Youth Soccer Registration


Youth Soccer Registration
Youth Sports: Spring 2015
YMCA of Austin - Northwest Family
Youth Soccer
Registration Fees:
Youth Soccer Ages: 4-15 years old (divisions listed below)
Early Discount:
Season Dates:
March 28th—May 16th
Registration Dates*:
Early: Jan. 26th—Feb. 8th
$45M / $95NM
Regular: Feb. 9th—March 8th
$65M / $115NM
*Registration based on availability. Submission prior to deadline does not guarantee
enrollment. Waiting lists will be created after capacities are reached.
Y Financial Assistance
“YMCA of Austin programs
are designed to benefit
persons of all backgrounds,
and fees are based on the
cost of providing each
program. While participants
are expected to pay their fair
share, when YMCA financial
assistance is available, the
YMCA will assist anyone that
wants to participate but
cannot afford the fee.”
Select Division/Location
Northwest Branch
(check desired division)
4-5 yrs
6-7 yrs
8-9 yrs
old (Coed)
old (Coed)
old (Coed)
yr old (Coed)
yr old (Coed)
Important League Information and Dates:
3/10/15 - Emailed Registration Confirmations
(Please contact us if you have not received an email by this date.)
Mandatory player evaluation.
3/11/15 - 8/9 yr old Division Participants
3/12/15 - 10-12 & 13-15 Yr Old Division Participants
3/18/15 - Teams, practices and schedules distributed.
3/21/15 - 4/5 Division “Meet & Greet” between 9-12pm @ the
Northwest YMCA Branch. Exact time TBD, 1 hr meeting per team
Youth Sports Registration Form
Current YMCA of Austin member? Y
Member #: __________________
Child’s Name___________________ Gender: M F Age as of 3/22/15:_____
Parent Name___________________ Cell#/Carrier____________________
E-mail (please print legibly)_______________________________________
Child’s jersey size (Check one): Jerseys run a size big.
*New Jersey not provided if you participated in: ‘14 Fall Soccer
*Age divisions have changed
Youth XSmall □
Youth Small
*The YMCA reserves the
Adult Small
Adult Medium □
right to adjust divisions based
on enrollment prior to the
beginning of the season.
Child’s Previous Soccer Experience/Skill Level (Circle):
Mail or Return
(form + fee) to:
Northwest Family YMCA
5807 McNeil Dr
Austin, TX 78729
Phone: 512-335-9622
Fax: 512-335-1615
[email protected]
Youth Medium □
Youth Large □
Adult Large
Not Needed □
My Child cannot practice on this day (may choose one):________________
I’d like to Volunteer Coach (Name): ____________________ Head or Asst
E-mail ___________________________ Phone ________________
*I would like my child to be coached by (name): _____________________
*I would like my child to play with (friend’s name): ___________________
*Not Guaranteed for 10-12 and 13-15 Yr old Divisions
Youth Sports: Spring 2015
YMCA of Austin - Northwest Family
Youth Soccer
YMCA of Austin
Youth Sports Pledge
I pledge to play the game,
The best that I can,
To be a team player,
To respect my opponents,
The rules and officials,
And to improve myself in
Spirit, mind and body.
Our YMCA Mission:
The mission of the YMCA
of Austin is to put Christian
Principles into practice
through programs that
build a healthy spirit,
mind and body for all.
Y Financial Assistance
“YMCA of Austin programs
are designed to benefit
persons of all backgrounds,
and fees are based on the
cost of providing each
program. While participants
are expected to pay their fair
share, when YMCA financial
assistance is available, the
YMCA will assist anyone that
wants to participate but
cannot afford the fee.”
Office Use Only
Additional Information:
3/22– 3/27/15 - All 6-15 yr old teams will begin practice.
Each team will have one, 1-hr practice a week at the Northwest Family
Branch or local school. Exact day and time to be determined and
relayed by coach. Practice day requests will not be recognized.
5/16/15 - Awards and/or participation certificates distributed
5/30/15 - YMCA of Austin City Tournament
10/11 and 12-14 yr old divisions (teams must qualify*).
*Based on W/L record—More information provided during the season.
Games played Saturdays at the following locations:
-4/5 Divisions: Northwest YMCA
-6/7, 8/9, 10-12 and 13-15 Divisions: TBD
Coach/player requests honored when possible but not guaranteed
depending on # of players per team and team/division skill breakdown
A parent may register their child for an older division if it is in their
best interest based on size and skill level.
Youth Sports Payment Form
CREDIT/DEBIT CARD (Circle one): Visa
Card #: ______________________
Amex Discover
Expiration Date: ____ /____
Signature: ______________________________
Refunds are available upon request 10 business days prior to the beginning of the
season. A YMCA System Credit is available on all other cancellations.
Membership #_____________
Receipt #_________________
I grant the YMCA or its agents permission to transport my child in the event of an
emergency when I am unable to be contacted. I recognize that participation in the
YMCA activities may expose my child to some risk of injury. I agree to hold the
YMCA harmless from any claims for damage to any property or injury to persons
which may occur through participation in any activity at the YMCA or in its programs at an outside facility. I also authorize the use of any photographic image of
my child, named herein, taken during Y Youth Sports, for use in any YMCA publication. I further agree to abide by all YMCA of Austin procedures and policies. I have
read and understand the above information. My child has permission to participate
in this YMCA Youth Sports program with the conditions set forth.
Date Entered______________
Staff Name________________
Mail or return form and fee to:
Northwest Family Branch
Youth Sports Department
5807 McNeil Dr
Austin, TX. 78729
Phone: 512 335-9622
Fax: 512 335-1615
Parent/Guardian Signature