President`s Message


President`s Message
FALL 2010
Silver Sponsor
IFDA would like to give a big ‘Thank
You’ to our 1st National Sponsor:
Benjamin Moore & Co. As an IFDA
International Sponsor, they will be
receiving marketing benefits at the
local and national level. For over 125
years, Benjamin Moore & Co. remains
highest-quality paints and finishes in
the industry. Benjamin Moore’s product
innovation has consistently changed
the face of the paint industry. They are
committed to developing premium
new paints and stains to suit the
changing needs of design professionals.
Throughout their extensive history,
Benjamin Moore has been recognized
as an expert and leader in color, with a
palette of over 3400 hues, an array of
color tools, and a reliable resource for
the architecture and design community.
IFDA is excited about working with
Benjamin Moore & Co. in helping them
achieve their marketing goals.
President’s Message
by Susan Hirsh, IFDA President
It is hard to believe
how quickly a year
can fly by. It seems
like moments ago that
we were heralding
the entrance of 2010.
The ups and downs
of the economy have given us a roller
coaster ride. The prospects seem to be
on the upward slope but our clients are
cautious about spending money. Yet,
they have spent more time at home
than every before. They have looked
around and see the need for updating.
This will result in more business for every
one of us. Are you ready? Have you
kept up with the trends? Have you used
the internet and social media to get the
latest? Now more than ever industry
association membership is important.
You will be receiving your renewal form
soon. Send it in right away. Be a part
of the only all inclusive organization
in our industry. Your local chapter has
provided seminars all year to keep you
informed of the trends and latest news
in our industry. Bring a colleague to
one of our meetings. Not only will they
get a lot from the time spent, but by
bringing new points of view and talents
you increase the value of everyone’s
Our new website is up and running.
It has been welcomed with positive
feedback. I would like to thank the
Website Committee, Dave Gilbert,
FIFDA (Co-Chair) and Rand Kehler
(Co-Chair), Janet Stevenson, and
Michelle Kiefert. They recognized a need
and immediately took the steps to make
the changes. I would like to thank the
Philadelphia Chapter for underwriting
the redesign of the website. We could
not have undertaken this project without
their aid. We now have a website that
will be our voice and represent us well in
the future. Take the time to update your
profile and your page. Check it often
to see what your chapter has planned
and to see updates on the Symposium,
September15-17, 2011.
We are starting a Speakers Bureau. This
will focus on our members’ talents and
the professional talks that are available.
We have members who are industry
leaders and experienced speakers. If
you would like to be included, look
at the template which will be on our
website or contact Jennifer Jones
and she will e-mail the template to
you. Send the completed form to
[email protected].
Continued on next page
A R I Z O N A | B A LT I M O R E | C A R O L I N A S | F L O R I D A | G E O R G I A | I L L I N O I S | M I C H I G A N | M I N N E S OTA | N O R T H E R N C A L I F O R N I A
IFDA 20/20 Survey
Forecasts The Future of the
American Lifestyles
By Claire Coleman, FIFDA
any, in what we believe lifestyles will look
like in the next decade.
EF Unveils New
Card To Honor,
Remember Or
An astonishing percentage of members
responded to both surveys. While there
was some overlap of participants in
each, members who have joined IFDA in
recent years added a new dimension to
the predictions, although likely reflecting
similar points of view.
How will Americans live in the next ten
years and beyond? Experts in the interior
furnishings industries – the members
of IFDA – with their 20/20 vision gazed
into their virtual crystal balls and in the
recent survey IFDA’s Vision for the Future
predicted what our surroundings will
look like in 2020. Having sent out an
almost identical survey in 2000, it is now
our plan to contrast the two surveys and
assess the similarities and the changes, if
Several long time members are reviewing
the surveys. Their findings will be
announced shortly. We anticipate
backing up the statistics that we have
garnered with quotes from colleagues
who added comments and critiques
on specific aspects of furnishings and
lifestyles. Ultimately we will send this
report to the media, highlighting the
expertise, experience, and know-how of
IFDA members.
President’s Message Cont’d.
Continued from previous page
I would like to thank my Board of Directors,
the Council of Presidents, and Accolade
our management team who have devoted
countless hours working on projects this
year. I would especially like to thank Ellen
Cohen and Teresa Burnett who have
completed their term as Director. They
have helped our organization start new
programs and have spent endless hours
working on IFDA projects. We have made
changes and we are in a good position
to go forward. I have enjoyed interacting
with many of you this past year. IFDA
has again broadened my experience and
given me a chance to work on areas that
are important to me and this organization
going forward. Your new President is
Janet Stevenson. She has a wealth of
experience. She will do an excellent job.
When I started this year I asked you to act
locally but to think nationally. We are an
international organization which has 17
very active chapters which are the face
of the organization to each of you. We
will have our International Symposium
in Philadelphia next September 15-17th.
Save the date and attend.
The IFDA Educational Foundation has created a
special “Acknowledgement Note Card” program
that offers opportunities to create fitting tributes
for many occasions.
The cards are an attractive, appropriate, and
convenient way for individuals and chapters to
mark a milestone, honor a dedicated member or
supporter, recognize an event, or send get-well
wishes or a message of condolence.
Upon receipt of such a contribution, IFDA/EF will
send the note card on the donor’s behalf to the
person who is being honored or recognized, or
who has experienced a recent loss.
Inside, the card reads: “A contribution has been
received by the IFDA Educational Foundation,
from (chapter or member name),” with
information, such as: “In memory of your
mother, Jane Doe;” “Honoring your 50 years
as an IFDA Member;” or “In recognition of your
ongoing support of IFDA.”
This meaningful and lasting tribute supports
the education and professional development of
those who are the future of the furnishings and
design industry.
Details on how chapters, members and individuals
can take advantage of this EF Acknowledgement
Card program are being developed and will be
e-mailed to all IFDA members.
