Stephen Brown - University of Ottawa
Stephen Brown - University of Ottawa
Stephen Brown School of Political Studies, University of Ottawa 120 University Pvt., 7th Floor, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5, Canada Tel. +1 613 562-5800 x1896 | Fax: +1 613 562-5371 [email protected] | ACADEMIC POSITIONS 2013– Professor, School of Political Studies, University of Ottawa 2006-2013 Associate Professor, School of Political Studies, University of Ottawa 2002-2006 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science/School of Political Studies, University of Ottawa 2000-2002 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Political Science, University of Toronto UNIVERSITY DEGREES 2000 Ph.D., Department of Politics, New York University 1990 M.Sc., Department of Government, London School of Economics 1989 B.Soc.Sc. (Hons.), magna cum laude, Department of Political Science, University of Ottawa FIELDS OF INTEREST Foreign aid, African politics, democratization, political violence, peacebuilding and transitional justice VISITING RESEARCH POSITIONS 2017 Fellow, Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study, Stellenbosch, South Africa 2015 Senior Fellow, Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany 2013 Senior Fellow, Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany 2010 Visiting Professor, Centre de recherche et d'étude sur les pays d'Afrique orientale, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Pau, France 2009 Visiting Researcher, German Development Institute, Bonn, Germany AFFILIATIONS 2008– Affiliated Faculty, School of International Development and Global Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa 1 2008-2014 Distinguished Research Associate, North-South Institute, Ottawa 2007– Faculty Member, Centre for International Policy Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa 2007-2012 Member, African Studies Research Laboratory, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa 2006-2011 Adjunct Professor, Department of Political Science / Faculty of Graduate Studies, Dalhousie University 2005-2007 External Associate, Conflict and Development Program, Liu Institute for Global Issues, University of British Columbia 2003– Member, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, University of Ottawa PUBLICATIONS Edited volumes Peer-reviewed articles Peer-reviewed book chapters Other book chapters Other articles Technical reports Encyclopedia entries Policy papers Opinion pieces Book reviews Other publications Translations 3 17 19 9 7 5 3 4 18 14 6 2 Edited volumes 1. Brown, Stephen and Jörn Grävingholt, eds. The Securitization of Foreign Aid. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, 264 pages (forthcoming) 2. Brown, Stephen, Molly den Heyer and David R. Black, eds. Rethinking Canadian Aid. Ottawa: University of `Ottawa Press, 2014, 338 pages. 3. Brown, Stephen, ed. Struggling for Effectiveness: CIDA and Canadian Foreign Aid. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2012, 384 pages. Peer-reviewed articles 1. Swiss, Liam and Stephen Brown. “The Aid Orphan Myth”. Third World Quarterly, vol. 36, no. 2 (February 2015), pp. 240-256. 2. Dyke, Elizabeth, Nancy Edwards, Ian McDowell, Richard Muga and Stephen Brown. “Shaped by asymmetrical interdependence: A qualitative case study of the external influences on international non-governmental organizations’ implementation of equity principles in HIV/AIDS work”. International Journal for Equity in Health, vol. 13:86 (2014), pp. 1-18. 2 3. Brown, Stephen and Rosalind Raddatz. “Dire Consequences or Empty Threats? Western Pressure for Peace, Justice and Democracy in Kenya”. Journal of Eastern African Studies, vol. 8, no. 1 (February 2014), pp. 43-62. 4. Brown, Stephen and Liam Swiss. “The Hollow Ring of Donor Commitment: Country Concentration and the Decoupling of Aid Effectiveness Norms from Donor Practice”. Development Policy Review, vol. 31, no. 6 (November 2013), pp. 737-55. 5. Brown, Stephen with Chandra Lekha Sriram. “The Big Fish Won’t Fry Themselves: Criminal Accountability for Post-Election Violence in Kenya”. African Affairs, vol. 111, no. 443 (April 2012), pp. 244-60. 6. Sriram, Chandra Lekha and Stephen Brown. “Kenya in the Shadow of the ICC: Complementarity, Gravity and Impact”. International Criminal Law Review, vol. 12, no. 2 (2012), pp. 219-44. 7. Brown, Stephen. “‘Well, what can you expect?’: Donor officials’ apologetics for hybrid regimes in Africa”. Democratization, vol. 18, no. 2 (April 2011), pp. 512-34 • Also published in Gordon Crawford and Gabrielle Lynch, eds. Democratization in Africa: Challenges and Prospects. London: Routledge, 2012. 8. Brown, Stephen. « Justice pénale internationale et violences électorales : les enjeux de la CPI au Kenya ». Revue Tiers Monde, nº 205 (mars 2011), pp. 85-100. 9. Brown, Stephen. “Donor Responses to the 2008 Kenyan Crisis: Finally Getting it Right?”. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, vol. 27, no. 3 (July 2009), pp. 389-406 • Also published in Peter Kagwanja and Roger Southall, eds. Kenya’s Uncertain Democracy: The Electoral Crisis of 2008. London: Routledge, 2010, pp. 129-146. 10. Brown, Stephen and Marie-Joëlle Zahar. “Committing to Peace: Soft Guarantees and Alternative Approaches to Power Sharing in Angola and Mozambique”. Journal of Peacebuilding and Development, vol. 4, no. 2 (2008), pp. 75-88. 11. Brown, Stephen and Paul Kaiser. “Democratisations in Africa: Attempts, Hindrances and Prospects”. Third World Quarterly, vol. 28, no. 6 (September 2007), pp. 1131-49 • Also published in slightly different form in Jose V. Ciprut, ed. Democratizations: Comparisons, Confrontations, and Contrasts. Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press, 2009, pp. 233-58. 12. Brown, Stephen. “‘Creating the world’s best development agency’? Confusion and Contradictions in CIDA's New Policy Blueprint”. Canadian Journal of Development Studies, vol. 28, no. 2 (June 2007), pp. 213-28 • Published in French as « “Devenir le meilleur organisme de développement au monde” ? Confusion et contradictions dans les nouvelles orientations de l’Agence canadienne de développement international (ACDI) » in Dimitrios Karmis and Linda Cardinal, eds. Les politiques publiques au Canada : Pouvoirs, conflits et idéologie. Quebec City: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2009, pp. 327-47. 13. Brown, Stephen. “Foreign Aid and Democracy Promotion: Lessons from Africa”. European Journal of Development Research, vol. 17, no. 2 (June 2005), pp. 179-98. 14. Brown, Stephen. “‘Born-Again Politicians Hijacked Our Revolution!’: Reassessing Malawi’s Transition to Democracy”. Canadian Journal of African Studies, vol. 38, no. 3 (2004), pp. 705-22. 15. Brown, Stephen. “Theorising Kenya’s Protracted Transition to Democracy”. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, vol. 22, no. 3 (September 2004), pp. 327-42. 16. Brown, Stephen. “‘Con discriminación y represión, no hay democracia’: The Lesbian and Gay Movement in Argentina”. Latin American Perspectives, vol. 29, no. 2 (March 2002), pp. 119-38 • 3 Earlier version published as “Democracy and Sexual Difference: The Lesbian and Gay Movement in Argentina”. In Barry D. Adam, Jan Willem Duyvendak and André Krouwel, eds. The Global Emergence of Gay and Lesbian Politics: National Imprints of a Worldwide Movement. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1999, pp. 110-32 • Abridged version published in Javier Corrales and Mario Pecheny, eds. The Politics of Sexuality in Latin America: A Reader on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Rights. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2010, pp. 86-101. 