View his resume - Adam Mark Smith


View his resume - Adam Mark Smith
Address: Portland, Oregon
Email: [email protected]
Passionate Business Leader, Coach, Author
I currently lead courses for Essential Life Coach Training, a training course for life coaches. I also teach
Mindful Entrepreneurship and Business Finance courses at Portland State University.
The ideal full-time role would leverage my business leadership and ability to create and foster a
cooperative, transparent and diverse working environment. I would also like to support or create a
corporate mindfulness program within the organization.
Strengths: Authenticity, Self-Awareness, Regular Mindfulness Practice, Presence, Emotionally
Intelligence, Communication, Public Speaking, Executive Experience, Creativity, Resilience, Empathetic,
Intuitive, Humble
Weaknesses: Need to be Perfect, Need for Approval, Incessant Thinking, Impatient, Easily Distractible
Essential Life Coach Training, Portland, Oregon
2014 to present
Facilitator and Life Coach
An ICF-accredited life coach training program.
 Lead online and in-person training sessions for coaches training to become life coaches.
 Provide business, mentor, life and academic coaching.
Vante, Tucson, Arizona
2010 to 2012
CFO, Corporate Controller and Treasurer
Vante, a $10M high tech medical device manufacturer, is led by former IBM executives and leaders.
 Managed all aspects of finance and accounting, including A/R, A/P, general ledger, financial
reporting, investor relations, financial analysis, treasury, debt compliance, budgeting and
forecasting, ESOP, S-Corp taxation and Board communication.
 Reported to CEO and led team of 3 accountants/analysts.
Select Accomplishments
 Improved Employee Morale. After experiencing the sale of half the company and two rounds of
layoffs, I led the executive team to focus on employee morale and retention by investing in the
company's first wellness center, creating a recreation room with foosball tables and darts,
championing transparency by providing monthly financial and operational updates, leading
personal finance educational workshops and increasing executive engagement with employees.
 Financial Reporting Improvements and Efficiencies. Working with a reduced accounting staff
(from 8 to 3), improved accuracy, reduced month-end close from 14 days to 2 days and maintained
a manageable work/life balance for the team. Achieved by prioritizing business needs and
implementing new business processes, including a shared month-end and year-end checklist.
IBM, Tucson, Arizona
2002 to 2010
Working within the Storage and Technology Division (a $17B division), held numerous roles and
responsibilities, including people management and training (up to 8), financial reporting, cash flow
management, improving inventory turns, financial planning, cost reduction, revenue recognition
compliance, investment board presentation, investment analysis, pricing and ad hoc financial analysis.
 Designated as IBM Top Talent.
Senior Finance Manager – Financial Planning and Analysis
2007 to 2010
 Managed and led $1.5 billion cost reduction via weekly end-to-end cadence meetings with global
supply chain, including procurement, fulfillment, quality, and inventory and freight management.
 Keys to success were establishing metrics and accountability, transparency and trust.
Senior Lead – Pricing and Investments
2004 to 2007
 Created standardized business case model that was later adopted by the Investment Analysis
Group on a worldwide basis resulting in faster turnaround time (from 10 to 2 weeks) and increased
quality of analyses.
 Led audit compliance challenge to move from verge of ‘Failing’ to ‘Satisfactory’.
Finance Specialist – Pricing and Investments
2002 to 2004
 Externally hired into role for which two predecessors lasted only two months.
 Analytical and collaborative approach to creating business cases for $500 million R&D spend.
KPMG, Structured Finance Group, Los Angeles, California
Senior Associate
Led team of 5 associates to review and confirm compliance for mortgage and asset-backed securities.
Reviewed complex financial models to assess risk and confirm related underwriting documents were
accurate and ready for securitization. Left KPMG to move to Arizona for family medical reasons.
Credit Suisse Group, Investment Banking Division, Los Angeles, California
1999 to 2001
Created and reviewed IPO, M&A, LBO, DCF, debt tender, accretion/dilution and comparable
company analyses. Produced offering memos and marketing materials for IPO, senior debt, high
yield, private placement and exclusive sales. Six months after starting, led training for Excel
Financial Modeling on a worldwide basis for all new incoming analysts.
International Coach Federation, Associate Certified Coach (ACC)
Certified Public Accountant (CPA), AICPA, State of Arizona #15677-E (Active)
University of Arizona, Eller College of Management, MBA
CEO of International Venture Capital Competition (1st Place)
University of Arizona, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Double Major: Accounting and Finance; Magna Cum Laude
1999 Most Outstanding College of Business Student of the Year
1999 Most Outstanding Finance Student of the Year
Million Dollar Cup of Water: The Wealth in Authenticity
A memoir of my journey from rags to riches, to rags to true wealth.
The book is about how chasing money led me to Wall Street, IBM and CFO roles, but never satisfied
my craving for acceptance. After posting a poorly thought out 2.5 minute YouTube video to protest
for human rights by ordering a free cup of water, my company was harassed, fired me and released a
press release. That press release led to a very public shaming on many media outlets, including the
O’Reilly Factor (3x).
After receiving many subsequent offers for employment that were immediately rescinded after simply
Googling my name, I fell into an identity crisis that pushed me into the darkest time in my life.
Through an authentic soul search and the healing presence of family and friends, I faced a reality that
had always seemed too frightening and humiliating to accept. This search led me to the most beautiful
truth I have ever known, a truth that I see in everything and everyone: when we choose to live an
authentic life, we choose to finally live.
When I lost my job, I lost my equity in the company and six-figure salary, all amounting to over one
million dollars in wealth, everything I was worth, or so I thought. The free cup of water turned into a
million dollar cup of water that I would honestly pay for all over again.
Portland State University, Portland, Oregon
2013 to Present
Adjunct Lecturer
Teach Mindful Entrepreneurship and Finance.
Mindful Entrepreneurship not only teaches students how to develop business plans, but also how to
develop themselves as entrepreneurs in life. A course in emotional intelligence combined with
traditional business planning.
Endure to Give, Portland, Oregon
2009 to 2012
Non-profit focused on encouraging amateur athletes to give back to their community, particularly to
local, needy families. Fundraising includes coordinating and executing 'ultra' charitable cycling and
running events, such as cycling from San Diego to Tucson (500+ miles over 3 days) and running
Ragnar Relay Races (200+ miles in 24 hours).
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
Adjunct Lecturer and Guest Speaker
Taught Valuation with an Excel Emphasis to master-level students.
Guest lectured for Venture Capital.
Frequent guest speaker for the university's Financial Management Association.
I also enjoy cycling, running, camping, reading, writing,
living with purpose and in awareness, and motivating and inspiring others.

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