Donations made at the web
site will also be acknowledged with the new
EF card.
N E W E N G L A N D | N E W YO R K | P H I L A D E L P H I A | R I C H M O N D | S O U T H E R N C A L I F O R N I A | T E X A S | WA S H I N G TO N | J A PA N
News from the Educational Foundation
IFDA/EF Names New Board for 2011
By Rose Gilbert, FIFDA, IFDA EF National Director of Education
Ann Unal, Washington Chapter, is chair;
Barbara Daher, FIFDA, N. California, will
lead in 2012.
Jeanne Matlock, 2010 Chair of IFDA/
Educational Foundation, has announced
three new appointments to the EF Board
for 2011: Barbara Daher of San Francisco, a
Fellow of the Northern California Chapter,
will serve as Vice Chairman/Treasurer, in line
to become Chairman of the organization
in 2012; Mark Vonnahme of Dallas (Texas
Chapter), will be Director of Resources;
Maureen Klein of the New York Chapter,
will be Director of Communications.
EF Chair for 2011 is Ann Unal of Fairfax,
VA, a member of the Washington Chapter
who has been serving as Vice-Chair/
Treasurer in 2010. Merry Mabbett Dean
of Portland, OR, continues as Director of
Barbara Daher, FIFDA, trained as an
elementary school teacher but discovered
interior design during a study tour of art
and architecture in Europe. Armed with a
new BA and MA in interior design from San
Francisco State she now teaches interior
design at Chabot College in Hayward and
runs her own interior design business.
Ann Unal
Barbara Daher, FIFDA
Mark Vonnahme, FIFDA, a registered
interior designer in the state of Texas, has
been a specialist and consultant in stone
and stone work with Verona Marble Co.
for the last 14 years.
Maureen Klein is a past president of
the New York Chapter of IFDA. She has
created projects in various media for such
publications as Good Housekeeping,
Woman’s Day, and Newsday. She also
helps to produce designer show houses,
including the first-ever in Japan (where
she also helped to lay the groundwork for
IFDA’s first Japanese chapter).
Mark Vonnahme, FIFDA
Maureen Klein
IFDA’s philanthropic arm, EF offers the most
scholarships and grants of any organization
in the furnishings industry, more than a
dozen awards, totaling $30,000-plus.
Support goes to design students, interior
design programs, and professionals who
want to broaden their education. In
addition, EF grants help restore America’s
historic sites, such as Eleanor Roosevelt’s
Val-Kill cottage in Hyde Park, NY, and the
Lee-Fendall House in Alexandria, VA.
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P H I L A D E L P H I A , PA
A R I Z O N A | B A LT I M O R E | C A R O L I N A S | F L O R I D A | G E O R G I A | I L L I N O I S | M I C H I G A N | M I N N E S OTA | N O R T H E R N C A L I F O R N I A
The Maison & Objet Opportunity
By Su Hilty, IFDA NY Chapter President
Ed. Note: I grabbed at the chance to join a
group of IFDA members on a special group
package to M&O and Paris. My personal
observations (and photos) may be viewed on archived article #8.
Maison & Objet is an international home
fashion tradeshow held in Paris twice yearly
in January and September. It features more
than 3250 exhibitors (45% are international
brands) in 8 halls covering more than 145,
000 sq. meters of exhibit space.
In addition, there is a provocative and
cutting - edge trend area that sets the show
apart. The September presentation of 2011
Influences had a 3 step itinerary:
STEP 1: Please Disturb conceived by
Vincent Gregorie from Nelly Rodi
STEP 2: Microcosmes created
by Francoise Bernard
STEP 3: Archaic Shelters conceptualized by
Elizabeth Leriche
There were many initiatives for this past
September’s show and I was lucky enough
to be invited to experience it firsthand.
Some highlights:
FIRST time synergy was created between
home fashion and furniture with the
inclusion of Meuble Paris celebrating its
50th Anniversary in Paris in its own separate
hall (5B & 5C).
New 36,000 sq. meter Hall 7 creating a
MUST - SEE showcase of
• Scènes I’intérieur - International brands
expressing exclusive luxurious decorative
worlds which also featured 6 young
talented Russian designers and their
inspired designs
• Projets - an exclusive space for
manufacturers, distributors, and specifiers
of cutting edge materials for interior
design projects
Su Hilty, NY Chapter President (second from the left) at M&O with designers from London and Oslo.
• Now! Design à Vivre – special collections
of newly inspired designs in objects and
Focus on the Outdoor Indoor in Hall 8
- a high end selection of furniture and
outdoor development products combining
technology, design and conviviality
Outreach to the international design
community (architects, interior designers,
decorators, and consultants) was by far the
most important element. Design association
presidents were invited to attend the
show, with the group of 20 in attendance,
representing many countries noted below.
We were treated to a meet and greet
session where we were introduced to all
the members, their organizations’ overview
and mission statements. Some of the other
components of this outreach were:
• A special identifiable label ARCHI
DESIGNER was used for all exhibitors
who work with this community
of buyers.
• A unique business lounge for work,
meetings and computer access along
with e-Plan, their new personalized show
itinerary service
• Meet’ in Points, a specialized itinerary
among the many show’s exhibitors;
Special stops and presentations at specific
times to address key themes: Green Way,
Digital Living, and Art Handicraft
• Two
experimental and innovative materials
• Conferences dedicated to designers,
Sustainable development and design
management; Innovation - Eco-design
and materials
• Cocktail parties / networking sessions
• A possibility for a design association to
organize their annual meeting at M&O.
