Chemical and Industrial Parks


Chemical and Industrial Parks
. E U R O F annual
O R UM conference
- J a h restag u ng
5. März 2013, Spezialtag, Köln
6. und 7. März 2013, Jahrestagung mit Werksbesichtigung, Köln
19 and 20 March 2015, Annual Conference, Pullman Cologne
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Chemical and
Industrial Parks
Operation, Management and New Business Models
Experience reports
from chemical parks in
Focus on:
• Performance indicators in process and plant safety
T he future of electricity market design and extension of cogeneration
Successful domestic and international marketing strategies
Energy management and successful energy efficiency projects
Industry 4.0 – from clipboard to tablet
CO2: from climate killer to raw material of the future
With presentations by
ASG Spremberg • BASF SE • BASF Espanola S.L. • Bayer Technology Services • Bayer MaterialScience AG
• BP Chemicals • Federal Environment Ministry • Currenta • InfraServ Knapsack • InfraServ Höchst • Kommission für
Anlagensicherheit (Commission on Process Safety) • Le Havre Développement • Mitsubishi Polyester Film • Noerr • NUON
Industry Parks • Shell Rheinland Raffinerie
S imultaneous Translation German
Bring your colleagues and customers from abroad!
Further information as well as the German programme is available at:
The requirements on chemical parks
will increase in 2015.
Shale gas production in North America, new production capacities in the Middle East or exponential growth of the chemical industry in China:
the markets are in a state of flux. This also affects chemical and industrial parks. The Annual Conference therefore focuses on the following
topics: How do others deal with these problems? How do our European neighbours react on legal hurdles and another zero-growth year? What
can we learn from chemical parks in England, Spain, the Netherlands or France? Discuss these and other questions concerning your business
model at the conference, the meeting point for the industry. Get to know colleagues from other European countries and expand your network.
Register today, update your knowledge and benefit from our early bird rates!
Target group of the conference
Managing directors, members of the management board, divisional and departmental managers as well as executives from
chemical companies, chemical park operators and companies
located in chemical parks dealing with:
• Strategic management
• Finances / controlling
• Site development, settlement management
• Facility management, mortgaging
• Supply and disposal
• SCM, logistics
• Plant safety / chemical safety
• Technology / production
• Law
• Environmental protection / workers’ protection
• Emission control /water pollution control
• Waste management systems
• Public relations
in the chemical, petrochemical, food, pharmaceutical, power
generation and steel industries as well as representatives from
energy suppliers, public utilities, waste management companies,
technology, logistics and maintenance providers, banks / financial investors, consulting companies, law firms, technical experts,
consultants, officials and approving authorities.
A picture speaks a thousand words!
An artist will draw “graphic
minutes” of the 2015 event live
at the conference. The discussions and contributions of the
participants will be summarized
and captured on a huge canvas.
The original will be auctioned
for a good cause.
All participants will get a copy
as a special souvenir of the conference.
Five good reasons for your participation:
1.Get insider information on the new Hazardous Incident
Ordinance from the Federal Environment Ministry.
2.Exchange experiences with colleagues from France, England,
the Netherlands and Spain.
3.Get information on operating models and business processes
of other parks.
4. Get suggestions for energy efficiency projects.
5.Ice Breaker Wall, social programme and the evening event
offer excellent opportunities for networking.
Media partner:
Day 1:Konferenztag:
Thursday, 19 March
2015 19. März 2015
„Excellent opportunity for chemical park
operators to exchange experiences “
(Heinz Schäfer, BASF Schwarzheide)
8.30 Welcome reception with coffee and tea
Ice Breaker Session POLAROID
An economic development strategy at the scale of
the Seine Estuary territory to enhance the competitiveness
of industries
Chemical and Industrial Parks 2015 – Beyond the
German Perspective
Get an overview of who you will meet at the conference. Get to know other
participants andfind out about the challenges your European colleagues have
to meet. And what role do polaroids play? – Let us surprise you!