17. Brown, Stephen. “Authoritarian leaders and multiparty elections in Africa: how foreign donors help to keep Kenya’s Daniel arap Moi in power”. Third World Quarterly, vol. 22, no. 5 (October 2001), pp. 725-39. Peer-reviewed book chapters 1. Brown, Stephen. “Canada’s Development Interventions: Unpacking Motivations and Effectiveness in Canadian Foreign Aid”. In Fen Osler Hampson and Stephen Saideman, eds. Canada Among Nations 2015. Waterloo, ON: Centre for International Governance Innovation, 2015 (forthcoming). 2. Brown, Stephen. “Aid Effectiveness and the Framing of New Canadian Aid Initiatives”. In Duane Bratt and Christopher J. Kukucha, eds. Readings in Canadian Foreign Policy: Classic Debates and New Ideas, Third Edition. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 2015, pp. 467-81 • Earlier version published in ibid., Second Edition, 2011, pp. 469-86 • Also published in Stephen Brown, ed. Struggling for Effectiveness: CIDA and Canadian Foreign Aid. Montreal and Kingston: McGillQueen’s University Press, 2012, pp. 79-107. 3. Brown, Stephen, Molly den Heyer and David R. Black. “Why Rethink Canadian Aid?”. In Stephen Brown, Molly den Heyer and David R. Black, eds. Rethinking Canadian Aid. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2014, pp. 1-13. 4. Brown, Stephen. “Undermining Foreign Aid: The Extractive Sector and the Recommercialization of Canadian Development Assistance”. In Stephen Brown, Molly den Heyer and David R. Black, eds. Rethinking Canadian Aid. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2014, pp. 277-295. 5. Black, David R., Stephen Brown and Molly den Heyer. “Rethinking Canadian Development Cooperation: Towards Renewed Partnerships?”. In Stephen Brown, Molly den Heyer and David R. Black, eds. Rethinking Canadian Aid. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2014, pp. 297-311. 6. Brown, Stephen and Michael Olender. “Canada’s Fraying Commitment to Multilateral Development Cooperation”. In Hany Besada and Shannon Kindornay, eds. Multilateral Development Cooperation in a Changing Global Order. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, pp. 158-88. 7. Brown, Stephen. “Canadian Aid to Africa”. In Yiagadeesen Samy and Rohinton Medhora, eds. Canada Among Nations 2013. Canada-Africa Relations: Looking Back, Looking Ahead. Waterloo, ON: Centre for International Governance Innovation, 2013, pp. 181-194. 8. Brown, Stephen. “Canadian Aid Enters the Twenty-First Century”. In Stephen Brown, ed. Struggling for Effectiveness: CIDA and Canadian Foreign Aid. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2012, pp. 3-23 • Excerpt published in World Financial Review, May-June 2013, pp. 40-43. 9. Brown, Stephen. “CIDA’s New Partnership with Canadian NGOs: Modernizing for Greater Effectiveness?”. In Stephen Brown, ed. Struggling for Effectiveness: CIDA and Canadian Foreign Aid. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2012, pp. 287-304. 4 10. Brown, Stephen and Rosalind Raddatz. “Taking Stock, Looking Ahead”. In Stephen Brown, ed. Struggling for Effectiveness: CIDA and Canadian Foreign Aid. Montreal and Kingston: McGillQueen’s University Press, 2012, pp. 327-43. 11. Brown, Stephen. “National Development Agencies and Bilateral Aid”. In Paul A. Haslam, Jessica Schafer and Pierre Beaudet, eds. Introduction to International Development: Approaches, Actors, and Issues. Second Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012, pp. 143-58 • Earlier version published in ibid., First Edition, 2008, pp. 135-51 • French versions published as « Le développement et l’aide bilatérale ». In Pierre Beaudet et Paul Haslam (dir.). Enjeux et défis du développement international. Ottawa, Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa, 2014, pp. 147-65 and « Les agences nationales de développement et l’aide bilatérale ». In Pierre Beaudet, Jessica Schafer et Paul Haslam (dir.). Introduction au développement international : approches, acteurs et enjeux. Ottawa, Presses de l’Université d‘Ottawa, 2008, pp. 119-38. 12. Brown, Stephen. “Lessons Learned and Forgotten: The International Community and Electoral Conflict Management in Kenya”. In David Gillies, ed. Elections in Dangerous Places: Democracy and the Paradoxes of Peacebuilding. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2011, pp. 127-43. 13. Brown, Stephen. “The Rule of Law and the Hidden Politics of Transitional Justice in Rwanda”. In Chandra Lekha Sriram, Olga Martín-Ortega and Johanna Herman, eds. Peacebuilding and the Rule of Law in Africa: Just Peace? London: Routledge, 2011, pp. 179-196. 14. Brown, Stephen. “Dilemmas of Self-Representation and Conduct in the Field”. In Chandra Lekha Sriram, John C. King, Julie A. Mertus, Olga Martín-Ortega and Johanna Herman, eds. Surviving Field Research: Working in Violent and Difficult Situations. London: Routledge, 2009, pp. 213-26. 15. Brown, Stephen. « L’aide publique canadienne à l’Afrique : vers un nouvel âge d’or ? » in François Audet, Marie-Eve Desrosiers et Stéphane Roussel (dir.). L’aide canadienne au développement. Montréal, Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2008, pp. 267-90. 16. Brown, Stephen. “CIDA under the Gun”. In Jean Daudelin and Daniel Schwanen, eds. Canada Among Nations 2007: What Room to Manoeuvre? Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2008, pp. 91-107. 17. Brown, Stephen. “Transitions from Personal Dictatorships: Democratization and the Legacy of the Past in Malawi”. In Shadrack Wanjala Nasong’o, ed. The African Search for Stable Forms of Statehood: Essays in Political Criticism. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2008, pp. 187-227. 18. Brown, Stephen. “From Demiurge to Midwife: Changing Donor Roles in Kenya’s Democratisation Process”. In Godwin Rapando Murunga and Shadrack Wanjala Nasong’o, eds. Kenya: The Struggle for Democracy. London: Zed Books, 2007, pp. 301-29. 19. Brown, Stephen. “Quiet Diplomacy and Recurring ‘Ethnic Clashes’ in Kenya”. In Chandra Lekha Sriram and Karin Wermester, eds. From Promise to Practice: Strengthening UN Capacities for the Prevention of Violent Conflict. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2003, pp. 69-100. Other book chapters 1. Brown, Stephen and Jörn Grävingholt. “Security, Development and the Securitization of Foreign Aid”. In Stephen Brown and Jörn Grävingholt, eds. The Securitization of Foreign Aid. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan (forthcoming). 5 2. Brown, Stephen. “From Ottawa to Kandahar and Back: The Securitization of Canadian Foreign Aid”. In Stephen Brown and Jörn Grävingholt, eds. The Securitization of Foreign Aid. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan (forthcoming). 3. Brown, Stephen, Jörn Grävingholt and Rosalind Raddatz. “The Securitization of Foreign Aid: Trends, Explanations and Prospects”. In Stephen Brown and Jörn Grävingholt, eds. The Securitization of Foreign Aid. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan (forthcoming). 4. Brown, Stephen. “Foreign Aid and Policy Coherence for Development”. In Mak Arvin and Byron Lew, eds. Handbook on the Economics of Foreign Aid. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar (forthcoming). 5. Brown, Stephen. “Foreign Aid in a Changing World”. In Vandana Desai and Robert B. Potter, eds. The Companion to Development Studies. Third Edition. London: Routledge, 2014, pp. 539-42. 6. Brown, Stephen. “Democracy Promotion in Africa”. In Nic Cheeseman, David M. Anderson and Andrea Scheibler, eds. Routledge Handbook of African Politics. London: Routledge, 2013, pp. 40413. 7. Brown, Stephen. “The National Accord, Impunity, and the Fragile Peace in Kenya”. In Chandra Lekha Sriram, Jemima García-Godos, Johanna Herman and Olga Martin-Ortega, eds. Transitional Justice and Peacebuilding on the Ground: Victims and Ex-Combatants. London: Routledge, 2013, pp. 238-54. 8. Brown, Stephen and Chandra Lekha Sriram. “China’s Role in Human Rights Abuses in Africa: Clarifying Issues of Culpability”. In Robert I. Rotberg, ed. China into Africa: Trade, Aid, and Influence. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2008, pp. 250-71. 9. Brown, Stephen. “Deteriorating Human Security in Kenya: Domestic, Regional and Global Dimensions”. In J. Andrew Grant and Fredrik Söderbaum, eds. The New Regionalism in Africa. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2003, pp. 93-109. Other articles 1. Brown, Stephen. « Le gouvernement Harper et l’aide au développement ». Nouveaux Cahiers du socialisme, nº 13 (hiver 2015), pp. 237-245. 2. Brown, Stephen. “Canada’s foreign aid before and after CIDA: Not a Samaritan state”. International Journal, vol. 68, no. 3 (September 2013), pp. 501-12. 3. Brown, Stephen. “The Life and Death of CIDA (1968-2013)”. Canadian Dimension, vol. 47, no. 5 (September/October 2013), p. 13. 4. Brown, Stephen. “Politische Gewalt in Kenia und die Suche nach Verantwortlichkeit” [Political Violence in Kenya and the Quest for Accountability]. IMS–Intetrnationales Magazin für Sicherheit, no. 3, October 2010, pp. 8-10. 5. Brown, Stephen. « Le rapport du Sénat sur l’aide canadienne à l’Afrique : une analyse à rejeter ». Le Multilatéral, vol. 1, nº 3 (juillet/août 2007), pp. 1, 6-7. 6. Brown, Stephen. “Achieving the Development Objectives of Canada’s International Policy Statement”. McGill International Review, vol. 6, no. 1 (Fall 2005), pp. 52-55. 7. Brown, Stephen. “Malawi: The Trouble with Democracy”. Southern Africa Report, vol. 15, no. 4 (November 2000), pp. 19-23. 6 Technical reports 1. Brown, Stephen and Jörn Grävingholt. From Power Struggles to Sustainable Peace: Understanding Political Settlements. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2011 (56 pp.). 2. Sriram, Chandra Lekha, Judith Large and Stephen Brown. Governance in Conflict Prevention and Recovery: A Guidance Note. New York and Oslo: United Nations Development Programme, 2009 (45 pp.). 3. Brown, Stephen. “Fundamental Freedoms in Haiti: Expert-Assessor Report”. Port-au-Prince: International Mission for Monitoring Haitian Elections, 2006 (18 pp.). 4. Baines, Erin and Stephen Brown. “Supporting Peacebuilding and Reconstruction Research in the Great Lakes Region of Africa”. Ottawa: International Development Research Centre, Peacebuilding and Reconstruction Program Initiative, 2004 (68 pp.). 5. Brynen, Rex, Stephen Brown and Evan Fox-Decent. “Peacebuilding and Reconstruction (PBR) Program Initiative: External Evaluation Report”. Ottawa: International Development Research Centre, 2003 (74 pp.). Encyclopedia entries 1. Brown, Stephen. “Kenya”. In Lavinia Stan and Nadya Nedelsky, eds. Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice, Volume 2. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp. 261-66. 2. Brown, Stephen. “Political Science, teaching of”. In James T. Sears, ed. Youth, Education, and Sexualities: An International Encyclopedia. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2005, pp. 628-32. 3. Brown, Stephen. “Democracy”. In Daniel Balderston, Mike Gonzalez and Ana M. López, eds. Encyclopedia of Contemporary Latin American and Caribbean Cultures. London and New York: Routledge, 2001, pp. 462-63. Policy papers 1. Brown, Stephen. “Still a Bumpy Road. The Multiple Challenges of External Democracy Promotion”. Global Governance Spotlight. Bonn: Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden/Development and Peace Foundation, April 2013 (4 pp.) • Published in German as “Ein steiniger Weg. Herausforderungen externer Demokratieförderung” (4 pp.). 2. Jackson, Edward, Ian Smillie and Stephen Brown. “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights: A Call for Canadian Leadership”. Ottawa: McLeod Group, March 2013 (11 pp.). 3. Sriram, Chandra Lekha and Stephen Brown. “A Breakthrough in Justice? Accountability for PostElection Violence in Kenya”. London: University of East London Centre on Human Rights in Conflict, August 2010 (7 pp.). 4. Brown, Stephen and Bill Morton. “Reforming aid and development cooperation: Accra, Doha and beyond”. Ottawa: North-South Institute, August 2008 (8 pp.) • Published in French as « La réforme de l’aide et la coopération au développement : Accra, Doha et au-delà » (10 pp.). Opinion pieces 1. Brown, Stephen. “15 Proposals for Canadian Foreign Aid”. Blog, Centre for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa, January 11, 2015 • Published in French as « 15 propositions pour l'aide canadienne ». Blogue Un seul monde, Huffington Post Québec, January 8, 2015 and Blog, 7 Centre for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa, January 11, 2015 • Reposted in both languages on the blog of the Canadian Council for International Co-operations, January 19, 2015. 2. Stuart, Rieky and Stephen Brown. “Mr. Harper’s Maternal and Child Health Summit: What’s still missing?”. Blog, McLeod Group, June 10, 2014 • Reposted on the Centre for International Policy Studies Blog, University of Ottawa, June 11, 2014. 3. Brown, Stephen. “CIDA’s Underspending: The Minister’s Explanations Don’t Add Up”. Blog, Centre for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa, April 28, 2014. 4. Brown, Stephen. “When Policy Coherence is a Bad Thing”. Blog, Centre for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa, February 3, 2014 • Published in French as « Quand la cohérence des politiques nuit au développement ». Huffington Post Québec, March 28, 2014. 5. Brown, Stephen. “Killing CIDA: The Wrong Solution to Real Problems”. Blog, Centre for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa, March 25, 2013. 6. Jackson, Edward, Ian Smillie and Stephen Brown. “Translate words into deeds in fight for gay rights”. Embassy, March 10, 2013. 7. Brown, Stephen. “Why we still need CIDA and foreign aid”, University of Ottawa Gazette, uOttawaExpert blog, October 17, 2012. 8. Brown, Stephen. “Foreign aid: More of the same?”, Embassy, September 19, 2012, p. 17 • Republished on the website of the Centre for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa, September 21, 2012. 9. Brown, Stephen. “Bev Oda’s Real Legacy at CIDA”, Blog, Centre for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa, July 10, 2012. 10. Brown, Stephen. “Transitional Justice as Subterfuge”, Canadian International Council website, May 9, 2012 • Republished on the website of the Centre for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa, May 10, 2012. 11. Brown, Stephen and Ian Smillie. “CIDA: The Shape of Things to Come”, The Mark, September 29, 2011 • Previously published as “Expect CIDA minister, debate to have low profile – but watch behind the scenes”, Embassy, September 14, 2011, p. 15. 12. Brown, Stephen and John Sinclair. “Transparency and Canadian foreign aid”, Huffington Post, August 1, 2011 • Previously published in Embassy, July 27, 2011, p. 8. 13. Brown, Stephen. “Two Cheers for Kenya’s New Constitution”. The Current Column. Bonn: German Development Institute, August 9, 2010 • Also published in Deutsche Welle online, August 9, 2010 • German version published as “Ein Hoch auf Kenias neue Verfassung”, Die aktuelle Kolumne, Bonn: German Development Institute, August 9, 2010 and in Zeit Online, August 13, 2010 • Edited version republished as “Kenya requires serious reforms”, Business Daily [Nairobi], November 8, 2010. 14. Brown, Stephen. “Make Aid Effective, Put Recipients First”, The Mark, July 29, 2010 • Previously published as “Aid Effectiveness, Mom and Apple Pie”. CIC Commentary. Canadian International Council website, April 22, 2010. 15. Brown, Stephen. “CIDA Under Attack (from its Own Minister)”, The Mark, June 23, 2009. 16. Brown, Stephen. “Putting Foreign Aid Back on the Agenda”, Embassy, October 16, 2008, p. 17. 17. Baines, Erin, Stephen Brown and Susan Thomson. “Inside Rwanda’s gender revolution”, The Guardian Online, October 13, 2008. 8 18. Brown, Stephen, Chandra Lekha Sriram and Marie-Joëlle Zahar. “For Zimbabwe, talking is no cure”, The Guardian Online, August 20, 2008. Book reviews 1. Brown, Stephen. “The Statistics of Poverty – or the Poverty of Statistics?”