How does one put this experience into
perspective? It is the most compelling show
and with this new focus on the design
Continued on next page
N E W E N G L A N D | N E W YO R K | P H I L A D E L P H I A | R I C H M O N D | S O U T H E R N C A L I F O R N I A | T E X A S | WA S H I N G TO N | J A PA N
A Giant Step Forward For Design Protection
By Jeanne Hamburg, IFDA NY Chapter
Editor’s Note: Jeanne Hamburg, a partner in
Norris, McLaughlin & Marcus, P.A., located in
the firm’s NYC office, has expertise in all aspects
of copyright and trademark law area, assisting
clients in a broad range of industries. In 2009
and in 2010, Jeanne was one of only five
percent of NY attorneys recognized as a New
York Superlawyer® for Intellectual Property
and Intellectual Property Litigation. She may be
reached at [email protected].
One of the most
challenging issues
designers is how
to preserve their
revenue stream by
preventing others
competing against
them by copying their work... the subject
of “knock-offs”. A very important step
forward for designers recently took place
with a federal appeals court’s ruling in the
case of Universal Furniture International Inc.
v. Collezione Europe, decided on August
20, 2010.
Universal Furniture Industries (“Universal”),
a furniture importer and distributor, signed
a design service agreement with Norman
Heckler, a design firm which then designed
two collections of furniture using antiques
as inspiration for a historically themed
collection. The designs combined elements
from different periods to create original
decorative sculptural designs.
Collezione Europa (“Collezione”) began
production of two “knock-off collections”
which Universal discovered at a furniture
market along with the original Universal
designs under the Collezione name.
Universal sued Collezione.
The appeals court concluded the knockoffs were unlawful under the Copyright Act
and said the lower court had been right,
during trial of the case, to award significant
damages to Universal.
What does the ruling mean for designers?
Well, first, it will be easier for designers to
prove that their designs are original even if
they “borrow” historic elements, such as
period design which might be in the public
domain, meaning that copyright in such
designs has expired. This is because the court
ruled that a unique combination of such
period designs in a single piece of furniture
is original and therefore protectable under
the copyright law, even if copyright on the
underlying period elements has expired.
Second, it will be easier for designers to
prove that their designs are decorative, and
therefore protected under the law, even if
those designs also have functional features.
For example, the arm of a chair may be
both functional (it allows the arm to rest on
it) but also decorative (for example it may
have ornamental carving). While functional
elements are not protected under the
copyright law, if the decorative features
are copied, a designer will have recourse
under the copyright law. The court went
on to affirm the lower court’s ruling that
the “knock-offs” copied protectable (that
is non-functional) elements in the original,
and to sustain the finding of copyright
infringement. It also affirmed the award
of all of Collezione’s gross revenues to
Universal from the knock off furniture sales.
The decision is a great boost to designers in
their efforts to stop knock-offs.
The Maison & Objet Opportunity Cont’d.
Continued from previous page
community it is an even more enlightening
As a representative of the IFDA, I had the
chance to meet and interact with the
following organization heads from around
the world: Concevoir, France; Hong Kong
Institute of Architects; Japan Federation
of Interior Planner’s Association; British
Institute of Interior Design; Design Institute
of Australia; Dutch Interior Architects;
Thailand Interior Designers’ Association;
Association of Polish Artists and Designers;
Danish Designers; Taiwan Design Center;
Association of Siamese Architects; China
Institute of interior Design; Shanghai
Architects; USSR Union of Architects;
IIDA; and the Mexican Society of Interior
Every IFDA member should consider a
trip to this tradeshow to experience the
scope of trends, products, displays, and
networking opportunities. Not only will
this aid your own career’s advancement but
also the recognition that IFDA deserves in
the international community. IFDA is also
working with the show organizers to offer
a trip package for the upcoming January 21
- 25, 2011 show. Stay tuned for details. It is
not to be missed!
If your chapter would like an overview of the
show and its trends and products, contact
Hermine Mariaux ([email protected]) for
information on her presentation which she
has presented to the IFDA NY Chapter and
other organizations in the NYC area.
A R I Z O N A | B A LT I M O R E | C A R O L I N A S | F L O R I D A | G E O R G I A | I L L I N O I S | M I C H I G A N | M I N N E S OTA | N O R T H E R N C A L I F O R N I A
The Value of CEUs
By Mary Knackstedt, IFDA NY Chapter
Ed.’s note: Mary is an acclaimed speaker,
prolific author, and sought after consultant on
interior design business practices. Her own firm,
Knackstedt, Inc, of Harrisburg, Pa. and NYC has
handled hundreds of projects from small offices
and residences to institutional complexes. Her
keynote addresses and CEUs on many business
and marketing issues include Harvard Graduate
School of Design. She is the author of ten
books including The Interior Design Business
Handbook, 4th edition.
Many organizations
(CEUs) to ensure
that their members
keep to date. Beyond
that, we professionals
need to continue our
education throughout
our careers, especially if we are in a creative
field such as interior design or related
Speaking to a group of design students
recently, I told them their degree was only
a learner’s permit. Our field is changing
constantly, and we must continue to learn
at a higher level throughout our careers to
perform work at the levels appropriate to
our professional position.
Although we can all study on our own,
the benefits of acquiring CEUs formally are
many and varied. First, there is tremendous
joy in learning. Having the opportunity to
be “perpetual students” - to hear how
other people do things and to learn - is
part of the excitement of being in a designrelated field.
CEUs give the opportunity of meeting
people in professional situations - people
who share our interest in the subject at
hand and realize its importance to the
design field. CEUs offer the opportunity
for socializing and networking. Often, we
meet people whose abilities we recognize
and can then look for opportunities to work
together or to use them as consultants. No
designer knows everything. We need to
work in teams. What a wonderful way to
meet other team members.
it depends on the person speaking. As a
speaker I feel it is always my responsibility to
bring new material to a program in addition
to covering the basics required by the CEU.
I want to ensure that the material I bring to
this face-to-face presentation is something
participants won’t find elsewhere. Having
participants complete brief but pertinent
evaluations of the presenter and content is
critical for every program given.