Opening of the conference
by EUROFORUM representatives
and the chairman
Prof. Dr Christian Jochum,
Vice-Chairman, Commission on Process Safety
(Kommission für Anlagensicherheit)
•Industrial successes and practical achievements
– The migration to new sustainable economy: the example of
Estener and Osilub settlements
– Common R&D initiatives to deal with CO2 issues: CTSC industrial
chaire, CO2 capture pilot of Sedibex and CO2 capture demonstrator of
•New programs to face new industrial and territorial challenges
– Le Havre Eco-industrial Park program – implemented by the PS2E
Research and Education Institute
– Mapping the inter-relations between industries in the Seine Estuary
port cities – a program implemented by the Town Planning Agency
of Le Havre and Seine Estuary Area (AURH)
Frédérick Bernard, Industrial Development Manager, Le Havre
Développement, Le Havre/France
Juliette Duszynski, Project Manager Economics, Logistics, Port, European
Projects, AURH (Town Planning Agency of Le Havre and Seine Estuary area),
Le Havre/France
Between competitive location and good neighbour:
requirements on chemical parks in 2015
•Requirements from market forecast & macroeconomic situation
•Customer requirements: what can and must chemical parks offer?
•Requirements from the energy transition: electricity market design and
extension of cogeneration
•On-site requirements: infrastructure and acceptance as key factors
•Requirements on efficiency: are chemical parks ready for a downturn in
the economy?
Dr Joachim Waldi, Chairman of the Association of Chemical Parks
within the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI), Member
of the Management Board, Currenta GmbH & Co. OHG, Leverkusen
Successful domestic and
foreign marketing strategies
Networking break, visit of the exhibition
Emmtec Industry & Business Park – the PolymeRevolution
•Introduction of the park: operating model, products, customers
•Opportunities for improved unique selling points
•How did we do it?
• Successes
Ivo Verdonkschot, Director Industry Parks,
NUON Industry Parks, Amsterdam/Netherlands
Site BASF Tarragona: from a single-company site
to a multi-company site
•CHEMMED Tarragona: chemistry creating future
Antoni Tora Ricart, Head of Site Marketing & Services Sales,
BASF Espanola S.L., Tarragona/Spain
Promotion of Europe as an place to invest –
our share in the bigger picture
Industrial Park “Schwarze Pumpe” – a story of success
•Introduction to ECSPP (European Chemicals Sites Promotion Platform)
•Who we are • What we do
• Why we are an important part of the jigsaw
•Presentation of the operating model
•Marketing and settlement of new companies
•Sustainability and energy efficiency
Dr Diana Taylor, Business Development Manager,
BP Chemicals, Hull/Great Britain
Gerhard Hänel, Managing Director,
ASG Spremberg mbH
Day 1: Thursday, 19 March 2015
13.10–13.30 Discussion
13.30–14.30 Networking break, visit of the exhibition
The advantages of the German site
Why we decided to invest in a German chemical park
•About our company
•About our investment and product
•General requirements for building façade material
•Building façade in future
Mr. Satoru Okada, Director Sales & Marketing of ALPOLIC
Division, Mitsubishi Polyester Film GmbH
Successful energy efficiency projects Part 1
Further development of Industriepark Höchst’s
waste management system
•Customers expect globally competitive local conditions
•Advantages of location due to integrated waste
management system
•Site development has to take all levels into account (technology,
infrastructure, organisation, customers)
•What we have done and how our customers benefit from it
Thorsten Appel, Head of Waste Management,
Infraserv GmbH & Co. Höchst KG
BASF SE – energy management
The German chemical industry in the world market
•Overview: energy efficiency of the Ludwigshafen site
•Structure of the energy management system
•Review of the introduction of an energy management system
according to ISO 50001 for the Ludwigshafen site
•Joint energy efficiency programmes
•What has changed in the chemical industry over the last
two decades and what challenges is the chemical industry
facing today?
•How is the German chemical industry doing in the global
competition in terms of:
• profitability of German chemical companies
• attractiveness as a production location
Dr Thorsten Bug, Senior Manager Chemicals,
Germany Trade and Invest GmbH
Stephanie Geist, Energy Management and Technology,
End of the first day
Is the German chemical park model fit for the future?
•Challenges in the global context
•Transformation to the Knapsack model
Dr Clemens Mittelviefhaus, Managing Director,
InfraServ GmbH & Co. Knapsack KG
Panel and audience discussion
„The strength of Germany as a location for industry“
Networking break, visit of the exhibition
In the evening of the first conference day, TÜV SÜD Chemie Service GmbH
invites you to dinner. Review the day, enjoy a glass of chilled beer and
expand your network in a relaxed atmosphere.