. Review of Poor Numbers: How We Are Misled by African Development Statistics and What to Do about It, by Morten Jerven. International Studies Review (forthcoming). 2. Brown, Stephen. Review of Our Turn to Eat: Politics in Kenya Since 1950, edited by Daniel Branch, Nicholas Cheeseman and Leigh Gardner. Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 51, no. 4 (December 2013), pp. 716-18. 3. Brown, Stephen. Review of Religion and Politics in Kenya: Essays in Honour of a Meddlesome Priest, edited by Ben Knighton. The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, vol. 99, no. 408 (June 2010), pp. 336-38. 4. Brown, Stephen. Review of The Dynamics of Violence in Central Africa, by René Lemarchand. African Studies Review, vol. 52, no. 3 (December 2009), pp. 184-85. 5. Brown, Stephen. Review of Escape from Empire: The Developing World’s Journey through Heaven and Hell, by Alice H. Amsden. Canadian Journal of Political Science, vol. 42, no. 2 (June 2009), pp. 532-34. 6. Brown, Stephen. Review of Dark Threats and White Knights: The Somalia Affair, Peacekeeping, and the New Imperialism, by Sherene H. Razack. Canadian Journal of African Studies, vol. 41, no. 2 (2007), pp. 357-60. 7. Brown, Stephen. Review of Islamic Homosexualities: Culture, History, and Literature, by Stephen O. Murray and Will Roscoe. Journal of Homosexuality, vol. 49, no. 1 (2005), pp. 186-88. 8. Brown, Stephen. “Africa’s Unfulfilled Potential”, review of A Continent for the Taking: The Tragedy and Hope of Africa, by Howard W. French, and Durable Peace: Challenges for Peacebuilding in Africa, edited by Taisier M. Ali and Robert O. Matthews. [Montreal] Gazette. October 30, 2004, p. H6 • Reprinted as “Elusive peace in Africa: Two books on the complex process of reversing a continent's history of conflict”, Vancouver Sun, November 13, 2004, pp. F22 and as “War and Peace: Authors balance hope with despair in books on conflict and resolution in Africa”, Ottawa Citizen, March 27, 2005, pp. C9. 9. Brown, Stephen. Review of Africa’s Stalled Development: International Causes and Cures, by David K. Leonard and Scott Straus. Canadian Journal of African Studies, vol. 38, no. 2 (2004), pp. 469-71. 10. Brown, Stephen. Review of Masculinities Matter! Men, Gender and Development, edited by Frances Cleaver. European Journal of Development Research, vol. 16, no. 3 (Autumn 2004), pp. 75253. 11. Brown, Stephen. Review of Never Going Back: A History of Queer Activism in Canada, by Tom Warner. American Review of Canadian Studies, vol. 33, no. 2 (Summer 2003), pp. 278-81. 12. Brown, Stephen. Review of Compatible Cultural Democracy: The Key to Development in Africa, by Daniel T. Osabu-Kle. Journal of Asian and African Studies, vol. 38, no. 1 (June 2003), pp. 98-100. 13. Brown, Stephen. Review of Ethnicity and Nationalism in Africa: Constructivist Reflections and Contemporary Politics, edited by Paris Yeros. Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 39, no. 4 (December 2001), pp. 742-43. 9 14. Brown, Stephen. Review of Africa’s New Leaders: Democracy or State Reconstruction?, by Marina Ottaway. Canadian Journal of African Studies, vol. 35, no. 2 (2001), pp. 420-22. Other publications 1. Brown, Stephen. “Does Accountability Prevent Violence or Cause Insecurity? Global Cooperation and Security in Kenya”. In Markus Bökenförde, ed. A Multi-disciplinary Mosaic: Reflections on International Security and Global Cooperation. Duisburg, Germany: Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research, 2014, pp. 65-67 • Earlier German version published as “Aufarbeiten politischer Gewalt – Beispiel Kenia” [Dealing with the Experience of Political Violence: The Case of Kenya], Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte: Internationale Sicherheit und globale Kooperation, vol. 63, nos. 36-37 (September 9, 2013), pp. 7-8. 2. Brown, Stephen. “Alzheimer Alterities and Technological Change”. Commentary on “New Alterities and Emerging Cultures of Social Interaction” by Christian Meyer. Global Cooperation Research Papers 3. Duisburg, Germany: Käte Hamburger Kolleg/Centre for Global Cooperation Research, University of Duisburg-Essen, 2013, pp. 56-58. 3. Zahar, Marie-Joëlle, Marie-Eve Desrosiers and Stephen Brown. “Failed and Fragile States: Diagnoses, Prescriptions and Considerations for Canadian Foreign Policy”. Discussion paper presented at the workshop Failed and Fragile States: Diagnoses, Prescriptions and Considerations for Canadian Foreign Policy, Centre for Foreign Policy and Security Studies, Université du Québec à Montréal, May 25, 2007. 4. Brown, Stephen. “Engaging Fragile States on Governance: The Next Generation of Conditionality?” Proceedings of the International Policy Forum on Stay Engaged! Fragile States and Weak Governance: A Development Policy Challenge. Bonn, Germany, November 30-December 1, 2006, pp. 27-29. 5. Brown, Stephen. “Defying Gravity: An Interview with Dennis Altman”. Sexualities, vol. 3, no. 1 (February 2000), pp. 97-107. 6. Brown, Stephen. “Curricular Guide to Gay/Lesbian/Queer Studies: Latin America”. Washington, DC: Committee on the Status of Lesbians and Gays in the Profession, American Political Science Association, 2000 (2 pp.). Translations 1. Marchesin, Philippe. “The Securitization of Aid: The Case of France”. Translated from the French by Stephen Brown. In Stephen Brown and Jörn Grävingholt, eds. The Securitization of Foreign Aid. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan (forthcoming). 2. Llamas, Ricardo and Fefa Vila. “Passion for Life: A History of the Lesbian and Gay Movement in Spain”. Translated from the Spanish by Stephen Brown. In Barry D. Adam, Jan Willem Duyvendak and André Krouwel, eds. The Global Emergence of Gay and Lesbian Politics: National Imprints of a Worldwide Movement. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1999, pp. 214-41. MANUSCRIPTS UNDER REVIEW AND IN PROGRESS Under review Brown, Stephen. “Uncaring or Magnanimous Canada? Foreign Aid under the Harper Government”. Journal article. 10 Brown, Stephen. “Canadian Aid Policy, 2006-2015”. In Adam Chapnick and Christopher J. Kukucha, eds. Canadian International Policy 2006-2015: Continuity and Change Under Conservative Minority and Majority Governments. Chapter for a book under contract with UBC Press. Epprecht, Marc and Stephen Brown. “Queer Canada? Canadian policy towards international lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex rights”. In Rebecca Tiessen and Stephen Baranyi, eds. Omissions and Obligations: Canada’s Commitments to Gender and Development in the Global South under the Harper Conservatives. Book chapter. In progress Brown, Stephen. “The Aid Effectiveness Agenda in Mali: Why we won’t always have Paris”. Journal article. Sondermann, Elena and Stephen Brown. “The Domestic Politics of Aid Effectiveness: Comparing the Discourses of Canada, Germany and the UK”. Journal article. RESEARCH GRANTS External 1. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Insight Grant, 2013-18, “Policy Coherence for Development and Canadian Foreign Aid”, applicant (with Liam Swiss, collaborator), $114,142 2. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Connections Grant, 2012-14, “Rethinking Canadian Aid: Foundations, Contradictions and Possibilities”, co-applicant (with David Black, applicant; Molly den Heyer, co-applicant), $40,338 3. Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Aid to Scholarly Publications Program, 2012, for Stephen Brown (ed.), Struggling for Effectiveness: CIDA and Canadian Foreign Aid (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2012), $8,000 4. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Standard Research Grant, 2009-12, “New Trends in Canadian Development Assistance: Canada’s Foreign Aid Policies and Practices in Comparative Perspective”, applicant, $59,802 5. