- Allfarthing Primary School


- Allfarthing Primary School
Allfarthing School Bulletin
28th April 2015
Dear Parents and Carers,
Penguin Class Workshare Assembly
This was a huge success last Tuesday, when parents joined
their children in their classroom to share the work the children
are most proud of. They showcased their 9 times tables skills in
solving a problem. Have a go yourself and you will see how
important it is for children to have rapid recall of their
multiplication facts.
We really appreciate
ciate the support you give your children in
learning the appropriate times tables for their stage of
mathematical development.
Important Meetings about Secondary School Transfer Years
Year 2 to 5
We know it may seem a long way off for some of you, but we are
are aware that many of you are already thinking about
the next stage of your child's education and are considering the State, Independent and Grammar school options. We
are holding an important meeting as follows:
How does Allfarthing support children and families through this process?
9am Wednesday 6th May KS 2 Hall
The meeting will include the following:
information about the Secondary school choices in Wandsworth
information regarding the current year 6 and their success in gaining their school places
information regarding which schools Allfarthing children have gone to in the past 2 years
what we do to prepare Allfarthing children for the Wandsworth test and entry examinations and interviews
for Grammar Schools and Private Secondary Schools
parents of ex-year
year 6 pupils whose children successfully gained places in good state, private or Grammar
schools to share how they felt about the process and where their children went to school
Chocolate Trader Trip
Fifteen lucky children from Year 5 and 6 went up to the Bank of America Merrill
Lynch (sponsors of Place2Be) on Wednesday to play the Chocolate Trading Game and
gain a glimpse into the world of commodities trading. In order to gain a place on the
trip, the children had already completed a job application
plication form, last term, explaining
why they felt they should be considered. Our Place2Be link at the bank went
through the applications and selected the successful candidates.
Bulletin No. 99
April 2015
At the bank, the children gained valuable skills in team work, calculation and decision making. They were given the
buying and selling prices for chocolate over a period of time and had to decide whether to buy or sell according to
news headlines that were announced at regular intervals. Members of the bank staff worked with each team but the
children had their own creative ideas including borrowing a credit card from one of the
After the game, we all had a tour of the trading floor, the Roman ruins underneath the
building and the amazing views from the top floor of the bank. Many thanks to Bank of
America Merrill Lynch and Place2Be for organising this exciting opportunity.
The children always enjoy workplace visits and we would welcome more links with
companies so that we can enable more children to have the experience. If you work
somewhere that offers similar opportunities or if you know someone else who does, please
let Mrs Kimber know.
In the meantime, watch this space for the second visit to Incisive Media by Year 6 in July...
Nursery Building works
As you can see from our bird’s eye view of the building project, the utilities paperwork is well underway for the
building itself. The trench for the re-routing of pipes is being filled in, on the right of the picture above. The nursery
project is progressing to plan.
Sport and PE
Next Wednesday we have the final session of the football league at Sacred Heart. Go Allfarthing! Well done to
everyone involved in the matches and representing Allfarthing School. We are very proud of you all and the great
football you have played.
Year 4 River Wandle Walk
Last week Year 4 went out on a River Wandle walk looking at the effect of rivers on developing cities.
Bulletin No. 99
April 2015
GYO Planting Project
Our yearly GYO project kicked off at the end of last week with the planting of the ‘sugar ann peas’. You should by now
have your plants and, fingers crossed, you can now watch them grow. In July we will be asking for all the plants to
come back in to school, beautifully decorated, for judgement day. We are all very much looking forward to seeing the
plants and tasting the fruits of your labour.
The PTA and Mrs Andrews have also planted peas and potatoes in the beds in the back playground so please make
sure your children keep a watch on these growing too.
A big thank you to all those parent volunteers, it was very much appreciated by everyone and a special mention to
Anita Chandra who pulled it altogether allowing Allfarthing to take part in the annual GYO project.
Four weeks left to get your news/photos into the Yellow Farthing Newspaper, which will be on sale at the summer
fair. Press Club would love everyone from any year to write something, send in a photo (see Animal Photo competition
below), draw us a picture, tell jokes, make a wordsearch or puzzle etc. For example, tell us your news: what did you do
in the Easter holidays? Do you play in a sports team? Learning an instrument? Look after a pet? Do you like cooking send us the recipe. Love jokes - we want to know them, or draw us a cartoon, or picture?
Enter the WILDLIFE & PET PHOTO Competition - see your photo in print, and have the possibility of winning a £5 book
token. Send us a photo either of wildlife - squirrels/birds/zoo animals/snails/butterflies etc - or of your pet.
Print copies for Alex Warren on reception, or email on of the addresses below to [email protected] or [email protected]
Absolute final deadline for both is Friday 22nd May - just before summer half term.
Best wishes
The Headship team
Diary Dates 2015
* denotes diary changes or new events added
Wed 29 Apr
Year 2 Sikh trip
Thurs 30 Apr
Squirrel Class assembly for parents/carers – 3pm
Mon 4 May *
Tues 5 May
Mock Election Week
Eagle Class assembly for parents/carers – KS2 Hall 9-9.30am
Thurs 7 May
Seahorse Class assembly for parents/carers – 3pm
Mon 11 – Fri 15 May
Year 6 SATs
Sat 16 May *
Wandsworth Swim Gala – Putney Pool 6pm. By invitation
Mon 18 May
Class Photos
Year 6 cycle training
Year 6 School Journey parent meeting – 5pm KS2 hall
Tues 19 May
Panda Class assembly for parents/carers – KS2 Hall 9-9.30am
Parent/Carer New Assessment Workshops – Year 5
Thurs 21 May
Parent/Carer New Assessment Workshops – Year 4
Fri 22 May
Break up for half term
Mon 1 June
Children back to school
Year 5 Level 1 cycle training
1 – 5 June
Year 6 School Journey to IOW
Tues 2 June
Chameleon Class assembly for parents/carers – KS2 Hall 9-9.30am
Parent/Carer New Assessment Workshops – Year 3
Wed 3 June *
Parent Information Evening for Bilbao Year 5 trip - 5pm KS2 Hall
Bulletin No. 99
April 2015
Thurs 4 June
Tues 9 June
Tues 9th – Wed 10th June
Fri 12 June *
Sat 13 June
Tues 16 June
Tues 23 June
Thurs 25 June
Sat 27 June
Wed 1 July
Thurs 9 July *
Fri 10 July
Fri 17 July
Bulletin No. 99
Parent/Carer New Assessment Workshops – Year 1
Polar Bear Class assembly for parents/carers – KS2 Hall 9-9.30am
Year 5 to Bilbao, Spain
Secondary Transfer Fair – Year 4 and 5 parents invited
PTA Summer Fair
Leopard Class assembly for parents/carers – KS2 Hall 9-9.30am
Tiger Class assembly for parents/carers – KS2 Hall 9-9.30am
Sports Day – Wimbledon Athletics Track
***change of day ***
Year 6 Leavers Disco
Year 1 Sikh trip
GYO Judgement day
PTA School BBQ
End of academic year – non-uniform day
April 2015