As creative people, we are always looking
for new products and resources to enhance
our creativity. Through CEUs we may
discover them. I have had the privilege of
giving a number of webinars
different professional groups.
I have also taken part in such
programs given by others.
Their value depends on the
presenter and the subject. I
still believe the most effective
method of continuing education is faceto-face. Whenever we have a chance to
meet and speak with a person, that’s the
most valuable way to learn. If this is not
possible, teleconferencing and webinars
can be wonderful ways of learning and
We also come for personal stimulation.
As designers, we give of ourselves all the
time. Occasionally we need someone to
give back to us. CEUs are an excellent way
to find enrichment and selfimprovement, as well as to
be stimulated and excited by
what is presented.
Are CEUs
here to
Today, professional design organizations
need to offer more to their members. These
learning opportunities are an excellent way
to create great benefits for your members.
They are also a wonderful way for our
resources to interact with us to learn more
about the issues of the design field and
how we can best support each other.
As participants in or planners for CEUs or
other educational programs, we may find
it difficult to judge their quality. Very often
seminars on a regular basis
because they have learned that
attendees have increased their opportunities
to do better quality work and generate
higher income. Those who do not attend
don’t have the same percentage of growth.
This is another the type of measurement we
need to judge the quality of our CEUs.
Questions to consider when choosing to
invest time and effort in CEUs: Who are the
people who stimulate you to be better than
you are now? What information do you
need to grow your firm to do even better
Are CEUs here to stay? Absolutely! We
can expect them to grow to even higher
levels because the demand of our market
requires it.
N E W E N G L A N D | N E W YO R K | P H I L A D E L P H I A | R I C H M O N D | S O U T H E R N C A L I F O R N I A | T E X A S | WA S H I N G TO N | J A PA N
Chapter News
Arizona Chapter
Produces Tableau 2010 to Benefit Ryan House
By Karen C. Wirrig, FIFDA, VP of Communications
20 designer fantasy tables filled the ballroom
of the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess to the
delight of nearly 200 guests at the IFDA
Tableau 2010 held on October 9, 2010. The
fourth annual event will benefit Ryan House,
the first pediatric respite and palliative care
home in the Southwest serving children
with life threatening illnesses and their
Event chair, Sue Ann Aronson said “I
was so moved after visiting Ryan House
and meeting the Cotter family that I was
compelled to somehow get involved.
Seeing that IFDA had made Ryan House
their choice of charity, I decided to immerse
myself in getting involved and to me, that
meant to chair the event to bring it to a
new level.”
She worked tirelessly for this entire year
with a small committee of volunteers to
produce a spectacular event. It featured a
Mad Men themed cocktail party including
look alike models in vintage fashion
provided by Fashion by Robert Black, the
Sterling Cooper Men’s Club with scotch
tastings and custom cigars, and a luxe silent
auction while the guests also judged the
20 fantasy tables created by some of the
Valley’s leading design professionals.
The dinner featured a delicious menu,
remarks from our Honorary Chair Christi
Warner-Beyer and a moving presentation
by Jack Hebert, an attorney with the law
firm Polsinelli Shughart and a speaker on
behalf of Ryan House.
New this year was a live auction with Letitia
Frye, star of the new TLC series Auctioneer$.
Items included trips to exotic locations like
Gabriela Jacobsen, student design competition winner,
with Sharon Woodward, 2010 president of IFDA, AZ
Chapter with grand entry creation
Napa Valley via private jet and a gourmet
tour of Slovenia. Tango dancers enhanced
the mood when a week of tango for four in
Buenos Aires came up for sale. A new work
of art Enduring Spirit created especially for
Ryan House by renowned artist Raymond
Clearwater was purchased by a local family.
In addition, Mr. Clearwater’s publisher, New
York Graphics, provided 500 prints of this
new piece directly to Ryan House for sale
as a continuing means of income. Ms. Frye
also conducted an auction Fund a Need to
make direct donations to support programs
at Ryan House.
The evening continued with a private
party for us at Stone Rose Lounge with a
DJ, specialty desserts, and the wonderful
feeling that we had helped an important
local charity that is the only one of its kind
in the U.S. The doors to Ryan House opened
in March 2010 and IFDA is proud to have
supported it for the past three years. For
complete details on the event and to see all
the pictures, please visit www.ifdatableau.
com or visit IFDA Tableau on Facebook.
The Arizona Chapter also held a Student
IFDA, AZ Chapter was very pleased to present a
donation of $20,000 to Ryan House that represented
the net proceeds of Tableau 2010. IFDA would like to
thank all the designers, donors, sponsors, and guests
for making this year’s event our most successful ever!
Design Competition in conjunction with
Tableau and this was won by Gabriela
Jacobsen. She will be awarded a scholarship
from IFDA, AZ Chapter for her efforts.
Award winning designers:
Best Expression of a Theme: Leslie Colvin,
Room for a View for table #15 “Spooky
Little Thing”
Most Sophisticated: Ryan O’Meara, Palavela
Home for table #19 “An Intimate Affair”
Best Use of Color: Rosie Cardenas, Baisch &
Skinner for table #22 “Fall Splendor”
Most Whimsical: Cindy Lewton, AZ Design
Group for table #17 “Autumn Tea Party”
Most Glamorous: Michelle Cook, Portobello
Home for table #21 “A Night in Paris”
People’s Choice co-winners: Karen Egan,
Karlee Enterprises for table #4 “Through
the Eyes of a Child” and Kim White,
centriKdesign for table #5 “Dia de los
Photo credits: Tables – Scott Sandler
Photographic Event – Ron Nachtwey
A R I Z O N A | B A LT I M O R E | C A R O L I N A S | F L O R I D A | G E O R G I A | I L L I N O I S | M I C H I G A N | M I N N E S OTA | N O R T H E R N C A L I F O R N I A
Southern California Chapter
Savings By Design ...Cash Incentives Through Energy Efficient Designs
By Rita Orland, SoCal Chapter, VP Communications
A Learn and Earn seminar was hosted by
Fixtures Living, on November 4th, at their
San Diego, CA showroom. Hosts and
sponsors: Fixtures Living, San Diego
Gas and Electric (SDG&E), and Philips
This “IK” – Industry Knowledge - program
was of great interest to a diverse audience
of interior designers, architects, builders,
manufacturers, A/V specialists, lighting
designers and engineers, property
managers, and other furnishings and design
related professionals. The program included
three presentations on how designers can
create energy efficient buildings through
knowledge-based planning and smart
specifications, and receive thousands of
dollars in cash incentives from SDG&E.