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Research Development Initiative, 2009-11, “The Special Tribunal for Kenya: Waki times ahead?”, applicant (with Chandra Lekha Sriram, co-applicant), $40,000 6. Department of National Defence, Security and Defence Forum, 2007, “Failed and Fragile States: Diagnoses, Prescriptions and Considerations for Canadian Foreign Policy”, co-applicant with MarieJoëlle Zahar and Marie-Eve Desrosiers, $4,000 7. Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, International Security Research and Outreach Program, 2006-07, “Developing Strategic Capabilities with Regard to Failed and Fragile States”, co-applicant with Marie-Joëlle Zahar and Marie-Eve Desrosiers, $19,550, declined 8. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Standard Research Grant, 2004-08, “Understanding Transition Violence: African Experiences in Theoretical Perspective”, co-applicant (with Marie-Joëlle Zahar, applicant), $115,850 Internal 1. University of Ottawa, Faculty of Social Sciences, Research Events Program, 2014, $500 11 2. University of Ottawa, Author Fund in Support of Open Access Publishing, 2013, for “Dire Consequences or Empty Threats? Western Pressure for Peace, Justice and Democracy in Kenya”. Journal of Eastern African Studies (2014), $3,191 3. University of Ottawa, Author Fund in Support of Open Access Publishing, 2012, for “The Hollow Ring of Donor Commitment: Country Concentration and the Decoupling of Aid Effectiveness Norms from Donor Practice”, Development Policy Review (2013), $3,581 4. University of Ottawa, Faculty of Social Sciences, Publication Assistance Program, 2012, $1,000 5. University of Ottawa, Faculty of Social Sciences, Travel Grant for Participation in an International Conference, 2012, $900 6. University of Ottawa, Faculty of Social Sciences, Research Support through Release from Teaching Duties, 2007-08, 2011-12 and 2012-13, one course per year 7. University of Ottawa, Research Development Program ($7,300) and Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty Research Assistance Fund ($7,295), 2008-09, “Foreign Aid and Fragile States: Canadian Policies and Practices in Comparative Perspective”, $14,595 total 8. University of Ottawa, University Research Fund ($7,500) and Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty Research Fund ($2,081), 2003-04, “Contentious Democratization in Sub-Saharan Africa: Political Change, Foreign Aid and Violent Conflict in Comparative Perspective”, $9,581 total SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2000-2002 Academic Council on the United Nations System, Dissertation Award, 1999-2000 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Doctoral Fellowship, 1997-98 Institute for the Study of World Politics, Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 1997-98 Fonds pour la Formation des Chercheurs et l’Aide à la Recherche, Doctoral Scholarship, 1997 New York University, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Summer Research Grant, 1996 New York University, Henry Mitchell MacCracken Fellowship, 1994-97 and 1998-99 Mackenzie King Foundation, Mackenzie King Travelling Scholarship, 1989-90 Fonds pour la Formation des Chercheurs et l’Aide à la Recherche, Master’s Scholarship, 1989-90 University of Ottawa, Support Staff Scholarship, 1988-89 University of Ottawa, Academic Achievement Award, 1987-88 and 1988-89 INVITED TALKS (last six years) Career 23 Last six years 13 1. “Policy Coherence for Development: Experiences from Mali”, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany, June 2, 2015. 12 2. « L’aide canadienne et les intérêts commerciaux sous le gouvernement Harper », Université Laval, Quebec City, QC, September 18, 2014. 3. “Effective at What and for Whom? CIDA’s Aid Effectiveness Agenda and its Partnerships with the Canadian Extractive Sector”, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, December 4, 2012. 4. “Undermining Development? CIDA, NGOs and the Extractive Sector”, International Development Studies Seminar Series, York University, November 21, 2012. Also presented at the Annual General Meeting of MiningWatch Canada, Ottawa, ON, April 20, 2012 and to the Americas Policy Group/Asia-Pacific Working Group, Canadian Council for International Cooperation, Ottawa, ON, February 21, 2012. 5. “Shifting the Goalposts? International Pressure and Electoral Violence in Kenya”, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, London, UK, June 25, 2012 6. “‘Well, what can you expect?’: Donor officials’ apologetics for hybrid regimes in Africa”, African Studies Brownbag Seminar Series, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, January 11, 2012. 7. “The Struggle against Impunity in Kenya: Transitional Justice without the Transition – or the Justice?”, Centre for Security and Defence Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, March 10, 2011. 8. « La lutte contre l’impunité en Afrique : Comme poursuivre les responsables d’abus massifs de droits humains ? », Conférencier d’honneur [keynote speaker], conférence annuelle sur les questions globales pour les élèves des écoles secondaires de langue française, Centre for Security and Defence Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, February 24, 2011. 9. “Canadian Foreign Aid and Emerging Norms: The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness”, Shanghai International Studies University, Hongkou campus, Shanghai, China, November 12, 2010. 10. “Canada’s Foreign Aid in a Changing World”, Shanghai International Studies University, Songjiang campus, Shanghai, China, November 11, 2010. 11. “Political Change and Continuity in Kenya”, Canadian Security Intelligence Service Headquarters, Ottawa, ON, February 24, 2010. 12. “Internationalizing Accountability for Atrocities in Kenya”. African History and Politics Seminar, Oxford University, Oxford, UK, January 25, 2010. 13. “Accountability for Atrocities in Kenya: Local Mechanisms and the Shadow of the ICC”, Africa Bureau, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Ottawa, ON, August 25, 2009. CONFERENCE, WORKSHOP AND ROUNDTABLE PRESENTATIONS (last six years) Career 62 Last six years 33 1. “Democracy Promotion and Development Cooperation in Sub-Saharan Africa”. Workshop on Interactions Between Internal and External Actors in Democracy Promotion, German Development Institute, Bonn, Germany, March 25-27, 2015. 2. « Miner le développement : le secteur extractif et la recommercialisation de l’aide canadienne », Lancement du livre Rethinking Canadian Aid, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal, QC, February 26, 2015. 13 3. « Repenser l’aide canadienne : 15 propositions ». Événement Où va la coopération internationale au Québec et au Canada ? Journées québécoises de la solidarité internationale, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal, QC, November 7, 2014. 4. “Canadian Aid to Africa”. Africa-Canada Forum Colloquium, Ottawa, ON, October 14-15, 2014. 5. “Foreign Aid and Self-Interest under the Harper Government”. Symposium on Uncaring Canada: Business, Politics, and Culture in Canada’s New Engagement in the Americas. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, September 26, 2014. 6. “The Aid Orphan Myth” (co-authored with Liam Swiss), International Political Science Association World Congress, Montreal, QC, July 19-24, 2014. 7. “Undermining Foreign Aid: The Extractive Sector and the Recommercialization of Canadian Development Assistance”, International Political Science Association World Congress, Montreal, QC, July 19-24, 2014. Also presented as a keynote lecture at the International Development Conference, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, February 9, 2014 and at the Symposium on Rethinking Canadian Aid: Foundations, Contradictions and Possibilities, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, September 21-22, 2013. 