW). Door Attendant: Dave Dibbet. Audio: Gary Sandbulte
(am & pm). Video: Laura Van Ravenswaay (am); Dan Fedders
(pm). Refreshments: Mike Haverhals, Jerry Noteboom. Cookies: Melinda Nibbelink, Rachel Terpstra, Betty Sandbulte,
Clarice Van Maanen, Donna Renes. Special Music: Jared Terpstra (am); Casey Trieber (pm). Special Offering: Inspiration
Uphold in Prayer
Lois Joffer is in University of Minnesota Hospital in Minneapolis.
Nellie Vander Vliet dealing with cancer in her lymph nodes.
Joni Byker our Mission Partner hopes to return to Liberia soon.
Carter Van Meeteren and Paisley Davelaar
Pray for direction and leading for the pastoral candidate
Jennifer Balderas is taking Basic Training with the Air National Guard
in San Antonio, TX.
Trevor Pritchard has been deployed for six months.
Dan Burrington in the military
Nick Haverhals, Ashley Haverhals
Praying for our local congregations: This week please be in
prayer for God’s blessing for the Central Reformed Congregation
and the ministry of Pastor Van Rathbun.
Please help us to help you: When you have an illness, accident,
upcoming surgery, birth or death in the family, or other needs,
please notify one of the elders or the church office.
“Thanks to EVERYBODY for all the cards and Best Wishes
that were sent our way for our 50th Anniversary!! They were all
appreciated very much!! Thanks to our God for he has been
Good!!” Thanks Carmel family,”
Bernie and Linda Mulder
The church office will be closed on Tuesday this week.
Attention Organization Treasurer’s. All Treasurer’s books
will be audited the week of March 15. Please have your check
registers, daily records, and bank statements from October 2013
to December 2014 in the consistory room next Sunday, March 15.
The Pigs-in-the-blanket are gone. Thanks for your support of
this fundraiser. We had a profit of $3,105.63 on this project.
VBS Craft Team needs help! VBS Directors are looking for
someone to plan and lead crafts for Preschool/Kindergarten
classes; someone to plan and lead crafts for First/Second Grade
classes; and someone to plan and lead crafts for Third/Fourth
Grade classes. The wood projects of the past will be continued so
it would only be 4 or 5 crafts for the rest of the week. If you are
interested, please contact one of the Craft Directors, Amanda
Haverhals, or Anita Van Ravenhorst.
Lilies, Tulips, Daffodils or Hyacinths
Would you like to donate Easter flowers “in
honor of” or “in memory of” someone. Stop by the table near the
mailboxes in the fellowship hall. Fill out a slip and put it, along
with $15 per plant, in an envelope and place it in the box. Make
checks payable to Carmel Women’s Ministries.
Deadline to order flowers is Wednesday, March 18.
Flowers may be picked up after the evening service
on Easter Sunday.
The Men’s Book Club selection is “Seabiscuit: An American
Legend” by Laura Hillenbbrand. They will meet for discussion
on Thursday, March 26. (Note Date) All men are welcome.
Bethany Christian Services of NW Iowa is celebrating 40
years of ministry. Please join us on Friday, March 20 at the Terrace View Events Center in Sioux Center. Punch served at 6:00
p.m. followed by a full course meal. RSVP by March 10 by calling 712-737-4831.
You are invited to the 3rd Annual Living Stone Prison Church
Banquet at Bethany Reformed Church, Canton, SD on Thursday,
March 26, 6:30 p.m. RSVP: Please let us know by March 13 if
you can come so we can plan how much food to have. Call or
text Ruth at 605-366-3624.
In Sioux Falls
Thursday, April 2
NEEDED: 5 or 6 people to leave at 1:00 p.m. to prepare the
meal ahead of time. Also 25 people to help serve the meal.
You must be 12 years or older. We must be at the Banquet
at 5:15 p.m. The church van will leave the parking lot at
4:00 p.m.
DONATIONS: Donations for meal expenses and milk are
also needed.
A sign up sheet and a box for donations is at the back of the
mailboxes. Please consider giving of your time or a donation.
Inspiration Hills Women’s Auxiliary Annual meeting will be
held Thursday, March 19. Registration and coffee begin at 9:30
a.m. The cost for the day will be $8.50. You are encouraged to
bring items for the silent auction. Some suggestions are: baked
items (with the flavor & recipe labeled on it), canned goods,
plants, craft items, baby items, etc. Proceeds of the Silent Auction will go to purchase playground equipment at the campground
at Inspiration Hills. Speaker will be Diane Ruyter from Village
Northwest Unlimited in Sheldon. Diane’s life was changed following a car accident in 1980. She talks on “Making wise decisions”, “Never give up” and “Don’t treat people with disabilities
differently”. The Village Singers will give special music and lead
group singing. Make your reservations by March 12, by calling
Inspiration Hills, 866-858-3265.