Tom Cavallo, VP of Sales, Fixtures
Living, welcomed the group and gave
an introduction to the company. Tom
emphasized how “we all need to work
together and help each other get through
these tough economic times.” Fixtures
Living is a new concept in showrooms,
offering a full-immersion experience into the
finest kitchen, bath, and outdoor products
in the world. Fixtures Living features Energy
Star® fixtures and appliances. and low flow
plumbing fixtures.
From San Diego Gas and Electric:
Savings by Design for Commercial Projects,
presented by Craig Bullock, Account
Savings by Design is a statewide program
encouraging high performance building
design and construction. The components:
encourage energy efficient design with
cash incentives and long terms savings. The
Rita Orland, VP Communications - IFDA SoCal, with
SDG&E Presenter Craig Bullock
Susan Putman Sr Specification Sales for Philips
Lightolier in a Fixtures’ kitchen vignette displaying
their lighting products.
program offers building owners and design
teams a wide range of services: design
assistance, energy design resources, owner
and design team incentives.
Turn your Blueprints into Greenprints for
Residential Projects, presented by Adrian
Salas, Account Executive
The California Advanced Homes Program
(CAHP) is a comprehensive residential
new construction concept. It highlights
best practices in energy efficiency, green
building and sustainability; and offers
generous financial incentives to help
builders, architects, and designers create
environmentally friendly, energy efficient
homes and communities.
From Philips Lightolier:
Lighting that Makes a Difference presented
by Maddy Kent, District Sales Manager
For over a century, Lightolier’s commitment
to Lighting that Makes a Difference has
shaped the industry. Through changing
technologies, their dedication to providing
practical, high quality lighting solutions has
never wavered. At the event, Maddy Kent,
Susan Putman, and Wendy Ginsburg,
of Philips Lightolier, displayed and
demonstrated the most innovative energysaving LED Lighting products.
Chef Bridget Bueche baking pizza in the
wood-fired outdoor oven.
Our “IK” programs provide attendees
and participants the opportunity to build
business connections within our design
industry. We wish to thank all those at
SDG&E, Phillips Lightolier, and Fixtures Living
for this event and chapter board member,
Freddy Dietvorst, Product Specialist,
Fixtures Living, for orchestrating the event.
We appreciate the great partnership our
chapter has forged with Fixtures Living, and
their commitment to support IFDA SoCal.
Thank you also to Bridget Bueche, Chef
for Fixtures’ events who prepared tapas to
desserts for our members and guests.
N E W E N G L A N D | N E W YO R K | P H I L A D E L P H I A | R I C H M O N D | S O U T H E R N C A L I F O R N I A | T E X A S | WA S H I N G TO N | J A PA N
Carolinas Chapter
Carolinas Chapter IFDA Pays Tribute To Dr. Richard Bennington
By Dawn Brinson, FIFDA, Carolinas Chapter President-elect
The Carolinas Chapter saluted one of its
long-time members and noted industry
icon, Dr. Richard Bennington, with a tribute
dinner the evening of November 4th. The
event was held in the Wilson Ballroom of
the recently constructed Plato S. Wilson Hall
on the campus of High Point University.
Bennington, the Paul Broyhill Professor
of Home Furnishings Marketing at High
Point University, was honored by a host of
notable speakers from the University, the
home furnishings industry, and from IFDA.
Included on the roster of speakers was Eric
Gatton of La-Z-Boy; Scott Miles of Havertys;
Joseph Carroll of McNeill Communications
Group; Dr. Dennis Carroll, Dr. Elizabeth
Dull, Dr. Richard Hargrove, and Dr. Jim
Wehrley, all of High Point University; and
Dawn Brinson and Susan Connor from the
Carolinas Chapter IFDA.
Many former students who have gone on
to successful furniture careers attended
Dr. Richard Bennington receiving award from event
host, Dawn Brinson, FIFDA, Carolinas Chapter
Carolinas Chapter President, Susan Connor, FIFDA;
Dr. Richard Bennington; Raymond Waites, Dawn
Brinson, FIFDA, Carolinas Chapter President-elect
the dinner to pay homage to the professor
whose mentoring, they said, proved
invaluable as they transitioned from
college to the working world. More than
a dozen current students also came out
to honor Bennington, who founded the
home furnishings programs at High Point
University in the early 1980s.
“Dr. Bennington has helped the IFDA
in countless ways,” said Susan Connor,
Carolinas Chapter president. “He is too
modest to wave his own flag, so we thought
we would do it for him.” Bennington has
served as president, benefit sale chair, and as
a member of the Chapter’s executive board.
“Richard helped us achieve remarkable
results with our annual benefit sales, since
he knows everyone in the industry and no
one says ‘no’ to him,” noted Connor. The
Chapter has raised more than $200,000
in scholarship money through the benefit
The Carolinas Chapter IFDA conceived the
tribute dinner as a way to recognize Dr.
Bennington for years of dedicated service
and support to that organization and to
the furnishings and design communities.
Illinois Chapter
Brilliant Possibilities
by Kim Eggert, VP of Communications
As the days of fall grow shorter, the lights
go on sooner, what better way to see the
latest fixtures from market than an event
sponsored by Idlewood Electric. Members
of both IFDA and ASID were in attendance
at the event held at Idlewood Electric in
Higland Park, IL. One of the show stoppers
was Swarovski’s LED lighting, pendant, and
wall luminaire fixtures. The possibilities are
endless in this showroom.