8. “From Ottawa to Kandahar and Back: The Securitization of Canadian Foreign Aid”, European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes General Conference, Bonn, Germany, June 23-26, 2014. 9. « Commercialisation de l’aide canadienne et l’utilisation de fonds d’aide publique au développement pour la promotion des intérêts commerciaux », Tribunal des peuples sur l’industrie minière canadienne – audience sur l'Amérique latine, Montreal, QC, May 31, 2014. 10. “Sponsoring a ‘Scholar at Risk’: Personal Experience and Institutional Implications”, Presidential Roundtable on Academic Freedom, International Studies Association Annual Convention, Toronto, ON, March 26-29, 2014. 11. “Looking Ahead: Canada and DFATD in the Post-2015 Agenda”, International Development Conference, University of Toronto, Scarborough Campus, Toronto, ON, February 8, 2014. 12. “Dire Consequences or Empty Threats? Western Pressure for Peace, Justice and Democracy in Kenya”. Kenya at Fifty Conference, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC, September 26-27, 2013. Also presented as an invited talk at the Institute of African Affairs, German Institute for Global and Area Studies, Hamburg, Germany, May 22, 2013. 13. “Effective at What and For Whom? Unpacking Canada’s Aid Effectiveness Agenda”, Canada Abroad Conference, Herstmonceux Castle, Sussex, UK, July 30-31, 2013. 14. “Success factors and pitfalls of external democracy promotion”, Forum on Global Issues, Foreign Office, Berlin, Germany, May 7, 2013. 15. “Elections, Violence, and International Criminal Justice: The Case of Kenya”, German Development Institute, Bonn, Germany, April 15, 2013. 16. “Aid Effectiveness, Innovation and Canadian Development Assistance”, International Development Institute, Humber College, Toronto, ON, November 20, 2012. 17. « Évaluer le Plan d’action de l’ACDI pour accroître l’efficacité de l’aide », Table ronde sur le virage de l'aide publique canadienne au développement, Chaire en développement international, Université Laval, Quebec City, QC, November 15, 2012. 14 18. “Assessing CIDA’s Aid Effectiveness Agenda”, CIDA Knowledge Day, Canadian International Development Agency, Gatineau, QC, October 18, 2012. 19. “CIDA, Corporate Social Responsibility and Partnerships for Development”, Toronto Microfinance Symposium, Toronto, ON, October 16, 2012. 20. “Los desafíos que enfrenta la ayuda al desarrollo canadiense/Challenges for Canada’s foreign aid”, Conference on La política exterior canadiense en la era Harper/Canadian Foreign Policy in the Harper Era, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico City Campus, Mexico, September 10, 2012. 21. “The Domestic Politics of Aid Effectiveness: Comparing the Discourse of Canada and the UK” (coauthored with Elena Sondermann), British International Studies Association and International Studies Association Joint International Conference, Edinburgh, UK, June 20-22, 2012. 22. “The National Accord, Impunity and the Fragile Peace in Kenya”, European Consortium for Political Research General Conference, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 25-27, 2011. 23. “Country Concentration and Aid Effectiveness: Better Aid through More Assistance to Fewer Recipients?” (co-authored with Liam Swiss), Workshop on Unpacking Foreign Aid Effectiveness: Examining Donor Dynamics, London School of Economics, London, UK, June 21, 2011. 24. “Aid Effectiveness and the Framing of New Canadian Aid Initiatives”, annual conference of the Canadian Association of International Development Consultants, Ottawa, ON, May 12, 2011. Previously presented at a joint session of the annual conferences of the Canadian Political Science Association and the Canadian Association for the Study of International Development, Montreal, QC, May 31-June 3, 2010. 25. “The ICC, Kenya and Complementarity” (co-authored with Chandra Lekha Sriram), International Studies Association Annual Convention, Montreal, QC, March 16-19, 2011. Also presented at the International Conference on Africa and the Future of International Criminal Justice, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, July 14-16, 2010. 26. “New Accountability Mechanisms in Kenya: Transitional Justice without the Transition”, African Studies Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 18-21, 2010. Also presented at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of African Studies, Ottawa, ON, May 5-7, 2010. 27. “Africa and New Canadian Aid Initiatives”, Symposium on After the Toronto G20 Summit: Canada, China and Global Governance, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China, Nov. 14, 2010. 28. « La nouvelle approche de l’ACDI en matière de partenariat : impacts sur les orientations à long terme de l’ACDI », Atelier de réflexion et de concertation, Association québécoise des organismes de coopération internationale, Montreal, QC, October 22, 2010. 29. « L’efficacité de l’aide : entre ambiguïtés sémantiques et défis politiques », conférence d’ouverture [keynote address], Colloque sur Coopération, partenariat, développement : Efficacité et légitimité de l'aide, dans le cadre du congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir, Université de Montréal, Montréal, QC, May 10, 2010. 30. “The Special Tribunal for Kenya: A Waki Idea”, International Studies Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA, February 17-20, 2010. 31. “Strengthening Canada’s Aid Effectiveness”, Roundtable on Canada’s Role in International Development, Parliament of Canada, Ottawa, ON, February 2, 2010. 15 32. “Donor Defence of Defective Democracy and Electoral Authoritarianism in Africa”, Conference on Democratization in Africa: Retrospective and Future Prospects, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, December 4-5, 2009. 33. “Donor Responses to the 2008 Kenyan Crisis: Finally Getting it Right?”, International Studies Association and Brazilian International Relations Association joint conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 22-24, 2009. GRADUATE AND POSTDOCTORAL SUPERVISION Postdoc Ph.D. M.A. Completed 4 4 14 In progress 0 4 0 Supervision completed Postdoctoral fellows (4) • Sylvie Capitant, Les politiques publiques canadiennes et françaises en matière de justice pénale post-conflit rwandais, 2010-11 (currently Maître de conférences, Université de Paris 1-PanthéonSorbonne) • Susan M. Thomson, The Politics of Community Self-Help: Patronage Networks and the Urban Poor in Nairobi, Kenya, 2009-11 (currently Assistant Professor, Colgate University) • Liam Swiss, Security, Gender Equality and Foreign Aid, 2009-10 (currently Assistant Professor, Memorial University) • Marie-Eve Desrosiers, Authoritarian Rule and Societal Disengagement: Dynamics of State Fragility, 2008 (currently Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa) Ph.D. students (4) • Shelagh Roxburgh, Witchcraft, Violence and Mediation in Africa: A Comparative Study of Ghana and Cameroon, 2014 • Corinne Mason (co-supervisor, Women’s Studies), Manufacturing Urgency: Development Perspectives on Violence Against Women, 2013 (nominated for the Joseph De Koninck doctoral interdisciplinary prize) (currently Assistant Professor, Brandon University) • Modeste Mba Talla, Émergence, « fragmégration » et perduration des rébellions au Congo-RDC (1990-2010) : Une politologie des groupes armés, 2012 • Susan M. Thomson (co-supervisor, Dalhousie University), Resisting Reconciliation: State Power and Everyday Life in Post-Genocide Rwanda, 2009 (currently Assistant Professor, Colgate University) Master’s students (14) • Geneviève Moisan (thesis, Globalization and International Development), La coopération triangulaire : potentiel ou illusion d’efficacité ?, 2014 • Nuala Nazarko (thesis, Globalization and International Development), The Hand that Feeds: NGOs’ changing relationship with the Canadian International Development Agency under the competitive