Day 2: Friday, 20 March 2015
„An annual must-attend event for every
industrial park operator“
(Ludger Boeck, MLB Industrial Service)
Welcome reception with coffee and tea
Best practice: plant safety and
new legal regulations
Industry 4.0 and data security
Industry 4.0 – applications, systems, potentials
Previous achievements for safety indicators
•Overall process safety system
•Leading key performance indicators
•Process safety management system
(risk analyses and hazard identification)
•Smart Factory: connected data and customer-oriented
information as the key to excellent production
•Core paradigms and examples of implementation
•Big Data in Industry 4.0 processes
Prof. Dr Oliver Niggemann, Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, Institute of Industrial
Information Technologies, Ostwestfalen-Lippe University
of Applied Sciences, and Deputy Head of the Fraunhofer
Application Center for Industrial Automation (IOSB-INA)
Dr Jean-Michel Dien, Managing Director, Swissi Process Safety GmbH,
a subsidiary of the TÜV SÜD Group, Basel / Switzerland
Matthias Brey, Managing Director, Kienbaum Management Consultants
Successful energy efficiency projects Part 2
Performance indicators in process and plant safety
•Motivation – why process safety indicators?
•Leading and lagging indicators
•Loss of primary containment (LOPC)
•Global reporting
Dr Konrad Fischer, Principal Expert Process and Plant Safety,
Bayer Technology Services
Reduction of CO2 emissions from energy-intensive plants
•Sustainability as the foundation of energy efficiency at BMS
•STRUCTeseTM – a customized energy management system
•Status quo – six years after the introduction
Matthias Böhm, Head of Energy Excellence,
Bayer MaterialScience AG
Trust but…
•Reactions on an increased number of incidents
•Comprehensive examinations as trust-building measures
•Involvement of all stakeholders
•A good neighbour – only with safety
Dream Production: There is something in the air – Use of
carbon dioxide for the production of plastics
•The Dream Reaction: Carbon dioxide as raw material for plastics
•The Dream Production: Commercialization of the success
•The Dream goes on: Taking Carbon Capture and Utilization to
the next level
Prof. Dr Christian Jochum, Vice-Chairman, Commission on Process Safety
(Kommission für Anlagensicherheit)
Dr Jan Zeese, Communications Manager, Shell Deutschland Oil GmbH,
Rheinland Raffinerie
Networking break, visit of the exhibition
New Hazardous Incident Ordinance in line with the
implementation of the Seveso III Directive – what will change?
•Amendments of Appendix I: limits of amounts of substances
•Taking safety distance into account
•Taking knock-on effects into account
Georg Arens, Head of Department IG I 4 Plant Safety, Federal
Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building
and Nuclear Safety
Dr Karsten Malsch, VP BU Polyurethanes / Venture Manager
CO2 Polyether, Bayer MaterialScience AG
Networking break, visit of the exhibition
End of the conference
„Networking and experts forum for chemical park operators,
in line with actual practice“
& Exhibitors
Zweiter Konferenztag:
Donnerstag 20. März(Peter
Bartholomäus, InfraServ)
Host of the evening event:
TÜV SÜD Chemie Service – expertise from experience. Die TÜV SÜD Chemie Service GmbH
offers services for the chemical, pharmaceutical and process industries involving every aspect
of safety, efficiency and availability of process plants. As a “one-stop service provider”, we
offer support and testing services throughout the entire life cycle of chemical plants – from
planning and purchasing to assembly / startup, operation and closure. Our customers benefit from the comprehensive approach and continuous quality assurance. Our EX-Dates lab offers hazard and risk analyses,
identification of relevant EX-safety dates, criticality assessment of powders, liquids and gases as well as ignition source analyses
(particularly electrostatics). The development and implementation of experience or risk-based inspection strategies as well as
material services and consulting are also part of our portfolio. Our data management system provides a comprehensive technical
documentation of the facilities, including scheduling, processing and documentation of all compulsory or necessary tests. This
is our positive contribution to your “compliance management”. TÜV SÜD Chemie Service stands for the highest level of service
quality, flexibility and on-site presence.
TÜV SÜD Chemie Service GmbH
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee, Geb. B407
D–51368 Leverkusen
In times where the “not in my backyard” attitude is prevailing when it comes to industry and infrastructure projects, the Chemiepark Knapsack offers additional value. Our experienced “approval experts” in combination with developed areas and a positive environment ensure the future of the site
– particularly with regard to new business ideas and production processes. We are not only familiar
with complex plant planning, but also with aspects of infrastructure and the advantages of a specific
chemical network. Excellent conditions for something new.
