Successful employee management as a system


Successful employee management as a system
Successful employee management
as a system
The three facets of successful employee management
Who is suitable for our
managerial training
Whether a company is able to
operate successfully on the market
primarily depends on its managers
and their management style. These
days, successful managers need
to possess a wide range of skills
and strengths, and must be able to
respond affirmatively to the following questions.
Do they develop future-oriented
business strategies and products?
Are they in a position to continuously improve business structures and processes?
Are they good examples and
good role models for their employees?
Do they lead their employees
through periods of change?
Are they able to motivate their
employees to achieve objectives
Do they know their top performers, and are they in a position
to promote, retain and develop
The facets of professional
Professional employee management is based on three facets.
Ability: Sometimes employees
want to do something and have
the authorisation to do so, i.e.
they are permitted to act, but lack
the requisite skills. Lacking the
ability, implementation fails.
Desire: There are situations in
which employees have both the
skills and the permission to act,
but lack the will to do so.
Permission: In other cases, employees may want to act and may
be able to, but lack the latitude to
do so independently.
These facets form the backdrop
against which employees and managers carry out their tasks. In order
for employees to develop and be
able to successfully carry out their
assigned tasks, they need to have
the right skills, be motivated and
enthusiastic, and have the requisite
authorisations. Managerial problems occur when one or more of
these facets are lacking, or have not
been sufficiently clarified. It is the
task of management to clarify these
Our training and consultancy approach aims to clarify these facets,
and to provide managers with the
tools they need to develop their
management styles equally in all of
these areas.
How do we work?
Our development programmes for
managers consist of holistic learning scenarios that impart skills from
all competency areas as well as the
three managerial facets.
Our outstanding trainers impart
the leadership skills needed for
day-to-day management. Reallife management scenarios are
simulated and recreated in role play
exercises. This allows participants
to practise implementing what they
have learned. Our modular concept
allows the training programme to
be individually tailored and adapted
to suit the learning requirements in
We employ the latest educational
methodologies when designing our
training scripts, tailoring our modules precisely to the learning needs
of your managers.
We offer all modules as in-house
training sessions, both in Germany
and abroad. You can find more detailed information on our website:
What modules do we offer?
The following six training approaches will teach you the keys to
successfully putting into practice a
value- and goal-oriented management style across all three managerial facets:
The fundamental tensions underlying professional management
Developing talent: Promoting and training junior management
Identifying and promoting employee potential is a key managerial task, and forms the basis for succession planning within the company. Talented employees are a company's future top performers.
They need opportunities, support and training. This training module affords junior managers an opportunity to further their own development. They can also develop networks for the future.
Target group: The target group includes all employees who exhibit the potential and the desire to
take on managerial tasks and responsibility.
Four days
New role: Managers: Developing your own managerial style
This training module will familiarise you with basic management tools. An employee-oriented managerial model will familiarize you with the essential functions of a manager. You will reflect on your personal management style in the context of your personality type, and get to grips with your role as a
manager. You will come up with solutions to difficult management situations. The training session will
enhance your awareness of the responsibilities, opportunities and limits of employee management.
Target group: The target group includes all employees who carry out managerial tasks and who
are interested in effectively improving their performance. This seminar is suited to employees in
manufacturing, logistics and the service sector.
Three days
Team management and development: Leading and inspiring teams
Teams are capable of significantly more than individuals. Managers need to take this into account in
their work. This training session will teach you how teams develop, what employees need in order to
perform well in a team, and how to improve interpersonal skills within the team.
Target group: This training session has been developed for managers who lead teams and who
wish to enhance the performance of their team members and better utilise their strengths.
Two days
Managing employees in sales: Achieving objectives together
Managers in sales must continuously optimise sales structures and processes, and lead their
sales teams in a goal-oriented way while also meeting sales targets. This task is not always easily
achieved. It requires a great deal of motivation and well-developed leadership skills on the part of
managers, as well as sound networking within the company.
Target group: This training session has been especially developed for managers in sales who
would like to lead sales teams successfully while optimising sales structures and processes on a
regular basis.
Two days
Employee management: Communicating in difficult situations
Are you frequently confronted with difficult management situations that lead to conflicts with your
employees or the team? This training session will encourage you to recognise your own and others'
feelings, and to incorporate them as a resource in your everyday management. By developing your
interpersonal skills, you will simultaneously reinforce your self-confidence, your self-management
and your motivation. This will help you to act in a solution-oriented and considerate manner whenever conflicts arise.
Target group: The target group includes all managers who would like to improve how they respond
to difficult managerial situations.
Two days
Executive consulting: Personal stocktaking & career development
Are you facing professional challenges? Are you frequently under pressure in your work? Are you
having a difficult time balancing work and your private life? Do you want to get ahead, and achieve
your professional and personal goals, but have the impression that you are standing in the way of
your own advancement? Those who desire long-term success must be able to effectively manage
themselves. Consistent self-management begins with a clear appraisal of one's own abilities. This
will let you use your potential in an effective and meaningful way, even under difficult conditions.
Target group: The target group includes all managers who are looking for a new way forward, or
wish to reflect on their current position.
Two days
Are you currently looking into
employee management? Or do you
have any questions regarding our
courses? Then visit us on the internet. There you will find out more
about our concept and the individual
training courses:
We would be happy to speak to
you in person for more detailed
Founded in 2006, WABCO
University advises and trains using
competence and practical examples
based on more than 40 years'
advisory and training experience in
the automotive industry. WABCO
University provides knowledge
of and offers training in the areas
of technical training, E-learning,
business training and consulting at
14 locations throughout the world.
Custom solutions are available
for the most varied learning
requirements. More than 50,000
customers from 45 countries
have already completed training
programmes with success at
WABCO University.
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