funding mechanism, 2014 16 • • • • • • • • • • • • Alicia Grant (research paper, Globalization and International Development), Policy Coherence for Development? An Examination of Canada's Whole-of-Government Approach in Latin America, 2014 Jennifer Keeling (research paper, Globalization and International Development), Human Rights, Homosexuality and Homophobia in Sub-Saharan Africa: Strategies for Sexual Rights and LGBT Activists, 2014 Carl Hageraats (research paper, Public and International Affairs), Foreign Policy Motives and Canadian Official Development Assistance: Why Partner with the Private Sector?, 2014 Jason Carkner (thesis, Globalization and International Development), Throwing Development in the Garbage: A Deconstructive Ethic for Waste Sector Development in Nairobi, Kenya, 2013 Dana Hayward (thesis), Too Much of a Good Thing? Freedom of Expression in the Aftermath of Intractable Conflict, 2012 Bryan McDonald (research paper), Exploring Factors of Insurgent Victory: A Comparison of the Malayan Emergency and the Soviet War in Afghanistan, 2012 Thidasavanh Souksanh (research paper, Public and International Affairs), The Securitization of International Development, 2012 Allyson Gillett (research paper), Ending Civil Wars and Keeping the Peace: A Comparison of Military Victories and Negotiated Settlements, 2011 Cara Vanayan (thesis), Humanitarian Intervention and the Failure to Protect: Sham Compliance and the Limitations of the “Norm Life-Cycle” Model, 2008 Steve Jaltema (research paper, Globalization and International Development), The Sino-African Friendship Dynamic: Ideology or Self-Interest?, 2008 Iraz Oyku Soyalp (research paper, Globalization and International Development), Paths to Liberal Democracy: The Role of International Actors, 2008 Gloriose Kayitesi (research paper), La faim et la persistance de l’insécurité alimentaire en Afrique subsaharienne, 2005 Supervision in progress Ph.D. students (4) • Rosalind Raddatz, Blood, Sweat and Canapés: Assessing Negotiators and their Tactics to End the Liberian and Sierra Leonean Civil Wars • Nyambura Githaiga, Building Peace that Lasts: A Study of State-led Peacebuilding in Kenya • Benjamin Mua, Parliament in the Process of Term Limits Enforcement in Africa: A Comparative Analysis of Burkina Faso, Cameroon and Nigeria • Samir Nawaz, Solving the Puzzle: Making Development Aid Work Committee membership completed: 3 Ph.D., 32 Master’s • • Ph.D. dissertation: Elizabeth Dyke (Population Health, 2013), Serge Banyongen (2012) and Aminata Kassé (2008) Master’s thesis: Lydia Bernier (Globalization and International Development, 2015), Jonathan Gauvin (2014), Laura Dalby (2013), Charmaine Bene (Globalization and International Development, 2013), Augusta Acquah (Globalization and International Development, 2012), Lesley Voellmecke (Women's Studies, 2011), Dustin Martin (International Development Studies, Saint Mary’s University, 2011), Érica Cirino Rosa (2010), Perrine Cogneaux (UQÀM, 2010), Alex Payette (2010), 17 • Anne Griffore (2010), Joanie Thibault-Couture (Globalization and International Development, 2010), Janna Rinaldi (Conflict Studies, Saint Paul University, 2008), Valerie Stam (Conflict Studies, Saint Paul University, 2006) and Derek Earl (2005) Master’s research paper: Philippe Prévost (2014), Jonathan Duguay (2013), Arlette Mayala-Nkosi (Globalization and International Development, 2013), Emily Harris (Globalization and International Development/Women’s Studies, 2013), Rosalee LaPlante (Canadian Forces College, 2013), Kayla Armitage (2011), Chelsea Smith (2011), Karlo Zivcec (Globalization and International Development, 2011), Jocelyn Sweet (Globalization and International Development, 2011), Kate Solomon (Globalization and International Development, 2010), Rudi Wallace (2010), Michael Kelly (Globalization and International Development, 2010), Joey Laforge (Globalization and International Development, 2010), Fabian Clausen (Law, 2009), Zeinabou N’gaidé (2009), Chen Gai (2005), Francesco Zanini (2004) and Sarah Strapps (2003) Committee membership in progress: 9 Ph.D., 5 Master’s • • Ph.D.: Rachael Calleja (International Affairs, Carleton University), Najim Dost (International Studies, University of Denver), Ismaila Kane, Bilel Kchouk, Adam Kochanski, Joshua Libben, Valérie Masumbuko (Women’s Studies), Hashimu Maliki and Will Tait (History, Carleton University) Master’s: Shawn Bindon (Canadian Forces College), Giancarlo Cerquozzi (Women’s Studies), Cailey Dover, Ashley Page (Globalization and International Development) and Fodé Saliou Touré (Globalization and International Development). External examiner: 3 Ph.D., 2 Master’s • Philip Oburu Onguny, Exploring the Politics of Intergroup Accommodation in Kenya's Vernacular Radios during the 2007/08 Conflicts, Ph.D. thesis, Département de communication, Université de Montréal, 2012 • Graham Fox, Belonging Behind Walls: Race, Security and Citizenship amongst Euro-Kenyans in Nairobi, M.A. thesis, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University, 2012 • Mohamed Abokor Elmi, A New Approach? The Impact of China’s Development Aid on Kenya, M.A. thesis, International Development Studies Program, Saint Mary’s University, 2012 • Issaka K. Souaré, Les partis politiques de l’opposition en Afrique de l’Ouest et leur quête pour le pouvoir d’État : Les cas du Bénin, du Ghana et de la Guinée, Ph.D. thesis, Département de science politique, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2010 • Adolphine Y. Aggor, Changing Actors, Unchanging Policies: A case study of Ghanaian Women's Organizations and the State, Ph.D. thesis, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University, 2009 OTHER WORK EXPERIENCE • Programme Officer, United Nations Development Programme, Muscat, Oman (1990-92), Tegucigalpa, Honduras (1992-93) and New York, NY (1994) • Consultancies with the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (2014), North-South Institute (2010), Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (2009), United Nations Development Programme (2007-08), International Mission for Monitoring Haitian Elections (2005-06), International Development Research Centre (2003, 2004) and Pearson Peacekeeping Centre (2003, 2004) 18 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE School of Political Studies, University of Ottawa • Member of the Ad Hoc Committee on Statutes and Rules, 2014 • Member of Hiring Committee, Political Science Program, 2004-05, 2006-07, 2007-08 (twice), 201112, 2012-13 and 2013-14 • Member of the Program Committee, Program in International Studies and Modern Languages, 2012-14 • Member of the Board of Directors, Centre on Governance, 2013-14 • Member of the Graduate Studies Committee, Political Science Program, 2008, 2009, 2011 • Coordinator, Marco Polo Student Mobility Initiative, 2007-08 • Member of the Library Committee, 2002-04 Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa • Co-coordinator, Fragile States Research Network, 2010– • Member of the Program Committee, Master’s in Globalization and International Development, 2010-12 • Coordinator, International Development and Globalization Program, 2005-06 • Member of the Academic Fraud Committee, 2005-06 • Member of the Program Committee, Undergraduate program in International Development and Globalization, 2004-08 • Member of the Rodrigue Pageau Scholarship Consultative Committee, 2004-07 • Co-op Academic Coordinator, Undergraduate program in International Development and Globalization, and member of the Co-op Coordinating Committee, 2003-06 • Member of the Working Group on the Management of the Undergraduate program in International Development and Globalization, 2003 • Member of Hiring Committee, Undergraduate program in International Development and Globalization, 2002-03, 2003-04 and 2006-07 Other University of Ottawa • Member of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Ethics