Idlewood has a wonderful landscape
lighting exhibit sponsored by Kichler which
transports you to an outdoor environment
of trees, shrubs, and residential exteriors.
New chandeliers from Schonbek with a
European flair and new commercial lighting
options from Lutron and GE Lighting
are also featured. CSL (Creative Systems
Lighting) with their Invisilite Generation 2
products are the most flexible and versatile
concealed lighting systems to date. Its free
form design answers the most challenging
concealed lighting issues.
Idlewood has lots of solutions to all kinds
Erin Sullivan, Cindy Frenzer and Jeri Solomon
of “bright” ideas that pop up in your head.
The cold, dreary days of fall in Chicago
don’t seem so dark after all.
A R I Z O N A | B A LT I M O R E | C A R O L I N A S | F L O R I D A | G E O R G I A | I L L I N O I S | M I C H I G A N | M I N N E S OTA | N O R T H E R N C A L I F O R N I A
New York Chapter
New York Chapter Visits Fabled Kips Bay Show House
By Mervyn Kaufman, FIFDA, NY Chapter
What was planned as a small-scale
gathering morphed into a major event,
as some three dozen IFDA members and
friends, including visitors from Pennsylvania
and New Hampshire, assembled to tour the
38th Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club Decorator
Show House in October. Seventeen
rooms arranged in a six-story Manhattan
townhouse were decorated by both new
and well-established interior designers
- among them Vicente Wolf, Jean Paul
Gaultier, and Noel Jeffrey.
Leading our tour was designer Charles
Pavarini III, a New York IFDA Chapter
member and recent Circle of Excellence
Award winner. Because of the high number
of responses—and the narrowness of those
early 20th-century stairways—we were split
into two groups, one led by Charles, the
other by his firm’s vice president, J. Randall
Tarasuk. “Kips Bay is not only the premier
show house in the U.S.,” Charles reminded
us. “It’s also a great launching pad for new
products and old products used in different
“Visiting a show house like this, you see
where the market is going and where trends
are heading,” he added. Some examples:
Wallcoverings. “You’ll see a lot of them
this year,” said Charles. “We went
through the whole Venetian plaster
phase, the faux painting phase; now
we’re back to wallpaper, and some of it’s
Grass cloth. “It was dormant for 20
years,” Charles reported. “It comes in
many different colors now, some of
them vibrant.”
The NY Chapter group at the Kips Bay Showhouse
Urban garden. In Plant Specialists’
ground-level display a grove of trees
surrounded a magnificent flower bed,
all reflected in mirrored walls that made
the space feel like a clearing in vast
woods. Acknowledging that the mirrors
were plate glass, not plastic, Chapter
commented, “No baseball playing
Among the innovative new products were
A plaster-like composite that, when pre
- shaped and applied, becomes dramatic
wall relief. Said designer Nina Helms,
“It’s highly flexible and indestructible. If
we tried doing this with plaster, it’d crack
in a thousand pieces.”
From Brett Design, a kind of transparent
cellophane covering that self-adheres
and is also removable. It comes in
various patterns that, when applied to
painted surfaces, looks like richly colored
High point of Jennifer Post’s top floor
display was an attention-grabbing spa.
“Wow!” exclaimed Chapter President Su
Hilty, viewing two inviting massage beds.
“It’s wonderful.” That, in general, was
the group’s reaction to this fascinating
and stimulating visit organized by former
Chapter President Maureen Klein, in
cooperation with Kips Bay’s Jennifer
N E W E N G L A N D | N E W YO R K | P H I L A D E L P H I A | R I C H M O N D | S O U T H E R N C A L I F O R N I A | T E X A S | WA S H I N G TO N | J A PA N
Philadelphia Chapter
Design Competition and Gala
By Rand Kehler, VP Communications
The IDA Design Competition & Gala
recently took place here in Philadelphia.
The Philadelphia Chapter of IFDA was
a Gold Level Sponsor of the event with
Janet Stevenson, IFDA International
President-elect and Rand Kehler, Chapter
VP of Communications on the planning
committee. The competition was open to
all interior designers from the Philadelphia
metro area.
Submissions were on display for the
October 1st Gala held at Memorial Hall,
the only remaining building from the 1876
Centennial Exposition. IFDA members
whose work was recognized from
submissions on display in the competition
were Kat Robbins, Chapter Presidentelect and Tonya Comer. Many other IFDA
members participated including Patricia
Muhilly who recently obtained a new client
who had viewed her board while on display
at Liberty Place Commons. While not a
winner… participation has paid off!
The project boards are currently making
the rounds for display at various locations
throughout the city.
Have Your
Renewed Your
Membership Dues
for 2011?
Click here to
Renew Online Today!
A group of attendees at the Memorial Hall event
Stay Tuned!
We will bring in the New
Year with a Special Issue of
Network. Features to include:
• Meet Janet Stevenson,
IFDA President
Janet Stevenson, President-elect with Chapter
President-elect and honorable mention winner
Kat Robbins
• Highlights from the annual
Board and Council of Presidents’
meeting at the Hotel Sofitel,
Philadelphia, PA
• 20/20 Survey Results
You’ve heard from us - now it’s your turn. We love feedback, so please let us know
your thoughts on this issue of the IFDA’s Network. Did you like it? Were the articles
of interest and value to you? Is the newsletter too long, too short, or just about
right? Do you have any suggestions on articles or issues you’d like to hear more
about? We’re already planning the next issues, so please let us incorporate your
ideas. Just like the IFDA and its members, Network is getting better all the time.
