���The Impact of Advances in Genomics on Perinatal Care���


���The Impact of Advances in Genomics on Perinatal Care���
Washington, D.C.
Section on Perinatal Pediatrics Program
Friday October 23, 2015
Organization of Neonatal Training Program Directors
Annual Meeting
10:00am - 5:00pm
5:15pm – 6:00pm
Keynote Address: Gerald Merenstein Lecture
Introduction by: Renate Savich, MD, FAAP, Section Chair
“The Impact of Advances in Genomics on Perinatal Care”
Diana Bianchi, MD
Opening Reception and Poster Session
6:00pm – 8:00pm Authors in attendance at posters
6:30pm – 7:30pm Poster walk, discussions with authors
Saturday October 24, 2015
Scientific Abstract Oral Presentations
8:00am – 8:05am Welcome and Introduction: Dr. Thomas George
8:05am – 9:20am Session 1 (Presentations 1-5, 15 min each)
9:20am – 9:35am Presentation of Klaus Awards: Dr. Hendrik Weitkamp
9:35am - 9:45am Break
9:45am – 11:00am Session 2 (Presentations 6-10)
Thomas Cone History Lecture
11:00-11:45 am
“What Would Sam Do? The Promise and Perils of Neonatal Genetic Testing”
Francis S. Collins, MD, PhD
Section Update and Awards
11:45am – 12:00 pm
The Section of Perinatal Pediatrics at Work: Summary of Section Activities for 2015-2016
Renate Savich, MD, FAAP
Chair, AAP Section on Perinatal Pediatrics
Presentation of Landmark Award
12:00–12:15 pm
Presentation of Education Award
12:15-12:30 pm
Joint Section Program: Section on Perinatal Pediatrics and Section on Pediatric Surgery
“Optimizing Care for the Neonatal Surgical Patient”
1:15-4:00 pm
Moderators: Drs. Mark Hudak and Dr. Shawn Rangel
Welcome and Introductions
1:20–1:55 pm
The Scope and Variation of Neonatal Surgical Outcomes
Dr. Shawn Rangel
1:55-2:45 pm
Collaborative Quality Improvement Initiatives: NSQIP-Peds and CHND
Dr. Marty Blakely and Dr. Jacquelyn Evans
2:45-3:35 pm
Medical and Surgical Frontiers in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Dr. Krisa Van Meurs and Dr. Kevin Lally
3:35-4:00 pm
Panel Discussion
4:00-4:15 pm
4:15-4:30 pm
Young Investigators Awards
Presentation by Dr. Thomas George
4:30-5:30 pm
Apgar Award Presentation
5:30-7:30 pm
Trainees and Early Career Neonatologists (TECaN) Reception
Sunday October 25, 2015
8:00am – 8:15 am
Update from the Committee on the Fetus and Newborn
Dr. Kristi Watterberg
Chair, Committee on the Fetus and Newborn
Joint Section Program: Section on Perinatal Pediatrics and Section on Bioethics
“Optimizing Care for the Neonatal Surgical Patient”
8:15 am-12:00 pm
Moderators: Dr. Sue Townsend and Dr. Mark Hudak
8:15-8:20 am
Welcome and Introduction
8:20-9:20 am
The Parent Experience of Care in the NICU: Individual Innovation, Organized Research, and
20 minutes Kelly Benham French: Vignettes of parental perspective on “routine care” and research
20 minutes Dr. John Lantos: Innovation vs. organized research in the NICU
20 minutes Dr. Renee Boss: Effective communication with parents; techniques of obtaining assent
and consent
9:20-10:05 am
Genetics and Ethics: The Future is Now
Dr. Lainie Friedman Ross
10:05-10:15 am
10:15-10:55 am
Family Knows Best: Home Births, Water Births, and Home Remedies
20 minutes Dr. Mark Mercurio: Neonatology vignettes/ case presentations
20 minutes Dr. Douglas Diekema: ethics and parental rights
10:55-11:40 am
Ethical Controversies: Resuscitation and Continuation of Life Support in the NICU
Dr. William Meadow
11:40-12:00 pm
Panel Discussion with Q&A
All speakers
12:00-1:30 pm
Neonatology Career Development Seminar: Ins and Outs of Publishing a Scientific Manuscript
Edward E. Lawson, MD, FAAP
Concurrent Skills Workshops
Participants will be able to attend 1 of 2 concurrent workshops that should have direct
implications on their practice as Neonatologists. The workshops are designed to be small
enough for significant faculty-participant interaction.
1:30pm – 2:45pm Concurrent Workshops
1. Grant funding
Tonse Raju, MD, FAAP and Ed McCabe, MD, FAAP
2. TBD