Board, 2014-16 • Member of the Hiring Committee for the position of Government Information Librarian, Morisset Library, 2006 Professional associations • Member of the Joel Gregory Prize Committee, Canadian Association of African Studies, 2011-12 • Member of the Kari Polanyi Levitt Prize Committee, Canadian Association for the Study of International Development, 2008 • Member-at-Large, Executive Council (2005-08) and member of the Doctoral Fellowship Committee (2007-08), Canadian Consortium on Human Security 19 • Member-at-Large, Executive, Canadian Consortium of University Programs in International Development Studies, 2005-07 • Member of the Fraser Taylor Prize Committee, Canadian Association of African Studies, 2003-04 • Member of the Bob Bailey Award Committee, American Political Science Association, 2002-03 Other academic contributions • Chair of the Insight Grant Selection Committee for political science and public administration, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 2013-14 and 2014-15 • Editorial Committee Member (2004–) and Series Editor (2011-2013), University of Ottawa Press Studies in International Development and Globalization • Co-Chair (2006-08) and member (2006-09), Editorial Board, Canadian Journal of Development Studies • Peer-reviewer: - Journal article manuscripts: Africa Today (1), African Affairs (1), African Studies Review (4), Afrique contemporaine (1), Canadian Foreign Policy (2), Canadian Journal of African Studies (1), Canadian Journal of Development Studies (7), Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (1), Canadian Journal of Political Science (3), Civil Wars (1), Comparative Politics (2), Democratization (2), Économie et Solidarités (1), Erdkunde (1), Globalizations (1), International Journal of Transitional Justice (1), International Political Science Review (2), Journal of African Finance and Economic Development (1), Journal of Contemporary African Studies (5), Journal of Development Studies (1), Journal of Eastern African Studies (4), Journal of Modern African Studies (1), Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy (1), Nordic Journal of African Studies (1), Oxford Development Studies (1), Paterson Review (1), Perspective Afrique (1), Politics and Society (1), Politique et Sociétés (1), Third World Quarterly (2), Transitional Justice Review (1), UBC Law Review (1), World Development (1) - Book manuscripts: Broadview Press (1), Cambridge University Press (1) and Monthly Review Press (1) - Book prospectus: Broadview Press (1), Palgrave Macmillan (1) and Wilfrid Laurier University Press (1) - Grant proposals: SSHRC Standard Research Grant (3) and Insight Grant (1); Economic and Social Research Council, UK (1); VLIR-UOS and Académie de Recherche et d’Enseignement supérieur, Belgium (1); Research Award Program, City University of New York (1) - Tenure and promotion file (1) • Guest lecturer, École d’État-Major de Libreville, Gabon (2004), École de Maintien de la Paix de Koulikoro, Mali (2003) and Canadian Foreign Service Institute (2002) • Member of the Curriculum Committee, Department of Politics, New York University, 1996-97 Other activities • Jury Member, Ottawa Book Award, non-fiction category, City of Ottawa, 2014 • Member of the Steering Committee of the McLeod Group, 2011– • Witness, House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development, May 7, 2012 • Director, Lambda Foundation, 2004-11 20 • Provided reports on current country conditions and the plausibility of claims of refugees claimants from Kenya (9) and Argentina (1), 2001-08 • Member of a delegation of Canadian scholars to Taiwan, December 12-17, 2005 • Media commentator: - Print: Africa Report (2013), Canadian Press (2007, 2010, 2014, 2015 twice), DOSE (Ottawa, 2005), Le Devoir (2014 twice, 2015), Le Droit (Ottawa, 2004, 2005, 2008), Embassy (2005, 2009 five times, 2010 three times, 2011 three times, 2012 seven times, 2013 twice, 2014 three times; 2015), L’Express (Toronto, 2004, 2005 twice), Globe & Mail (2009, 2010, 2012 twice, 2014), Hill Times (2005, 2013), The Independent (Uganda, 2012), Financial Times (2013), Georgia Straight (2013), Inter Press Service (2011, 2012), Life Week (China, 2010), Maclean’s (2007), National Post (2009), Ottawa Citizen (2012 three times, 2013 four times, 2015), Ottawa Sun (2015), La Presse (Montreal, 2004, 2012), Toronto Star (2005, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014), Vancouver Sun (2012), Xtra (2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012) - Radio: BBC World Service (2006), CBC Radio One (National, 2006, 2011, 2012; The Current, 2012 twice; The House, 2012; Ottawa, 2004, 2006; Regina, 2004), CHIN (Ottawa, 2004 twice), CHUO-FM (2004, 2005, 2006), CIMF (Gatineau, 2004), CKCU-FM (2006, 2009), CPAM (Montreal, 2002), The Mark Radio (2010), Media Line News Agency (Jerusalem, 2004), NEWS 88.9/91.9/95.7 (Saint John/Moncton/Halifax, 2014), Radio Canada International (2005, 2006 twice, 2011, 2012 twice, 2015), Radio-Canada première chaîne (national, 2002, 2003; OttawaGatineau, 2010; Toronto, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009; Alberta, 2005, 2008, 2011; Sudbury, 2005), Radio Centre-Ville (Montreal, 2014), Radio France International (2008 three times), Radio Nacional de España (Barcelona, 2006) - Television: A Channel (2005), Canal Savoir (2015), CBC TV (National, 2005 twice, 2009, 2014; Ottawa, 2006, 2013), CPAC (national, 2003), CTV (national, 2008; Newsnet 2008; Ottawa, 2004), Global (national, 2005, 2008, 2014), i Channel (national, 2001), OMNI-TV (2012), RadioCanada Télévision (Ontario, 2008), TFO (2005) - Web: CBC News (2012 twice, 2013, 2014 twice), Devex (2014, 2015), Global Development Observer (2013), Guardian (2013), iPolitics (2014), Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting (2012), SciDev.Net (2014) COURSES TAUGHT Graduate seminars • Core Seminar in Comparative Politics/Theories and Problems in Comparative Politics, University of Ottawa, Fall 2014/Winter 2015 • Special Topics in Globalization and International Development: Foreign Aid, University of Ottawa, Fall 2011, Fall 2012, Fall 2013 and Fall 2014 • Thèmes choisis en politique comparée : Afrique subsaharienne, University of Ottawa, Spring/Summer 2014 • Construction et transformations des États et des régimes politiques, University of Ottawa, Fall 2008, Fall 2009 and Fall 2012 • Special Topics in Comparative Politics: Sub-Saharan Africa, University of Ottawa, Fall 2010 21 • Thèmes choisis en politique internationale et comparée : La démocratisation, University of Ottawa, Winter 2004 and Fall 2007 Undergraduate courses • Honours Seminar in Comparative Politics, fourth year, University of Ottawa, Winter 2011, Winter 2012 and Winter 2014 • Économie politique du développement, fourth year, University of Ottawa, Winter 2003, Fall 2004, Fall 2006, Winter 2011 and Winter 2014 • Introduction to Comparative Politics, second year, University of Ottawa, Fall 2011 and Fall 2013 • Politics of Foreign Aid, fourth year, University of Ottawa, Winter 2005, Winter 2007, Winter 2008, Fall 2008, Fall 2009 and Fall 2010 • Séminaire en développement international et mondialisation : enjeux contemporains, fourth year, University of Ottawa, Winter 2005, Fall 2005, Winter 2007 and Winter 2008 • Comparative Political Analysis, third year, University of Ottawa, Fall 2003, Fall 2004, Fall 2005 and Fall 2006 • Democratization in Africa and Latin America, fourth year, University of Ottawa, Fall 2003. Also given as a seminar for graduate and fourth-year undergraduate students, University of Toronto, Spring 2001 • Political Change and Development, third year, University of Ottawa, Fall 2002 • Sexual Diversity Politics, third year, University of Toronto, Fall 2001 LANGUAGES Fluent in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese Last updated: June 23, 2015 22