Legal Guardianship form for Owlettes


Legal Guardianship form for Owlettes
This document serves as authorization for any person(s) 12 years of age or older who would be considered a minor
and wishes to join Origami Owl as an Owlette.
The signature of a legal guardian is required for any minor to participate in Origami Owl. Also, a Social Security
number will be required of the parent/legal guardian. As a minor’s parent
or legal guardian and party to the Independent Designer Enrollment Agreement, you will be fully responsible for
the fulfillment of the minor’s responsibilities and obligations under the Independent Designer Agreement. Any
act by you will be attributed to the minor, and any act by the minor will be attributed to you.
, authorize
to join the Company
Legal Guardian Name (Print)
Minor Name (Print)
“Origami Owl LLC”, as an Owlette on this
day of
in the year
Parent | Legal Guardian (Signature)
Legal Guardian | Designer
Minor’s Birthday (mm/dd/yyyy)
* Last 4 of SSN
Please fax this form to 480.247.6355 following the submission of your Origami Owl Designer Enrollment
As the legal guardian, you understand that an IRS 1099 tax form will be sent to owner of the SS# listed above* on or before
the required date to assist in the filing of taxes for you and your business.
Please refer to Origami Owl’s Independent Designer Policies and Procedures for further information.
Welcome to the Nest!
© 2014 Origami Owl LLC Auth.