Employee Portal development to support growing organizational
Employee Portal development to support growing organizational
Employee Portal development to support growing organizational needs Large UAE Conglomerate The Customer The Customer is one of the largest conglomerates in the United Arab Emirates with its influence spreading into other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries through its trading activities. Its main areas of activity are in automobiles, heavy vehicles, spare parts and services, travel related products, foreign exchange, real estate, land development, building industry related products, infrastructure development, electronic communications, and general trading. The Challenge Due to growing organizational needs, the Customer required larger collaborative environments, improved communication media, knowledge management, intelligent management reporting, and information security. AgreeYa was engaged by the Customer to develop and implement an employee intranet and internet portal for the entire group comprised of 13 companies. The key challenges were: • Provide a dynamic portal which is scalable to meet the requirements of providing updated content to employees • Short development timeframe for customization due to immediate business requirements of the system • Adhere to the quality standards specific to various functional departments. The Solution Based on the Customer’s requirement and our experience, AgreeYa recommended Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007 to address the need for greater collaboration, improved communication, and robust security. The scope of the project included: • Installation and configuration of MOSS 2007 • Customization of MOSS 2007 to implement required features (forms, reports, workflows) • Maintenance and support The project is to be completed in two phases. Phase 1 includes development of the Customer’s internet portal site; Phase 2 includes development of intranet sites, automation of processes, publication of E‐ business services, and integration with SAP. The Results Agre eeYa’s Portaal AgreeYa’s experrience in working on similaar, previous enggagements made m it possib ble to quickly understand thee Customer’s needs, assistt them in prio o the req quirements, and a deliver th he project on me, to ach hieve expecteed business benefits. Thee key benefits realized from this projecct include: AgreeeYa's Portal Solu S deliver extensivee , con community, colla ntent, document, and wledge management capaa combined with know secu urity, iden managementt, and mobilee access capaabili es. With h exper se in a wide rangee of technologies, we deliver the fo ollowing advaantages to c our customers: • Enhanced employee produ usiness ac vitties everyday bu • Accelerate prr A ity byy providing em mployees w accuratee informa n quicker with • Effec ve maanagement and re-focus of o content to gain increassed business value v • Create a dash C hboard of keyy performancee indicators f proac ve decision makking for • Shared bestt prac ces of delivering glo obal projects driven by CM MMI Level 5 processes p • Manage projeects, informa M t through a single pla m • Enhanced end user expe erience from the t which provid ded a be c connec n applic between peeople, processses, and inforrma on • A Automate keyy business processes • R Reduce comm munica Accelerated d delivery cycle through AggreeYa’s iLab n Delivery Accelerrators • EExtend collab bor p partners • by simplifying s s owledge and kno co osts n to su uppliers, custo omers, and The Technologgy Thee applica on was developed using MOSS 2007 to pro ovide a robusst and a securre solu on. Microso M SQL Serrver 2005 was used as the database. Abo out AgreeYa Solu ons AgreeYa is a global provider of software, solutions, and services focused on deploying business-driven, technology-enabled solutions that create next-generation competitive advantages for customers. Headquartered in Folsom, California, AgreeYa employs for mobile), and Edvelop (single window collaboration and communication solution on mobile for 21st century learning). As part of enterprise mobility, business intelligence and big data analytics, product engineering, application development and management, For more information, visit www.agreeya.com Global Headquarters 605 Coolidge Dr., Folsom, CA 95630 USA Phone : +1 916 294 0075, Toll Free: +1 800 AGREEYA, Fax : +1 866 886 1555 Email : [email protected] Canada www.agreeya.com | China | India | Korea | Mexico | Poland | Singapore | USA