Direct your comments or questions to Susan Slotkis, IFDA National Director at Large
and volunteer editor of Network at [email protected]
ATTENTION: Chapter Communications Directors - Deadline for entries for
consideration in next Network is January 28, 2011.
A R I Z O N A | B A LT I M O R E | C A R O L I N A S | F L O R I D A | G E O R G I A | I L L I N O I S | M I C H I G A N | M I N N E S OTA | N O R T H E R N C A L I F O R N I A
IFDA Welcomes Our 104 New Members
N. California
New England
Jan Braden
All About Foliage LLC
Kathleen T. Hawkins
Gilding the Lily
Linda Catlett
Shade, Inc.
Budd Kelley
South Shore Millwork
Paula Tocker
H & R Fabrics
Jamie Racutt
Dawn Driskill
Danville Interior Design Gallery
Kate Koch
New England Home
Andrea Bond
Leslie Kalish
LMK Interiors, Inc.
Shirin Tahsili
Moda Cucina
Paulette Kim
Makiko Issha
Starley Moore
Concept in Design
Sabrina Velandry
Sabrina, Inc.
Jill Vellinger
JVellinger Designs
Donna Venegas
Venegas and Company…
a Kitchen Design Studio
Patricia Miller
New Professional
Joanne E. Masin
JEM Design Group
Elizabeth Zecca
Zecca Design, Inc.
Lynn D. Nebel
Lynn D. Nebel & Associates, Inc.
Marsha Schaffner
Interiors By Marsha
Lynn Sciarrone
LMS Interiors
Dawn Sciortino
The Sugar Chest Antique Mall
Douglas D. Tinklepaugh
Pinnacle Constructors, LLC
Julie Whitehead
American Specialties Co., Inc.
Tricia Feerer
Caminiti Assoc.
Hiroko Maeda
Luquia Project Co., Ltd.
Shoko Takaura
Luquia Project Co., Ltd.
Tatsue Takenouchi
Fabrizio Constanza
Mint Design Center
Mazen Odeh
Ras Alkhor
Douglas Bosch
DSM Engineering Plastics
Randy Kalinski
Telesis Electronics
New Professional
Julie Suemitsu
Modan Tansu
Julie Winckler
Creative Interior Solutions
Sarah L. Jones
Hong Zheng
Heni Miller
Catherine Stoik
New England
New Professional
Judith Monteferrante
Cape Ann Artists, Inc.
Susan St. Laurent
I Cuscinis
Charles Barmonde
Navio Artisans
Mira Bishop
Oliver Brothers Custom
Framing + Fine Art Resoration,
Since 1850
Beth Desjardins
Audio Video Design
Allison Eremita
Allison Eremita Furniture
Design and Marketing
Ellen Fador
Spectacular-Spaces, LLC
Peter Griffin
Woodbourne Builders, Inc.
Kelli Webber
Interim Furnishings
Kendra Weldon
Simply Windows
Joan MacDougall
New York
New Professional
Jessica Kreider
7 West
Barbara Rico
Philippe Bazin
PB Marketing International
Peggy Berk
Area Aesthetics
Rona Edelman
Benjamin Moore
Stacy Garcia
Stacy Garcia Inc.
Amanda Bertele
Superior Woodcraft
Savino Costanzo
European Marble Refinishing, Inc.
N E W E N G L A N D | N E W YO R K | P H I L A D E L P H I A | R I C H M O N D | S O U T H E R N C A L I F O R N I A | T E X A S | WA S H I N G TO N | J A PA N
IFDA Welcomes Our 104 New Members
Ellen Cowan Sackett
ECS Interiors, LLC
Lucy O. Schwartz
Refind Rooms
Alex Atkin
Alex Atkin Design
Carl David
David David Gallery, Inc.
Lauren Tracy
Time for Design Interiors, LLC
Beth Yourich
Design Line Home
Brian Kaufmann
Renaissance Marble
and Granite
Agata Widush
Bright Light Design
Patrick Kennedy
Superior Woodcraft
Susan Kersch
Kersch Fabric Network
JoAnne Lenart-Weary
The Decorating and
Staging Academy
Phyllis Low
Signature Spaces, LLC
Chris McCloud
Design 6
Krista McGrath
McGrath Designs
Marianne Noval
The Fretz Corporation
Angela Pfeifer
Carole J. Roach
DRD Associates
Cheryl Rogue
Time for Design Interiors, LLC
Deborah Zahal
Xperience Workroom
Rebecca Birch
Rachael Burke
S. California
New Professional
Heather Aldi
Re: Design
Eric Davidson
American Automation &
Communications, Inc.
Emily Ruddo
Armonia Decors
Laura Fox
Janus Et Cie
Kathy Mays
Kathy Mays Design
Geri Gogel
WorkSpaces, LLC
Kelly Kleinfelter
Peter Redmond
Sherry Kennedy
Charter Furniture
New Professional
Ann Russell
Pat Duncan
Just Moulding
Cary Goodstein
Les Petales, Inc.
Karen C. Hardy
Accent Draperys & Interiors
Linda Hunt
Creatively Yours Custom, Inc.
Diana Benesh
Architectural Ceramics
Lynette Lunsford
Lunsford Interior Design
Ellen Thompson
Elegance In Draperies
Eugene Herman
Design Logistics, Inc.
Marta Layseca
Lauren Liess
Lauren Liess Interiors
Lynn Madyson
Lynn Madyson Designs
Cotty Farkas
New Professional
Feodora Stancioff
Feodora Stancioff & Associates
Julianne Yurek
Hardwood Artisans
IFDA International Sponsorship Opportunities
Are you looking to connect with leaders in the furnishings and design industry?