Infraserv GmbH & Co Knapsack KG
Chemiepark Knapsack/
Industriestrasse 300
D–50354 Hürth
Confirmed exhibitors:
Gas-Union is one of the leading large-scale gas wholesalers located in Germany. We have supplied
utility and industrial companies in Germany with gas for over 30 years. We have a considerable share
in a natural gas production project in the North Sea and own natural gas storage facilities. With GasUnion Services, we offer comprehensive – irrespective of gas purchase – services for public utility and
industrial companies.
Gas-Union GmbH
Theodor-Stern-Kai 1
D–60596 Frankfurt am Main
Infraserv Höchst is a leading site operator and service provider for the chemical and pharmaceutical
industries as well as related process industries. Infraserv operates one of the largest production and
research sites in Europe: the Industriepark Höchst in Frankfurt/Main.
Infraserv GmbH & Co. Höchst KG
Industriepark Höchst
D–65926 Frankfurt am Main
Sponsoring and exhibition
At the conference, you will have the opportunity to present your products and services to the participants.
For further information on sponsoring and exhibition opportunities and target group identification
please contact:
If you have any questions about the conference,
we will be pleased to help you.
+49 (0)2 11/96 86–33 45
Customer Service/Registration
Gabriele Harriott,
[email protected]
Tim Sommer,
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 (0)2 11/96 86 – 37 78
Content and conception
Annette Hansen,
Registration and information
Euroforum Deutschland SE, Postfach 11 12 34, 40512 Düsseldorf
b y m a i l :
[email protected]
b y f a x : +49 (0)2 11/96 86–40 40
b y p h o n e :+49 (0)2 11/96 86–33 45 [Gabriele Harriott]
I n t e r n e t :
Your personal
registration code
CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION. The attendance fee (plus VAT) per person, which includes conference
documentation, lunches and tea/coffee, is payable on receipt of the invoice or by credit card. Once your
registration has been received you will be sent a confirmation slip. Registrations can be cancelled (in
writing only) free of charge up to 14 days before the event. When a cancellation is made within 14 days
of the conference date, half the participation fee will be reimbursed. In the event of cancellation on the
day of the conference, or failure to attend, the full fee will be payable. The registered delegate may of
course send a substitute at no additional cost. The organisers reserve the right to amend the programme
of events if necessary.
DATA PROTECTION. We use the data collected in connection with your order and use of our services
and products within the applicable legal limits for the purpose of performing our services, and to provide
you with information by post and email about further offers by us, companies of our group or co-operation
partners, which are similar to the services of which you availed yourself previously. If, during the use of the
data, it is transmitted to countries lacking an adequate level of data protection, we will create sufficient
guarantees to protect the data. Further more, we will use your data if you have given us your consent to
do so. You may object to the use of your data for advertising purposes or to being contacted by email or
fax at any time by contacting Euroforum Deutschland SE, P.O. Box 11 12 34, 40512 Duesseldorf, Ger many.
Our customer services (Phone: +49 (0)2 11/9686–33 33) shall be pleased to accept requests for changes.
hotel accomodation. A limited number of rooms is available at the conference hotel at a reduced
rate. Please contact the hotel directly to make your reservation, stating that you are attending the
EUROFORUM Conference. Subject to change without notice.
15th annual conference
Chemical and Industrial Parks
Operation, Management and New Business Models
19 and 20 March 2015, Pullman Cologne
Helenenstraße 14, D–50667 Cologne, Phone: +49 (0)2 21/27 50
r now
or f ill in and fax it to: +49 (0)2 11/96 86 – 40 40
€ 200,–
Yes, I wish to participate
Annual Conference
19 and 20 March 2015
on registration by
20 Feb. 2015
21 Feb. 2015
€ 1.999,–
€ 2.099,–
€ 2.199,–
[I can appoint a substitute at any time at no additional cost.
The price includes detailed conference documentation.]
I am interested in the exhibition and sponsorship opportunities.
I would like to amend my address details. Job title/Division
on registration after
16 Jan. 2015
€ 100,–
Year of birth
EUROFORUM Deutschland SE may contact me about various products and services offered by it as well as by
companies of theGroup and co-operation partners: Email: Yes No Fax: Yes No
[You can also amend your address details by calling: +49 (0)2 11.96 86–33 33.]
Contact person
Job title
Date, Signature