Сургутский государственный педагогический университет


Сургутский государственный педагогический университет
Khanty-Mansiysky avtonomny okrug – Yugra
«Surgut State Pedagogical University»
Social-Humanitarian Department
Chair of Social-Humanitarian subjects
Call for papers
Dear Colleagues
15-16 October 2015 on base Surgut State Pedagogical University will be
organized scientific seminar «The Environmental history Siberian North:
Promising Research».
Environmental historians from USA and Europe note that Russia is great
country with unique natural conditions. Russia is as interesting for environmental
historians as unknown. Such statements can be truthful for Siberian North.
The North of Siberia is a region which was develop in very short time. This
developing started from particularly development where only need control size of
resources extract to total industrial developing with necessary environmental protection. This factors made this region interesting for historical-ecology researches
not only in theoretical but in practical fields.
The main goal of scientific seminar is discussed research’s results environmental history of Siberian North, his theoretical and methodological aspects of
environmental history as self-contained ways of researches.
Discussing these aspects can be possibility for extention subject for research
history of the North of Siberia, find knew historical knowledge about origins and
evolution of contradictions between people and nature, delepoing professional dia-
log and discussed main theoretical and methodological problems of environmental
The program of scientific seminar will be include member’s reports,
roundtables, culture’s program. Work languages are Russian and English.
The Committee of conference is offering next themes of roundtables:
Historical experience of nature management on Siberian North: «ex-
perience of history» and «experience of historian»,
The history of regional environmental policy in Russian Empire and
Soviet Union: the «north variant».
Natural resources, natural management and natural protection in the
North of Siberia in historical past;
Models of interaction between society and nature in the North of Sibe-
ria in XVII-XX century.
If you will to take a part in conference, you need to send request(the form of
request is added) and text of article( size from 3 000 words to 5 000 words) not later 31 August 2015 on follow e-mail: [email protected]. The requirement for article’s appearance is added. As a result of seminar will be publishing
The Committee of conference have a right to reject request and article with
represent for publishing.
The travel, living and food of members are paid by their organization.
For all questions you will contact with the Committee of conference on email: [email protected] or tel. +7(982) 188 1736/ +7 (913) 143 6440 (Maksim
The Committee of conference
The form of request
Name and Family name, academic rank, work position, place of work
Contact tel. and e-mail.
Them of article
Curriculum Vitae in with represent scientific field and themes of researches. This documents send separately in format MS Word or PDF
5. Text of article.
The requirement for article
Format – А4. Field 2 sm. Type – Times New Roman, size of type – 14, line
interval 1,5, indention 1,25, annealing of text – on width. List of reference locates
in end of article. The reference in text represent in square cramp [1, p. 20].
Articles publish on Russian and English language.
The text of article must include abstract( not more 250 words) and list of key
words ( 5-10 words).
On first page and line write name and family name of author, on the second
line - place of work, on the third line - Them of article, from forth line – text of
John Mill
Surgut State Pedagogical University
Them of article
Abstract. An abstract in English.
Key words. Key words in English
Text of article. Text of article. Text of article. Text of article. Text of article. Text
of article. Text of article. Text of article. Text of article. Text of article. Text of article. Text of article. Text of article. Text of article. Text of article. Text of article.
Text of article. Text of article. Text of article…