The IFDA international sponsorship program offers a variety of sponsorship levels. For more information on the benefits of
becoming an IFDA sponsor including your company name and website listed on the front page of Network, please contact
Jennifer Jones at 610-535-6422 or [email protected]
A R I Z O N A | B A LT I M O R E | C A R O L I N A S | F L O R I D A | G E O R G I A | I L L I N O I S | M I C H I G A N | M I N N E S OTA | N O R T H E R N C A L I F O R N I A
2010 Board of Directors
Susan Hirsh
New York
[email protected]
Diane Nicolson, FIFDA
N. California
[email protected]
Director at Large
Teresa Burnett
New England
[email protected]
Director at Large
Paula Ross, FIFDA
[email protected]
Janet Stevenson
[email protected]
Sheila Cole, FIFDA
[email protected]
Director at Large
Ellen Cohen
[email protected]
Director at Large
Susan J. Slotkis
New York
[email protected]
Immediate Past President
Gail Belz, FIFDA
N. California
[email protected]
Immediate Past Treasurer
Resa Farmer, FIFDA
[email protected]
Director at Large
M. Claudette Grayson
[email protected]
Educational Foundation Chair
Jeanne C. Matlock, FIFDA
[email protected]
2010 Council of Presidents
Arizona Chapter
Sharon Woodward
[email protected]
Florida Chapter
Thom Leffler
[email protected]
Minnesota Chapter
Kimberly Wahl
[email protected]
Texas Chapter
Cheryl Beenken
[email protected]
Baltimore Chapter
Connie Siegel
[email protected]
Georgia Chapter
Michele Kiefert
[email protected]
New England Chapter
Sue Adams
[email protected]
Washington Chapter
Jacqueline Passaro
[email protected]
N. California Chapter
Lauren Shelby
[email protected]
Illinois Chapter
Joan Scheib
[email protected]
New York Chapter
Su Hilty
[email protected]
S. California Chapter
Chris Jordan
[email protected]
Japan Chapter
Yasue Ishikawa
[email protected]
Philadelphia Chapter
Pauline Vastardis, FIFDA
[email protected]
Carolinas Chapter
Susan Connor, FIFDA
[email protected]
Michigan Chapter
Joan Engle
[email protected]
Richmond Chapter
Diane Fairburn
[email protected]
The IFDA Network is a publication of the International Furnishings & Design Association, 150 South Warner Road, Suite 156,
King of Prussia, PA 19406; 610-535-6422 (o); 610-535-6423 (f). Please contact Executive Director Martha Heinze, [email protected]
N E W E N G L A N D | N E W YO R K | P H I L A D E L P H I A | R I C H M O N D | S O U T H E R N C A L I F O R N I A | T E X A S | WA S H I N G TO N | J A PA N
IFDA Headquarters Announces a New Benefit for
Members: Office Depot Discount Program
By Jennifer Jones, MPA - IFDA Account Executive
IFDA headquarters is pleased to announce
the Association’s participation in the Office
Depot discount program. IFDA members
can benefit from a wide range of discounts
• Savings ranging from 10% to 80% on
a designated list of approximately 176
frequently purchased items.
• Discounts ranging from 20% to 55%
at all Office Depot Copy and Print centers
located in each retail store.
• 10% savings on all other items.*
• Substantial discounts on Office Depot’s
already low prices for copier paper
and toner.
*10% discount is not valid on technology
hardware, wireless, satellite, internet
services, U.S. postage stamps, UPS services,
Office Depot gift cards, promotional,
discounted, or clearance products.
There is no fee to participate in the Office
Depot discount program. IFDA members
can enroll in the Office Depot
discount program by:
1)Logging-in to the
members’ area of the
IFDA website,
2)Selecting Member
Benefits on the
Member Tools Menu
3)Clicking on the link for enrolling in the
Office Depot discount program
4)Entering the association acronym as
“IFDA” (without quotes) and
completing the enrollment form.
5)IFDA members will then receive an
email from Office Depot confirming
the submission of their registration in
the program.
6)Members will then be contacted
via email by Office Depot within 5-7
business days to confirm their credit
card registration for in-store purchases.
Each time a purchase is
made at any Office Depot
nationwide or when ordering
from Office Depot online and
the registered credit card is
used, the IFDA member will
receive the member discount.
In order to receive the program
discounts online, members
must shop through the link provided in
the members’ area of the IFDA website.
Office Depot provides free next day
delivery to all business addresses. For a list
of Office Depot store locations, please visit
For more information on the Office
Depot discount program, or any other
IFDA member benefits, please contact
IFDA Headquarters at 610-535-6422 or
[email protected].
IFDA Website Tip:
Adding a Website Link to Your Find An Expert Listing
By Jennifer Jones, MPA - IFDA Account Executive
One of the benefits of IFDA membership
is the Find An Expert listing on www.ifda.
com. The Find An Expert directory serves
as a resource for consumers who are
looking for the services provided by IFDA
members. The Find An Expert directory
listing is an opportunity for members to
showcase their products and services to
prospective clients. Each member’s Find
An Expert listing is initially populated with
their basic contact information populated
from the membership database. Members
have the opportunity to personalize their
Expert listing with professional photos, a
description of their business or a link to
their business website.
IFDA members can add a website link to
their Find An Expert listing by following
these steps:
1)Visit and enter your
member ID number (without leading
zeros) and password. Members can find
their ID number on their IFDA
membership card. Your password (unless
changed by the member) is “ifda”. If
you have changed your password and
do not remember it, please click the link,
“request a new password.”
2)After logging in to the members area,
click on the link “My Membership”
located in the Member Tools section.
3)Click on the edit tab below the
“My Membership” heading.
4)Click on the Find An Expert profile tab.
5)In the box immediately below “Website:”
enter the website address for the listing
you would like to be added to your Find
An Expert listing.
Adding a business’ website link to your Find
An Expert listing is an easy way for IFDA
members to enhance their professional
profile in today’s competitive market.
This opportunity is only available to
Professional and New Professional
IFDA members. Do you have a question
about your Find An Expert listing?
Please contact IFDA headquarters at
610-535-6422 or [email protected].
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